14.1 - Attachment 1

Minutes of Meeting










Internal Audit Advisory Committee Meeting





Conference Room, Station Street, Mullumbimby


Thursday, 12 November 2015












                                                                                                                               14.1 - Attachment 1


Minutes of the Internal Audit Advisory Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 12 November 2015

File No: I2015/1371


PRESENT:   Cr B Cameron (arrived 11.16am), Cr A Hunter and Cr D Woods


Staff:   Mark Arnold (Director Corporate and Community Services)
Phil Holloway (Director Infrastructure Services)
Trish Kirkland (Manager Governance Services)


Community: Michael Georghiou (Chairperson), Craig Kelly, Tony McCabe


Internal Auditor:  Paul Dwyer and Adam Kim (Grant Thornton)


Michael Georghiou (Chair) opened the meeting at 11.04am and acknowledged that the meeting was being held on Bundjalung Country.




There was an apology received from Ken Gainger (General Manager).




That the apology from Ken Gainger (General Manager) be received.                   (Georghiou/Woods)


Declarations of Interest – Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary


There were no declarations of interest.


Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings


Committee Recommendation

That the minutes of the Internal Audit Advisory Committee Meeting held on 22 October 2015 be confirmed.                                                                                                                                 (Georghiou/Woods)


Business Arising from Previous Minutes


There was no business arising from previous minutes.

Procedural Motion

Committee Recommendation:

That Council change the order of business to deal with Report 5.2 next on the Agenda.


The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.




Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services


Report No. 5.2             Meeting Dates for Internal Audit Committee for 2016

File No:                        I2015/1301


Committee Recommendation:

That the Internal Audit Committee adopt the following dates for the Internal Audit Committee meetings for 2016, with all meetings commencing at 11.00am:


·     Thursday, 18 February 2016

·     Thursday, 12 May 2016

·     Thursday, 18 August 2016

·     Thursday, 20 October 2016

·     Thursday, 10 November 2016.                                                                         (Georghiou/Woods)


The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.


Procedural Motion

Committee Recommendation:

That Committee move into Confidential Session to deal with Reports 5.1 and 5.3.


The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.


Report No. 5.1             Internal Audit Report November 2015

File No:                        I2015/1248


Committee Recommendation:

That the Internal Audit Committee recommend to Council:


That Council receive and note the Internal Audit Report – Audit Committee (November 2015) (#E2015/71201) prepared by the Internal Auditor, Grant Thornton.                                                  (Georghiou/Woods)


The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.



Report No. 5.3             Internal Audit Report - Inventory Control Review

File No:                        I2015/1356


Committee Recommendation:

1.    That Management review the comments for Actions 3 and 5 and prepare a further report for the next meeting of the Internal Audit Advisory Committee on these Actions from the Inventory Control Review.


2.    That, subject to point 1 above, the Internal Audit Report – Inventory Control Review - September 2015 be noted by Council along with responses and actions detailed by Management. (Georghiou/Woods)


The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.



There being no further business the meeting concluded at 12.15pm.
