22 November 2018
Ordinary Meeting
22 November 2018
ON Thursday, 22 November 2018
S Richardson (Mayor), Cr B Cameron, Cr C Coorey, Cr J Hackett, Cr A Hunter,
Cr M Lyon, Cr S Ndiaye and Cr P Spooner
Staff: Mark
Arnold (General Manager)
Adams (Director Corporate and Community Services)
Warner (Acting Director Infrastructure Services)
Larkin (Acting Director Sustainable Environment and Economy)
James (Legal Counsel)
Sills (Minute Taker)
Matthews (Manager Open Spaces & Resource Recovery) – item 9.6
McKelvey (Executive Officer) – item 13.3
Dowsett (Coastal and Biodiversity Coordinator) – 13.19
Elford (Team Leader Infrastructure Planning) – item 13.32
The Mayor opened the meeting and acknowledged the
Traditional Owners of the land, the Arakwal of the Bundjalung and paid respects
to Elders past and present, and extended that respect to the Midjungbul people
to the north and the Widjabal people to the west and all the Aboriginal people
gathered at the meeting.
Prior to dealing with the circulated reports and associated
information, a Public Access Session was held and Council was addressed on the
9.1 Councillor
Privacy and Safety
John Anderson addressed Council against the
9.2 Tyagarah
Clothes Optional Declaration
Shannon Bower, Christopher “Gyan” Moye, and Matthew
O’Reilly on behalf of CABS addressed Council in favour of the
David Dixon on behalf of Byron Naturists and Maxine
Hawker addressed Council against the recommendation.
9.6 Suffolk
Beachfront Holiday Park Dog Friendly Report
Mark Dean addressed Council in favour of the
13.1 Lease
for Signage on Ewingsdale Road to Ganra Pty Ltd
Belinda Hultgren addressed Council against the
13.3 Crown
Lands Transition
John Dunn on behalf of Brunswick Heads Progress
Association addressed Council against the recommendation.
13.17 PLANNING – 26.2018.2.1 - Planning Proposal
for an amendment to Byron LEP 2014 and Byron LEP 1988 to permit Community Title
subdivision and dwellings at Lot 1 DP 1031848, The Coast Road, Broken Head (The
Linnaeus Estate)
Matthew O’Reilly on behalf of CABS addressed
Council against the recommendation.
Steve Connolly addressed Council in favour of the
- Development Application 10.2018.86.1 - Installation of a Telecommunications
Facility with Ancillary Equipment at Lot 339 DP 755692 Old Pacific Highway
Brunswick Heads
Bob Coyne on behalf of Telstra addressed Council in
favour of the recommendation.
13.19 CZMP
for the Eastern Precincts of the BBE - Request for Ministerial Certification
Dailan Pugh addressed Council in favour of the
13.21 Update
on the release of the Short Term Rental Accommodation Planning Framework by the
Department of Planning and Environment
Francesca Esposito on behalf of Byron Hinterland
Collective and NSW Approved Accommodation Accord addressed Council in
favour of the recommendation.
13.26 West
Byron Release Area Zone Application Review
Dailan Pugh addressed Council in favour of the
- DA10.2018.296.1 Construct Three New Sheds and approve the use of a fourth
existing shed to be used by the Men Shed Organisation
Malcolm Price on behalf of Mullumbimby Men’s Shed addressed
Council in favour of the recommendation.
Cath Church addressed Council against the recommendation.
13.30 The
Esplanade, New Brighton
Gavin Hinton addressed Council in favour of the
13.32 Pedestrian
safety improvements - South Beach Road pathway, Brunswick Heads
John Dunn on behalf of Brunswick Heads Progress
Association addressed Council against the recommendation.
13.30 The
Esplanade, New Brighton
Gavin Hinton addressed Council in favour of the recommendation.
No. 1
John Anderson made a submission to Council regarding “the
fourth monkey”.
No. 1
John Anderson asked the following question:
At the meeting of Council I asked the Mayor a question
directed to him personally regarding the intimidation of Butler Street
residents and the Mayor’s efforts, if any, to get to the bottom of the
matter. Instead of the Mayor’s answer, we got a “response” (a
completely different beast) from some unnamed Legal Counsel, a response which
consisted entirely of evasion and misdirection and which failed to identify the
instigator of the intimidation.
So Mr Mayor, under circumstances where you have
consistently refused to get legal advice for Councillors in terms of tricky
decisions they must make from meeting to meeting:
1. Where
do you get off spending ratepayers money on avoiding answering a question to
which we all know the anyway (sic), in that it had to be the former G.M. or the
Executive Officer who authorised the intimidation
2. Who
wrote the legal rant in question and how much did it cost, and
3. Why
won’t staff answer question No. 2 under F.O.I?
The Mayor provided the following response:
There was a court case against Council, Council won, and
Council sought therefore to recoup costs. Those who lived on the street
didn’t want more cars on that street, they said ‘we are a community
group therefore we shouldn’t be paying’. Staff and our legal advice
quite reasonably suggested the fact that they had a couple of QC’s on
their books and that they all either lived on the street or lived around the
Staff then reasonably did their job and said to us
we’re not convinced they are a community group and so therefore we wish
to see whether they can actually afford to repay ratepayers costs. For example,
in Belongil there’s a group called Belongil Preservation Association who
also call themselves a community group but are largely just land owners in a
certain area who want something to happen in their patch and we don’t, if
they took us to Court, we don’t waive funds because they’re a
community group, this is staffs’ reasonable description of what’s
We did have a case where Positive Change for Marine Life,
which is a community group, which was defended by the EDO not QC’s
clearly a community group, when they lost, we as a Council forwent costs
because they’re a community group. So, when Councillors heard that staff
and our legal people were reasonably looking to recoup funds, we enquired into
it, the response was as I just described to you but slightly more nuanced and
Then after we’d looked into it and got a response,
which I think was in the Echo and was very open by the GM describing what took
place, Councillors then resolved to not ask/seek full compensation and costs
for our ratepayers, nor agree to the peanuts offered by the group but found a
compromise position which was very far on the low end of costs and then we all
settled and moved on.
The meeting adjourned at 11:06am and reconvened at 11:26am.
Resolved that
the apology from Cr Martin be accepted and a leave of absence granted.
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
for Leave of Absence
were no requests for leave of absence
of Interest – Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary
Cr Spooner declared a pecuniary interest in Report 13.10.
The nature of the interest being that his employer, Byron Bay Community
Association has put in an application under the program. Cr Spooner elected to
leave the Chamber and will not participate in discussion and the vote.
Cr Ndiaye declared a non-pecuniary interest in Report 13.20.
The nature of the interest being that she works as a private contractor onsite during
the festival. Cr Ndiaye elected to remain in the Chamber and will
participate in discussion and the vote.
Cr Lyon declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest
in Report 13.28. The nature of the interest being that he is the Treasurer of
the Mullumbimby Community Gardens. Cr Lyon elected to remain in the
Chamber and will participate in discussion and the vote.
Tabling of Pecuniary Interest
There were no Pecuniary Interest Returns tabled.
of Minutes from Previous Meetings
Resolved that
the minutes of the following meetings be confirmed:
· Byron
Shire Reserve Trust Committee held 18 October 2018
· Ordinary
Meeting held 18 October 2018 (Hunter/Richardson)
The motion
was put to the vote and declared carried.
of Items for Debate and Order of Business
The Mayor suspended standing orders to allow for items to be
reserved for debate, being:
Staff Reports
General Manager
Report No. 13.1 Lease
for Signage on Ewingsdale Road to Ganra Pty Ltd
Report No. 13.3 Crown
Lands Transition
Corporate and Community Services
Report No. 13.6 Report
of the Public Art Panel Meeting 11 October
Report No. 13.11 Section
355 Management Committees - resignations and appointments
Report No. 13.12 Election of
Deputy Mayor 2018-2019
Sustainable Environment and Economy
Report No. 13.16 Coastal
Management Conference and potential for Byron Shire Council to host
Report No. 13.17 PLANNING
– 26.2018.2.1 - Planning Proposal for an amendment to Byron LEP
2014 and Byron LEP 1988 to permit Community Title subdivision and
dwellings at Lot 1 DP 1031848, The Coast Road, Broken Head (The Linnaeus
Report No. 13.19 CZMP
for the Eastern Precincts of the BBE - Request for Ministerial
Certification Outcome
Report No. 13.21 Update
on the release of the Short Term Rental Accommodation Planning Framework by the
Department of Planning and Environment
Report No. 13.26 West
Byron Release Area Zone Application Review
Report No. 13.28 PLANNING
- DA10.2018.296.1 Construct Three New Sheds and approve the use of a fourth
existing shed to be used by the Men Shed Organisation
Infrastructure Services
Report No. 13.32 Pedestrian
safety improvements - South Beach Road pathway, Brunswick Heads
Confidential Reports
Infrastructure Services
Report No. 16.2 Confidential - 2017-0069 RFT Byron
Shire Council Bioenergy Projects – Bankable Feasibility Study
Late Reports
The remaining Recommendations
and Committee Recommendation were adopted as a whole, being moved by Cr
Richardson and seconded by Cr Hackett. Each recommendation is recorded with a
separate resolution number commencing at Resolution No. 18-715 and concluding
with Resolution No. 18-746.
In accordance with Cr Spooner’s earlier declaration
of a pecuniary interest in Item 13.10, Cr Spooner left the meeting at 11:34am
and abstained from voting.
and Grants
Report No. 11.1 Byron
Shire Council Submissions and Grants as at 31 October 2018
File No: I2018/2156
Resolved that Council note the report and attachment (#E2018/89928)
for the Byron Shire Council Submissions and Grants as at 31 October 2018. (Richardson/Hackett)
Reports - General Manager
Report No. 13.2 Lilly
Pilly Community Pre-School Inc - Lease
File No: I2018/1949
1. That
Council delegate to the General Manager, the authority to authorise the
holding- over by the Lilly Pilly Community Pre-School Inc under the existing
lease terms to permit occupation of Lot 70 DP 851902 after 30 November 2018
and until a new lease is executed.
2. That
Council grant a five (5) year lease with three five (5) year options to
renew, for the purpose of early childhood education and care to the Lilly
Pilly Community Pre-School Inc over the whole of Lot 70 DP 851902, 96
Kingsford Drive Brunswick Heads NSW 2483.
3. That
Council authorise the publication of the proposed grant of a five (5) year
lease with three five (5) year options to renew for the purpose of early
childhood education and care to the Lilly Pilly Community Pre-School Inc for
a period of 28 days seeking public comment.
4. That
in the event of no comments objecting to the grant of the lease are received,
that Council delegate to the General Manager the authority to consider
all submissions to enter into the lease referred to in 2 above with the
following minimum conditions:
a) term
of five (5) years with three five (5) year options to renew;
b) annual
lease rent to commence at $490 (inclusive of GST);
c) annual rent to be increased to
annual the value of minimum Crown rent for the same year;
d) all lease preparation and
registration costs to be met by the Lessee;
e) all maintenance to be carried out by
the Lessee at the Lessee’s cost;
f) Council subsidise annual rent
to value of $40,190 being the difference between the market rent $40,680 and
the subsidised rent of $490 payable by the Lessee on commencement of the
lease by a section 356 of the LGA donation of Council;
g) Council subsidise annual general
land rates payable on the unimproved capital value of the land being $678,000
in the 2018-2019 financial year.
5. That
in the event that objecting comments are received then Council make an
application for the consent from the NSW Minister for Local Government for
the lease, referred to in 2 above, to be granted. (Richardson/Hackett)
Report No. 13.4 PLANNING
- Railway Park Draft Plan of Management - Adoption
File No: I2018/2151
Resolved that Council replace Resolution 18-647 with the
1. Note
the minor amendments of the Plan following public engagement dealing with
acknowledging the heritage value of the land and the adjoining railway
corridor and the retention of the memorial pole.
2. Adopt
the Plan of Management for Railway Park, contained at Attachment 2
(#E2018/78998) to report PLANNING - Railway Park
Draft Plan of Management - Submissions Report to Council’s Ordinary
Meeting on 18 October 2018, categorising the site as General Community Use
and not, as was the subject of a public objection, as a Park, because a
General Community Use categorisation will:
i) provide
a greater opportunity for flexibility in the use of Railway Park into the
future; and
ii) reduce
ambiguity in terms of whether existing and potential future activities are
consistent with the categorisation of the land, noting that the guidelines
within the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 relating to the
categorisation of park suggest that any use other than the passive use
of the park could be argued to unduly intrude on the peaceful enjoyment of
the land by others. (Richardson/Hackett)
Crs Richardson, Cameron, Hunter, Coorey, Lyon, Ndiaye
and Hackett voted in favour of the motion.
Nil voted against the motion.
Cr Spooner was not present for the vote.
Staff Reports - Corporate and
Community Services
Report No. 13.5 Annual
Report 2017/18
File No: I2018/1860
Resolved that
Council note the Annual Report 2017/2018 (#E2018/80058), included as
Attachment 1 to this report, and its submission to the Minister for Local
Report No. 13.7 Budget
Review 1 July 2018 to 30 September 2018
File No: I2018/1995
1. That
Council authorise the itemised budget variations as shown in Attachment 2 (#E2018/89897)
which includes the following results in the 30 September 2018 Quarterly
Review of the 2018/2019 Budget:
a) General
Fund – $37,200 increase to the Estimated Unrestricted Cash Result
b) General
Fund - $952,700 increase in reserves
c) Water
Fund - $163,900 increase in reserves
d) Sewerage
Fund - $208,200 increase in reserves
2. That
Council adopt the revised General Fund Estimated Unrestricted Cash Result of
$1,145,200 for the 2018/2019 financial year as at 30 September 2018.
Report No. 13.8 Investments
October 2018
File No: I2018/2007
Resolved that the report listing Council’s investments
and overall cash position as at 31 October 2018 be noted. (Richardson/Hackett)
Report No. 13.9 Mullumbimby
Hospital Site Project Reference Group Recommendations: future use of
the site
File No: I2018/2012
1. That
the Mullumbimby Hospital Site Project Reference Group (PRG) recommendations
on the best future use of the site are endorsed.
2. That
the Mullumbimby Hospital Site Project Reference Group (PRG) is dissolved and
the members thanked for their contribution. (Richardson/Hackett)
Report No. 13.10 Community
Initiatives Program (Section 356) - 2018/19 funding round applications
File No: I2018/2015
1. That
Council provide funds requested from the unallocated Section 356 budget to
each of the projects which met the assessment criteria of the Community
Initiatives Program 2018/19 funding round that are recommended for funding in
Confidential Attachment 1 (#E2018/82824).
2. That
Council advertise the Section 356 Donations proposed to be made in part 1 if
approved by Council.
3. That
Council note that unsuccessful applicants from this funding round will be
provided detailed feedback and staff support to work on more complete
applications that meet all criteria in future rounds.
4. That
Council staff will continue to work with community groups to support them in
submitting high quality applications to future rounds of the program. (Richardson/Hackett)
Report No. 13.13 Council
Resolutions Quarterly Review - 1 April 2018 to 30 June 2018
File No: I2018/2040
1. That
Council note the information provided in this report on active Council
Resolutions in Attachment 1 (#E2018/86729).
2. That
Council note the completed Resolutions in Attachment 2 (#E2018/86730).
Report No. 13.14 Presentation
of 2017/2018 Financial Statements
File No: I2018/2136
Resolved that
the Audited Financial Statements and Auditors Reports for the 2017/2018
financial year be presented to the Public in accordance with Section 419(1)
of the Local Government Act 1993. (Richardson/Hackett)
Report No. 13.15 Operational
Plan 2018/19 First Quarter Report - Q1 - 1 July to 30 September 2018
File No: I2018/2160
1. That
Council note the first quarter report on the 2017/18 Operational Plan for the
period 1 July to 30 September 2018 (Attachment 1 #E2018/85563).
2. That
Council adopt the proposed amendments to the Operational Plan 2018/19
outlined in Attachment 2 (#E2018/82686) (Richardson/Hackett)
Staff Reports - Sustainable
Environment and Economy
Report No. 13.18 PLANNING
- Development Application 10.2018.86.1 - Installation of a Telecommunications
Facility with Ancillary Equipment at Lot 339 DP 755692 Old Pacific Highway
Brunswick Heads
File No: I2018/1882
Resolved pursuant to
Section 80 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979,
Development Application No. 10.2018.86.1 for installation of 30m high telecommunications facility and
associated ancillary equipment, be approved subject to conditions listed in
Attachment 2 #E2018/83848. (Richardson/Hackett)
Crs Richardson, Cameron, Hunter, Coorey, Lyon, Ndiaye
and Hackett voted in favour of the motion.
Nil voted against the motion.
Cr Spooner was not present for the vote.
Report No. 13.20 Blues
Festival Regulatory Working Group - Expressions of Interest
File No: I2018/1979
1. That
Council nominate the following two community representatives for appointment
to the Blues Festival Regulatory Working Group (RWG) on a rotational basis
not exceeding four years Nicqui Yazdi and Phillip Mallon.
2. That
Council advise the Chairperson of the Blues Festival Site Regulatory Working
Group (RWG) of the nominations. (Richardson/Hackett)
Report No. 13.22 Commercial
Activities on Road Reserves Policy
File No: I2018/1994
1. That
Council approve the four (4) locations recommended for class 2 mobile vendor
2. That
Council recommend staff under a public tender to allocate the four (4) class
2 mobile vendor licences. (Richardson/Hackett)
Report No. 13.23 PLANNING
- Bike Share: Initial Investigations
File No: I2018/2004
Resolved that
Council note the update provided in
this report by staff on a bike share pilot project - initial investigations. (Richardson/Hackett)
Report No. 13.24 PLANNING
- L&E Court proceedings 2018/116820 DA 10.2017.712.1 Strata Subdivions
and dwelling Alterations, 25 Strand Avenue New Brighton
File No: I2018/2017
Resolved that
pursuant to section 377(1)(u) of the Local Government Act the General Manager is delegated to enter into an
agreement pursuant to s34(3) of the Land and Environment Court Act for
the granting of conditional consent for the alterations, additions and
repositioning of an existing dwelling; and the strata subdivision of Lot 2,
DP536175 (No 25) The Strand New Brighton to create 2 strata title lots. (Richardson/Hackett)
Crs Richardson, Cameron, Hunter, Coorey, Lyon, Ndiaye
and Hackett voted in favour of the motion.
Nil voted against the motion.
Cr Spooner was not present for the vote.
Report No. 13.25 Update
on Environmental Zone review and Planning Proposal implementation process
File No: I2018/2033
1. That
Council re-allocate $30,000 as part
of the December Budget Quarterly Review in order to: continue the staged E
zone implementation program, build on the high level of community goodwill generated
through the preparation of Planning Proposals 1 and 2; and resolve the
deferred matters for our affected rural landowners in a timely manner.
2. That
the $30,000 be re-allocated as follows:
· Employment
Land Strategy (# 2605.106): $10,000
· Mullumbimby
Masterplan Project Plan (# 2605.112): $20,000 (Richardson/Hackett)
Report No. 13.27 PLANNING
- Change of use - dwelling house to incorporate bed and breakfast
accommodation, and use of existing shed to create dual occupancy (detached)
File No: I2018/2109
Resolved that Pursuant to Section 4.16 of the Environmental
Planning & Assessment Act 1979, development application no. 10.2018.288.1
for change of use - dwelling house to incorporate bed and breakfast
accommodation, and use of existing shed to create dual occupancy (detached),
be granted consent subject to the recommended conditions of consent. (Richardson/Hackett)
Crs Richardson, Cameron, Hunter, Coorey, Lyon, Ndiaye
and Hackett voted in favour of the motion.
Nil voted against the motion.
Cr Spooner was not present for the vote.
Reports - Infrastructure Services
Report No. 13.29 A
proposal from the community to name a section of Heritage Park Mullumbimby
'Maslen Arboretum'
File No: I2018/1521
Resolved that
in relation to the request to name a section of Heritage Park, Mullumbimby to
‘Maslen Arboretum’, that:
1. Staff
proceed to exhibit the proposal for 28 days as per Council’s Naming of
Public Places and Community Facilities Policy;
2. Staff
report any submissions regarding the proposal to Council following this
period; and
3. Should
no objections be received for the proposal, that the new naming be adopted
and submission made to the NSW Geographical Names Board for approval and
Report No. 13.30 The
Esplanade, New Brighton
File No: I2018/1356
1. That,
subject to a suitable funding source being identified in the next 2018/19
quarterly budget review or being identified the 2019/20 budget:
a) Implement
parking management Option 1 within the area hatched blue in Figure 1 of
this report, being from No.1 to No.13 The Esplanade, New Brighton as detailed
on drawing No. 2668-CP1/A and 2668-CP2/A at an estimated cost of between $75,000
and $90,000.
b) Restrict
parking to a maximum of 4hr between the hours of 9.00am and 6.00pm daily and
include restrictions for “No Camping”.
2. That
Council consider the provision of a budget of $20,000 as part of the 2019/20
budget process to advance further investigation and concept design
preparation of parking options and associated indicative costs in the New
Brighton beach area generally.
3. That
Council receive a further report within 6 months after the implementation of
Option 1 on the performance of the parking management measures and additional
parking options for the New Brighton beach areas. (Richardson/Hackett)
Report No. 13.31 Asbestos
File No: I2018/1912
Resolved that
Council adopt the Draft Asbestos
Policy (Attachment 1 - #E2018/31878).
of Committees - Sustainable Environment and Economy
Report No. 14.1 Report
of the Sustainability and Emissions Reduction Advisory Committee Meeting held
on 25 October 2018
File No: I2018/2104
Resolved that
Council note the minutes of the Sustainability and Emissions Reduction
Advisory Committee Meeting held on 25 October 2018. (Richardson/Hackett)
Resolved that Council adopt the following Committee Recommendation:
Report No. 4.4 Climate Emergency Declaration
File No:
Recommendation 4.4.1
1. That
the Sustainability and Emissions Reduction Advisory Committee provides the
following input into terms of reference, membership for, and where Council
has a role to play in a community-led Climate Emergency Guidance Group as it develops
a Shire-wide Community Climate Emergency Plan:
a) That
the Terms of Reference for the community-led climate change adaptation plan
i) resilience
in coastal erosion risk & sea level rise areas
ii) agriculture
iii) heat
iv) bush
v) floods
vi) social
dislocation / impacts
vii) food
b) That
the following be invited via newspaper ad, email, or direct contact to the
first meeting to be held in about a month with Cr Coorey to be champion of
· Foundation for Rural &
Regional Renewal (FRRR),
· Zero Emissions Byron (ZEB),
· disaster and emergency response,
· social services.
c) That
the Scope be:
i) implementation
plan/ action checklist;
ii) acknowledging
and supporting work already being done by existing mitigation groups
(including ZEB and Community-Owned Renewable Energy Mullumbimby [COREM])
iii) identifying
d) That
Council support through facilitation of the initial meeting and identify desirable
membership that covers the Shire and areas listed in the first dot point.
of Committees - Infrastructure Services
Report No. 14.2 Report
of the Coastal Estuary Catchment Panel Meeting held on 27 September 2018
File No: I2018/1951
Resolved that
Council note the minutes of the Coastal Estuary Catchment Panel Meeting held
on 27 September 2018. (Richardson/Hackett)
Resolved that Council
adopt the following Committee Recommendation(s):
Report No. 4.1 Water Sensitive Urban Design
Policy Strategy
File No:
Recommendation 4.1.1
1. That
the Panel note the report and commend Council for undertaking this
2. That
staff circulate questions from the presentation to Panel members and Panel
provide feedback within 2 weeks.
3. That
the Panel will have a workshop to discuss questions in the end of October
Resolved that Council adopt the following Committee Recommendation(s):
Report No. 4.2 Belongil Entrance Opening
Strategy Update
File No:
Recommendation 4.2.1
That the Panel note the report. (Richardson/Hackett)
Report No. 14.3 Report
of the Water, Waste and Sewer Advisory Committee Meeting held on 1 November
File No: I2018/2150
Resolved that
Council note the minutes of the Water, Waste and Sewer Advisory Committee
Meeting held on 1 November 2018. (Richardson/Hackett)
Resolved that Council adopt the following Committee Recommendation(s):
Report No. 4.1 Effects of water mining in
Byron and surrounding shires on groundwater resources
File No:
Recommendation 4.1.1
1. That
the committee note the report.
2. That
Council request information from surrounding shires, Rous County Council,
Southern Cross University and DOI on:
a) Current
water extraction quantities and locations
b) Research
on short term and long term impacts of these activities on aquifers and ground
water resources. (Richardson/Hackett)
Resolved that Council
adopt the following Committee Recommendation(s):
Report No. 4.2 Inflow and Infiltration Update
File No:
Recommendation 4.2.1
1. That
the Committee note the report.
2. That
the Inflow and Infiltration staff ensure that there is communication plan
established for the project.
3. That
staff investigate the potential compliance aspects around Inflow and
Infiltration defects. (Richardson/Hackett)
Resolved that Council adopt the following Committee Recommendation(s):
Report No. 4.3 Minutes of 13 September 2018
meeting - Water, Waste and Sewer Advisory Committee
File No:
Recommendation 4.3.1
That the Water, Waste and Sewer
Advisory Committee note the minutes of 13 September 2018 meeting which were
reported to 18 October 2018 Council meeting.
Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy
Report No. 16.1 Confidential - Request for review of
Footpath Dining Fees
File No: I2018/2038
Resolved that
Council not change the current fees
and charges in relation to Safya Café’s use of Council’s
road reserve for footpath dining. (Richardson/Hackett)
Confidential Reports -
Infrastructure Services
Report No. 16.3 Confidential - TENDER 2018‐0033 ‐ PUBLIC AMENITIES
File No: I2018/2128
1. That
Council decline all tenders and a new performance specification and service
schedule be created that considers available budget against desired levels of
2. That Council makes public its decision (Richardson/Hackett)
Cr Spooner returned to the chambers at 11:35am.
Notices of Motion and Rescission
Resolved that
Council change the order of business to deal with Reports 9.1, 9.2, 13.1.
13.3, 13.17, 13.19, 13.21, 13.26, 13.28, 13.32 next on the Agenda. (Richardson/Hackett)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Notice of Motion No. 9.1 Councillor
Privacy and Safety
File No: I2018/1990
1. That Council’s Councillor Expenses and Facilities
2018 Policy, section 6.43.1c) be amended to read that
‘Councillors can choose to have either; a mobile or landline number
made available to the public, or to be contacted by email’
2. That
any required adjustments be made to secure the provision for reimbursement of
the communication allowance (Coorey/Ndiaye)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Crs Spooner and Hunter voted against the motion.
Notice of Rescission Motion No. 9.2 Tyagarah
Clothes Optional Declaration - Results of the enhanced stakeholder safety
initiatives of Res 17-499 and Res 17-715
File No: I2018/1992
Moved that
Council rescind Resolution No. 18-698 from its Ordinary meeting held on 18
October 2018 which reads as follows:
1. Acknowledge
the improvement in beach safety at Tyagarah and thank the Safe Beaches
Committee, NSW Police and stakeholders.
2. Confirm
the current status and area for the clothes optional beach at Tyagarah with 6
monthly reporting to Council on progress.
3. Council
establish a Safe Byron Beaches Committee meeting quarterly to cover all
beaches and adjacent environs in Byron Shire.
4. The
Safe Byron Beaches Committee be established with a constitution and paramount
objective to identify and promote cooperative actions to ensure a safe
environment for all beach users in Byron Shire.
5. The
Safe Byron Beaches Committee membership include representatives from Council,
NPWS, Police, naturists and residents and be chaired by a councillor
nominated by Council.
6. The
nominated Chairperson of the Safe Byron Beaches Committee with the support of
Council, consult with stakeholder groups to draft a constitution for
endorsement at the November meeting of Council that includes the following
key actions
· Liaise
with NSW Police and other agencies
· Develop
rapid response and reporting protocols
· Implement
strategies to support beach user groups and individuals
· Focus
resources on identified problem locations (eg Grays Lane)
· Consider
how digital technologies (eg cameras) can be deployed
· Draft
a positive statement of community values
· Provide
advice to Council
· Other
measures that achieve the paramount objective
7. That Council
allocate a budget of $10,000, subject to confirmation of funding being
available as part of the 30 September 2018 Quarter Budget Review to be
submitted to Council at the 22 November 2018 Ordinary Meeting for the installation
of up to 20 battery operated cameras recording vehicle registration and
personal behaviour in the reserve.
Resolved that
Cr Spooner be granted a two minute extension to his speech. (Richardson/Hunter)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Resolved that Cr Hackett be granted a two
minute extension to her speech. (Richardson/Spooner)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Resolved that
Cr Ndiaye be granted a one/two minute extension to her speech. (Richardson/Cameron)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Resolved that Cr Richardson be granted a two
minute extension to his speech. (Hackett/Spooner)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Cr Lyon left the Chambers at 12:20pm and returned at
Resolved that Cr Cameron be granted a two
minute extension to his speech. (Richardson/Coorey)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
The motion (Spooner/Hackett) was put to the vote and
declared tied.
Crs Richardson, Spooner, Lyon, and Hackett voted in
favour of the motion.
Crs Coorey, Ndiaye, Cameron, and Hunter voted against the
The Mayor used his casting vote and declared the motion
The meeting adjourned at 12:39pm for a lunch break and
reconvened at 1:42pm.
Notice of Rescission Motion No. 9.6 Suffolk
Beachfront Holiday Park Dog Friendly Report
File No: I2018/2149
Resolved that
Council rescind Resolution No. 18-625 from its Ordinary meeting held on September
2018 which reads as follows:
1. That
Council adopt Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park as a Dog Friendly Park in accordance
with the dog friendly site map, during off peak times
2. Request
that the Biodiversity Advisory Committee provide an assessment on potential
impacts of the change in status of the Suffolk Beachfront Holiday Park to a
Dog Friendly Park on the surrounding environment
3. That
Council increase ranger patrols in this area, as per availability, to
ascertain any increased non-compliance (Coorey/Richardson)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Crs Hackett, Spooner, and Hunter voted against the
Resolved that Council:
1. Notes
Council’s Responsible Dog ownership strategy and the campaign currently
underway in Suffolk Park to implement koala friendly dog ownership
2. Notes
the lack of consultation with the Biodiversity Officer of
Council who is implementing the Responsible Dog ownership
3. Notes the
lack of consultation with key stakeholder
groups including local aboriginal groups, National Parks, the
resident community and the Biodiversity Committee
4. Does
not support the dog friendly status of Suffolk Caravan Park.
5. Directs
that no further bookings be taken by patrons with dogs and that any bookings
for 2019 be cancelled and the guests referred to other dog-friendly
parks in the shire. (Coorey/Richardson)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Crs Hackett, Spooner, and Hunter voted against the
Cr Lyon left the Chambers at 2:14pm and returned
at 2:16pm.
Report No. 13.1 Lease
for Signage on Ewingsdale Road to Ganra Pty Ltd
File No: I2018/1717
Resolved that
Council defer its decision until after its consideration as
part of the enquiry by design process commencing in 2019. (Richardson/Cameron)
The motion was put
to the vote and declared carried.
Cr Hunter voted
against the motion.
The meeting adjourned at 2:30pm to hold the Reserve Trust
Meeting and reconvened at 2:33pm. Resolution number
18-757 and 18-758 was used during that
No. 13.3 Crown
Lands Transition
File No: I2018/2123
1. That
Council resolve to apply to the Minister administering the Crown Lands
Management Act for
classifications and categorisations set out in Attachments 1 and 2
(E2018/90298 and E2018/90299) with the exception of the following parcels of
i) Reserve
97204 Caravan and Camping Brunswick Heads to be proposed to be classified as Community Land
ii) Reserve
65234 Rubbish depot, noted that further review is required
2. That in
relation to Sandhills Estate (part reserve number 755695/part Lot 457 in DP
1087879) Council:
(a) Confirms
its commitment to ongoing discussions with Arakwal / Byron Bay Bundjalung
consistent with the Indigenous Land Use Agreement that includes reference to
Sandhills Estate and the NSW Aboriginal Land Council as claimants under the
Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 (NSW), including presentation to the
Bundjalung of Byron Bay Aboriginal Corporation (Arakwal) on 13 December
(b) Resolves
to apply to the Minister administering the Crown Lands Management Act for a
one-off vesting application, subject to the outcome of those ongoing
(c) If
the outcome of those discussions does not support the application, a further
report be brought back to Council in February 2019. (Cameron/Ndiaye)
The motion was put to the
vote and declared carried.
Report No. 13.17 PLANNING
– 26.2018.2.1 - Planning Proposal for an amendment to Byron LEP
2014 and Byron LEP 1988 to permit Community Title subdivision and
dwellings at Lot 1 DP 1031848, The Coast Road, Broken Head (The Linnaeus
File No: I2018/1773
Resolved that
1. defer
decision on this Planning Proposal;
2. that
it be brought to a Strategic Planning Workshop for further consideration,
3. that
a visit to the site by councillors be arranged. (Coorey/Richardson)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Crs Richardson, Cameron, Spooner, Hunter, Coorey, Lyon,
Ndiaye and Hackett voted in favour of the motion.
Nil voted against the motion.
Report No. 13.19 CZMP
for the Eastern Precincts of the BBE - Request for Ministerial
Certification Outcome
File No: I2018/1973
Resolved that
Request an urgent meeting with the Minister
for the Environment, the Hon Gabrielle Upton and the NSW State Premier,
Gladys Berejiklian asking for the re-consideration of Ministerial
certification of the Coastal Zone Management Plan of the Eastern Precincts of
the Byron Bay Embayment (2018).
2. Writes
to the Minister for the Environment, the Hon Gabrielle Upton and the NSW
State Premier, Gladys Berejiklian:
Outlining its extreme disappointment that a
cooperative process between state government and Byron Council appears to
have been subverted due to disproportionate influence by a few local
landowners, as mentioned in the latest letter to council by OEH staff who
stated,” The decision to separate the previous CZMP BBE (2016) into two
locations and develop a newly formed plan excluding the Belongil Spit has not
satisfied key stakeholders within the local community - most notably the
landholders of properties at Belongil Beach”.
Outlining the apparent gross disproportionate
weight given to the opposition of the CZMP by a few local landowners, as
mentioned in the latest letter to council compared to the absence of
opposition from the wider community, and therefore seek a formal response
from the Minister as to whether she believes that opposition by one
stakeholder group should supersede that of the wider community.
Noting that this response from OEH is
conflicting with the Minister’s original invitation to re-submit a plan
excluding the Belongil Spit and subsequent advice clarifying this avenue for
certification of the plan.
Seeking the Minister’s reconfirmation of
her position, and the position of OEH and the Coastal Panel that the
majority of the plan (with the exception of the Belongil Spit Precinct) met
relevant requirements of a CZMP BBE (2016).
Inquiring as to whether the Minister now
believes the further advice from her office received on 27 October 2017 that
clarified the Minister’s invitation to re-submit a plan excluding the
Belongil Spit and urged Council to being working on a Coastal Management
Program (CMP) for the Belongil Beach precinct under the new coastal
legislation was incorrect.
Outlining that after receiving this further
advice, Council staff worked in close consultation with representatives of
the Office of the Environment and Heritage (OEH) for 8 months to develop the
CZMP (2018) that conform to the assessment and designated certification
criteria of the CP Act and that pursuant to section 55C(2)(b) of the Act,
Council gained written correspondence from all public authorities indicating
their agreement to the plan and therefore, seek a response from the Minister
as to whether she supports this consultation between OEH and council or the
changes brought about due to the opposition by a few local landowners, as
mentioned in the latest letter to council.
Outlining Council significant concern that, as
the coastal protection works at Main Beach (JSPW) are degraded and not to
contemporary engineering standards, any undue delay resultant of the latest
conflicting advice from OEH and refusal of certification of the Coastal
Zone Management Plan of the Eastern Precincts of the Byron Bay Embayment
(2018), puts at extreme risk Council’s commitment to the re-design,
upgrade and modification of this structure as part of the Jonson Street
coastal protection works to protect the Town Centre and improve public safety
and amenity.
h. That Local
Member, Tamara Smith, and Parliamentary Secretary for the North Coast, Ben
Franklin, be informed of this resolution and their support sought
Resolved that Cr Richardson be granted a two
minute extension to his speech. (Richardson/Cameron)
motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
The motion (Richardson/Ndiaye) was put to the vote and
declared carried.
Report No. 13.21 Update
on the release of the Short Term Rental Accommodation Planning Framework by
the Department of Planning and Environment
File No: I2018/1993
Resolved that Council:
1. Note
the update on the release of the short term rental accommodation planning
framework by the Department of Planning and Environment provided in the
2. Write
(again) to the Minister for Planning to seek an urgent meeting to request a
deferral of Byron Shire from the new state-wide planning rules (pause to
implementation). This pause is necessary to enable a full consideration of
the current impact of, and that of the proposed planning rule changes to
legitimise short term rental accommodation on Byron Shire in terms of
environmental, social and economic impacts. That Council also include
reference in the letter to the undermining of decades of planning of
residential zones in Byron Shire that has been caused by the sudden increase
of short-term letting businesses in residential areas. That Council also
provide examples of areas where the approach of restricting short term
letting to owner occupiers has proven effective, such as Santa Monica
3. Concurrent
with 2 above, write to the Department of Planning and Environment to advise
that Council has significant concerns in relation to the planning rules as
exhibited including:
i) the
burden to be placed on council to enforce the planning rules;
ii) the
lack of a coherent registration system including fees for short term rental
accommodation to resource council with the enforcement role of short term
rental accommodation;
iii) the
absence of a Code of Conduct to inform the planning rules;
iv) the
ambiguity in the planning rules due to the definition of ‘short term rental
accommodation’ and exempt and complying criteria applicable to same;
v) the
known impact of short term rental accommodation on local neighbourhoods,
community, and other tourist accommodation and failure to address this;
vi) the
known impact on housing availability and affordability and failure to address
vii) the
lack of recognition of the clear detriment to local communities
with high tourist numbers caused by commercial investors
in residential areas.
vii) the
number of days policy position which conflicts with other State Government
policy initiatives to address housing affordability, local character and
place planning and needs review.
4. Concurrent
with 2 and 3 above, make a formal submission to Department of Planning and
Environment to the planning rules as exhibited to include the following as
local exceptions to the planning rules for Byron Shire through either a state
wide planning policy schedule or Byron local environmental plan amendment:
i) require
the ‘dwelling’ used for short term rental accommodation to be the
principle place of residence of the owner;
ii) a
reduction in the number of days that short term rental accommodation is
permissible from 365 days to 90 days (not 180 days);
iii). In
the event that a reduction to 90 days is not possible, than under the current
rules, an application for 180 days be made in its place
iv) require
the owner or manager of a property used for short term rental accommodation
to register on a Byron Shire Council Short Term Rental Accommodation
v) exclude
short term rental accommodation from (to be nominated) areas in the Byron
Shire that are needed for permanent residential and key worker accommodation.
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Cr Hunter voted against the motion.
The meeting adjourned at 3:38pm and reconvened at
Report No. 13.26 West
Byron Release Area Zone Application Review
File No: I2018/2105
Resolved that Council:
1. Notes the report on the West Byron Release
Area zone application review
2. Considers
the alternate West Byron Release Area zone application plan (Attachment
#E2018/88447) for the purpose of preparing a formal planning
proposal for the West Byron Release Area.
3. Embeds
where appropriate the design parameters as shared during public
access in the planning proposal mapping.
4. Through the Mayor,
request an urgent meeting with the Minister for the Planning, the Hon Anthony
Roberts and the NSW State Premier, Gladys Berejiklian to discuss
the importance of the West Byron area zone application review and
the need to expedite a planning proposal for the West Byron Release
Area. (Coorey/Richardson)
Resolved that
Cr Coorey be granted a two minute extension to her speech. (Richardson/Coorey)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
The motion (Coorey/Richardson)
was put to the vote and declared carried.
Cr Hunter voted against the motion.
Report No. 13.28 PLANNING
- DA10.2018.296.1 Construct Three New Sheds and approve the use of a fourth
existing shed to be used by the Men Shed Organisation
File No: I2018/2113
1. That
the existing shed be approved with any appropriate conditions as per
2. That
the Community Gardens Policy and Plan of Management be reviewed to allow the
community to consider further uses and application for further sheds.
The motion was put
to the vote and declared carried.
Crs Richardson, Cameron, Spooner, Hunter, Coorey, Lyon,
Ndiaye and Hackett voted in favour of the motion.
Nil voted against the motion.
Report No. 13.32 Pedestrian
safety improvements - South Beach Road pathway, Brunswick Heads
File No: I2018/2152
That Council allocate $10,000 from the Sect 94A levy
reserve to provide pedestrian safety improvements with materials and design
to be finalised in consultation with the Brunswick Heads Progress Association
and other key stakeholders. (Cameron/Coorey)
The motion was put to the
vote and declared carried.
Notices of Motion and Rescission
Notice of Motion No. 9.3 Joint
Regional Planning Panel assessment of Development Application 2018NTH007
File No: I2018/2133
Cr Lyon withdrew the Notice of
Notice of Motion No. 9.4 Community
Resilience and Recovery during Natural Disasters
File No: I2018/2134
Resolved that Council facilitate a meeting
between the SES and residents groups in Mullumbimby to provide an update on
the Community Action Team (CAT) initiative and consider future actions. (Cameron/Richardson)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Notice of Motion No. 9.5 Cycle
Racks for Mullumbimby
File No: I2018/2135
Moved: that Council allocate $15,000 from S94 funds to manufacture and
install cycle racks at various locations in Mullumbimby. (Cameron/Hunter)
The Mover and
Seconder withdrew the Notice of Motion.
Cr Spooner tabled a petition dated 4 November 2018
containing 82 signatures which states:
“We the undersigned residents of Byron Shire
request Byron Shire Council to remove the clothes optional status of Tyagarah
Beach due to the ongoing prevalence of sexual misconduct. Safety should be the
top priority”
There were no delegates reports.
Reports - Corporate and Community Services
Report No. 13.6 Report
of the Public Art Panel Meeting 11 October
File No: I2018/1985
Resolved that
with respect to the Public Art Panel meeting held on 11 October 2018,
1. Grant
the preferred artist, as per attachment 1, the commission for the Railway Square
Public Art Project.
2. Not
accept any of the artist submissions for the commission for the Bus Shelters
Public Art Project and note that the Public Art Panel’s sub-committee
on this project has worked with staff to provide the options in this report
incorporating public art.
3. That
a) Council select the two
shortlisted bus shelter designs from attachment 2: NWR Shelter (Asco) and
Shelter Transit Byron 3 Bay (Moodie Outdoor) that will:
i) Standardise
the replacement of over forty bus shelters throughout the Byron Shire as
funding becomes available.
ii) Allow
flexibility for Council officers to choose the best bus shelter to suit the
location and dimensions of each bus stop with the priority being that the
choice of shelter is capable of providing decent protection of users from
sun, wind and rain.
b) Delegate the
choice of a colour pattern to be used in the two shortlisted bus shelter
designs to the Public Art Panel.
c) Council request quotes
from each of the three shortlisted artists that responded to the Bus Shelter
Pubic Art Project Expression of Interest to provide a design for artwork that
can be stencilled into a durable material for incorporation into the Bus
4. That
Council note that the Public Art Panel provided feedback and comments to the planner
and representatives of the Mercato development about the proposed public artwork
and that endorsement was provided for the concepts presented of the
‘feather’ seat in the public domain and the second piece of
canopy art at the side of the building.
5. Provide
in-principle support for a new sculpture for Mullumbimby Sculpture Walk –
‘Elevate’ by Ellen Ferrier, however before recommending approval
for the sculpture, that engineering and structural designs be provided with
the height risks resolved and that these be provided to the next available
Public Art Panel meeting. (Ndiaye/Richardson)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Report No. 13.11 Section
355 Management Committees - resignations and appointments
File No: I2018/2019
1. That
the resignation of Adrienne Lester from the Bangalow A&I Hall Board of
Management be accepted and a letter of thanks be provided.
2. That
the nominee in Confidential Attachment 1 (#E2018/85809) be appointed to the
Mullumbimby Civic Hall Board of Management.
3. That
the nominees in Confidential Attachment 1 (#E2018/85809) be appointed to the
Durrumbul Community Hall Management Committee.
4. That
the nominee in Confidential Attachment 1 (#E2018/85809) be appointed to the
Suffolk Park Community Management Hall Management Committee. (Lyon/Cameron)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Report No. 13.12 Election
of Deputy Mayor 2018-2019
File No: I2018/2039
1. That
Council elect a Deputy Mayor for the period from 22 November 2018 until the
first meeting of Council in September 2019.
2. That
the method of election of the Deputy Mayor be by way of ordinary ballot.
3. That
Council acknowledge and thank Cr Cameron for his role as Deputy Mayor over
the previous 2 years (Spooner/Richardson)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
The returning officer advised that there were two
nominations for Deputy Mayor being Cr Lyon and Cr Hunter.
Following the election the returning officer declared Cr
Lyon elected as Deputy Mayor for the ensuing 12 month period.
Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy
Report No. 13.16 Coastal
Management Conference and potential for Byron Shire Council to host
File No: I2018/609
1. That
Council note the unsuccessful outcome of the bid to host both the NSW Coastal
Conference 2019 and the next unallocated Australian Coastal Councils
2. That
Council pursue the option of co-hosting the next available NSW Coastal
Conference with a neighbouring coastal Council in 2020. (Hackett/Richardson)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Reports - Infrastructure Services
Report No. 16.2 Confidential - 2017-0069 RFT Byron
Shire Council Bioenergy Projects – Bankable Feasibility Study
File No: I2018/1892
1. That
pursuant to Section 10A(2)(c), (d)i, (d)ii and (d)iii of the Local Government
Act, 1993, Council resolve into Confidential Session to discuss the report
2017-0049 RFT Bioenergy Facility.
2. That
the reasons for closing the meeting to the public to consider this item be
that the report contains:
a) information
that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom
the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business
b) commercial
information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed prejudice the
commercial position of the person who supplied it
c) information
that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of
the council
d) information
that would, if disclosed, reveal a trade secret
3. That
on balance it is considered that receipt and discussion of the matter in open
Council would be contrary to the public interest, as:
a) disclosure could
adversely impact Council's position in any upcoming negotiations.
motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
1. That
Council award Tender 2018-0069 Byron Shire Council Bioenergy Projects –
Bankable Feasibility Study be awarded to both HZ-Inova for amount of $100,000
(ex GST).and Skala for the amount of $190,707 (ex GST).
2. That
the project’s total budget allocation be adjusted from $250,000 to
$856,000 for the 2018/2019 Financial year with additional funding of $606,000
provided from available Sewerage S64 Fund Reserves.
3. That
Council delegate to the General Manager the authority to administer this
contract to the contract value plus the contingency value nominated in this
4. That
Council authorise the affixing of the Council seal to all documents that may
require it, in regards to the Contract.
5. That
Council makes public it decision including the name and amount of the
successful tenderer in accordance with Clause 179(b) of the Local Government
(General) Regulation 2005.
6. That the report remains confidential
until the contract is finalised.
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Resolved that
the meeting move out of confidential session. (Cameron/Richardson)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Resolved that
the matter of ‘Planning Proposal for the Byron Bay CBD
(26.2017.6.1)’ be dealt with as a matter of urgency due to the Planning
Proposal in question has already been forwarded onto the Department of
Planning, it is reasonable to request an amendment as quickly as possible to
avoid unnecessary assessments. (Richardson/Coorey)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Crs Hackett, Spooner, and Hunter voted against the
No. 1 Matter
of Urgency - Planning Proposal for the Byron Bay CBD (26.2017.6.1)
1. The
Planning Proposal for the Byron Bay CBD (26.2017.6.1) be amended to maintain
the maximum building height control for the southern end of Jonson Street at
9 metres, as currently mapped under Byron LEP 2014. This will apply to
those properties in Byron Bay that are currently zoned B2, located on the
eastern side of Jonson Street, between Kingsley and Browning Streets and
bound by Ruskin and Middleton Lanes.
2. That
Council advise the Department of Planning and Environment of this change to
the Planning Proposal, for their consideration in relation to a Gateway
The motion
was put to the vote and declared carried.
Hackett, Spooner, and Hunter voted against the motion.
There being no further business the meeting concluded at 5:57pm.
I hereby certify that
these are the true and correct Minutes of this Meeting
as confirmed at
Council’s Ordinary Meeting on 13 December 2018.

Mayor Simon Richardson