14.2 - Attachment 1

Minutes of Meeting










Arakwal Memorandum of Understanding Advisory Committee Meeting





Meeting Room 1, Council Offices, Mullumbimby


Wednesday, 19 August 2015












                                                                                                                               14.2 - Attachment 1


Minutes of the Arakwal Memorandum of Understanding Advisory Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, 19 August 2015

File No: I2015/858


PRESENT:   Cr S Richardson (Mayor), Cr P Spooner


Staff:   Greg Ironfield (Manager Community Development)

            Belle Arnold (Indigenous Projects Officer)

            Phil Warner ( Capital Projects Officer )

            Ralph James (Coordinator Legal Services)

            Tamara Warrington (Minute Taker)


Community:    BJ Kay , Delta Kay


Cr Spooner (Chair) opened the meeting at 2:41pm and acknowledged that the meeting was being held on Bundjalung Country.




There was an apology from Gavin Brown.


Declarations of Interest – Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary


There were no declarations of interest.


Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings



That the minutes of the Arakwal Memorandum of Understanding Advisory Committee Meeting held on 14 May 2015 be confirmed.


The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.                                    (Spooner/Kay)


Business Arising from Previous Minutes


Cr Richardson provided committee members with a draft Notice of Motion for Indigenous Cultural Awareness Celebration for discussion. 



Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services

Report No. 5.1             Arakwal MoU Implementation Plan 2015 -16

File No:                        I2015/373


Committee Recommendation 5.1.1

That the Arakwal MoU Advisory Committee endorse the 2015/16 Arakwal MoU Implementation Plan (E2015/50307).                                                                                                                                                   (Spooner/D Kay)


The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.



Report No. 5.2             Ti Tree Lake Plan of Management

File No:                        I2015/816


Committee Recommendation 5.2.1

1.       That the Arakwal MoU Advisory Committee note the progress report on the Ti Tree Lake Plan of Management.


2.       That Council write to the Office of Environment and Heritage and National Parks and Wildlife Service providing a copy of the progress report (E2015/50137).                                       (D Kay/B Kay)


The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.



Report No. 5.3             Bundjalung of Byron Bay, Arakwal People Cemetery Provisions

File No:                        I2015/817


Committee Recommendation 5.3.1

That the Arakwal MoU Committee seek information from Council staff on the processes required and the scope of works for the Bundjalung of Byron Bay, Arakwal People to have an identified area in the Byron Bay Cemetery for further consideration.                                                                                                 (Kay/Spooner)


The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.



Report No. 5.4             NAIDOC Week Byron Shire 2015

File No:                        I2015/819


Committee Recommendation 5.4.1

That the committee note the success of the Byron Shire NAIDOC Week 2015 Program and the increase in the community partnerships involved in the delivery of the program of events.


The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.


Verbal Reports


Broken Head Quarry Development


Ralph provided the Committee with an update on the Land and Environment Court Class 1 appeal against the refusal of the development.


Ralph provided information as to the role which Objectors might play in the proceedings.


Action request from Belle to Ralph for information to send to stakeholders .


Byron Bay Bypass


Phil, Cr Richardson and Cr Spooner provided the Committee with an overview of the Byron Bay Bypass.


General discussion on previous routes and reasoning for selection of the adopted Bypass route.

Action request from Delta to Councillors to provide email reply.


Midden Update


Belle provided the Committee with an update on project.


Manager of Utilities to work with Belle and Delta to resolve stormwater drainage issues on Clarkes Beach.


Action request from Cr Richardson to Belle to liaise with Jane Laverty for invitation to Arakwal for Byron Bay Town Centre Master Plan Charette Workshop on 3 September. Belle to also attend.


Belle to send site inspection invitation to Cr Richardson.



There being no further business the meeting concluded at 4:13 pm.