Notes of Meeting










Transport and Infrastructure Advisory Committee Meeting





Conference Room, Station Street, Mullumbimby


Thursday, 15 November 2018












Transport and Infrastructure Advisory Committee Meeting Notes

15 November 2018



Notes of the Transport and Infrastructure Advisory Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 15 November 2018

File No: I2018/2181


There was no quorum present therefore the meeting could not been held.  Those present discussed following topics and are listed the for information only.


PRESENT:   Cr B Cameron


Staff:   Phil Holloway (Director Infrastructure Services)

            Tony Nash (Manager Works)

            Phil Warner (Manager Assets and Major Projects)

            Evan Elford (Team Leader Infrastructure Planning)

            Blyth Short (Asset Management Coordinator)

            Daniel Strzina (Project Engineer)

            Andrew Pearce (Traffic Engineer)

            Dominika Tomanek (Minute Taker)


Community Representatives:   Sapoty Brook, Graham Hamilton, Andi Maclean and David Michie


Non-Voting Representatives:   Katrina Ross (Transport Development Officer, Social Futures)



Cr Cameron (Chair) opened the meeting at 9:07 am and acknowledged that the meeting was being held on Bundjalung Country.




Cr S Richardson, Cr J Martin


Declarations of Interest – Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary


There were no declarations of interest.


Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings



1.         That the minutes of the Transport and Infrastructure Advisory Committee Meeting held on 16 August 2018 be confirmed.


2.         The minutes of the meeting held on 16 August were noted, and the Committee Recommendations adopted by Council, at the Ordinary Meeting held on 20 September 2018.


Note: No recommendation could be made as there was no quorum.


Business Arising from Previous Minutes


There was no business arising from previous minutes.



Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services

Report No. 4.1             Road Capital Works Performance

File No:                        I2018/1098



That the draft 2019/20 capital budget prioritise road renewals with a minimum of $2 million for reseals and $4 million for road reconstructions in a bid to work towards increasing this in future years as modelled in the Special Rate Variation application to IPART.


That the committee acknowledge that without significant intervention to address the funding short fall identified in the report that Council average road network condition continue to deteriorate.  


The committee request that Council considers its strategy to achieve the TAMP targets for road of $3.8M for reseals and $6.0M for reconstructions annually.




Report No. 4.2             Review of Tourist, Street Name, Community Facility and Service Signs (Policy07/102)

File No:                        I2018/1783



That Council’s Policy 07/102 Tourist, Street Name, Community Facility and Service Signs be updated to address the following:-


a)      Be in accordance with current AS1742 series, RMS Tourist Signposting and Geographical Name Board requirements;


b)      Incorporate a Flowchart and / or Checklist outlining the signage design, application and installation process and fees;


c)      Provide clarity on fees and application process;


d)      Improve Policy clarity through improved document structure; and


e)      Incorporate a section on wayfinding and incorporate wayfinding principles to Council’s signage network.



Notes: To be acknowledged in the Policy that there are other way funding (digital) that require separate consideration.


            The policy needs to acknowledge the regular audit of signs around the shire.


            IS Staff to work with other directorates when preparing the Policy.




Report No. 4.3             Status Update - Bike Plan and PAMP

File No:                        I2018/2014



That the status update on the development of the Bike Strategy and Action Plan (Bike Plan) and Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan (PAMP) be noted.




Report No. 4.4             Development of a Shire-wide Transport Strategy

File No:                        I2018/2035



1.    That an RFQ be prepared and issued for the engagement of a specialist consultant to undertake the preparation of the Shire-wide Transport Strategy, using the outcomes of Workshops and meetings to date as a foundation for the development of the Strategy.


2.    These outcomes include the Committee’s recommendations:-


a.         that the Strategy include the following sections

                                  i.    Scope and context

                                 ii.    Vision

                                iii.    Principles

                               iv.    Issues and challenges


b.         The finalised sections for

                                  i.    Targets and desired outcomes

                                 ii.    Key actions to achieve objectives


c.         The draft section for

                                  i.    Community and stakeholder engagement


Business Arising:


1.    Climate Change Emergency Motion discussed; central focus that bring together all policies.


2.    Item from Sapoty Brooke: IBCC Report:


a)     Transport has a huge impact on climate change, Council to encourage share transport, electric public transport, electric bikes, charging stations. Council should consider impact on climate with all his actions for example building new roads, buildings etc.


b)    Council to make sure that climate change is not just a sentence in the strategy but consider real actions.  Local Government to provide incentives programs.


c)    The sustainability of the company to be considered  while going for tender for Transport Strategy.


d)    Council should establish targets for electric vehicles in the shire for example 50% electric vehicles by 2020.


There being no further business the meeting concluded at 11:06 am.