Minutes of Meeting










Local Traffic Committee Meeting





Conference Room, Station Street, Mullumbimby


Tuesday, 20 November 2018



Committee Members

Katherine Boulton – Roads and Maritime Services

Snr Constable David Brigg – Police

Cr Basil Cameron

Tamara Smith MP











Local Traffic Committee Meeting Minutes                               20 November 2018



Report of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on Tuesday, 20 November 2018

File No: I2018/2195



Meeting Commenced:   10:50



Roads and Maritime Services Representative: Katherine Boulton

Patrick Flanagan representing Tamara Smith MP


Staff:  Evan Elford and Andrew Pearce



Cr Cameron

In the absence of a quorum, this meeting has been deferred to an electronic meeting.


Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest raised. or


Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings



That the minutes of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 18 September 2018 and Extraordinary Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 21 September 2018 be confirmed.



Matters Arising

There were no matters arising


Outstanding Issues/Resolutions




Regulatory Matters

Report No. 6.1             Events - Anzac Day 2019 - Road Closures in Byron, Mullumbimby, Brunswick Heads, Bangalow

File No:                        I2018/1568




Each year the RSL sub-branches of Byron Bay, Mullumbimby, Bangalow and Brunswick Heads arrange their respective annual ANZAC Day street parade. 


All four have confirmed that little to no change to previous years are sought.  The route of each parade is shown below, noting that:


-     Byron Bay : as per previous years, the Dawn Service requires closure of the Tennyson Street and Marvell Street intersection between 4.30am and 5.30am and then again (approximately at 11am) when the  parade reaches the gates to conduct the main service.


Council implements such measures including signed detours at the intersections prior at Marvell and Middleton Street and at both the Kingsley Street and Carlyle Street intersections on Tennyson Street.


As for the parade, it is held under Police escort after it gathers at 10:15am off-road (Beach Hotel) at Bay and Jonson Street, then at 10.30am proceeds south down Jonson Street, left into Marvell Street to its end at the Memorial Gates on Tennyson Street.



-     Mullumbimby: the parade will again be held under Police escort commencing this year at 10.50am from Apex Park via Burringbar Street to concluding at the cenotaph on Dalley Street and that Council is to close Dalley Street to traffic between Burringbar Street and Tincogan Street between 8am and 12noon with signed detours in place.


-     Brunswick Heads : Police involvement with both an escort and closing of the road on Fawcett Street between 430am and 630am.  No Council involvement requested.


-     Bangalow : the sub branch have confirmed the parade forms by 10.45am in front of the Bangalow Hotel in Byron Street, and sets out by 11am east to the intersection at Station Street, then turns left (north) to the front of the RSL Memorial Hall on Station Street for wreath laying and ceremony through to 11.45am.  Council therefore are to implement the following:


by 10.40am through to end of event, close:

§ Station Street north of Byron Street,

§ Byron Street west of Station Street, and

§ provide signed detours south along Station Street to and via Deacon Street.

by 10.45am, close:

§ Byron Street at the east bound leg of the Granuaille Road and Lismore Road roundabout.

Once parade has departed Byron Street remove the two Byron Street closures.



In general it should be noted previous year’s events have not resulted in any reported safety concern, and the road closures are typically less than one hour duration and signed detours are implemented.


Therefore given the above, and that the local events are part of a well known and anticipated nation wide annual tradition, the usual conditions imposed on road events (for example event organisers to notify local residents and emergency providers, etc) is not typically applied, hence their omissions from the recommendation now tabled. 




1.   Police are involved in all except the Bangalow parade.

2.   Council will implement a TCP, where a parade does not occur under police escort.



§ Budget/Financial

The event organisers have been invoiced $0.00 as they are exempt from the relevant Approval of Road Events pursuant to s144 of the Roads Act fee as per the Fees & Charges 2016/17.


§ Asset Management

Not applicable.


§ Policy or Regulation

TCP’s as per RMS - Traffic Control at Work Sites, Version 5

Road Signs as per AS1742 series


§ Consultation

A condition of the endorsement of this event is that appropriate consultation is undertaken, including:

1.       Advertising the impact of the event in the local newspaper and on the Council website.

2.       Informing community and business that are directly impacted.

3.       Liaising with bus and taxi operators.

4.       Consulting with emergency services.


§ Legal and Risk Management

Were parades are occurring under police escort police approval must be obtained and Council consent not required.

Where a parade does not occurs under police escort the parade is to be undertaken under Council implement traffic control.

The Bangalow road closure directly affects RMS controlled asset - Lismore to Bangalow Road (B62) and RMS controlled Granuaille Road. RMS Traffic Engineering Department is to separately approve the TMP and TCP.





Committee Comments

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Management Comments

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1.       That Council:

a)      endorse the ANZAC Day Parades for 25 April 2018 for the Return Services League sub branches of Byron Bay, Mullumbimby, Bangalow and Brunswick Heads / Billinudgel;

b)      assists, where requested and required, with implementing the necessary temporary road closures and detours;

c)      place advertisements in a local weekly newspaper a minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road closures and times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a personal contact name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries or complaints;

d)      Notify the event on Council’s webpage.


2.       That the event organiser:

a)      obtain separate approvals by NSW Police and RMS, noting that the Bangalow event is on a state road or may impact the state road network;

b)      undertake consultation with community and affected businesses including adequate response/action to any raised concerns;

c)      undertake consultation with emergency services and any identified issues addressed;

d)      holding $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event.



3.       That the approvals provided above are subject to NSW Police approval being obtained and that each event is undertaken either or both under Police escort or traffic control and/or Council’s implemented traffic control.




Report No. 6.2             Events - Bangalow Christmas Eve Carnival 2018 - Road Closure

File No:                        I2018/1573




Council has received an application, Traffic Management Plan (TMP) and Traffic Control Plan (TCP) from the Bangalow Chamber of Commerce for the Bangalow Christmas Eve Carnival 2018 to be held Monday 24 December 2018.


LTC is requested to endorse the temporary traffic management and regulatory changes within the Traffic Control Plans, as relates to the Bangalow Christmas Eve Carnival to be held on Monday 24 December 2018, subject to specified conditions.




The Bangalow Christmas Eve Carnival is an annual community event with performers, food vendors and carnival rides.  It is anticipated that there will be approximately 2,000 attendees.


It is proposed that Byron Street will be closed between 3:30pm and 10:00pm on Monday 24 December 2018.  There will be detours in place to allow traffic to continue to flow.  Traffic will be directed through Deacon Street, which will facilitate two-way traffic flow.


Parking will be available at the Bangalow Showgrounds, which will allow pedestrians to have access to the carnival without the need to cross a trafficable road.





§ Budget/Financial

The event organisers to be invoiced for the relevant Approval of Road Events pursuant to s144 of the Roads Act fee as per the Fees & Charges 2018/19.


§ Asset Management



§ Policy or Regulation

Regulatory traffic signage as delegated to council for authorisation in conjunction with NSW Road Rules.


§ Consultation

A condition of the endorsement of this event is that appropriate consultation is undertaken, including:

·    Advertising the impact of the event in the local newspaper and on the Council website.

·    Informing community and business that are directly impacted.

·    Liaising with bus and taxi operators.

·    Consulting with emergency services.


§ Legal and Risk Management

Event organiser is required to hold $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event.






Committee Comments

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Management Comments

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1.   That Council approve the Traffic Management Plan (TMP) and Traffic Control Plan (TCP) for the Bangalow Christmas Eve Carnival 2018 to be held Monday 24 December 2018, that includes the temporary road closure below:


a)   Byron Street, Bangalow between Ashton Street and Granuaille, between 3:30pm and 10:00pm.


2.   That the approval provided in Part 1 is subject to:


a)   separate approvals by NSW Police and RMS being obtained, noting that the traffic control plan is partially located on a state road;


b)   implementation of the approved Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control Plan, including the use of signed detours, as designed and implemented by those with appropriate accreditation;


c)   that the impact of the event be advertised via a notice in the local weekly paper a minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road closures and times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a personal contact name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries or complaints;


d)   the event be notified on Council’s webpage;


e)   the event organiser:


i)      undertake consultation with community and affected businesses including adequate response/action to any raised concerns;


ii)     undertake consultation with emergency services and address any identified issues;


iii)    holding $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event;


iv)    paying Council’s Road Event Application Fee prior to the event.




Report No. 6.3             Events - Ballina to Byron Bay Coastal Charity Walk 26 May 2019

File No:                        I2018/1925


The 2019 Ballina to Byron Bay Coastal Charity Walk will be held on Sunday 26 May 2019

0700 – 1700 and is the 8th consecutive year for the Charity Walk.  Organisers anticipate 1,800 to 2,000 participants (capped at 2,500 attendees).


For 2019 the event organisers are not closing roads, they will remain open with participants directed by Traffic Controllers and Traffic Control Plans.


The Ballina to Byron Bay Coastal Charity Walk, in aid of the Westpac Rescue Helicopter, to be held Sunday, 26 May 2019 starts at Missingham Park in Ballina, and follows the coastline north to Lennox Head, Broken Head, Tallows Beach to Cape Byron Lighthouse finishing at Denning Park in Byron Bay, next to the Surf Life Saving Club, a distance of 37km.


The specific route within Byron can be summarised as:


·    Along Seven Mile Beach then onto Seven Mile Beach Road.

·    Along Seven Mile Beach Road through to Broken Head Reserve Road intersection.

·    Traffic Controllers are proposed at this intersection with signage.

·    East along Broken Head Reserve Road to Tallows Beach.

·    Along Tallows Beach then through the National Park to Lighthouse Road.

·    Traffic controllers with signage are proposed at the location where walkers enter Lighthouse Road.

·    East along Lighthouse Road to the Lighthouse.

·    Through the national park to Marine Parade at Wategos.

·    Along Marine Parade and the national park to The Pass.

·    Along Clarkes Beach and Main Beach to Denning Park.




Committee Comments

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Management Comments

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1.       That Council support the Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter fundraiser, Ballina to Byron Coastal Charity Walk, to be held Sunday 26 May 2019.


2.       That Councils support in Part 1 is subject to:


a)      An updated Traffic Control Plan and Traffic Management Plan in accordance with the current version of RMS Technical Manual – Traffic Control at Work Sites by a person with appropriate accreditation.


b)      Implementation of the Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control Plans as designed by those with appropriate accreditation and implemented by people with appropriate accreditation, including traffic controllers.


c)      That the impact of the event be advertised via a notice in the local weekly paper a minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road closures and times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a personal contact name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries or complaints.


d)      The event be notified on Council’s webpage.


e)      The event organiser:


                   i)       Undertake consultation with community and affected businesses including adequate response/action to any raised concerns.


                   ii)      Undertake consultation with emergency services and any identified issues addressed.


                   iii)     Holding $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event.


                   iv)     Paying Council’s Road Event Application Fee prior to the event.


          f.       The use of marshals along Marine Parade who, for the purpose of aiding and forming participants into walking groups, are to undertake their duties in accordance with a pre-event risk assessment and management plan, a copy of which is to be provided to Council prior to the event.


          3.       That the approval in Part 1 is also subject to the following in regard to the use of Seven Mile Beach Road, that is:


          a)      signage, which specifies the date, hours and nature of the event, be positioned at the entrance and exit of Seven Mile Beach Road one week prior to the event;


          b)      on the day of the event, at 500m intervals, and facing both directions of travel, signs advising of “ Special Event - Charity Walk Ahead” (or similar) are installed prior, and removed after, the event occurs; and


          c)      a safety induction for participants advising of hazards be provided.




Report No. 6.4             Events - Byron Bay Bluesfest 2019

File No:                        I2018/1936




Council has received an event Traffic Management Plan (TMP) and Traffic Control Plan (TCP) for Byron Bay Bluesfest 2019 to be held on Thursday 29 March 2018 to Monday 2 April 2018.




2018 Traffic Debrief


The attached Traffic Evaluation Report by Greg Alderson & Associates (attachment 1) provides a debrief summary and assessment on how traffic management for the 2018 event, held Thursday March 29 to Monday April 2.  As per previous years, Bluesfest was required and will be required for 2019 to meet specific traffic management KPI’s as part conditions of consent (DA10.2013.128.1 and DA10.2014.753.1).


The debrief report identifies the event met all of its traffic management KPI’s except for two on Sunday April 1st, refer to section 8 of attachment 1.  In summary, traffic queued back onto the motorway for approximately half an hour and was managed by implementing their contingency measures.


The only recommendations made by the debrief report is shown below. This recommendation has been incorporated into the 2019 TMP and are shown below.



2019 Traffic Control Plans


The proposed 2019 traffic control plans are virtually the same as 2018 with minor amendments, such as an additional traffic controller during site egress.


Bluesfest have changed traffic control companies as a result of traffic management concerns.


Paid Parking


Paid Parking is to be introduced as part of 2019 event and was supported by the Local Traffic Committee at the 26 June 2018 LTC meeting and adopted by Council at the 2nd August 2018 Council meeting. Paid parking was adopted with the following requirement:

The events development consent (10.2013.128.3) has been amended to ensure the above requirements are met. The attached 2019 Traffic Management Plan also takes into account the introduction of Paid Parking (attachment 2, section 7).



1.   Congestion onto the Pacific Highway if not managed correctly.

2.   RMS Traffic Engineering Department requires separate approval of the TMP and TCP.




§ Budget/Financial

The event organisers to pay the relevant Approval of Road Events fee pursuant to s144 of the Roads Act  as per the Fees & Charges 2017/18.


§ Asset Management

Not applicable.





Committee Comments

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Management Comments

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1.       That Council endorse the recommendations of the Local Traffic Committee for the Byron Bay Bluesfest 2019 to be held on Thursday 18 April 2019 to Monday 22 April 2019.


2.       That the approval provided in Part 1 is subject to:


         a.      separate approvals by NSW Police and RMS being obtained, noting that the event                    is on a state road or may impact the state road network


         b.      implementation of the approved Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control                  Plan, including the use of signed detours, as designed and implemented by                                                  those with appropriate accreditation


         c.      that the impact of the event be advertised via a notice in the local weekly paper a            minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it                             must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road closures                                              and times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a personal contact                                 name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries or complaints


         d.      the event be notified on Council’s webpage


         e.      the event organiser is to:


i.   undertake consultation with community and affected businesses including adequate response/action to any raised concerns


ii.  undertake consultation with emergency services and any identified issues addressed


iii. hold $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event


iv. pay Council’s Road Event Application Fee prior to the event




Report No. 6.5             Events - Mullum2Bruns Paddle 2019

File No:                        I2018/1937



Council has received an application, Traffic Management Plan (TMP) and Traffic Control Plan (TCP) from the Mullum2Bruns Paddle Committee for the Mullum2Bruns Paddle 2019 to be held Sunday 26 May 2019.



As in past years the Paddle Committee is requesting permission for temporary one-way traffic of Brunswick Terrace, between Tincogan Street and Tyagarah Street, Mullumbimby, between 6:00am and 10:00am. This will allow for the registrations and start of the 2019 Mullum2Bruns Paddle to be held on Sunday 26 May 2019.


Brunswick Terrace is to be one way in the vicinity adjacent to launch and registration area, shown below. Traffic control with detours and no parking signs along the one way part of Brunswick Terrace is proposed to control traffic.


Uniformed Marine Rescue personnel will be patrolling the homes opposite the registration area to ensure that participants are not parking in front of or across driveways, thereby minimising inconvenience to the residents.


Participants will be diverted along the southern part of Brunswick Terrace to the intersection of Brunswick Terrace & Tincogan Street to enable them to cross to the starting area.  The JHA traffic controllers will hold traffic crossing to the registration zone until there is spaces for them to unload their craft.


A letter box drop would be done 2 weeks prior to the event informing residents in the surrounding streets of the temporary one way traffic closures.




§ Budget/Financial

The event organisers to be invoiced for the relevant Approval of Road Events pursuant to s144 of the Roads Act fee as per the Fees & Charges 2017/18.


§ Asset Management



§ Policy or Regulation

Regulatory traffic signage as delegated to council for authorisation in conjunction with NSW Road Rules.


§ Consultation

A condition of the endorsement of this event is that appropriate consultation is undertaken, which may include:

·    Advertising the impact of the event in the local newspaper and on the Council website.

·    Informing community and business that are directly impacted.

·    Liaising with bus and taxi operators.

·    Consulting with emergency services.


§ Legal and Risk Management

Event organiser is required to hold $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event.






Committee Comments

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Management Comments

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1.   That Council approve the Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control Plans for the Mullum2Bruns Paddle 2019 to be held Sunday 26 May 2019, that includes the temporary road closure below:


a)     Brunswick Terrace, Mullumbimby, between Tincogan Street and Tyagarah Street (to become one-way traffic), between 06:00am and 10:00am on Sunday 26 May 2019.


2.   That the approval provided in Part 1 is subject to:


a)     implementation of the approved Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control Plan, including the use of signed detours, as designed and implemented by those with appropriate accreditation;


b)     that the impact of the event be advertised via a notice in the local weekly paper a minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road closures and times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a personal contact name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries or complaints;


c)     the event be notified on Council’s webpage;


d)     the event organiser:


i)     undertake consultation with community and affected businesses including adequate response/action to any raised concerns;


ii)    undertake consultation with emergency services and any identified issues addressed;


iii)   holding $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event;


iv)   paying Council’s Road Event Application Fee prior to the event.


v)    Undertake a debrief within two weeks of the event involving event staff, Police (if they had incidents) and traffic controllers. A debrief report is to be submitted to Council with any future event application.




Report No. 6.6             Endorsement of no entry signage associated with driveway crossing under S138 of the Roads Act

File No:                        I2018/2025



Council received a driveway crossing application for Lot 2 DP 1206972, known as: 2 Bangalow Road Byron Bay. The driveway will have frontage to Bangalow Road, classified road MR545 (see aerial image of site).  The proposed driveway will be located 25 metres south of the Browning Street roundabout (see plan image of part site with driveway). The driveway is located and aligned in accordance with an active DA consent No. 10.2007.406.7.



Fig. 1 Site Location


Fig. 2  - Site driveway details


Condition No.12 from DA10.2007.406.7 requires the driveway to be located as shown above and to be left out only.



Two standard “No Entry” signs are proposed.  One to be located either side of the driveway.


A referral to the RMS was undertaken and assumed concurrance was granted on the 25.9.2018 for the proposed driveway (E2018/79664) subject to;





Committee Comments

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Management Comments

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That Council supports the proposed use of “No Entry” signage and the location of ‘No Entry’ signage for proposed driveway crossing fronting Bangalow Road, Byron Bay in attachment (S2018/10695).




Report No. 6.7             Ewingsdale Road Roundabouts - Lane Modifications

File No:                        I2018/2127


The Bayshore Drive and Sunrise Boulevard roundabouts are part of the overall upgrade strategy for Ewingsdale Road to two lanes in either direction, however they have been constructed in isolation and therefore require some modification to make them safer for the existing situation, tying into single lanes in either direction outside the limits of works. It is therefore proposed that the following modifications be made;


Bayshore Drive Roundabout Eastbound;

·    Outer Lane will become left turn only, with the arrows being modified and signs added indicating that the left lane must turn left at Bayshore Drive. A painted median will be included on the roundabout to reinforce this.

·    Inner Lane will be the straight through lane for traffic to continue to Byron Bay.


Bayshore Drive Roundabout Westbound;

·    Inner Lane will become right turn only, with the arrows being modified and signs added indicating that the right lane must turn right at Bayshore Drive. No median is required here as it is the inner lane making the turning movement.

·    Outer Lane will be the straight through lane for traffic to continue to the Pacific Highway.


Sunrise Boulevard Roundabout Eastbound

·    Outer Lane will become left turn only, with the arrows being modified and signs added indicating that the left lane must turn left at Sunrise Boulevard. A painted median will be included on the roundabout to reinforce this.

·    Inner Lane will be the straight through lane for traffic to continue to Byron Bay.


Sunrise Boulevard Roundabout Westbound;

·    No modifications made, as it would require motorists to merge into the outer lane to continue straight through to the Pacific Highway, but this would be a counterintuitive manoeuvre to drivers. Furthermore, the outer lane has a bus stop and driveway to the Belongil Fields Caravan Park at the western end of the works that means the two lanes is more relevant here.


Rationale for the lane modifications being made to these roundabouts;

Council staff procured a report from Ardill Payne and Partners, which details the Level of Service that would be provided with the proposed linemarking at the Bayshore Drive Roundabout. In all cases this remains a Level of Service of B or greater, which is acceptable. Council received a number of Customer Requests from the community requesting that the Sunrise Boulevard Roundabout be modified in this way (eastbound only) in order the make the roundabout more functional when entering from Sunrise Boulevard. The report from Ardill Payne and Partners also talks to the safety aspect of the changes and advises that the changes would reduce the number of merge manoeuvres and therefore reduce the potential for conflict and improve safety at the intersection.


Rationale for when the lane modifications will be reversed;

When Ewingsdale Road is duplicated between these two roundabouts in the future, the lane modifications at both roundabouts will be modified as part of those works back to dual lane ability, with a merge east of Sunrise Roundabout and west of Bayshore Drive.  When Ewingsdale Road (and Belongil Bridge) are duplicated in the future, there will be no merge east and west of the roundabouts, however as Ewingsdale Road is single lane east and west of these roundabouts, its seems logical for the roundabouts to function more as a single lane roundabout for the east-west movements until the duplication is constructed.




Committee Comments

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Management Comments

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That Council endorse the modifications to the lane markings and signage for the Bayshore Drive and Sunrise Boulevard roundabouts on Ewingsdale Road as per attachments 1 (E2018/88733) and 2 (E2018/88732).



Matters for Traffic Engineering Advice

Report No. 7.1             Bangalow Primary School - Parking, Traffic and School Zone Management

File No:                        I2018/1869



This report seeks support from the LTC to amend the existing time limited parking scheme, school bus zone and children’s crossing in the vicinity of the Bangalow Public School as a safety issue initiated by RMS.



The existing Bangalow Public School children’s crossing on Byron Street is not currently used by the school as the existing traffic conditions along Byron Street are considered unsafe.



Fig. 1  -  Site Locality Plan



A RMS grant has been provided to Council to fund investigations and to develop a design to amend the existing time limited parking scheme, school bus zone and children’s crossing.


The existing parking and bus zone layout and associated line marking and signage is depicted in the attached drawing, 2578-Bangalow School Crossing – SK1  (E2018/90717).


Council has prepared a plan of the proposed modifications. See attached plan 2578-Bangalow School Crossing – SK2  (E2018/90718). 


The proposal includes:-

• Relocation and formalisation of children's crossing Byron Street.

• Bus zone relocation, Byron Street.

• Signage and delineation improvements for parking, bus zone and Bangalow school zone.


Council installed a time limited parking scheme around the Bangalow Village Centre this year, including the Bangalow Public School area. The proposal will require modifications to this scheme.


Project implementation will potentially impact several car parking spaces, a bus stop zone and regulatory signage and line marking in the vicinity of the children’s crossing. Several car spaces will need to be deleted and / or relocated, along with associated signage. As these works will involve direct consultation with RMS and the Public School and in order to facilitate timely implementation, LTC is requested to approve and support the modifications.





§ Budget/Financial

Council does not currently have an identified budget to implement these proposed changes. Accordingly, the works cannot be implemented until funds are made available by way of grant, for example, to meet the estimated costs associated with community consultation and completing the works as detailed on the proposed plan,  relocating signage and line markings and the installation of traffic islands and the like.


§ Asset Management

No impact on existing asset management requirements.


§ Policy or Regulation

Compliance to be in accordance with NSW Road Rules, Australian Standards, Austroads and RMS Parking guidelines


§ Consultation

RMS and the Bangalow Public School are significant stakeholders who have been and will continue to be consulted as part of the pedestrian crossing project.  In addition, consultation with the broader Bangalow community is envisaged prior to the works being implemented.


§ Legal and Risk Management

No risk assessment has been undertaken as yet however WHS and other environmental management matters will be considered prior to undertaking site work for the project..




Committee Comments

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Management Comments

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That Council support modifications to the Bangalow Village Centre time limited parking scheme and regulatory signage and line marking, in the vicinity of Bangalow Public School to implement the following changes developed in consultation with the RMS and the School:-


1.   Relocation and formalisation of children's crossing Byron Street.


2.   Bus zone relocation, Byron Street.


3.   Signage and delineation improvements to Bangalow school zone.




Report No. 7.2             Yelgun Rest Area - Parking for Driver Reviver Volunteers

File No:                        I2018/1978


RMS have requested council investigate securing one or two parking spaces for Driver Reviver volunteers in the Yelgun Rest Area during school holidays, and especially on festival weekends during the same period to avoid them being issued with parking fines.  




Committee Comments

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Management Comments

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That Council support the RMS request to investigate appropriate options to secure up to 2 car spaces for Driver Reviver volunteers at the Yelgun Rest Area or alternative options that protect volunteers from being issued parking fines,




Report No. 7.3             Adoption of Constitution for Local Traffic Committee

File No:                        I2018/2032



At the Local Traffic Committee meeting of 16 January 2018, the committee discussed matters in relation to Report No.6.1 – Council resolutions and Recommendation Processes.


From those discussions, a draft constitution for the Local Traffic Committee was developed and presented to the Local Traffic Committee at the 15th May meeting where the Local Traffic Committee recommended:


That the draft constitution attached to this report is noted and the committee comments be provided to finalise the constitution document prior to adoption by Council.


At the 23 August 2018 ordinary Council meeting, Council resolved as follows:


18-498 Resolved that Council adopt the following Committee Recommendation(s):


Report No. 6.2     Draft Constitution for Local Traffic Committee

File No: I2018/905


Committee Recommendation 6.2.1

That the draft constitution attached to this report be reviewed by members and the committee comments be presented at the next committee meeting for adoption. (Cameron/Richardson)


The committee is requested to review the final document and recommend that Council adopt the 2018 Local Traffic Committee Constitution, in accordance with RMS guidelines and any other regulations, and procedures relating to the delegation to Councils, as set out in Section 50 of the Transport Administration Act 1998.



Committee Comments

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Management Comments

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That Council adopt the 2018 Constitution for the Local Traffic Committee.




Report No. 7.4             Mercato Car Park - Concept Temporary Access

File No:                        I2018/2176



Council is seeking traffic related advice from the Local Traffic Committee in relation to the concept temporary access arrangements into the Mercato basement car park over the Christmas holiday period and until the development officially opens in March 2019.



On 20 November 2014, Council granted development consent (10.2013.587.1) for the redevelopment of existing shopping centre to create a ground floor supermarket, first floor retail shops, restaurants, bowling alley (recreation facility), art gallery (commercial premises), cinema complex (place of assembly) and basement car parking providing 328 car parking spaces on two (2) levels (known as Mercato On Byron) at 112-114 Jonson Street BYRON BAY (see Figure 1, Site Location).  A number of modifications have subsequently been approved with the latest development consent being 10.2013.587.4.


Figure 1. Site Location



As a part of the development application, a Transport and Traffic Assessment was prepared by TTM and submitted in July 2014. Construction of the new shopping centre began early 2017, following the demolition of the existing shops. The development is scheduled to be operational by March 2019.


A condition of the development consent requires a roundabout at the Jonson Street / Carlyle Street intersection and a short right-turn pocket for southbound traffic on Jonson Street to access the development.  The applicant submitted engineering plans in accordance with the development consent for approval under section 138 of the Roads Act 1993.  However, Council and Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) have raised several matters regarding safety and operations of the proposed roundabout and access layout. These matters include:-


·          the roundabout creates significant deflection for southbound traffic and very little deflection for northbound traffic on Jonson Street.  This is not desirable from a design perspective as it will encourage higher speeds for northbound traffic and reduce safety;


·          the design has not adequately addressed safety for turning traffic, including service vehicles. Circulating, entering and exiting turning paths have not been provided, including the impact of the short right turn storage bay on Jonson Street;


·          the design proposes a new pedestrian link across Jonson Street on the southern leg of the roundabout, utilising the roundabout splitter islands. Splitter islands are only intended for minimal usage.  Safer pedestrian facilities should be located clear of the roundabout to avoid conflicts with entering and exiting traffic;


·          it is understood that there may be an opportunity to explore options to rationalise and consolidate access to adjacent development at this location which could address the above concerns. This is supported in the first instance; and


·          it is understood the development is planning to open in March 2019.  If the road works have not been completed, then consideration could be given to developing a Traffic Management Plan for the interim period.  Any road works within the road reserve should be managed in accordance with the current version of the RTA Traffic Control.


As such, a solution is required to provide access to the development without adversely impacting the safety and efficiency of the surrounding road network.


On 8 October 2018, the applicant submitted a traffic impact study (Mercato on Byron, Access Traffic Impact Study prepared by Bitzios dated 8 October 2018 – Attachment 2).  Council staff reviewed the traffic impact study and advised the applicant the following by email on 23 October 2018:


The proposed intersection treatment by Bitzios Consulting (Project No. 3414, Version 3 dated 8 October 2018) will only provide a temporary solution to the traffic issues as a result of the development, however it will fail within the design horizon. Whereas, the recommendation from the TTM report which was accepted by Council as part of the development consent will provide an acceptable treatment past the design horizon. The proposed intersection treatment will have adverse impacts in the local street network due to the re-routing of traffic which is an unacceptable outcome and therefore is not supported.


An acceptable treatment must be provided to maintain the safety and efficiency of the traffic in Jonson St over the design horizon without impacting on the local street network.


Further investigation of the following options may be considered:


1.   Relocate site access directly at the currently approved roundabout at the intersection of Jonson and Carlyle Streets; and

2.   Retain the site access location with the currently approved roundabout but with left in left out only at the site access and provision of a roundabout at the intersection of Jonson and Kingsley Streets to facilitate development traffic from the north entering the site.






Approval has been sought to operate the basement carpark of the Mercato on Byron under a traffic management plan as an interim solution until the final access arrangements have been resolved with Council and RMS.


It is proposed for the basement car park for the Mercato on Byron to be operational and utilised before the Christmas period, however it should be noted that the shopping centre is not expected to be operational until March 2019.


A traffic impact study (Mercato on Byron, Access Traffic Impact Study prepared by Bitzios dated 8 October 2018 – Attachment 2) was submitted to Council for consideration, which includes a traffic control plan showing an interim access solution to be installed until the ultimate solution is constructed. A copy of the TCP is attached – Attachment 3.


Development Engineering staff have raised the following concerns with the submitted TCP (Option 1):-

·          the proposed intersection treatment will have adverse impacts in the local street network due to the re-routing of local traffic away from the Carlyle Street and Jonson Street intersection;


·          existing traffic islands must be removed for the temporary arrangements to function as designed; and


·          articulated vehicles are unable to make a left turn out of the development site.


Development engineering staff suggest an alternate option (Option 2) as a trial for an ultimate solution with left in left out only at the site access and temporary roundabouts at the Carlyle Street and Jonson Street intersection and the Kingsley Street and Jonson Street intersection – see Attachment 4. No design details have been prepared for this option and as such issues have not been investigated but it is noted that existing traffic islands must also be removed for this traffic arrangement.


Traffic engineering advice is sought from LTC on the most appropriate option for an interim solution to allow the operation of the carpark under a traffic management plan.


Committee Comments and Advice:




Committee Comments

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Management Comments

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That the committee comments and advice be provided to Council’s Development Engineers







There being no further business the meeting concluded at 12:55pm.