Cover page Agenda and Min Extraordinary infocouncil


































Extraordinary Meeting


 Thursday, 29 September 2016




Extraordinary Meeting Minutes

29 September 2016





The following items are listed in the order in which they were dealt with.


Report No. 4.1            Election of Deputy Mayor 2016-2017. 3

Report No. 4.2            Local Government NSW Annual Conference 2016. 4

Report No. 4.3            Determination of Councillor Representatives on Advisory Committees and Panels  4

Report No. 4.4            Determination of Councillor Representatives on Regional Committees. 5

Report No. 4.5            Determination of Councillor Representatives on Section 355 Management Committees and Boards. 7

Report No. 4.6            Determination of Councillor Representatives on Project Reference Groups. 8

Report No. 4.7            Meeting Schedule 2017 - Ordinary Meetings and Strategic Planning Workshops. 8

Report No. 4.8            Meeting Schedule 2017 - Advisory Committees and Panels. 9



Extraordinary Meeting Minutes                                                       29 September 2016





PRESENT:   Cr S Richardson (Mayor), Cr B Cameron, Cr C Coorey, Cr J Hackett, Cr A Hunter,
Cr M Lyon, Cr J Martin, Cr S Ndiaye and Cr P Spooner


Staff:   Ken Gainger (General Manager)

            Mark Arnold (Director Corporate and Community Services)

            Phil Holloway (Director Infrastructure Services)

            Sharyn French (Manager Environmental and Economic Planning)

            Ralph James (Coordinator Legal Services)

            David Royston-Jennings/Mila Jones (Minute Taker)


The Mayor opened the meeting and invited Delta Kay, Arakwal (Byron Bay) Bundjalung Corporation, to perform the Welcome to Country.





Prior to dealing with the circulated reports and associated information, a Public Access Session was held and Council was addressed on the following:


Gavin Brown, General Manager of the Bundjalung of Byron Bay Aboriginal (Arakwal) Corporation provided an overview of the Bundjalung Corporation and its relationship with Council.


4.3       Determination of Councillor Representatives on Advisory Committees and Panels


Matthew Lambourne addressed Council against the recommendation.





There were no apologies.





There were no declarations of interest.



Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services


Report No. 4.1             Election of Deputy Mayor 2016-2017

File No:                        I2016/973




1.       That Council elect a Deputy Mayor for the period from 29 September 2016 until the first meeting of Council in September 2017.


2.       That the method of election of the Deputy Mayor be by way of ordinary ballot.


The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.

The returning officer advised that there was one nomination for Deputy Mayor being Cr Cameron.


As there were no further nominations the returning officer declared Cr Cameron elected as Deputy Mayor for the ensuing 12 month period.




Report No. 4.2             Local Government NSW Annual Conference 2016

File No:                        I2016/979



Resolved that Council authorise the following Councillors to attend the Local Government NSW Annual Conference 2016 to be held at WIN Entertainment Centre, Wollongong, NSW from 16 to 18 October 2016:

·        Cr Coorey,  Cr Martin and Cr Spooner to attend as the voting delegates.


The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.




Report No. 4.3             Determination of Councillor Representatives on Advisory Committees and Panels

File No:                        I2016/925




1.       Advisory Committees:


a)      That Council:


i)     Note the following Advisory Committees will be continuing in their current structure and appoint its Councillor representatives:


·     Finance Advisory Committee – Crs Richardson, Coorey, Lyon, Cameron, Spooner and Hunter

·     Internal Audit Advisory Committee – Crs Martin, Cameron and Hunter

·     Water, Waste and Sewer Advisory Committee – Crs Lyon, Coorey, Ndiaye

·     Arakwal MoU Advisory Committee – Crs Coorey and Ndiaye


ii)    Advise the committee/panel members of the continuation of their committee/panel, officially thanked for their contribution to date and be asked if they wish to continue their representation until Council appoints new members following an expression of interest process.


b)      That Council:


i)     Note the revised structure and objectives of the following Advisory Committees and appoint its Councillor representatives:


·     Transport and Infrastructure Advisory Committee (merges the two separate committees) – Crs Richardson, Cameron and Martin

·     Byron Shire Floodplain Risk Management Committee (merges the Belongil and the North Byron Floodplain Committees) – Crs Lyon, Hackett and Hunter, with Councillor Ndiaye as an alternate.


ii)    Advise the committee members of the revision of their committee, officially thank them for their contribution to date and ask if they wish to continue their representation on the revised committees until Council appoints new members following an expression of interest process.


2.       Panels:


a)      That Council:


i)     Note that the following Panel (formerly Public Art Assessment Panel) will be continuing in its current structure with new objectives (as shown in the report) and appoint its Councillor representatives.


·     Public Art Panel - Crs Hackett and Ndiaye


ii)    Note the following Advisory Committees have been changed to Panels (with updated objectives) and appoint its Councillor representatives:


·     Coastal Estuary Catchment Panel (previously named Belongil Catchment) – Crs Coorey, Lyon and Hackett

·     Biodiversity and Sustainability Panel – Crs Hunter, Martin and Richardson

·     Communications Panel – Crs Coorey, Martin and Ndiaye

·     Heritage Panel – Crs Martin, Cameron and Hunter

·     Sustainable Economy Panel – Crs Hunter, Spooner and Richardson


ii)    Advise the committee members of the continuation of the Public Art and Assessment Panel and the change from Advisory Committees to Panels, officially thank them for their contribution to date and ask if they wish to continue their representation on the Panel until Council appoints new members following an expression of interest process.


3.       That the Byron Shire Flood Plain Risk Management Committee Constitution to be changed to provide for 6 Community Representatives and include an alternate Councillor representative.                                                                                          (Spooner/Cameron)


The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.




Report No. 4.4             Determination of Councillor Representatives on Regional Committees

File No:                        I2016/928




1.       That the Local Traffic Committee will continue in its current structure and appoint Cr Cameron as its representative.


2.       That Council confirm the election of Cr Cameron to the Cape Byron Headland Reserve Trust Committee as per resolution 14-423.


3.       That Council confirm the election of Cr Spooner to the Arakwal National Park Management Committee and the Byron Coast Area Management Committee as per resolution 14-423.


4.       That the Mayor and Alternate Delegate, the Deputy Mayor’s, appointment be noted as Council’s representative on the NOROC Board.


5.       That Council determine its representatives on the following committees:


a)      Arts Northern Rivers Board of Directors – Cr Hackett (Cr Martin as alternate delegate)


b)      Bangalow Pool Trust Joint Working Group – Cr Richardson


c)      Byron Bay Community and Culture Centre Management Committee – Cr Richardson


d)      Byron Bay Liquor Accord – Crs Spooner and Lyon


e)      Byron Shire Sports Stakeholder Forum – Crs Coorey, Richardson and Ndiaye


f)       Chamber of Commerce – Bangalow – Cr Richardson  


g)      Chamber of Commerce – Brunswick Heads – Cr Lyon


h)      Chamber of Commerce – Byron Bay – Cr Spooner


i)        Community Safety Precinct Committee – Cr Richardson


k)      Far North Coast Bush Fire Management Committee – Cr Lyon


l)        Mullumbimby Showground Trust – Cr Cameron


m)     North Byron Parklands Regulatory Working Group – Cr Hunter, Cr Richardson and Cr Cameron


n)      Ocean Shores Tidy Towns Committee – Cr Martin


o)      Richmond Tweed Regional Library Committee – Crs Coorey and Cr Ndiaye (Cr Hackett as alternate delegate)


p)      Zone Service Level Agreement Liaison Committee – Cr Lyon


6.       That Council determine by Preferential Ballot its two delegates to Rous County Council.


The returning officer advised that nominations were received for Crs Richardson, Cameron and Lyon. A ballot using the optional preferential voting method resulted in Crs Richardson and Cameron as being elected.


7.       That Council write to the Mullumbimby Chamber of Commerce enquiring about Council           Representation, with Cr Cameron recommended as the Council Representative.                                                                                                                                                    (Cameron/Ndiaye)

The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.





1.       That Council determine its representatives on the Joint Regional Planning Panel as Cr Richardson  (with the alternate delegate being Cr Coorey) and the Director Sustainable Environment and Economy.


2.       That Council write to Destination Byron seeking an increase of representation on the Board, being Councillors Coorey, Ndiaye and Hunter.                                     (Richardson/Spooner)


The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.



Report No. 4.5             Determination of Councillor Representatives on Section 355 Management Committees and Boards

File No:                        I2016/926




1.       That Council confirm the establishment of the following 10 Committees under Section 355(b) of the Local Government Act 1993

i)        Bangalow Parks (Bangalow Showground) Section 355 Management Committee

ii)       Brunswick Heads Memorial Hall Section 355 Management Committee

iii)      Brunswick Valley Community Centre Section 355 Management Committee

iv)      Cook Pioneer Centre Mullumbimby Section 355 Management Committee

v)      Durrumbul Community Hall Section 355 Management Committee

vi)      Heritage House and Tennis Court Bangalow Section 355 Management Committee

vii)     Ocean Shores Community Centre Section 355 Management Committee

viii)    Senior Citizen’s Hall Byron Bay Section 355 Management Committee

ix)      South Golden Beach Community Centre Section 355 Management Committee

x)      Suffolk Park Community Hall Section 355 Management Committee


2.       That Council confirm the establishment of the following 3 Boards of Management under Section 355(b) of the Local Government Act 1993:


i)        Bangalow A&I Hall

ii)       Lone Goat Gallery

iii)      Mullumbimby Civic Memorial Hall


3.       That Council adopt:


a)      the Delegation of Authority under Section 377 of the Local Government Act 1993, as shown in Attachment 1 (#E2016/66109) for each Section 355 Management Committee and Board of Management confirmed in 1 and 2 above;


b)      the Terms of Reference for each Section 355 Management Committee and Board as shown in Attachment 2 (E2016/68163) confirmed in 1 and 2 above.


4.       That Council determine its Councillor Representative/s and if required Alternate Delegate on each of the following Section 355 Management Committees or Boards of Management confirmed in 1 and 2 above.


i)          Bangalow Parks (Bangalow Showground) Section 355 Management Committee – Cr Richardson


ii)         Brunswick Heads Memorial Hall Section 355 Management Committee – Cr Richardson


iii)         Brunswick Valley Community Centre Section 355 Management Committee – Cr Martin


iv)        Cook Pioneer Centre Mullumbimby Section 355 Management Committee - Cr Hunter, alternate is Cr Martin


v)         Durrumbul Community Hall Section 355 Management Committee – Cr Lyon


vi)        Heritage House and Tennis Court Bangalow Section 355 Management Committee – Cr Cameron, alternate is Cr Hackett


vii)       Ocean Shores Community Centre Section 355 Management Committee – Cr Martin, alternate is Cr Coorey


viii)       Senior Citizen’s Hall Byron Bay Section 355 Management Committee – Cr Ndiaye, alternate is Cr Coorey


ix)        South Golden Beach Community Centre Section 355 Management Committee – Cr Cameron, alternate is Cr Ndiaye


x)         Suffolk Park Community Hall Section 355 Management Committee – Cr Coorey, alternate is Cr Richardson


xi)        Bangalow A&I Hall Board of Management – Cr Coorey, alternate is Cr Hackett


xii)       Lone Goat Gallery Board of Management – Cr Hackett, alternate is Cr Ndiaye


xiii)      Mullumbimby Civic Memorial Hall Board of Management – Cr Cameron, alternate is Cr Martin                                                                                          (Cameron/Hackett)


The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.




Report No. 4.6             Determination of Councillor Representatives on Project Reference Groups

File No:                        I2016/971



Resolved that Council note this report.                                                                    (Spooner/Hunter)

The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.




Report No. 4.7             Meeting Schedule 2017 - Ordinary Meetings and Strategic Planning Workshops

File No:                        I2016/1006



Resolved that a report be brought to Council containing a schedule of Ordinary Meetings and Strategic Planning Workshops for 2017, with 12 Ordinary Meetings and 12 Strategic Planning Workshops, with two Ordinary Meetings in February and two Ordinary Meetings in August with recesses to be incorporated in January and July.                                             (Spooner/Hackett)

The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.



Resolved that a report be brought to Council regarding the implications of evening meetings and that the report include feedback from the community as to their attitude to such a proposal.                                                                                                                               (Ndiaye/Coorey)

The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.

Cr Hunter voted against the motion.






Report No. 4.8             Meeting Schedule 2017 - Advisory Committees and Panels

File No:                        I2016/974



Resolved that the following dates and times be adopted for Council’s Advisory Committee and Panel meetings for 2017:



Date (2017)

Advisory Committees

Arakwal Memorandum of Understanding
(Thursday 9.00am)

16 February

11 May

17 August

9 November

Byron Shire Floodplain Risk Management
(Thursday 2.00pm)

2 March

1 June

7 September

23 November

Community Infrastructure and Transport
(Thursday 9.00am)

2 March

1 June

7 September

23 November

(Thursday 2.00pm)

16 February

11 May

17 August

9 November

Internal Audit
(Thursday 11.30am)

* Extraordinary



16 February

11 May

17 August

19 October*

9 November

Water, Waste and Sewer
(Thursday 11.30am)

2 March

1 June

7 September

23 November


Biodiversity and Sustainability
(Thursday 11.30am)

30 March

22 June

31 August

1 November

Coastal Estuary Catchment
(Thursday 2.00pm)

9 March

4 May

28 September

30 November

(Thursday 9.00am)

30 March

22 June

31 August

1 November

(Thursday 2.00pm)

30 March

22 June

31 August

1 November

Public Art
(Thursday 9.00am)

9 March

4 May

28 September

30 November

Sustainable Economy
(Thursday 11.30am)

9 March

4 May

28 September

30 November


The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.



There being no further business the meeting concluded at 10.51am.




I hereby certify that these are the true and correct Minutes of this Meeting

as confirmed at Council’s Ordinary Meeting on 6 October 2016.





Mayor Simon Richardson