14.2 - Attachment 1

Minutes of Meeting










Local Traffic Committee Meeting





Conference Room, Station Street, Mullumbimby


Wednesday, 1 April 2015



Committee Members

Greg Sciffer – Roads and Maritime Services

Snr Constable Anthony Darby – Police

Cr Duncan Dey












                                                                                                                               14.2 - Attachment 1

Report of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on Wednesday,
1 April 2015

File No: I2015/295



Meeting Commenced:   10.45am



Councillor:  Cr Duncan Dey

Roads and Maritime Services Representative: Greg Sciffer

Police:  Snr Constable Anthony Darby

Greg Alderson (Greg Alderson and Associates) (Item 8.1)

Michiel Kamphorst (Greg Alderson and Associates ) (Item 8.1)

Staff: John Samuels (Item 8.1)

Staff:  Simon Bennett



There were no apologies.


Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings



That the minutes of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 6 February 2015 be confirmed.



Matters Arising


Nil tabled


Outstanding Issues/Resolutions


Nil tabled


Regulatory Matters

Report No. 6.1             No Right-turn, Woolworths egress, Station Street, Mullumbimby

File No:                        I2015/277


Senior Constable Hunter of Mullumbimby Police has submitted the following:



The subject site plus the offending and recurring right-turn is shown. The Committee have considered this matter before, with Council resolving as follows on 25 October 2012:


12-815 Resolved:


1. That a No Right Turn (R2-6A (R)) replace the existing Left Turn arrow sign (R2-14A (L)) on Station Street, Mullumbimby opposite the Woolworths exit.


2. That the existing Give Way sign at the corner of the exit driveway from the car park be replaced with the No Right Turn (R2-6A (R)).



To reinforce the condition of No Right Turn via physical measures are limited due to road width, which is approximately 11m at the subject site. It is noted the Police suggestion is for bollards. This is considered inappropriate unless no other structure can fit, such as a median (usually at least 1m wide) or potentially a built kerb of 100mm in width.


While Committee advice on such options is however sought, a recommendation is made that a physical measure of some type is endorsed.  The design will need to consider movement between Station and Tincogan Streets and consultation with Council’s Development Engineers and Woolworths will occur including why such a facility was not originally provided given that the restriction (first a ‘Left Turn Only’, then a ‘No Right Turn’) has existed since the supermarket opened. 



Committee Comments

Advice was noted that the omission of a physical restriction to the right-turn movements was likely due to the subject site, as part of an adjacent development, which along with other conditions upon that development, was determined by the court and not Council; therefore opportunity was lost for Council to apply such a condition upon the development



Management Comments

While the recommendation is supported, Council funds are unlikely to be able to extend to undertaking unplanned works such as being recommended prior to 30 June 2015 and therefore will be done when and as resources and funds permit.




That subject to RMS guidelines being met, a physical centre median be installed on Station Street, Mullumbimby at the Woolworths driveway immediately south of Tincogan Street.




Report No. 6.2             Proposed No Stopping, Sunrise Boulevard, Byron Bay

File No:                        I2015/268


Council Rangers have provided the following for Committee consideration:


Attached is a photo of Sunrise Blvd outside the Byron Tourist Van Village.  A complainant was indicating vehicles parked within the left hand lane of Sunrise Blvd. 


The photo indicates that patrons that either are at the caravan van park or attend the café, park within the designated left lane. 


The photo shows two lanes: the left solely for straight ahead traffic and the right lane for either straight ahead traffic or right turning traffic into the caravan park. 


My suggestion would be to erect NO STOPPPING signage.


If these signs are erected to alleviate this problem then you may have to consider where this traffic will then park (you may need more signage on either side of the road)…


Figure 1: Sunrise Blvd, opposite caravan park/camping entry, parking in left lane


Figure 2 is below and shows the view from Ewingsdale Road looking north. As shown, the west side is vegetated and the east side provides a shared path. Both sides however provide a narrow verge not suitable for car parking, nor suggests any obvious reason to park, noting that as per Figure 3 off-street parking exists at the sole traffic/parking generator; i.e. the ‘Tourist Village’ camp site.


Figure 2: view of subject site, from Ewingsdale Road looking north




Figure 3 also depicts the measures recommended, namely a 350m length of No Stopping on the west side (inside curve) and  390m on the eastern side (outside curve). Such lengths will cover the problem identified by the Rangers plus assist in reducing the likelihood of shifting the same problem elsewhere within the vicinity. As the recommendation does not impact any adjacent land holders (including the van park which has off-street parking) it is believed consultation is not required.  Council however may wish to decide otherwise. As matter of course however the van park and closest resident (at #96) will be notified of the changes if they proceed.



Figure 3: recommended No Stopping





Committee Comments

·    Given the concern is the legality and safety of the parking that occurs, the Committee suggest an alternative option, that being the removal of the two lanes northbound and that one be provided instead.

·    This will require removal of existing pavement markings and if needed new line marking to demarcate travel lane and road edge. Consideration for on-street parking  and width to accommodate passing of right-turning (entry) traffic to the tourist village can also be considered and implemented as appropriate/needed. 


Management Comments

While the recommendation is supported, Council funds are unlikely to be able to extend to undertaking unplanned works such as being recommended prior to 30 June 2015 and therefore will be done when and as resources and funds permit.



That the two northbound traffic lanes as marked on Sunrise Boulevard, Byron Bay at and adjacent to the entry of the Byron Bay Tourist Village be removed and if required          line marking be undertaken to reconfigure and provide one northbound travel lane only, with implementation to include passing space subject to standards being met.



Report No. 6.3             Entry-exit treatments, Mullumbimbi Lane, Brunswick Heads

File No:                        I2015/269


Members of the Visitor Centre along with local and adjacent business, including Siwicki Real Estate and the Park Street pasta bar and Big Fish second hand furniture, attended an onsite meeting held 25 March 2015.


Various concerns and ideas were raised regarding the subject site which is shown in Figure 1  and mainly concentrated on the west and east end of the two-way laneway which are shown by the yellow and purple circles respectively.


Based on the onsite meeting it was agreed the two points of access/egress require different treatments as follows, despite the same concerns being that motorists are unaware or unconcerned for pedestrian movement.


Figure 1: subject sites




The west end at Park Street (near the pasta bar) is depicted further in Figure 2 and shows the recommended actions to ‘square up’ (i.e. tighten) the intersection and turning path for vehicles making a left-turn entrance and moving the Give Way hold line out to meet the new arrangement.


This was agreed by those present as the most immediate action that attempts to reduce approach speed into the laneway, which was viewed as the most pressing matter.


It was also agreed that a raised crossing for pedestrian crossover be considered should the treatment depicted not suffice.  

Figure 2: west end, at Park Street



The east end at The Terrace (between Big Fish and the Dolphin Café) is depicted in Figure 3 and shows the recommended and accepted action by those present, namely a single road hump (as pictured in Figure 4) to assist with reducing vehicle exit speed from the laneway which was viewed as the most pressing matter.


A lesser priority but also agreed action was for a small kerb blister to extend the kerb line out to meet the existing Give Way hold line and a Give Way sign be installed in the new blister.


Other options discussed but less preferred included pedestrian barrier, a convex mirror or raised crossing.     

Figure 3: east end, at The Terrace



Those present at the onsite meeting also raised other options including making the laneway one-way (but no consensus on direction reached) and considering a 10kph shared zone. It was agreed however  such options which would require consultation be reserved for further consideration should the recommended treatments not work.


Figure 4: road hump example





Committee Comments

·        noted the proposed road hump should be set back at least one vehicle length from the end of the laneway, or two humps be considered, and either option be signed accordingly 

·        a ‘watts’ profile for the hump is preferable but the depicted option is acceptable subject to meeting applicable requirements and on the basis of low speed and low volume laneway which primarily carries destination traffic as opposed to through traffic  



Management Comments

·    Committee preference is noted however incurs greater costs whereas what is recommended seeks to address the issue and believed appropriate in this low speed and low volume environment

·    Nevertheless, any of the options represent unplanned works and therefore unlikely to be delivered prior to 30 June 2015 and therefore will be done when and as resources and funds permit, noting s94 funds may be one funding option available



1.       That where Lane 6 (aka Mullumbimbi Lane) Brunswick Heads intersects with Park Street the following be implemented:


a)      the Give Way hold line be extended west to align with existing edge lines

          on Park Street;


b)      white edge line marking be installed through the intersection; and


c)      a physical kerb blister be installed on the north-west corner.


2.       That where Lane 6 (aka Mullumbimbi Lane) Brunswick Heads intersects with The Terrace the following be implemented:


a)      at least one physical road hump, and no more than two, be installed in the laneway, which is west of the building line and at least one vehicle length from the intersection, and appropriate advisory signage be provided; and


          b)      on the north-east corner, a physical kerb blister be installed plus a Give Way                   sign be provided at the intersection.




Report No. 6.4             Cul-de-sac, St Finbarr's Primary and Byron Bay High Schools

File No:                        I2015/281


An onsite meeting with the schools was held 24 March 2015.  This was convened as a follow up to a previous onsite meeting held June 2012 with Police, schools and Council/LTC, after which Council resolved as follows:


12-505 Resolved:


1.    That Council note the Committee held the on-site meeting with stakeholders of both the Byron Bay High School and St Finbarr’s Primary School on Tuesday 5 June 2012 as per Council resolution 12-294.


2.    That the comments from the on-site meeting be noted and progressed where possible with a report back to the Committee and Council provided in due course.


The comments will be provided at the Committee meeting as taken from the April and June 2012 LTC reports (Council report files numbered 1214453 & 123981 respectively).


Many of the same issues raised in June 2012 exist and were raised on 24 March 2015 meeting.


One includes the primary school DA condition in which they are to provide a roundabout once they reach 230 students or more. This is considered in some quarters as onerous and discussion is to be had with relevant parties as to potential modifications.


One option could a ‘seagull’ type treatment as used on Ewingsdale Road at Bayshore Drive for example which provides turning traffic a merge lane before entering the travel lane. The school site however is restricted and a non-standard (non-conforming) ‘seagull’ is considered a likely outcome, and therefore questionable in terms of safety and improved efficiencies, i.e. a truncated merge lane may end up only providing further ‘storage’ and not the length required to gain speed to join through traffic. This can also lead to vehicles in travel lane being unexpectedly stopped to allow merging to occur.


More immediately however is changes to the bus zone signage in the cul-de-sac (as per recommendation made and purple lines in map below) and the need to review several matters, including as numbered on the map:


1)   a separate and longer outbound lane for left-turning traffic, who are often held up and congesting the cul-de-sac due to the delayed (and dominant) right turn movement out;


2)   modification to the bike/walk path at the frontage of the schools, including consideration of making the road crossover safer as cyclists often cross the road/traffic at speed;


3)   providing car parking on the street frontage, so as to reduce numbers entering the cul-de-sac;


4)   a pedestrian crossover that is distinguished from the road/cul-de-sac.


Committee advice on such suggestions is sought, noting the schools have been advised the warrant for a marked pedestrian crossing can be checked but considered unlikely to meet warrants either within the cul-de-sac or on the main road itself, for example to replace the existing refuge north. Within the cul-de-sac however a combined raised crossover/platform could be considered.


Discussion also included providing a kerb side bus zone at the school frontage however advice suggests this would benefit the only south bound bus with the rest required to run right and head north, a movement which would be assisted by a roundabout more than a ‘seagull’.




Committee Comments

The Committee noted the information provided and had no comments in relation to this item.


Management Comments

It is noted many of the concerns raised are not new and ongoing for some years. Resolution however is expected to require funding and preferably with school contribution. This matter however can be further addressed at the time it is reported back as recommended.



1.   That the bus zones except one at frontage of both Schools be signed as operational school days only 8am – 9.30am and 2.30pm – 4pm.


2.   That Council note the onsite meeting as held 24 March 2014 with the Schools and the options to be explored further with consultation to occur with stakeholders and a report to be provided back to Council.




Report No. 6.5             School bus route approval, Mullumbimby-Wilson's Creek-Huonbrook

File No:                        I2015/282


Gary Hughes has operated for many years the same school bus route and service which travels from Mullumbimby to Huonbrook via Wilson’s Creek Road and public school.


In an e-mail dated 27 March 2015, the operator however has advised that his contract (N1060, which is for 12.5m long vehicles) with Transport for NSW requires Council approval of the route. The e-mail included two attachments, one being a map and the other a list of roads included on the route as below for the two AM and one PM services.


As the route is existing and operated for years, and the operator wishes to continue such operation and other than concern for the school bus zone at Wilson’s Creek Public School (see separate report) has raised no concern regarding the route to Council attention, it is recommended approval be granted.


AM Route [i]


Depart Depot along Smith Street, turn left into Manse Road, right into Argyle Street, right onto Burringbar Street, left into Dalley Street onto Jubilee Avenue onto Coolamon Scenic Drive, right into Wilson’s Creek Road continue along Wilsons Creek Road turn left onto Huonbrook Road until Quarry.  Turnaround for First pick-up continue back along Huonbrook Road , right onto Wilsons Creek Road , left onto Coolamon Scenic Road onto Jubilee Avenue until Mullumbimby High School ,  turnaround Jubilee Avenue , right into Azalea Street left onto Left Bank Road travel until Shearwater Steiner School , turn right onto Left Bank Road right into Azalea Street left onto Jubilee Avenue onto Dalley Street , turn right into Burringbar Street , right onto Argyle Street , left into Prince Street , right into Poinciana Street , right into Morrison Avenue to Mullumbimby Public School , right into Argyle Street , onto Burringbar Street , right onto Burringbar Street , left onto Coolamon Scenic Drive  turn right into Casaurina Street travel until St Johns Primary School




Turnaround back along  Casaurina Street , turn left onto Coolamon Scenic Drive onto Tincogan Street , right into Dalley Street ,   onto Jubilee Avenue onto Coolamon Scenic Drive , right into Wilson’s Creek Road continue along Wilsons Creek Road turn left onto Huonbrook Road until Quarry . Turnaround for First pick-up continue back along Huonbrook Road , right onto Wilsons Creek Road , travel until Wilsons Creek School , depart School continue back along Wilsons creek Road , turn left onto Coolamon Scenic Road onto Jubilee Avenue, onto Dalley Street , right into Burringbar Street onto Argyle Street , left into Manse Road , right into Smith Street until Depot.



PM Route


Depart depot along Smith Street , turn left into Manse Road , right into Argyle Street , right onto Burringbar Street , right into Dalley Street , left onto Coolamon Scenic Drive , turn right into Casaurina Street until St Johns Primary School. Turnaround travel back along Casaurina Street , turn left into Coolamon Scenic Drive onto Tincogan Street , right into Station Street , left into Argyle Street , left into Prince Street , right into Poinciana Street , right into Morrison Avenue until Mullumbimby public School , right into Argyle Street , onto Burringbar Street , left into Stuart Street , right into Whian Street , left onto Coolamon Scenic Drive , right into Azalea Street left onto Left Bank Road travel until Shearwater Steiner School , turn right onto Left Bank Road right into Azalea Street left onto Jubilee Avenueto front of Mullumbimby High School . Turnaround continue along Coolamon Scenic Drive , turn right into Wilsons Creek Road , travel until Wilsons Creek Public School , continue along Wilsons Creek Road , turn left onto Huonbrook Road until Quarry. Turnaround For Last stop continue back along  Huonbrook Road , turn right into Wilsons Creek Road ,. turn left onto Coolamon Scenic , onto Jubilee Avenue, right into Burringbar Street onto Argyle Street , Left into Manse Road , left into Manse Road , right into Smith Street until Depot.     


Wilsons Creek service currently in operation as follows services west of the Wilsons Creek School and is affected by the lack of bus bay infrastructure , with children having to cross the road on the PM service .



Committee Comments

·        the contract is a matter between the Operator and Transport NSW, however this Committee’s preference is for a vehicle small enough to be safely used for the road conditions that exist

·        That at this time the Committee has a number of safety concerns which are in the process of Council / Department of Education / Transport NSW working together to resolve, these however mainly relate to the school bus zone and operations at the Wilson’s Creek school

·        due to issues being currently worked through with Department of Education and Transport NSW, those Departments need to be involved in considering the issues, including if necessary, variations to Contract N10160

·        The wording of the recommendation needs to reflect the Committee’s concern about safe operations at the Wilsons Creek Public School


Management Comments

·        While the committee recommendation is noted it is not supported given the restriction it will      apply on the school bus operator (which is a matter of their contract with NSW Transport)    plus the fact the Committee concern for ‘safe operations at the Wilsons Creek Public        School’ is a matter that can be captured in item 6.8 further below

·        It is also noted that the same operator is seeking Council approval for the routes used in their   second contract (N2903) which follows the same as AM route [i] with exception of Huonbrook        Road. This and other variations will be detailed in the cover report to Council (I2015/329)



That Council recognises the need for the service under Transport for NSW Contract N10160, however notes that there are a number of safety concerns at Wilsons Creek Public School currently being examined and that because of the site limitations a smaller vehicle is required. 




Report No. 6.6             Proposed No Parking, 310 Skinners Shoot Road, Byron Bay

File No:                        I2015/272



Residents of Skinners Shoot Road at the subject site (Figure 1) paid for the sealing of the road as shown at Figure 2 which was first undertaken by a private third party (base and first seal) and is to be completed by Council (final seal).


The work completed thus far as shown in Figure 2 is the subject of this request from long term resident (40+ years); i.e. Council install No Parking signs on the east side only and guide posts on both sides.


While the site is some 3.2km south-west of Byron Bay and in a rural location, the resident claims:


a)   vehicles are often parked in the recently widened area (Fig 2) and when they do it requires other vehicles such as bus, trucks, vehicles under tow, etc to use their driveway to make a several point turn;


b)   the problem is ongoing and increasing in frequency and inconvenience; and


c)   due to increased traffic is becoming increasingly unsafe.


The resident has been advised that while signs can be installed (subject to approval) enforcement will most likely only occur when residents advise Rangers or Police directly as patrolling of the area is not routine. 


Figure 1: subject site (red circle), Yagers Lane (yellow circle), end of 50 zone (purple circle)


Figure 2: site for No Parking and guideposts





Committee Comments

The Committee requested this item be brought back to the June Local Traffic Committee Meeting, with further clarification provided.


Management Comments




That the request for No Parking signs to be installed on the east side of the widened sealed area south of the driveway at 310 Skinners Shoot Road, Skinners Shoot be further clarified and brought back to the June 2015 meeting of the Local Traffic Committee.



Report No. 6.7             Proposed No Stopping, Village Greens Grocer, Brunswick Heads

File No:                        I2015/274


Chair of the Committee has sought any further information available in regard to the subject site and the proposal as tabled below following a recent accident.


The subject site is addressed as 23 Old Pacific Highway and is approximately 100m north-east of Bayside Way. The site is a combined fuel station and green grocer and provides onsite parking.


At times this parking extends beyond the site, noting that marked bays for two vehicles are within the road reserve. To this end, Committee advice on such arrangement is sought including their potential removal.


However should they remain (at least for now), the recommended minimum lengths of marked No Stopping is depicted below and would be implemented by a mixture of signs and line marking, noting line marking only would be installed in the middle adjacent to the existing parking bays in question.


The section north from the site extends to approximately 45m in length so as to incorporate the existing shared cycle/pedestrian crossover.


Figure 1: subject site and recommended length of No Stopping




Committee Comments

·        noted the business owner should participate in helping to resolve this issue

·        a barrier would provide better definition to the exit / entry points to the site

·        northern side should be ingress only, with southern side egress only



Management Comments

The Committee comments are noted and to be considered when undertaking the recommendation which puts onus on staff to resolve with the tenant/owner of the site, noting that any regulatory approval that is required will be tabled back to the Committee in due course.



That staff liaise with the business owner of Village Greens Grocer, Brunswick Heads about better definition of entry and exit arrangements and about methods of preventing vehicles parking too close to the carriageway.




Report No. 6.8             Bus Zone Options and Design Plan, Wilson's Creek Public School

File No:                        I2015/283


Both the school and the bus operator hold concerns for the safety of the existing school bus zone and current arrangements for pick up and set down. This concern has led to a review of a previously endorsed design plan:


08-614 Resolved:


1. That the interim measure for a temporary bus bay on the northern side of the road, as proposed for Wilsons Creek Primary School, be supported and conveyed to the School.


2. That funding options for the more permanent measures proposed of a formal bus bay, footpath and retaining wall be investigated.


The need for undertaking any changes had been lessened during the years the landslip resulted in one-lane operating under traffic control (temporary lights).


The design plan will be tabled to the Committee which is plan no. 1906 for an indented bus zone  on the school (north side) of the road and plan no. 1907 for a turn around circle built at the Fire Station west of the school and have been costed respectively as $171,014 and $117,899.


Council do not have the funds to proceed with the project and a submission to RMS under the Safety Around Schools is recommended.


More immediately is the problem raised by both school and operator regarding the existing school bus zone opposite the school on the south side. It requires children to cross the road and approach sightlines are limited. The operator is seeking this removal as why it exists they must use it and ask that the zone be implemented on the north side and contra-flow arrangement be permitted as shown.


Committee advice is sought.




Committee Comments

·        noted the bus company’s contract could be modified so he is paid for the extra kilometres        he is travelling to turn the bus around safely

·        RMS not prepared to support the contra-flow arrangement requested by the bus operator

·        RMS representative prepared to lobby Transport NSW to allow a new contract to be       approved whereby the bus operator is re-imbursed for extra kms travelled as part of safe turnaround requirement

·        Department of Education should be involved in assisting with resolution of issues

·        noted sight lines may be too poor to allow for a School Crossing, however this option is   worth of investigation


·        the use of traffic controller is not sustainable however the school or Dept of Education could    look to implement subject to approvals and funding



Management Comments

·        part 1 and 4 of the Committee recommendation is supported

·        An alternative Management recommendation however will tabled to council (as per report        I2015/329) in regard to Part 3, as well as part 2 on the same grounds as cited in related item above (no. 6.5)




1.       That the request for a contra-flow movement at Wilsons Creek Public School,        requested by the bus operator, not be supported.


2.         That the vehicle used for carrying students be small enough so that it can turn around safely at the Fire Station (west of the School), plus somewhere east of theSchool (eg Koonyum Range Road intersection) and will set down and pick up only on the northern side of Wilsons Creek Road.

3.       That turn around provisions be provided both east and west of the School.

4.       That the information be forwarded to the Department of Education and Transport          NSW, with a view to them being involved in seeking a resolution to the issues raised.




Report No. 6.9             No Parking - Authorised Vehicles Excepted, 52-54 Jonson  Street, Byron Bay

File No:                        I2015/275


Both the Police and Council maintenance/works staff have lodged requests for the creation of dedicated parking space in Byron Bay to assist with their operations. Both (and independently of each other) nominated the same site which was used previously prior to the ambulance station closing and relocating at the subject site which is shown below.


Also shown (yellow lines) is the two most recent bays created as part of the development that replaced the ambulance station and the approximate 17m length (purple line) to which this No Parking with exemption would apply.


It is noted a similar arrangement has been established at the Police station frontage on Shirley Street, Byron Bay and that Council ‘authorised’ vehicles does not extend beyond workplace branded operational vehicles engaged at the time of parking for work related duties.





Committee Comments

The Committee had no comments to make in relation to this item.


Management Comments




1.       That RMS standard signs for No Parking (R5-40) with supplementary plates (R9-229), which are to state ‘Byron Shire Council Authorised Vehicles Excepted’, be installed on the west side of Jonson Street, Byron Bay between 7m south of the Byron Street laneway entry to Lawson Street south car park and the angle car parking to its south.


2.       That Council note vehicles exempt from the No Parking are those clearly marked as either Police or Byron Shire Council and are undertaking active, operational duties at the time of use. 




Report No. 6.10           Request for No Parking, Grevillea Street, Byron Bay Arts & Industry Estate

File No:                        I2015/276


Council has received requests from three different sources for parking restrictions on Grevillea Street which is within the Byron Bay Arts and Industry Estate some 3km west of the town centre. Figure below depicts all three requests and a fourth as proposed by staff.


All three requests look to address a similar problem, i.e. current parking practice is for people to park close to (or encroach over) driveways making large truck and vehicle access and egress difficult. 


The request shown by the pink line is lodged by JH Williams who trade at number 10 who along with the trader opposite (at number 15) support the No Stopping depicted, which is on the inside curve and covers an approximate length of 34 metres. This will retain unmarked parallel parking lengths of (approximately) 54 metres (9 cars) from 3m east of the eastern driveway at 9-11 Grevillea Street and 6 metres (1 car) immediately west of number 15, therefore adequate on-street parking space will remain.   


Recommended No Stopping lengths and source of request




The request shown by the yellow line is from Byron Bay Classic Paint and Panel who share the premises at 9-11 Grevillea Street with another tenant (Byron EasyBus) who are reportedly supportive and would also benefit of the proposal. As such it is recommended No Stopping be installed as shown which is from the east side of the driveway at #7 through to 3m east of the western driveway at 9-11 Grevillea Street plus a second section being to 3m either side of the eastern driveway. This will result in real terms of 1 car length (or 9m) lost from on-street parking.


The third request (shown by the red line) is from Leisurecape Gardens and Design Centre who have four driveways across two properties at numbers 2 and 4 Grevillea Street. Given the short distance between the three western driveways it is recommended if parking restrictions are to apply then all three driveways be covered, while across the fourth (and most eastern) driveway any restriction need not extend beyond 3m either side.


The fourth section shown above (green line) is only recommended by staff should the above three requests proceed to ensure on-street parking does not simply shift the problem to the curve shown.


While it is not typical nor required to place restrictions across driveways it should be noted that the proposal extends beyond just the driveway crossovers, is based on line marking only and it is unusual in that three traders (with others supporting) have come forward with these requests seemingly independent of each other.



Committee Comments

The Committee noted number 6 Grevillea Street should be included, subject to consultation with the land owner.


Management Comments




1.       That No Stopping be line marked as described and depicted in report no. 6.10 (file          I2015/276)           between numbers 2 and 15 Grevillea Street, Byron Bay Arts and Industry      Estate.


2.       That No Stopping also be line marked 3 metres either side of the driveway at          number 6 Grevillea Street, subject to concurrence of the land owner.




Report No. 6.11           Request for No Stopping, Bayshore Drive, Byron Bay

File No:                        I2015/279


A roundabout has recently been completed and now operational as part of an approved development (Bunnings) at the intersection of Bayshore Drive and Grevillea Street in the Byron Bay Arts and Industry Estate.


The subject site is shown, as is the request to extend the No Stopping to a 20m length on the west side, north of the intersection, to assist with bus movement who have advised they are impeded by on-street parking in this location.


An alternative option however is to instead make much of the same length a bus zone thereby ensuring no parking occurs and a dedicated bus space is provided for pick up and set down of passengers. The bus company need or support for a bus zone is being sought to help inform the Committee recommendation further.





Committee Comments

·        The Committee support inclusion of a bus zone subject to bus operator concurrence.

·        The Committee noted that demand for parking is increasing due to increased trade (eg café,    food suppliers) and that time limits be considered noting that a 1P limitation as approved by        Council (14-641) has established a precedent



Management Comments

·        Bus operator concurrence has since been obtained




1.       That on the west side of Bayshore Drive, Byron Bay commencing immediately north of           Grevillea Street, No Stopping applies for a 10m length, after which a dedicated area for           bus pick up and set down is provided.


2.       That Council consider the continuity of parking time limits on Bayshore Drive between

          Grevillea Street and Julian Rocks Drive, Byron Bay.




Report No. 6.12           Proposed No Stopping, Council Depot, Bayshore Drive, Byron Bay

File No:                        I2015/280


Council operations are being impeded by increased car parking at the frontage of Council depot on Bayshore Drive in the Byron Bay Arts and Industry Estate. More specifically, parked vehicles are stopping access to the water pump station at the depot street frontage.


While the request was made for No Stopping, an exemption will be required to allow Council operational vehicles to utilise the space, therefore as depicted two types of parking restrictions are recommended. They are as per the:


-     yellow line, being No Stopping which covers the driveways and beyond (by about 3m either side) to ensure parked vehicles do not limit the turning space required for large vehicles; and


-     purple line, which is to be signed No Parking with a supplementary plate to read  ‘Byron Shire Council Vehicles Excepted’.





Committee Comments

·        noted ‘Loading Zone’ allows any vehicle to park in that zone to load or unload, which may         hamper Council plant needing to use the pumping station situated with the zone

·        No Parking has a two minute limit, which is not enough time for Council plant to use the pumping station situated with the zone, hence need for signed exemption


Management Comments

·    Post-meeting, council works staff advised there are 4 driveways, with the restrictions depicted in the report as above covering the two most southern driveways, whereas the restriction they seek is for the two northern driveways, yet they support the same across all 4 driveways as depicted right


·    They have also advised on-street parking for water filling is not needed as the water fill stations are onsite as access via the two most northern driveways


·    This means the No Parking with exemptions (as per purple line in above depiction) is not required and that the approval to be sought from Council has been updated and accordingly circulated to the Committee for endorsement of the following recommendation  






That on the street frontage of the Council work depot, located east side of Bayshore Drive (Lot s 101 and 102), Byron Bay, No Stopping be signed from 3m south to 3m north of each driveway.



Matters for Traffic Engineering Advice

Report No. 7.1             Request for physical demarcation, Mullumbimby Road at Gulgan Road intersection

File No:                        I2015/278


Senior Constable Hunter of Mullumbimby Police has requested that a ‘silent cop’ be installed at the subject site.  Such traffic facilities are no longer used and if a physical measure is supported then Committee advice is sought on an appropriate measure.


Committee should however note their recommendation for Council design plan 2148 as depicted was endorsed by Council on 28 February 2013 as below, which will be delivered subject to budget. This same design could change to incorporate the physical demarcation sought, the location of which is shown by the red line.


13-70 Resolved that Council note the in-principle support of the Local Traffic Committee for Council Design Plan 2148 as it relates to the Gulgan Road and Mullumbimby Road intersection.






Committee Comments

·        two blisters and a median should be constructed

·        a bus drop off / pick up area should be considered

·        noted current priority arrangement is not reflective of the current use

·        count to inform a re-design should be conducted

·        movements from ‘Uncle Tom’s’ should be taken into consideration


Management Comments




1.       That Council note the Police request for a median island at the Mullumbimby Road and Gulgan Road intersection.


2.       That along with the Local Traffic Committee comments, a traffic count be undertaken    to inform a re-design of plan number 2148,   which is to be reported back to the      Committee.



Development Applications

Report No. 8.1             Splendour in the Grass 2014 traffic management plan

File No:                        I2015/290


No report on this matter was provided to the Local Traffic Committee meeting of 1 April 2015 and the following was drafted post meeting and circulated to the Committee for comment.


The consultants engaged to undertake the traffic management planning and implementation (Greg Alderson and Associates) attended the Committee meeting to table and discuss the series of Traffic Control Plans (E2015/19755) as related to this year’s Splendour in the Grass music festival, to be held as in previous years at the North Byron Parklands site at Yelgun.


The Committee was advised that the same traffic management changes as implemented for the recent Falls Festival (as also done by Greg Alderson & Associates) was to be employed for this year’s Splendour event, plus a new addition as follows:


1.   the major change effects traffic from and returning north and those arriving from the south

2.   signage directing southbound arrival traffic to leave the Pacific Highway will occur at the Cudgera Creek interchange and direct them via the Tweed shire local roads of Cudgera Creek Road east to Pottsville Rd which is then followed through to Mooball village whereby traffic is then signed to follow Tweed Valley Way south to the festival site

3.   further, the interchange at Yelgun will not be signed as a festival exit for southbound traffic nor the southbound off-ramp changed 

4.   this is being done with concurrence of the local road authority (namely Tweed Shire), the highway authority (RMS) and Police and is expected to encourage the majority (as occurred with the Falls Festival) to follow the signed local road route (approx. 20km in length) as opposed to the remaining on the highway (approx. 10km length)

5.   however based on traffic modelling, and even if a substantial amount of traffic ignores the signed local road route, Yelgun interchange is found to operate sufficiently and will have traffic control present to monitor and implement contingencies if and when needed 

6.   the objective of this change, as proven with Falls Festival, is to lessen the traffic load on Yelgun interchange which will benefit local traffic and still be used to manage northbound (arrival) traffic

7.   as for traffic departing the festival site, those heading northbound will be directed to the north end of the site (Gate C) and to ‘turn right’ onto Tweed Valley Way and return via the same local road route they used on arrival

8.   it is expected this will result in a traffic load at Gate C on departure day that will ‘self-regulate’ the onsite traffic queue, speed and departure time that will be monitored and controlled at point of exit on Tweed Valley Way to minimise delays on the road network

9.   as for the north bound arrival traffic, this will be the first time it is signed to divert the highway at the Ocean Shores exit (which is north of Brunswick Heads and south of the Yelgun interchanges) for the same reasons cited for the early diversion at Cudgera interchange

10. monitoring will be in place to assess and change the traffic diversion when and as needed.

11. on departure however those that are southbound will be (unlike northbound traffic) directed to use the Yelgun interchange and not the local road network

12. other changes include less hardware (eg barriers) and signage on local roads, especially at the Yelgun interchange which will have traffic controllers in place to act when required  


In addition to the above, and prior to the meeting, staff provided the consultants the following advice in an e-mail dated 18 March 2015 in regard to a letter received from a local resident (S2014/13115) regarding the 2014 Splendour event.  These matters are to be addressed as noted:



Item 1 – traffic control

resident complaint is in regard to the standard of traffic controller. Concern noted. We can discuss at LTC.


Item 2 – use and legality of permits to exempt holders from signed No Stopping restrictions

resident complaint is that last year permit holders seemed to park anywhere, and more concerningly where it was signed as “No Stopping”. Exemptions are not permitted when No Stopping applies:


If permits are wanted by the event then the signage needs to reflect “permits holders excepted”. Example of such sign on RMS website: This sign however is a supplement plate, typically used with No Entry:   


However not sure if ‘No Entry’ into Yelgun Road is desirable (?) when attempting to simply stop parking, so simply ‘No Parking’ may be best, and this is supplemented with R9-229?


I am not sure but please consider how best to manage ‘permit holders’.


Item 3 – request for No Camping sign at Yelgun Rd intersection

If this sign is installed, it should remain as a permanent sign. Would Splendour install such a sign?




Committee Comments

·        the Committee accept the proposed changes to previous Splendour events and note that such changes are the same as implemented for the most recent Falls Festival which is viewed as successful in the aims described above

·        nevertheless involvement in, or least advice from , post event debrief is requested

·        resident concerns are noted and are for the event to address in regard to Items 1 and 3

·        Item 2 however can be incorporated into an amended TCP subject to Council acceptance noting the recommendation is made is for No Parking (with no exemptions) on Jones Road, Yelgun Road and Billinudgel Road

·        noted signs should be of a consistent size and colour to allow for quick recognitition by patrons as they are driving

·        cameras for assistance in traffic control may be useful in the future


Consultant Comments


It is my intention that Splendour traffic would be encouraged to use either Cudgera or Yelgun interchanges if travel south.




Brunswick and Yelgun if traveling north


This would allow less interruption to the Yelgun interchange, that translates to less barriers and less disruption to the locals.


In this period of the 5year trials we propose that this option needs to be tested in a responsible way.



Management Comments




That the temporary traffic management and regulatory changes within the series of Traffic Control Plans related to the Splendour in the Grass Music Festival to be held Friday 24th to Sunday 26th July 2015 inclusive be endorsed subject to:


a)      their design and implementation being undertaken on dates, times and locations as       specified on the plans (or any approved amendments) and by those with appropriate        RMS accreditation and the holding of current and appropriate levels of insurance and   liability cover


b)      meeting of the advertising requirements of the Roads Act 1993


c)      event being notified on Council's website


d)      consideration of any submissions received


e)      a communications protocol being developed in conjunction with RMS, Police and any   other identified stakeholder and explained to those involved in the implementation of     traffic management


f)       the holding of an event debrief within the month following the festival which includes    but not limited to Council, RMS and Police


g)      written approval of both the RMS and Police separate to Local Traffic Committee


h)      No Parking be signed and implemented on Jones Road, Yelgun Road and Billinudgel     Road







There being no further business the meeting concluded at 1.50 pm