Cover page Agenda and Min Extraordinary infocouncil


































Extraordinary Meeting


 Thursday, 29 September 2016


held at Council Chambers, Station Street, Mullumbimby

commencing at 9.00am





Public Access relating to items on this Agenda can be made between 9.00am and 10.30am on the day of the Meeting.  Requests for public access should be made to the General Manager or Mayor no later than 12.00 midday on the day prior to the Meeting.




Ken Gainger

General Manager



What is a “Conflict of Interests” - A conflict of interests can be of two types:

Pecuniary - an interest that a person has in a matter because of a reasonable likelihood or expectation of appreciable financial gain or loss to the person or another person with whom the person is associated.

Non-pecuniary – a private or personal interest that a Council official has that does not amount to a pecuniary interest as defined in the Local Government Act (eg. A friendship, membership of an association, society or trade union or involvement or interest in an activity and may include an interest of a financial nature).

Remoteness – a person does not have a pecuniary interest in a matter if the interest is so remote or insignificant that it could not reasonably be regarded as likely to influence any decision the person might make in relation to a matter or if the interest is of a kind specified in Section 448 of the Local Government Act.

Who has a Pecuniary Interest? - a person has a pecuniary interest in a matter if the pecuniary interest is the interest of the person, or another person with whom the person is associated (see below).

Relatives, Partners - a person is taken to have a pecuniary interest in a matter if:

§  The person’s spouse or de facto partner or a relative of the person has a pecuniary interest in the matter, or

§  The person, or a nominee, partners or employer of the person, is a member of a company or other body that has a pecuniary interest in the matter.

N.B. “Relative”, in relation to a person means any of the following:

(a)   the parent, grandparent, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, lineal descends or adopted child of the person or of the person’s spouse;

(b)   the spouse or de facto partners of the person or of a person referred to in paragraph (a)

No Interest in the Matter - however, a person is not taken to have a pecuniary interest in a matter:

§  If the person is unaware of the relevant pecuniary interest of the spouse, de facto partner, relative or company or other body, or

§  Just because the person is a member of, or is employed by, the Council.

§  Just because the person is a member of, or a delegate of the Council to, a company or other body that has a pecuniary interest in the matter provided that the person has no beneficial interest in any shares of the company or body.

Disclosure and participation in meetings

§  A Councillor or a member of a Council Committee who has a pecuniary interest in any matter with which the Council is concerned and who is present at a meeting of the Council or Committee at which the matter is being considered must disclose the nature of the interest to the meeting as soon as practicable.

§  The Councillor or member must not be present at, or in sight of, the meeting of the Council or Committee:

(a)   at any time during which the matter is being considered or discussed by the Council or Committee, or

(b)   at any time during which the Council or Committee is voting on any question in relation to  the matter.

No Knowledge - a person does not breach this Clause if the person did not know and could not reasonably be expected to have known that the matter under consideration at the meeting was a matter in which he or she had a pecuniary interest.

Participation in Meetings Despite Pecuniary Interest (S 452 Act)

A Councillor is not prevented from taking part in the consideration or discussion of, or from voting on, any of the matters/questions detailed in Section 452 of the Local Government Act.

Non-pecuniary Interests - Must be disclosed in meetings.

There are a broad range of options available for managing conflicts & the option chosen will depend on an assessment of the circumstances of the matter, the nature of the interest and the significance of the issue being dealt with.  Non-pecuniary conflicts of interests must be dealt with in at least one of the following ways:

§  It may be appropriate that no action be taken where the potential for conflict is minimal.  However, Councillors should consider providing an explanation of why they consider a conflict does not exist.

§  Limit involvement if practical (eg. Participate in discussion but not in decision making or vice-versa).  Care needs to be taken when exercising this option.

§  Remove the source of the conflict (eg. Relinquishing or divesting the personal interest that creates the conflict)

§  Have no involvement by absenting yourself from and not taking part in any debate or voting on the issue as if the provisions in S451 of the Local Government Act apply (particularly if you have a significant non-pecuniary interest)


Clause 375A of the Local Government Act 1993 – Recording of voting on planning matters

(1)   In this section, planning decision means a decision made in the exercise of a function of a council under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979:

(a)   including a decision relating to a development application, an environmental planning instrument, a development control plan or a development contribution plan under that Act, but

(b)   not including the making of an order under Division 2A of Part 6 of that Act.

(2)   The general manager is required to keep a register containing, for each planning decision made at a meeting of the council or a council committee, the names of the councillors who supported the decision and the names of any councillors who opposed (or are taken to have opposed) the decision.

(3)   For the purpose of maintaining the register, a division is required to be called whenever a motion for a planning decision is put at a meeting of the council or a council committee.

(4)   Each decision recorded in the register is to be described in the register or identified in a manner that enables the description to be obtained from another publicly available document, and is to include the information required by the regulations.

(5)   This section extends to a meeting that is closed to the public.



Extraordinary Meeting



BUSINESS OF Extraordinary Meeting


1.    Public Access

2.    Apologies

3.    Declarations of Interest – Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary

4.    Staff Reports

Corporate and Community Services

4.1       Election of Deputy Mayor 2016-2017............................................................................... 4

4.2       Local Government NSW Annual Conference 2016......................................................... 9

4.3       Determination of Councillor Representatives on Advisory Committees and Panels..... 12

4.4       Determination of Councillor Representatives on Regional Committees........................ 36

4.5       Determination of Councillor Representatives on Section 355 Management Committees and Boards......................................................................................................................................... 51

4.6       Determination of Councillor Representatives on Project Reference Groups................. 63

4.7       Meeting Schedule 2017 - Ordinary Meetings and Strategic Planning Workshops......... 74

4.8       Meeting Schedule 2017 - Advisory Committees and Panels......................................... 78     





Councillors are encouraged to ask questions regarding any item on the business paper to the appropriate Executive Manager prior to the meeting. Any suggested amendments to the recommendations should be provided to the Administration section prior to the meeting to allow the changes to be typed and presented on the overhead projector at the meeting.



Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                            4.1



Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services


Report No. 4.1             Election of Deputy Mayor 2016-2017

Directorate:                 Corporate and Community Services

Report Author:           David  Royston-Jennings, Corporate Governance and Strategic Planning Officer

File No:                        I2016/973

Theme:                         Corporate Management

                                      Councillor Services





In accordance with Section 231 of the Local Government Act 1993:


(1)     The councillors may elect a person from among their number to be the deputy mayor.


(2)     The person may be elected for the mayoral term or a shorter term.


(3)  The deputy mayor may exercise any function of the mayor at the request of the mayor or if the mayor is prevented by illness, absence or otherwise from exercising the function or if there is a casual vacancy in the office of mayor.


(4)  The councillors may elect a person from among their number to act as deputy mayor if the deputy mayor is prevented by illness, absence or otherwise from exercising a function under this section, or if no deputy mayor has been elected.


Normal practice for Byron Shire is to elect their Deputy Mayor for a period of 12 months at the first meeting in September each year.





1.       That Council elect a Deputy Mayor for the period from 29 September 2016 until the first meeting of Council in September 2017.


2.       That the method of election of the Deputy Mayor be by way of ordinary ballot.





1        Nomination form for the position of Deputy Mayor Extraordinary Meeting 29 September 2016, E2016/80268 , page 8  






In accordance with Section 231 of the Local Government Act 1993, a council may elect a Deputy Mayor to assist the Mayor in the performance of their duties.


Section 231 (3) states that:


(3)  The deputy mayor may exercise any function of the mayor at the request of the mayor or if the mayor is prevented by illness, absence or otherwise from exercising the function or if there is a casual vacancy in the office of mayor.


Term of the Deputy Mayor


Section 231 (2) of the Local Government Act states:  “The person may be elected for the mayoral term or a shorter term” such as:


1.       For a period of 12 months

2.       For the period of the Mayoral Term

3.       For another period determined by Council


Returning Officer


Schedule 7(1) of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 states that the “General Manager (or a person appointed by the General Manager) is the Returning Officer.




Schedule 7(2) of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 states that:


(1)     A councillor may be nominated without notice for election as mayor or deputy mayor.


(2)     The nomination is to be made in writing by 2 or more councillors (one of whom may be the nominee).  The nomination is not valid unless the nominee has indicated consent to the nomination in writing.


(3)     The nomination is to be delivered or sent to the returning officer.


(4)     The returning officer is to announce the names of the nominees at the council meeting at which the election is to be held.


Nomination forms have been provided as an attachment to this business paper.  Any completed nomination forms should be handed to the General Manager prior to the commencement of the Council meeting.




Schedule 7(3) of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 states:


(1)     If only one councillor is nominated, that councillor is elected.


(2)     If more than one councillor is nominated, the council is to resolve whether the election is to proceed by preferential ballot, by ordinary ballot; or by open voting.


(4)     The election is to be held at the Council meeting at which the Council resolves the method of voting.


(4)     In this clause:


ballot” has its normal meaning of secret ballot;


open voting” means voting by a show of hands or similar means.


Traditionally this Council has determined that the election for Deputy Mayor should be by ordinary ballot.  The following additional information is provided in respect to an election by preferential ballot and by ordinary ballot.


Preferential ballot – as per its normal interpretation, the ballot papers are to contain the names of all candidates and Councillors mark their votes 1, 2, 3 and so on against the various names, so as to indicate their order of preference for all of the candidates.


Ordinary ballot – this is the usual method adopted in New South Wales.  Ballots are secret with only one candidate’s name written on a ballot paper.


Where there are two candidates, the person with the most votes is elected.  If the ballots for the two candidates are tied, the one to be elected is to be chosen by lots, with the first name out being declared elected.


Where there are three or more candidates, the person with the lowest number of votes is eliminated and the process started again until there are only two candidates.  The determination of the election would then proceed as if the two were the only candidates.  In the case of three or more candidates where a tie occurs, the one to be excluded will be chosen by lot.


Choosing by Lot – to choose a candidate by lot, the names of the candidates who have equal numbers of votes are written on similar slips of paper by the returning officer, the slips are folded by the returning officer so as to prevent the names being seen, the slips are mixed and one is drawn at random by the returning officer and the candidate whose name is on the drawn slip is chosen, on the basis detailed above.


Financial Implications


On 12 June 2014, Council resolved (14-304) in part 3:  "That Council in accordance with its current practice not determine a fee payable to the Deputy Mayor."


 Section 249(5) of the Local Government Act 1993 states:


(5)   A council may pay the deputy mayor (if there is one) a fee determined by the council for such time as the deputy mayor acts in the office of the mayor.  The amount of the fee so paid must be deducted from the mayor’s annual fee.


Therefore the Deputy Mayor when acting in the role of Mayor, in instances where the Mayor has leave of absence endorsed by Council, would be paid a fee calculated on a pro-rata basis of the annual Mayoral allowance, which would be deducted from the amount of the monthly Mayoral allowance paid to the Mayor, in accordance with Section 249 of the Local Government Act 1993.


Statutory and Policy Compliance Implications


The Deputy Mayor will undertake the Mayor’s role at the request of the Mayor and in situations where the Mayor is prevented by illness, absence or other reasons from exercising the functions of the position.  The role of the Mayor is defined by Section 226 of the Local Government Act 1993. 

Section 226 states that:


The role of the mayor is:


•      to exercise, in cases of necessity, the policy-making functions of the governing body of the council between meetings of the council


•      to exercise such other functions of the council as the council determines


•      to preside at meetings of the council


•      to carry out the civic and ceremonial functions of the mayoral office.


Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                 4.1 - Attachment 1


Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                            4.2



Report No. 4.2             Local Government NSW Annual Conference 2016

Directorate:                 Corporate and Community Services

Report Author:           David  Royston-Jennings, Corporate Governance and Strategic Planning Officer

File No:                        I2016/979

Theme:                         Corporate Management

                                      Councillor Services





In accordance with Council’s Policy 14/010 Mayor and Councillors Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities, clause 8.4.1:  “A resolution of Council is required to authorise attendance of Councillors at Local Government and Shires Association Conference(s) as a voting delegate.”


The Local Government NSW Annual Conference 2016 will be held from 16 to 18 October 2016 at WIN Entertainment Centre, Wollongong, NSW.


Council at its Ordinary Meeting on 4 August 2016 resolved as follows:


16-433 That Council:


1.       Authorise three Councillors to attend the Local Government Association of NSW Annual Conference 2016 to be held at the WIN Entertainment Centre, Wollongong, NSW from 16 to 18 October 2016.


2.       Determine the three Councillors to attend the Local Government Association of NSW Annual Conference 2016 at its Ordinary Meeting on 29 September 2016.


This report has been prepared in accordance with Resolution 16-433 to enable Council to determine the three Councillor delegates.






That Council authorise the following Councillors to attend the Local Government NSW Annual Conference 2016 to be held at WIN Entertainment Centre, Wollongong, NSW from 16 to 18 October 2016:


·        Cr (A) _______________, Cr (B) _______________ and Cr (C) _______________ to attend as the voting delegates.








The Local Government NSW Annual Conference 2016 will be held at the WIN Entertainment Centre, Wollongong, NSW, from 16 - 18 October 2016.


In accordance with Council’s Policy 14/010 Mayor and Councillors Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities, clause 8.4.1(a) states:  “A resolution of Council is required to authorise attendance of Councillors at (a) Local Government and Shires Association Conference(s) as a voting delegate.”


Council is entitled to three voting delegates in the debating session (this number of delegates is determined by population) and this report is provided in order to determine which three Councillors will attend. 


Council at its Ordinary Meeting on 4 August 2016 resolved as follows:


16-433 That Council:


1.       Authorise three Councillors to attend the Local Government Association of NSW Annual Conference 2016 to be held at the WIN Entertainment Centre, Wollongong, NSW from 16 to 18 October 2016.


2.       Determine the three Councillors to attend the Local Government Association of NSW Annual Conference 2016 at its Ordinary Meeting on 29 September 2016.


This report has been prepared in accordance with Resolution 16-433 to enable Council to determine the three Councillor delegates.


At the last Ordinary Meeting of the previous Council held on 25 August, it was resolved that the following two motions be submitted to Local Government NSW. 


16-479 That the following motions be submitted to the Local Government NSW Conference 2016:

Motion 1:

That Local Government NSW maintain a list of authorised deposit taking institutions that are committed to Environmentally and Socially Responsible lending and investing.


Motion 2: 

That LGNSW requests the NSW State Government to consider the inclusion of a 30% affordable housing provision into NSW planning instruments.


The original due date for submission of Motions to the Annual Conference was 22 August, with an extension granted to 18 September 2016, due to the timing of the Local Government Elections. The closing date for the submission of motions has now past and it is no longer possible to present any further motions.


Additional information and any updates regarding the Conference can be found on the Local Government NSW website at the address below.


Financial Implications


Council has an allocation for Conferences (2145.004) of $19,300 within the 2016/17 budget. There has been no expenditure so far from this budget item and therefore Council is able to fund the cost of three delegates from this budget.


Where:                     WIN Entertainment Centre, Wollongong, NSW


Dates:                       Sunday 16 October - Tuesday 18 October 2016

Costs per person:   Registration Fee (early bird due 31 August)   $900.00

                                 Flights (approx)                                               $300.00

                                 Conference Functions  (approx)                     $300.00

Accommodation  (approx)                              $800.00


Total                                                            $2,300.00


Statutory and Policy Compliance Implications


In accordance with Council’s Policy 14/10 Mayor and Councillors Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities “A resolution of Council is required to authorise attendance of Councillors at Local Government and Shires Association Conference(s) as a voting delegate.”


Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                            4.3



Report No. 4.3             Determination of Councillor Representatives on Advisory Committees and Panels

Directorate:                 Corporate and Community Services

Report Author:           Mila Jones, Corporate Governance Coordinator

File No:                        I2016/925

Theme:                         Corporate Management

                                      Governance Services





This report has been prepared to provide Council with a recommended structure for Advisory Committees and Panels. The recommended structure has been developed following a review during the term of the 2012-16 Council of the Committee structure and operations.


The report also enables the appointment of the Councillor members to the listed Advisory Committee and Panel should Council agree to the recommended structure.


Should this be the cases then the report recommends that all current external members be retained until Council appoints new members following an expression of interest process.


For the noting of Councillors this report also provides an overview of the Byron Shire Reserve Trust Committee which is a Special Purpose Committee and membership includes all Councillors.


Each Committee and Panel is summarised in this report.





1.       Advisory Committees:


a)      That Council:


i)     Note the following Advisory Committees will be continuing in their current structure and appoint its Councillor representatives:


·     Finance Advisory Committee – 6 Councillors

·     Internal Audit Advisory Committee – 3 Councillors

·     Water, Waste and Sewer Advisory Committee – 3 Councillors

·     Arakwal MoU Advisory Committee – 2 Councillors


ii)    Advise the committee/panel members of the continuation of their committee/panel, officially thanked for their contribution to date and be asked if they wish to continue their representation until Council appoints new members following an expression of interest process.


b)      That Council:


i)     Note the revised structure and objectives of the following Advisory Committees and appoint its Councillor representatives:


·     Transport and Infrastructure Advisory Committee (merges the two separate committees) – 3 Councillors

·     Byron Shire Floodplain Risk Management Committee (merges the Belongil and the North Byron Floodplain Committees) – 3 Councillors


ii)    Advise the committee members of the revision of their committee, officially thank them for their contribution to date and ask if they wish to continue their representation on the revised committees until Council appoints new members following an expression of interest process.


2.       Panels:


a)      That Council:


i)     Note that the following Panel (formerly Public Art Assessment Panel) will be continuing in its current structure with new objectives (as shown in the report) and appoint its Councillor representatives.


·     Public Art Panel - 2 Councillors


ii)    Note the following Advisory Committees have been changed to Panels (with updated objectives) and appoint its Councillor representatives:


·     Coastal Estuary Catchment Panel (previously named Belongil Catchment) – 3 Councillors

·     Biodiversity and Sustainability Panel – 3 Councillors

·     Communications Panel – 3 Councillors

·     Heritage Panel – 3 Councillors

·     Sustainable Economy Panel – 3 Councillors


ii)    Advise the committee members of the continuation of the Public Art and Assessment Panel and the change from Advisory Committees to Panels, officially thank them for their contribution to date and ask if they wish to continue their representation on the Panel until Council appoints new members following an expression of interest process.




1        Advisory Committee constitution template, E2016/3464 , page 22  

2        Panel Constitution Template, E2016/74311 , page 29  






This report has been prepared to advise Council of the structure for Advisory Committees and Panels.  The report enables the appointment of the Councillor representatives and it recommends that all current external members be retained until Council appoints new members following an expression of interest process. 


The term of office for all Committees and Panels are the same term of the current Council and in some instances Committees are required to remain in their current structure as they have an ongoing agenda.


In accordance with Clause 230 of the Local Government Act the existing Mayor remains in office until the appointment of the newly elected Mayor.  If a Committee or Panel is required to meet during the period from 10 September to the appointment of the new Councillor representation, the existing or new Mayor will be invited to all meetings being held during that period.


In 2016, Council’s senior staff and Councillors reviewed the structure of Council’s Advisory Committees and Panels to determine the ongoing need and structure of each.  The outcomes of the review are listed here:


1.       The following Advisory Committees and Panels to remain unchanged:

·        Finance Advisory Committee

·        Internal Audit Advisory Committee

·        Water, Waste and Sewer Advisory Committee

·        Arakwal MoU Advisory Committee

·        Public Art and Assessment Panel


2.       The Community Infrastructure Advisory Committee and the Transport Advisory Committee be merged to form the Transport and Infrastructure Advisory Committee.


3.       The Belongil Creek Floodplain Risk Management Committee and the North Byron Coastal Creeks Floodplain Risk Management Committee be merged to form the new Byron Shire Floodplain Risk Management Committee.


4.       The following Advisory Committees to be changed to form Panels:

·        Coastal Estuary Catchment (previously named Belongil Catchment)

·        Biodiversity and Sustainability

·        Communications

·        Heritage

·        Sustainable Economy


5.       The Public Art Assessment Panel’s name is to change to the Public Art Panel.


The following tables provide a summary of each Advisory Committee and Panel.


Advisory Committee: The membership of an Advisory Committee may consist only of Councillors, or Councillors and appointed members. The committee have the role of making recommendations to Council on specific matters following the consideration of a staff report at a meeting of the Advisory Committee.


The recommendations of the Advisory Committee are made to Council through the Minutes of the Advisory Committee meeting and considered at an Ordinary Meeting. The specific matters and areas of expertise for each Advisory Committee are determined by Council in the establishment of the Advisory Committee and in the adopted Constitution for the Advisory Committee.


An Advisory Committee is established for the term of Council.


Advisory Committee

Responsible Directorate

Cr reps


Number of representatives

Arakwal Memorandum of Understanding Advisory Committee

Corporate and Community Services

Crs Richardson,

The purpose of the Arakwal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Advisory Committee is:

To meet as required to develop a Memorandum of Understanding between the Byron Shire Council and the Bundjalung of Byron Bay (Arakwal) people and deliver and review identified actions, governance, processes and projects.

The Council acknowledges that Aboriginal people are the original inhabitants of the Byron Shire area and that according to their continuing law, traditions and customs it remains their traditional country. The Council also acknowledges and respects the Corporation’s right to speak for its country in accordance with its laws, traditions and customs.

The parties commit themselves to seek together ways in which Aboriginal interests can be advanced where decisions are to be made about their traditional country.

The parties commit themselves to work together to ensure that this is done in a way that advances the interests of the whole community and promotes harmonious community interests.

This committee meets to fulfil Council’s legal obligations under the Native Title Act and facilitate an avenue for the traditional owners as recognised under the Native Title Act (1993) the Bundjalung of Byron Bay, Arakwal People, to participate in governance on matters relating to their ancestral homelands.

2 Councillors


3 Invited Representatives

Byron Shire Floodplain Risk Management Committee

Infrastructure Services

Crs Richardson,
Dey (Belongil Creek)

Crs Richardson,
Dey (North Byron)

The purpose of the Byron Shire Floodplain Risk Management Committee is to oversee and advise Council on the preparation, implementation and review of Flood Studies and Floodplain Risk Management Studies as required.

3 Councillors


3 Invited members


2 Community members


Transport and Infrastructure Advisory Committee

Infrastructure Services

Crs Dey,
Cameron (Community Infrastructure)

Crs Richardson,
Cameron (Transport)

The purpose of the Transport and Infrastructure Advisory Committee is to:

1.    develop and review policies and priorities for addressing the management of civil infrastructure to meet the needs and aspirations of the Shire's population in a sustainable way

2.    review Council’s Asset Management Plan and 10 year works program

3.    review the level of service to be provided by the Council in the maintenance and renewal of assets within the available budget and resources

4.    advise on the implementation of the 2009 adopted Transport Policy (#861019) and in particular its implication on other Council policy, practice, process, operations and decision-making.

5.    advise in development of a Transport Strategy and an Integrated Regional Transport Plan

6.    advise on opportunities or concerns regarding transport services and infrastructure to Council as required, including but not limited to, funding opportunities, government policy, practice or guidelines, safety, accessibility, mobility and other such relevant transport issues.

3 Councillors


3 Community representatives



Finance Advisory Committee

Corporate and Community Services

Crs Cameron,

The purpose of the Finance Committee is to:

a)   assist in the development of draft budgets

b)   assist in the format of the annual report, and

c)   consider other financial information and matters as they arise

6 Councillors

Internal Audit Committee

General Manager

Crs Cameron,

The Internal Audit Committee’s primary function is to assist Council to ensure that:

1.   Business systems and procedures have been established by the Executive Team and are effective

2.   Appropriate risks and exposures are effectively managed

3.   A culture of adherence to Council policies and procedures is promoted

4.   Statutory compliance is promoted and monitored

5.   The audit processes (both internal and external) are effective, and

6.   The external reporting is objective and credible.

3 Councillors


3 Relevantly qualified external representatives


Water, Waste and Sewer Advisory Committee
(Commenced 30/9/10)

Infrastructure Services

Crs Richardson,

The purpose of the Water, Waste and Sewer Advisory Committee is:

1.    Develop policies for addressing the water cycle and waste cycle management needs and aspirations of the shire’s population in an ecologically sustainable way.

2.    Develop strategies for natural resource management/ demand management for water, sewer and waste management within the shire.

3.    Recommend on strategies and plans that address water and waste management issues in a regional/ broader context.

3 Councillors


4 Community members


Panels: This is a group consisting of Councillors and specialist key stakeholders, with a particular interest in or expertise in the subject of the panel, which will assist Council in decision making relating to a particular matter. Panels do not have any executive power or authority to implement actions and all recommendations from these panels are reported to Council via a staff report for decision.


Panels are usually appointed for a 4 year term in line with Council elections unless otherwise resolved by Council.



Responsible Directorate

Cr reps


Number of representatives

Biodiversity and Sustainability Panel

Sustainable Environment and Economy

Crs Richardson,

The purpose of the Biodiversity and Sustainability  Panel is:


a) To assist Council in the implementation and review of relevant biodiversity and sustainability strategies such as: Low Carbon Strategy and Biodiversity Conservation Strategy 


b)To identify and report opportunities or concerns regarding biodiversity and sustainability issues to Council including, but not limited too, funding opportunities, special events, government policy, practice or guidelines


c) In accordance with the Environment Levy Implementation Policy (E2015/31373):


• advise Council on matters to be considered for funding from the Environmental Levy each year,

• quarterly, review the projects funded by the Environmental Levy, following advice provided by Council Staff, and

•advise Council on both allocation and expenditure of funds consistent with environmental levy Terms of Reference i.e. by reviewing a draft budget each year and providing advice on priorities for expenditure and monitoring environmental outcomes of levy projects.


3 Councillors


7 Community Representatives

Coastal Estuary Catchment Panel

Infrastructure Services

Crs Richardson,

The purpose of the Coastal estuary Catchment Panel is to advise Council on priorities and integration of the various Plans and Strategies impacting on the Coastal Estuary Catchments.


3 Councillors


6 Community Representatives

Communications Panel

General Manager

Crs Richardson,

The Committee is to facilitate strategic policy development on a range of communication issues

concerning Byron Shire Council and to make recommendations to Council accordingly.

The Committee will make recommendations to Council inclusive of the following objectives:

a) To communicate, educate and engage the community with an integrated and consistent approach.

b) To improve the access to information that clarifies Council’s policies, values and objectives to all stakeholders.

c) To investigate new and emerging technologies to enhance effective communication between Council and community.

The Committee does not have the power to direct staff but will make recommendations to


3 Councillors

Heritage Panel

Sustainable Environment and Economy

Crs Richardson,

The purpose of the Heritage Panel is to provide support and advice to Council to assist its operations on heritage matters.

Actions of the Panel that can assist to achieve this include:

•   Assisting Council in the development of policies and strategies including the preparation of a Heritage Strategy and the management of natural and cultural heritage generally in Byron Shire local government area.

•   Advising Council staff, the Heritage Adviser and the Council on matters relating to the ongoing implementation of the Heritage Strategy (once completed).

•   Assisting Council to procure and allocate funding assistance and to recommend projects for which funding should be sought in line with the Heritage Strategy (once completed).

•   Providing access to the general community to distribute information and for public input into heritage management, eg, to nominate additional properties for assessment of heritage significance.

•   Advising Council on a range of heritage-related matters which are of interest to the community, in particular, by providing expertise, local knowledge and guidance on heritage matters and in relation to heritage assessments.

3 Councillors


4 Invited representatives


3 Community representatives

Public Art Panel


(formerly Public Art Assessment Panel)

Corporate and Community Services

Crs Richardson,

The purpose of the Public Art Panel is:

a)       Advise Council on Public Art trends and issues and manage expectations of the Byron Shire community.

b)       Assist Council in meeting the objectives of the Public Art Policy.

c)       Devise a strategic Public Art Statement, which sets out a proactive approach to public art in the Byron Shire.

d)       Assess public art donation and loan proposals against the Public Art Guidelines and Criteria and provide recommendations to Council.

e)       Provide advice, if required, pertaining to Public Art in private developments as per the Development Control Plan for Public Art and the Public Art Strategy.

2 Councillors


3 community representatives with experience and/or expertise from the above


A representative from Arts Northern Rivers


A representative from Bundjalung of Byron Bay (Arakwal) Corporation


Sustainable Economy Panel

Sustainable Environment and Economy

Crs Richardson,

The objective of the Panel is to


The objective of the Panel is to work with Council and the Economic Development & Tourism unit of Council to generate and sustain employment and business investment in the Byron Shire that will strengthen the Byron Shire local economy in a sustainable manner.  The framework for meetings and actions is guided by the following key areas as agreed by the current Panel members:



1.       Emerging industries

2.       Public Private Partnerships

3.       Enabling infrastructure

4.       Planning and Design


3 Councillors


3 community members


1 member environmental organisation /sig


1 representative from the Bundjalung of Byron Bay Aboriginal Corporation (Arakwal)


5 members of industry


Special Purpose Committees - As stated in Council’s Code of meeting Practice Policy, Special Purpose Committees have been established and are comprised of all Councillors. Further information on the Special Purpose Committees are stated in the Code of Meeting Practice Policy, which can be found at


Special Purpose Committee

Information and Terms of Reference

Meetings Held

Byron Shire Reserve Trust Committee


This committee has delegated authority to determine all matters relating to the Council management of Crown Reserves, where Council is the Reserve Trust Manager, and the Council owned and controlled caravan parks, other than those items a council cannot delegate as listed in section 377(1) of the Local Government Act.

The Committee will be comprised of all Councillors.

The Chairperson is provided with a casting vote.

The Committee can determine rescission motions where the resolution being rescinded arose from a Byron Shire Reserve Trust Committee Meeting.

This committee will meet as required.


Financial Implications


The community representatives on most of these Advisory committees are volunteer representatives except for the Internal Audit Committee, whereby Council resolved in 2008 to pay fees for services of the relevantly qualified external members.  A budget has been set aside in the 2016/17 Budget for these services.


In accordance with Council’s Policy Mayor and Councillors Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities Policy, a Councillor may claim reimbursement for travelling costs to attend meetings.


Statutory and Policy Compliance Implications


Each Advisory Committee operates under an adopted Constitution and the Code of Meeting Practice Policy.


Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                 4.3 - Attachment 1











































Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                   4.3 - Attachment 1






Date Adopted by Council


Resolution No.




Review Timeframe


Last Review Date:


Next Scheduled Review Date



Document History

Doc No.

Date Amended

Details Comments eg Resolution No.





Further Document Information and Relationships

Related Legislation

Section 355, Local Government Act (1993)

Related Policies

Code of Conduct 2016
Work Health Safety Policy
Code of Meeting Practice

Related Procedures/ Protocols, Statements, documents




Table of Contents



1.         Preamble. 4

2.         Purpose. 4

3.         Timeframe for Committee. 4

4.         Responsible Directorate. 4

5.         Membership. 4

6.         Induction. 5

7.         Quorum.. 5

8.         Confidentiality. 5

9.         Election of Chairperson. 5

10.      Voting. 5

11.      Majority Decision. 5

12.      Convening Meetings. 5

13.      Agenda Preparation. 6

14.      Conduct of Business. 6

15.      Records of meetings. 6

16.      Absence from Committee Meetings. 6

17.      Project Reference Groups. 6

18.      Section 377 Delegation. 7

19.      Meeting Practice. 7

20.      Miscellaneous. 7


1.  Preamble


The <insert name of committee> Committee is an advisory committee of the Council and does not have executive power or authority to implement actions.


The role of the committee is to report to Council and provide appropriate advice and recommendations on matters relevant to this Constitution.


2.  Purpose

(To be determined by Council)


The purpose of the <insert name of committee> Committee is:








3.  Timeframe for Committee


The lifespan of the <insert name of committee> Committee is:


The Committee will generally be  for the term of Council however, the committee may be issue based and therefore only exist for 1-2 years.


4.  Responsible Directorate


This committee is administered by the <insert directorate name> Directorate.  The Director or their delegate will attend these meetings and minutes will be taken by a member of their staff.


5.  Membership


Council must appoint all advisory committee members. Appointment must take place prior to a member being conferred the responsibilities and rights as set out in this document.


Council may release individual members from the advisory committee at any time by a resolution of council.  Council may also appoint any new members to a committee at any time by a resolution of council.


Membership is to include:


·        Eg 3 Councillors

·        Eg At least 1 relevantly qualified community representative

·        General Manager (or staff member delegate)


Note:  Staff members participating on the committee do not have any voting entitlements.


6.  Induction


All members will be required to participate in an induction process at the establishment of a new committee, and at any time a replacement voting member joins a committee.  The induction will be scheduled prior to the first meeting of the committee and will cover topics such as this Constitution, the Code of Meeting Practice, Conflicts of Interest and Code of Conduct.


Replacement voting members will be inducted by experienced committee members at, or prior to, their first meeting.


7.  Quorum


A quorum is to constitute at least half the number of members, two of which are to be Councillors.  The General Manager or delegate, who must be a member of staff, is to attend the Advisory Committee meeting and is not counted in the quorum for the meeting.


8.  Confidentiality


Members of the committee will, in those circumstances where confidential matters are subject to deliberation, maintain confidentiality.


9.  Election of Chairperson


The position of Chairperson is to be elected from Councillors comprising the committee but only in circumstances where the Mayor elects not to assume the position of Chairperson.


10.   Voting


a)      Each member of the committee (with the exception of staff members) is to have one vote, with the Chairperson to have a casting vote in addition to a deliberative vote.


b)      Members of the committee who are not Councillors may abstain from voting in any circumstances without such abstention being recorded in the negative.


11.   Majority Decision


A majority decision of the committee requires a majority of elected members to be present and voting on any item subject to the requirements of a quorum being met at the meeting.


12.   Convening Meetings


Meetings will be held as required, generally every quarter.  An annual timetable of meetings will be prepared in advance, and adopted by Council every October/November for the following 12 months.


A meeting of the committee may be convened in response to either the direction of the Mayor (or in the Mayor’s absence the Deputy Mayor) in written form to the General Manager; or two Councillors in written form to the General Manager, or by resolution of the Council.


13.   Agenda Preparation


It is the responsibility of the chairperson to prepare the agenda in consultation with the relevant Director, setting out the terms of business to be considered.


The agenda is an organised list of the business, in order, that will be transacted at the meeting.  An agenda for each meeting, containing a brief report on each item, is to be provided to committee members and available on Council’s website at least 7 days prior to the meeting being held.


Each item of business to discuss at the meeting is required to be listed on the agenda and in written form.  Verbal reports at the meeting are not an acceptable practice.


For some matters, it will be necessary to attach other relevant information to the agenda to inform and direct discussion.  Such information is to be circulated with the agenda.


Committee members may request items for inclusion in future agendas, through the Chair.


14.   Conduct of Business


Each item of business is discussed in the order in which it appears on the agenda.  No new matters will be introduced at the meeting.  New items of business may be included in a future agenda as noted in clause 13 above.


15.   Records of meetings


a)      The minutes of meetings are to be circulated to members of the group within 7 days of the meeting so that members can provide feedback through the Chair on the draft unconfirmed minutes.


b)      Minutes of committee meetings will be kept and presented to Council at its next meeting via a report of the committee meeting.


16.   Absence from Committee Meetings


All committee members are required to advise the chair when they are unable to attend committee meetings. The absence of committee members from the meeting is to be recorded in the minutes. A committee member (other than the Mayor) ceases to be a member of a committee if the member:


a)      Has been absent from three consecutive meetings of the committee without having given reasons acceptable to the committee for the member’s absence, or


b)      Has been absent from at least half of the meetings of the committee held during the immediately preceding year without having given to the committee acceptable reasons for the member’s absences.


17.   Project Reference Groups


Project Reference Groups may be established by Council at the recommendation of the committee to address issues clearly identified by the committee.


Project Reference Groups operate in accordance with Council’s adopted Constitution template for Project Reference Groups.


18.   Section 377 Delegation


The committee does not have any delegated functions pursuant to section 377 of the Local Government Act (1993) and does not have the power to direct staff.

19.   Meeting Practice


Meetings are to be conducted in accordance with this Constitution and, where required, reference to Council’s Code of Meeting Practice.


20.   Miscellaneous


a)      Insurance: All group members are covered by the public liability policy of Council. This insurance does not preclude the Advisory Committee from due diligence and all Council policies must be adhered to.


b)      Code of Conduct: All group members to abide by Council’s adopted Code of Conduct at all times.


c)      Pecuniary Interest: Pecuniary Interest may be defined as an interest that a person has in a matter, as a group member or employee of a company or other body, because of a reasonable likelihood or expectation of appreciable financial gain or loss to the person, or another person with whom the person is associated. Such other person includes the spouse or de-facto partner or relative of the group member.


Section 446 of the Local Government Act states that “a member of a council committee, other than a committee that is wholly advisory, must disclose pecuniary interests...”


Even though the Local Government Act provides an exemption to disclose pecuniary interests Council’s preference is for all members to declare pecuniary interests where applicable.


d)      Work Health Safety:  All group members are required to comply with the “Worker Responsibilities” as prescribed in the Work Health Safety Policy.


Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                 4.3 - Attachment 2











































Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                   4.3 - Attachment 2






Date Adopted by Council


Resolution No.




Review Timeframe


Last Review Date:


Next Scheduled Review Date



Document History

Doc No.

Date Amended

Details Comments eg Resolution No.





Further Document Information and Relationships

Related Legislation

Section 355, Local Government Act (1993)

Related Policies

Code of Conduct 2016
Work Health Safety Policy
Code of Meeting Practice

Related Procedures/ Protocols, Statements, documents




Table of Contents


1.     Preamble. 4

2.     Purpose. 4

3.     Timeframe for Panel 4

4.     Responsible Directorate. 4

5.     Membership. 4

6.     Induction. 5

7.     Quorum.. 5

8.     Confidentiality. 5

9.     Election of Chairperson. 5

10.   Voting. 5

11.   Majority Decision. 5

12.   Convening Meetings. 5

13.   Agenda Preparation. 6

14.   Conduct of Business. 6

15.   Records of meetings. 6

16.   Absence from Panel Meetings. 6

17.   Project Reference Groups. 7

18.   Section 377 Delegation. 7

19.   Meeting Practice. 7

20.   Miscellaneous. 7


1.  Preamble


The <insert name of Panel> Panel is a Panel of the Council and does not have executive power or authority to implement actions.


The role of the Panel is to provide appropriate specialist advice and recommendations to Council on matters relevant to this Constitution.


2.  Purpose

(To be determined by Council)


The purpose of the <insert name of Panel> Panel is:








3.  Timeframe for Panel


The lifespan of the <insert name of Panel> Panel is:


The term will generally be for the term of council, however if the Panel is issue based it may only exist for 1-2 years.



4.  Responsible Directorate


This Panel is administered by the <insert directorate name> Directorate.  The Director or their delegate will attend these meetings and minutes will be taken by a member of their staff.


5.  Membership


Council must appoint all Panel members. Appointment must take place prior to a member being conferred the responsibilities and rights as set out in this document.


Council may release individual members from the Panel at any time by a resolution of council.  Council may also appoint any new members to a Panel at any time by a resolution of council.


Membership is to include:


·        Eg 3 Councillors

·        Eg At least 1 relevantly qualified community representative

·        General Manager (or staff member delegate)


Note:  Staff members participating on the Panel do not have any voting entitlements.


6.  Induction


All members will be required to participate in an induction process at the establishment of a new Panel, and at any time a replacement voting member joins a Panel.  The induction will be scheduled prior to the first meeting of the Panel and will cover topics such as this Constitution, the Code of Meeting Practice, Conflicts of Interest and Code of Conduct.


Replacement voting members will be inducted by experienced Panel members at, or prior to, their first meeting.


7.  Quorum


A quorum is to constitute at least half the number of members, two of which are to be Councillors.  The General Manager or delegate, who must be a member of staff, is to attend the Panel meeting and is not counted in the quorum for the meeting.


8.  Confidentiality


Members of the Panel will, in those circumstances where confidential matters are subject to deliberation, maintain confidentiality.


9.  Election of Chairperson


The position of Chairperson is to be elected from Councillors comprising the Panel but only in circumstances where the Mayor elects not to assume the position of Chairperson.


10.   Voting


a)      Each member of the Panel (with the exception of staff members) is to have one vote, with the Chairperson to have a casting vote in addition to a deliberative vote.


b)      Members of the Panel who are not Councillors may abstain from voting in any circumstances without such abstention being recorded in the negative.


11.   Majority Decision


A majority decision of the Panel requires a majority of elected members to be present and voting on any item subject to the requirements of a quorum being met at the meeting.


12.   Convening Meetings


Meetings will be held as required, generally every quarter.  An annual timetable of meetings will be prepared in advance, and adopted by Council every October/November for the following 12 months.


A meeting of the Panel may be convened in response to either the direction of the Mayor (or in the Mayor’s absence the Deputy Mayor) in written form to the General Manager; or two Councillors in written form to the General Manager, or by resolution of the Council.


13.   Agenda Preparation


It is the responsibility of the chairperson to prepare the agenda in consultation with the relevant Director, setting out the terms of business to be considered.


The agenda is an organised list of the business, in order, that will be transacted at the meeting.  An agenda for each meeting, containing a brief report on each item, is to be provided to Panel members and available on Council’s website at least 7 days prior to the meeting being held.


Each item of business to discuss at the meeting is required to be listed on the agenda and in written form.  Verbal reports at the meeting are not an acceptable practice.


For some matters, it will be necessary to attach other relevant information to the agenda to inform and direct discussion.  Such information is to be circulated with the agenda.


Panel members may request items for inclusion in future agendas, through the Chair.


14.   Conduct of Business


Each item of business is discussed in the order in which it appears on the agenda.  No new matters will be introduced at the meeting.  New items of business may be included in a future agenda as noted in clause 13 above.


15.   Records of meetings


a)      The minutes of meetings are to be circulated to members of the group within 7 days of the meeting so that members can provide feedback through the Chair on the draft unconfirmed minutes.


b)      Any recommendation of a Panel that requires a resolution of Council will be reported to Council through a staff report to Council from the responsible Directorate for the Panel, and the staff report will include as an attachment, a copy of the minutes of the Panel meeting at which the recommendation was made.


16.   Absence from Panel Meetings


All Panel members are required to advise the chair when they are unable to attend Panel meetings. The absence of Panel members from the meeting is to be recorded in the minutes. A Panel member (other than the Mayor) ceases to be a member of a Panel if the member:


a)      Has been absent from three consecutive meetings of the Panel without having given reasons acceptable to the Panel for the member’s absence, or


b)      Has been absent from at least half of the meetings of the Panel held during the immediately preceding year without having given to the Panel acceptable reasons for the member’s absences.



17.   Section 377 Delegation


The Panel does not have any delegated functions pursuant to section 377 of the Local Government Act (1993) and does not have the power to direct staff.

18.   Meeting Practice


Meetings are to be conducted in accordance with this Constitution and, where required, reference to Council’s Code of Meeting Practice.


19.   Miscellaneous


a)      Insurance: All group members are covered by the public liability policy of Council. This insurance does not preclude the Panel from due diligence and all Council policies must be adhered to.


b)      Code of Conduct: All group members to abide by Council’s adopted Code of Conduct at all times.


c)      Pecuniary Interest: Pecuniary Interest may be defined as an interest that a person has in a matter, as a group member or employee of a company or other body, because of a reasonable likelihood or expectation of appreciable financial gain or loss to the person, or another person with whom the person is associated. Such other person includes the spouse or de-facto partner or relative of the group member.


Section 446 of the Local Government Act states that “a member of a council committee, other than a committee that is wholly advisory, must disclose pecuniary interests...”


Even though the Local Government Act provides an exemption to disclose pecuniary interests Council’s preference is for all members to declare pecuniary interests where applicable.


d)      Work Health Safety:  All group members are required to comply with the “Worker Responsibilities” as prescribed in the Work Health Safety Policy.


Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                            4.4



Report No. 4.4             Determination of Councillor Representatives on Regional Committees

Directorate:                 Corporate and Community Services

Report Author:           David  Royston-Jennings, Corporate Governance and Strategic Planning Officer

Mila Jones, Corporate Governance Coordinator

File No:                        I2016/928

Theme:                         Corporate Management

                                      Governance Services





Council is represented on a number of community groups and industry bodies (Regional Committees). Details of Regional Committees are shown in the body of this report.


Committees can be established in accordance with legislation or Council Resolution and memberships can consist of Councillors, Government Departments, staff representatives and other professional, community or organisation representatives.


After each term of Council it is necessary to re-elect Councillor representatives to the Regional Committees.





1.       a)      That the Local Traffic Committee will continue in its current structure and appoint its one Councillor representative and one delegate.


b)      Advise the community members of the continuation of the Committee, officially thank them for their contribution to date and be asked if they wish to continue their representation until Council appoints new members following an expression of interest process.


2.       That Council confirm the election of Cr Cameron to the Cape Byron Headland Reserve Trust Committee as per resolution 14-423.


3.       That Council confirm the election of Cr Spooner to the Arakwal National Park Management Committee and the Byron Coast Area Management Committee as per resolution 14-423.


4.       That the Mayor and Alternate Delegate, the Deputy Mayor’s, appointment be noted as Council’s representative on the NOROC Board.


5.       That Council determine its representatives on the Joint Regional Planning Panel as Cr __________________, with the alternate delegate being Cr __________________ and the Director Sustainable Environment and Economy.


6.       That Council determine its representatives on the following committees:

a)      Arts Northern Rivers Board of Directors – Cr __________________


b)      Bangalow Pool Trust Joint Working Group – Cr __________________


c)      Byron Bay Community and Culture Centre Management Committee – Cr _______


d)      Byron Bay Liquor Accord – Cr _________ and Cr ___________


e)      Byron Shire Sports Stakeholder Forum – Cr _______, Cr _______, Cr _______ and Cr _______


f)       Chamber of Commerce – Bangalow – Cr _________


g)      Chamber of Commerce – Brunswick Heads – Cr ________


h)      Chamber of Commerce – Byron Bay – Cr ________


i)       Community Safety Precinct Committee – Mayor


j)       Destination Byron – Cr _________


k)      Far North Coast Bush Fire Management Committee – Cr _________


l)       Mullumbimby Showground Trust – Cr _________


m)     North Byron Parklands Regulatory Working Group – Cr _________


n)      Ocean Shores Tidy Towns Committee – Cr ________


o)      Richmond Tweed Regional Library Committee – Cr __________________ and Cr __________________ and alternate delegate Cr __________________


p)      Zone Service Level Agreement Liaison Committee – Cr __________________


7.       That Council determine by Preferential Ballot its two (2) delegates to Rous County           Council.










Council is in regional partnerships with various community groups and industry bodies (Regional Committees) which require Councillor representation.


After each term of Council it is necessary to re-elect Councillor representatives to the Regional Committees. 


Information has been sought from each Regional Committee requiring Councillor representation.  Regional Committees are listed below with brief information on each committee. 


With the exception of Rous County Council (merged entities of Rous Water, Far North Coast County Council and Richmond Valley County Council) nominations for the various regional committees will be made by verbal nomination at the meeting.  You may nominate yourself or another Councillor may nominate you to be a representative on a committee.  If nominated by another Councillor you have the right to decline the nomination.


If there is more than one nomination for a Committee and the Committee only requires one representative, a ballot by Councillors for the representative by show of hands will be taken.


Rous County Council requires that the Councillor representatives are elected by Preferential Ballot. The legislative requirements for the elections are set out in Schedule 9 - Election of members of county councils of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.


The following information is provided on the ballot papers and voting.


Part 2, 7   Ballot-papers and voting


(1)        The ballot-papers are to contain the names of all the candidates. The councillors are to mark their votes by placing the figures 1, 2 and so on against the various names so as to indicate the order of their preference for at least the number of candidates to be elected.


(2)        The formality of a ballot-paper under this Part is to be determined in accordance with clause 345 of this Regulation as if it were a ballot-paper referred to in that clause.


(3)       An informal ballot-paper is to be rejected at the scrutiny of votes.


The following information is provided on nominations.


Part 2, 5   Nomination


(1)       A councillor of the constituent council may be nominated for election as a member of the county council.


(2)       The nomination:

            (a)     may be made without notice by any councillor of the council, and

            (b)     is to be in writing delivered or sent to the returning officer, and

            (c)     is not valid unless the nominee has indicated consent to the nomination in writing.


(3)       The returning officer is to announce the names of the nominees at a council meeting.


A nomination form has been included as Appendix A to this report. The nomination form should be provided to the General Manager as the Returning Officer either prior to or at the start of the meeting to enable the preparation of the ballot papers for the elections to be held as part of the Council’s consideration of this report.


Participation on the Regional Committees other than Rous County Council is on a voluntary basis (other than reimbursement of travel expenses – refer financial implications) and contributes to the core business of Council and/or aligns with objectives of the Community Strategic Plan. The Council however may not wish to nominate a representative if the Regional Committee is seen to be no longer relevant or may want to assess the efficacy and worth of participation on a Committee by nomination, participation and report back to Council via a delegates report.


Arakwal National Park Management Committee


Cr Spooner has been elected as the representative on this Committee until 31 December 2018 as per Council Resolution 14-423. 


2012/16 Councillor representative:      Cr Spooner


The Arakwal National Park Management Committee is established under the Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) between the State Government and the Byron Bay Arakwal People under the Native Title process.  The Minister for the Environment appoints the Committee members.  The ILUA states that the Committee will have one Byron Shire Councillor representative who is for the time being a member of the Byron Shire Council Aboriginal Consultative Committee.


Meetings have been held:


When:                                         Bimonthly, 2nd Friday

Time:                                          12:30pm to 2.00pm

Where:                                        Byron Coast Area office meeting room (Arakwal Depot, Tallow Beach Road, Byron Bay)


Please Note: It is recommended that the Council representative on Arakwal National Park Management Committee and Byron Coast Area Management Committee (listed below) be the same councillor as meetings occur together on the same day generally.


Arts Northern Rivers Board of Directors


2012/16 Councillor representative:      Cr Spooner
                                                              Alternate:  Cr Richardson


Arts Northern Rivers’ mission is to increase support for, participation in, and benefits from arts and cultural development for communities of the Northern Rivers region. 


Council can appoint one representative to the Board and can decide how to select its representative, either through direct appointment or by calling for Expressions of Interest.  The representative may be a Councillor, a staff member or member of the arts community in the Local Government area.  The appointment will be for the term of Council.  Alternate delegates, if appointed, may attend any meeting but may only vote when the nominated delegate is absent.


Meetings have been held:


When:                                         Bimonthly on 2nd Friday

Time:                                          10.00am to 12.30pm (with a morning tea break, lunch is not provided)

Where:                                        Arts Northern Rivers office, Alstonville


Further information can be obtained on its web site at


Bangalow Pool Trust Joint Working Group


2012/16 Councillor representative:      Cr Richardson

                                                              Cr Ibrahim      

The Bangalow Pool Trust was formed in 1995 and has been fundraising and working towards building a Pool in Bangalow.  Council on the 27 June 2006 resolved as follows:


06-410     Resolved:


1.    That Council commits to the construction of a 25m indoor swimming pool on the Bangalow Sports Fields site (lot 2 DP 1014667).


2.    That Council will form a Bangalow Pool Working Group with the Bangalow Pool Trust to progress the project.


Meetings have been held:


When:                                         Bimonthly (no set day)

Time:                                          Commences 5.30pm for approximately 1 hour

Where:                                        A&I Hall Bangalow


Byron Bay Community and Cultural Centre Management Committee


2012/16 Councillor representative:      Cr Ibrahim

                                                              Alternate: Cr Cubis

The management committee sets strategic directions, develops policy and broadly oversees the Centre's operations. Committee members are elected annually by the members of the BBCA.


Meetings are held:


When:                                         Monthly on 3rd Wednesday

Time:                                          Commences 8.00am for approximately 2 hours

Where:                                        Byron Bay Community and Cultural Centre


Further information can be obtained on its web site at


Byron Bay Liquor Accord


2012/16 Councillor representative:      Cr Spooner

                                                              Cr Dey

Under the Liquor Act, Licensees are required to be regulated and have a proactive response in dealing with alcohol-related issues.  The Liquor Accord and Council’s staff have previously recommended it would be beneficial in having a Councillor representative on this committee when dealing with significant events such as Blues Fest, Splendour and New Year’s Eve.


Meetings are held:


When:                                         Monthly, Tuesday or Thursday

Time:                                          10.30am for approximately 2 hours

Where:                                        Byron Bay – venue varies




Byron Coast Area Management Committee


Cr Spooner has been elected as the representative on this Committee until 31 December 2018 as per Council Resolution 14-423. 


2012/16 Councillor representative: Cr Spooner

The Byron Coast Area Management Committee was set up by the then Minister for Climate Change and the Environment as an outcome of Bundjalung of Byron Bay (Arakwal) Indigenous Land Use Agreement Stage 2.


The Committee also includes representatives of the Bundjalung of Byron Bay Aboriginal Corporation (Arakwal), the community and the National Parks and Wildlife Service. 


The Committee may make recommendations to the Director-General concerning the care, control and management of the following parks and reserves in the Byron Coast Area:


·       Arakwal National Park (ILUA Stage 2 additions)

·       Broken Head Nature Reserve

·       Brunswick Heads Nature Reserve (south)

·       Cumbebin Swamp Nature Reserve

·       Hayters Hill Nature Reserve

·       Julian Rocks Nature Reserve

·       Tyagarah Nature Reserve


Meetings have been held:


When:                                         Bimonthly, 2nd Friday

Time:                                          9.30am for approximately 3 hours

Where:                                        Byron Coast Area office meeting room (Arakwal Depot, Tallow Beach Road, Byron Bay)


Please Note: It is recommended that the Council representative on Arakwal National Park Management Committee and Byron Coast Area Management Committee be the same councillor as meetings occur together on the same day generally.


Byron Shire Sports Stakeholder Forums


2012/16 Councillor representative:      Cr Cubis

Cr Richardson



1.    To bring together all of the major sporting groups currently utilising Council’s sports fields and facilities on a regular basis

2.    To provide a means of improving and facilitating closer cooperation and collaboration between sporting codes who are active within the Byron LGA

3.    To improve the level of understanding between the clubs and associations as to the competing demands for limited indoor/outdoor recreation spaces within the Byron LGA

4.    To collect data and information regarding the growth of each of the sporting codes and their likely future development needs

5.    To utilise information regarding the future growth and development needs of the clubs to help inform future Council decision making and forward infrastructure planning

6.    To provide a forum for actively engaging with the principal users of Council sports fields on ground/facility development proposals and any issues arising from the use of Council facilities

7.    To build a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect between clubs/codes and between clubs/codes and the Council

8.    Through closer cooperation facilitate and promote shared ground/facilities development proposals for government funding utilising seed funding/funding from sporting associations/codes and/or the Council


Meetings are held:


When:                                         Twice yearly (January and October)

Time:                                          6pm

Where:                                        Cavanbah Centre


Upcoming meeting dates include unknown.


Cape Byron Headland Trust Management Board


Cr Cameron has been elected as the representative on this Committee until 31 December 2018 as per Council Resolution 14-423. 


2012/16 Councillor representative:      Cr Cameron

The Cape Byron Headland Trust is established under the National Parks and Wildlife Act and has the care, control and management of Cape Byron Headland Reserve.  The Trust Board is appointed by the Minister for the Environment for a set term as determined by the Minister. The appointments are endorsed by the Governor of NSW and published in the Government Gazette. 


Meetings are held:


When:                                         Monthly 2nd Friday of each month

Time:                                          9.30am to 1.00pm

Where:                                        Arakwal Depot, Byron Bay


Chamber of Commerce - Bangalow


2012/16 Councillor representative:      Cr Ibrahim

                                                              Cr Hunter

The aim of the Chamber is to provide a network of support for local businesses and the community.  “We are committed to sustainable growth, renewal and prosperity and believe that we can meet the diverse needs of our community while also respecting our surrounding eco systems.”


The Chamber is involved with major Bangalow events, such as the Billy Cart Derby, The Bangalow Music Festival, the Bangalow Film Fiesta and Christmas Eve Celebrations.


Meetings are held:

When:                                         Bimonthly (upcoming meeting Tues 4 Oct)

Time:                                          6.00pm

Where:                                        Heritage House


Chamber of Commerce – Brunswick Heads


2012/16 Councillor representative:      Cr Woods

“To foster a dynamic local business sector, encouraging sustainable and innovative business development in line with the community’s vision for Brunswick Heads.”


Meetings are held:

When:                                         Monthly on 2nd Tuesday

Time:                                          5.00pm

Where:                                        Brunswick Heads Visitor Centre


Further information can be obtained on its web page at


Chamber of Commerce - Byron Bay


2012/16 Councillor representative:      Cr Richardson

                                                              Cr Cubis

                                                              Cr Wanchap

                                                              Cr Spooner

The Byron Chamber of Commerce’s mission states:


As the Chamber of Commerce in Byron Bay, we dedicated to building a healthy, sustainable, prosperous and vibrant business community catering to all industry sectors. We represent a substantial membership base by acting collaboratively and supporting and protecting our members’ interests.  Our chamber is a professional resource for businesses and strives to strengthen and enhance regional economic growth. 


Meetings are held:


When:                                         Monthly on 2nd Tuesday

Time:                                          Commences 5.30pm for approximately 2 hours

Where:                                        Byron Bay Community and Cultural Centre


Further information can be obtained on its web site at


Community Safety Precinct Committee


2012/16 Councillor representative:      Mayor Simon Richardson

The Community Safety Precinct Committee is a meeting chaired by the Local Area Commander, NSW Police.


The Mayor and General Manager are both invited to allow information dissemination to elected representatives and employees of Council.


Other participants include business representatives, Liquor Accord representatives, members of Parliament, community groups and specific interested groups.


The meetings are held normally three times a year, dependent upon availability of MP's. The venue is currently at Pottsville, enabling both Tweed Heads and Byron Bay participants to travel a shorter distance.


The meeting allows the Police to provide community representatives with information regarding current crime statistics; trends and developing issues. This is part of the 'whole of government' approach to problem solving within the local community.


The purpose of these meetings is to:


·      Ensure Local Area Commanders are communicating to their local communities;

·      Encourage community partnerships to reduce crime and the fear of crime;

·      Develop local solutions to local crime in partnership with local stakeholders;

·      Improve public safety and reduce the fear of crime at a local level;

·      Raise understanding of the relationship between policing and crime reduction; and

·      Ensure Commanders take into account local community views on police visibility, police deployment and crime hotspots when deciding police tasking and deployment.


Meetings are held:


When:                                         Three times a year

Time:                                          During business hours

Where:                                        Pottsville


Destination Byron


2012/16 Councillor representative:      Cr Cameron

                                                              Cr Richardson

Local tourism stakeholders have established the Visitor Information Association Byron (‘VIA Byron’) and requested Council’s participation on an Interim Board.


The Interim Board will establish the roles and responsibilities of various parties involved in tourism in Byron Shire, among other things. VIA Byron has advised that a skills-based board will replace the Interim Board within a year. As the Board only commenced in mid 2012 and the proposed term is for 12 months, it is necessary to re-elect Councillor representatives to the Board.


Meetings are held:


When:                                         Monthly on 2nd Tuesday

Time:                                          4.00pm

Where:                                        Elements of Byron


Far North Coast Bush Fire Management Committee


2012/16 Councillor representative:      Cr Dey

The Bush Fire Management Committee is integral to bush fire management across NSW.  It provides a valuable forum through which bush fire management decisions can be made across the landscape and across all land tenures.  It is essential that they operate effectively to make the best use of member’s time and to achieve the best outcomes for the community. 


Meetings are held:

When:                                         2017 meeting schedule to be confirmed (next meeting Tuesday 8 November 2016)

Time:                                          1.00pm

Where:                                        Regional venues


Joint Regional Planning Panel


2012/16 Councillor representative:      Cr Ibrahim

                                                              Cr Cameron (alternate)

                                                              (Note Shannon Burt, Director SEE, is the second member)

Joint regional planning panels provide independent, merit-based decision making on regionally significant development. Applications for regionally significant development are notified and assessed by a local council professional staff and then determined by the relevant regional panel.


Regional panels may also have a role in planning proposals, where the Minister for Planning has appointed the regional panel to act as the relevant planning authority (RPA) or has requested the regional panel to undertake a pre or post Gateway review.  


More information about planning proposals and the Gateway process can be located at /



“…Council members: Two council members appointed by each council that is situated in a part of the State for which a Regional Panel is established. At least one council member is required to have expertise in one or more of the following areas: planning, architecture, heritage, the environment, urban design, land economics, traffic and transport, law, engineering or tourism. Expertise may be demonstrated by having formal qualifications in the nominated fields, or by having relevant skills, knowledge and practical experience in these areas.


- Selection of council members. It is a matter for each council to identify how the members are selected. In selecting members, however, Councils should have regard to the conflict of duties that would be created for a person nominated to the Regional Panel if they were in any way responsible for or involved in the assessment and recommendation of a matter to be determined by the Regional Panel. When deciding nominees to the Regional Panel, a council is not restricted to people being from the council’s local area. Councils can appoint, terminate, and reappoint, members at anytime, and can determine how long it appoints its members for. Generally councils should consider appointing members for the maximum term of three years provided for under the EP&A Act, to ensure the greatest degree of continuity of expertise for Regional Panels. However councils should also reconsider whether their nominations to Regional Panels are appropriate within 12 months following a council election.


If a council within the area of a Regional Panel fails to nominate one or more council members, a Regional Panel may still exercise its functions in relation to the area of the council concerned…”


The remaining meetings for 2016 are:


When:                                         19-20 October, 23-24 November, 14-15 December

Time:                                          TBA

Where:                                        TBA


Local Traffic Committee


2012/16 Councillor representative:      Cr Dey

                                                              Alternate: Cr Cubis

Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) is the legislated organisation responsible for the control of traffic on all roads in New South Wales. Traffic is controlled by the installation of prescribed traffic control devices, such as regulatory signs or traffic control facilities.


RMS however delegates certain aspects of the control of traffic on Regional and Local Roads to the Councils of Local Government areas while RMS continues to manage State Roads. Traffic committees are a requirement of the delegation process. There are two types of traffic committees, Local and Regional. Further details on each are available from the RMS website:


The Roads and Traffic Authority publication "A guide to the delegation to Councils for the regulation of traffic - including the operation of Traffic Committees" See  provides details of the operations and the membership of the Local Traffic Committees (LTC).


The appointment of 1 Councillor and an alternate delegate is required.


Meetings are held:


When:                                         Bimonthly

Time:                                          Wednesday at 9.00am

Where:                                        Byron Shire Council Conference Room


Mullumbimby Showground Trust


2012/16 Councillor representative:      Cr Woods

Council has had recent correspondence from the Department of Primary Industries (Catchment and Lands) regarding appointment of trust board members and an ex-officio position from Council to form the Mullumbimby Showground Trust.  Crown Lands have been making interim arrangements for the day to day management of the Showground whilst the Trust is in caretaker mode.  The DPI have recommended to the Minister for the appointment of a Trust.  Crown Lands will ensure that the members on the Trust will receive a suitable induction and on-going support.


A Council ex-officio position has been included and they request who the representative will be for the Minister’s approval.


For more information the “Trust handbook” provides guidance to trust board members in performing their duties as members of a Crown reserve trust. Visit


Meetings are held:

When:                                         Monthly on the 2nd Monday (Next meeting 10 October 2016)

Time:                                          6.00pm

Where:                                        Mullumbimby Showground


North Byron Parklands Regulatory Working Group


2012/16 Councillor representative:      Cr Cameron

                                                              Cr Ibrahim

                                                              Cr Woods

The New South Wales Planning Assessment Commission approved a five year trial to 31 December 2017 for the North Byron Parklands festival site at Yelgun. A condition of the consent requires North Byron Parklands to form the North Byron Parklands Regulatory Working Group (RWG) to oversee the environmental performance of events during the trial period.


North Byron Parklands have requested Council to nominate its Council representative/s on the RWG. The representatives can be either Councillors and / or staff. The 2012 invitation was for one (1) Council representative but North Byron Parklands have confirmed that Council can nominate more then one (1) representative which has been the past practice.


Council through a separate process will also seek expressions of interest for the two (2) community members on the Working Group. These representatives will need to be appointed by Council at its 17 November 2016 Ordinary meeting.


Meetings are held:


When:                                         Prior to an event (as necessary)

Time:                                          2.00pm

Where:                                        Ocean Shores Country Club




2012/16 Councillor representative:      Cr Simon Richardson

Council is a member of NOROC (Northern Rivers Regional Organisation of Councils).


The objectives of the Organisation are to:


·      Provide a forum for cooperative action on issues of regional significance and concern to Local Government requiring advocacy and/or political representation;

·      Act as an advocate for the region to the Commonwealth and New South Wales Governments to advance the interests of the region;

·      Seek from governments financial assistance, legislative and/or policy changes and additional resources required by the region.


NOROC’s constitution states that a Member will be represented on the Board of the Association by that Member’s Mayor or Chairperson and General Manager.  An alternate delegate is the Deputy Mayor if the Mayor cannot attend.


The Mayor has voting rights on the Board.


Information on Regional Organisation of Council can be found on the following web site at


Meetings are held:


When:                                         Quarterly 1st Friday (February, May, August and November)

Time:                                          10.00am for approximately 4 hours

Where:                                        Various regional venues


Ocean Shores Tidy Towns Committee


2012/16 Councillor representative:      Cr Woods

To look after the environment and community facilities in Ocean Shores.


Meetings are held:


When:                                         September and March

Time:                                          7.00pm for approximately 2 hours

Where:                                        Ocean Shores Country Club





Richmond-Tweed Regional Library Committee


2012/16 Councillor representatives:     Cr Dey
Cr Hunter

                                                              Alternate: Cr Cameron


The Richmond Tweed Regional Library Committee manages library services for the Ballina, Byron, Tweed and Lismore council areas.


The Committee requests the appointment in addition to the two Councillor representatives and an approved alternate delegate who may attend the quarterly meetings of the committee when the Council’s nominated delegate(s) is/are unavailable.


Meetings are held:


When:                                         Quarterly usually on the 1st or 4th Friday

Time:                                          10.00am for approximately 2 hours

Where:                                        Various regional venues


Further information is available on its web site at



Rous County Council


2012/16 Councillor representative: Rous Water:         Cr Dey

                                                                                                      Cr Woods


                                                              Far North Coast Weeds: Cr Cameron


As of 1 July 2016, Rous Water, Far North Coast Weeds and Richmond River County Council merged to establish Rous County Council. Rous County Council will undertake the roles, functions and responsibilities of the former entities.


Far North Coast County Council and Richmond River County Council have been dissolved. 


Council has been asked to appoint two (2) delegates to the County Council for a four (4) year term.


Councillors receive a fee for service on this County Council with an additional fee being payable to the Chair. These amounts are subject to annual review.


Meetings are held:


When:                                         Monthly on the 3rd Wednesday (no January meeting – meetings commence in February each year)

Time:                                          11am-4pm (some meetings may start earlier with outside inspections)

Where:                                        Rous Water Centre, Level 4, 218-232 Molesworth Street, Lismore


Further information can be obtained on its web site at


A Councillor is to be nominated on the prescribed form at Appendix A to this report.


Details in relation to the election process for the two (2) delegates is provided in the body of this report and in the Statutory and Policy Implications section of this report.



Zone Service Level Agreement Liaison Committee


2012/16 Councillor representative:      Cr Dey

The committee is required under the Rural Fire Zone Service Agreement between Byron Shire, Ballina Shire and the Commissioner of the NSW Rural Fire Service.  The North Coast Rural Fire Zone Service Agreement commenced on the 31 October 2006 and continues for a period of 3 years.  One Councillor from each of the councils is to be appointed along with the General Management or delegate. 


Meetings are held:


When:                                         Twice yearly (January and July)

Time:                                          During business hours

Where:                                        Byron Shire Council offices



Financial Implications


Councillors’ travel to and from Regional Committee meetings is reimbursed by Council and budgeted for in the Councillors Budget. 


Statutory and Policy Compliance Implications


As discussed in the body of this report, the delegates to Rous County Council are to be elected by Preferential Ballot. All other delegates are elected by a process of nomination called for at the meeting by the Mayor, and where there are more nominations received then the number of delegate positions, a ballot by Councillors for the representative by show of hands will be taken.


This is a legislative requirement set out in Schedule 9 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.








(To be delivered to the General Manager prior to the commencement of the Ordinary Council meeting to be held 29 September 2016)


NOMINEE:                _____________________________


NOMINATORS:      1._____________________________



Note: the nomination is to be made by two or more councillors, one of whom may be the nominee.




I hereby consent to this nomination.




Signed: ____________________________       Date__________________



Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                            4.5



Report No. 4.5             Determination of Councillor Representatives on Section 355 Management Committees and Boards

Directorate:                 Corporate and Community Services

Report Author:           Joanne McMurtry, Community Project Officer

File No:                        I2016/926

Theme:                         Society and Culture

                                      Community Development





Section 355 of the Local Government Act 1993 allows Council to delegate certain functions to a Committee.  Council has 13 Section 355 Management Committees or Boards of Management established to manage the operations and maintenance of selected community facilities.


This report aims to appoint Councillor representatives for the term of this Council to each of the Section 355 Committees or Boards established by Council.





1.       That Council confirm the establishment of the following 10 Committees under Section 355(b) of the Local Government Act 1993

i)       Bangalow Parks (Bangalow Showground) Section 355 Management Committee

ii)      Brunswick Heads Memorial Hall Section 355 Management Committee

iii)     Brunswick Valley Community Centre Section 355 Management Committee

iv)     Cook Pioneer Centre Mullumbimby Section 355 Management Committee

v)      Durrumbul Community Hall Section 355 Management Committee

vi)     Heritage House and Tennis Court Bangalow Section 355 Management Committee

vii)    Ocean Shores Community Centre Section 355 Management Committee

viii)   Senior Citizen’s Hall Byron Bay Section 355 Management Committee

ix)     South Golden Beach Community Centre Section 355 Management Committee

x)      Suffolk Park Community Hall Section 355 Management Committee


2.       That Council confirm the establishment of the following 3 Boards of Management under Section 355(b) of the Local Government Act 1993:


i)       Bangalow A&I Hall

ii)      Lone Goat Gallery

iii)     Mullumbimby Civic Memorial Hall


3.       That Council adopt:


a)      the Delegation of Authority under Section 377 of the Local Government Act 1993, as shown in Attachment 1 (#E2016/66109) for each Section 355 Management Committee and Board of Management confirmed in 1 and 2 above;


b)      the Terms of Reference for each Section 355 Management Committee and Board as shown in Attachment 2 (E2016/68163) confirmed in 1 and 2 above.


4.       That Council determine its Councillor Representative/s and if required Alternate Delegate on each of the following Section 355 Management Committees or Boards of Management confirmed in 1 and 2 above.


i)          Bangalow Parks (Bangalow Showground) Section 355 Management Committee – Cr_________________, alternate is Cr _________________.


ii)         Brunswick Heads Memorial Hall Section 355 Management Committee – Cr_________________, alternate is Cr _________________.


iii)        Brunswick Valley Community Centre Section 355 Management Committee – Cr_________________, alternate is Cr _________________.


iv)        Cook Pioneer Centre Mullumbimby Section 355 Management Committee – Cr_________________, alternate is Cr _________________.


v)         Durrumbul Community Hall Section 355 Management Committee – Cr_________________, alternate is Cr _________________.


vi)        Heritage House and Tennis Court Bangalow Section 355 Management Committee – Cr_________________, alternate is Cr _________________.


vii)       Ocean Shores Community Centre Section 355 Management Committee – Cr_________________, alternate is Cr _________________.


viii)      Senior Citizen’s Hall Byron Bay Section 355 Management Committee – Cr_________________, alternate is Cr _________________.


ix)        South Golden Beach Community Centre Section 355 Management Committee – Cr_________________, alternate is Cr _________________.


x)         Suffolk Park Community Hall Section 355 Management Committee – Cr_________________, alternate is Cr _________________.


xi)        Bangalow A&I Hal Board of Management l – Cr_________________, alternate is Cr _________________.


xii)       Lone Goat Gallery Board of Management – Cr_________________, alternate is Cr _________________.


xiii)      Mullumbimby Civic Memorial Hall Board of Management – Cr_________________, alternate is Cr _________________.






1        Section 355 Management Committee Delegation of Authority template, E2016/66109 , page 55  

2        Section 355 Management Committee Terms of Reference 2016, E2016/68163 , page 57  






Section 355 of the Local Government Act 1993 provides that a Council may appoint a committee and delegate under Section 377, authority for the care, control and management of community buildings.  Committees appointed under Section 355 of the Local Government Act are appointed for the full term of the Council.


Council presently has 13 community halls and centres which are located on either Council or Crown Land for which it has established Section 355 Committees or Boards of Management.  There are 10 facilities managed by a Section 355 Management Committee and 3 facilities managed by a Board of Management with a contracted Venue or Gallery Co-ordinator.


The term of office for Section 355 Management Committees and the Boards of Management is the same term as the current Council, with the addition of an extra three months after the General Election of Councillors. All current Section 355 Management Committee members will cease to hold office at the end of December 2016.


To assist with transparency and accountability of the Section 355 Management Committees, each Committee is issued with a Section 377 Delegation of Authority, (refer Attachment 1), which is made by a resolution of Council. The attached Delegation of Authority was adopted by Council by resolution 16-473. Terms of Reference (Attachment 2) for each Committee and the ‘Halls and venues guidelines for Section 355 Management Committees and Boards’ have been developed to guide committee operations.


These documents are also available on Council’s website


Financial Implications


The Section 355 Management Committees are required to provide financial information in accordance with the adopted guidelines for these committees.  Fees for these community facilities are set by Council at the beginning of each financial year.


Community representatives on a Section 355 Management Committee are volunteers and operate under Section 377 Delegations.


Council has previously resolved (14-601) to pay selected committee members an honorarium in recognition of the volume of work associated with office bearer positions and bookings duties.


These honorarium payments are subject to review and approval by Council’s Finance Manager to ensure the revenue generated by the hall or facility is sustainable and covers any such payments.


Statutory and Policy Compliance Implications


Section 377 of the LG Act 1993 allows Council to delegate certain functions to a committee.  Council has established a number of Section 355 committees and Boards of Management to manage its community facilities.


Council is required to appoint the community representatives on each committee at the beginning of its term.


There is no legislative requirement for Councillor Representation on these committees although Council has always in past years appointed councillor representative(s) to assist with any management issues.


Section 355 of the LG Act 1993 states:

“355   How does a council exercise its functions?

A function of a council may, subject to this Chapter, be exercised:

(a)      by the council by means of the councillors or employees, by its agents or contractors, by financial provision, by the provision of goods, equipment, services, amenities or facilities or by any other means, or

(b)     by a committee of the council, or

(c)      partly or jointly by the council and another person or persons, or

(d)      jointly by the council and another council or councils (including by means of a Voluntary Regional Organisation of Councils of which the councils concerned are members), or

(e)      by a delegate of the council (which may, for example, be a Voluntary Regional Organisation of Councils of which the council is a member).”


Delegations to the Committee are made under Section 377 of the LG Act 1993, allowing Council to delegate specific functions of the Council to the Section 355 Committee:


Section 377 of the LG Act 1993 states:


“377   General power of the council to delegate

(1)      A council may, by resolution, delegate to the general manager or any other person or body (not including another employee of the council) any of the functions of the council, other than the following:

(a)      the appointment of a general manager,

(b)      the making of a rate,

(c)      a determination under section 549 as to the levying of a rate,

(d)      the making of a charge,

(e)      the fixing of a fee,

(f)       the borrowing of money,

(g)      the voting of money for expenditure on its works, services or operations,

(h)      the compulsory acquisition, purchase, sale, exchange or surrender of any land or other property (but not including the sale of items of plant or equipment),

(i)       the acceptance of tenders which are required under this Act to be invited by the council,

(j)       the adoption of a management plan under section 406,

(k)      the adoption of a financial statement included in an annual financial report,

(l)       a decision to classify or reclassify public land under Division 1 of Part 2 of Chapter 6,

(m)     the fixing of an amount or rate for the carrying out by the council of work on private land,

(n)      the decision to carry out work on private land for an amount that is less than the amount or rate fixed by the council for the carrying out of any such work,

(o)      the review of a determination made by the council, and not by a delegate of the council, of an application for approval or an application that may be reviewed under section 82A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 ,

(p)      the power of the council to authorise the use of reasonable force for the purpose of gaining entry to premises under section 194,

(q)      a decision under section 356 to contribute money or otherwise grant financial assistance to persons,

(r)       a decision under section 234 to grant leave of absence to the holder of a civic office,

(s)      the making of an application, or the giving of a notice, to the Governor or Minister,

(t)       this power of delegation,

(u)      any function under this or any other Act that is expressly required to be exercised by resolution of the council.

(2)      A council may, by resolution, sub-delegate to the general manager or any other person or body (not including another employee of the council) any function delegated to the council by the Director-General except as provided by the instrument of delegation to the council.”


Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                 4.5 - Attachment 1

Byron Shire Council


Delegation of Authority [Name]
Section 355 Management Committee

In order to provide for the expedient exercise and performance of its functions, Byron Shire Council hereby:


(a)     revokes all previous delegations to the [Name] (Committee);

(b)        delegates to the Committee under Section 377 of the Local Government Act, 1993, the exercise of Council's functions specified in Schedule 1 subject to the limitations specified in Schedule 2.


This delegation shall commence on [insert date] and remain in force until expressly amended or revoked by the Council by further resolution.


SCHEDULE 1 (Functions) 

1.   The responsibility for day-to-day care and management of the Facility so as to:

i)       promote usage of the Facility (as defined herein) to greatest extent possible;

ii)      ensure,  as far as possible, that fees received from usage generates sufficient revenue to meet:

a)   necessary maintenance of the Facility;

b)   the costs of future  enhancement, expansion or upgrade of the Facility as determined by the Council;

iii)      ensure the health and safety of persons using the Facility.

2.   To make recommendations to the Council on rules which should be applicable to the use of the Facility.

3.   The responsibility to ensure that usage of the Facility is in accordance with any Rules adopted by the Council in respect of the Facility (Rules).

4.   To make recommendations to the Council as to the appropriate fees for usage of the Facility and to levy fees for usage of the Facility as are approved by Council.

5.   To expend revenue received from use of the Facility and any other operational funds which may be received, towards day-to-day operational expenses and any minor maintenance referred to in paragraph 6.

To expend revenue from use of the Facility towards such minor maintenance of the Facility as the Committee considers necessary and appropriate to a maximum value of $5000 for each work. 7.         To ensure that such minor maintenance works are carried out by licensed contractors with public liability insurance and workers compensation (if not a sole trader) and further to ensure that contactors can show compliance with WH&S standards and regulations.  All works must comply with the Building Code of Australia and relevant Australian Standards.

8.   To make recommendations to the Council as to any other maintenance of the Facility that the Committee considers necessary and appropriate and to expend revenue towards any such maintenance as approved and directed by the Council.

9.   To make recommendations to the Council as to any enhancement, expansion or upgrade of the Facility that the Committee considers appropriate.

10. To make such other recommendations to the Council in respect of the Facility as the Committee thinks appropriate from time to time.


SCHEDULE 2 (Limitations)

11. The Functions do not include any which are excluded from being delegated to the Committee by s377(1) of the Local Government Act 1993 or any other law as applicable from time to time including, but without limitation:


s377(1)(f) the borrowing of money,

s377(1)(g)       the voting of money for expenditure on Council works, services or operations,

s377(1)(i)           the acceptance of tenders which are required to be invited by the Council.

12. Without limiting the generality of the above, exercise of the Functions is subject to:

i)    the limitations specified in s2.2 of Council’s ‘Section 355 Committee Guidelines’ as amended from time to time;

ii)   decisions of the Committee being made in accordance with the Meeting Procedures specified in s4 of Council’s ‘Section 355 Committee Guidelines’ as amended from time to time and otherwise according to law;

iii)   compliance by the Committee with the accounting requirements specified in s5 of Council’s ‘Section 355 Committee Guidelines’ as amended from time to time; and

iv)  otherwise according to law.

13. The Committee may not direct Council staff.


Note:  Councillors, members of staff and delegates of council must comply with the Council’s adopted code of conduct.

In this delegation:

Facility’ means Name and Address of Facility


Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                          4.5 - Attachment 2





the following lists Council’s facilities and their Terms of Reference being operated by Section 355 Management Committees and Boards.


Note:  This information is subject to change in accordance with Council resolution.


1.   Bangalow A&I Hall Board of Management

Station Street, Bangalow


·      To provide short and long-term strategic marketing direction for the Hall.

·      To maximise income and promote optimum usage of the Hall.

·      To ensure compliance with Council policies and all relevant legislation.

·      To provide recommendations to Council for function improvements and/or upgrades to the Hall.

·      To source and secure grant funding opportunities for Council's consideration.

·      To plan and undertake fund raising activities as required.

·      To develop procedures for equity of access to the Hall for the local community.

·      To ensure that negative impacts on the environment and neighbours are minimised.

·      To strive for a "break-even" or profitable annual financial position (after all operational, short and long-term maintenance, building insurance and paid venue coordinator costs).

·      In consultation with the Venue Coordinator:

care for and maintain the venue;

ensure the safety of the patrons, contractors and volunteers of the Hall;

ensure compliance with Council's adopted fees and charges, Work, Health and Safety and other legislation relevant to the operations of the Venue.


2.   Bangalow Parks (Bangalow Showground)

       Rankin Drive, Bangalow


·      To maximise income and promote optimum usage of the Showground facilities.

·      To care for and maintain the facility, through responsible day to day management.

·      To ensure the safety of the patrons, contractors and volunteers at the Showground.

·      To provide short and long-term strategic marketing direction for the Showground.

·      To ensure compliance with Council policies and all relevant legislation.

·      To ensure compliance with Council's adopted fees and charges, Work, Health and Safety and other legislation relevant to the operations of the facility.

·      To provide recommendations to Council for function improvements and/or upgrades to the facilities.

·      To source and secure grant funding opportunities for Council's consideration.

·      To plan and undertake fund raising activities as required.

·      To develop procedures for equity of access to the facilities for the local community.

·      To ensure that negative impacts on the environment and neighbours are minimised.

·      To strive for a "break-even" or profitable annual financial position (after all operational, short and long-term maintenance, building insurance and other costs).


3.   Brunswick Heads Memorial Hall

Fingal Street, Brunswick Heads

·      To maximise income and promote optimum usage of the Hall.

·      To care for and maintain the facility, through responsible day to day management.

·      To ensure the safety of the patrons, contractors and volunteers at the Hall.

·      To provide short and long-term strategic marketing direction for the Hall.

·      To ensure compliance with Council policies and all relevant legislation.

·      To ensure compliance with Council's adopted fees and charges, Work, Health and Safety and other legislation relevant to the operations of the facility.

·      To provide recommendations to Council for function improvements and/or upgrades to the facilities.

·      To source and secure grant funding opportunities for Council's consideration.

·      To plan and undertake fund raising activities as required.

·      To develop procedures for equity of access to the facilities for the local community.

·      To ensure that negative impacts on the environment and neighbours are minimised.

·      To strive for a "break-even" or profitable annual financial position (after all operational, short and long-term maintenance, building insurance and other costs).


4.   Brunswick Valley Community Centre

      South Beach Road, Brunswick Heads


·      To maximise income and promote optimum usage of the Centre.

·      To care for and maintain the facility, through responsible day to day management.

·      To ensure the safety of the patrons, contractors and volunteers at the Centre.

·      To provide short and long-term strategic marketing direction for the Centre.

·      To ensure compliance with Council policies and all relevant legislation.

·      To ensure compliance with Council's adopted fees and charges, Work, Health and Safety and other legislation relevant to the operations of the facility.

·      To provide recommendations to Council for function improvements and/or upgrades to the facilities.

·      To source and secure grant funding opportunities for Council's consideration.

·      To plan and undertake fund raising activities as required.

·      To develop procedures for equity of access to the facilities for the local community.

·      To ensure that negative impacts on the environment and neighbours are minimised.

·      To strive for a "break-even" or profitable annual financial position (after all operational, short and long-term maintenance, building insurance and other costs).


5.   Byron Bay Senior Citizen’s Hall

Marvel Street, Byron Bay

·      To maximise income and promote optimum usage of the Hall.

·      To care for and maintain the facility, through responsible day to day management.

·      To ensure the safety of the patrons, contractors and volunteers at the Hall.

·      To provide short and long-term strategic marketing direction for the Hall.

·      To ensure compliance with Council policies and all relevant legislation.

·      To ensure compliance with Council's adopted fees and charges, Work, Health and Safety and other legislation relevant to the operations of the facility.

·      To provide recommendations to Council for function improvements and/or upgrades to the facilities.

·      To source and secure grant funding opportunities for Council's consideration.

·      To plan and undertake fund raising activities as required.

·      To develop procedures for equity of access to the facilities for the local community.

·      To ensure that negative impacts on the environment and neighbours are minimised.

·      To strive for a "break-even" or profitable annual financial position (after all operational, short and long-term maintenance, building insurance and other costs).


6.   Lone Goat Gallery Board of Management (old Byron Bay Library Exhibition Space)
Lawson Street, Byron Bay


·      To provide short and long-term strategic marketing direction for the Gallery.

·      To maximise income and promote optimum usage of the Gallery.

·      To ensure compliance with Council policies and all relevant legislation.

·      To provide recommendations to Council for function improvements and/or upgrades to the Gallery.

·      To source and secure grant funding opportunities for Council's consideration.

·      To plan and undertake fund raising activities as required.

·      To develop procedures for equity of access to the Gallery for the local community.

·      To ensure that negative impacts on the environment and neighbours are minimised.

·      To strive for a "break-even" or profitable annual financial position (after all operational, short and long-term maintenance, building insurance and paid gallery coordinator costs).

·      In consultation with the Gallery Coordinator:

care for and maintain the venue;

ensure the safety of the patrons, contractors and volunteers of the Gallery;

ensure compliance with Council's adopted fees and charges, Work, Health and Safety and other legislation relevant to the operations of the Gallery.


7.   Cook Pioneer Centre, Mullumbimby

      32 Gordon Street, Mullumbimby


·      To maximise income and promote optimum usage of the Centre.

·      To care for and maintain the facility, through responsible day to day management.

·      To ensure the safety of the patrons, contractors and volunteers at the Centre.

·      To provide short and long-term strategic marketing direction for the Centre.

·      To ensure compliance with Council policies and all relevant legislation.

·      To ensure compliance with Council's adopted fees and charges, Work, Health and Safety and other legislation relevant to the operations of the facility.

·      To provide recommendations to Council for function improvements and/or upgrades to the facilities.

·      To source and secure grant funding opportunities for Council's consideration.

·      To plan and undertake fund raising activities as required.

·      To develop procedures for equity of access to the facilities for the local community.

·      To ensure that negative impacts on the environment and neighbours are minimised.

·      To strive for a "break-even" or profitable annual financial position (after all operational, short and long-term maintenance, building insurance and other costs).


8.   Durrumbul Community Centre

583 Main Arm Road, Main Arm


·      To maximise income and promote optimum usage of the Hall and its surrounds.

·      To care for and maintain the facility, through responsible day to day management.

·      To ensure the safety of the patrons, contractors and volunteers at the Hall and surrounds.

·      To provide short and long-term strategic marketing direction for the Hall and surrounds.

·      To ensure compliance with Council policies and all relevant legislation.

·      To ensure compliance with Council's adopted fees and charges, Work, Health and Safety and other legislation relevant to the operations of the facility.

·      To provide recommendations to Council for function improvements and/or upgrades to the facilities.

·      To source and secure grant funding opportunities for Council's consideration.

·      To plan and undertake fund raising activities as required.

·      To develop procedures for equity of access to the facilities for the local community.

·      To ensure that negative impacts on the environment and neighbours are minimised.

·      To strive for a "break-even" or profitable annual financial position (after all operational, short and long-term maintenance, building insurance and other costs).


9.   Heritage House Bangalow

Deacon Street, Bangalow


·      To maximise income and promote optimum usage of the facility by a broad cross-section of people in Byron Shire.

·      To care for and maintain the facility through responsible day to day management.

·      To manage the operation of the Bangalow Clay Tennis Court.

·      To ensure the safety of the patrons, contractors and volunteers at the House, tennis court and surrounds

·      To ensure compliance with Council policies and all relevant legislation.

·      To ensure compliance with Council's adopted fees and charges, Work, Health and Safety and other legislation relevant to the operations of the facility.

·      To provide recommendations to Council for function improvements and/or upgrades to the facilities.

·      To source and secure grant funding opportunities for Council's consideration.

·      To plan and undertake fund raising activities as required.

·      To develop procedures for equity of access to the facilities for the local community.

·      To ensure that negative impacts on the environment and neighbours are minimised.

·      To strive for a "break-even" or profitable annual financial position (after all operational, short and long-term maintenance, building insurance and other costs).

10.  Mullumbimby Civic Hall

55 Dalley Street, Mullumbimby


·      To provide short and long-term strategic marketing direction for the Hall.

·      To maximise income and promote optimum usage of the Hall.

·      To ensure compliance with Council policies and all relevant legislation.

·      To provide recommendations to Council for function improvements and/or upgrades to the Hall.

·      To source and secure grant funding opportunities for Council's consideration.

·      To plan and undertake fund raising activities as required.

·      To develop procedures for equity of access to the Hall for the local community.

·      To ensure that negative impacts on the environment and neighbours are minimised.

·      To strive for a "break-even" or profitable annual financial position (after all operational, short and long-term maintenance, building insurance and paid venue coordinator costs).

·      In consultation with the Venue Coordinator:

care for and maintain the venue;

ensure the safety of the patrons, contractors and volunteers of the Hall;

ensure compliance with Council's adopted fees and charges, Work, Health and Safety and other legislation relevant to the operations of the Venue.


11.  Ocean Shores Community Hall

       55 Rajah Road, Ocean Shores


·      To maximise income and promote optimum usage of the Hall.

·      To care for and maintain the facility, through responsible day to day management.

·      To ensure the safety of the patrons, contractors and volunteers at the Hall.

·      To provide short and long-term strategic marketing direction for the Hall.

·      To ensure compliance with Council policies and all relevant legislation.

·      To ensure compliance with Council's adopted fees and charges, Work, Health and Safety and other legislation relevant to the operations of the facility.

·      To provide recommendations to Council for function improvements and/or upgrades to the facilities.

·      To source and secure grant funding opportunities for Council's consideration.

·      To plan and undertake fund raising activities as required.

·      To develop procedures for equity of access to the facilities for the local community.

·      To ensure that negative impacts on the environment and neighbours are minimised.

·      To strive for a "break-even" or profitable annual financial position (after all operational, short and long-term maintenance, building insurance and other costs).


12.  South Golden Beach Community Centre

Pacific Esplanade, South Golden Beach

·      To maximise income and promote optimum usage of the Centre.

·      To care for and maintain the facility, through responsible day to day management.

·      To ensure the safety of the patrons, contractors and volunteers at the Centre.

·      To provide short and long-term strategic marketing direction for the Centre.

·      To ensure compliance with Council policies and all relevant legislation.

·      To ensure compliance with Council's adopted fees and charges, Work, Health and Safety and other legislation relevant to the operations of the facility.

·      To provide recommendations to Council for function improvements and/or upgrades to the facilities.

·      To source and secure grant funding opportunities for Council's consideration.

·      To plan and undertake fund raising activities as required.

·      To develop procedures for equity of access to the facilities for the local community.

·      To ensure that negative impacts on the environment and neighbours are minimised.

·      To strive for a "break-even" or profitable annual financial position (after all operational, short and long-term maintenance, building insurance and other costs).



13.  Suffolk Park Community Hall

Cnr Clifford and Alcorn Streets, Suffolk Park


·      To maximise income and promote optimum usage of the Hall.

·      To care for and maintain the facility, through responsible day to day management.

·      To ensure the safety of the patrons, contractors and volunteers at the Hall.

·      To provide short and long-term strategic marketing direction for the Hall.

·      To ensure compliance with Council policies and all relevant legislation.

·      To ensure compliance with Council's adopted fees and charges, Work, Health and Safety and other legislation relevant to the operations of the facility.

·      To provide recommendations to Council for function improvements and/or upgrades to the facilities.

·      To source and secure grant funding opportunities for Council's consideration.

·      To plan and undertake fund raising activities as required.

·      To develop procedures for equity of access to the facilities for the local community.

·      To ensure that negative impacts on the environment and neighbours are minimised.

·      To strive for a "break-even" or profitable annual financial position (after all operational, short and long-term maintenance, building insurance and other costs).




Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                            4.6



Report No. 4.6             Determination of Councillor Representatives on Project Reference Groups

Directorate:                 Corporate and Community Services

Report Author:           Mila Jones, Corporate Governance Coordinator

File No:                        I2016/971

Theme:                         Corporate Management

                                      Governance Services





This report has been prepared to provide Council with information on the committee structure with regards to Project Reference Groups (PRGs).  Council currently has one PRG for the purpose of Australia Day 2017.


As Council has previously resolved on 17 March 2016 to form the Australia Day 2017 PRG with no Councillor representatives, this report is for information for new Councillors and for noting only.





That Council note this report.





1        Australia Day 2017 - PRG Constitution adopted at Ordinary Meeting 17/03/16, E2016/11354 , page 66  






During the 2012-2016 term of Council, the Council formed Project Reference Groups (PRGs) that were established to carry out specific objectives of Council.


PRGs consist of key stakeholders (which may include Councillors) and have their own governance structure with objectives, representatives, timeframes to meet objectives and reporting structure. The key purpose of a PRG is to assist Council in evaluating solutions and may be supported by Council staff and contracted consultants where resources permit.


Any new PRG will be established by Council and the constitution for a PRG will relate to a specific activity or project.  The Chairperson will be elected from Councillors nominated to the PRG, otherwise they will be chaired by a person nominated by the Group.  PRGs are to be formed as required with defined start and end dates, usually a three, six or twelve month term. Membership does not need to include Councillors.


At the end of the PRG's timeframe to carry out its objectives the PRG can be disbanded whether it had completed the objectives or not. In some circumstances the timeframe can be extended by Council.


Council currently has one PRG for Australia Day 2017 which will commence in September 2016 in accordance with Resolution 16-081 which is reproduced below:


1.    That Council notes this report on the Australia Day 2016 activities and disbands the Australia Day Project Reference Group effective 17 March 2016.


2.    That Council write to all members of the Australia Day 2016 Project Reference Group advising of this resolution and to thank the participants for their assistance.


3.    That Council participate in the Australia Day Council Ambassador Program for 2017 Australia Day Activities.


4.    That the objectives for the Australia Day 2017 Project Reference Group, as outlined in this report, be adopted.


5.    That the Constitution for the Australia Day 2017 PRG (#E2016/11354) shown at Attachment 1 to this report, be adopted.


6.    That Council invite the following organisations to nominate representatives to be a member on the Australia Day 2017 Project Reference Group.

·     Byron Bay Rural Fire Brigade, Suffolk Park

·     Bangalow Historical Society

·     Rotary Club of Byron Bay

·     Rotary Club of Mullumbimby representing the Combined Services Clubs of Brunswick Valley

·     Brunswick Mullumbimby Lions Club

·     Ocean Shores Community Association

·     Brunswick Valley Historical Society

·     Sisters for Reconciliation

·     Australia Day Paddle



Financial Implications


Community representatives are volunteer positions.  In accordance with Council’s Policy Mayor and Councillors Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities Policy, a Councillor may claim reimbursement for travelling costs to attend meetings.


Statutory and Policy Compliance Implications


PRGs operates under an adopted Constitution for each Group.


Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                       4.6 - Attachment 1






















Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                 4.6 - Attachment 1



Date Commenced:

September 2016

Time Frame to carry out objectives

6 Months

Date Group to be Disbanded

February 2017


Mark Arnold, Director Corporate and Community Services

Review Timeframe



Document History

Doc No.

Date Amended

Details Comments eg Resolution No.






Adopted Resolution 16-081


Further Document Information and Relationships

Key Activity
(Delivery Plan)

CM 1.1.6 Facilitate and support Council and Council Committees

Related Legislation

Local Government Act 1993 Section 451
Government Information (Public Access) Act) 2009

Related Policies

Code of Conduct Policy 1.8

Privacy Management Plan

Related Procedures/ Protocols, Statements, documents

Agenda Template for PRG Meetings
Report Template for PRG Meetings 
Action List Template for PRG Meetings



Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                 4.6 - Attachment 1

Table of Contents


1.      Preamble. 2

2.      Objectives. 2

3.      Timeframe for Group. 3

4.      Membership. 3

5.      Chairperson. 3

6.      Quorum.. 3

7.      Confidentiality. 3

8.      Convenor/Facilitator 3

9.      Voting. 4

10.    Majority Decision. 4

11.    Convening Meetings. 4

12.    Reporting. 4

13.    Meetings Open to the Public. 4

14.    Invited Guests. 4

15.    Audio Taping of Meetings. 4

16.    Vacation of Office. 5

17.    Publicity. 5

18.    Records of meetings (agenda and reports) 5

19.    Section 377 Delegation. 5

20.    Miscellaneous. 6




The Project Reference Group is a Group formed by Council and does not have executive power or authority to implement actions.


The role of the Project Reference Group is to carry out specific objectives as stated in this Constitution.


2.  Objectives


The purpose of the Australia Day 2017 Project Reference Group is:


1.      Organise Australia Day Events

a)      Australia Day Celebrations to be organised in each town if there is a PRG member to organise such event.  This is to be done on a voluntary basis by the member representing that town.  One of these towns is required to hold and organise the Official Ceremony as part of their Australia Day celebration.

b)      The Official Ceremony is to include the Australian Citizenship ceremony and Local Citizen of the Year awards.

c)      Celebrations are generally to be free of charge and family orientated (can recoup costs of any moneys expended outside of Council’s donation).

d)      Budget moneys received from Council are not to be used for the employment of professional artists.

e)      Events are to celebrate what is great about Australia eg. the people, our diversity, our freedom and democracy, a fair go for all, the land or our indigenous people.

f)       Events are to recognise the contribution of Indigenous Australians and our multicultural heritage and celebrate the diversity that has helped shape our nation.


2.      Australia Day Address - Local Resident

a)      Nominate a local resident to give the Australia Day Address at the Official Ceremony.


3.      Local Australia Day Awards

a)      Develop a nomination form for Byron Shire Council Australia Day awards.

b)      Categorise what awards will be given.

c)      Call for nominations and actively promote the awards to the community as awards for people or groups who have succeeded in their chosen field or have worked tirelessly within their communities.

d)      Award recipients are to be chosen by a vote of the full committee. Tied votes are to be resolved by a draw from a hat.


4.      Australia Day Ambassador – Participation in Program

a)      Register with the Australia Day Council of NSW in order to participate in their Ambassador Program.

b)      Local identities may be utilised if the organising committee wishes to have an Australia Day Ambassador at their local event.

c)      If for any reason the PRG does not participate in the Australia Day Council Ambassador Program, a local identity may be utilised for the Official Ceremony's Australia Day Ambassador.  The identity is to be endorsed by the PRG.


The objectives have been confirmed by Council on 17 March 2016.


3.  Timeframe for Group


The Project Reference Group has 6 months to complete its objectives.


This group will be disbanded in February 2017.


The Council may dissolve the Group at any time.


4.  Membership


Membership is to include up to 10 members (for example):


·    9 community organisations represented

o Ocean Shores Community Association

o Sisters for Reconciliation

o Rotary Club of Byron Bay

o Rotary Club of Mullumbimby representing the Combined Services Clubs of Brunswick Valley

o Brunswick Mullumbimby Lions Club

o Byron Bay Rural Fire Brigade, Suffolk Park

o Bangalow Historical Society

o Brunswick Valley Historical Society

o Australia Day Paddle

o Byron Youth Council


·    relevant staff member(s). 

o Mark Arnold, Director Corporate and Community Services, or their delegate

* Staff members participating on the working group do not have any voting entitlements.


Members were appointed by Council on 17 March 2016 (date to be inserted following resolution of council).


5.  Chairperson


The Chair of the PRG is elected from Councillors nominated to the PRG, to be determined at the first meeting.  If there are no Councillors on the PRG, then the PRG is chaired by the relevant staff member.


6.  Quorum


A quorum is to constitute at least half the number of members, ie. 6 members (if a total of 10 appointed).

* Staff members or the Councillor are not counted as part of a quorum.


7.  Confidentiality


Members of the Project Reference Group will, in those circumstances where confidential matters are subject to deliberation, maintain confidentiality.


8.  Convenor/Facilitator


The Convenor/Facilitator of the Project Reference Group in most cases will be the staff member unless otherwise decided by the Council.


9.  Voting


Each member of the Group (with the exception of the staff members) is to have one vote.  If the vote is tied on any particular matter it will be referred to an Ordinary Meeting for determination.


10.  Majority Decision


A requirement that a majority decision of the Group comprises a majority of the invited representative members present and voting on any item subject to the requirements of a quorum being met at the meeting.


11.  Convening Meetings


Meetings to be held as required.


12.  Reporting


a)      The reports of meetings (Minutes) are to be circulated to members of the group within 7 days of the meeting so that members can provide feedback through the Chair on the draft unconfirmed minutes.


b)      The project reference group reports to Council.


13.  Meetings Open to the Public


PRG meetings are not public meetings as they have no executive function. Public transparency is provided for when the reports of these meetings are reported to Council.

14.  Invited Guests


The PRG Convenor may request to seek further expertise and consultation as agreed to by the Group and if necessary arrange attendance of a person providing the expertise at a PRG meeting.  Any request for information to be at no cost to Council unless a budget is allocated by Council and the expenditure has been authorised in writing by staff with requisite delegations.


15.  Audio Taping of Meetings


A PRG meeting may be recorded.  If the meeting is being recorded, all PRG members will be advised of this and it will be noted in the Report of that meeting.


Recordings of PRG meetings may involve the recording of personal information provided at the meeting. The recordings will be made to assist with the administration of the PRG. The provision of any information that is recorded is voluntary, however, if any person does not wish to be recorded they should not address the meeting.


The recordings may be made available to other persons where such access is in accordance with the relevant regulations and requirements in this regard, such as under the Local Government Act 1993 or the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. The recordings where made will ultimately be stored in Council’s document storage system.


16.  Vacation of Office


Any Project Reference Group member wishing to resign from the group shall do so in writing. 


Invited Members:  If an invited member on the Group who represents an Organisation resigns, an invitation to the Organisation for an alternate delegate will be requested.  If no alternate delegate is nominated by the Organisation then that position will become redundant.


Community Members:  If a community member resigns and if more than half of the timeframe to complete the PRG’s objectives still exists and an alternate delegate has been resolved by Council then that person appointed by Council as an alternate delegate will then be appointed as the new community member.  If no alternate delegate has been appointed by Council or the alternate delegate declines to accept the vacant position then that position will become redundant. 


17.  Publicity


PRG members unless authorised by Council are not to promote or advertise the group’s activities.


18.  Records of meetings (agenda and reports)


a)   The Convenor/Facilitator of the Group will prepare the Agenda, Progress Reports and Action lists of the Group’s meetings formatted in accordance with Council’s templates. 


b)   The reports of meetings (minutes) are to be circulated to members of the group within 7 days of the meeting so that member can provide feedback through the Chair on the draft unconfirmed minutes.


c)   The reports of the Group’s meetings are to be reported to Council when required.  The PRG’s web page will indicate what meeting Council will be considering the PRG’s reports. 


d)   If the PRG considers necessary, reports from each PRG meeting may be placed on Council’s web page for access by the public and Councillors after each meeting. 


e)   If the time frame allocated to complete the objective(s) is 6 months or more the Group is to provide a progress report quarterly to Council on its progress.


f)    At the end of the Group’s term a final status report be presented to Council on the outcomes of each objective.


19.  Section 377 Delegation


The Project Reference Group does not have any delegated functions pursuant to section 377 of the Local Government Act (1993) and does not have the power to direct staff.


20.  Miscellaneous


Insurance:  All group members are covered by the public liability policy of Council insofar as they are acting in their capacity as a group member, within the scope of the PRG’s Terms of reference and in accordance with the Code of Conduct and statutory obligations. This insurance does not preclude the working group from due diligence and all Council policies must be adhered to.


Code of Conduct:  All group members to abide by Council’s adopted Code of Conduct at all times.


Pecuniary Interest:  Pecuniary Interest may be defined as an interest that a person has in a matter, as a group member or employee of a company or other body, because of a reasonable likelihood or expectation of appreciable financial gain or loss to the person, or another person with whom the person is associated. Such other person includes the spouse or de-facto partner or relative of the group member.


Section 446 of the Local Government Act states that:

“a member of a council committee, other than a committee that is wholly advisory, must disclose pecuniary interests..”


Even though the Local Government Act provides an exemption to disclose pecuniary interests Council’s preference is for all members to declare pecuniary interests where applicable.


Privacy:  All group members are to abide by Council’s Privacy Management Plan (see ) relating to their access to personal information.

Meeting Practice:  If any other issue arises regarding meeting practice not covered under this constitution, it be referred to the General Manager or delegate or if required Council for a determination to be made.



Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                            4.7



Report No. 4.7             Meeting Schedule 2017 - Ordinary Meetings and Strategic Planning Workshops

Directorate:                 Corporate and Community Services

Report Author:           Mila Jones, Corporate Governance Coordinator

File No:                        I2016/1006

Theme:                         Corporate Management

                                      Governance Services




This report is prepared to allow Council to determine the schedule of Ordinary Meetings and Strategic Planning Workshops for the 2017 calendar year.


The proposed schedule of dates, times and places for the Ordinary Meetings and Strategic Planning Workshops in 2017 is recommended for adoption.


For information on Advisory Committee and Panel meeting dates, refer to the separate report in this agenda titled Meeting Schedule 2017 – Advisory Committees and Panels.





1.       That Council adopts the following schedule of Ordinary Meetings and Strategic Planning Workshops (SPW) for 2017:


Date (2017)


2 February


9 February


23 February


16 March


23 March


6 April


13 April


27 April


18 May


25 May


8 June


15 June


29 June


mid-year recess

3 August


10 August


24 August


14 September


21 September


5 October


12 October


26 October


16 November


7 December


14 December



2.       That the Ordinary Meetings to be held in the Council Chambers, Mullumbimby commence at 9.00am and conclude no later than 6.00pm unless otherwise resolved by Council.





Council’s adopted Code of Meeting Practice Policy No. 14/004 states with relation to “Frequency of Ordinary Meetings of Council” as follows:


4.1   Ordinary Meetings will be held on a three weekly meeting cycle excluding July and January each year.


4.2     The Council will by resolution, set the time, date and place of Ordinary meetings of the Council.


4.3     The scheduling of Ordinary meetings of Council may be changed by resolution of Council.


The schedule below has been prepared in accordance with the determined meeting cycle including provision for a recess period of four weeks in both January and July 2017.  The schedule has been prepared with consideration to events, such as public holidays and conferences.  Listed below is the proposed 2017 Meeting Schedule:


Date (2017)


2 February


9 February


23 February


16 March


23 March


6 April


13 April


27 April


18 May


25 May


8 June


15 June


29 June


mid-year recess

3 August


10 August


24 August


14 September


21 September


5 October


12 October


26 October


16 November


7 December


14 December



·       The 2017 National General Assembly of Local Government will not affect the meeting dates as it is scheduled to be held from 18-21 June 2017 in Canberra.


·       The date for the LGNSW Annual Conference 2017 has not yet been determined however based on previous Conference dates, it will most likely be held between the Ordinary meetings scheduled on 5 and 26 October and will therefore not affect the meeting dates.


·       Easter public holidays will not affect the meeting dates as they fall during the dates 14-17 April 2017.


Financial Implications




Statutory and Policy Compliance Implications


The proposed 2017 Meeting Schedule has been prepared in accordance with the meeting frequency determined by Council’s adopted Code of Meeting Practice 14/004.


Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                            4.8



Report No. 4.8             Meeting Schedule 2017 - Advisory Committees and Panels

Directorate:                 Corporate and Community Services

Report Author:           Mila Jones, Corporate Governance Coordinator

File No:                        I2016/974

Theme:                         Corporate Management

                                      Governance Services





Towards the end of each year, Council sets the meeting timetable for the next year for Advisory Committee meetings and Panels.  Based on the Advisory Committees and Panels that have been reported to today’s meeting (titled Determination of Councillor Representatives on Advisory Committees and Panels), this report is prepared to allow Council to determine the meeting schedule for the 2017 calendar year.


Refer to Attachment 1 (#E2016/80759) for a sample meeting schedule.  It is to be used as a guide and for the purposes of booking resources and Councillors’ calendar dates.  Not all of these meeting dates are required to be held and any one of them can be cancelled throughout the year if a meeting is determined unnecessary by the Committee or Panel. 


If adopted, the schedule will also be used to guide new external members when expressing an interest in joining an Advisory Committee or Panel.





That the following dates and times be adopted for Council’s Advisory Committee and Panel meetings for 2017:



Date (2017)

Advisory Committees

Arakwal Memorandum of Understanding
(Thursday 9.00am)

16 February

11 May

17 August

9 November

Byron Shire Floodplain Risk Management
(Thursday 2.00pm)

2 March

1 June

7 September

23 November

Community Infrastructure and Transport
(Thursday 9.00am)

2 March

1 June

7 September

23 November

(Thursday 2.00pm)

16 February

11 May

17 August

9 November

Internal Audit
(Thursday 11.30am)

* Extraordinary






16 February

11 May

17 August

19 October*

9 November

Water, Waste and Sewer
(Thursday 11.30am)

2 March

1 June

7 September

23 November


Biodiversity and Sustainability
(Thursday 11.30am)

30 March

22 June

31 August

1 November

Coastal Estuary Catchment
(Thursday 2.00pm)

9 March

4 May

28 September

30 November

(Thursday 9.00am)

30 March

22 June

31 August

1 November

(Thursday 2.00pm)

30 March

22 June

31 August

1 November

Public Art
(Thursday 9.00am)

9 March

4 May

28 September

30 November

Sustainable Economy
(Thursday 11.30am)

9 March

4 May

28 September

30 November






1        Council meeting matrix 2017, E2016/80759 , page 81  






Towards the end of each year, Council sets the meeting timetable for the next year for Advisory Committee meetings and Panels.  Based on the Advisory Committees and Panels that have been reported to today’s meeting (titled Determination of Councillor Representatives on Advisory Committees and Panels), this report is prepared to allow Council to determine the meeting schedule for the 2017 calendar year.


Refer to Attachment 1 (#E2016/80759) for a sample meeting schedule and to gain a picture of Council’s meeting calendar – which also takes into account Council Ordinary Meetings and Strategic Planning Workshops (as reported to today’s meeting titled Meeting Schedule 2017 – Ordinary Meetings and Strategic Planning Workshops). 


The schedule is to be used as a guide and for the purposes of booking resources and booking out Councillors’ calendar.  Note, that with the exception of the Internal Audit Committee and the Finance Advisory Committee, not all of these meeting dates are required to be held and any one of them can be cancelled throughout the year if a meeting is determined unnecessary by the Committee or Panel. 


Due to end of financial year and quarterly budget review statutory reporting timeframes, and to coordinate with Council Ordinary Meetings, it is necessary to hold the Finance Advisory Committee and Internal Audit Committee meetings at certain times of the year. The scheduled meeting dates for these Committees have been recommended to enable Council to meet these statutory reporting timeframes.


All Advisory Committee Meetings and Panels are scheduled to allow a maximum of two hours per meeting with a half hour break between meetings.


Financial Implications




Statutory and Policy Compliance Implications


Meetings are held in accordance with Advisory Committee and Panel Constitutions.



Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                                           4.8 - Attachment 1

Council9.00amComm Inf & Trans
11.30am WW&S
2.00pm Floodplain Risk