Minutes of Meeting










Heritage Panel Meeting





Conference Room, Station Street, Mullumbimby


Thursday, 29 August 2019












Heritage Panel Meeting Minutes                                                          29 August 2019




Minutes of the Heritage Panel Meeting held on Thursday, 29 August 2019

File No: I2019/1291


PRESENT:   Cr B Cameron, Cr A Hunter, Cr J Martin, Cr J Hackett

Staff:   Chris Larkin (Manager Sustainable Development), Jordan Vickers (Planner)


Members:       Chris Cooney (Mullumbimby/Brunswick Valley Historical Society)
Don Osborne (Bangalow Historical Society)

                        Robyn Wright


Cr Cameron (Chair) opened the meeting at 9:02am and acknowledged that the meeting was being held on Bundjalung Country.




Joe Vescio, Robert Sampimon,  (Byron Bay Historical Society), Nancy Tarlao( Heritage Planner ), Shannon Burt (Director Sustainable Environment and Economy), Deborah Wray (Heritage Advisor)


Declarations of Interest – Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary


Robyn Wright  declared a non-pecuniary interest in Report 4.2. The nature of the interest being that indigenous heritage, North Saddle Road & Gulgan Road.


Chris Cooney  declared a pecuniary/non-pecuniary interest in Report 4.2. The nature of the interest being that Mullumbimby.


Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings


The meeting was not held due to lack of quorum.




Business Arising from Previous Minutes


There was no business arising from previous minutes.














Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy

Report No. 4.1             Heritage Program Update

File No:                        I2019/1235


Committee Recommendation:

That the Heritage Panel:


1.   Note the update provided in the report on the Heritage Advisory Service, Local Places Grants and the review of the Heritage Strategy.


2.  Request the community and historical society members to commit to contributing to community forums to promote discussion and awareness of heritage conservation; and developing a ‘Walk of Fame’ for notable people of historic social significance within the community for a nominated town and / or village.


3. Request staff to identify procedures to update the 2006 Heritage Strategy in terms of character items, sites and areas for urban and rural lands with the assistance of a professional heritage consultant. The review is to include the following matters:


a)    Identify existing heritage items, sites and areas (urban and rural) to determine their progress with respect to heritage conservation; and

b)    Identify potential heritage items, sites & areas not currently listed and engage property owners for potential heritage listing; and

c)    Review items that have previously been identified, but not included, for potential listing; and

d)    Seek funding for the subject review/update through potential grants or Council budget.

4.   Encourage Council to develop a Council-wide Cultural Policy that considers and values Heritage significance and can offer the opportunity to contribute funding to Heritage matters

5.   Seek consideration  of how Indigenous Heritage can be included in the Heritage review, cognisant of matters of Indigenous sensitivity, noting that an Indigenous Heritage Study is currently underway.  

6.   Note that item 3 is subject to a successful budget bid to Council to be considered as part of the 2020/21 Operational Plan and any other grant funding application.


The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.



Report No. 4.2             Heritage Panel Member Updates

File No:                        I2019/1249



1.    That the Heritage Panel noted the members updates.


The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.





Report No. 4.3             Heritage Panel meeting held 9 May 2019

File No:                        I2019/795



That the Heritage Panel note the minutes of the 9 May 2019.



Report No. 4.1             2019 Meeting dates

File No:                        I2019/662





That the Heritage Panel:

1.   Note the 2019 meeting dates.

2.   Requests an extra date for the 2020 meeting schedule. The date to be confirmed by staff.






Report No. 4.2             Heritage Program Update 2018-19

File No:                        I2019/663




That the Heritage Panel note the 2018-19 Heritage Program update with the following requests:


1.   That additional fact sheets be developed for uploading to Council’s website.


2.   That a real estate agents / design consultants network event be convened locally this year.


3.   That the Brunswick Heads area be considered as part of the Heritage Conservation Areas Project, subject to funding.


4.   That a letter be sent to the Real Estate Agent / and owners of the deceased estate 175 Wilson Creek Road, Wilson Creek, inviting the owners to meet with staff about the historical aspects of the property. If property has changed hands, write to new owners.


5.   That a new webpage to be created called “heritage conversations” for people to upload photos.  A link to be provided to Council’s webpages (similar example one based on the Ulmarra heritage page link below)



Report No. 4.3             Heritage Panel member updates

File No:                        I2019/664




That the Heritage Panel note the member updates with the following requests:


1.    That staff to draft a letter to Essential Energy about the Power House site and its machinery. Staff to follow up with second letter to Essential Energy.


2.   That a letter be sent to the owners of the Old Flick House, explaining clause 5.10 of the Local Environmental Plan, and that the Heritage Advisor arrange a site visit and assessment of the historical aspects of the property.


3.   That a site inspection for the Heritage Panel be convened this year to visit Brunswick Heads, and the Byron Lighthouse.


The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.



Report No. 4.4             Minutes of previous meeting held 30 August 2018

File No:                        I2019/674



That the Heritage Panel note the minutes of the 30 August 2018 meeting for the purposes of item 3 of the meeting agenda which were reported to Council 18 October 2018.



The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.





There being no further business the meeting concluded at 11.10am.