14.3 - Attachment 1


BSC File No:  #E2016/27767

Your ref:  

Contact:  Peter Rees


28 April 2016














Dear XXX


Belongil Swamp Drainage Union

As a landowner within the Belongil Swamp Drainage Union gazetted area, you are invited to attend a public meeting on … June 2016 at ….. The purpose of the meeting will be to reinstate the Belongil Swamp Drainage Union, with the aim of electing board members and organising administration requirements. Currently, the drainage union has no directors and is not operating in accordance with their obligations.


The Belongil Swamp Drainage Union operates under the Water Management Act 2000 and has powers to collect rates within the gazetted area for the management and maintenance of the Belongil Union Drain (see attached diagram of the Union Drain). To ensure transparency of the administration and to maintain the confidence of the rate payers, it is a requirement that the union operates with elected board members and keep financial records.


The purpose of the Belongil Swamp Drainage Union is to ensure the Union Drain is maintained in an operational condition that allows unimpeded flow to drain through the system. The Water Management Act  2000 enables the Belongil Swamp Drainage Union right of entry to land for operational purposes. Functions of the board include:


·    Preparing, reviewing and implementing a management program for the Belongil Swamp Drainage Union gazetted area

·    Maintain and renew drainage efficiency within the Belongil Swamp Drainage Union gazetted area

·    To construct, alter or extend any drainage works in accordance with any authority of consent

·    To make levy and collect fees for the management of the Belongil Swamp Drainage Union

·    Appoint officers and employees as required

·    Undertake legal proceedings for the recovery of outstanding rates or other fees

·    Keep prescribe books and accounts

·    Manage the affairs of the Belongil Swamp Drainage Union


At least three directors will be required for the Board to operate. As a member of the Drainage Union, Council is committed to the process and is in the position to facilitate re-establishing and administrating the Belongil Swamp Drainage Union board.


Alternatively, the landowners may vote to present a petition to the Governor for the dissolution of the union if the members are unable to elect directors, or do not wish to continue operating as a union.





Yours sincerely




Peter Rees

Manager Utilities