Minutes of Meeting










Local Traffic Committee Meeting





Conference Room, Station Street, Mullumbimby


Tuesday, 18 September 2018



Committee Members

Peter Stevens – Roads and Maritime Services

Linda Makejev – Roads and Maritime Services

Snr Constable David Brigg – Police

Cr Basil Cameron

Tamara Smith MP











Local Traffic Committee Meeting Minutes                             18 September 2018





Meeting Commenced:   10:39



Councillor:  Cr Basil Cameron

Roads and Maritime Services Representative: Peter Stevens and Katherine Boulton

Patrick Flanagan, representing Tamara Smith MP


Staff:  Evan Elford, Andrew Pearce



Sgt Michael Stewart, Snr Constable David Brigg


Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest raised. or


Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings


Committee Recommendation:

That the minutes of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 26 June 2018 and Extraordinary Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 31 July 2018 be confirmed.


The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.

Flanagan, Cameron and Stevens voted in favour of the motion.

Nil voted against the motion.




Matters Arising



Outstanding Issues/Resolutions



Regulatory Matters

Report No. 6.1             Parking for volunteers vehicles at RFS Mullumbimby Brigade

File No:                        I2018/1151


Mullumbimby RFS have requested Council to provide dedicated parking for volunteers vehicles in Gordon Street, Mullumbimby, adjacent the RFS Mullumbimby brigade building.


LTC are asked to consider if it is appropriate to provide dedicated parking areas, with associated pavement and bitumen sealing works, for private vehicles of volunteers within the road reserve to the exclusion of all other road users.



Council receives regular requests from RFS Mullumbimby volunteers to provide dedicated parking for volunteers vehicles in Gordon Street Mullumbimby adjacent the RFS Mullumbimby brigade building.


Council has previously installed No Parking – Authorised Vehicles Excepted signage in this location (as indicated in the photograph below) in response to a RFS request and Council resolution in 2016.



Authorised Vehicles are considered to be vehicles owned and/or provided by an Authority, in this case the RFS, clear signed and marked as a vehicle operated by the authority with associated warning light system.


The current request is for parking for volunteer parking (i.e. non authorised vehicles).


The Mullumbimby RFS is located in the vicinity of the Ambulance and Mullumbimby Fire Station.






Committee Comments

That council consider other options including parking permits which identify RFS volunteers. Noting that there is no guarantee of parking availability.                                 

Management Comments

There were no Management comments.


Committee Recommendation:

1. That Council not provide dedicated parking for volunteers’ private vehicles in Gordon Street at the Mullumbimby RFS brigade.


2. That council have further discussions with the RFS regarding alternative parking arrangements.




The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.

Flanagan, Cameron and Stevens voted in favour of the motion.

Nil voted against the motion



Report No. 6.2             Events - Mullumbimby Music Festival 2018 - Road Closure

File No:                        I2018/1571




Council has received an application, Traffic Management Plan (TMP) and Traffic Control Plan (TCP) from Planners North for the Mullumbimby Music Festival 2018 to be held between Thursday 15 November 2018 and Monday 19 November 2018, including a Street Parade to be held on Sunday 18 November 2018.


LTC are requested to endorse, the temporary traffic management and regulatory changes within the Traffic Control Plans, as relates to the Mullumbimby Music Festival 2018 to be held between Thursday 15 November 2018 and Monday 19 November 2018, subject to specified conditions.




The Mullumbimby Music Festival is in its ninth year and this will be the seventh year that the Street Parade will be conducted.  The fun musical Street Parade, with professional musicians and students, is always well attended; with no problems or safety issues have been reported in the past.  This year it is intended to march down the main street of Mullumbimby, Burringbar Street, and will be conducted in the same way as previous events.


Following are the proposed temporary road closures for the whole event:


·    Dalley Street, between Tincogan Street and Burringbar Street, between 11:00am and 12:00noon on Sunday 18 November 2018 - Street Parade;


·    Burringbar Street, between Station Street and Dalley Street, effective between 10:45am and 11:15am on Sunday 18 November 2018 - Street Parade;


·    Cenotaph Lane (formerly known as Lane 7), between Dalley Street and east of the fire station driveway and Murphys Lane (formerly known as Lane 2), effective from 4:00pm Thursday 15 November 2018 through to 8am Monday 19 November 2018; and


·    Murphys Lane, between Cenotaph Lane and Tincogan Street, effective from 4:00pm Thursday 15 November 2018 through to 8am Monday 19 November 2018.


There will be use of the single event shuttle bus, “The Magic Bus” (double decker), operating between venues. A TCP will establish the management of pick-up and set down locations.






§ Budget/Financial

The event organisers to be invoiced for the relevant Approval of Road Events pursuant to s144 of the Roads Act fee as per the Fees & Charges 2018/19.


§ Asset Management



§ Policy or Regulation

Regulatory traffic signage as delegated to council for authorisation in conjunction with NSW Road Rules.


§ Consultation

A condition of the endorsement of this event is that appropriate consultation is undertaken, which may include:

·    Advertising the impact of the event in the local newspaper and on the Council website.

·    Informing community and business that are directly impacted.

·    Liaising with bus and taxi operators.

·    Consulting with emergency services.


§ Legal and Risk Management

Event organiser is required to hold $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event.



Committee Comments

There were no Committee comments.

Management Comments

There were no Management comments.


Committee Recommendation:

1.   That the Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control Plan/s as relates to the Mullumbimby Music Festival 2018, to be held between Thursday 15 November 2018 and Monday 19 November 2018, which includes the temporary road closures below, be endorsed between these times:


a)   Dalley Street, between Tincogan Street and Burringbar Street, between 11:00am and 12:00noon on Sunday 18 November 2018 - Street Parade;


b)   Burringbar Street, between Station Street and Dalley Street, effective between 10:45am and 11:15am on Sunday 18 November 2018 - Street Parade;


c)   Cenotaph Lane, between Dalley Street and east of the fire station driveway and Murphys Lane, effective from 4:00pm Thursday 15 November 2018 through to 8am Monday 19 November 2018; and


d)   Murphys Lane, between Cenotaph Lane and Tincogan Street, effective from 4:00pm Thursday 15 November 2018 through to 8am Monday 19 November 2018.


2.   That the approval provided in Part 1 is subject to:



a)   implementation of the approved Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control Plan/s by those with appropriate RMS accreditation and the holding of current and appropriate levels of insurance and liability cover;


b)   that each temporary bus stop, as required by the event, be established in accordance with the accredited Traffic Control Plan/s;


c)   the event organiser:


i)        advertising the impact of the event via a notice in the local weekly paper a minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road closures and times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a personal contact name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries or complaints;


ii)       providing a copy of the advert for Council's web page;


iii)      the written concurrence of the Fire Stations on both Gordon Street and Dalley Street, be obtained and copies provided to Council;


iv)      informing community and businesses that are directly impacted (eg adjacent to the event) via written information which is delivered to the property in a timely manner so as to document, consider and respond to any concerns raised;


v)       arranging for private property access and egress affected by the event;


vi)      liaising with bus and taxi operators and ensuring arrangements are made for provision of services during conduct of the event;


vii)     consulting with emergency services and any identified issues be addressed;


viii)    holding $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event;


ix)      paying of Council’s Road Event Application Fee prior to the event.



The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.

Flanagan, Cameron and Stevens voted in favour of the motion.

Nil voted against the motion.



Report No.                   Events - Falls Festival 2018/19 -  Road Closures

File No:                        I2018/1572




Council has received an application and Traffic Control Plan (TCP) from Greg Alderson & Associates on behalf of Look Up and Live Pty Ltd for Falls Festival 2018/19 at North Byron Parklands in Yelgun, which is to be held during the New Year’s period of 2018/19.


The festival will be held from 31 December 2018 to Tuesday 2 January 2019.


Camper bump in will commence on 30 December 2018.


The camping areas close on 3 January 2019.


LTC is requested to endorse the temporary traffic management and regulatory changes within the series of Traffic Control Plans, as relates to the Falls Festival to be held at the North Byron Parklands site Yelgun between 31 December 2018 and 2 January 2019 inclusive, subject to specified conditions.





The Falls Festival was held at North Byron Parklands for the first time during the 2013/14 New Year’s Eve period and held each year since that date. All festivals were a success from a traffic engineering perspective with no major impacts on the public roads during peak arrival periods.


This is the fifth year in the five-year trial period for North Byron Parklands (NBP) as an event site.

This year, approval exists for one large trial event up to 32,500 which was held in July 2017, one medium trial event (anticipated to be up to 25,000 patrons) and one small trial event (up to 15,000 patrons). Falls 2013/14 was the first medium trial event to be held at the site and was held around New Year’s 2013/14.  Falls Festival 2018/19 is the fifth medium trial event and is to be held around New Year’s 2018/19.


Falls Festival 2017/18 was generally a success from a traffic engineering perspective but with two concerns arising. Firstly, a higher volume of arrival traffic on the first day led to a level of service on Tweed Valley Way below LOS C. The KPI for Tweed Valley Way is to maintain a LOS C or better. Secondly, traffic lengths extended onto Tweed Valley Way / Brunswick Valley way beyond the turning lanes. The maximum queue length onto Tweed Valley Way / Brunswick Valley Way, beyond the turning lanes, is 0m.


In the words of this year’s TMP:-


There were two minor failures in regard to the given Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s). A higher peak flow on the first arrival day than has been experienced before led to queuing from the site and onto the Tweed Valley Way. This also resulted in a LOS less than C for 1-2 hours during the peak ingress period on Saturday the 30th of December.


Probable factors contributing to the observed traffic issues were:

·    Higher ratio of day 1/day 2 car pass sales than previous years

·    Higher total number of festival patrons than previous years

·    First arrival day being a Saturday providing opportunity for concentrated peak ingress period

·    Reduced vehicle occupancy (2.29ppv for FFB2017 compared to 2.4ppv for FFB2016)



Methods recommended for consideration in the Traffic Evaluation Report for reducing the opportunity for queueing on the Tweed Valley Way for future events include:-

·    Reduce the ratio of day 1/day 2 car pass sales

·    Introduce more granular car pass ticketing (i.e. car passes for arrival before 1pm/after 2pm) in order to spread the arrival distribution across the day

·    Separate pick-up/drop-off traffic arrivals by utilising Gate D

·    Provide incentives for increased vehicle occupancy (i.e. added value for 4+ person vehicles)


It would also be appropriate to have available contingency Traffic Control Plans in case queueing occurs again, to ensure safe traffic management.


It is noted that a Contingency TCP has been provided.




1.   Congestion caused by the event will directly affect a RMS controlled asset – Pacific Highway.

2.   Separate approval of the TMP & TCP required by the RMS Traffic Engineering Department.




§ Budget/Financial

The event organisers to be invoiced for the relevant Approval of Road Events pursuant to s144 of the Roads Act fee as per the Fees & Charges 2018/19.


§ Asset Management



§ Policy or Regulation

Regulatory traffic signage as delegated to council for authorisation in conjunction with NSW Road Rules.


§ Consultation

A condition of the endorsement of this event is that appropriate consultation is undertaken, including:

·    Advertising the impact of the event in the local newspaper and on the Council website.

·    Informing community and business that are directly impacted.

·    Liaising with bus and taxi operators.

·    Consulting with emergency services.


§ Legal and Risk Management

Congestion caused by the event will directly affect a RMS controlled asset – Pacific Highway. Separate approval of the TMP & TCP required by the RMS Traffic Engineering Department.






Committee Comments

In the absence of Police representative, this item to be deferred to an extraordinary electronic meeting of the LTC to be held as soon as practicable.

Management Comments

There were no management comments.



Item deferred. No recommendation made.



Report No. 6.3             Request for No Stopping - 12 Browning Street, Byron Bay

File No:                        I2018/1586



Council’s Resource Recovery team has received a request to restrict parking for the frontage of 12 Browning Street, Byron Bay to better facilitate waste collection services. (Refer to blue line below.)



DA10.2016.392.1 granted development consent for 13 * 3 bedroom townhouses. 


Bins for the development must be presented on Browning Street. Subsequent to development consent being granted it has been identified that cars parked on Browning Street in the vicinity of the development potentially prevent waste collection trucks accessing these bins.


To provide unrestricted access to bins it is requested that appropriate signage be installed to ensure no parking between 6pm – 8pm.  These hours are designed to coincide with existing signage and waste collection hours.


This request is the same as a previous approval granted to the adjoining property, 6-8 Browning Street, where LTC recommended (on April 2016) “No Stopping” for the times and days of waste services only.  In the photo shown below the “No Stopping” zone approved in April 2016 is shown below in yellow.  The blue line indicates the approximate zone forming part of this current request.




1.   Council currently unable to guarantee waste collection for 12 Browning St due to potential parked cars blocking bin access.

2.   LTC approved similar request in April 2016 for 6-8 Browning St.

3.   The request requires RMS consent as Browning St is a Classified Road



§ Budget/Financial

The cost of modifying parking by implementing new signage and line marking will require expenditure from Council’s Resource Recovery budget.

§ Asset Management

Not Applicable


§ Policy or Regulation

Delegated to Council for authorisation in conjunction with:-

Actions required to control traffic – Part 8 (Sections 114 to 124) Roads Act, 1993.

Traffic Control Devices –Part 5 (Sections 18-22) Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act, 1999.

No Stopping and No Parking Signs and Road Markings – Division 2,  NSW Road Rules 168.




Committee Comments

There were no Committee comments.

Management Comments

There were no Management comments.


Committee Recommendation:

That “No Stopping” apply at the frontage of 12 Browning Street, Byron Bay for the times and day of waste services only, as per existing adjoining signage.



The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.

Flanagan, Cameron and Stevens voted in favour of the motion.

Nil voted against the motion.



Report No. 6.4             Event Road Closures - Brunswick Woodchop Twilight Markets 2018

File No:                        I2018/1683




Council has received an application from the Brunswick Valley Woodchop & Entertainment Committee Inc for the Twilight Markets to be held Wednesday, 19 December 2018 and the Fireworks Night to be held Saturday, 19 January 2019.


The application includes the Traffic Management Plan (TMP) and Traffic Control Plan (TCP) from the 2017 event.


LTC are requested to endorse the Twilight Markets to be held on Wednesday 19 December 2018 and the Fireworks Night to be held on Saturday 19 January 2019, subject to specified conditions including the provision of updated temporary traffic management and Traffic Control Plans to Council.




The Twilight Markets continue to be a success and bring huge crowds to Brunswick Heads.  The event organisers are requesting:


1.   Closure of Mullumbimbi Street, between The Terrace and Park Street, as follows:


a)   Closure of the area bounded by the nose-in parking and centre parking bay from 7:00am until 11:00pm.  This is the u-shaped provision for parking that is adjacent Banner Park in the vicinity of the children's play area.

b)   Two (2) temporary designated ‘Disability Parking’ spaces outside of the hotel during the morning. The existing two (2) spaces will be closed off.

c)   Closure of the remaining section of ‘through road’ between The Terrace and Park Street from 12:00noon until 11:00pm.


2.   Opening of Memorial Park for parking, as follows:


a)   Twilight markets - Wednesday, 19 December 2018 from 12:00noon.  This will allow stallholders to get their vehicles off the street before the markets start at 3pm.


b)   Fireworks Night – Saturday, 19 January 2019 from 6:00pm.  This will allow for people attending the carnival/housie, and through to when the fireworks take place at 9pm, to park off the streets.


Appropriately accredited (JHA) staff will be requested to put out the early blockades and the temporary designated Disability Parking signs as per the TCP. Market staff will relocate the blockades at 12:00noon.  Market staff will remove the road closed signs and Disability Parking and store these securely with McGregor's Amusements for collection of JHA the next day.


As in the past McGregor's Amusement will move their ride during the night of Tuesday 18 December 2018 and place it over the centre parking bays for erection the next afternoon.  This effectively blocks off most of the area mentioned in item 1 above and the early road closure will ensure that vehicles are not parked indefinitely in that area (eg patrons of the hotel) once the premises are open for business.





§ Budget/Financial

The event organisers to be invoiced for the relevant Approval of Road Events pursuant to s144 of the Roads Act fee as per the Fees & Charges 2018/19.


§ Asset Management



§ Policy or Regulation

Regulatory traffic signage as delegated to council for authorisation in conjunction with NSW Road Rules.


§ Consultation

A condition of the endorsement of this event is that appropriate consultation is undertaken, including:

·    Advertising the impact of the event in the local newspaper and on the Council website.

·    Informing community and business that are directly impacted.

·    Liaising with bus and taxi operators.

·    Consulting with emergency services.


§ Legal and Risk Management

Event organiser is required to hold $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event.



Committee Comments

There were no Committee comments.

Management Comments

There were no Management comments.


Committee Recommendation:

1.   That the Twilight Markets to be held on Wednesday 19 December 2018, which includes the temporary road closure/s below, be endorsed between these times:


a)   Mullumbimbi Street Brunswick Heads, between The Terrace and Park Street on Wednesday 19 December 2018, as per the following:


i)          Closure of the area bounded by the nose-in parking and centre parking bay from 7:00am until 11:00pm. This is the u-shaped provision for parking that is adjacent Banner Park in the vicinity of the children's play area;


ii)         Two (2) temporary designated ‘Disability Parking’ spaces be created outside of the hotel during the morning, with signage to be installed by appropriately accredited persons in conjunction with the implementation of the TCP. The existing 2 spots will have been closed off;


iii)        Closure of the remaining section of ‘through road’ between The Terrace and Park Street from 12:00noon until 11:00pm.


b)   Opening of Memorial Park for parking on Wednesday, 19 December 2018 from 12:00 noon to allow stallholders to get their vehicles off the street before the markets start at 3:00pm.


2.       That the Fireworks Night to be held on Saturday 19 January 2019, which includes the opening of Memorial Park for parking from 6:00pm be endorsed.  


3.       That the approval provided in Part 1 and Part 2 is subject to:



a)   the event organiser provide council with an updated Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control Plan for the 2018 event;


b)   implementation of the approved Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control Plan by those with appropriate RMS accreditation and the holding of current and appropriate levels of insurance and liability cover;


c)   the impact of the event be advertised, and charged at cost to the organisers, via a notice in the local weekly paper a minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road closures and times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a personal contact name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries or complaints;


d)   the event be notified on Council’s web page;


e)   the event organiser:


i) informing community and businesses that are directly impacted (eg adjacent to the event) via written information which is delivered to the property in a timely manner so as to document, consider and respond to any concerns raised;


ii) arranging for private property access and egress affected by the event;


iii) liaising with bus and taxi operators and ensuring arrangements are made for provision of services during conduct of the event;


iv) consulting with emergency services and any identified issues be addressed;


v) holding $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event;


vi) paying of Council’s Road Event Application Fee prior to the event.



The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.

Flanagan, Cameron and Stevens voted in favour of the motion.

Nil voted against the motion.


Matters for Traffic Engineering Advice

Report No. 7.1             Events - Byron Bay Triathlon 2019 - Traffic Management

File No:                        I2018/1338




Council has received an event application from NXsports Community Foundation for the 2019 Byron Bay Triathlon to be held on Saturday 11 May.


The event proposes several roads to be closed within Byron Bay CBD.  The shortest road closer is proposed to be 3 hours (Broken Head Road between Old Bangalow Rd and BP Fuel Station Beech Dr) with the longest road closure proposed to be 10 hours (Bay St in front of the Surf Club).




This event was reported to the LTC in 19 September 2017 for consideration of and for comments to be provided by LTC for the 2 options routes being considered by the event organisers for the 2018 event.


LTC meeting comments were supportive of the Option B route as there was less impact on the community with less road closure – this option was then put in place for the 2018 event. The 2019 event proposes the same Option B route.


The event organiser’s application includes relevant traffic management documents based on Option B as implemented successfully for the 2018 event.


Event Timetable

The table below present the timing of the event from bump in to bump out.



Event Course


Figure 1 presents the event course and roads required to be closed for bike course.


Figure 2 presents the event course and roads required to be closed for the run course


Figure 1


Figure 2




Proposed Road Closures


The timing of proposed road closures is as follows in the table below and is proposed to be managed via a TMP and TCP, refer to attached documents. 





§ Budget/Financial

The event organisers to be invoiced for the relevant Approval of Road Events pursuant to s144 of the Roads Act fee as per the Fees & Charges 2018/19.


§ Asset Management



§ Policy or Regulation

Regulatory traffic signage associated with the TCP as delegated to council for authorisation in conjunction with NSW Road Rules.


§ Consultation

After the 2018 event the applicant undertook a post event review with key stakeholders. The 2019 event has been modified to take into account feedback from these stakeholders.


§ Legal and Risk Management

A risk assessment has been undertaken as part of the attached Community & Transit Management Plan.








Committee Comments

Due to the absence of a Police representative, this matter deferred to an extra electronic meeting to be held as soon as practicable.

Management Comments

There were no Management comments.



Item deferred. No recommendation made.




Report No. 7.2             Car Share Scheme, Byron and Mullumbimby - 12 Month Pilot

File No:                        I2018/1441




Council has previously endorsed a Car Share Policy and an Expression of Interest process to determine whether a car share scheme might be viable in Byron Bay and Mullumbimby.


The expression of interest process identified that there are at least four (4) existing car share operators keen to establish in the Shire.  It also identified at least two key land owners who would be willing to host car share spaces on their commercial sites.


Liaison with the operators indicates that around 10 spaces would be required to ensure that the 12-month pilot project would be viable.


A report has been prepared for the September Council meeting, recommending that Council endorse proceeding to the pilot, by inviting the interested operators to apply to lease public car spaces in Byron Bay, and spaces within Council’s car park at Station Street Mullumbimby.


At this stage, the final number of public spaces would be subject to negotiation with the successful operator.  Indicative locations for the spaces are shown in the attached plans.


The spaces will need to be line marked and sign posted, to be provided exclusively for the successful car share operator, who will lease the spaces from Council.  Some of the spaces will be within paid parking areas.


The circles in red below show the preferred locations for the bays in Byron Bay (see further details in Attachment 1).  Council have engaged the neighbours surrounding these bays to seek feedback.  Bays are also preferred in the Mullumbimby Public Car Park behind Council offices.


The circles in blue below show alternative locations for the bays.


Attachment 1 (E2018/67288) identifies each location.


Neighbour Consultation


Neighbours (land owners and commercial residents) within close proximity to the preferred potential bays were sent a letter and a fact sheet and were invited to submit their feedback.  The below table gives a summary of what has been heard so far.




Shirley Street 

Neighbour 1

Intersection too congested.  Further east on Shirley Street would be better.

Neighbour 2

Great idea and location

Marvell Street 

Neighbour 1

Commercial area of Marvell Street would be better.  This is residential area.

Massinger Street 

Neighbour 1

Intersection too busy, closer to beach or rec grounds better

Neighbour 2

Detrimental here: more illegal parking, more parking/congestion in short street

Neighbour 3

Location is fine.

Browning Street 


No responses at this time

Lawson Street South 

Landowner 1

Not in South car park.  North Lawson Street would be better. Two bays here would be detrimental to business.

Tenant 1

Okay, but no more than 2x.  North would be better.





Committee Comments

There were no committee comments.

Management Comments

There were no Management comments.


Committee Recommendation:

That Council support the following locations for car share spaces: four (4) spaces in Station St, four (4) in Lawson St and one (1) space each in Massinger, Browning, Marvell and Shirley Streets, generally located where shown in red in the report.



The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.

Flanagan, Cameron and Stevens voted in favour of the motion.

Nil voted against the motion.



Report No. 7.3             Brunswick Heads Boat Harbour Master Plan - Traffic, Access and Parking Options

File No:                        I2018/1084




This report outlines the various options being considered in developing the Brunswick Heads Boat Harbour Master Plan to manage traffic, access and parking arrangements on the Old Pacific Highway and seeks comments, recommendations and advice on any preferred option from the Committee




In February 2018 the Department of Industry—Lands & Water issued a Fact Sheet outlining their Draft Master Plan for Brunswick Boat Harbour. Following an on site meeting (May 2018) with representatives from Crown Lands Council staff drafted a modified layout for Crown Lands to consider addressing potential concerns relating to traffic access and parking layout.


Figure 1  presents the Draft Master Plan for Brunswick Boat Harbour issued by the Department of Industry—Lands & Water. Refer to attachment 1 for details relating to the DPI proposal.


Figure 2  presents Council’s proposed modified layout submitted to Crown Lands for consideration, refer to attachment 2.


Council also assisted Crown Lands by drafting a number of sketched options to ensure all options were to the same scale and able to be directly compared.


Attachment 3 provides detail in respect of the options drafted for Crown Lands in relation to access and parking in the Old Pacific Highway corridor and attachment 4 provides Council’s comments in relation to the redevelopment of the boat handling facilities with particular reference to traffic management and boat parking with suggestions for Crown Lands to consider in developing the final layout for this area.


In relation to access and parking on the Old Pacific Highway, the primary difference between the two draft layouts is that the DPI proposes 90 degree car parking off the traffic lane and modifies a currently left out only exit to a entry/exit on the eastern side of the project.  In contrast, Council proposes no car parking with direct access off the Old Pacific Highway and suggests a relocation of a new entry/exit further west from the existing to provide for better vehicle storage for the right turn and improved stacking within the intersection access road leg.


Figure 1 – Draft Master Plan - DPI



Figure 2 – Byron Shire Council Preferred Access Arrangements






§ Budget/Financial

No known budget or financial cost to Council outside of the Stakeholder consultation process.


§ Asset Management

Additional carparking within the road reserve and associated signage.


§ Policy or Regulation

Compliance to be in accordance with NSW Road Rules, Australian Standards, Austroads and RMS Parking guidelines


§ Consultation

Crown Lands has undertaking stakeholder engagement with the community and Council has been in discussion with Crown Lands.


§ Legal and Risk Management

Minor Risk assessment has been undertaken in an informal manner as part of Council’s modified proposed layout.





Committee Comments

The Crown consider removing the vehicle connection between the two intersections from the Old Pacific Hwy to create separate entrance/exits, to the boat harbour precinct and Reflections Holiday Park.

Options SK9 and SK10 presented to the committee are not supported.

The committee is concerned about the geometry of the eastern intersection providing sufficient storage for caravan movements in and out of the site. The solution would be to extend the intersection leg to the north, further into the boat harbour area as shown on Council’s plan 2640-SK2 Issue B. 

Consider a continuous cycleway that does not cross the access legs of the intersections onto the Old Pacific Hwy.

RMS is of the view that the proposal represents an overdevelopment of the site.


Management Comments

There were no Management comments.


Committee Recommendation:

1. That the committee’s comments and recommendations be provided to Crown Lands to assist in developing the Brunswick Heads Boat Harbour Master Plan.

2. That LTC support the intersection locations and layout, both internal and external as presented in Council’s plan 2640-SK 2 Issue B



The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.

Flanagan, Cameron and Stevens voted in favour of the motion.

Nil voted against the motion.



Report No. 7.4             Bangalow Primary School - Parking and Traffic Management

File No:                        I2018/1709




This report seeks support from the LTC to amend the existing time limited parking scheme, as required, in the vicinity of the Bangalow State School.




The existing Bangalow State School children’s crossing on Byron Street is not currently used by the school as the existing traffic conditions along Byron Street are considered unsafe.


A RMS grant has been identified to fund investigations, with the potential for additional funding for implementation.  No designs have been developed as yet, though on site discussions have occurred with Council and RMS representatives to confirm the intent of the project which is likely to include:

• Relocation and formalisation of children's crossing Bangalow Road.

• Bus zone relocation, Bangalow Road.

• Signage and delineation improvements to Bangalow school zone.


Council installed a time limited parking scheme around the Bangalow Village Centre this year, including the Bangalow State School area.


Project implementation will potentially impact several car parking spaces, a bus stop zone and regulatory signage and line marking in the vicinity of the children’s crossing. Several car spaces may need to be deleted and / or relocated, along with associated signage. As these works will involve direct consultation with RMS and in order to facilitate timely implementation, LTC is requested to approve and support the envisaged modifications as outlined above.


The figures below shows the recently installed time limited parking scheme signage layout in the vicinity of the Bangalow State School. The areas highlighted in yellow indicate the location off the existing unused children’s crossing.





§ Budget/Financial

Expected costs are associated with relocating signage and line markings.


§ Asset Management

No impact on existing asset management requirements.


§ Policy or Regulation

Compliance to be in accordance with NSW Road Rules, Australian Standards, Austroads and RMS Parking guidelines


§ Consultation

RMS is a significant stakeholder who have been and will continue to be consulted as part of the pedestrian crossing project.


§ Legal and Risk Management

No risk assessment has been undertaken as yet as no design work has commenced for the project..




Committee Comments

Committee notes that this is a work in progress and a final plan of alterations is being developed and the matter is deferred to the Local Traffic Committee meeting on 20 November 2018 for final approval.

Management Comments

There were no Management comments.



Item deferred. No recommendation made.




Report No. 7.5             Adoption of Constitution for Local Traffic Committee

File No:                        I2018/1684



At Local Traffic Committee meeting of 16 January 2018, the committee discussed matters in relation to Report No.6.1 – Council resolutions and Recommendation Processes.


From those discussions, a draft constitution for the Local Traffic Committee was developed and presented to the Local Traffic Committee at the 15th May meeting where the Local Traffic Committee recommended:


That the draft constitution attached to this report is noted and the committee comments be provided to finalise the constitution document prior to adoption by Council.


At the 23 August 2018 ordinary Council meeting, Council resolved as follows:


18-498 Resolved that Council adopt the following Committee Recommendation(s):


Report No. 6.2     Draft Constitution for Local Traffic Committee

File No: I2018/905


Committee Recommendation 6.2.1

That the draft constitution attached to this report be reviewed by members and the committee comments be presented at the next committee meeting for adoption.(Cameron/Richardson)


The committee is requested to review the final document and recommend that Council adopt the 2018 Local Traffic Committee Constitution, in accordance with RMS guidelines and any other regulations, and procedures relating to the delegation to Councils, as set out in Section 50 of the Transport Administration Act 1998.



Committee Comments

Due to no Police representative present, this item deferred to the 20 November 2018 meeting.

Management Comments

There were no management comments.



Item deferred. No recommendation made.







There being no further business the meeting concluded at 12:40pm.