14.4 - Attachment 1

Minutes of Meeting










Local Traffic Committee Meeting





Conference Room, Station Street, Mullumbimby


Wednesday, 25 November 2015



Committee Members

Jessica Healey – Roads and Maritime Services

Snr Constable Anthony Darby – Police

Cr Duncan Dey

Hon Tamara Smith MP











                                                                                                                               14.4 - Attachment 1

Report of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, 25 November 2015

File No: I2015/1485



Meeting Commenced:   10.30am



Councillor:  Cr Duncan Dey

Roads and Maritime Services Representative: Jessica Healey, and Joshua Barkham

Police:  Snr Constable Ray Wilson

Staff:  Simon Bennett




Amy Phillips, Office of Tamara Smith MP


Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest raised.


Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings



The minutes of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 26 August 2015 were adopted with matters arising as follows




Matters Arising


·    Granuille Road heavy vehicle signage request with RMS  to install ‘No Compression braking’ sign and Council has put No Through Road sign in at intersection of Byron Street and Station Street


·    Mullumbimby Music Festival – last weekend.  General parking on RFS station driveway complaint.  Next year include RFS station in all event planning.  BSC Rangers were active.  Staff contacted Rangers to monitor the situation and advised RFS to request Police to monitor and arrest people parked illegally.  Possible installation of tow away signage next year.


·    RMS advised Speed Zones underway for Yelgun Road and Myocum Downs Drive


·    6.10 Contraflow bus bay trial at Wilsons Creek Public School was to commence when pedestrian fencing and median were installed.



Outstanding Issues/Resolutions


·    Bus bay / cul-de-sac parking and intersection treatment at main road and path at St Finbarr’s and Byron Bay High School requires investigation and report


·    Physical median to reinforce No Right Turn  at Mullumbimby Woolworths not yet done



Regulatory Matters

Report No. 6.1             Pay Parking and Resident Parking Permit Schemes, Byron Bay

File No:                        I2015/1394


Committee advice and endorsement is sought on several previously discussed and e-mailed matters including:


-     RMS concurrence (as received 6 October) for the parking schemes and meters;

-     the time limits and signage proposed;

-     the physical resident and resident guest permit and the electronic permit known as the pay parking exemption;

-     that permit holders need not print and display a ticket.



RMS Concurrence


On the 6 October 2015 Manager Network & Safety Services of the RMS Northern Region provided e-mail concurrence as follows


RMS concurrence is given to implement the proposed parking scheme with approved meters and time limits. This also includes RMS concurrence for resident permit zones


The extent of the pay parking is shown in Figure 1. As this shows most are local streets and Council car parks with some changes as follows. However as part of the regional road network is included RMS concurrence was required.




Figure 1: pay parking area (as used in local newspaper advertising)




As advised to the RMS, Council has resolved to accept the tender of Australian Parking and Revenue Control Pty Ltd (APARC) and their “Strada” model, including 123 x Strada PAL (black and white screen) and 12 x  Strada Evolution (full colour).  The Strada model is on the RMS “Approved pay parking devices and systems” as per this web link:


RMS concurrence was required (as received) for the use of such meters and their installation on the following streets which are part of the regional classified (MR545) road network:

-          Shirley Street, east of Milton Street; and

-          full length of Jonson Street.



Pay Parking and Resident Permit Areas – extent and time limits


A copy of 8 October 2015 Council report (I2015/1188) is provided; it was also provided to RMS when the above concurrence was received. Council however made minor changes to some limits as per Resolution 15-519, a copy of which will also be provided and Committee endorsement sought. It included time limits for both schemes, with the typical signage layout shown at Figure 2.


It should be noted that most time limits in the pay parking area remain the same and where changes have occurred it has been to increase the time limit, namely in some Council car parks (from 4P to all day) and on-street parking outside the town centre core, for example Jonson Street south of Kingsley St changes from 1P to all day.  The streets east of Middleton Street remain all day parking as does north side Shirley Street with further additional all day parking to be provided on Butler Street Reserve which is anticipated to provide 250 new car spaces operating 6am-6pm.


Figure 2: proposed signage layout (typical)


 Proposed - Typical Layout

Pay Parking

Proposed - Typical Layout

Resident Scheme



Resident Permit versus Pay Parking Exemption


As per Resolution 15-519 and several previous of Council, it has been resolved that the Resident Parking Permit be provided free permits of two (2) per household.  As RMS Permit Parking guidelines must be adhered in such a matter two permit types will be issued to each household, one being for the resident (2 of, as per Figure 3) and the other being for their guest (2 of).  A copy of the relevant section of the RMS guidelines (Section 10) will be available at the meeting.



Figure 3: proposed resident parking permit – to be displayed on dashboard



Front side – display on dashboard

Back side – map


The pay parking exemption will be electronic (as allowed by RMS guidelines) and Council has resolved the e-permit apply to the licence plate which must be entered at the meter which will recognise the exception, which applies to paying the meter only, not the time limits.  



E-permit holders need not print and display a ticket


While the RMS guidelines suggest tickets be printed and displayed, namely for enforcement, it is understood this is not necessary for those with permits, including Council’s electronic permit being the pay parking exemption.  Thus Committee advice/concurrence for such approach is sought noting that those that do not hold an exemption will be required to print and display a ticket with such advice to be detailed at the meter. 




Committee Comments

·    support the supplementary signage depicted 

·    noted RMS concurrence has been received

·    noted the extent of pay parking and the rationale of the resident scheme to discourage parking in residential streets


Management Comments





1.   That Council note the Roads and Maritime Services concurrence for both the Pay Parking and Resident Parking Permit Schemes, including the type of parking meter, type of scheme (being a Metered Registration Pay Parking Scheme) and its installation on roads parts of the classified regional road network.

2.   That the Local Traffic Committee endorse Council’s 8 October 2015 Resolution  15-519 for the time limits to apply in both Pay Parking and the Resident Parking Permit Schemes.

3.   That the sign-posting as proposed in this report (I2015/1394) be endorsed and implemented in accordance with relevant standards and requirements.

4.   That the physical Resident Parking Permit and the Resident Visitor Permit must contain the details as stipulated in the RMS Permit Parking guidelines, however the matter of colour, design, cost and distribution is a matter for Council.

5.   That the pay by plate Metered Registration pay parking scheme as adopted by Council will require the input of the vehicle licence plate each and every time a vehicle is parked and that:

a)   those with an electronic permit (known as the pay parking exemption) will not be required to print and display a parking ticket; and

b)   those without such exemption will each time they park be required to print and display a parking ticket.





Report No. 6.2             Request for changes to "No Stopping" Market Street, Bangalow

File No:                        I2015/576


Council recently endorsed the LTC recommendation, as follows:


13-654 Resolved that the existing short length of No Stopping on the west side of Market Street, Bangalow, located opposite George Street, be changed to the same restriction that applies adjacent; i.e. No Parking – 8am to 5pm. Parking Market Days Only.


Staff have since meet with the adjacent Bangalow Public school Principal (Susie Boyle) and P&C President. In attendance was also the President of the showground trust (Jan Holbert).  These representatives made two requests.


First is that Council extend the No Parking restriction endorsed as above so as to include all days, and preferably effective at all times or very least on School Days.  Due to the limited width of the road, existence of No Parking on the east side and that little impact (including residents) is believed likely, this request is supported and Committee endorsement is sought.


The second request is to endorse parking signage within the showground to assist with traffic circulation, staff parking and general safety.  These benefits are expected by the implementation of the arrangements depicted which are recommended, namely:


a)   as per pink and blue lines, install “One Way – School Days Only” signage;

b)   as per orange box, sign area as “School Staff Parking  - School Days Only”; and

c)   as per blue line, sign as “No Parking – School Days Only” and that it be supplemented with “Kiss and Ride” signage.


Figure 1: graphical depiction of recommendation


NB: red line=existing No Parking; yellow line=No Parking/Res 13-654




Committee Comments

·    Kiss and Ride area for school parking needs to be managed by the School

·    to implement Kiss and Ride is subject to relevant Guidelines:

·    RMS provided the words for Part 3 of the recommendation post-meeting.


Management Comments

Signage, poles and their installation will cost approx. $500 and has no budget and will need to be funded from an existing project or operational budget, for example maintenance or traffic facilities 




1.   1. That Council endorse No Parking on the west side of Market Street, Bangalow between Byron Street and its northern end, and that it be effective all days between 8am and 6pm. 


2.   That in support of the Bangalow Public School and Showground Trust proposal Council endorse and sign the parking and traffic arrangements upon the Bangalow Showground as depicted in this report (I2015/576) which are as follows:


a)   as per pink and blue lines, install “One Way – School Days Only” signage;

b)   as per orange box, sign area as “School Staff Parking  - School Days Only”; and

c)   also along the blue line, sign as “No Parking – School Days Only” and that it be supplemented with “Kiss and Ride” signage.


3.   That the use of the Kiss and Ride be subject to the:


a)   confirmation of the school support for the initiative, which may include a brief communication strategy for promotion of efficient use (i.e. distribution of Roads & Maritime educational material available from the Centre for Road Safety Website; Parent/carer letters; School Newsletter etc.).


b)   Identification of volunteers and/or teachers approved by the school community, including demonstrated understanding of liability in respect to of volunteers and students. Please note that the school must also develop policies and procedures to administer the initiative.


c)   details of proposed operation times and roster of volunteers and/or teachers.



Report No. 6.3             Gilmore Crescent - Restricted Parking Area

File No:                        I2015/1407


In light of changes about to be implemented due to the introduction of pay parking throughout Byron Bay town centre, Gilmore Crescent poses challenges, namely an unregulated parking area with most of the road (as the below map shows) being upon crown land and not within a road reserve; therefore meaning Council is not considered the authority over the land.


However most of the existing road was built specifically for access to two facilities: Sandhill’s Child Care and the Youth Activity Centre (YAC). Accordingly the car parking as also shown was constructed ancillary to these same two facilities. As both car park areas fall outside of the pay parking scheme (until such time crown approval is gained) a means of regulating the parking is required; otherwise the constructed parking area will not meet its intended purpose. This is especially likely for the child care which unlike the YAC operates with both consistent, staffed hours Monday-Friday (except for Christmas/New Year) and during times when pay parking will apply, being 9am-6pm every day.


Therefore of the two facilities the child care is seen as more critical at this time and provides:

·    10 permissive parking spaces on the south side opposite the centre;

·    8 permissive + 2 mobility permit car spaces on the north side at front of the Centre; and

·    that No Parking applies 1am to 5am.


Figure 1: proposal and location



A lunchtime site inspection on 11 November found all spaces in use except the permit parks, indicating that strong demand already exists. However exacerbating the situation further is that currently no time limit applies, and that enforcement is not possible given lack of signage and the inability to distinguish vehicles between child care staff, patrons and other users. However as the parking area is clearly upon crown land and situated at the child care frontage with a single point of entry/exit it is believed regulation is possible (and appropriate) via designating the car park as a Restricted Parking Area (permits excepted).


Under such a scheme permits would be controlled and issued by Council’s child care management for the purpose of displaying on vehicle dashboards. The design and location of the proposed signage is depicted, i.e. at entry/exit of the car park area.


The regulatory signage is also depicted including proposed modification of R5-541 to include “Permits Excepted” and no changes to R5-542, noting both can be enforced under NSW Road Rule 168-1:


(1)  The driver of a vehicle (other than a public utility service vehicle) must not stop in a restricted parking area, unless the driver is:


(a)  stopping in a parking station or in accordance with the directions marked on (or on a sign displayed adjacent to) a parking bay, or

(b)  actually engaged in dropping off, or picking up, passengers or goods.


Maximum penalty: 20 penalty units.


(2)  A restricted parking area is an area with:

(a)  a restricted parking area sign on each road into the area, and

(b)  an end restricted parking area sign on each road out of the area.


(3)  In this rule:

vehicle does not include a bicycle or animal that is being ridden.


To assist further, supplementary signage is also recommended; noting an example is also depicted which according to the above road rule needs to be installed adjacent to the regulatory signage. It is also noted that the use of permits is only likely to be required by long term parking (i.e. child care staff) as the above road rule allows for short stays who are in the act of dropping off or picking up (which will namely be parents/carers).


Figure 2: recommended regulatory and supplementary signage



R5-541 Modified


Supplementary sign



It should be noted Council/LTC have set a precedent for use of a Restricted Parking Area via the 2012 resolution 12-496 which has been implemented with success and without need of further review at Council’s First Sun Holiday Park in Byron Bay.


Lastly, given the child care does not operate weekends there is potential the Restricted Parking Areas not apply at such times and on this Committee advice is sought.


On a related matter, Committee advice and endorsement is also sought for introducing No Parking restrictions to the road and grassed verge on the north-east of the child care as also depicted, noting the red line represents the extent of the proposed No Parking and the yellow line indicates bollards (approx. 15 spaced at 2m apart).


With the commencement of pay parking it is expected this already in-demand parking area will only increase noting that on 11 November during a site visit the area was at ‘capacity’ with:


·    9 vehicles parked on the east side;

·    6 vehicles parked on the grass verge;

·    6 vehicles parked within the turning circle; and

·    11 vehicles parked on Gilmore Crescent proper.


In doing so, vehicles had parked adjacent to the child care fence line and across the grass verge blocking access. To stop this practice No Parking as proposed is required. Alternatively options to regulate and allow permissive parking could be investigated.




Committee Comments

·    Noted that Gilmore Crescent while upon crown land is (for enforcement purposes) a road related area

·    Administration of the permits noted as a Council matter


Management Comments




1.       That the start and end of the Restricted Parking Area – Permits Excepted be implemented respectively via installation of RMS signs R5-541 and R5-542 at the car park entry and egress at the frontage of the Sandhill’s Child Care Centre, Gilmore Crescent, Byron Bay.


2.       That adjacent to the signage erected according to Part 1, a supplementary sign indicating how permits are obtained be installed.


3.       That Council note the Local Traffic Committee advice that the signage within Part 1 can be enforced under NSW Road Rule 168-1.


4.       That the grassed turning-circle located north-east of the child care be signed as No Parking and it extend south along the western kerb line and eastern edge of the road as depicted at Figure 1 of this report (file I2015/1407).


5.       That the use of bollards to reinforce the No Parking recommended is a matter for Council and their use does not need Local Traffic Committee endorsement. 




Report No. 6.4             Road Closures Byron Bay Triathlon

File No:                        I2015/1408



This annual event marks the end of the triathlon season and attracts over 1,000 participants. The main event is again proposed for a Saturday and as in previous years requires substantial road closures and traffic management, albeit slightly reduced timeframes as the proponent advises and acknowledges in their submission for the 2016 event that:


·      The total time the road was closed was approximately in 2012 - 3.6 hours and 2013 – 2.7 hours, and 2015 – 2.5 hours.

·      The traffic management and detour management was comprehensive throughout the effected roads, though at key intersection delays of up to 20 minutes were experienced regularly.

·      The delays particularly around Suffolk Park and Bangalow Road caused upset.


Given this the proponent submission outlines a Proposed Closure/Escort Model for the 2016 event:


The proposed total time roads are closed is approximately 2.5 hours. The southbound lane is affected for approximately 1.45 hours; and northbound lane affected for approximately 2.5 hours.

First bike on course estimated at 12.20pm.

Race course southbound closed by 12.00pm and then progressively through four zones as riders head southbound under Police escort.

The southbound to Lennox Heads will open under Police control from Suffolk Park after last southbound rider has passed.

The number of cross over points closer to town will remain at two. (east / west).

The athletes will operate on a curfew and stragglers will be collected by a support vehicle which will clear the course.


The proponent submission then continues to state:


Police have expressed concern regarding the risks mixing of athletes and vehicles on the cycle course. In 2013, 2014 and 2015, a complete road closure for a reduced period of time was used which addressed these risks but did cause complications for traffic flows.


The common view for 2016 is that the road should be closed for as short as time possible and traffic should be eliminated except at Suffolk Park.


This will mean significant lengths of the only north/south route to/from Byron Bay will be closed including the main road network of Bangalow Rd, Byron Bay and Broken Head Rd which is north, south and at Suffolk Park.


The maps provided by the proponent are reproduced below and indicate the extent of the closures and traffic management. Consistently however in these past years Clifford Street at Suffolk Park has been subject of most complaint and longest delays (30 minutes or more) which can occur subject to the timing of the cycling leg. This will likely to remain a problem.


However despite this and general reported inconvenience and delays, each year results in few (2-3) formally lodged complaints. Moreover the event is well advertised in advance (notice to residents provided), has no reported safety problems, is well controlled with Police and traffic control involvement and is anticipated and well received from local traders and accommodation providers.


As such Committee endorsement is sought for the road closures and traffic management proposed.




Figure 1: proponents maps reproduced



Town centre

Bangalow Rd

Bangalow Rd

Suffolk Park


Coast Rd - onto Ballina shire






Committee Comments

·    Cr Dey advised he intends to move at Council that Council liaise with Tweed Council to consider a) the capacity of our Shire to host the current or future number of on road events per year and b) the attractions of NSW to events generated in Qld.

·    Proponent to provide a detailed TCP for Committee input (via email or next meeting)

·    RMS advised a preference to standardise wording for use by Local Government in regard to road events and will provide such wording for the recommendation


Management Comments

·    RMS standardised wording has now been incorporated into the recommendation.

·    The Committee will receive further details of the event by email or next meeting (3 February)




1.       That approval of the temporary road closures within Byron Bay for undertaking the 7 May 2016 Byron Bay Triathlon apply to the following, subject to each being implemented no earlier than 12 noon and removed no later than 4pm:


a)  Bay Street, between Fletcher Street and Middleton Street

b)  Middleton Street, between Bay Street and Marvell Street

c)  Marvell Street, between Middleton Street and Tennyson Street

d)  Tennyson Street, between Marvell Street and Browning Street

e)  Bangalow Road, between Browning Street and Broken Head Road

f)  Broken Head Road, from Bangalow Road to the Ballina LGA boundary

g)  Lawson Street, between Middleton Street and Massinger Street


2.       That the approval provided in Part 1 is subject to:


a)   NSW Police approval is obtained;


b)   Local Traffic Committee advice is sought for the event Traffic Management Plan (including Risk Management Plan and Traffic Control Plan/s) prior to implementation of traffic control devices including road closures, noting that:


i)          conformance with approved Traffic Management Plan and associated Traffic Control Plans which shall be implemented and controlled by Roads & Maritime Services accredited persons;


ii)         all signage erected for the event to not cause a hazard for motorists or pedestrians and be removed immediately following the completion of the event; and


iii)        temporary Speed Zone Authorisation is obtained from the roads authority for any reduced speed limit/s required as part of the traffic control for the event; and that where local Council is the roads authority, notification of any reduced speed limit should be forwarded to Roads and Maritime Service and NSW Police.


iv)        approval of Roads and Maritime Services is obtained by way of a Road Occupancy License where event is on a state road or where the event may impact the state road network.


c)   The event organiser:


i)          advertising the impact of the event via a notice in the local weekly paper a minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road closures and times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a personal contact name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries or complaints;


ii)         providing copy of the advert for Council's web page;


iii)        informing community and business that are directly impacted (e.g. adjacent to the event) via written information which is delivered to the property in a timely manner so as to document, consider and respond to any concerns raised;


iv)        arranging for private property access and egress affected by the event;


v)         liaising with bus and taxi operators and ensuring arrangements are made for provision of services during conduct of the event;


vi)        consulting with emergency services and any identified issues be addressed;


vii)       holding $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event;


viii)      payment of Council’s Road Event application fee prior to the event.  


d)   any event involving on-road cycling, the event organiser must:


i)          obtain the endorsement of Bicycle NSW or the relevant peak-body that is representative of the approved activity ; and


ii)         ensure it is conducted and sign-posted in accordance with the Roads & Maritime Services Guidelines for Bicycle Road Races.




Report No. 6.5             Road Closures Byron Bay Blues Festival

File No:                        I2015/1409



Two matters are to be tabled to the Committee, one being the proposed 2016 Blues Festival Traffic Management Plan and the second is the DA proposal to increase the number of smaller events on the site. Both will be impacted by the likelihood of the RMS proposed closure of Grays Lane.


For the 2016 Blues Fest event this is the only change to previous years TMP and will be countered by onsite parking management, namely vehicles parked north and south onsite will only be able to depart north and south respectively therefore avoiding the crossing of such traffic which in past year has contributed significantly to delays departing the site at the end of each of the five days.  


As for the second item of increasing the number of smaller events each year, that applicant has proposed a single TMP be developed that can be used and shared for each such event, noting the Blues Fest is a large event with 25,000 people in total while 15,000 in total is deemed a medium sized event and a small event is 1,000 patrons plus staff. There is potential for certain ‘small events’ to generate high spikes in traffic during times that coincide with already high traffic (other events, public holidays etc.) which has been raised as a key issue. 


Details of both matters will be available at the Committee meeting, noting endorsement is sought for the first matter and Committee advice is sought for the second item.





Committee Comments

·    Two key coinciding factors: change in access to the Highway is a key and critical component with mooted closure of Gray’s Lane and it coincides with the proposed increase in patronage.

·    Therefore a capacity issue is apparent and Committee need to see the Traffic Assessment Report and detailed Traffic Control Plans before making a decision on approving

·    Such documents need to be submitted to Council in time for changes and to allow sufficient time  for consideration of all the issues, e.g. in December for February meeting

·    Potential approval conditions could be the installation of a dedicated southbound on-ramp for the Festival; provision of off-site parking and shuttle bus.

·    Similarly, for the proposed smaller events a traffic assessment is required that considers capacity of local road network, especially as smaller events are likely to have majority of patrons arrive and depart at the same time so stop and release may be required. 


Management Comments




1.   That the 2016 Blues Festival organisers submit a Traffic Impact Assessment and Traffic Control Plan prior to the February 2016 Local Traffic Committee meeting.


2.   That in regard to other proposed events at the Tyagarah Blues Festival site, the proponent undertakes a Traffic Impact Assessment report in regard to events with 1,000 people or more and provides it and the corresponding Traffic Management Plan(s) to the Local Traffic Committee for review. 


3.   That event proposals are submitted to Council with supporting and relevant detail so as to provide sufficient time for assessment, amendments and meeting of approval conditions  imposed, including those by and of other authorities such as Roads and Maritime Services and Police.




Report No. 6.6             Road Closures Falls Festival 2015/16 Traffic Management Plan

File No:                        I2015/1410



Due to the Falls Festival (as part their Dept. of Planning conditions) required LTC review no less than 60 days prior to the event the Committee received details of the proposal via e-email on 16 October 2015. From that process the Committee concurred with recommendation as now tabled which has since been provided to the proponent.


As part of the e-mail the following was attached and with copies to be made available at the meeting:


·    TMP including detailed TCP;

·    Traffic Evaluation Report of 2015 event – as dated 16/2/15; and

·    Memo from Greg Alderson & Associates, dated 7 October 2015 which advised:


Main changes:

·      No traffic controllers on public road, therefore no reduced speed zone at Link Road. Only reduced speed zone from Gate D to Jones Road on Tweed Valley Way;

·      No stopping from Shara Boulevard to Wooyung Road to reduce parking on Tweed Valley Way and improve potential for Police and rangers to enforce no stopping and reduce trespassing;

·      Approval for 20,000 patrons (17,500 last year);

·      2 ingress days (last year 3 ingress days) to reduce duration of camping due to heat;

·      Stacked camping/parking in camping area – cars not separated from camping, but in a structured efficient manner as has been done at Falls in Lorne for years.


Other comments:

·      SIDRA modelling shows that no traffic controllers are required;

·      Contingency plans for Spine Road congestion (if that occurs) are: double lane, one way on Spine Road, snake in southern car park, temporary parking in southern car park during peak (this car park is now available for Falls due to approved 20,000 patron number)

·      Traffic controllers are on call for any queuing on public road, to control end-of queue;

·      VMS signs are incorporated on TVW southbound and BVW northbound well clear of potential end of queue, to provide queue warning if required

·      Refer to section 2.3 of report for stacked parking and camping. This is fundamentally different than the mixed parking and camping of SITG 2013 and it should increase flexibility for any required changes on site.





Committee Comments

·    Traffic Impact Analysis prepared and supplied by Falls Fest consultants Greg Alderson and Associates who have done previous year’s events and traffic planning.

·    It was also noted matter had been endorsed via e-mail prior to the meeting and that recommendation stands as reproduced above


Management Comments




That the temporary traffic management and regulatory changes within the series of Traffic Control Plans as related to the Falls Festival as to be held at the North Byron Parklands site Yelgun between 31 December 2015 and 2 January 2016 inclusive be accepted subject to:

          a)      their design and implementation being undertaken as specified on each plan and            by those with appropriate RMS accreditation and the holding of current and                appropriate levels of insurance and liability cover;

          b)      meeting of the advertising requirements of the Roads Act 1993;

          c)      event being notified on Council's website;

          d)      consideration of any submissions received;

          e)      the approved event size being sufficient (20,000 patrons) to trigger use of the                  south carpark as per the DA Condition for its use;

          f)       the temporary No Stopping where applied, including on Brunswick Valley Way                (between Shara Boulevard and Tweed Valley Way) and on Tweed Valley Way                   (between Brunswick Valley Way and Wooyong Road), is implemented prior to the                  event and in accordance with relevant state requirements and Australian                             Standards;

          g)      a communications protocol developed and maintained by those involved in the                implementation of traffic management including monitoring and ability to               implement contingency plans as and when directed;

          h)      monitoring of vehicle volumes that arrive and depart the festival site and on the              local road network;

          i)       inclusion in the brief for the 2015/16 event's Traffic Evaluation Report of                           consideration that the 2106/17 event will not have Sunday as its departure day,                as was the case in 2015/16;

          j)       the holding of an event debrief within the month following the festival which                    includes but not limited to Council, RMS and Police; and

          k)      written approval of both the RMS and Police separate to Byron Shire Local                      Traffic Committee, including approval of Roads and Maritime Services is                             obtained including a Road Occupancy Licence where an event is on a state road           or where the event may impact the state road network




Report No. 6.7             Road Closures New Years Eve Byron Bay

File No:                        I2015/1411


Council last year (2014) held the second annual 'Soul Street' New Year Eve (NYE) event which required a road closure from of the main street of Jonson Street, Byron Bay between Lawson Street through to the car park entry at Railway Park just north of Marvell Street.  The same road closure is now sought as pictured; however a split time is sought with the southern end to close from 12noon and the northern end from 1pm. The road closure would then be lifted no later than by 7am the next day (1 January 2015).   


Other closures are shown, such as securing of Council owned and operated public car park (Lawson Street south car park) for participants of the event only (e.g. stall holders) and provision of an emergency vehicle access route under guidance of traffic control positioned at sites 2 and 3. Removal of parking from streets (as per dotted red line) from 6am will also occur as will traffic control personnel with include two each at sites 1, 2 and 3. 


Figure 1: TMP proposal



This year Council will run a NYE shuttle service between 3pm and 3am from the Cavanbah sports centre on Ewingsdale Rd (3km west of town) to the site depicted below; i.e. at the top end of the street closure.


The below figure also provides detail on the role of the traffic control to be positioned during the day at sites 1 and 2, noting when two personnel are at each they will assist with control of pedestrian and vehicle movement at the Jonson / Lawson Street roundabout.


Figure 2: NYE Shuttle drop off / pick up point and traffic control sites 1 and 2



It should be noted the road closure impacts on local taxi and bus operators and interstate coach services. As in the past, these stakeholders will be advised directly and accommodated where possible, noting this NYE the main bus/coach stop will be for taxi and smaller passenger service vehicles only while the bus/coach and larger vehicles will be provided for south of the main stop so as they avoid the turn-around south end of the road closure and can exit directly via Marvell St. Both south and north bound vehicles can use this temporary bus/coach stop if they wish by detouring or alternatively (as local services do) use the existing southbound bus stop opposite.




Committee Comments

·    Third year for Council’s Soul Street Event. Various starting times have been trialled.

·    No park and ride, only a one-day shuttle bus service. Proposal to bring the bus to the site for family friendly service.

·    Police raised the potential use of heavier barriers for safety for demarcating the shuttle bus stop.

·    Remove car parking about five spaces from 1pm for a the shuttle bus service starting at 3pm, noting RMS raised Shuttle Bus could stop there, with water barriers

·    No witches hats to be used.


Management Comments




1. That the Local Traffic Committee supports Council's temporary traffic management initiatives for Byron Bay New Year's Eve and approves the road closure of Jonson Street, Byron Bay between Lawson Street through to the car park entry at Railway Park (north of Marvell Street) from 12noon on 31 December 2015 and its removal by no later than 7am on the 1 January 2016.


2. That the above approval remain subject to Council endorsement of the event prior to implementation and is subject to the following requirements:


a)   traffic control plans are designed and implemented by those with the appropriate NSW (RMS) accreditation;


b)   advertising is undertaken as required by the Roads Act plus the publication of a map and explanatory notes in a local newspaper and on Council's website;


c)   the letterbox drop of properties adjacent and prior to the Jonson Street closure and Bay Street, Marvell Street and Byron Street parking changes; and


d)   that all parties involved in Council's NYE events hold or least covered by, appropriate and relevant levels of insurance and public liability cover as required by Council.




Report No. 6.8             Road Closures Bangalow Christmas Eve Carnival

File No:                        I2015/1412


Each year the Bangalow Chamber of Commerce organise the Christmas Eve street parade that requires closure of Byron Street, Bangalow which occurs 5.30pm to 10pm between the Granuaille Road, Lismore Road and Byron Street roundabout and Market Street intersection.


The event has no reported problems, with Council again providing s356 community funding and involved in implementing the temporary traffic control which includes a detour for through traffic via Deacon Street.


On these grounds Committee endorsement of the event is sought.






Committee Comments


·    Council to provide TCP to the Committee

·    First year Council not implementing the TCP, and organisers to engage accredited third party.

·    RMS road occupancy license needed. organisers can sign up online as available at:


Management Comments




1.   That the temporary traffic arrangements for the Bangalow Christmas Eve Carnival, scheduled for 24 December 2016 and includes the temporary closure of Byron Street between Granuaille Road and Market Street between the hours of 5.00pm and 10.00pm, be endorsed.


2.   That the organisers be responsible for implementing a Traffic Control Plan, including the use of signed detours, as designed and implemented by those with appropriate accreditation and be advised Council’s fee for holding an on-road event will apply.


3.   That public liability insurance be in place for the sum of at least $20 million.


4.   That the concurrence of the Police and RMS be sought by the organisers, independent of the Local Traffic Committee endorsement, including, approval of Roads and Maritime Services is obtained by way of a Road Occupancy License as event is on a state road or may impact the state road network.


5.   That the event be advertised in accordance with the Roads Act charged at cost to the organisers.


6.   That the event be notified on Council's website.


7.   That it be noted Council do not provide traffic control services for such events and that RMS accredited persons can only do so.



Report No. 6.9             Request for Give Way, Dandaloo Way and Reka Way, Ocean Shores

File No:                        I2015/1414


A resident has advised of concerns for safety at the unmarked and unsigned intersection and has requested Give Way be provided. Given the main through traffic is as per yellow line it is believed the Give Way is most appropriate on Dandaloo Way as pictured.  Committee advice is sought as is endorsement of a preferred treatment.







Committee Comments

RMS suggested the Give Way treatment not be undertaken as pictured and instead be located on Reka Way as per standard practice. Police concurred.


Management Comments




That a Give Way treatment be signed and marked on Reka Way, Ocean Shores at the intersection with Dandaloo Way.





Report No. 6.10           Request for restrictive parking and exemptions, RFS Station, Alcorn St, Suffolk Park

File No:                        I2015/1415


RFS Station at Suffolk Park has requested restrictive parking be implemented to at least south side of the driveway on Alcorn Street, Suffolk Park which allows RFS volunteers attending the station opportunity to park in close proximity, thereby saving time in case of emergency. The site and the proposal are depicted.


To stop general permissive parking the options are either No Stopping, No Parking or potentially declare it a Restricted Parking Area (RPA). Either way, a second condition that allows some vehicles an exemption to that rule is required, plus the ability to recognise which vehicles is exempt to the rule. Further complications are then ability to manage and enforce the rule. Therefore in short, Council need to consider not just approval (which requires LTC endorsement) but administration, management and enforcement.


However relevant to the Committee is firstly the justification for an appropriate parking regulation. To assist the Byron Bay RFS Captain (Gregg Miller) provided the following response to these e-mailed questions:


Q1.       How many vehicles need such parking (i.e. max number at any one time)?


generally we would have five cars to most call outs , we park nose in on the southern side of the station  drive and on occasion 1 or 2 spaces on the northern side of the drive 


Q2.       Do the vehicles have any logos/branding on them, or as I presume they mostly private vehicles?


they are private vehicles however…able to provide identity stickers if required


3.       Do or could RFS members carry any standard identification they could leave on the vehicle dashboard?


as above identity sticker for the windscreen 


4.       Do you have preference for where parking is reserved – or is either side of the station driveway ok?


prefer the space on the southern  side of the station  driveway  generally we can get five cars in this space


5.       Based on last 12 months, how often is such parking been required and, when so, how often has it been a problem?


The brigade attended 76 incidents last year April 2014 till March 2015,  the problem has occurred over the past three months , with the residents of the flat two doors down on the opposite side of the road parking in these spaces, and their trailer.  As we operate 24/7 there is no specific time that were there.


6.       Is there a time more problematic than others? For example is between 6pm-6am generally ok/low demand parking, or is it weekend problem only or Mon-Friday day time, etc. Please advise. Without such detail I will assume the problem is mainly daytime due to adjacent park and beach access.


Park and Beach access has never been a problem. Generally they if visitors, park to the northern side of the park, locals generally walk. At weekend we do experience high volume of families using the park, and children's playground. As above question 5, the residents are there every evening, and throughout the days of the week, their cars are generally parked there also at weekends as there appears that there is not enough parking spaces at the units. On the 10th of September there was a wedding in the park, and no spaces available at all. The closest park to the station was at the northern end of Gagging Park.  


Based on the above responses it appears the main recurring problem is local residents parking adjacent to the fire station and therefore providing restrictive parking on the south side of the driveway, where five vehicles can be accommodated, will be sufficient for most occasions. Further review can be done later if required.


Given a speed hump is approx. 10m south of the driveway it is recommended that No Parking – Byron Shire Council Authorised Vehicles Excepted be signed through to it and to 5m north of the RFS driveway.


Figure 1: length of restriction (blue line) and position of the two signs (red circles)






Committee Comments

Endorsement is on grounds of providing for staff/volunteers of an Emergency Services and not a regulation or benefit that would extend to general public


Management Comments




1.   That No Parking – Byron Shire Council Authorised Vehicles Excepted be signed on Alcon Street, Suffolk Park commencing from 5m north of the RFS station driveway and continuing south to the speed hump. 


2.   That recognising which vehicles are an exception to the rule is a matter for Council and RFS, noting a visual permit displayed on the vehicle dashboard will assist with enforcement and is recommended.




Report No. 6.11           Approval of two mobility permit spaces, Middleton Street car park, Byron Bay

File No:                        I2015/1416


Council recently completed the construction of a car park in Middleton Street, Byron Bay. The design is depicted and shows the two sites now signed as a Mobility Permit Parking space as numbered on the plan as 15 and 30. Committee endorsement of this is now sought.



Figure 1: design plan showing sites 15 and 30 – signed as mobility permit spaces





Committee Comments

Endorsed subject to compliance with relevant mobility parking standards


Management Comments




That Local Traffic Committee endorse the installation and signage of two mobility permit parking spaces in the Middleton Street car park, Byron Bay at spaces as marked on Council’s design plan 1641 numbered 15 and 30, subject to compliance with relevant standards.





Report No. 6.12           Proposed No Parking and time limits to Loading Zones, Bay Lane, Byron Bay

File No:                        I2015/1417


Council has received complaints from a local business owner in Bay Lane, Byron Bay who is experiencing loss of property access and visibility due to people parking in the Loading Zone area outside their shops. They claim parking can occur for up to 90-minutes and that in the afternoon the mix of loading vehicles and the commencement of the evening dining (whereby tables/chairs are put on the footpath area) exacerbate the problem they report.


While this requires enforcement, part of the request is to limit the time in the Loading Zone and/or even consider restricting the hours of its operation, and while the proponent wishes this settled quickly, such outcome is unlikely as changes will require consultation and given the approaching Christmas/New Year period will mean reports back to LTC/Council in February 2016 at earliest, unless no objections are received during consultation or the Committee are able to provide in-principle support as recommended.


The recommendation also includes restricting 15m of the western end of the Loading Zone to being operational between 6am-10am only with 15 minutes time limits to apply during such times and that No Parking applies other times within the same 15m length. In doing this leaves approximately 50m of Loading Zone, available   at all times.


Figure 1: yellow line=no stopping; red line=Loading Zone (approx. 65m length)



Figure 2: use of the Loading Zone in front of shops






Committee Comments

Consultation required to understand impacts of and support for the proposal before it proceeds.


Management Comments




That subject to concurrence of adjacent shops including the Beach Hotel opposite, Council endorse restricting 15m of the western end of the Loading Zone to being operational between 6am-10am only with 15-minute time limit to apply during such times and that No Parking applies at all other times within the same 15m length.




Report No. 6.13           Request for speed humps, Seven Mile Beach Road, Byron Bay

File No:                        I2015/1418


Private property owner on the gravel road of Seven Mile Beach Road, Byron Bay has offered to pay for the sealing of approximately a 320m length, which as shown commences approximately 40m south of Lot 3 driveway and continues northward covering three property driveways.


Once sealed the proponent would also like to introduce speed reducing measures and has suggested speed humps. Committee advice on the appropriate traffic calming measure however is sought.





Committee Comments

·    Committee does not agree to the installation of speed humps in an unrestricted speed unsealed road, or a small length of sealed section.

·    Speed humps are an urban treatment and typically require lighting, kerb and gutter and within a slower speed environment (50k or less speed limit). 

·    REF process required prior to sealing as the impacts of sealing this road need to be considered, noting an REF is not a part of regulatory decisions of the LTC.


Management Comments




That Council notes that the Local Traffic Committee does not endorse the use of speed humps on the proposed sealed section of Seven Mile Beach Road, Broken Head in a default rural speed limit area, and that a reduced speed limit is not appropriate.



Report No. 6.14           Proposed Massinger Street and Lawson Street roundabout, Byron Bay

File No:                        I2015/1419


Council is proceeding with development of a roundabout for the intersection of Massinger Street, Lawson Street and Lighthouse Road, Byron Bay. Extract of the design plan is reproduced and full design plan will be available at the meeting for review.


Committee advice is sought plus endorsement of the extent of No Stopping shown, noting the proposal of such restriction extends on the east side of Massinger Street for approximately 110m and will assist with an ongoing problem of roadside, on the verge parking that occurs most of the summer holiday period and in particular mitigate the three (3) residential properties from being parked out by the public using this area to access the beach; noting that parking out of the driveways has been an ongoing source of complaints by residents to Council. Further, between Daniel Street and Kipling Street, No Stopping will stop the parking on the proposed drainage swale

Residents have been advised of the project with a notification letter advising of the proposed parking changes.


The introduction of No Stopping in Lawson Street and Lighthouse Road ensures that minimum safe carriage way widths are maintained at the roundabout approach lanes.






Committee Comments

·    There may be an enforcement issue following the installation of the No Stopping signs. Need to be reviewed following installation for future consideration.

·    Request that the design plan be reviewed to achieve same result with fewer signs installed, subject to compliance with sign posting standards.


Management Comments




That the Local Traffic Committee endorse the traffic and parking regulatory aspects of  Council design plan no. 2211 for the construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Massinger Street, Lawson Street and Lighthouse Road, Byron Bay.





Report No. 6.15           Proposed Restricted Parking Area, Byron Bay Library

File No:                        I2015/1424



The Byron Bay library car park has been provided onsite for the benefit of staff and patrons.  Due to its town centre location and high parking demand in the vicinity, it is frequently used by others. As a result options to restrict and regulate parking have been discussed and to this end Committee advice is sought on the benefit of implementing a Restricted Parking Area – Permits Excepted.


As raised in another item on this same (25 November 2015) agenda, it is believed such a scheme is appropriate given the car park is well defined by a single point of access/egress and the issuing of permits can be undertaken as required by Council staff within the library to assist with enforcement and deter use by those who do not have the library as their destination.


The location and the signage recommended are depicted.


Figure 1: proposal and location



Similar to a related agenda item, under such a scheme permits would be controlled and issued by Council’s library management for the purpose of displaying on vehicle dashboards. Such undertaking would however only be required by longer term parking (e.g. staff) and not those simply dropping off or picking up goods or passengers. 


The regulatory signage is also depicted including proposed modification of R5-541 to include “Permits Excepted” and no changes to R5-542, noting both can be enforced under the previously cited NSW Road Rule 168-1; and to assist further, supplementary signage is also recommended as shown.


Figure 2: recommended regulatory and supplementary signage



R5-541 Modified


Supplementary sign



It should be noted Council/LTC have set a precedent for use of a Restricted Parking Area via the 2012 resolution 12-496 which has been implemented with success and without need of further review at Council’s First Sun Holiday Park in Byron Bay.


As the library operates seven (7) days a week the Restricted Parking Area would apply at all times.




Committee Comments

Change wording for sign plate to state “Permits Issued at Library”


Management Comments




1.       That the start and end of the Restricted Parking Area – Permits Excepted be implemented respectively via installation of RMS signs R5-541 and R5-542 at the Byron Bay library car park entry and egress as located on Lawson Street, Byron Bay.


2.       That adjacent to the signage erected according to Part 1, a supplementary sign indicating how permits are obtained be installed, i.e. “Permits issued at Library”


3.       That Council note the Local Traffic Committee advice that the signage within Part 1 can be enforced under NSW Road Rule 168-1.




Report No. 6.16           Request for No Stopping, Authorised Vehicles Excepted, rear of Australia Post, Deacon Street, Bangalow

File No:                        I2015/1431


A request has been received from the Manager of Australia Post, Deacon Street Bangalow that signage requiring “No Stopping - Authorised Vehicles Excepted” be installed at the rear of the building to allow Australia Post vehicles access. At present vehicles are parking in the laneway blocking access to postal vehicles, despite No Parking signs, and vigilant compliance monitoring of the area.


Committee endorsement is sought; noting it recommended the length to which it applies covers the rear of the post office and the public land adjacent which provides a path through to the main street.






Committee Comments


Concern for precedent as not emergency service, however accept that Australia Post provide public service and the exception is to apply to their branded vehicles in the act of delivery/pick up.


Management Comments




1.   That Local Traffic Committee endorse the installation of No Stopping – Council Authorised Vehicles Excepted,  signage at the rear of Australia Post property in Deacon Street, Bangalow and the same restriction continue westward to also cover Council land which provides pedestrian access through to the main street.


2.   This exception applies to “Australia Post” delivery vehicles only.







There being no further business the meeting concluded at 2.30pm.