13.11 - Attachment 1



1.   Very High Priorities:


1.1       Developments, actions, works, activities or uses that places people’s lives at immediate risk or that cause or are likely to cause a significant risk of environmental harm or pollution;

1.2       Significant environmental and public health incidents;

1.3       Dangerous and/or menacing dogs;

1.4       Traffic, parking and unapproved camping activity enforcement;

1.5       Asbestos containing material (ACM) being illegally dumped on public land


2.   High Priorities    


2.1      Provide education or workshops and undertake compliance enforcement programs for;

(a)   Places of shared accommodation (commercial and non commercial)

(b)   Swimming pool safety including legislative requirements

(c)   Improving compliance standards for unapproved dwellings

(d)   Onsite sewage management systems (including CERA project)

(e)   Food safety inspections

(f)    Awareness of current public health requirements

(g)   Companion Animals with a high emphasis on high visibility enforcement and public education. (15-465)

(h)   Safe procedures for handling and disposal of Asbestos Containing Materials

(i)     Seasonal public health issues and community preparedness including issuing a minimum of two media releases.

2.2      Responses to complaints about recurring noise disturbance, public nuisance from premises, maintenance of alcohol free zones;
NOTE: One-off complaints to be addressed by information and education in the first instance as a “routine” priority.         

2.3      Unauthorised events, including unapproved dwellings, wedding receptions, parties, 'doof’ and 'rave' parties;


3.   Medium Priorities


3.1      Development or activities without consent, or non-compliance with consent, permit or licence conditions where these appear to pose no immediate threat to life, property, public health or the environment;

3.2      Livestock on public roads;

3.3      Non-compliant signage (07-550, 06-204).

3.4      Uncontrolled dogs and/or cats including those kept on land where Policy or Development consent prohibits it. (14-544)        


4.   Routine Priorities


4.1      All other matters.


