Ordinary Meeting


Publicbsc_logo_150dpi_rgb ATTACHMENTS


Ordinary Meeting AGENDA

OF 17 November 2016


9.    Notices of Motion

9.2     Support for the Safe Haven Enterprise Visa Scheme

Attachment 1... NSW Government The Hon Catherine Cusack MLC Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier - Safe Haven Enterprise Visa Scheme................................. 4        


13.  Staff Reports

Corporate and Community Services

13.1   Review of Outstanding Council Resolutions

Attachment 1... Outstanding Resolution Report as at 30/09/16.......................................... 9

Attachment 2... Completed Council Resolutions 01/07/16 to 30/09/16 as reported to Ordinary Meeting of Council 27 October 2016....................................................... 50

13.2   Council Budget Review - 1 July 2016 to 30 September 2016

Attachment 1... Budget Variations for General, Water and Sewerage Funds................ 111

Attachment 2... Itemised Listing of Budget Variations for General, Water and Sewerage Funds   175

Attachment 3... Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework (IP&R) Quarterly Review Statement............................................................................................................... 179

13.7   Councillor Representation on Destination Byron

Attachment 1... Letter received from Destination Byron regarding Council's Representative to the Destination Byron Board........................................................................ 194

Sustainable Environment and Economy

13.9   PLANNING - Environmental Zones (E Zone) - process to amend Byron LEP 2014

Attachment 1... Letter from Dept Planning & Environment Office of Secretary to NOROC Planners Group regarding Environmental Zones E Zones funding and process to amend LEP 2014....................................................................................................... 195

Attachment 2... Northern Councils E Zone Review Final Recommendations Report - October 2015............................................................................................................... 196

Attachment 3... Project Implementation Plan for application of environmental and/or rural zones as well as overlays on certain land zoned ‘Deferred Matter’ in Byron LEP 2014       214

Attachment 4... Form of Special Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest................................. 216

13.10 Local Heritage Places Grants 2016-17

Attachment 2... Assessment Criteria - Service Station 16 Granuaille Road Bangalow . 218

Attachment 4... Assessment Criteria - Bangalow Newsagents 26 Byron Street Bangalow 220

Attachment 6... Assessment Criteria - Bangalow Uniting Church 17 Station Street Bangalow       221

Attachment 8... Assessment Criteria - Campbell's House 14 Granuaille Road Bangalow 222

13.11 PLANNING - Draft Byron DCP 2014 - Chapter E8 West Byron Urban Release Area - Submissions Report

Attachment 1... Part A and D Byron Shire DCP 2014.................................................... 224

Attachment 2... draft Byron DCP 2014 Chapter E8 - West Byron Urban Release Area 225

Attachment 3... Submission Report................................................................................. 298

Attachment 5... Letter from Dept Planning & Environment, dated 12 September 2016 331

Attachment 6... Form of Special Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest................................. 332

13.12 PLANNING - BSC ats Koho Projects Pty Ltd LEC 266825 of 2016

Attachment 1... Report to Council 29 06 2016................................................................ 334

Attachment 2... 10.2016.189.1 - Conditions of consent.................................................. 356

Attachment 3... Plans prepared by Koho considered by Council 4 August 2016........... 368

Attachment 4... Class 1 Application and related plans.................................................... 381

Attachment 5... Site plan related to proposed resolution of proceedings........................ 448

Attachment 6... Plan of management related to proposed resolution of proceedings.... 449

Infrastructure Services

13.14 Council Part Road Reserve Closure and Subsequent sale at end of Durrumbul Road Adjoining Lot A DP 389649

Attachment 1... Letter to Mr DO Thompson and Ms ML Plowman Re: Interest in Potential road reserve closure and purchase Durrumbul Road which runs through their property Lot A DP 389649.................................................................................... 455

Attachment 2... Submission from M. Phelps against the proposed sale and closure of Lot A DP389649 Durrumbul Road Main Arm................................................. 456

Attachment 3... Submission from Stephen Phelps against the proposed sale and closure of Lot A DP389649 Durrumbul Road Main Arm................................................. 457

Attachment 4... Submission from Mark Standford and Stephen Phelps against the proposed sale and closure of Lot A DP389649 Durrumbul Road Main Arm................ 458

Attachment 5... Submission from NSW Rural Fire Service regarding the sale and road closure of Lot A DP 389649 Durrumbul Road........................................................ 459

Attachment 6... Submission against the proposed road closure to 722 Main Arm Road from Jarrod and Samara Zillwood............................................................................. 460

Attachment 7... Submission from Sally Wagg regarding the Closure of Road Reserve Lot A DP 389649 (cc P. Holloway)....................................................................... 462

Attachment 8... PDF of Email Debra Gruszka Hungerford Lehmann Solicitor dated 2 June 2016 re Negotiations and Submissions Road Closure 20160113 Sally Anne Wagg adjoining property Lot A DP 389649 722 Main Arm Road .. Claiming AD Medium Filum Aquae..................................................................................................... 469

Attachment 9... PDF of Submission from Marc Beckman Mills against the proposed sale and closure of Lot A DP389649 Durrumbul Road Main Arm....................... 472

Attachment 10. PDF of Submission from Stewart Dodd against the proposed sale and closure of Lot A DP389649 Durrumbul Road Main Arm........................................ 473

Attachment 11. Submission against the proposed road closure to 722 Main Arm Road from John Singh...................................................................................................... 474

Attachment 12. PDF of Email Submission Official from David Cook Team Manager Far North Coast NSW Rural Fire Service to DSavage No Objection to Part Road Closure Council road reserve adjoining LotA DP 389649 Durrumbul Road....... 475

Attachment 13. Letter from Meredith & David Thompson - Submission Expressing approval of the road closure of Council Road Reserve................................................. 476

Attachment 14. Supplementary Submission from David Thompson & Meredith Plowman (Thompson) regarding the proposed Road Reserve Closure............... 477

Attachment 15. Letter from Meredith Plowman & David Thompson regarding the Potential Purchase and Road Reserve Durrumbul Rd........................................ 489

Attachment 16. Submission of Objection to the closure of road reserve Lot A DP 389649 from P A Maloney 1 Settlement Road Main Arm................................................. 496

Attachment 17. PDF of Email from John Lindsay withdrawing submission RE: 802 Main Arm Rd of the 3/06/2016......................................................................................... 497

Attachment 18. PDF of Email from John Lindsay - An objection to the proposed  northern Durrumbul Rd (Wagg property) exit closure......................................... 498

Attachment 19. Questions raised by site inspection of Part Road Reserve closure within Lot A DP 389649 held 25 October 2016............................................................... 499

Attachment 20. Handbook for Driveway access to Properties part of the Northern Rivers Local Government Development Design and Construction Manuals............. 501

Attachment 21. Designs R-14 Driveways & Vehicular crossings for non kerbed roads R15 - Longitudinal grading details for non-kerbed roads references out of Handbook for Driveway access to Properties Northern Rivers Local Government.... 514       



Notices of Motion                                                                                                9.2 - Attachment 1



Notices of Motion                                                                                                                          9.2 - Attachment 1





Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                                         13.1 - Attachment 1


Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                                         13.1 - Attachment 2


Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                               13.2 - Attachment 1

































































Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                               13.2 - Attachment 2





Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                               13.2 - Attachment 3
















Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                               13.7 - Attachment 1



Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                         13.9 - Attachment 1


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                         13.9 - Attachment 2



















Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                   13.9 - Attachment 3




Project name:

Application of Environmental  (or other) Zones and Overlays in Byron Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2014


To apply environmental and/or rural zones as well as overlays on certain land zoned ‘Deferred Matter’ in Byron LEP 2014, in accordance with the current legislative requirements applying to Far North Coast LEPs

Land Affected:

Applies to all ‘Deferred Matter’ areas in the Shire, with land affected by the Byron LEP 1988 7(f1) and 7(f2) zones to be considered concurrently in line with the State Government’s advice regarding: ‘Coastal Zone Management Plan for Byron Bay Embayment’; separate hazard zone/s; and coastal management reforms process


Sustainable Environment & Economy


Estimated Timeframe

             Key Milestones

Stakeholder Engagement



Purpose:  - To improve the accuracy of the mapping and reflect changes in vegetation extent and composition
                     over time.

- To provide reliable baseline data for planning purposes.




Stage 1 – ‘Coastal Lowlands’ vegetation mapping


Stage 2 – ‘Hinterland’ vegetation mapping (excluding Huonbrook and surrounds)





Oct 2016 - March 2017


Stage 3 – ‘Huonbrook and surrounds’ vegetation mapping


Public exhibition and

(6 weeks)


Shire wide vegetation mapping completed


·    Affected landowners and wider community


·    Letters to landowners; face-to-face meetings with staff and site inspections; newspaper advert/public notice; fact sheets and/or FAQs;



Purpose:  To identify the primary use of the land (ie. the main use for which the land has been used for in the
                   last 2 years) to inform application of environmental or other zones in Stage 3


Dec 2016 – April 2017


Desktop Assessment of primary land use (using aerial photo interpretation, environmental criteria, farmland rating, DA approvals and other site history) to classify as ‘Agriculture’, ‘Environmental’ or ‘Other’.


Landowner consultation/ engagement program to confirm “primary land use” mapping



Refined draft “primary land use” mapping


·    Affected landowners

·    Stakeholder Reference Group*

·    Council / Government agencies (where public land is affected)


·    As applicable for Stage 1 above




Purpose:  - To identify and address key issues raised early in the process and ensure a high level of support for
                     the proposed zones and/or overlays


May  2017 –
Sept 2017


Draft rural/environmental zones and map overlays prepared for public exhibition

Zones informed by “primary land use mapping” as follows:

-   RU1 Primary Production

-   RU2 Rural Landscape

-   E2 Environmental Conservation

-   E3 Environmental Management


Public Exhibition of:

-      primary land use mapping;

-      proposed draft rural/ environmental zones;

-      map overlays

(6 weeks)



Council endorsement of
zones and map overlays to inform submission of a planning proposal to DPE for Gateway Determination



·    Affected landowners and wider community

·    Government agencies



·    As applicable for Stage 1 above + public information session




Purpose:  To amend LEP 2014 in accordance with the legislative requirements for application of environmental zones and overlays in Far North Coast LEPs, as informed by the above stages.


Oct 2017 – March 2018


Preparation of Planning Proposal and submission to DPE for Gateway Determination



Public Exhibition of draft Planning Proposal in accordance with Gateway Determination

(6 weeks)


Council adoption of
final Planning Proposal and making of the proposed Local Environmental Plan



·    Affected landowners and wider community

·    Government agencies



·    ‘To be determined’





Oct 2016 – March 2018

STAGE 5 – REVIEW OF BYRON LEP 1988 7(F1) AND 7(F2) COASTAL ZONES to occur concurrently  with Stages 2 - 4 above (pending advice from State government regarding: ‘Coastal Zone Management Plan for Byron Bay Embayment’; separate hazard zone/s; and coastal management reforms)


·    Affected landowners and wider community

·    Government agencies



·    As applicable for Stage 1 above + public information session






* Stakeholder Reference Group – to comprise local environmental & agricultural representatives for the purpose of advising on Stage 2 mapping/engagement process; group may include representatives previously convened by Council in March 2013 to consider environmental zones and other strategic planning matters


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                         13.9 - Attachment 4

Local Government (General) Regulation 2005

Schedule 3A     Form of special disclosure of pecuniary interest

(Clause 195A)

Section 451 of the Local Government Act 1993

Form of Special Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest

1   The particulars of this form are to be written in block letters or typed.

2   If any space is insufficient in this form for all the particulars required to complete it, an appendix is to be attached for that purpose which is properly identified and signed by you.

Important information

This information is being collected for the purpose of making a special disclosure of pecuniary interests under sections 451 (4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1993. The special disclosure must relate to a pecuniary interest that arises only because of an interest of the councillor in the councillor’s principal place of residence or an interest of another person (whose interests are relevant under section 443 of the Act) in that person’s principal place of residence. You must not make a special disclosure that you know or ought reasonably to know is false or misleading in a material particular. Complaints made about contraventions of these requirements may be referred by the Director-General to the Local Government Civil and Administrative Tribunal.


This form must be completed by you before the commencement of the council or council committee meeting in respect of which the special disclosure is being made. The completed form must be tabled at the meeting. Everyone is entitled to inspect it. The special disclosure must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

Special disclosure of pecuniary interests

by ____________________________________________________________________________________

          [full name of councillor]

in the matter of __________________________________________________________________________

                   [insert name of environmental planning instrument]

which is to be considered at a meeting of the



[name of council or council committee (as the case requires)]

Report No. __________ to be held on the  _________________ day of ________________________ 201 



Pecuniary interest

Address of land in which councillor or an  associated person, company or body has a proprietary interest (the identified land)1








Relationship of identified land to councillor

[Tick or cross one box.]

Councillor has interest in the land (e.g. is owner or has other interest arising out of a mortgage, lease, trust, option or contract, or otherwise).

Associated person of councillor has interest in the land.

Associated company or body of councillor has interest in the land.

Matter giving rise to pecuniary interest

Nature of land that is subject to a change

in zone/planning control by proposed

LEP (the subject land)2

[Tick or cross one box]

The identified land.

Land that adjoins or is adjacent to or is in proximity to the identified land.

Current zone/planning control

[Insert name of current planning instrument and identify relevant zone/planning control applying to the subject land]


Proposed change of zone/planning control

[Insert name of proposed LEP and identify proposed change of zone/planning control applying to the subject land]


Effect of proposed change of zone/planning control on councillor

[Insert one of the following:

“Appreciable financial gain” or

“Appreciable financial loss”]


[If more than one pecuniary interest is to be declared, reprint the above box and fill in for each additional interest.]




Councillor’s signature






(This form is to be retained by the Council’s general manager and included in full in the minutes of the meeting.)



1    Section 443 (1) of the Local Government Act 1993 provides that you may have a pecuniary interest in a matter because of the pecuniary interest of your spouse or your de facto partner or your relative 4 or because your business partner or employer has a pecuniary interest. You may also have a pecuniary interest in a matter because you, your nominee, your business partner or your employer is a member of a company or other body that has a pecuniary interest in the matter.

      Section 442 of the Local Government Act 1993 provides that a "pecuniary interest" is an interest that a person has in a matter because of a reasonable likelihood or expectation of appreciable financial gain or loss to the person. A person does not have a pecuniary interest in a matter if the interest is so remote or insignificant that it could not reasonably be regarded as likely to influence any decision the person might make in relation to the matter or if the interest is of a kind specified in section 448 of that Act (for example, an interest as an elector or as a ratepayer or person liable to pay a charge).

2    A pecuniary interest may arise by way of a change of permissible use of land adjoining, adjacent to or in proximity to land in which a councillor or a person, company or body referred to in section 443 (1) (b) or (c) of the Local Government Act 1993 has a proprietary interest-see section 448 (g) (ii) of the Local Government Act 1993 .

3    "Relative" is defined by the Local Government Act 1993 as meaning your, your spouse’s or your de facto partner’s parent, grandparent, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, lineal descendant or adopted child and the spouse or de facto partner of any of those persons.


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy             13.10 - Attachment 2

Project: Granuaille Road – Service Station

Description of Proposed Works:

The existing Service Station located at 16 Granuaille Road, Bangalow. It is proposed to undertake façade restoration works to the existing Service Station located in the north-eastern corner of the site.

The Service Station is not specifically identified as a Heritage Item under the Byron LEP 2014, however the subject site contains a Heritage Item being the Campbell’s House ‘Byron Lodge’. The Service Station forms the setting of the Heritage Item and is in need of repair as demonstrated in the photos supporting the completed grant application form.

The Service Station and site are located in a prominent position on a main entrance into Bangalow being Granuaille Road.

Value of Works: $15,000                                           Grant Funding Sought: $3,000 

Assessment Criteria


Assessment Notes

Projects of demonstrated heritage value to the community, e.g. the restoration of an important local heritage house;


The Service Station is not specifically identified under the Byron LEP 2014, however the Service Station forms part of the setting for the Cambell’s House ‘Byron Lodge’ (heritage item) that is located on the subject site.

Projects which are highly visible to the public, e.g. the replacement of a verandah to a building in a main street location;


The site is located at 16 Granuaille Road, Bangalow and forms a significant component of the streetscape when entering into Bangalow from the north along Granuaille Road.

Projects which have high public accessibility, e.g. a local museum, church or a private home which is open to the public several times a year;


The Service Station and associated shop is open to members of the community. 

Projects that are in an area which has received little or no funding;


The Service Station has not received funding for maintenance purposes.

Projects involving aspects of heritage which have received little or no funding e.g.historic gardens;


The Service Station is not specifically identified as a Heritage Item however forms an integral part of the setting to the Campbell’s House ‘Byron Lodge’. 

Urgent projects to avert a threat to a heritage item; or


The Service Station is in an increasing state of disrepair and as such the façade restoration is required as a form of preventative maintenance of the building.

The applicant's ability to demonstrate financial responsibility with regard to the project, and demonstrated ability to complete the project by May in the same financial year. Council’s Heritage Advisor and Heritage Advisory Committee will consider applications for funding assistance and recommendations will then be made to Council


The applicant has provided 2 quotes to undertake the restoration works.

Timing of Projects

All works must be completed by the beginning of May within the same financial year as the granting of funding approval


Works will be undertaken prior to May 2017.


Colours to match the colour scheme of restored ‘Heritage Item Campbell’s House ‘Byron Lodge’, or where alternative colours are proposed, any alternate colours are to be approved in writing by Council prior to the commencement of works.


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy             13.10 - Attachment 4

Project: Bangalow News Agency

Description of Proposed Works:

There is an existing historic mural on the side of the Bangalow News Agency facing onto Fire Station Park to the east along Byron Street. The mural is in urgent need of repainting to preserve its heritage relevance to Bangalow’s History. 

Value of Works: $6,000 (approximately)

Grant Funding Sought: $3,000 

Assessment Criteria


Assessment Notes

Projects of demonstrated heritage value to the community, e.g. the restoration of an important local heritage house;


Although the New Agency building is not heritage listed under the Byron LEP 2014 the mural depicts Bangalows  history.

Projects which are highly visible to the public, e.g. the replacement of a verandah to a building in a main street location;


The site is located at 26 Byron Street, Bangalow and is highly visible to the public from within Fire Station Park and from Byron Street.

Projects which have high public accessibility, e.g. a local museum, church or a private home which is open to the public several times a year;


Given the location of the mural in the centre of town it is highly visible.

Projects that are in an area which has received little or no funding;


No funding has been allocated to the upkeep of this mural 

Projects involving aspects of heritage which have received little or no funding e.g.historic gardens;


No funding has been allocated to the upkeep of this mural 

Urgent projects to avert a threat to a heritage item; or


The application has stated that the Mural is in urgent need of repairs. Repainting of the mural to maintain the integrity of the image should be undertaken.

The applicant's ability to demonstrate financial responsibility with regard to the project, and demonstrated ability to complete the project by May in the same financial year. Council’s Heritage Advisor and Heritage Advisory Committee will consider applications for funding assistance and recommendations will then be made to Council


The applicant has provided 2 quotes to undertake the restoration works.

Timing of Projects

All works must be completed by the beginning of May within the same financial year as the granting of funding approval


Works will be undertaken prior to May 2017.



That the restoration of the Mural on the wall of the Bangalow News Agency to match the existing Mural (any alterations to the image to be approved by Council in writing prior to repainting).



Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy             13.10 - Attachment 6

Project: Bangalow Uniting Church

Description of Proposed Works:

The Bangalow Uniting Church is located at 17 Station Street, Bangalow and is identified as a Heritage Item under the Byron LEP 2014. The Uniting Church is in need of repainting at the current time as painting the exterior of the church has not been undertaken within the last 10 years.

The church is in a prominent position in Bangalow and has been there for over a hundred years. it is popular for weddings, and is used regularly for church services and events, and by community groups. We would describe it as one of the heritage feature buildings of the town.

Value of Works: $32,989.00                                      Grant Funding Sought: $3,000 

Assessment Criteria


Assessment Notes

Projects of demonstrated heritage value to the community, e.g. the restoration of an important local heritage house;


The Bangalow Uniting Church is identified as a Heritage Item under the Byron LEP 2014.

Projects which are highly visible to the public, e.g. the replacement of a verandah to a building in a main street location;


The site is located at 17 Station Street, Bangalow and forms an integral component of the streetscape. In addition the site is visible from the intersection of Station and Byron Streets.

Projects which have high public accessibility, e.g. a local museum, church or a private home which is open to the public several times a year;


The Uniting Church is open to all members of the community. 

Projects that are in an area which has received little or no funding;


The Church has not received funding for maintenance purposes.

Projects involving aspects of heritage which have received little or no funding e.g.historic gardens;



Urgent projects to avert a threat to a heritage item; or


The application has stated that the existing paintwork on the Uniting Church has not been undertaken for over 10 years. As such the repainting of the Church is required as a form of preventative maintenance of the building.

The applicant's ability to demonstrate financial responsibility with regard to the project, and demonstrated ability to complete the project by May in the same financial year. Council’s Heritage Advisor and Heritage Advisory Committee will consider applications for funding assistance and recommendations will then be made to Council


The applicant has provided 2 quotes to undertake the restoration works.

Timing of Projects

All works must be completed by the beginning of May within the same financial year as the granting of funding approval


Works will be undertaken prior to May 2017.


Colours to match existing or where alternative colours are proposed, any alternate colours are to be approved in writing by Council prior to the commencement of works.


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy             13.10 - Attachment 8

Project: Granuaille Road – Campbell’s House ‘Byron Lodge’

Description of Proposed Works:

The proposed works include the restoration of the Heritage Item known as Campbell’s House ‘Byron Lodge’ located at 16 Granuaille Road, Bangalow. The proposed works include the restoration of the house façade to the original heritage appearance.

The works will include the removal of current enclosed verandah and reinstatement with the historic bullnose verandah, ornate posts, trims and restoration of the original verandah French doors.


The proposed works have previously been approved as part of Development Application 10.2014.419.1 for the purposes of a veterinary establishment.


Campbell’s House  ‘Byron Lodge’ is a prominent historic item which is highly visible from Granuaille Road (being a main entrance to the township of Bangalow).

Value of Works: $25,000                                           Grant Funding Sought: $3,000 

Assessment Criteria


Assessment Notes

Projects of demonstrated heritage value to the community, e.g. the restoration of an important local heritage house;


Campbell’s House ‘Byron Lodge’ is specifically identified as a Heritage Item under the Byron LEP 2014. The works will include the full façade restoration of a significant local heritage house.

Projects which are highly visible to the public, e.g. the replacement of a verandah to a building in a main street location;


The site is located at 16 Granuaille Road, Bangalow and forms a significant component of the streetscape when entering into Bangalow from the north along Granuaille Road.

Projects which have high public accessibility, e.g. a local museum, church or a private home which is open to the public several times a year;


The site is highly visible from Granuallie Road and has previolus planning approval to operate as a Veterinary Establishment which will thereby provide access into the heritage item to members of the community. 

Projects that are in an area which has received little or no funding;


The Dwelling House has not received funding for maintenance purposes.

Projects involving aspects of heritage which have received little or no funding e.g.historic gardens;



Urgent projects to avert a threat to a heritage item; or


Dwelling House is in an increasing state of disrepair and as such the façade restoration and reinstatement of the original fabric of the building will form both preventative maintenance of the building and significant restoration works.

The applicant's ability to demonstrate financial responsibility with regard to the project, and demonstrated ability to complete the project by May in the same financial year. Council’s Heritage Advisor and Heritage Advisory Committee will consider applications for funding assistance and recommendations will then be made to Council


The applicant has provided 2 quotes to undertake the restoration works.

Timing of Projects

All works must be completed by the beginning of May within the same financial year as the granting of funding approval


Works will be undertaken prior to May 2017.



Colour scheme for the restoration of Campbell’s House ‘Byron Lodge’ are to be approved in writing by Council prior to the commencement of works.


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy             13.11 - Attachment 1


Draft Amendments to Part A – Preliminary of Byron Shire Development Control Plan 2014


1.         Amend Section A5 to Read


A5            Where This DCP Applies


This plan applies to the land to which Byron LEP 2014 applies and land identified under Part 4 - West Byron Bay Site of the Byron Local Environmental Plan 1988. This Plan applies to all categories of ‘development’ as defined within the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and as addressed within the various Chapters of this Plan.   



2.         Amend Appendix A1 – Dictionary by inserting the following additional definitions


Dual key – Means an internal door linking two attached dwellings together. The door needs to be a suitably designed and constructed fire door as per the Building Code of Australia. Dual key arrangements maybe considered suitable for dual occupancy, secondary dwelling and attached dwelling housing arrangements where the housing is on one lot. 

Integrated Housing Means the subdivision of land into three or more lots and the erection of a dwelling (attached or semi attached) or dwelling house on each lot as per clause 83 of Byron LEP 1988.

Small Lots – means vacant residential lots less than 350m2 in area


3.         Make any other adjustments to Part A where required to reference the West Byron Bay Site under Part 4 of Byron Local Environmental Plan 1988. 


4.         Amend Section D1.4.1 Private Open Space (Secondary Dwellings) by inserting the following additional prescriptive measure as point 3.


“3. Decks and verandahs for secondary dwellings not to exceed 20m2 in area.”




Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.11 - Attachment 2






Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.11 - Attachment 2


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.11 - Attachment 2


































Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.11 - Attachment 2


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.11 - Attachment 2








Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.11 - Attachment 2














Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.11 - Attachment 2


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.11 - Attachment 2



Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.11 - Attachment 2




Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.11 - Attachment 2








Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy 13.11 - Attachment 3

Attachment 3 Submissions Report


Ref No


Staff Comment


West Byron DCP



When the West Byron DCP was returned to Council that Council would draft a new one that took into consideration the site’s constraints and would be based on Council’s understanding of these. The rezoning by the NSW government showed a spectacular and wilful ignorance of the local area and treated it as if they were just rezoning any greenfield area on the outskirts of a major city.

Appalled that the Department of Planning and Kristina Kinneally approved  West Byron without knowledge or interest in issues affecting the site or community concerns


The DCP is being prepared in accordance with the EPA Act 1979 and associated Regulations. The DCP is a guide to development as per Section 74BA - Purpose and Status of Development Control Plans of the EPA Act 1988. The provisions state:

1. The principal purpose of a development control plan is to provide guidance on the following matters to the persons proposing to carry out development to which this Part applies and to the consent authority for any such development:

(a)  giving effect to the aims of any environmental planning instrument that applies to the development,

(b)  facilitating development that is permissible under any such instrument,

(c)  achieving the objectives of land zones under any such instrument.

Should Council wish to amend zone boundaries, density provisions, heights and lot sizes, then these changes need to be introduced through an LEP amendment not via a DCP as such changes would be contrary to the adopted LEP controls for West Byron, and to have legal effect.


A Whole of Site Approach - Required for Biodiversity Conservation Plan, Koala Plan of Management, Water Management Plan, Acid Sulfate Soils Management plan before the DCP is adopted.

These issues to be addressed with the Stage 1 DA for the site (or sites) to ensure the site in it’s totality is appropriately planned for.

There is no pre approval mechanism for such plans other than via a development application.


Flawed Studies – DCP relies upon old out of date studies

Any studies used to make a decision should be less than 5 years old

The draft DCP references previous studies in section E8.6 as background information only. It is recommended that this section be amended though to fully reflect that these studies are background information only.

If and when a development application is lodged for the site numerous additional studies and plans will need to be submitted with that application for consideration and assessment. The DCP requires such studies and plans to be submitted.   


Traffic and Infrastructure



There is no meaningful plan for staging the development relative to impacts on infrastructure and traffic increases. The developers’ traffic plan only dealt with about half a many houses as are now allowed on the site.

Traffic study/ comprehensive plan required to address:

- maximum development potential for the site

- capacity of roads to accommodate development

- road upgrades required for development stages

- No loss of service on roads into town rom congestion

- consider external vehicle movements/ day, peak season and peak hour etc

Traffic impacts – town already gridlocked with one arterial road and hwy upgrades have made it easier to access Byron bay

Traffic problems in Byron Bay and Ewingsdale Rd need to be addressed first.

Impact of construction vehicles on traffic entering the site from Ewingsdale Road

The Traffic Study considered at the rezoning stage by the Department of Planning and Environment assumed a residential yield of 856 dwellings. This estimate is considered reasonable. It is highly unlikely these lots will be released simultaneously on the residential market.

The DA for the site will need to include further traffic studies in accordance with Chapter B4 of DCP 2014 and to address the traffic generating provisions contained within SEPP (Infrastructure) 2007. A study will need to be prepared in accordance with RMS Guide to Traffic Generating Development to address access onto Ewingsdale Road. 

The development will need to demonstrate how traffic will be able to enter and leave the site having regards to the above.

It is standard for Council to require a management plan for construction vehicles entering and leaving a site. 



An updated traffic study would provide greater clarity on route for the Byron Bay Bypass ie Grab the rail corridor route or the Butler Street Route.

The grab the rail route provides for a public transport interchange which will be integral public transport

A DA has been submitted and determined for the Byron Bay Bypass to ease traffic congestion in the Byron Bay town centre.

A public transport interchange is being considered by Council separate to West Byron



Proposal reliant on car transport is  inconsistent with zero carbon emissions

Cycling and pedestrian networks will play an important role for connectivity but also supporting a healthy lifestyle.

Pedestrian bridge across Ewingsdale Road to the Arts and Industrial Estate is required

Planning for Bus stops, local bus runs into town and car parking areas.

Existing bus services are too infrequent, train service from elements to far to walk to.

The DCP includes provisions for cycleway/ pedestrian network to link with existing networks.

Bus stops are also required along the main spine road running through the site, plus provisions for car parking throughout the development site.


Emergency Services can’t access the site from town

The regional hospital and ambulance station is now open at Ewingsdale to the west of the site. Police and Fire Brigade can access the site from Ewingsdale Road


Elements train has not been approved and should not be considered and has insufficient parking

Cost of using the Elements train is not financially viable for residents on a daily weekly basis

The Elements train is not proposed as part of this development and is not located at West Byron.


Development of West Byron will limit the potential to create a second bypass option into Byron Bay (eg to the south of Ewingsdale Road)

This is not a consideration relevant to the DCP.


Ozigo Intersection needs upgrading with a roundabout. 

The DCP requires this to occur


Existing Infrastructure is inadequate to cater for the future residents of West Byron

It is considered existing infrastructure can cater for West Byron


Developer Contributions and rates



I hope that council is not paying for either of the roundabouts on Ewingsdale Road and that the developers are paying high contributions to council for each lot.

The roundabout at SAE will be the applicants responsibility, whilst Council is planning to construct a roundabout at Bayshore Drive. Should the development proceed prior to this roundabout being constructed, then the developer would be required construct this roundabout.  



The developers want to use our roads, our energy infrastructure, our water supply, our drainage, our sewerage treatment and discharge, give us their waste and use our food, shops, schools, community and sporting facility so as they can cram as many

dwellings onto the site, to maximize their money take away from Byron. This is not ethical or beneficial to the local community and would only destroy the reason people come here.

Developer Contributions are levied to compensate for impacts on services and infrastructure and to enable Council to upgrade and replace existing infrastructure. 


Section 94 Contributions will go to community facilities plus an additional $7000 per lot for road upgrading in Byron Bay.

Road contributions should be spent on Ewingsdale road and upgrading it to two lanes no the Bypass

Contributions should be used for Bypass/ Ewingsdale road upgrade and cycleway link into Town



Contributions should not be deferred until titles are transferred

It is standard Council policy and practice for S94 Contributions and S64 Headworks charges to be collected prior to the issue of the subdivision certificate for subdivision development, and prior to the issue of the construction certificate for dual occupancy and medium density housing development.


Land to be dedicated to Council for community recreation, market area, children play area, community hall, womens refuge, corner shop

The DCP includes two area of parkland which will become public reserves for community recreational purposes.


Proposal will increase Councils rates base and take pressure of the existing rate payers



Flora and fauna



Impacts on koalas

Has there been an independent survey of the koala population of the area been conducted to determine both the resident and transient populations?


Koala controls in a POM need to include traffic calming measures, fencing to Ewingsdale road to prevent road kill, banning cats and dogs

The DCP does not include a Koala plan of management and in its proposed format does not allow for any management of the core Koala habitat, there is no proposal for adequate buffer zones or movement corridors to protect the creatures. There is no fencing proposals or control of pets. This DCP will isolate the Koala into small pockets where they will not be able to breed effectively and the isolated colonies will die out.

Make West Byron a cat and dog free zone.

DCP indicates the need for a POM to address range of design solutions to protect koalas including fencing, reduced vehicle speeds, traffic calming measure, pool safety measures and a koala friendly crossing for Ewingsdale Rd. The provisions also require core koala habit area to be linked together and such links be embellished.

Should council adopt the Byron Coast Koala Plan of Management the developers can utilise that KPOM instead of preparing a site specific KPOM .

Amended provisions are recommended to ban cats and dogs other than guide dogs by adding the following prescriptive measure to E8.10.5.1

9.      The keeping of cats and dogs other than guide dogs is to be prohibited. Any plan of subdivision to include an appropriately worded S.88B instrument in relation to keeping such pets. The prohibition to also apply to community title and strata tittle subdivisions and to be incorporated into Strata Plans of Management and or Neighbourhood Management plans and the like. Appropriate conditions to apply for applications to residential development including multi dwelling housing, integrated housing, dwelling houses, dual occupancy and secondary dwellings.


General habitat corridors fail to recognise koala habitat in Belongil Fields

Provisions under E8.10.5.1 include detailed provisions in terms of addressing Koala as per SEPP 44 including “rehabilitation of habitat in the E Zones to focus on koala habitat restoration and …. to provide or embellish linkages between core koala habitat areas, and a crossing over or under Ewingsdale Road”.


Swimming pools should have measures to enable Koalas to climb out

The draft provisions also require this to occur, including the design of pools with beaches or ramps to enable Koalas to climb out. 


The site and surrounding properties to the south provide habitat linkages through to Hayters Hill

Provisions under E8.10.5.1 aim to strengthen and embellish habitat corridors


Threatened species not considered eg tusked frogs, swamp orchid, koalas, masked owls etc

The DCP and the EPA Act requires threatened species to be considered at the DA stage.


Roosting and nesting areas for shorebirds at the mouth of Belongil Creek will be impacted upon

Impacts of residents dogs on bird nesting sites in Belongil Creek

Eastern curlew uses the site

Recommend provisions under objectives, performance criteria and prescriptive measures to protect.

The development will have no direct impact on the mouth of the Belongil Creek. Impacts are likely to occur from coastal erosion, and beach goers/tourists and recreational use of the creek from kayaking/ board paddling, disturbing these roosting and nesting areas, and dog and cat ownership.  

Additional provisions recommended to make West Byron a cat and dog free estate, and to remove the Belongil Creek Access point for recreational purposes.


Main road through the site will split the E2 Zone and make it difficult for endangered wildlife to maintain normal feeding and breeding patterns

Roads and drains in the DCP are approved that go through koala and frog habitat without appropriate studies and without DCP clauses to minimise impacts.

The DCP provides guidelines for development of the site. Under Clause E8.10.5.1 the developer will need to address a range of issues including protecting, maintaining and enhancing key habitat corridors for koalas and other species at the development application stage and site roads and infrastructure accordingly. No roads or drains are approved by the DCP.  Final road layout will be subject to detailed design and assessment at the DA Stage

It is recommended though that the provisions for roads and stormwater infrastructure be strengthened to provide the link to flora and fauna studies under E8.10.5.1, and that the final road layout and siting of installation is subject to detailed design and assessment at the DA Stage. Changes made to measures under E8.10.3 Transport Movement and Street Hierarchy and E8.10.4 Stormwater Management. 


Impacts on Wallum Sedge frogs and Wallabies

Road from the Bayshore Drive roundabout goes through Wallum Sedge habitat

Provisions for Wallum Frogs need to be strengthened in E8.10.5.1

Applicants will need to address this matter in the DA and design the road around the habitat if it needs to be retained. Wallum Sedge Frog Issue identified under E8.10.5.1. as a matter to be addressed. It is recommended though that these provisions be strengthened by adding in the following performance criteria:

7. To identify, protect and maintain Wallum Frog habitat areas where appropriate and to provide additional wallum frog habitat areas within the West Byron Site, so that there is no net loss in habitat.


All Native vegetation on the site shall be retained and protected. (reason - to comply with the Native Vegetation Act and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act.

Any proposed vegetation removal will need to address the relevant provisions of the EPA Act, Threatened Species Conservation Act and other legislation with the development application.


Residents are provided with education programs to comply with the visions and plans for environmental protection

Opportunities exist on the site to create lifestyle residential development with residual environmental zoned land. This could be in the form of a community title or strata title arrangement. The owners of such land would be responsible for the long term management on these residual parcels.


The DCP has a strong focus on vegetation but there is a lack of focus  on connectivity between the development site and the Estuary and potential impacts from water management and increased human impacts

The zoning of the land provided a significant buffer to the Belongil Creek with such areas to be rehabilitated. Appropriate provisions are proposed for water management, enhancing habitat corridors and for the recreational access point to the creek is removed.


Plantings need to be local endemic species wherever possible

Provisions under E8.10.5.2 require locally indigenous species to be predominantly used in landscaping.


West Byron is a lowlying ecologically sensitive swamp/ wetland and should not be developed

Wetlands need to be protected

Proposal will destroy wetlands

Wetland Areas at West Byron are predominantly included in the E2 Zones on the land or are located outside of the site in the 7(a) wetland Zone or the 7(b) Coastal Habitat Zone. The wetlands are also protected by SEPP 14 Wetlands. Dwellings are not permitted in the E2 Zone. 


LEP and Zoning Issues



E3 Zone should remain undeveloped

Permissible Uses in the E3 zone are nominated within Byron LEP 1988.


R2 Zone should not extend into the South East corner of the site

The Zoning lines are established by Byron LEP 1988 and not the DCP.  


Densities inappropriate

1500 Dwellings too many

1100 dwellings too many

Lot sizes should be in line with Sunrise Estate – 600 m2

150m2 is too small for medium density


Lot sizes are established under Byron LEP 1988 and not the DCP chapter.

Final yield for the site is unknown, however current estimates are around 850 dwellings. 

Amendments to Byron LEP 1988 are proposed to reduce residential development lot yield within West Byron. Draft LEP is currently on exhibition


The R3 Zoning to dense

Not in keeping with the Shire

The R3 Zone has been established under Byron LEP 1988 and not the DCP Chapter. The DCP controls though are aimed at providing for housing with adequate private open space and landscape area and to limit the building footprint vertically and horizontally. 


Heights - 9 m height limit too high for residential areas

Heights are established by Byron LEP 1988 and not the DCP. Nine metres  is consistent with the height limits applying to the majority of Byron Shire.


Holiday Letting should be prohibited

No decisions should be made until Parliamentary Inquiry into Holiday Letting is completed and Policy handed down

Short term rental accommodation (Holiday Letting) is not a permitted use in West Byron under Part 4 of Byron LEP 1988.

Current Planning Proposal to permit holiday letting only applies to land under Byron LEP 2014.


Drainage works in E2 Zone prohibited

E2 Zoned Drain should not be used for stormwater drainage

Drainage works should clear koala habit

A separate LEP amendment has been exhibited to permit limited works in the E2 Zone.

The main drain running through the site takes urban stormwater from Ewingsdale Road and the Arts and Industrial Estate. The Drain is zoned E2, E3, R2 and RE1. Any works in the drain would need to be consistent with what is permitted under Byron LEP 1988.


There needs to be land zoned for parks and foliaged grass areas for stormwater absorption, reduced densities and have an aesthetic design and healthy environment.

More public areas be made (such as parks with adequate car parking, bicycle paths and amenities)


The zoning of West Byron includes two designated park areas zoned RE1 Recreation which will cater for residents needs. Both of these parkland areas are to be linked by bike paths and utilise the drainage reserve running generally between them

Further stormwater to be managed by Water sensitive urban design measures such as swales as indicated in the DCP. The swales will increase the width of the road reserves by some 4 metres and therefoer also reduce densities and provide opportunities for a greener streetscape with street trees and sedge and grass species in the swales (See E8.10.3 and E8.10.4)


The land was zoned for "investigation for future residential" in the 1988 LEP - after decades of high rents and housing shortage since then, it is time to finally get on with the provision of housing at West Byron.

Noted – the development of the site will provide additional housing for the Shire



Coastal Works



Against Protective beach rock walls

The DCP for West Byron has no requirements for protective beach works as the site is landward of the erosion zones


Creek Access should be carefully managed.

Impacts on Shorebirds in Belongil Creek and nesting sites



The draft DCP prepared by the Department of Planning clearly showed an access point to Belongil Creek for the Public. The current draft retains provisions under E8.10.6 if this was to occur, details to be provided with the development application. Providing such access however is problematic as the land is within the E2 Zone, is private property and is not identified under the LEP provisions as being dedicated to Council as a public reserve. Further as indicated in a number of submissions the creek provides an important habitat and roosting site for a variety of birdlife.  It is recommended that the prescriptive measure 6 Public Access to Belongil Creek under E8.10.6 be deleted and replaced with following provisions:

6. No Public Access to be provided to Belongil Creek.


CZMP should be completed before West Byron DCP is adopted

There is no nexus to link West Byron to the CZMP. 





Proposal will exacerbate flooding in town and disperse flood waters as far as the CBD and increase runoff into Belongil Creek. 

The filling of the site will need to demonstrate negligible impacts on surrounding properties. Stormwater to be treated by way of water sensitive urban design measures as indicated in the DCP.


Climate change and sea level rise not addressed and has not considered rising sea levels and lacks any science based modelling and does not adequately addresses the risks to life and property from flood.

Any development on the land will need to comply with the adopted flood mapping for the Belongil Creek Catchment which includes Byron Bay. The mapping includes modelling for climate change.


Dwelling should be built on piers not slab on ground

42 ha of land will need to be filled 2 metres – where is the fill to come from?

Fill for the development will need to be sourced form local quarries in the region. Filing of 2 metres across the site will not be required as part of the land is already elevated at or above the flood heights.

Dwellings can be either elevated on piers or on slabs.


There appears to be no detailing of the quantities of fill involved, where the material will be sourced from and the number of truck movements and associated traffic planning and impacts on local and tourist traffic during construction.

This will be a matter for consideration at the development application stage.


Flood controls are based on modelling up to the year 2100. Housing however will need to be protected beyond this. The DCP should highlight that properties will be flood prone after that period to reduce Council/ public liability, and to enable land owners to invest with full knowledge of potential risks.

Consent conditions could be drafted to time limit consents when flood immunity is no longer provided (eg after 2100 or if sea levels rise etc)

Dwellings should be designed to be adaptable, on piers and not slab on ground

Provisions of Chapter C2 Areas Affected by Flooding should apply to all land below RL 5 m AHD not just areas identified up to the 2100 flood height.      

Flooding Provisions are aimed at bringing West Byron into conformity with the rest of the Shire and to enable any future changes to catchment flood studies to be replicated through Chapter C2 of DCP 2014. That is the flood controls for West Byron apply equally elsewhere in the Belongil Catchment. 

Should Council take a view for West Byron than equally it should apply to other flood prone areas of Byron Bay and the Shire in terms of time limited consents, limited immunity up to year 2100 and adaptable housing below 5m AHD. A separate amendment to Chapter C2 would be the appropriate planning controls to be amended. 


Acid Sulfate Soils



Amend the DCP controls to ensure changes in groundwater levels don’t impact on ASS

Acid Sulfate Soils will have an adverse impact on Belongil creek and cause fish kills, and release heavy metals into the creek.

For a sensitive environments like West Byron the most appropriate action is generally to leave potentially acid sulphate soils in situ.

It is recommended that the following points 2 and 3 be added to the Performance Criteria under E8.10.8.2 Acid Sulfate Soils (ASS) to limit the potential of ASS being exposed from construction and stormwater works and to strengthen the DCP provisions

2. Where the watertable in the vicinity of Acid Sulphate Soils maybe affected by hydrological changes associated with drainage works or alteration in rainfall infiltration and runoff, an assessment must be undertaken to assess the likely consequences on groundwater and surface water quality.. 

3. Effective mitigation measures are identified to ensure there is no deterioration in water quality in drains or the Belongil Estuary.


Main drain shouldn’t be excavated due to ASS, and a separate drain should be provided in a different less sensitive location that doesn’t require koala habitat removal

A second drain would potentially result in a larger area of ASS being excavated that will then need to be treated then utilising the existing drainage reserve. 


What commitment has been made to the management of ASS

ASS will need to  be managed in accordance with the ASSMAC guidelines as per Clause E8.10.8.2





Controls for Groundwater need to be strengthened in terms of objectives and performance criteria

Agree – the following additional objectives and performance criteria provisions are recommended.


2. To maintain existing groundwater level in the vicinity of Wallum frog habitats and wetlands

Performance Criteria

2. Groundwater quality is maintained and levels are not lowered in the vicinity of wallum frog habitats or wetlands

Prescriptive Measures

3. The ph and water levels of groundwater near and or adjacent to wallum frog habitat and wetlands not to be altered such that it impacts on the health of that habitat for the frogs.


Stormwater Management



Stormwater Management Plan required before DCP adopted

Who is to manage stormwater infrastructure including old drainage union drains

Stormwater impacts on prime agricultural land to the south

Union Drains servicing properties to the south are also tidal and king tides push water back onto properties

Will Council be installing floodgates to protect aquatic fauna

Stormwater should be treated and disposed by way of larger rainwater tanks, minimizing hard impervious surfaces, wetland filtration, stormwater retention

The DCP requires a Stormwater management plan to be submitted for the entire site with the Stage 1 DA in accordance with Councils requirements and the Northern Rivers Local Government Design and Construction Manual. The plan is to be based around the principals of water sensitive urban design as opposed to piping water directly into drains.

The plan will need to identify legal points of discharge and infrastructure to be dedicated to Council. It is normal practice for Council to ensure stormwater from a development does not have a detrimental impact on surrounding properties. 


The prescriptive measure of limiting the number of stormwater treatment devices for ease of maintenance will compromise the quality of stormwater treatment. Stormwater is always best managed at source with devices distributed throughout the catchment.

The provisions for this measure relate to stormwater detention ponds and basins if used.


The central stormwater drainage corridor should be 70 metres wide to provide for 20 metre buffer either side of 30 metre wide drainage reserve for vegetated buffer, plus 20 m buffers either side of waterways, drainage reserves, wetlands


Central drain is zoned R2 Low Density Residential, RE1 Public recreation, E2 Environmental Conservation and E3 Environmental Management. There is a requirement for 20 metre wide buffers to be provided to the E2 and E3 Zoned between urban zoned and environmental zoned land under E8.10.5.1, whilst there is already provision in the Stormwater measures for landscaping to be an integral part of the WSUD strategy for the site. This is considered suitable. 


Stormwater swales are considered inappropriate with driveways every 15 metres. The provisions need to have greater flexibility for alternative measures.

It is considered the stormwater controls under E8.10.4 include sufficient flexibility for applicants to propose alternate solutions based on the objectives and performance criteria. The overall aim is that stormwater management is designed on water sensitive urban design.


Provisions to be strengthened to ensure stormwater measures

·        do not lower ground water levels of ASS (actual and potential)

·        establish vegetated buffers to waterways to trap sediment, nutrients and pollutants

·        to maintain and enhance water quality and levels for wallum frog species

·        Consider baseline modelling and need for modelling including stormwater from Arts and Industry  estate

·        Impacts of stormwater runoff and sedimentation and silt runoff into Belongil Creek and the Marine Park from earthworks and filling the site

·        Management to be adequate to prevent rubbish, chemicals and nutrients from entering Belongil Creek and the groundwater.

Agree – The Northern Rivers Development Local Government Design and Construction manual requires a Stormwater Management Plan that demonstrates how post development flows volumes and stormwater quality are controlled to predevelopment conditions by achieving a neutral or beneficial effect (NorBE) on the natural environment and receiving waters or wetlands.

It is recommended that the following be added to the Objectives and Prescriptive Measures under E8.10.4


3. To ensure groundwater levels are considered in the management of stormwater.

Performance Criteria

5. Groundwater levels are not to be significantly altered by stormwater works in areas of actual or potential acid sulphate soils or such impacts are appropriately managed

6. Vegetated buffers are provided around stormwater infrastructure and to trap sediments, nutrients and pollutants from the surrounding environment

7. Stormwater is managed to maintain appropriate water quality and levels for wallum frog habitat. 

Prescriptive Measures

n) Baseline studies to be prepared of water quality of surface and groundwater and within drainage lines across the site. The Studies to consider wet and dry period, tidal movements and incorporate sampling upstream (eg Arts and Industrial Estate) and Down Stream (eg Belongil creek);

o) Identification of all areas proposed for fill or other major earth works and an assessment of impacts on stormwater runoff, ground water levels, acid sulphate soils and wallum frog habitat and identification of effective mitigation measures where impacts cant be avoided.

p) Detailed designs for the central drainage line that identify impacts on the watertables in the vicinity of Acid Sulfate Soils and minimises damage to existing native vegetation.

q) A monitoring regime for Belongil Creek to ensure a Neutral or Beneficial Impact (NorBE) is being achieved for the creek. Target criteria for water quality including litter, coarse sediments, fine particles, total phosphorus and nitrogen and hydrocarbons to be nominated consistent with the Northern Rivers Development Local Government Design Manual. The monitoring regime to be applied to assess impacts as the development proceeds from the start of construction for a period of 10 years. 


The main stormwater drain that takes stormwater from the Arts and Industry Estate should be carefully widened where rare or endangered vegetation won’t need to be removed and to limit the need for deepening of the channel to accommodate flood flows

Agree this is a solution. It is recommended that Prescriptive measure 2 under E8.10.4 be amended to read

2. The embellishment of the main drain through the site and the secondary drain on the Belongil Fields site to be carefully designed to protect high conservation value vegetation. The drain(s) to be strategically widened at areas with limited conservation value.


Mosquitos and Midges



Has the council considered how much impact this development will have on mosquitos and midges will have on the town for the existing population at Sunrise and the town itself from disturbing the soil.

Ross River is prevalent – has this been considered

The DCP includes provisions for mosquitos and midges


Soil contamination issues



Soil contamination must be addressed

Provisions of SEPP 55 Remediation of Contaminated Lands apply. This will necessitate the need for a detailed assessment under Clause 7 of the SEPP to ensure the site is suitable for development prior to the DA being approved.


Other Options



New housing estates should go in Lismore or Mullumbimby.

It is not Byron's burden to make up the housing quota allotted to the North Coast as a region.

Put the houses in Mooball in Tweed Shire or Inland from Evans Head in Richmond Valley but not in Byron


This is not a matter for consideration as part of the DCP but is of relevance to the draft North Coast Regional Plan by DPE. In this regard the draft Regional Plan indicates Byron Shire needs an additional 3750 – 4500 dwellings over the next 20 years. Additional dwellings at West Byron will make up part of that quota. 

The surrounding Shires also have housing targets as follows

Lismore – 4200 - 5000

Tweed – 14000 - 16860

Ballina – 3100 - 3700




Good planning would be annexing an area in the hinterland behind Byron and creating a new and unique village. There are many creative people in the area with incredibly good ideas for a truly progressive concept such a new village. This would be a move towards a better future.

Byron Shire needs a new town for new residents

Build a new village in the Bangalow Area some 40 metres above sea level to insure against global warming

Noted – Council will need to look at further areas for residential development when preparing the Residential Strategy consistent with the draft North Coast Regional Plan.

The plan indicates the need for up to 4500 dwellings over the next 20 years. Dwellings generated by West Byron will go some way to meeting that housing target.



John Sparks proposal is far better and in line with the spirit of Byron

Support the John Sparks concept

-        200 dwellings – totally self sufficient

-        Environmental Studies Centre

-        Increased flora and fauna habitat

-        Reduced number of dwellings = reduced congestion on Ewingsdale Road

An Eco Village like Currumbin valley would be a better option for the site

The most sensible use of the land is forest regeneration with limited accommodation based around a public/private co-operative wildlife program, such as the Currumbin Sanctuary.

An eco lodge facility with an environmental studies centre with access to the wetlands

It would be open to Council to enter into negotiations with the land owners to examine other options for the site, such as the John Sparks concept or other alternatives with a reduced development footprint. This could include:

-        a denser development with an increased height limit

-        greater green space and buffers for native flora and fauna, habitat linkages and revegetation, community gardens, public open space and the like

-        education and eco tourist facilities

-        Work/ living studio apartments

Such discussions would need to look at amending the LEP for the site moving zoning lines and the like. It is likely any alternative concepts for the site would need to have the support of landowners in order to obtain LEP amendments from the Department of Planning and Environment. This is outside of the scope of the DCP   


West Byron Should be toned down to 5-6 houses

Larger 1 acre sized allotments would be preferable

A reduction in density to a rural residential estate would requires an LEP amendment. 


Crowd Funding option to buy West Byron and use the land for Permaculture and other farming purposes, a wires Hospital, bike tracks and parkland for all ages, cultural centre, limited housing up to 300 dwellings and retention of Belongil Fields and camping ground as a festival area

This is not a matter for consideration for the DCP.


Spread the housing into the rural areas by giving land owners with more than 40 ha a second dwelling entitlement

Rural properties throughout the shire can already  seek consent for attached and detached dual occupancy effectively providing a second dwelling entitlement to those land owners.





 20 metre buffer to E2 and E3 Zones excessive

Buffer Zones to must be adequate to protect wildlife corridors

Bushfire APZ’s should be located on cleared land

50m buffer to the Temple Byron yoga studio required at Melaleuca Drive

The 20 metre buffer is considered reasonable for environmental and amenity reasons, and to act as an Asset Protection Zone. 

Buffers will be within the R2 Zone. 

It is recommended though the vegetated edge be increased to 10 metres to properties in the E3 Zone in Melaleuca Drive under E8.10.5.1 for amenity reasons.


100m buffer to SEPP 14 wetlands required.

The zoning lines have generally been drawn with buffers incorporated into them for the SEPP 14 boundaries.


Remove the words aim from Prescriptive measure 3(b)(i-iii) to be more specific for buffers under E8.3.5.1

Agree to changes.


Odour Provisions



The odour provisions should be removed as they are obsolete and the chicken processing Plant has been closed

As the adjacent processing plant may retain existing use rights, until such time as these are surrendered or the site redeveloped for another purpose, it is prudent that the odour provisions remain. 


Request that the Spine road in Stage 1 be extended to Melaleuca Drive to enable residents to utilise the new roundabout and sealed road to gain access to Ewingsdale Road.

The DCP provisions enable this to occur at Stage 1, but will be a matter for the landowners to finance and undertake this work as the development proceeds. 


The DCP should provide for ‘world best practice’, the inclusion of social housing in an integrated way so that it’s not just another gentrified coastal suburb, and the delivery of a sustainable and energy efficient development that ensures a positive contribution to the local environment and community.

The proposal includes provisions for water sensitive urban design measures, roofs to be designed and orientated for solar power and heating, and other arrangements for co-operative/ intentional housing.


Schools, Health Facilities and other Public Amenities



Schools are at capacity, Byron Public School is already crowded with portable classrooms

Schooling/Health facilities – additional schools and health services will be required to cater for the additional school age children and people requiring health services.

Village of 1000-2000 dwellings needs provision of social and community infrastructure including schools, childcare, youth activities, centre, post office, police station, medical centre, affordable housing, community centre, recreational facilities.  

The Department of Education own land at Suffolk Park for a new school. The land is yet to be developed for this purpose.

In terms of health care, a new hospital has been constructed at Ewingsdale, whilst the West Byron site will provide opportunities for other housing choices such as seniors living for an aging population.

The site provides open space and recreational areas whilst a small commercial centre is proposed for the day to day needs of residents.


Ambulance wont be able to get into town

Emergency Services have priority in the event of an emergency with lighting and sirens.


Social Economic Impacts



A Social Impact Assessment is required Social impact from 1500 - 2000 dwellings or 3450 people  not considered

Social Impact Assessment will be required as part of the development application process as stipulated under Chapter B12


Additional land for housing will create  more jobs for Towns tradespeople that have to travel to Tweed/ Gold Coast for work



Increase house supply will lower house prices

It is unclear if the development will provide for lower house prices, however an increase in supply and choice will provide diversity to the housing market in Byron Shire.


Mews Style Development if done poorly can result in unsafe housing. Need to ensure such development is referred to NSW Police and for CPTED assessments.

DCP 2014 includes provisions for CPTED assessments.


Proposal will destroy local tourist industry

There is no evidence that West Byron will impact on the local tourist industry.


Development will create additional jobs through construction phase but where will the new residents work

Proposal wont help unemployed

West Byron includes an industrial estate of 4 ha.  This when developed will provide further opportunities for employment for the shires residents


Social anthropologists such as Robin Dunbar (known for Dunbar's magic number - the optimum number for stable, healthy communities) recognise that as communities grow in size they lose many of the qualities of care and civility that sustain healthy societies. Anyone living in the area can have doubt that a development of this size - on this beautiful shared natural resource is too much for Byron Shire, and will gravely impact on something unique and irretrievable.

Dunbars number equates to approximately 150 people and arose from examining a range of village and tribe sizes historically. There is no reason that as West Byron develops, small neighbourhoods will be cultivated based around this number. However with advances in mobile communication and technology, whether this number is relevant geographically is unknown.  This is a question though, which is outside of the scope of the DCP, having regards to the area of land rezoned for residential purposes.


Water and Sewer Services



Byron STP is at capacity

Are headwork’s charged at the appropriate rate for the management of the Byron STP


Byron STP is operating at 70% capacity with capacity for up to a further 3500 dwellings (Equivalent tenements). It is considered that there is adequate capacity at the STP to cater for development at West Byron.



Can  the STP wetland ponds which provide bird habitat cater for increased development as proposed and does Council have the ability to manage the STP appropriately

Staff at the STP are appropriately trained in terms of ensuring the wetland operates as designed.


Increased population will put added pressure on our water supplies. This is already an ongoing issue the residents of Phillip Island, Victoria, suffer.

Existing water infrastructure can cater for West Byron.


The Byron Spirit



Development jeopardises natural beauty of Byron Byron is a sacred place – most easterly point, Bundjalung country is blessed ground.

Noted. The DCP includes provisions for Aboriginal Cultural Heritage to be addressed.


Brand Byron needs to be protected/ enhanced – quiet, laidback, green coastal hippy small town.

The big retailers like Billabong and are running the smaller retailers out of town and rebranding the town

If Byron becomes just like any other overdeveloped tourist town then people will stop coming and business will suffer. We have kept out topless bars, fast food chains and Club Med because they didn't fit with the way we want to live and visitors don't want that either. Our strongest marketing tool is our point of difference from many other over-cooked coastal towns.

Council has limited ability to regulate and prohibit certain businesses from operating in the Shire under the EPA Act 1979. This is not a DCP matter.

The commercial component within West Byron is limited in size to one hectare and is likely to be developed as a neighbourhood shopping area for the day to day needs of the residents.  


Over crowding



Overcrowded Spaces in Byron Bay - not enough space for people to sit, eat, park or walk on the footpath in town. With the bike, prams, skateboards, wheelchairs and elderly and tourists and locals. Byron Bay town is too crowded already.

Noted. The Byron Bay Masterplan aims to provide increased public amenity and space for residents and tourists alike


Proposal will cause a massive increase in population.

Population for Byron will increase by 40%

Census data for Byron Bay shows a population of 8655 in 2011. A 40% increase equates to 3462 persons.

Assuming a yield of approximately 850 dwellings at 2.3 persons/dwelling – this will increase the population of Byron by approximately 2000 people.


Lack of Public Consultation for this development

DCP should be re-exhibited to enable residents to comment again

The Draft DCP was exhibited for a period of 6 weeks instead of the minimum period of 4 weeks.





Staging is too ambiguous and should roll out housing over a 10 year period

A minimum of three stages is required with key performance indicators established in advance to facilitate progress.

Staging and release of housing should be linked to upgrade requirements for Ewingsdale Road and other essential services.

Staging measures have not been adequately provided for in the DCP. Proposal with potential for upwards of 2000 dwellings should provide a plan for development over a 10 year timeframe

Having regards to the size of the site, and infrastructure required, it is unlikely that this development could be rolled out in a shorter period of 10 years. With multiple land owners, it is pertinent that Stage 1 infrastructure is provide to service the various development lots. Once this occurs housing lots can then be developed and released. This will be dictated by market forces and the need for land owners to get a return on capital investment to pay for infrastructure and the like. It is also noted that the land was rezoned in 2014, it is unlikely any lots will be released for residential purposes until the end of 2018, some four years after the land was zoned at the earliest. It is also noted that in Ocean Shores and Baywood Chase - Suffolk Park, the development of these residential estates took a number of years to progress, and  West Byron is unlikely to be any different.

It is also unlikely the residential market will be flooded with an additional 2000 dwellings. Council estimates that the development will ultimately release around 700–800 dwellings. Further LEP amendments are currently in train to reduce potential residential yield in the R2 Low Density Zone which has been agreed to by the developers. It is recommended though the following prescriptive measure be added to E8.10.1.

7.    Where more than 100 lots are to be released as part of a subdivision, a staging plan to be submitted with the development application breaking such land releases into stages of no more than 50 lots to enable the co-ordination and provision of necessary infrastructure and services.



The Staging requirements need to provide for flexibility to enable land to be progressively released to fund the construction of additional infrastructure (roads, sewer, water and stormwater etc)

If two Stages remain – provisions to be established to enable substages or phases within these stages,

Allow for alternate staging arrangements to be considered

The Staging provisions have been drafted with regard to the multiple land owners involved in the Development Site to ensure that all necessary infrastructure, and management plans for the site are approved with Stage 1.




Subdivision Controls



Allow nature to penetrate into the urban fabric – allow for street trees and house trees

Informal street design with soft edges rather than kerb and gutter, stormwater runoff via permeable surfaces that support vegetation

Develop outdoor meeting spaces

The DCP includes provisions for street trees and water sensitive urban design measures (swales) for stormwater disposal. The two designated recreational areas are available for a range of purposes including passive and open space. Under E8.10.7 the park adjacent to the Business Centre to be developed as “a village square or piazza as a community focal meeting point and a casual meeting place for social interaction”  


Ensure walkability to services and attraction – maximum of 500 m

Cycleway and pedestrian links

The site is generally level with no major topographic features making it easy to walk and cycle around West Byron. The Neighbourhood Business Centre although not exactly centrally located is at its furthest point is approximately 750 metres from the outlying residential zoned land. The DCP includes provisions for cycleways and footpaths to address this issue. 


Incorporate “Notes” provisions as prescriptive measure under E8.10.2.

The Notes are provided as background information for applicants to consider in there subdivision layout and to reflect the controls under prescriptive measures 5 and 6.   


Performance criteria 3 about retaining vegetation is unclear and should be removed and Prescriptive measure 7 about lots incorporating vegetation how the vegetation will be managed and not removed subsequently for bushfire purposes.


The controls are aimed at ensuring significant vegetation that is identified for protection through the DA process but is located in the residential lots is appropriately managed and retained. Importantly significant vegetation that has been identified should not be subsequently removed at a latter stage for bushfire protection purposes. The Subdivision layout needs to design around such vegetation and build in appropriate asset protection zones to avoid the need for such vegetation to be removed at a latter date. It is considered the provisions should remain as drafted    


Affordable Housing



10% of the site should be provided  for affordable housing based on 30% of the average wage of shire residents

Development could provide housing for Shires working residents unable to afford prices in current market

10-20% of housing should be made available to locals at discounted rates

New housing in Byron Bay should now be focused on the acute shortage of low -income housing caused by the tourist boom. i.e. social housing, secondary dwellings, Manufactured Home Estate cabins, permanent caravan sites, homeless shelters.


Should be for single parents, low income workers, paid and voluntary, and of course for seniors and people with disabilities who have been living in the shire for a long time and are being forced out


The site is more suitable then the Ewingsdale Site for seniors living being closer to town.

Opportunities would exist for development to occur on the site under SEPP Affordable Rental Housing 2009, and SEPP (Senior Living) 2005, and SEPP 36 -Manufactured Housing Estates.

Opportunities will also exist for social housing providers to develop within the estate. The land when rezoned by the Department of Planning did not choose to include any inclusionary housing provisions to deliver affordable housing outcomes on site. 

In general West Byron should provide for a greater variety in housing choices for residents from units and town houses to traditional house and land packages.

The DCP also provides avenues for Co-operative intentional housing models to be explored under Clause E8.10.10.3 to provide opportunities for more affordable housing. 



House Design



50% of the lot to be taken up by building with the remainder available for green space.

Development should have design controls to encourage high energy efficiency and to generate solar power to reach carbon neutral goal.

House design should reflect regions coastal climate  and not just another suburb by the sea.

Controls are added to ensure eco housing with adequate solar access and setbacks from roads and neighbours.

Better guidance required for secondary dwellings in terms of maximum area of verandahs and shed.

The development includes site coverage provisions and landscaping provisions as opposed to floor space ratio controls. It is considered these controls are reasonable. 

It is noted though with the growing popularity of secondary dwellings in Byron Shire, some applicants are pushing the size and scale of these dwelling with large decks and verandahs and in some instances more than doubling the allowable floor area of 60m2. This adds substantially to the cost of construction, and undermines the ability for the secondary dwelling to then be rented or let at an affordable price or achieve the aims of the SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009. To provide guidance on this for West Byron it is recommended that the following be added to the prescriptive measures for secondary dwellings under Table E8.3.  

Decks and verandahs for secondary dwellings not to exceed 20m2 in area.

It is also recommended that Chapter D1.4.1 Private Open Space (Secondary Dwellings) also be amended to reflect the same controls for West Byron and to remove this current policy vacuum in the controls.    


Images of house don’t reflect Byron subtropical character

highset housing minuses impacts on sensitive land forms and overland flows Open frontages to streets,

verandahs and porches linking inside to outside,

privacy created by vegetation screens

The house images have been selected to reflect certain design measures from the DCP. The DCP does not mandate housing to be highset on bearers and joists or slab on ground – this will be a choice for future landowners. 

The housing controls include provisions for eaves and verandahs. Fencing to be in accordance with the adopted provisions for the rest of the Shire under Chapter D1 of DCP 2014.     


Lumping medium density housing together does not provide for social cohesion – needs a mixed approach

Controls should provide for a mix  of housing eg medium density and low density, affordable housing, terrace style and clusters, aged accommodation with the aim of providing a heterogeneous mix – not large ghettos of rich and poor

The zoning has been established by the Department of Planning under Byron LEP 1988 with some 11 ha zoned R3 Medium Density. The LEP controls also permit dual occupancy and other medium density forms in the R2 Low Density Zones. To provide that mixed approach the DCP under Clause E8.10.2 requires at the subdivisions stage dual occupancy and other medium housing forms to be nominated, to have secondary street access, minimum dimensions of 25 metres on a general north south axis and to be generally dispersed throughout the R2 Zone. 


Housing controls too prescriptive and restrictive in terms of:

·        garage frontages not exceeding 40% of site frontage – increase to 50%

·        reduce front setbacks from 4.5m to 3.5m

·        2nd storey setbacks should be 1.5m not 2.5 m

·        Upper level wall lengths increased from 12m to 15m

It is considered the prescriptive measures are suitable having regards to the minimum lot size provisions within west Byron and compared to the planning controls adopted for other residential areas in the Shire.  


Carbon Footprint



The DCP is recommended in the attention to detail it gives to reducing the carbon footprint



The total development is to be self-sufficient in energy, water, waste and food with zero carbon emissions. To treat and discharge water within the site. To treat sewerage generated and pollution before discharge into the wetlands, to collect and recycle waste efficiently to supplement local food in a community garden to reduce and offset carbon emissions to zero.

This is a worthy goal to achieve, however Council’s are unable to establish higher targets for housing than what is currently required under State Environmental Planning Policy Building Sustainability Index 2004. Notwithstanding this, dwellings need to be designed with roof areas orientated to the north to enable solar panels to be installed.

Opportunities also exist for community gardens to be established within the public reserves on the land, however this would need to be driven by future landowners and residents not by the developers. 


Thermal mass of concrete must be shaded to act effectively in summer

Break up large areas to avoid heat island effects

Passive solar design rather than air conditioning

The DCP includes provisions for eaves on dwellings and for articulation of dwellings. The residential controls also in the absence of a floor space ratio have focused on a site coverage and landscaping provision to provide for garden and yard areas as private open space. 


Acoustic Fence and Buffer to Ewingsdale Road



Sound fence and mound to Ewingsdale road impact on useable residential land. Fence requirements should be removed and allow for alternate solutions.

Attenuating road noise is the responsibility of the developer at the subdivision stage and should not be left to future land owners to construct dwellings with double glazing.  The provisions are also aimed at providing a landscape buffer to Ewingsdale Road to screen the development. The provision for a sound barrier should remain as the preferred option. On the residential side of the barrier the fence can be landscaped as indicated or terraced with retaining walls and the like to provide for a useable back yard area for any dwelling backing onto the wall. This will be a matter for the developers to resolve at the design stage.  



Buffers to Ewingsdale Road need to be increased to 50m  - as required by the EPA


The buffer distances prescribed to Ewingsdale Road will be subject to a full detailed noise assessment, and the location of dwellings and sound walls will be dictated by that study. Significantly the Wall and more than 50% of any earth mound will be sited on the developers land not the Road reserve. 


Object to the current design of Figure E8.11. Road reserve is required for widening Ewingsdale Road and shouldn’t be used to support the earth mound and fencing etc

Figure E8.11 is still appropriate provided the final road realignment of Ewingsdale road is reflected in the Subdivision alignment.

To ensure the design of West Byron considers the future widening of Ewingsdale Road. It is recommended that an additional prescriptive measure under E8.10.1 for the Stage 1 DA be inserted as follows 

6.       The boundaries with Ewingsdale Road for the site to be adjusted to reflect future widening of Ewingsdale Road as indicated in Appendix G. The boundary adjustment(s) to occur with Council agreement and can occur with Stage 1 or 2 or by a standalone application process. Such widening to have regards to the requirements under  E8.10.8.8 Buffers to Ewingsdale Road

It is also recommended that the following Performance Criteria  and additional words added to the prescriptive measure 1 under E8.10.8.8 to ensure the noise barrier satisfies RMS requirements and to ensure any road widening that is carried out on Ewingsdale Road enables other public infrastructure to be accommodated.

Performance Criteria

Noise attenuation measures along Ewingsdale Road to comply with the RMS Noise Mitigation Guideline and the Noise Wall Design Guideline, and are to be incorporated into the subdivisions design,  layout and built form and not passed onto future residents to complete with the design and construction of dwelling houses.


Prescriptive Measures

7.       A landscaped buffer including both physical barriers and earth mounds adjacent to Ewingsdale Road to be incorporated into the subdivision design generally in accordance with Figure E8.11 for the full length of the West Byron Site zoned IN2, R2 and R3, subject to all required road, drainage, cycleway, services and landscaping being able to be located within the road reserve.



Vegetation along Ewingsdale road buffer should be a dense screen of native vegetation. 


The DCP recommends that a vegetation screen be provided along Ewingsdale Road in front of any noise barriers or fencing.


Footpaths Cycleway Network



The need for footpaths on one side of all access roads and both sides of local, collector and distributor roads is excessive and beyond requirements of the Northern Rivers Design Manual


It is considered important that the development of West Byron with it’s flat terrain is legible for pedestrians and cyclists and the construction of appropriate pedestrian and bike paths through the estate to encourage walking and cycling as opposed to driving motor vehicles and to reduce carbon emissions.  


Road Reserve Widths



Road reserves are excessive and not in accordance with Northern Rivers Design Manual. Additional width of road pavements and verges provides no benefit and can lead to increased speed. 

Roll top kerb be proposed instead of upright kerb to enable the verge to be used for parking

The road reserve widths have been adopted to provide for drainage swales consistent with WSUD principles. Upright kerbs are proposed to keep vehicles off the verge which will contain stormwater swales, pedestrian paths and street trees. The design manual establishes a minimum standard, but there is nothing to prevent a Council from adopting a higher standard and with on-street parking and two way traffic, the road reserve widths are considered appropriate.  


IN2 Industrial Land



The proposed area for IN2 should have a portion set aside for a large all day carpark as the existing DCP for Byron’s existing Industrial Estate does not work, there is not adequate parking.

Car parking is a permitted use in the zone. Opportunities would be available for a commercial car park to be provided in the estate.


IN2 Zoned land comes to within 50 metres of Ecotourism / B and B development in Melaleuca Drive

IN2 Zoned Land is some 90 metres from these developments and is considered adequate. 


Aboriginal Cultural Heritage



The DCP to require consultation with the traditional owners is insult as the traditional owners have objected to the West Byron Development.

West Byron contains items of cultural significance. Any development on the site will need to carry out the appropriate studies and to include consultation with the traditional owners in terms of long term management.


Potential impacts the development may have in relation to any native title claims on crown land running through the site. Traditional owners need to be consulted and notified at DA stage of Development to ensure any future acts are consistent with Native Title legislation.

Noted – Pursuant to the Notification provisions under DCP 2014 for DA’s the traditional owners would need to be notified of development applications.


The Byron Bay Bundjalung be recognised specifically in the DCP as the primary stakeholders in terms of decision making on Aboriginal cultural heritage. Performance Criteria should be drafted to reflect this

The provisions under E8.10.9 list the Byron Bay Bundjalung people as one of the Key Stakeholders in relation to the preparation of a cultural heritage assessment. It is highly likely that consultation will also be required with the Tweed Byron Local Aboriginal Land Council and other bodies that represent local Aboriginal people and their interests. 


Tourist Accommodation



Vagueness or non existence of how to deal with serviced apartments/ Hotel/Motels. How many of those can be built? How many of developments can be built in E3 zones? Has council any say in that?

Serviced Apartments are only permissible in the R3 Medium density Zone (Belongil Fields) as per Byron LEP 1988. Hotel and motel Accommodation is only permitted in the B1 Zone. Such accommodation is not permissible in the E3 Zone under the LEP. Controls currently exist elsewhere in Byron DCP 2016 for hotel/ motel accommodation.


What about holiday letting

Current LEP amendment to permit Short Term Rental Accommodation in Byron Shire only applies to land under Byron LEP 2014. These controls will not apply to the residential areas of West Byron as it is controlled by Byron LEP 1988.


One Bedroom B and B’s should not be permitted in West Byron as exempt development and should require development consent

Current LEP amendments that will make 1 bedroom Bed and breakfast Establishments as exempt development will not apply to land Zoned under Byron LEP 1988. This includes West Byron. The Provisions under Clause E8.10.12 indicate bed and breakfast establishments are permissible with consent. That will require a development application to be submitted and approved by Council.


Development in E3 Zone



Existing development should be connected to service, town water, sewage, telecommunication, infrastructure and road upgrades.

Provision to connect to services will be available at landowners expense





Risk from Peat Bog underlying this area catching fire.

Recommend the following be inserted into the prescriptive measures under E8.10.8.4  to address this issue.

8.       The bushfire assessment to address potential risk from a peat fire. 


Provisions should be included to prevent APZ’s from extending into Environmental Zones, sensitive vegetation or  habitat for frogs and koalas

Subdivisions provisions under E8.10.2 include provisions to protect vegetation to be retained from future residential development including Asset Protection Zones. It is recommended that the provisions be strengthened to also incorporate habitat identified for koalas and wallum frogs to be protected.


Council and Good Governance



Cr Wanchap as a Real Estate Agent has a conflict of interest and should excuse herself from voting on the DCP

It is wrong for Council staff to ignore Councillor voting patterns which are against community expectations.

Proposal is being pushed through by pro development faction of Councils

This is a matter for Councillors to declare whether they have a conflict of interest prior to the DCP being determined and excuse themselves from the voting if required.   

How a Council may vote on a certain issue will only be known when the matter is brought before them to consider. 


It is characteristic of a shocking council that has absolutely no regard for the future of the area. It smacks of corruption and people being paid off for their vote. It smacks of self interested councillors that have no regard for the community.



What measures are in place to insure good governance during the process? How can the development progress at this early stage, where there is so much at stake, be made as transparent as possible.

West Byron matters will generally be determined by Council with staff not having delegation to make DCP’s, amend LEP provisions or approved DA’s for large lot subdivisions. The reporting of these planning matters are placed on the public agenda and Council will need to make a decision in the public arena.


The DCP process doesn’t allow

Byron ratepayers to have any determining voice on decisions made by Councillors

The DCP will be adopted by a Council who has been elected by the residents of the Shire.


The DCP ignores Peoples Charter for Better Planning









The West Byron DCP provisions aims for the site to be developed so that the natural environment is protected and enhanced, provide energy efficient housing with solar access, provide a variety of housing choices, incorporates provisions to protect Aboriginal Cultural Heritage including consultation with traditional owners, whilst development applications to develop West Byron will need to be advertised and exhibited in accordance with Councils adopted policies. The above matters are listed in the guiding principles of the charter.


Other matters



Noise and crowd Controls

Any development approved on the site would be subject to noise requirements at the construction stage.

The site is not nominated for music events or festivals and this matter has not been considered in the DCP.


IGA Shopping Centre wont be able to cater for new residential development – lack of car parking

This is outside the scope of the DCP. The supermarket though has been developed in accordance with Council’s requirements including car parking for retail outlets. 


Proposal will profit developers with a Gold Coast, Tweed Coast, Ballina style gentrified coastal development


As to whether the development of the site provides for a profitable return to developers is not a matter for consideration. Heights for West Byron are substantially lower than what is permitted in other local government areas, whilst the DCP incorporates residential provisions to provide for a housing form not inconsistent with current controls for the rest of Byron Shire.



Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.11 - Attachment 5


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.11 - Attachment 6

Local Government (General) Regulation 2005

Schedule 3A     Form of special disclosure of pecuniary interest

(Clause 195A)

Section 451 of the Local Government Act 1993

Form of Special Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest

1   The particulars of this form are to be written in block letters or typed.

2   If any space is insufficient in this form for all the particulars required to complete it, an appendix is to be attached for that purpose which is properly identified and signed by you.

Important information

This information is being collected for the purpose of making a special disclosure of pecuniary interests under sections 451 (4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1993. The special disclosure must relate to a pecuniary interest that arises only because of an interest of the councillor in the councillor’s principal place of residence or an interest of another person (whose interests are relevant under section 443 of the Act) in that person’s principal place of residence. You must not make a special disclosure that you know or ought reasonably to know is false or misleading in a material particular. Complaints made about contraventions of these requirements may be referred by the Director-General to the Local Government Civil and Administrative Tribunal.


This form must be completed by you before the commencement of the council or council committee meeting in respect of which the special disclosure is being made. The completed form must be tabled at the meeting. Everyone is entitled to inspect it. The special disclosure must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

Special disclosure of pecuniary interests

by ____________________________________________________________________________________

          [full name of councillor]

in the matter of __________________________________________________________________________

                   [insert name of environmental planning instrument]

which is to be considered at a meeting of the



[name of council or council committee (as the case requires)]

Report No. __________ to be held on the  _________________ day of ________________________ 201 



Pecuniary interest

Address of land in which councillor or an  associated person, company or body has a proprietary interest (the identified land)1








Relationship of identified land to councillor

[Tick or cross one box.]

Councillor has interest in the land (e.g. is owner or has other interest arising out of a mortgage, lease, trust, option or contract, or otherwise).

Associated person of councillor has interest in the land.

Associated company or body of councillor has interest in the land.

Matter giving rise to pecuniary interest

Nature of land that is subject to a change

in zone/planning control by proposed

LEP (the subject land)2

[Tick or cross one box]

The identified land.

Land that adjoins or is adjacent to or is in proximity to the identified land.

Current zone/planning control

[Insert name of current planning instrument and identify relevant zone/planning control applying to the subject land]


Proposed change of zone/planning control

[Insert name of proposed LEP and identify proposed change of zone/planning control applying to the subject land]


Effect of proposed change of zone/planning control on councillor

[Insert one of the following:

“Appreciable financial gain” or

“Appreciable financial loss”]


[If more than one pecuniary interest is to be declared, reprint the above box and fill in for each additional interest.]




Councillor’s signature






(This form is to be retained by the Council’s general manager and included in full in the minutes of the meeting.)



1    Section 443 (1) of the Local Government Act 1993 provides that you may have a pecuniary interest in a matter because of the pecuniary interest of your spouse or your de facto partner or your relative 4 or because your business partner or employer has a pecuniary interest. You may also have a pecuniary interest in a matter because you, your nominee, your business partner or your employer is a member of a company or other body that has a pecuniary interest in the matter.

      Section 442 of the Local Government Act 1993 provides that a "pecuniary interest" is an interest that a person has in a matter because of a reasonable likelihood or expectation of appreciable financial gain or loss to the person. A person does not have a pecuniary interest in a matter if the interest is so remote or insignificant that it could not reasonably be regarded as likely to influence any decision the person might make in relation to the matter or if the interest is of a kind specified in section 448 of that Act (for example, an interest as an elector or as a ratepayer or person liable to pay a charge).

2    A pecuniary interest may arise by way of a change of permissible use of land adjoining, adjacent to or in proximity to land in which a councillor or a person, company or body referred to in section 443 (1) (b) or (c) of the Local Government Act 1993 has a proprietary interest-see section 448 (g) (ii) of the Local Government Act 1993 .

3    "Relative" is defined by the Local Government Act 1993 as meaning your, your spouse’s or your de facto partner’s parent, grandparent, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, lineal descendant or adopted child and the spouse or de facto partner of any of those persons.


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.12 - Attachment 1

Report No. 4.5             PLANNING - Development Application 10.2016.189.1 - Multi Dwelling Housing (including 10 single bedroom dwellings, parking for 5 vehicles) and Demolition of existing structures - 116 Stuart Street, Mullumbimby

Directorate:                 Sustainable Environment and Economy

Report Author:           Paul Mills, Senior Planner

File No:                        I2016/629

Theme:                         Ecology

                                      Development and Approvals





DA No:



Multi Dwelling Housing (including 10 single bedroom dwellings and parking for 5 vehicles) and Demolition of existing structures

Property description:

LOT: 1 DP: 372438

116 Stuart Street MULLUMBIMBY

Parcel No/s:



Koho Projects


Messrs A M & J C Curr


R2 Low Density Residential Zone

Date received:

1 April 2016

Integrated Development:


Public notification or exhibition:

-    Level 2 advertising under DCP 2014 Part A14 – Public Notification and Exhibition of Development Applications

-    Exhibition period: 14/04/2016 to 27/04/2016

-    Ninety (90) submissions were received, plus an online petition with 1177 signatures


Other approvals (S68/138):

Not applicable

Planning Review Committee:

12 May 2016

Delegation to determination:






The subject site is described as Lot 1 DP 372438, 116 Stuart Street, Mullumbimby.  The site is located on the eastern side of Stuart Street and approximately 40 metres south of the Mullumbimby commercial centre.  The application seeks development consent for the demolition of the existing single storey dwelling house on the subject site (and associated outbuildings) and erection of a multi dwelling housing development comprising of 10 single bedroom dwellings. The proposal seeks approval under the provisions of State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 [AH SEPP]. Three of the proposed dwellings are proposed to be provided as affordable housing.


In response to concerns raised about the development, the applicant submitted amended plans. The revised proposal has divided the development into two buildings each containing five dwellings. The proposed inconsistencies with BLEP 2014 and BDCP 2014 relating to site area, floor space ratio, landscaped area, deep soil zones and parking are permitted based on compliance with the AH SEPP.  The application was notified and advertised in accordance with Council’s notification procedures under Byron DCP 2014. Ninety (90) submissions were received objecting to the development on the grounds of heritage, bulk, scale, height, rear lane access and non compliance with Council’s planning controls.


It is considered the proposal will provide much needed accommodation for singles and couples within close walking distance to the commercial centre of Mullumbimby. Alternatives for the site could include two upmarket dwellings in a dual occupancy arrangement or a large house with a secondary dwelling. Both alternates would likely result in the same or greater development density on site to the proposal, but do little in terms of addressing the overall housing diversity needs of residents of the Shire.


The proposed development is recommended for consent subject to conditions.




In accordance with the provisions of S375A of the Local Government Act 1993, a Division is to be called whenever a motion for a planning decision is put to the meeting, for the purpose of recording voting on planning matters.  Pursuant to clause 2(a) under the heading Matters to be Included in Minutes of Council Meetings of Council's adopted Code of Meeting Practice (as amended) a Division will be deemed to have been called by the mover and seconder of all motions relating to this report.







That Pursuant to Section 80 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979, development application 10.2016.189.1 for Multi Dwelling Housing (10 single bedroom Dwellings) and Demolition of existing structures, be granted consent subject to the recommended conditions listed in Attachment 2 #E2016/42093.






1        Plans prepared by Koho 10.2016.189.1, E2016/42515 

2        Proposed conditions of consent 10.2016189.1, E2016/42093 

3        Confidential - submissions 10.2016.189.1, E2016/42661 










1.1     History/Background


The following past applications over the subject site are noted:


BA 80/2005          Building Application for a fern house approved 30 January 1980.


BA 44/79              Building Application for a swimming pool approved 16 August 1979.


BA 77/2041          Building Application for additions to dwelling approved 4 August 1977.


1.2     Description of the site


The subject site is legally described as Lot 1 DP 372438, street address 116 Stuart Street, Mullumbimby.  The site is located on the eastern side of Stuart Street and approximately 40 metres south of the Mullumbimby commercial centre (see Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Location of subject site shown in yellow. Byron LEP 2014 R2 Low Density Residential Zone in pink and B2 Local Centre Zone in light blue.


The site is rectangular in shape with a frontage of approximately 14.94 metres to Stuart Street and a length of approximately 60 metres. At the rear the site adjoins McGoughans Lane. The total area of the allotment is approximately 897.9m².


The site contains an existing single-storey dwelling house of fibre cement cladding with a fairly low pitched ‘clip lock’ metal roof.



Figure 2 - Existing dwelling at 116 Stuart Street




Figure 3 - Existing dwelling as viewed from Stuart Street


1.3     Description of the proposed development


The application seeks development consent for:

·    The demolition of the existing single-storey dwelling house and associated outbuildings; and

·    the erection of a multi dwelling housing development comprising a total of 10 x 1 bedroom dwellings each with access from ground level. The proposal seeks to provide three (3) dwellings as Affordable Housing as defined within the State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009.


In response to issues raised about the development, the applicant submitted amended plans to Council on 17 May 2016.  The revised proposal has divided the development into two buildings each containing five dwellings each with a gross floor area of 50m2. The first dwelling fronting Stuart Street incorporates a single level design whilst the remaining nine dwellings have a two level design. See Figure 4 for the proposed site plan.


The proposal provides vehicular access via McGoughans Lane with a total of 5 on-site parking spaces. A bin storage area and bicycle parking area also located to the rear of the allotment, and are proposed to be screened by be plantings within the 3.0 metre wide setback to McGoughans Lane. 




Figure 4 – Proposed Site Plan



Figure 5 – Proposed south elevation



Figure 6 – Proposed north elevation



Figure 7 – Proposed Stuart Street elevation


Figure 8 – Proposed typical Section showing roof windows for upper floor level




The application was considered by Council’s Development Engineer, Environmental Officer, ET Engineer and Section 94 Officer, where necessary conditions of consent have been included as recommended by these officers. Council’s Heritage Advisor also assessed the proposal with comments and recommendations discussed in the body of the report below.  




Having regard for the matters for consideration detailed in Section 79C(1) of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979, the following is a summary of the evaluation of the issues.




Policy requirement/summary



State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable  Rental Housing) 2009

8   Relationship with other environmental planning instruments

     If there is an inconsistency between this Policy and any other environmental planning instrument, whether made before or after the commencement of this Policy, this Policy prevails to the extent of the inconsistency.


The proposed development application has been made under the provisions of the AH SEPP and the provisions of this SEPP prevail over any inconsistencies with Byron LEP 2014. 


10   Development to which Division applies

(1)  This Division applies to development for the purposes of dual occupancies, multi dwelling housing or residential flat buildings if:

(a)  the development concerned is permitted with consent under another environmental planning instrument, and

(b)  the development is on land that does not contain a heritage item that is identified in an environmental planning instrument, or an interim heritage order or on the State Heritage Register under the Heritage Act 1977.


(3)  Despite subclause (1), this Division does not apply to development on land that is not in the Sydney region unless all or part of the development is within 400 metres walking distance of land within Zone B2 Local Centre or Zone B4 Mixed Use, or within a land use zone that is equivalent to any of those zones.


Multi dwelling house is permissible on the subject site under Byron LEP 2014 and the site does not contain a heritage item.


The site is approximately 40 metres (walking distance) from the land located within the B2 Local Centre Zone (B2 Zone is located directly opposite the site on Stuart Street).


The site is considered suitable for the provision of affordable housing.


13   Floor space ratios

(1)  This clause applies to development to which this Division applies if the percentage of the gross floor area of the development that is to be used for the purposes of affordable housing is at least 20 per cent.

(2)  The maximum floor space ratio for the development to which this clause applies is the existing maximum floor space ratio for any form of residential accommodation permitted on the land on which the development is to occur, plus:

(a)  if the existing maximum floor space ratio is 2.5:1 or less:

(i)  0.5:1—if the percentage of the gross floor area of the development that is used for affordable housing is 50 per cent or higher, or

(ii)  Y:1—if the percentage of the gross floor area of the development that is used for affordable housing is less than 50 per cent,

AH is the percentage of the gross floor area of the development that is used for affordable housing.

Y = AH ÷ 100


The proposal seeks to provide three of the ten dwellings (30% floor area) as affordable housing. In accordance with this provision, an increase in the maximum floor space ratio from 0.5:1 to 0.8:1 is permitted. The proposed floor space ratio is calculated to be 0.56:1 which is less than the maximum permitted under Clause 13.


14   Standards that cannot be used to refuse consent

(1) Site and solar access requirements
A consent authority must not refuse consent to development to which this Division applies on any of the following grounds:

 (b)  site area
if the site area on which it is proposed to carry out the development is at least 450 square metres,

(c)  landscaped area if:

(i)  in the case of a development application made by a social housing provider—at least 35 square metres of landscaped area per dwelling is provided, or

(ii)  in any other case—at least 30 per cent of the site area is to be landscaped,

(d)  deep soil zones
if, in relation to that part of the site area (being the site, not only of that particular development, but also of any other associated development to which this Policy applies) that is not built on, paved or otherwise sealed:

(i)  there is soil of a sufficient depth to support the growth of trees and shrubs on an area of not less than 15 per cent of the site area (the deep soil zone), and

(ii)  each area forming part of the deep soil zone has a minimum dimension of 3 metres, and

(iii)  if practicable, at least two-thirds of the deep soil zone is located at the rear of the site area,

(e)  solar access
if living rooms and private open spaces for a minimum of 70 per cent of the dwellings of the development receive a minimum of 3 hours direct sunlight between 9am and 3pm in mid-winter.

(2) General
A consent authority must not refuse consent to development to which this Division applies on any of the following grounds:

(a)  parking if:

(i)  in the case of a development application made by a social housing provider for development on land in an accessible area—at least 0.4 parking spaces are provided for each dwelling containing 1 bedroom, at least 0.5 parking spaces are provided for each dwelling containing 2 bedrooms and at least 1 parking space is provided for each dwelling containing 3 or more bedrooms, or

(ii)  in any other case—at least 0.5 parking spaces are provided for each dwelling containing 1 bedroom, at least 1 parking space is provided for each dwelling containing 2 bedrooms and at least 1.5 parking spaces are provided for each dwelling containing 3 or more bedrooms,

(b)  dwelling size
if each dwelling has a gross floor area of at least:

(i)  35 square metres in the case of a bedsitter or studio, or

(ii)  50 square metres in the case of a dwelling having 1 bedroom, or

(iii)  70 square metres in the case of a dwelling having 2 bedrooms, or

(iv)  95 square metres in the case of a dwelling having 3 or more bedrooms.

(3)  A consent authority may consent to development to which this Division applies whether or not the development complies with the standards set out in subclause (1) or (2).



Site area

The subject allotment has an area exceeding 450m2.



Landscape area

The total landscape area proposed on the subject allotment is 311.99m2 which is 34.6% of the total site area. In accordance with Clause 14 landscaped area cannot be used as a ground for refusal of this Development Application.


Deep Soil Zones

The total Deep Soil Area proposed on the subject allotment is 199.22m2 which is 22.1% of the total site area. In accordance with Clause 14 Deep Soil Area cannot be used as a ground for refusal of this Development Application. Two-thirds of the Deep Soil Area is located behind the front building line.


Solar Access

It is considered that the proposed living rooms and private open space of over 70% of the proposed dwellings receive the required solar access, having regards to their orientation to the north.


Parking spaces

At least 0.5 parking spaces are provided for each dwelling containing 1 bedroom. A total of 5 parking spaces are provided for the proposed 10 single bedroom dwellings.


The applicant has submitted floor plan drawings indicating that each of the proposed dwellings has a ‘gross floor area’ exceeding 50m2















































15   Design requirements

(1)  A consent authority must not consent to development to which this Division applies unless it has taken into consideration the provisions of the Seniors Living Policy: Urban Design Guidelines for Infill Development published by the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources in March 2004, to the extent that those provisions are consistent with this Policy.


The proposed development is considered to be generally consistent with the Seniors Living Policy: Urban Design Guidelines for Infill Development published by the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources in March 2004.


16A   Character of local area

A consent authority must not consent to development to which this Division applies unless it has taken into consideration whether the design of the development is compatible with the character of the local area.


Council’s Heritage Advisor has assessed the proposal in terms of compatibility with the local area and raised no objection to the revised design of the development.



17   Must be used for affordable housing for 10 years

(1)  A consent authority must not consent to development to which this Division applies unless conditions are imposed by the consent authority to the effect that:

(a)  for 10 years from the date of the issue of the occupation certificate:

(i)  the dwellings proposed to be used for the purposes of affordable housing will be used for the purposes of affordable housing, and

(ii)  all accommodation that is used for affordable housing will be managed by a registered community housing provider, and

(b)  a restriction will be registered, before the date of the issue of the occupation certificate, against the title of the property on which development is to be carried out, in accordance with section 88E of the Conveyancing Act 1919, that will ensure that the requirements of paragraph (a) are met.

(2)  Subclause (1) does not apply to development on land owned by the Land and Housing Corporation or to a development application made by, or on behalf of, a public authority.



A condition has been included in the recommendation to require three (3) of the proposed dwellings to be used for the purposes of affordable housing for a period of ten years from the date of issue of an occupation certificate. This affordable housing is also required to be managed by a registered community housing provider. 




18   Subdivision

Land on which development has been carried out under this Division may be subdivided with the consent of the consent authority.


The subject development application does not seek consent for subdivision at this time.


State Environmental Planning Policy No 55 - Remediation of Land

Where a change of use is proposed the Council must consider a report provided by the applicant specifying the findings of a preliminary investigation (and detailed investigation if necessary) of the land in accordance with the contaminated land planning guidelines.


The proposed development site contains an existing slab foundation. It is considered that this structure may have been treated with termeticides which may be residual in the soil.  Elevated lead was detected during an investigation undertaken by ENV Solutions Pty Ltd refer to Preliminary Assessment Contamination Assessment dated March 2016.  A condition has been imposed requiring a Detailed Contaminated Land Assessment Report be prepared submitted with a Remedial Action Plan (if required). 




State Environmental Planning Policy No. 71 - Coastal Protection

Council must have regard for the matters of consideration under Parts 2 and 4 of SEPP No. 71 when assessing development within the coastal zone. These matters include:

-    retention of existing public access to the coastal Foreshore

-    impact of effluent disposal on water quality

-    development must not discharge untreated stormwater into a coastal water body

Public access to the coastal foreshore will not be impeded or diminished.

Effluent is not proposed to be disposed other than to Council’s sewerage system.

The proposed stormwater management plan details the method of treating stormwater runoff and is considered acceptable.


The site is not located within a sensitive coastal location, subdivision is not proposed and a master plan is not required.



State Environmental Planning Policy Building Sustainability Index 2004 (BASIX)

Applies to new residential dwellings and alterations and additions with a value greater than $50,000. Development is to accord with a completed BASIX Certificate.


A BASIX Certificate has been submitted in accordance with the SEPP.


North Coast Design Guidelines

Standards for building design on the North Coast of NSW.

The design is considered to be generally consistent with the guidelines.



NSW Coastal Policy 1997

The subject site is located within 1km landward of the open coast high water mark and is subject to the provisions of the NSW Coastal Policy.

The proposal is considered to be consistent with the Goals, Objectives and Strategic Actions of the NSW Coastal Policy 1997.



Building Code of Australia

Ability for the proposed development to comply with the requirements of the BCA.

The proposal is considered to be able to satisfy the requirements of the Building Code of Australia.



Disability Access (DDA)

Access for persons with disabilities and integration into surrounding streetscapes without creating barriers. (Council Res.10-1118)

The proposal seeks to provide Dwelling No.1 as an adaptable house capable of being modified to provide an accessible dwelling consistent with Council’s DCP 2014. 







Zone: R2 Low Density Residential

Definition: Multi dwelling housing (10 dwellings)

LEP Summary of Requirement



Satisfy objectives of the R2 Low Density Residential zone

Objectives of zone

•  To provide for the housing needs of the community within a low density residential environment.

• To enable other land uses that provide facilities or services to meet the day to day needs of residents.


The proposed multi dwelling housing development is considered to meet the housing needs of the community in a low density residential environment.


Permissibility (LEP 2014)

Multi dwelling housing means 3 or more dwellings (whether attached or detached) on one lot of land, each with access at ground level, but does not include a residential flat building.



The proposed ten (10) dwellings are to be located on one lot of land and each has access at ground level consistent with the definition of multi dwelling housing. Multi dwelling housing is permissible with the R2 low density residential zone.



Clause 4.1E   Minimum lot sizes for dual occupancies, multi dwelling housing and residential flat buildings

The minimum lot size for multi dwelling housing within the R2 Low Density Residential Zone is 1000m2


Multi dwelling housing

Zone R2 Low Density Residential

1,000 square metres

The subject allotment has a total area of approximately 897.9m2


This is not a ground for refusal pursuant to Clause 14 of AH SEPP which requires a minimum site area of 450m2.

Not Applicable

AH SEPP prevails

Clause 4.3 - Height of buildings

Maximum height limit as shown on the Height of Buildings Map is 9.0 metres.

The maximum height of the proposed building is  6.57metres (RL 10.87m – RL 4.3)



Clause 4.4   Floor space ratio

Maximum floor space ratio for a building on the subject site is not to exceed 0.5:1 as shown on the Floor Space Ratio Map.

The total area of the subject allotment is approximately 897.9m2. The proposed gross floor area of the building is approximately 502.45m2. Proposed FSR is approximately 0.56:1.


This is not a ground for refusing consent pursuant to Clause 13 of AH SEPP which sets the maximum site FSR at of 0.80:1


Not Applicable AH SEPP prevails


Clause 5.10(5) Heritage Conservation

The subject site is within the Mullumbimby Heritage Conservation Area and within the setting of the Heritage Item dwelling house at No.87 Station Street (located to the rear of the site on the opposite side of McGoughans Lane). Pursuant to Clause 5.10(5) the consent authority may require a heritage management document to be prepared.

The applicant has submitted a Heritage Impact Assessment.


See further discussion below.




Clause 6.1 Acid Sulfate Soils

Class 4 - Works more than 2 metres below the natural ground surface. Works by which the watertable is likely to be lowered more than 2 metres below the natural ground surface.


The proposed development does not involve the disturbance of acid sulphate soils more than 2.0m below natural ground level.


Clause 6.3 Flood Planning Level

(2)  This clause applies to land at or below the flood planning level.

(3)  Development consent must not be granted to development on land to which this clause applies unless the consent authority is satisfied that the development:

(a)  is compatible with the flood hazard of the land, and other matters specified within subclause 3.

 (4)  In determining a development application for development at or below the future flood planning level, the consent authority must, in addition to the matters referred to in subclause (3), also consider other matters in subclause 4.


The Flood Planning Level for the development is 4.45m AHD. The proposed floor level is 4.5m AHD.


6.7   Affordable housing in residential and business zones

(1)  The objectives of this clause are as follows:

(a)  to increase the supply of affordable housing for very low, low and moderate income earning households,

(b)  to provide accommodation to support a diverse residential population inclusive of all income groups within Byron,

(c)  to ensure a housing mix and tenure choice including affordable housing,

(d)  to ensure that affordable housing is identified by the Council as in demand and located close to transport and services appropriate to the intended households.

(2)  Development consent must not be granted for the purposes of residential accommodation or to the subdivision of any land in Zone R2 Low Density Residential, Zone R3 Medium Density Residential, Zone B2 Local Centre or Zone B4 Mixed Use unless the consent authority has considered:

(a)  the need for providing, maintaining or retaining affordable housing, and

(b)  the need for imposing conditions relating to providing, maintaining or retaining affordable housing including, but not limited to, imposing covenants and the registration of restrictions about users.

(3)  For the purposes of this clause, affordable housing means housing for very low income households, low income households or moderate income households.



All matters raised in Clause 6.7 have been given consideration. A demand for affordable housing within Byron Shire is acknowledged.


A condition has been included to require the provision of three dwellings as affordable housing as proposed, and for the housing to be managed by a social/community housing provider (as defined under Part 1 Clause 6 of the AH SEPP).






Byron Local Environmental Plan 2014 - Issues


Mullumbimby Heritage Conservation Area

The subject site is located within the Mullumbimby Heritage Conservation Area. A large number of submissions raised concerns that the proposed development was not compatible with the character of the area. A Heritage Impact Assessment was submitted with the application, this was referred to Council’s Heritage Advisor for comment.


The applicant submitted amended plans to Council on 17 May 2016 to address the issues raised by Council’s Heritage Advisor. Following a review of the amended plans Council’s Heritage Advisor has concluded as follows:    


“The revised development is not likely to adversely impact upon the heritage significance of the Conservation Area for the following reasons:

·    The subject site and existing building does not demonstrate any individual heritage significance.

·    The buildings are single storey and would not dominate the Stuart Street streetscape or the laneway.

·    Their bulk, form, and scale are not excessive in relation to surrounding development.

·    The overall bulk and scale is equivalent to two modest sized single dwellings.

·    This is comparative with dual occupancy developments which is a permissible and established form of development occurring within the Conservation Area.

·    The proposed materials, colours, finishes and detailing are complementary to the

context of the Conservation Area.

·    The proposed Unit 1 addressing Stuart Street frontage is designed to complement the character of the streetscape and retains a traditional landscaped setback. The rear wall of Unit 10 maintains a traditional type of appearance to the laneway.

·    The rear car park will not dominate the laneway as it is well screened by a 3m depth of landscaped area which can support substantial mature trees.


1.       That the road reserve informal parking area on Stuart Street is maintained as a grassed verge with additional street tree planting as proposed.

2.       That an advice is also provided advising the owners of the consent requirements of Clause 5.10 of the LEP. This would highlight the need to apply for any proposed future changes to fabric, finish and appearance. This advice will be useful in controlling any potential adverse impacts from any future changes of colour schemes which may not be sympathetic to the setting of the CA.

Reason: To ensure that the proposed development will not adversely impact upon the assessed heritage significance and setting of the Mullumbimby Heritage Conservation Area.”


Draft EPI that is or has been placed on public exhibition and details of which have been notified to the consent authority


A relevant draft Environmental Planning Instrument has not been identified for this proposal.





The proposed development does not achieve strict compliance with various controls contained within Byron DCP 2014 however in most cases these matters are not able to be used as grounds for refusal pursuant to Clauses 13 and 14 of AH SEPP.


Chapter B3 Services

The site is adequately services with all necessary infrastructure including water, sewer, stormwater and access. Conditions of consent to apply. 


Chapter B8 - Waste Minimisation and Management

The applicant has submitted a Site Waste Minimisation and Management Plan comprising 2 x 1100 litre skip bins for general garbage and recycling along with 2 x 240 litre green waste wheelie bins. An adequate waste storage area has been proposed adjacent to the rear parking area. Green bins are to be collect from the Stuart Street frontage while the skip bins are to be collected from McGoughans Lane. The Proposal is consistent with Chapter 8. .


Chapter B9 - Landscaping

Landscaping and open space has been provided in accordance with the AH SEPP and is considered satisfactory. A condition of consent is recommended requiring a detailed landscape plan to be submitted with the construction certificate.


Chapter C1 Non Indigenous Heritage

The subject site is located within the Mullumbimby Heritage Conservation Area. The proposed revised plans break the building into two separate smaller parts and maintain a pitched roof design which is considered to be satisfactory in the context of the Heritage Conservation Area. Comments from Council’s Heritage Advisor are included in Byron LEP 2014 section of this report. 


Chapter E3 - Mullumbimby

The proposal is considered acceptable in terms of the bulk scale and character provisions of the DCP as they relate to infill development. (E3.2, E3.3 and E3.4)  In particular, from the street, the proposal will appear similar to other dwellings in Mullumbimby replicating the height, bulk and scale of established dwellings with a front verandah, whilst landscaping of the rear boundary will assist with screening the car parking areas from the public domain.   


Chapter D1 - Residential Accommodation in Urban, Village and Special Purpose Zones




D1.2.1 Building Height Plane


The proposed development is able to comply with the BHP adjacent to each boundary.

D1.2.2 Setbacks from Boundaries


The revised plans have increased the proposed front setback to 6.5 metres.  The proposed car park incorporates a 3.0 metre setback to McGoughans Lane. The minimum side boundary setback is 1.935m.  The proposal complies with the setback provisions

D1.2.4 Character & Visual Impact

Amended plans have been submitted by the applicant following recommendations from Council’s Heritage Advisor. The revised plans divide the building into two parts separated by a distance of 4.52 metres.


The proposed pitched roof design is considered to be compatible with the character of other development within the immediate area.


D1.2.5 Fences


A condition has been included to require boundary fencing along the northern, southern and western boundaries to be of lapped and capped hardwood timber construction. Front boundary fencing (including side return fencing, that being sides located between the front building line and the front boundary to Stuart Street) is to be a maximum of 1.2 metres in height and incorporate plain heritage style picket fencing. 


D1.2.7 Pedestrian and Cycle Access


The proposed development provides connectivity to the local footpath network. The site does not have frontage to the local bicycle network.

D1.6.1 Private Open Space Courtyards


D1.6.3 Landscaping

Small courtyard areas are proposed for each dwelling for private open space purposes. Although smaller than the minimum area under the DCP, it is considered the courtyards are adequate for the one bedroom dwellings proposed, having regards to the performance criteria underpinning this design element. A concept landscape plan has been submitted and is considered acceptable, subject to a detailed plan being submitted with the construction certificate.

D1.6.4 On-Site Car Parking


In accordance with the AH SEPP at least 0.5 parking spaces are provided for each dwelling containing 1 bedroom. A total of 5 parking spaces are provided for the proposed 10 single bedroom dwellings.


D1.6.6 Clothes Drying Facilities


An acceptable external clothes drying area is available for each dwelling at ground level.

D1.6.7 Equity of Access and Mobility



The proposed development incorporates one (1) adaptable housing unit (Dwelling No.1) with a single storey design and widened doorways. An accessible parking space has not been proposed.




3.4       The likely impacts of that development, including environmental impacts on both the natural and built environments, and social and economic impacts in the locality


It is considered that the proposal will have no significant detrimental effect relating

to environmental, social or economic impacts on the locality, subject to appropriate

conditions being imposed.


3.5     The suitability of the site for the development


The proposal will provide much needed accommodation for singles and couples within close walking distance to the centre of Mullumbimby. The site is considered suitable for the proposed affordable housing development.


3.6     Submissions made in accordance with this Act or the regulations


The application was notified in accordance with the Level 2 procedure within Council’s DCP 2014. Council’s received ninety (90) submissions plus an online petition with 1177 signatures objecting the development. Following is a summary of planning matters raised in the submissions.




The size, bulk, scale and density of the proposed development is considered to be inconsistent with the streetscape and existing development within the immediate area and the Mullumbimby township.


The proposal complies with Council’s setback and building height plane controls. The provision of floor space partially within the roof space has acted to reduce the visually apparent bulk of the buildings.


The subject site has an area of 897m2. Council’s LEP 2014 specifies the minimum lot size for multi dwelling housing development is 1000m2 the proposal does not comply with the requirement.


The AH SEPP specifies that the minimum lot size is 450m2 for Affordable Housing of this kind.

The proposed development incorporates a long single structure containing 10 dwellings this is not consistent with development in the R2 Low Density Residential Zone. There are too many dwellings for the size of the block.


Amended plans were submitted by the applicant to reduce the floor area of the proposed dwellings and break the building into two smaller parts (whilst maintaining a total 10 dwellings).


The proposed Floor Space Ratio of the development is 0.58 and exceeds the LEP 2014 maximum of 0.5:1. The proposed development should be reduced in size to comply with this requirement. The proposal represents a gross overdevelopment of the site.


The AH SEPP increases the maximum permissible FSR to 0.8:1. The proposed FSR of 0.58 is below this maximum.

The proposal to provide five (5) parking spaces is insufficient parking to service ten (10) dwellings. This will create an overflow of parking on Stuart Street which does not have capacity. There should be at least one parking space per dwelling.


Five parking spaces have been provided compliant with the AH SEPP. 


McGoughans Lane is a narrow single lane accessway and will not cope with the additional traffic generated by the proposal. The laneway is in bad condition.


It is acknowledged that McGoughans Lane to the rear of the property is only a gravel pavement. Council’s Development Engineer has advised the laneway will require upgrading.  The laneway in front of the property is required to be upgraded to bitumen and be extended to the existing bitumen sealed road at either the north or south of the site.


The proposed ten units are located within the Mullumbimby Conservation Area and in proximity of a number of Heritage Items. Concerns the proposed development is not consistent with the heritage character of Mullumbimby and existing town architecture.


The proposal does not comply with the aims or requirements of Byron Development Control Plan 2014 Chapter relating to Non-Indigenous Heritage Section C1.6.8 Mullumbimby Conservation Area.


Concerns the proposal is also inconsistent with DCP 2014 Chapter E3 Mullumbimby. The Development Application has not demonstrated that:

the character, bulk, scale and density of proposed development will be compatible with and will enhance the low rise character and scale of Mullumbimby, its built environment and its surrounds,”

Council’s Heritage Advisor considers  the revised development is not likely to adversely impact upon the heritage significance of the Conservation Area. See the Byron LEP 2014 - Issues section of this report for further details.

The existing dwelling house on the site is older than claimed in the Development Application material. Where demolition of a building in a heritage conservation area is approved it will generally conditional upon preparation of an archival recording of the building and site.


Council’s Heritage Advisor has assessed the proposed existing dwelling to be 1950’s era and advised “Removal of this dwelling is not likely to have any adverse impact upon the significance of the Conservation Area”. In this instance a condition to require archival recording has not been recommended by Council’s Heritage Advisor.


DCP 2014 Section C1.6 Special Guidelines – Heritage Conservation Areas. Development in all areas must remain single storey (apart from land zoned B2 in Bangalow Heritage Conservation Area) in height to maintain the visual character and unity of the streetscape.


This provision of DCP 2014 relates to heritage conservation. The proposed development incorporates an attic type level predominantly within the roof space of the building. Council’s Heritage Advisor has not raised objection to the proposed design including the level within the roof space. Byron LEP 2014 sets the maximum height limit for the subject site as 9.0 metres, the proposal complies with this requirement.


Concerns the proposed 1.2 metre high fence along the western boundary of the proposed development is not consistent with the heritage character of Mullumbimby.


Council’s Heritage Advisor has raised no objection to the proposed front fencing adjacent to Stuart Street.

The proposed development will set an undesirable precedent for future development in Mullumbimby.


Each development application is required to be assessed according to its own individual merits. The proposed development is not considered to be incompatible with existing residential development within the Heritage Conservation Area. 


The proposed two-storey dwellings will detract from the privacy of neighbouring properties. Screening the property with vegetation will not mitigate the loss of privacy for the residents at 114 and 118 Stuart Street. Views from upper windows on the northern elevation overlook the sough facing bedroom windows of the dwelling at No.116 Stuart 


The proposed narrow, roof level, windows are setback inside the Building Height Plane. These windows have a sill height 2.3 metres above the upper floor level which prevents views into neighbouring properties.


The close proximity of the development to neighbouring dwellings will result in noise disturbance from commercial garbage collection, increased vehicle movements, outdoor entertainment/living areas and animal noise.  


The proposed residential use of the premises is consistent and compatible with existing residential development. Should any offensive noise emanate from this development this will be treated, as any other residential premises, in accordance with the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997.



The proposal has not adequately considered stormwater on the subject site and on Stuart Street and McGoughans Lane. Existing stormwater drains overflow in the laneway and street. Concerns regarding additional flooding of street and rear lane open drain, ponding of water and health issues.



A recommended condition of consent requires stormwater detention to be provided on-site in order to manage stormwater runoff from the development. Suitable engineering details will be required to manage stormwater prior to issue of a construction certificate for the development.


Concerns regarding the 1.8 metre timber paling fence between the subject site and No.114 Stuart Street. Having regard to noise impacts this fence is inadequate in terms of construction material. Lapped and capped hardwood fencing on this boundary is requested.


Request for existing brick wall on northern boundary requested to remain and be extended between No.118 and subject site at No.116 Stuart Street.


A condition has been included to require boundary fencing to the northern and southern boundaries (behind the front building line) to be of more solid lapped and capped hardwood construction.

Concerns the proposed dwellings are more likely to contain two bedrooms minus a door to the second upstairs bedroom. The proposed dwellings have an area of approximately 50m2


Under SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 if the proposal was to be for 2 bedroom dwellings the minimum floor area for those dwelling would be 70m2. The proposed development would be 19m2 short of comply with SEPP (Affordable rental housing) 2009.


The potential for 20-40 people to occupy one block of land.


The proposed upper floor plan specifies that only one Bedroom is proposed. It is acknowledged that the floor plan for the upper level does contain a partially open Study area however consent has not been sought for the use of this area as a separate bedroom.


Should any proposed dwelling clearly contain two bedrooms, the minimum floor area required under the AH SEPP is 70m2


It is acknowledged that potentially these dwellings could each be occupied by two adults.


Concerns regarding noise from pumps servicing rainwater tanks. Acoustic enclosure to prevent noise impacts requested. The potential for 20-40 people to occupy one block of land.


The proposed plans do not include rainwater tank details. In the event any kind of pump is proposed to be installed the proposal will be required to comply with the noise limitations of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997.


State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 allows for densities designed for inner city living not rural towns.


The AH SEPP is applicable to all of NSW. It is noted that only minor variations in the AH SEPP controls are provided to distinguish between the Sydney Region and other regional areas.


The proposed development is an incompatible type of housing and contrary to the values of the community.


Affordable Housing is encouraged in Byron Shire in accordance within Byron LEP 2014 Clause 6.7.


Concerns regarding security and potential for increase in crime in the local area.


No evidence has been submitted to suggest the future occupants of the proposed development will cause an increase in crime in the area.


Concerns regarding lighting impacts from 10 dwellings.


Lights for the proposed dwellings have not been shown on the proposed plans. A condition has been included to require all external lighting must be installed in accordance with AS4282-1997: Control of the obtrusive effects of outdoor lighting.


The proposal will result in devaluing of properties.


This is not a matter for consideration under Section 79C of the EPA Act 1979.  

The elderly or disabled people are not suited to the proposed dwellings as they are of two-storey design with facilities over two levels. Steep internal stairs are not suitable.


The proposed development includes a single dwelling to be provided as accessible housing in accordance with Council’s DCP 2014. It is acknowledged that the proposed nine (9) two-storey dwellings would not be suitable as accessible housing.


Concerns regarding insufficient space for waste collection on Stuart Street with up to 20 bins to be put out each week. The proposal shows 2 x 100 lire and 2 x 240 litre bins located at the rear of the property with the collection point being McGoughans Lane a narrow unsealed laneway.

The proposal bin storage and management of waste is considered acceptable as discussed above.


Loss of light and overshadowing for property to the south of the site. The shadow diagrams submitted by the applicant do not satisfy the SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 for mid winter 22nd June.


The proposed development complies with the building height plane control and is well below the maximum height limit. In these circumstances the proposed level of overshadowing for neighbouring properties is considered to be acceptable.


Solar access to the living areas and private open spaces of the proposed dwellings is assessed to satisfy AH SEPP requirements.


Support for the development of affordable housing in Byron Shire and the increase in affordable housing stock. The demand for well located, long term affordable housing for singles and couples in Mullumbimby and the greater Byron Shire is well documented, as evidenced in the Byron Shire Council Affordable Housing Options Paper 2009.



Byron LEP 2014 states that residential accommodation is prohibited in the R2 Low Density Residential Zone. 10 units must be regarded as residential accommodation.


Byron LEP 2014 specifies that multi dwelling housing is permissible with development consent within the R2 Low Density Residential Zone.


Concerns that only 3 of the 10 proposed dwellings are to be provided as affordable housing.


The AH SEPP provides FSR incentives based on the proportion of overall floor space provided as affordable housing. Council planning controls do not require a specific minimum amount of floor space to be provided as affordable housing.

Concerns regarding the proposed floor to ceiling height for the upper level.


Prior to issue of a construction certificate for the development the proposed floor to ceiling height will be required compliance with the Building Code of Australia.

The proposed development is contrary to the public interest as is evident from the number of people who have supported an on-line petition against the proposal.


The proposal has generated a number of submissions. The provision of affordable housing for singles and couples is unlikely to prejudice or compromise the public interest.



3.7     Public interest


It is considered that the proposal will have no detrimental effect on the public interest, subject to appropriate conditions being proposed.




4.1     Water & Sewer Levies


The proposed development will generate a nexus to levy water and sewer headworks charges in accordance with Council’s fees and charges, conditions have been included.


4.2     Section 94 Contributions


Council’s Section 94 Officer has advised the applicant’s statement does not request a waiver or deferral of the S94 Contributions. This proposal will increase the demand for public facilities and amenities and a condition of consent requiring the payment of contributions is required. 




The proposed affordable housing development will provide additional housing for singles and couples in the form of one bedroom units. The development is within close walking distance to the town centre of Mullumbimby reducing car dependency for residents. The bulk, scale and height of the proposal is considered to be compatible with the heritage character of the locality, and no adverse environmental impacts are anticipated from the development of the site. The proposed development is recommended for consent subject to conditions.




Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy             13.12 - Attachment 2



Parameters of this Consent


1)      Development is to be in accordance with approved plans and documents

The development is to be in accordance with plans listed below:


Plan No.


Prepared by


DA - 18

Demolition Plan

Koho Projects Pty Ltd

1 April 2016

DA - 03

Site Plan

Koho Projects Pty Ltd

17 May 2016

DA - 04

Floor Plan

Koho Projects Pty Ltd

17 May 2016

DA - 05

Type A Unit - Detail

Koho Projects Pty Ltd

17 May 2016

DA - 06

Type B Unit - Detail

Koho Projects Pty Ltd

17 May 2016

DA - 07

Type C Unit - Detail

Koho Projects Pty Ltd

17 May 2016

DA - 08


Koho Projects Pty Ltd

 9 June 2016

DA - 09

Typical Section

Koho Projects Pty Ltd

 9 June 2016

DA - 13

Landscape Concept Plan

Koho Projects Pty Ltd

17 May 2016


Site Waste Minimisation and Management Plan

Duncan Band



The development is also to be in accordance with any changes shown in red ink on the approved plans or conditions of consent.


The approved plans and related documents endorsed with the Council stamp and authorised signature must be kept on site at all times while work is being undertaken.


2)      Residential use

This development consent allows only for the purposes of multi dwelling housing. Nothing within this development consent allows for the development to be used as tourist and visitor accommodation.


3)      Provision of Affordable Housing

For ten (10) years from the date of the issue of an Occupation Certificate for the subject development all three (3) dwellings are to be used only for the purposes of ‘affordable housing’ (as defined in the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and State Environmental Planning Policy [Affordable Rental Housing] 2009), and these dwellings are to be managed by a registered community housing provider (registered community housing provider has the same meaning as in the Housing Act 2001).


4)      Compliance with Building Code of Australia and insurance requirements under the Home Building Act 1989

(1)          For the purposes of section 80A (11) of the Act, the following conditions are prescribed in relation to a development consent for development that involves any building work:

(a)  that the work must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Building Code of Australia ,

(b)  in the case of residential building work for which the Home Building Act 1989 requires there to be a contract of insurance in force in accordance with Part 6 of that Act, that such a contract of insurance is in force before any building work authorised to be carried out by the consent commences.


(2)          This clause does not apply:

(a)  to the extent to which an exemption is in force under clause 187 or 188, subject to the terms of any condition or requirement referred to in clause 187 (6) or 188 (4), or

(b)  to the erection of a temporary building.


(3)          In this clause, a reference to the Building Code of Australia is a reference to that Code as in force on the date the application for the relevant construction certificate is made.


5)      Erection of signs

(1)          For the purposes of section 80A (11) of the Act, the requirements of subclauses (2) and (3) are prescribed as conditions of a development consent for development that involves any building work, subdivision work or demolition work.


(2)          A sign must be erected in a prominent position on any site on which building work, subdivision work or demolition work is being carried out:

(a)  showing the name, address and telephone number of the principal certifying authority for the work, and

(b)  showing the name of the principal contractor (if any) for any building work and a telephone number on which that person may be contacted outside working hours, and

(c)  stating that unauthorised entry to the work site is prohibited.


(3)          Any such sign is to be maintained while the building work, subdivision work or demolition work is being carried out, but must be removed when the work has been completed.


(4)          This clause does not apply in relation to building work, subdivision work or demolition work that is carried out inside an existing building that does not affect the external walls of the building.


(5)          This clause does not apply in relation to Crown building work that is certified, in accordance with Section 109R of the Act, to comply with the technical provisions of the State’s building laws.


(6)          This clause applies to a development consent granted before 1 July 2004 only if the building work, subdivision work or demolition work involved had not been commenced by that date.


Note: Principal certifying authorities and principal contractors must also ensure that signs required by this clause are erected and maintained (see clause 227A which currently imposes a maximum penalty of $1,100).


6)      Notification of Home Building Act 1989 requirements

(1)          For the purposes of section 80A (11) of the Act, the requirements of this clause are prescribed as conditions of a development consent for development that involves any residential building work within the meaning of the Home Building Act 1989 .

(2)          Residential building work within the meaning of the Home Building Act 1989 must not be carried out unless the principal certifying authority for the development to which the work relates (not being the council) has given the council written notice of the following information:


(a)  in the case of work for which a principal contractor is required to be appointed:

(i)    the name and licence number of the principal contractor, and

(ii)   the name of the insurer by which the work is insured under Part 6 of that Act,

(b) in the case of work to be done by an owner-builder:

(i)    the name of the owner-builder, and

(ii)   if the owner-builder is required to hold an owner-builder permit under that Act, the number of the owner-builder permit.


(3)          If arrangements for doing the residential building work are changed while the work is in progress so that the information notified under subclause (2) becomes out of date, further work must not be carried out unless the principal certifying authority for the development to which the work relates (not being the council) has given the council written notice of the updated information.


(4)          This clause does not apply in relation to Crown building work that is certified, in accordance with Section 109R of the Act, to comply with the technical provisions of the State’s building laws.


7)      Television reception system

A single common television reception system provided with a design to minimise adverse visual impacts whilst enabling high quality reception for each dwelling.


8)      External lighting installation

To maintain safe access, adequate lighting must be provided between sunset and 12.00 PM.  All external lighting must be installed in accordance with AS4282-1997: Control of the obtrusive effects of outdoor lighting.


9)      No Interference with Amenity of Neighbourhood

The proposed use of the premises shall not interfere with the amenity of the neighbourhood by reason of noise, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke, dust, wastewater or otherwise. In particular:

a)      The noise level emanating from the use of the premises must comply with the New South Wales Industrial Noise Policy.

b)      Only clean and unpolluted water is permitted to be discharged to Councils’ stormwater drainage system or any waters.


The following conditions are to be complied with prior to issue of a Construction Certificate


10)    A Demolition Management Plan must be submitted to Council for approval

An Environmental Management Plan (EMP) must be submitted to Council for approval prior to an demolition works commencing.  The EMP must be prepared by a suitably qualified professional and contain details of measures to be undertaken to ensure that demolition works do not result in any off-site impacts that could interfere with neighbourhood amenity by reason of noise, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke, dust, wastewater or otherwise. 

All works must be in accordance with NSW WorkCover Authority.


11)    Details of the garbage, composting and recycling storage area required

Details of the waste storage area (garbage, recycling and green bins) are required to be shown on the construction certificate drawings. The details are to include a concrete slab on ground for the waste storage area shown on the approved Site Plan referred to in Condition No.1.


12)    Boundary fencing

Boundary fencing along the northern, southern and western boundaries is to be of lapped and capped hardwood timber construction. Fount boundary fencing (including side return fencing, that being sides located between the front building line and the front boundary to Stuart Street) is to be a maximum of 1.2 metres in height and incorporate plain heritage style picket fencing. 


13)    Water and Sewerage - Section 68 approval required

An Approval under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 to carry out water supply work and sewerage work must be obtained.


14)    Remediation of contaminated land

The application for a construction certificate must be accompanied by a Detailed Contaminated Land Assessment, and Remedial Action Plan (if required) prepared by a suitably qualified contaminated land specialist with experience in the remediation of contaminated land.  The Remedial Action Plan must conform to NSW EPA Guidelines for Consultants Reporting on Contaminated Sites 1997 and all other applicable standards.


The Remedial Action Plan must be approved as part of the Construction Certificate for Building Works.


15)    On-site stormwater detention - Section 68 approval required

An approval under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 to carry out on-site detention drainage system and connection to a Council approved drainage system.


The plans must be in compliance with the Northern Rivers Local Government Development Design and Construction Manuals, Byron Shire Council Comprehensive Guidelines for Stormwater Management and relevant Australian Standards. Refer to Council’s website for copies of Council documents.


16)    Sediment and Erosion Control Management Plan required

The application for a Construction Certificate is to include plans and specifications that indicate the measures to be employed to control erosion and loss of sediment from the site. Control over discharge of stormwater and containment of run-off and pollutants leaving the site/premises must be undertaken through the installation of erosion control devices such as catch drains, energy dissipaters, level spreaders and sediment control devices such as filter fences and sedimentation basins.


Such plans and specifications must be approved as part of the Construction Certificate.


NOTE: The plans must be in compliance with Council's current “Northern Rivers Local Government Development Design & Construction Manuals and Standard Drawings”.


17)    Consent required for works within the road reserve

Consent from Council must be obtained for works within the road reserve pursuant to Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993. Three (3) copies of engineering construction plans must accompany the application for consent for works within the road reserve.


Such plans are to be in accordance with Council’s current Design & Construction Manuals and are to provide for the following works:


Driveways -  McCoughans Lane


Construct 2 new driveways from the edge of pavement seal through to the property boundary; inclusive of piped culverts with precast concrete headwalls. The driveways are to be generally in accordance with Council’s standard “Northern Rivers Local Government Development Design & Construction Manuals and Standard Drawings”.



Road pavement and drainage – McCoughans Lane

A minimum 3m wide bitumen sealed pavement for the full width of the subject site and either North to join the existing sealed section adjoining the car park at the rear of No. 108 Stuart Street or South to the existing bitumen sealed section at the rear of 93 Station Street. The table drains are to be cleared out, re-profiled and stabilised.

Stuart Street


Remove the existing vehicle bridge over the table drain. Replace any damaged sections of the concrete table drain in front of the property to improve drainage along Stuart Street.

Adjustment of Services


The road works are to include the adjustment and/or relocation of services as necessary to the requirements of the appropriate service authorities and to ensure that the services are constructed flush with the finished surface levels.


18)    Traffic Management Plan

Consent from Council must be obtained for a Traffic Management Plan pursuant to Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993. The plans and specifications are to include the measures to be employed to control traffic (inclusive of construction vehicles) during construction of the development. The traffic control plan is to be designed in accordance with the requirements of the Roads and Traffic Authority’s Manual, Traffic Control at Work Sites Version 2, and the current Australian Standards, Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices Part 3, ‘Traffic Control Devices for Works on Roads’.


“The plan shall incorporate measures to ensure that motorists using road adjacent to the development, residents and pedestrians in the vicinity of the development are subjected to minimal time delays due to construction on the site or adjacent to the site”.


The traffic control plan must be prepared by a suitably qualified and RTA accredited Work Site Traffic Controller.


19)    Car parking layout, vehicle circulation and access plans required.

The application for a Construction Certificate is to include plans and specification that indicate access, parking and manoeuvring details in accordance with the plans approved by this consent.


The access, parking and manoeuvring for the site is to comply with the requirements of Council’s Development Control Plan 2014, AS 2890.1-2004: Parking facilities, Part 1: Off-street car parking and AS 2890.2 – 2010 - Parking facilities, Part 2: Off-street commercial vehicle facilities. Plans are to include, but not be limited to, the following items:


a)      pavement description;

b)      site conditions affecting the access;

c)      existing and design levels;

d)      longitudinal section from the road centreline to the car space(s);

e)      cross sections every 15 metres;

f)       drainage (pipes, pits, on-site detention, etc.);

g)      turning paths;

h)      linemarking and signage.

i)   Sight distances for the fences at the entry onto the lane are to comply with AS 2890.1 clause 3.2.4


The engineering plans and specifications are to be designed by a qualified practising Civil Engineer. The Civil Engineer is to be a corporate member of the Institution of Engineers Australia or is to be eligible to become a corporate member and have appropriate experience and competence in the related field.


Such plans and specifications must be approved as part of the Construction Certificate.


NOTE: The plans must be in compliance with Council's current “Northern Rivers Local Government Development Design & Construction Manuals and Standard Drawings”.


20)    Flood Planning Level for new buildings

The flood planning level for this development is 4.45m A.H.D.  The plans and specifications to accompany the construction certificate application are to indicate a minimum habitable floor level that is at or above the flood planning level.


The plans and specifications to accompany the construction certificate application are also to indicate the use of flood compatible materials and services below the flood planning level in accordance with the requirements of Council’s Development Control Plan 2014 – Chapter C2 – Areas Affected by Flood.


21)    Bond required to guarantee against damage to public land

A bond of $4000 is to be paid to Council as guarantee against damage to surrounding public land and infrastructure during construction of the proposed development. Evidence is to be provided to Council indicating the pre development condition of the surrounding public land and infrastructure. Such evidence must include photographs. The proponent will be held responsible for the repair of any damage to roads, kerb and gutters, footpaths, driveway crossovers or other assets.


Such bond will be held until Council is satisfied that the infrastructure is maintained/repaired to pre development conditions and that no further work is to be carried out that may result in damage to Council’s roads, footpaths etc.


22)    Water and Sewerage - Section 68 approval required

An Approval under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 to carry out water supply work and sewerage work must be obtained.


23)    Certificate of Compliance – Water Management Act 2000

A Certificate of Compliance will be issued upon payment of developer charges for water and sewer as calculated in accordance with Byron Shire Council and Rous Water Development Servicing Plans.


Byron Shire Council acts as Rous Water’s agent in this matter and will issue a Certificate of Compliance on behalf of Rous Water upon payment of the Rous Water Development Servicing Charge to this Council.


Note: Copies of the application forms for Certificates of Compliance are available on Council’s website or from Council’s Administration Office. Copies of Byron Shire Council’s Development Servicing Plans are available at Council’s Administration Office.

Developer charges will be calculated in accordance with the Development Servicing Plan applicable at the date of payment. A check must be made with Council to ascertain the current rates by contacting Council’s Principal Engineer Systems Planning, Water on 02 6626 7081.  Applicable charges can be found on Council’s website:


The contributions payable will be adjusted in accordance with relevant plan and the amount payable will be calculated on the basis of the contribution rates that are applicable at the time of payment. Payment by Personal or Company Cheque will not be accepted.


24)    Compliance with BASIX Certificate requirements

The development is to comply with BASIX Certificate No.716163M_02, dated 10 June 2016. The commitments indicated in the Certificate are to be indicated on the plans submitted for approval of the Construction Certificate.


The plans submitted must clearly indicate all windows numbered or identified in a manner that is consistent with the identification on the BASIX Certificate.


Minor changes to the energy efficiency measures may be undertaken without the issue of an amendment under Section 96 of the Act, provided that the changes do not affect the form, shape or size of the building.


Proposed external colours/materials must be consistent with those shown on the approved plans referred to in Condition No.1 of this consent. Such plans and specifications must be approved as part of the Construction Certificate.


25)    Developer Contributions to be paid

Contributions set out in the schedule at the end of this consent are to be paid to Council prior to the release of a construction certificate.  Contributions are levied in accordance with the Byron Shire Developer Contributions Plan 2012 (as amended). 


The Plan may be viewed on line at or during office hours at the Council Offices located at Station Street, Mullumbimby.  These contributions are to fund public amenities and services as listed in the schedule.  Additional details on the specific amenities are to be found in the Byron Shire Developer Contributions Plan 2012 (as amended). 


The contributions in the schedule are current at the date of this consent.  The contributions payable will be adjusted in accordance with the relevant plan and the amount payable will be calculated on the basis of the contribution rates that are applicable at the time of payment.  The schedule contains a date for which the schedule remains valid, after this date you will have to contact Council for an updated schedule. Payments will only be accepted by cash or bank cheque.


26)    Landscaping plan required

The application for a Construction Certificate is to include plans and specifications that indicate the landscaping of the site.  Such landscaping plan must incorporate adequate detail to demonstrate compliance with the provisions of Chapter B9 (Landscaping) of Byron Development Control Plan 2014. Species are to be chosen from Byron Council’s Native Species Planting Guide, available at The landscaping plan must indicate:


a)      proposed location for planted shrubs and trees

b)      botanical name of shrubs and trees to be planted

c)      mature height of trees to be planted

d)      location of grassed and paved areas, and

e)      The plan is to be prepared by a suitably qualified person/s who has appropriate experience and competence in landscaping.

f)       The area of proposed landscaping of indigenous or low water use species as specified on the BASIX Certificate. 


Such plans and specifications must be approved as part of the Construction Certificate.


The following conditions are to be complied with prior to commencement of building works


27)    Traffic Management Plan

The approved traffic management plan is to be implemented.


28)    Builders rubbish to be contained on site

All builders rubbish is to be contained on the site in a ‘Builders Skips’ or an enclosure. Footpaths, road reserves and public reserves are to be maintained clear of rubbish, building materials and all other items.


29)    Prevention of water pollution

Only clean and unpolluted water is to be discharged to Council’s stormwater drainage system or any watercourse to ensure compliance with the Protection of Environment Operations Act.


30)    Erosion and Sediment Control Management Plan required

Erosion and sedimentation controls are to be in place in accordance with the approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plan.


Sediment and erosion control measures in accordance with the approved Erosion and Sedimentation Control plan/s must be maintained at all times until the site has been stabilised by permanent vegetation cover or hard surface.


Any such measures that are deemed to be necessary because of the local conditions must be maintained at all times until the site is made stable (i.e. by permanent vegetation cover or hard surface).


Note: Council may impose on-the-spot fines for non-compliance with this condition. 


31)    Remediation of contaminated land (if required)

Prior to the commencement of any works associated with this development consent, the following is required:

a)         A suitably qualified contaminated land specialist with experience in the remediation of contaminated land must be engaged by the proponent to oversee and be responsible for all works associated with the implementation of the Remedial Action Plan and subsequent site and soil validation.

b)         A notice of commencement of the remediation work and a copy of the Remedial Action Plan must be provided to Council’s Health and Environment Section prior to commencement of the -work.

c)         The notice of commencement must include contact details of the responsible person, including an emergency 24-hour phone number.


32)    Remediation of contaminated land

If required remedial works must be undertaken in conformance with the approved Remedial Action Plan and NSW EPA Guidelines for Consultants Reporting on Contaminated Sites 1997 and all other applicable standards.


33)    Removal of wastes

All wastes associated with these works are to be handled and disposed of in accordance with the requirements of the Work Cover Authority. The applicant/owner is to produce documentary evidence that this condition has been met. Wastes must be disposed of at a Licensed Waste Facility.  All wastes removed from the site must be managed and disposed of in accordance with NSW DECC Waste Classification Guidelines (2014)


34)    Erosion & sediment measures

Erosion and sedimentation controls are to be in place in accordance with the Guidelines for Erosion & Sediment Control on Building Sites. A summary of these guidelines is attached. A full copy may be downloaded from Council’s web site at


35)    WorkCover Authority

All works must be undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the WorkCover Authority.


The following conditions are to be complied with during demolition and construction


36)    Site Waste Minimisation and Management Plan (SWMMP)

Construction works are to be undertaken in accordance with the approved SWMMP referred to in Condition No.1 of this Development Consent.


37)    Construction/demolition times

Construction/demolition works must not unreasonably interfere with the amenity of the neighbourhood. In particular construction/demolition noise, when audible from adjoining residential premises, can only occur:


a)      Monday to Friday, from 7 am to 6 pm.

b)      Saturday, from 8 am to 1 pm.


No construction/demolition work to take place on Saturdays and Sundays adjacent to Public Holidays and Public Holidays and the Construction Industry Awarded Rostered Days Off (RDO) adjacent to Public Holidays.


Note: Council may impose on-the-spot fines for non-compliance with this condition. 


38)    Construction/demolition Noise

Construction/demolition noise is to be limited as follows:

a)      For construction/demolition periods of four (4) weeks and under, the L10 noise level measured over a period of not less than fifteen (15) minutes when the construction site is in operation must not exceed the background level by more than 20 dB(A).

b)      For construction/demolition  periods greater than four (4) weeks and not exceeding twenty‑six (26) weeks, the L10 noise level measured over a period of not less than fifteen (15) minutes when the construction site is in operation must not exceed the background level by more than 10 dB(A)


Note: Council may impose on-the-spot fines for non-compliance with this condition. 


39)    Builders rubbish to be contained on site

All builders rubbish is to be contained on the site in a ‘Builders Skips’ or an enclosure. Footpaths, road reserves and public reserves are to be maintained clear of rubbish, building materials and all other items.


The following conditions are to be complied with prior to issue of a Final Occupation Certificate


40)    Works to be completed prior to issue of a Final Occupation Certificate

All of the works indicated on the plans and approved by this consent, including any other consents that are necessary for the completion of this development, are to be completed and approved by the relevant consent authority/s prior to the issue of a Final Occupation Certificate.


Any Security bond paid for this application will be held until Council is satisfied that no further works are to be carried out that may result in damage to Councils road/footpath reserve.


41)    Access and parking areas to be completed.

The access and parking areas are to be constructed in accordance with the approved plans and Roads Act consent.


42)    Floor Levels – Certification for Flooding

Prior to the issue of an Occupation Certificate, a certificate from a registered surveyor must be submitted to the Principle Certifying Authority confirming the height of habitable and non-habitable floors. An Occupation Certificate must not be issued unless the floor levels are at or above the relevant flood planning levels.


43)    Maintenance Bond

A maintenance bond of 5% (minimum bond amount of $1,000.00) of the value of the road works constructed is to be lodged with Council.  A copy of the contract construction cost of the road works is to be submitted with the bond. The maintenance period is 6 months in accordance with Council’s current Design & Construction Manuals and will commence from the date of issue of the Occupation Certificate. The security may be provided, at the applicant's choice, by way of cash bond or a satisfactory bank guarantee. An application in writing for the release of the bond must be made at the satisfactory completion of the maintenance period.


44)    Record of Infrastructure

A record of infrastructure coming into Council ownership is to be submitted to Council.  The information is to be submitted in the form of Council’s Standard Form titled “Asset Creation Record”.  This form is available from Council’s Local Approvals Section.


45)    Water service and meter to be connected to each dwelling

A water service and water meter must be connected to each residential dwelling in the development using an approved backflow prevention device. It is the applicant’s responsibility to engage a licensed plumber who shall liaise with council during this process.


Any new water service and meter will be at the applicants cost.


46)    Sewer and water to be connected

A Certificate of Compliance under Section 307 of the Water Management Act 2000 is to be obtained from Byron Shire Council prior to the issue of an Occupation Certificate for works on water and/or sewer mains.


Application forms are available from Council’s administration building or online at to be submitted for a Certificate of Compliance.


47)    Remediation of contaminated land (where required)

A notice of completion must be provided to Council’s Health and Environment Section within 30 days of completion of the remediation work. The notice of completion must be accompanied by a Validation Report prepared by a suitably qualified person with experience in the remediation of contaminated land.

The Validation Report must specify the standard of remediation achieved and certify that the site is suitable for the proposed use. The report must conform to the NSW EPA Guidelines for Consultants Reporting on Contaminated Sites 1997 and all other statutory requirements.

Documentary evidence must be provided confirming the method of disposal and destination of all contaminated soil removed from the site.


Reasons for conditions


·        To comply with the provisions of the Local Environmental Planning Instrument.  

·        To preserve the environment and existing or likely future amenity of the neighbourhood. 

·        To protect the environment.

·        To preserve the amenity of the area. 

·        To ensure adequacy of services to the development.

·        In the interests of public health and safety.

·        To ensure compliance with Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993.




Schedule of Development Contributions

The following contributions are current at the date of this consent. The contributions payable will be adjusted in accordance with the relevant plan and the amount payable will be calculated on the basis of the contribution rates that are applicable at the time of payment. The current contribution rates are available from Council offices during office hours. Payments will only be accepted by cash or bank cheque.



Heritage Conservation

Regard must be had to the requirements of Clause 5.10 of the Byron Local Environmental Plan 2014. This would highlight the need to apply for any proposed future changes to fabric, finish and appearance. Any future changes of colour schemes of the development which may not be sympathetic to the setting of the Mullumbimby Heritage Conservation Area must first be approved by Byron Shire Council.


Water payments under the Water Management Act 2000

Charges will be calculated based on the additional water and sewerage load that the proposed development generates, shown in Equivalent Tenements (ET) by the following table:


(ET Policy No:13/005)


3 ET


4 ET


NB: Information regarding Development Servicing charges can be found on the Byron Shire Council website (  These charges will enable you to calculate the total contribution charges payable when you are ready to pay them.  Developer charges will be calculated in accordance with the Development Servicing Plan applicable at the date of payment.



Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.12 - Attachment 3














Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.12 - Attachment 4

















Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.12 - Attachment 4















Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.12 - Attachment 4






































Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.12 - Attachment 5


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.12 - Attachment 6








Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                                               13.14 - Attachment 1


BSC File No:  #E2015/82707

Contact:  Deanna Savage


16 December 2015







Mr D O Thompson & Ms M L Plowman

722 Main Arm Road

Mullumbimby NSW 2482




Dear Mr Thompson & Ms Plowman


Interest in Potential Part Road Reserve Closure Durrumbul Road

Council is currently looking at surplus land in the shire and after inspection has determined that the Council owned road reserve that adjoins your property (as outlined in red as per image below), may have the potential for closure and sale.



















Council is writing to you as the adjoining land owner to ascertain if you are interested in adding to your existing land parcel.  We realise there are costs associated with this proposal that need to be considered so if you are interested we are happy to go through the process and fee structure with you.


If you have any further questions, or would like to look further into this proposal please do not hesitate to contact Deanna Savage on 02 6626 7304.


Yours sincerely




Phillip Holloway


Infrastructure Services





Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                                 13.14 - Attachment 2


Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                                 13.14 - Attachment 3


Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                                 13.14 - Attachment 4


Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                                 13.14 - Attachment 5


Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                                 13.14 - Attachment 6



Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                                 13.14 - Attachment 7








Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                                 13.14 - Attachment 8




Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                                 13.14 - Attachment 9


Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                               13.14 - Attachment 10


Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                               13.14 - Attachment 11


Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                               13.14 - Attachment 12


Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                               13.14 - Attachment 13


Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                               13.14 - Attachment 14









Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                                                          13.14 - Attachment 14




Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                               13.14 - Attachment 14


Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                               13.14 - Attachment 15








Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                               13.14 - Attachment 16


Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                               13.14 - Attachment 17


Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                               13.14 - Attachment 18


Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                                             13.14 - Attachment 19


Questions raised by the site inspection

Road Reserve at end of Durrumbul Road, Durrumbul Road and access to 802 Main Arm Road


Who proposed and initiated the part Road Reserve Closure in question?

Council received a few complaints by residents concerned with compliance issues from Lot 6 DP 775447.  An inspection was completed by Council’s Community Enforcement Officer on 8 September 2015, who found the complaints to be substantiated. Due to no formalised address for the property which Council is bound under the Local Government Act 1993 Sect 124 Orders, the process of allocation of a formal address was started.  It was also noticed that a road reserve was being used as an access point to the property and this road reserve resided in the middle of an existing parcel of land being Lot A DP 389649, so Council approached the adjoining land owners to see if there was any interest in closing and purchasing the road reserve.


What is the process for road closure that has been followed?

Council has followed all required actions that Crown Lands stipulate prior to any lodgement of Council road closing application to NSW Department of Primary Industries – Lands.  Council is also bound by the ROADS ACT 1993 - SECT 34 Applications for closing of public road and ROADS ACT 1993 - SECT 35 Publication of proposal to close public road. 


What was the process for the Address allocation to Lot 6 DP775447 and why did it occur?

Time Line of Events that led to property number change of Lot 6 DP 775447 Durrumbul Road to 802 Main Arm Road given by Council’s Land Information Officer.

-      Inspection carried out 8/9/15 and ascertained that no formal address was associated with Lot 6 DP 775447.

-      • 26/8/15 – request received from Council’s Development Support and Administration Officer for street number for the property 6/775447.

-      • Authority had the road name for this property as Durrumbul Road so I based my numbering initially on Durrumbul Road.

-      • Street numbering for properties in rural areas is based on the distance along the road in metres divided by 10. At that time, basing the access road as Durrumbul Road, I estimated a street number of 130.

-      • 27/8/15 – letter sent to property owner advising property had been allocated a street address of 130 Durrumbul Road.

-      • 23/10/15 – received an email from a local resident raising concerns about the number of 6/775447 to 130 Durrumbul Road.

-      • I did some further research in TRIM and found documents relating to a request for the closure of Durrumbul Road (western end).

-      • It appears this matter was referred to Council’s Traffic and Transport Planner at the time for consideration by the Local Traffic Committee.

-      • 29/10/15 – forwarded the above correspondence to Council’s Traffic and Transport Planner at the time requesting advice as to the outcome, ie whether the road was to be closed.

-      • 5/11/15 – followed up with email to Council’s Traffic and Transport Planner at the time (as I had received further phone calls from a local resident in the meantime). I received no response from Council’s Traffic and Transport Planner at the time.

-      • Given the evidence provided of flood prone causeways along Durrumbul Road; that access to 6/775447 was available via Main Arm Road and that it would appear preferable the primary access be via Main Arm Road (especially for reliable access for emergency services), I subsequently wrote to the property owner on 6/11/15 proposing a change of address to 802 Main Arm Road and providing 28 days’ notice.

-      • The number 802 was considered suitable based on the rural numbering method. I rely on aerial photography, as well as existing street numbers, in calculating the distance based addressing. I do not normally undertake site inspections.

-      • No objection was received from the property owner (within the 28 days’ notice provided) to the address of 802 Main Arm Road.

-      • 4/12/15 – a further letter was sent to the property owner confirming change of address to 802 Main Arm Road.





Did Council give authority for a local resident to carry out maintenance of Durrumbul Road?

Council acknowledges that Durrumbul Road is a public Road Reserve where Council is the roads authority, in accordance with Part 1 Section 7 of the Roads Act 1993.  Council however, does not have this road segment in its asset register and therefore it is not maintained.  It is the position of Council that the advice a Council employee gave verbally to a local resident, allowing works to be carried out on the road reserve in question, was wrongly given.  This advice was given on the basis that the road reserve in question was like an extended driveway for this resident.  A letter was written to the property owner by Council’s Community Enforcement Officer on 14 September 2016 revoking all verbal approvals to undertake works within the road reserve.  


What is Council’s Policy for Driveways and access necessary to rural properties?

Council follows the Northern Rivers Local Government Handbook for Driveway Access to Property which stipulates all urban and rural standards.  (Attachments 21 E2016/96172 & 22 E2016/96184)  Council is also bound by the ROADS ACT 1993 - SECT 138 Works and structures.


Councillors commented on site about what approval had been given to a house and where the building envelope was on the property?  Also what access point was given on any Development Application?

There is no current or past development application associated with Lot 6 DP775447.  There are past/historical Council subdivision papers which do state that the original sub division was passed with access to Lot 6 DP 775447 being off Main Arm Road.







Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                               13.14 - Attachment 20














Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                                                          13.14 - Attachment 21