Minutes of Meeting










Transport Advisory Committee Meeting





Conference Room, Station Street, Mullumbimby


Tuesday, 1 December 2015












Transport Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes                   1 December 2015




Minutes of the Transport Advisory Committee Meeting held on Tuesday, 1 December 2015

File No: I2015/1481


PRESENT:   Cr B Cameron, Cr D Dey, Cr A Hunter,

Staff: Phillip Holloway (Director, Infrastructure Services)

Simon Bennett (Transport, Traffic Planner)

            Jane Laverty (Tourism and Environment)

            Mary Kerr (Traffic, Transport Assistant)

Susan Sulcs (Minute Taker)


Community: John Blanch,

Philip Theaker

Stephen Stewart

Alex Lewers (Transport Development Officer, Northern Rivers Social Development Council, Non Voting Representative)




Cr Cameron (Chair) opened the meeting at 9.33 am and acknowledged that the meeting was being held on Bundjalung Country.




Cr S Richardson (Mayor)

Kumar Rajaratnam

Sapoty Brook



Declarations of Interest – Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary


There were no declarations of interest.



Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings



That the minutes of the Transport Advisory Committee Meeting held on 1 September 2015 be confirmed.         



The recommendation was put to a vote and declared carried.




Business Arising from Previous Minutes


There was no business arising from previous minutes.







Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services

Report No. 5.1             Update on Byron Bay Town Centre Master Plan

File No:                        I2015/1425


                                      Jane Laverty gave a verbal presentation in relation to the progress of the       Draft Byron Bay Town Centre Master Plan. Documents were tabled for          distribution. http://www.byronbayourplan.com.au/





1.       That Council note that the Transport Advisory Committee was provided with an update          on the Byron Bay Town Centre Master Planning process, development and progress       and that the following be noted:


a)         That transport is a key issue for the town


b)        That public exhibition of the Master Plan has been delayed to 2016




The recommendation was put to a vote and declared carried.




Report No. 5.2             Transport for NSW proposal, Byron Bay bus/coach interchange

File No:                        I2015/1426


                                      Jane Laverty gave a verbal report on the proposal of Transport for NSW for the installation of a bus/coach interchange in the Byron Bay Town Centre.



1.       That Council note the Transport Advisory Committee was provided with an update on the proposal by Transport for NSW for the development of the old Byron Bay bus/coach interchange in Jonson Street.


2.       That Council


          a)      notify Transport for New South Wales that Council is near the end of a Master Planning process for the town of Byron Bay


          b)      seek from Transport for New South Wales funding assistance for the proposed location of a bus interchange in accordance with the Master Plan


3.       That Council seek the assistance of the Premier of NSW, of the local member for Ballina, and other members of parliament to have Transport for New South Wales coordinate with Council on the siting of a bus interchange, in accordance with the Master Plan, west of the rail way corridor.



The recommendation was put to a vote and declared carried.




Report No. 5.3             Outstanding Resolutions - Transport Advisory Committee

File No:                        I2015/1427



That Council note the Transport Advisory Committee was provided a list of outstanding Council Resolutions, relating to the Committee’s work and an update will be provided at the March 2016 Committee meeting.




The recommendation was put to a vote and declared carried.




Report No. 5.4             Update on parking schemes, Byron Bay

File No:                        I2015/1428



1.       That Council note that the Transport Advisory Committee was provided with an update on the progress of paid parking in Byron Bay.


2.       That Council write to RMS seeking dispensation from the requirement for non exemption holders to display a parking ticket within Council‘s ‘Pay by Plate’ parking scheme.




The recommendation was put to a vote and declared carried.



Cr Hunter left the Chambers at 11:21 AM.



Report No. 5.5             Transport Strategy update

File No:                        I2015/1429



1.       That Council note the existing Transport Policy and that the Transport Advisory Committee is charged with developing a Draft Transport Strategy.


2.       That a report be provided to the March 2016 meeting of the Transport Advisory     Committee.




The recommendation was put to a vote and declared carried.





Report No. 5.6             Pacific Highway T2E Upgrade update

File No:                        I2015/1430




1.       That Council notes that the Transport Advisory Committee was provided with an update on the progress of the T2E Pacific Highway upgrade.


2.       That Council advise RMS of community and bus operator concern about new arrangements for the post opening of the Pacific Highway T2E regarding access to the Highway from Grays Lane and disruption to existing school bus and other services, as well as potential congestion associated with Blues Fest.


3.       That Council advise RMS that signage on the new T2E Pacific Highway directing traffic through Bangalow to Lismore is not supported by Council and the Bangalow community.




The recommendation was put to a vote and declared carried.



Committee Member, Stephen Stewart was opposed to the recommendation and voted against.




Report No. 5.7             Proposed Committee Meeting Dates for 2016

File No:                        I2015/1432



That Council adopt the proposed dates set out as accepted by the Transport Advisory Committee.



The recommendation was put to a vote and declared carried.





There being no further business the meeting concluded at 12.11pm.