27 August 2020
Ordinary Meeting
27 August 2020
ON Thursday, 27 August 2020 COMMENCING
S Richardson (Mayor), Cr B Cameron, Cr C Coorey, Cr A Hunter, Cr M Lyon,
Cr J Martin, and Cr S Ndiaye
J Hackett and Cr P Spooner
Staff: Mark
Arnold (General Manager)
Adams (Director Corporate and Community Services)
Holloway (Director Infrastructure Services)
Burt (Director Sustainable Environment and Economy)
James (Legal Counsel)
Pearce (Traffic Engineer) – Item 9.1
Dowsett (Coastal and Biodiversity Coordinator) – Item 9.2
Elford (Manager Works) – Item 13.22
Sills/Mila Jones (Minute Taker)
The Mayor opened the meeting and acknowledged that
the meeting is being held on Arakwal Country and that we pay our respects to
the elders past and present and extend our respect to the Bundjalung clans
whose lands and waters are part of the Shire.
Prior to dealing with the circulated reports and associated
information, a Public Access Session was held and Council was addressed on the
Public Access
Report No and Title
Representing Organisation
Submission Received
Ordinary Meeting held on 25
June 2020
John Anderson
Read out by staff member
Brunswick Heads Parking Scheme
Review 2020 (Rescission Motion)
Kim Rosen
In Person
Safer Communities – Waterlily Park
Suzanne Holt
Waterlily Park Play scape
In Person
Arts and Culture Policy- Submissions Report
Kerry Wright
In Person
Request for revocation of Dangerous Dog Order
Cathie-Anne McGrath
In Person
Unauthorised Dwellings Policy
Duncan Dey
Federal Village Project - Community Led Governance and
Place Plan
Alan Goldstein
Federal Community Centre and Federal School of Arts
In Person
A request for a dedicated Jewish section at Clunes Cemetery
Simon McCormack
Byron Shire Chevra Kadisha
Read out by staff member
John Anderson
Read out by staff member
Proposed lease to Brunswick Heads Surf Life Saving Club
for redevelopment of the surf club
Raymond Linabury
Brunswick Surf Club
In Person
Procedural Motion
Resolved that
Public Access be extended for an additional 45 minutes to 11am. (Richardson)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Public Access continued:
Report No and Title
Representing Organisation
Submission Received
Seven Mile Beach Road & Broken Head Reserve Road -
Alison Drover
Rail Corridor Revitalisation Project - Final Design and
Approval to Tender
Jan Barham
Read out by staff member
Byron Bay Rugby and Cricket Refurbishment and upgrade
of Change rooms and Canteen Byron Memorial Recreation Grounds
Chris Cubis
Byron Rugby & Byron Cricket
In Person
Report of the Water, Waste and Sewer Advisory Committee
Meeting held on 30 July 2020
Matthew O’Reilly
In Person
Pedestrian Safety and Amenity in Suffolk Park
Donald Maughan
In person
Submission Received
The code of
conduct vs the freedom of speech
John Anderson
Read out by staff
Parking Permits
In Person
Fire Report
Jan Barham
Read out by staff
Use of Data
Roz Goodchild
In Person
No. 1 Paid Parking
Roz Goodchild asked the following question:
Cr Ndaiye, would you and other councillors be open to
taking paid parking off the table for 5 years, as TPS recommended last
round, so that the Bruns community can work with Council to tweak the time limits
and zones, just as staff are currently doing with the Mullumbimby Chamber of
Cr Ndiaye provided the following response:
First of all, I think I have been misquoted there, I said
“I do not think it should fall on the incumbent, on the new Council, on
the first meeting of the new Council, for them to make such an important
No I wouldn’t consider putting it off the table for
5 years, I don’t think that’s reasonable and I think it is doing a
disservice to the Brunswick community as has not putting it in two years ago.
It would be irresponsible of us.
No. 2 Shovel Ready Infrastructure Projects
Matthew O’Reilly asked
the following question:
Why have staff decided to keep the list of shovel
ready infrastructure projects confidential
in Report No. 13.26 Strategic Project Planning -
Funding for "Shovel-ready" Infrastructure
Projects? Surely a list of these projects should be
provided to the public and not remain confidential.
Director Infrastructure Services provided the following response:
The reason it was put in the confidential section was that
it contains financial information which might have conflict for Council going
on further for grant applications etc, because it does talk about our
strategies, certainly going forward. In discussion with the General Manager a
list of projects could be circulated without the financial details.
No. 3 Brunswick Surf Life Saving Club Rent
Ray Linabury on behalf of the Brunswick Surf Life Saving
Club (the Surf Club) asked the following question:
Could Councillors please explain to the surf club why
they are seeking to increase our rent
by 6 times from the current rental of $496 per annum to
The General
Manager provided the following response:
With the project there is an extension of the
footprint which I think everyone is well aware of. People are also well aware
that the land, or the reserve that is in question, falls into the native title
area. As part of staff discussing the lease with the [Surf] Club, they have
also been talking through the lease with the native title interest and the
additional rent was part of those discussions.
Obviously staff need to have that broader conversation
with the [Surf] Club and the Councillors also need to consider whether or not the
additional costs which are part of those negotiations are met by the [Surf] Club
or are subsidised by Council through some sort of financial assistance, which
would mean that the additional costs would then be part of its annual surf life
saving budget across the Shire.
Apologies that this broader discussion hasn’t
been dealt with in depth but that was one of the issues and it is contained (I
think) in the confidential attachment to the report for Councillors to consider
and understand, so there will need to be some further discussions both within
Council and with the Surf Club.
Question No. 4 Free Speech
John Anderson asked the
following question:
Given that restricting free speech is a serious and
vexing matter, and given that on the two occasions where Council staff have
intervened in relation to my written input to Council meetings, they have done
so by proposing that certain passages be deleted from my material in order to
make it acceptable, have the staff obtained written advice from lawyers or from
the Department of Local Government that clarifies the limits of the
chair’s power to chuck out my stuff, and have they forwarded same to the
The General Manager provided the following response:
The General Manager has received written advice from
Council’s Legal Counsel in relation the powers of the Mayor as
Chairperson in respect of Public Access submissions and questions which may
impinge on Council’s Code of Meeting Practice. The Mayor, through the
General Manager, has been provided with that advice.
Legal Counsel has provided the Mayor with general
written advice as to the Chairperson’s powers in the management of Public
No written advice has been obtained from the Office of
Local Government, although verbal advise in respect of participation in Public
Access sessions was obtained from the Office [of Local Government] in June
Question No. 5 Emergency
Communications Plan In September 2017
Jan Barham asked the
following question:
The Communications Committee determined that the document
titled Draft Emergency Communications Plan be reported to the October 2017
council meeting and placed on public exhibition. I can find no record of the
exhibition happening or a final document on council website, could this information
be clarified please? When it was reported to the Audit, Risk and Improvement
committee on 30 November 2017, it was confidential.
The question was taken on notice.
In accordance with clause 4.22 of Council’s Code of
Meeting Practice such that “only one Procedural Motion for extension to
the Public Access part of the meeting …” the Chairperson
declared that the Public Access session had ended. All remaining registered
questions, listed below, were deemed taken on notice.
No. 6 Occupancy Figures
Kim Rosen registered to ask the following question:
Have you received the memo from Council staff advising of
the errors in the occupancy figures that went into the Staff Report, and given
to you to use in your decision making?
No. 7 Parking Management Strategy
Rick Collings registered to ask the following question:
You’ve asked us if we would ever be willing to accept
paid parking, but would Council ever be willing to work with us on a parking
management strategy, that doesn't involve paid parking?
No. 8 Brunswick Heads rescission motion
Cameron Wills registered to ask the following question:
Why would any councillors want to reverse the unanimous
and compassionate decision made on 25 June, when our Bruns businesses are
hurting so badly and it’s going to take most of us at least or more than
a year, to recover?
The meeting adjourned at 11.04am and reconvened at 11.28am.
There were no apologies.
for Leave of Absence
were no requests for leave of absence
of Interest – Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary
Cr Martin declared a non-pecuniary interest in Report 13.6.
The nature of the interest being that she is involved to varying degrees in 4
of the applicant projects. Cr Martin elected to leave in the Chamber and will
not participate in discussion and the vote.
Tabling of Pecuniary Interest
There were no Pecuniary Interest Returns tabled.
of Minutes from Previous Meetings
Resolved that the minutes of the following meetings be
· Ordinary
Meeting held 25 June 2020
· Extraordinary
Meeting held 30 July 2020 (Ndiaye/Hunter)
The motion
was put to the vote and declared carried.
of Items for Debate and Order of Business
The Mayor suspended standing orders to allow for items to be
reserved for debate, being:
Staff Reports
and Community Services
Report No. 13.7 Arts
and Culture Policy - Submissions Report
Report No. 13.9 Council
Resolutions Quarterly Review - Q4 - 1 April to 30 June 2020
Report No. 13.10 Local
Government NSW Annual Conference 2020
Report No. 13.15 Delivery
Program 6-monthly Report and 2019/20 Operational Plan Fourth Report - Q4 - to
30 June 2020
Sustainable Environment and Economy
No. 13.18 Lot 12 Bayshore Drive - Site Strategy and
Urban Design Protocol
Report No. 13.19 Unauthorised
Dwellings Policy
Report No. 13.20 Federal
Village Project - Community Led Governance and Place Plan
Infrastructure Services
Report No. 13.22 Proposal
to rename Granuaille Crescent Bangalow
Report No. 13.24 Proposed
lease to Brunswick Heads Surf Life Saving Club for redevelopment of the surf
Report No. 13.25 Bus Shelter
& Bus Stop Strategic Planning
Report No. 13.27 Seven
Mile Beach Road & Broken Head Reserve Road - Update
Report No. 13.28 Rail Corridor
Revitalisation Project - Final Design and Approval to Tender
Report No. 13.30 Byron
Bay Rugby and Cricket Refurbishment and upgrade of Change rooms and Canteen
Byron Memorial Recreation Grounds
Report No. 13.31 Submission to
Reclassification of Regional Roads
Reports of Committees
Infrastructure Services
Report No. 14.5 Report
of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 28 July 2020
6.1 Bay Lane, Byron Bay -
Proposed Closure Update
6.2 Event - Falls Festival
6.3 Events - Mullum2Bruns
Paddle 20 September 2020
6.4 Events - Bangalow Billycart
Derby 2020 - Byron Street Road Closure 20 September 2020
6.5 Byron to Suffolk Cycleway -
Changes to Bangalow Road
7.1 Road Safety Awareness
7.2 Event - Chincogan Charge -
19 September 2020
7.3 Events - Byron Coast
Charity Walk 12 September 2020
8.1 Event - Byron Sunrise Run
and Swim (was Byron Triathlon) 18 October 2020
Report No. 14.6 Report
of the Water, Waste and Sewer Advisory Committee Meeting held on 30 July 2020
In accordance
with her earlier declared interest in item 13.6 Cr Martin left the meeting at
The remaining Recommendations and Committee Recommendation
were adopted as a whole, being moved by Cr Richardson and seconded by Cr Lyon.
Each recommendation is recorded with a separate resolution number commencing at
Resolution No. 20-376 and concluding with Resolution No. 20-406.
and Grants
Report No. 11.1 Grants
and Submissions Report for August 2020
File No: I2020/1141
Resolved: that
Council notes the report and
Attachment 1 (E2020/57767) for Byron Shire Council’s Submissions and
Grants as at 3 August 2020. (Richardson/Lyon)
Reports - General Manager
Report No. 13.1 Request
to change Railway Park Artisan Market day for one market only
File No: I2020/1129
Resolved: that Council, authorise the General Manager, under
delegation, to vary the Railway Park Artisan Market Licence held by the Byron
Bay Community Association Incorporated to move the scheduled 26 September
2020 market to 25 September 2020. (Richardson/Lyon)
Report No. 13.2 Licence
to the Durrumbul Community Preschool Incorporated
File No: I2020/1159
Resolved: that Council, as the Crown Land Manager for Reservation
55796, delegate to the General Manager the authority to negotiate and enter
into a new licence with the Durrumbul Community Preschool Incorporated over
part Lot 5 DP 832186 as follows:
a) for
a term of ten (10) years;
b) for
the purpose of early childhood education and care;
c) annual
rent set by the value of minimum Crown and thereafter increased by CPI all
groups Sydney;
d) the
Licensee to pay all outgoings other than annual fixed rates and charges;
e) all
non-structural maintenance to be carried out by the Licensee at the
Licensee’s cost; and
f) the
Licensor to provide subsidised rent to the value of market rent as calculated
at 6% of the land Unimproved Capital Value less rent payable by the Licensee
set at minimum Crown rent. (Richardson/Lyon)
Staff Reports – Corporate and
Community Services
Report No. 13.3 Council
Investments - 1 July 2020 to 31 July 2020
File No: I2020/1152
Resolved: that the report listing Council’s investments
and overall cash position as at 31 July 2020 be noted. (Richardson/Lyon)
Report No. 13.4 Council
Investments - 1 June 2020 to 30 June 2020
File No: I2020/955
Resolved: that the report listing
Council’s investments and overall cash position as at 30 June 2020 be
noted. (Richardson/Lyon)
Report No. 13.5 Report
of the Public Art Panel meeting held on 11 June 2020
File No: I2020/932
Resolved: that Council
thanks the applicant for their proposal for a mural on the Town Clock, Byron
Bay, however does not support the proposed mural, noting that the mural is
not consistent with the visual aesthetic of the built environment in the
immediate locale. (Richardson/Lyon)
Report No. 13.6 Community
Initiatives Program (Section 356) - 2020/21 funding round applications
File No: I2020/1053
accordance with her earlier declared interest in this matter, Cr Martin was
not present for the vote.
1. That
Council allocates $44,750 from the 2020/21 Section 356 budget to the projects
which met the assessment criteria of the Community Initiatives Program
2020/21 and are recommended for funding in Confidential Attachment 1
2. That
Council advertises the approved Section 356 Donations.
3. That
Council notes that unsuccessful applicants from this funding round will be
provided with detailed feedback. (Richardson/Lyon)
Report No. 13.8 Policy
Review: Policies for Repeal
File No: I2020/1100
1. That
the Public Sun Protection Policy 1994 be repealed based on its content being
included in the Open Space and Recreation Needs Study and Action Plan
2. That
the Business Ethics Policy 2007 be repealed based on it being replaced with
the Business Ethics Statement 2020.
3. That
the Sewerage Fixed Charges Applicable Combination/Fire Service Connections
Policy 2009 be repealed based on its contents being included in the annual
Statement of Revenue Policy. (Richardson/Lyon)
Report No. 13.11 Carryovers
for Inclusion in the 2020-2021 Budget
File No: I2020/1145
Resolved: that
Council approves the works and services (with respective funding) shown in
Attachment 1 (#E2020/60174) to be carried over from the 2019/2020 financial
year and that the carryover budget allocations be adopted as budget revotes
for inclusion in the 2020/2021 Budget Estimates. (Richardson/Lyon)
Report No. 13.12 Extension
of Term for Council Committees
File No: I2020/1155
1. That
Council extends the term for Advisory Committees, Panels and Section 355
Committees until September 2021.
2. That
Council writes to current members of Advisory Committees, Panels, and Section
355 Committees seeking their agreement to continue their representation for
the remainder of this term of Council.
3. That,
if Committee members choose to not continue in their roles, these be
readvertised seeking appointment until September 2021.
4. That
Council writes to Regional Committees to determine if membership on these
Committees remains in place until the Local Government election in 2021.
Report No. 13.13 Budget
Review - 1 April to 30 June 2020
File No: I2020/1156
1. That
Council authorises the itemised budget variations as shown in Attachment 2
(#E2020/63870) which includes the following results in the 30 June 2020
Quarterly Review of the 2019/2020 Budget:
a) General
Fund - $699,700 change in Unrestricted Cash Result
b) General
Fund - $10,440,600 increase in reserves
c) Water
Fund - $1,966,800 increase in reserves
d) Sewerage
Fund - $1,491,600 increase in reserves.
2. That
Council adopts the revised General Fund Estimated Unrestricted Cash Result of
$723,400 for the 2019/2020 financial year. (Richardson/Lyon)
Report No. 13.14 Children's
Services Review
File No: I2020/1168
Resolved: that Council endorses Option 2 as recommended by CCSA
to create a cooperative entity and maintains Council’s strategic role
as a partner in the cooperative. (Richardson/Lyon)
Staff Reports – Sustainable
Environment and Economy
Report No. 13.16 Draft
Net Zero Emissions Action Plan for Council Operations 2025 - endorsement for
public exhibition
File No: I2020/894
1. That
Council adopt the draft Net Zero Emissions Action Plan for Council Operations
2025 (Attachment 1, E2020/56957) for public exhibition for a period of 28
days accompanied by the Byron Shire Council Net Zero Emissions Strategy for
Council Operations 2025 (Attachment 2, E2019/37526).
2. That
any submissions received on the draft Net Zero Emissions Action Plan for
Council Operations 2025 (Attachment 1, E2020/56957) be reported to Council
for consideration, prior to the adoption of the final Action Plan; and if no
submissions are received, Council adopts the Action Plan. (Richardson/Lyon)
Report No. 13.17 Request
for revocation of Dangerous Dog Order
File No: I2020/1039
Resolved: that
Council revokes the Dangerous Dog declaration relating to desexed male Kelpie
cross Dingo, ‘Possum’ microchip number 982009102243253 owned by
Mrs Cathie-Anne McGrath. (Richardson/Lyon)
Staff Reports – Infrastructure
Report No. 13.21 A
request for a dedicated Jewish section at Clunes Cemetery.
File No: I2020/514
Resolved: that
Council approve the dedication of a Jewish section within the Clunes
cemetery, large enough to accommodate 50 burials, within the adjacent vacant
land zoned SP2 Infrastructure Cemetery. (Richardson/Lyon)
Report No. 13.23 Proposed
Road Closure and Sale of Road Reserve adjoining 140 & 158 Skinners Shoot
Road Lots 199 & 200 DP 755695
File No: I2020/924
1. That
Council endorse the closure of road reserve adjoining Lots 199 & 200 DP
755695, as per Image 1 of this report.
2. That
Council ascertain market value by engaging a suitably qualified Valuer and
delegate to the General Manager the authority to enter into a contract for
sale of the closed road with the owners of adjoining Lots 199 & 200 DP
755695 at a value no less than the value placed on the closed road by the
independent Valuer.
3. That
the applicants pay all costs associated with the road closure, including but
not limited to:
a) Council
application fees
b) Council’s
surveyor's fees and survey, valuation and legal costs
c) All
registration fees
d) Legal
4. The
allotment created by the part road closure to be consolidated into the
existing Parcel No 122530 Lot 199 DP 755695 and Parcel No 122540 Lot 200 DP
755695 in accordance with the attached plan (Attachment 2
5. That
Council authorise the execution of all documents necessary to affect the road
closure, sale, transfer and consolidation of the closed road. (Richardson/Lyon)
Report No. 13.26 Strategic
Project Planning - Funding for "Shovel-ready" Infrastructure
File No: I2020/1091
1. That
the proposed “Shovel Ready” list attached be presented to a
Strategic Planning Workshop in order to prioritise the list of proposed
2. That
Council consider funding the planning and design of high priority projects at
the September Quarterly Review, and incorporate priority projects into
Council’s Operational Plan.
3. That
the Place Planning Collective consider the list of projects provided in
attachment 1 (E2020/51425) at their next available meeting. (Richardson/Lyon)
Report No. 13.29 Council
Tender 2020-0024 - Sewer condition assessments
File No: I2020/1151
1. That
Council award the contract to the organisation recommended in Attachment 2
(E2020/63310) on page 8 of the Confidential - 2020-0024 Request for Tender
Evaluation Report.
2. That
Council delegate to the General Manager the authority to administer this
3. That
Council authorise the affixing of the Council seal to all documents that may
require it, in regards to the Contract.
4. That
Council makes public it decision including the name and amount of the
successful tenderer in accordance with Clause 179(b) of the Local Government
(General) Regulation 2005.
5. That
the Tender Evaluation Plan and Tender Evaluation Report remain confidential
until the contract is finalised. (Richardson/Lyon)
Report No. 13.32 Tender
2020-0023 - Byron Bay Bypass Construction of Acoustic At-Property Treatments
File No: I2020/1126
1. That
Council award the contract to the organisation recommended in Attachment 1
(E2020/63822) on page 7 of the Confidential - 2020-0023 Request for Tender
Evaluation Report.
2. That
Council delegate to the General Manager the authority to administer the
3. That
Council authorise the affixing of the Council seal to all documents that may
require it, in regards to the Contract.
4. That
Council makes public its decision including the name and amount of the
successful tenderer in accordance with Clause 179(b) of the Local Government
(General) Regulation 2005.
5. That the Tender
Evaluation Report remain confidential until the contract is finalised.
of Committees - Sustainable Environment and Economy
Report No. 14.1 Report
of the Sustainability and Emissions Reduction Advisory Committee Meeting held
on 30 January 2020
File No: I2020/929
Resolved: that
Council note the minutes of the Sustainability and Emissions Reduction
Advisory Committee Meeting held on 30 January 2020. (Richardson/Lyon)
Resolved: that Council adopts the following
Committee recommendations:
Report No. 4.1 Update
on Community Solar Incentive Schemes
File No: I2019/2139
Committee Recommendation 4.1.1
That the Sustainability and Emissions Reduction Advisory Committee
note the report and recommend to Council to:
1. Not
proceed with Environmental Upgrade Agreements for the Byron Shire, as the
effort and potential costs to provide such a program are not equitable to the
number of eligible properties.
2. In
relation to Res 19-596, Council no longer invite Shay Singh from Sustainable
Energy Foundation to present to Council and renewable energy community groups
about the potential for commercial EUAs in Byron Shire.
3. Focus
efforts towards communicating relevant NSW State and Federal energy
efficiency programs and initiatives to the Byron Shire community.
4. Note
that Council staff will be available to assist and support community
organisations who wish to implement local school and/or residential solar
programs and to contact Department of Education for possible regional solar
installation. (Richardson/Lyon)
Report No. 14.2 Report
of the Sustainability and Emissions Reduction Advisory Committee Meeting held
on 30 April 2020
File No: I2020/1071
Resolved: that
Council note the minutes of the Sustainability and Emissions Reduction
Advisory Committee Meeting held on 30 April 2020. (Richardson/Lyon)
Report No. 14.3 Report
of the Heritage Panel Meeting held on 11 June 2020
File No: I2020/1186
Resolved: that
Council note the minutes of the Heritage Panel Meeting held on 11 June 2020.
Resolved: that Council adopt the following
Committee and Management Recommendations:
Report No. 4.1 Heritage
Assessment 'Robinson Subdivision' Bangalow
File No: I2020/769
Committee Recommendation
That the Heritage Panel:
1. Request
staff to update the State Heritage Inventory database for the existing
Bangalow Heritage Conservation Area to include 9, 11, 13, 15 ,17, 25, Lismore
Rd, Bangalow (group of workers cottages associated with George Reading) as
contributory items in the Heritage Conservation Area inventory sheet.
2. Request
staff to consult with the current landowners of 9, 11, 13, 15 ,17, 25,
Lismore Rd, Bangalow (group of workers cottages associated with George
Reading) and the NSW Heritage Office on 1 above and include their comments in
the report to Council on the a LEP amendment planning proposal.
3. Note
that item 2 is progressed only when a budget allocation is available, and or
grant funding is obtained.
4. Request
staff to initiate discussions with the Bangalow Community (through the Place
Planning Collective) to identify heritage values important to the Bangalow
Community past present and future.
5. Receive
a report on the outcomes of 1-4 when actioned. (Richardson/Lyon)
Resolved that Council adopt the following Committee
and Management Recommendations:
Report No. 4.2 Development
application requirements for heritage conservation areas and heritage items
File No: I2020/771
Committee Recommendation 4.2.1
That the Heritage Panel:
1. Note
the report on development application requirements for heritage conservation
areas and heritage items.
2. Request
staff to prepare a further report on development of priority action
(d) “Manage heritage in the Byron Shire area in a positive
manner” to enable community discussions and education regarding the
application of heritage criteria (e.g. heritage walks, awards etc.).
Resolved that Council
adopt the following Committee and Management Recommendations:
Report No. 4.3 Heritage
Assessment ‘Carabene’ Ewingsdale Road Ewingsdale
File No: I2020/806
Committee Recommendation 4.3.1
That Heritage Panel:
1. Recommend
that the homestead ‘Carabene’ due to its historical, historical
associative and aesthetic and social significance be included on Schedule 5
of Byron LEP 2014 as a heritage item.
2. Request
staff to consult with the current landowners of the homestead
‘Carabene’, and the NSW Heritage Office on 1 above and include
their comments in the report to Council on the LEP amendment planning
3. Request
the landowner to prepare a Conservation Management Plan for the homestead
‘Carabene’ to guide future conservation and reconstruction works
(including the relocation of the front fence and gate for any future road
widening purposes), and inform any future development application and or
local heritage places grant application once listed.
Reports of Committees – Infrastructure
Report No. 14.4 Report
of the Transport and Infrastructure Advisory Committee Meeting held on 30
July 2020
File No: I2020/1144
Resolved that Council
note the minutes of the Transport and Infrastructure Advisory Committee
Meeting held on 30 July 2020. (Lyon/Richardson)
Resolved that Council adopt the following Committee Recommendation:
Report No. 4.2 Asset
Management Policy Updated
File No: I2020/803
Committee Recommendation 4.2.1
That Council adopt the revised Asset Management Policy
(E2020/4726) and is updated on Council’s website. (Richardson/Lyon)
Resolved that Council adopt the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No. 4.3 Byron
Shire Integrated Transport Update
File No: I2020/892
Committee Recommendation 4.3.1
That Council resolve the following:
That the BSITS is reviewed by a working party of TIAC
members, staff and consultants with the view to providing a final draft to
the next TIAC meeting. (Richardson/Lyon)
Resolved that Council adopt the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No. 4.4 Road
Safety Campaign Review
File No: I2020/893
Committee Recommendation 4.4.1
1. That
TIAC recommend that signage be incorporated as part of the Coolamon Scenic
Drive Project be accessed for road safety signage.
2. That
Council seek approval to incorporate Road Safety signage /other measures
within future Road Safety Upgrade projects.
3. The
report be brought to next TIAC meeting focusing on road safety concerns and
potential funding opportunities and that advice from TIAC members be sought
regarding messaging and location for signs.
4. That
Council consider an allocation of funds from Risk Management Reserve to address
other areas not covered by Coolamon Scenic Drive Project.
5. That
Council continue to liaise with TfNSW with regard to creating a Road Safety
Officer position and planning road safety programs for the shire.
6. That
Council continue developing a funding model for a Road Safety Officer.
Resolved that Council adopt the following Committee Recommendation:
Report No. 4.5 Stormwater
Assets Management
File No:
Committee Recommendation 4.5.1
That Council note the report. (Richardson/Lyon)
Cr Martin returned to the Chamber at 11.39am.
Procedural Motion
that Council
change the order of business to deal with Reports 9.1, 10.1, 13.7, 13.19,
13.20, 13.24, 13.27, 13.28, 13.30, 14.6, 9.3 next on the Agenda. (Richardson/Ndiaye)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Notices of
Motion and Rescission
Notice of Rescission Motion No. 9.1 Brunswick
Heads Parking Scheme Review
File No: I2020/1010
Resolved that
Council rescind Resolution No. 13.21 from its Ordinary meeting held on 25
June 2020 which reads as follows:
1. That
Council note the staff report.
2. That
Council defer consideration of the Brunswick Heads Parking Scheme Review
until after 30 June 2021 due to the continuing impacts and
uncertainties of the COVID-19 crisis.
3. That
Council continue to monitor parking demand within Brunswick Heads and parking
occupancy rates within the existing 1P and 2P time limited areas and the area
east of South Arm Bridge; and
4. That
the report to the August 2021 Ordinary Meeting in response to the
Recommendation from the TPS Report - Brunswick Heads Parking Scheme Review
2020 (Attachment 1, #E2020/29468) include a cost/benefit analysis and
implementation plan for the introduction of a Pay Parking Scheme for
Brunswick Heads incorporating:
a) Delivery
b) Meter
and sensor layouts;
c) Relevant
time limit modifications;
d) Signs
and line plan;
e) Permit
f) Business
case with recommended pay parking fee rate and months over which the pay
parking scheme should operate; and
g) Media
and communications plan (Richardson/Ndiaye)
Procedural MotionS
Resolved that Cr Richardson be granted a two minute
extension to his speech. (Richardson/Coorey)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Resolved that Cr Cameron be granted a two minute
extension to his speech.
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Resolved that
Cr Ndiaye be granted a two minute extension to her speech. (Richardson/Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
The motion (Richardson/Ndiaye) was put to the vote and
declared carried.
Crs Cameron, Hunter, Hackett, and Spooner voted against
the motion.
1. That
in relation to Consideration of proposed parking Scheme Changes within
Brunswick Heads, Council:
a) Note
the recommendations in the TPS Report Brunswick Heads Parking Scheme Review
2020 (Attachment 1, #E2020/29468) including the recommendation, “that
Council should undertake a cost/benefit analysis with the objective to
introducing metered parking into Brunswick Heads in order to address the
capacity and compliance issues identified in this project” ; and
b) Defer
consideration of this report until October 2020 Ordinary Council meeting due
to the current impacts of the COVID-19 crisis.
c) Continue
to monitor parking demand within Brunswick Heads and parking occupancy rates
within the existing 1P and 2P time limited areas and the area east of South
Arm Bridge; and
d) Not
introduce pay parking to the CBD and Beach Precincts as identified in Figure
1.1n and table 1.2b until parking occupancy rates return to 80%
2. That
the report to the October 2020 Ordinary in response to the Recommendation
from the TPS Report – Brunswick Heads Parking Scheme Review 2020
(Attachment 1, #E2020\29468) include a cost benefit analysis and
implementation plan for the introduction of Pay Parking Scheme for Brunswick
Heads incorporating:
a) Delivery
b) Meter
and sensor layouts
c) Relevant
time limit modifications;
d) Signs
and line plan
e) Permit
system, including a residential permit system;
f) Business
case with recommended pay parking fee rate and months over which the pay
parking scheme should operate; and
g) Media
and communications plan. (Richardson/Ndiaye)
Procedural Motion
Resolved that
Cr Ndiaye be granted a two minute extension to her speech. (Richardson/Coorey)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
1. That
in relation to consideration of proposed Parking Scheme changes within
Brunswick Heads, Council:
a) Note
the recommendations in the TPS Report - Brunswick Heads Parking Scheme Review
2020 (E2020/29468) including the recommendation "that Council should
undertake a cost/benefit analysis with the objective to introducing metered
parking into Brunswick Heads in order to address the capacity and compliance
issues identified in this project”; and
b) Defer
consideration of any changes to the Brunswick Heads Parking Scheme until the
March 2022 Ordinary Council meeting due to the current impacts of the
COVID-19 crisis.
c) Continue
to monitor parking demand within Brunswick Heads and parking occupancy rates
within the existing 1P and 2P time limited areas and the area east of South
Arm Bridge; and
d) Not
introduce pay parking to the CBD and Beach Precincts as identified in Figure
1.1b and Table 1.2b until parking occupancy rates return to 90% within the
CBD Precinct.
2. That
the report to the March 2022 Ordinary in response to the Recommendation from
the TPS Report - Brunswick Heads Parking Scheme Review 2020 (E2020/29468)
include a cost/benefit analysis and implementation plan for the introduction
of a Pay Parking Scheme for Brunswick Heads incorporating:
a) Delivery
b) Meter
and sensor layouts;
c) Relevant
time limit modifications;
d) Signs
and line plan;
e) Permit
f) Business
case with recommended pay parking fee rate and months over which the pay
parking scheme should operate; and
g) Media
and communications plan (Ndiaye/Spooner)
The amendment was put to the vote and declared carried.
Crs Coorey, Martin, Lyon, and Richardson voted against
the amendment.
The amendment upon becoming the substantive motion was
put to the vote and declared carried.
Crs Coorey, Martin, Lyon,
Richardson voted against the motion.
Procedural Motion
Resolved that
Council change the order of business to deal with Report 13.7 next on the
Agenda. (Richardson/Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Staff Reports - Corporate and
Community Services
Report No. 13.7 Arts
and Culture Policy - Submissions Report
File No: I2020/1060
1. That
Council adopts the final Arts & Culture policy (attachment 1
#E2020/53603) which has been revised following consideration of the
submissions received during public exhibition, with the removal of the
additional definition wording in red on p2
2. That
the Arts & Culture policy be reviewed in 12 months
3. That
the Cultural policy 2008 (Policy3.42) (DM801769) be repealed. (Hackett/Ndiaye)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
The meeting adjourned at 12:52pm for a lunch break and
reconvened at 1.45pm.
Cr Hackett did not return at this time.
Petition No. 10.1 Safer
Communities - Waterlily Park
File No: I2020/933
Resolved that Council
receive a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) report for
the Waterlilly Park precinct at the earliest possible Council meeting that
considers the inclusion of CCTV and the positioning of other play scape
elements such as future children’s swings. (Hunter/Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Cr Hackett was not present for the vote.
Staff Reports – Sustainable
Environment and Economy
Report No. 13.19 Unauthorised
Dwellings Policy
File No: I2020/1139
1. That
Council endorses the Draft Byron Shire Unauthorised Dwellings Policy in
Attachment 1 (E2020/59113) and places the document on public exhibition for
minimum a period of 28 days.
2. That
following exhibition, Council receives a further report detailing submissions
made and potential ways forward. (Ndiaye/Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Cr Hackett was not present for the vote.
Report No. 13.20 Federal
Village Project - Community Led Governance and Place Plan
File No: I2020/1175
Resolved that Council:
1. Endorse
staff initiating work on a community led plan for the Federal Village.
2. Request
staff to proceed with a community scoping meeting to be held during
September/October, to explore the purpose and nature of the Federal Village
plan and the process to prepare the plan.
3. Receive
a further report on the outcomes of the community scoping meeting by or
before the December meeting of Council.
4. Request
staff to prepare a Draft Movement and Access Study as a foundation document
for collaboration and co-design with the community, incorporating the
Identify and map local transport networks
(Roads, lanes, park, paths, shortcuts etc).
b) Identify and map
transport infrastructure links beyond the Village precinct.
Identify all transport modes and
services including school buses.
5. The
Access and Movement mapping be used during scoping discussions to
Explore patterns of human movement
in and around village as well as preferred routes and modes in and out of the
b) Explore barriers,
incentives and disincentives for particular modes (eg barriers to increasing
active transport).
Identify visitor travel patterns,
modes and behaviours. (Cameron/Hunter)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Cr Hackett was not present for the vote.
Staff Reports – Infrasturcture
Report No. 13.24 Proposed
lease to Brunswick Heads Surf Life Saving Club for redevelopment of the surf
File No: I2020/1074
1. That
pursuant to Section 10A(2)(c) and 10A(2)(g) of the Local Government
Act, 1993, Council resolve to move into Confidential Session to discuss that
part of this report.
2. That the reasons for closing
the meeting to the public to consider information contained in the
confidential attachment are that it contains legal advice that would
otherwise be privileged from production on the ground of legal professional
privilege and it contains information that would, if disclosed, confer a
commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting, or
proposed to conduct, business.
That on balance it is considered that receipt
and discussion of the information contained in Confidential Attachment 1 in
open Council would be contrary to the public interest, as it contains
privileged legal advice and commercial information that could if disclosed
cause potential risk and disadvantage to Council or other parties that
Council proposes to conduct business with. (Spooner/Hunter)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Cr Hackett was not present for the vote.
That Council as the Crown Land Manager for Reserve
R97139 authorise a lease to the Brunswick Surf Life Saving Club Incorporated
for the redeveloped premises for:
a) a maximum term of 5 years;
b) at a starting annual rental $3,000 p.a.
with conditions permitting works approved by development consent 10.2018.486,
as modified; and
c) subject to finalisation of other terms
and conditions and Minister’s consent.
d) with Council providing a subsidy up to
$2,500 to Brunswick Surf Life Saving Club to cover any additional costs
associated with the annual lease
2. That Council as the Crown Land
Manager for Reserve R97139 delegate to the General Manager authority to:
a) settle the final terms and conditions of
the lease, other than the matters set out in 2(a), (b) and (c) above, to meet
the requirements of Council and Department of Planning Industry and
Environment – Crown Lands or arising from discussions with Native Title
Interest owners;
b) forward the lease to the Department of
Planning, Industry and Environment for public exhibition and Minister’s
Consent; and
c) enter into a lease as authorised by the
3. That
Council support car parking to be located within the Council Road Reserve,
rather than on the Crown Public Recreation Reserve, subject to finalisation
of the terms of the service agreement and the fee for service payable to
Council by Brunswick Surf Life Saving Club towards upgrade of adjacent road
4. That
Council note that Council is committed to continuing discussions with Native
Title Interest owners in relation to this and other Crown Reserves in the
Shire. (Spooner/Hunter)
Procedural MotionS
Resolved that
Council move into Committee to allow for free debate. (Ndiaye/Coorey)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Cr Hackett was not present for the vote.
Resolved that Council move out of Committee and resume
the Ordinary Meeting.
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Cr Hackett was not present for the vote.
Cr Martin left the meeting
and did not return.
1. That
Council as the Crown Land Manager for Reserve R97139 authorise a lease to the
Brunswick Surf Life Saving Club Incorporated for the redeveloped premises for:
a) a
maximum term of 5 years;
b) at
a starting annual rental $1,500 p.a. with conditions permitting works approved
by development consent 10.2018.486, as modified; and
c) subject
to finalisation of other terms and conditions and Minister’s consent.
2. That
Council as the Crown Land Manager for Reserve R97139 delegate to the General
Manager authority to:
a) settle
the final terms and conditions of the lease, other than the matters set out in
2(a), (b) and (c) above, to meet the requirements of Council and Department of
Planning Industry and Environment – Crown Lands or arising from
discussions with Native Title Interest owners;
b) forward
the lease to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for public
exhibition and Minister’s Consent; and
c) enter
into a lease as authorised by the Minister.
3. That
Council support car parking to be located within the Council Road Reserve,
rather than on the Crown Public Recreation Reserve, subject to finalisation of
the terms of the service agreement and the fee for service payable to Council
by Brunswick Surf Life Saving Club towards upgrade of adjacent road reserve.
4. That
Council note that Council is committed to continuing discussions with Native
Title Interest owners in relation to this and other Crown Reserves in the
Shire. (Ndiaye/Lyon)
The amendment was put to the vote and declared lost.
Crs Lyon, Richardson, Hunter and Spooner voted against
the amendment.
Crs Hackett and Martin were not present for the vote.
The motion (Spooner/Hunter) was put to the vote and
declared carried.
Crs Hackett and Martin were not present for the vote.
Resolved that
the meeting move out of confidential session. (Richardson/Cameron)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Report No. 13.27 Seven
Mile Beach Road & Broken Head Reserve Road - Update
File No: I2020/1123
Resolved that Council
note the report and endorse the following actions based on it:
for Seven Mile Beach Road:
(i) develop
a delivery program and communicate program with resident group.
(ii) detail design
of works in consultation with identified stakeholders.
(iii) undertake
business case in consultation with Council’s Finance team and DCA to
confirm the financial viability of pay parking and parking technology
requirements in the area.
(iv) Analyse compliance
car counts to investigate the appropriateness and extent of pay parking.
(v) Request NPWS
to formalise and seal the Kings Beach Carpark and that this work be
integrated into or undertaken in conjunction with the sealing works on Seven
Mile Beach Road.
(vi) approach NPWS with
the proposal to manage and patrol their car parking scheme at Kings Beach.
This would allow the whole Broken Head and Seven Mile Beach Rd plans to
be integrated and managed as a whole.
(vii) consider a later report
to Council and recommendation to give staff authority and permission to
approach Transport for NSW for consent to apply paid parking.
(viii) complete design
investigations and documentation for the delivery of sealing works, signage,
intersection treatment and traffic management facilities ensuring these
integrate and complement any planned works in Broken Head Reserve Road whilst
ensuring project delivery within agreed grant milestones.
b) for Broken Head Reserve Road:
(i) develop
and communicate Delivery Program to relevant stakeholders;
(ii) commence
detailed design in consultation with resident representatives;
(iii) Have Your
Say survey to refine project scope and site considerations;
(iv) undertake analysis
of LPR survey data to provide justification to TfNSW for paid parking;
(v) undertake
business case in consultation with Finance and DCA to confirm the financial
viability of pay parking and parking technology in the area;
(vi) approach NPWS with
the proposal to manage and patrol their car parking scheme at the end of
Broken Head Reserve Road. This would allow the whole Broken Head and Seven
Mile Beach Rd plans to be well integrated and managed as a whole;
(vii) prepare concept designs
for remaining area of road and parking areas;
(viii) consider a later report
and recommendation to give staff the authority and permission to approach
TfNSW for consent to apply paid parking if approved by Council; and
(ix) complete
investigation and scope development of road repair works from Election
Commitment funds and undertake works in co-ordination with sealing works on
seven Mile Beach Road.
c) additional actions:
(i) enter
into an Inter-Agency Consultation Group to include NPWS, Police, RFS, Arakwal
and Crown Lands;
(ii) to prepare a
communications plan to be all encompassing for the Seven Mile Beach Road
group, Broken Head Reserve Road group, and other relevant stakeholders;
(iii) develop a
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in consultation with the Inter-Agency
Consultation Group, the Seven Mile Beach Road community group and Broken Head
Reserve Road community groups;
(iv) together with the
Inter-Agency Consultation Group, develop an overarching Management Plan
(informed by the MoU) for the Broken Head Reserve Road and Seven Mile Beach
Road areas, for the following purposes:
- To clearly set expectations
for day to day operations, clarify matters such as:
o Inter-Agency roles and
o Who has authority to close the
roads and car parks and the conditions under which this would occur;
o Which Agency to contact when
specific matters arise;
o Where Council’s and NPWS
delegated authority is limited to;
o Appropriate expectations for
Council’s staff in regards to the scope and frequency of tasks they are
expected to undertake.
- Help integrate Council works with
the plans and requirements of other key agencies. This would help
ensure funds are not wasted duplicating plans already underway by other
agencies, help Council plan the timing of works to tie in with other Agencies
and prevent designs not complying with the emergency service requirements.
Set out a longer term action plan and
proposed priorities. (Coorey/Lyon)
The motion was put to the
vote and declared carried.
Crs Hackett and Martin were not present for the vote.
Report No. 13.28 Rail
Corridor Revitalisation Project - Final Design and Approval to Tender
File No: I2020/1127
Resolved that Council:
1. Notes
the detailed design package for the Byron rail corridor restoration,
including the retention of rail infrastructure so that future rail operations
could be quickly and easily supported;
2. Approves the
use of the open tender method to call for tenders for the construction of the
Byron Rail Corridor Revitalisation Project, subject to the finalisation of
the Review of Environmental Factors (REF) with specific consideration
of the Mitchell’s Rainforest Snail;
3. Be
provided with the REF at the next available Strategic Planning Workshop; and
4. Amends
the budget for this project in the 2020/21 financial year in accordance with
confidential budget estimate document (Attachment 3 - E2020/59443), with the
final details of the budget sources to be included within the September
quarterly budget review.
The motion was put to the
vote and declared carried.
Cr Cameron voted against the
Crs Hackett and Martin were not present for the vote.
Report No. 13.30 Byron
Bay Rugby and Cricket Refurbishment and upgrade of Change rooms and Canteen
Byron Memorial Recreation Grounds
File No: I2020/1167
1. That
Council supports the redevelopment of the amenities subject to a detailed
design finalisation with staff that considers accessibility, CPTED, safety in
design and BCA compliance and Functionality for both Rugby and Cricket clubs
and advice NSW Office of Sport
2. That
the terms of use are included in the Rugby and Cricket Clubs User Agreement
The motion was put to the
vote and declared carried.
Reports of Committees -
Infrastructure Services
Report No. 14.6 Report
of the Water, Waste and Sewer Advisory Committee Meeting held on 30 July 2020
File No: I2020/1173
1. That
Council notes the minutes of the Water, Waste and Sewer Advisory Committee
Meeting held on 30 July 2020.
2. That
with regard to Report No. 4.2 Effects of water mining in Byron and
surrounding shires on groundwater resources, that point 3 of the
Management Recommendation in the minutes be amended to read as follows:
That the report be brought to next WWSC and Coastal Estuary Catchment
Panel meetings outlining water resourcing both commercial and domestic prior
to any changes to the LEP the being undertaken.
3. That a
report also be provided to the next meeting of the WWS committee that
clarifies the advice from staff to the WWS Committee held on 30 July 2020 that,
under the Byron
LEP 2014 water mining for bottled water is not a permitted use in the RU1 and
RU2 Zones” in
the light of DA 10.2015.102.1 approved in July 2015 under the
current BYRON LEP 2014 for a Rural industry (fruit juice
production, winery and water bottling facility) at Huonbrook. (Coorey/Ndiaye)
Resolved that Council adopt the following Committee
and Management Recommendations:
Report No. 4.2 Effects
of water mining in Byron and surrounding shires on groundwater resources
File No: I2020/879
Committee Recommendation 4.2.1
1. That
Council note the report.
2. That
Council introduce in next round of “housekeeping” for the LEP, a
clause similar to Tweed Shire Council LEP clause 7.15 relating to groundwater
extraction, but with no exception and no part (3).
3. That
the report be brought to next WWSC and Coastal Estuary Catchment Panel
meetings outlining water resourcing both commercial and domestic.
Management Recommendation
1. That
Council note the report.
2. That
Council introduce in next round of “housekeeping” for the LEP, a
clause that prohibits Ground Water extraction as follows:
7.15 Industry—groundwater extraction, etc
(1) This clause applies to development for the
purpose of industry, being a building or place at which groundwater is
extracted, handled, treated, processed, stored, packed or transported offsite
for commercial bottling and drinking purposes.
Development to which this clause applies is prohibited on land
to which this Plan applies similar to Tweed Shire Council LEP clause 7.15
relating to groundwater extraction, but with no exception and no part (3).
3. That
the report be brought to next WWSC and Coastal Estuary Catchment Panel
meetings outlining water resourcing both commercial and domestic.
4. That
Council write to the relevant NSW Government Agency seeking a review of water
extraction licenses in relation to the terms of such licenses prohibiting
water being extracted for commercial bottling/ drinking purposes, and
limiting extraction for on farm purposes such as irrigation of crops,
watering of farm animals and other domestic purposes associated with the
farm. (Coorey/Ndiaye)
Resolved that Council adopt the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No. 4.3 Byron
STP Condition 9. Additional Load - Quarterly report
File No: I2020/1011
Committee Recommendation 4.3.1
1. That
Council note the report.
2. That
Council add actual volumes reused to the quarterly report. Coorey/Ndiaye)
Resolved that Council adopt the following Committee Recommendation:
Report No. 4.4 Inflow
and Infiltration - quarterly update
File No: I2020/1062
Committee Recommendation 4.4.1
That Council note the report. (Coorey/Ndiaye)
that Council adopt the
following Committee Recommendations:
Report No. 4.5 Nutrient
Loading in the Belongil Update
File No: I2020/1078
Committee Recommendation 4.5.1
1. That
the Council note the update provided to resolution 20-243 in relation to
nutrient loading in the Belongil catchment.
2. That
Council consider amendment of Delivery Plan Action 1.5.2 to read "ensure
our STPs meet or exceed EPA Licence conditions and don't negatively impact on
their receiving environments". (Coorey/Ndiaye)
The motions (20-427 to 20-431) were put to the vote and
declared carried.
Crs Hackett and Martin were not present for the vote.
Notice of Motion No. 9.3 Pedestrian
Safety and Amenity in Suffolk Park
File No: I2020/1160
Resolved that Council:
1. Notes
the advice from the Suffolk Park Progress Association regarding longstanding
pedestrian access and safety issues on Broken Head Road, Beech Drive and
Clifford Street.
2. Supports
installation of marked pedestrian crossings as shown on the attached
Pedestrian Amenity and Safety Plan at the following
Broken Head Road adjacent to the nearby bus stops
and the aged care home on the corner of Beech Drive.
Southern end of Beech Drive adjacent to bus stop at
the existing raised platform on the road.
Clifford Street adjacent to the supermarket and
3. With
consultation, investigates further traffic calming and other treatments to
slow traffic within the retail and service precinct as shown on the
Pedestrian Amenity and Safety Plan including
implementation of a 40kph or lower speed limit and a shared zone.
4. Notes
that the proposed pedestrian crossings are consistent with project SP003 in
the Bike Plan and projects SP003, SP005 and SP006 in the Pedestrian, Access
and Movement Plan.
5. Refers
the regulatory issues to the Local Traffic Committee to identify relevant
regulatory requirements.
6. Identifies
a funding pathway at the next Quarterly Budget Review and receive a further
report. (Cameron/Richardson)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Crs Hackett and Martin were not present for the vote.
Mayoral Minute No. 8.1 Queensland
Border Restrictions
File No: I2020/1262
that Council supports and requests that:
1. Queensland
considers amending the current style of restrictions to revert to the
restrictions that were originally in place from March to July
2. The
current NSW and Queensland border bubble be extended to the southern border
of Ballina Shire, NSW to encompass this critical shared economic and health
3. The
current NSW and Queensland border bubble be extended to north of Brisbane
4. Critical
workers from Queensland outside the bubble areas be allowed into the NSW
bubble areas, in-line with the current allowance for critical workers from
NSW being allowed to service Queensland
5. The
NSW Government imposes intrastate travel restrictions to the border bubble
areas from any NSW COVID-19 hotspot clusters, to protect rural and regional
areas such as the Byron Shire and Northern Rivers more widely, and to maintain
the integrity of the border bubble and give confidence to Queensland
6. The
NSW Government commits resources to operate a Northern Rivers bubble
checkpoint, and possible drop in locations to assist in strengthening proof
of residence/exemption and expediting the exemption pass process
7. The
NSW Government gives consideration to providing increased specialist medical
services in the area for northern NSW residents no longer able to be cared
for or receive medical support, including dental care, in Queensland, or, if
unable to provide these medical services, the NSW Government assists
residents with financial support to quarantine in Queensland if required for
essential medical, work or other purposes
8. Further
financial support is provided for Northern NSW residents and businesses
negatively impacted by the border closures, especially in light of recently
announced support for Southern border regions and communities
9. Queensland
provides greater flexibility for compassionate grounds for NSW residents to
be with their families in Queensland
10. Letters
be sent to the Premiers of Queensland and New South Wales, local MP Tamara
Smith, and State government representative, Ben Franklin MP,
a. outlining
the requests above and seeking their support.
b. Including Byron
Council’s appreciation and acknowledgement of the difficulties and
challenges for decision makers when combatting and responding to the
Coronavirus onset, and our appreciation of the work conducted thus far by
both State governments and the Federal government to keep our community its
safe and healthy, noting the Northern Rivers have never recorded a positive
community borne coronavirus case.
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried
Crs Hackett and Martin were not present for the vote..
Procedural Motion
Resolved that Cr Richardson be granted a one minute
extension to his speech.
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried
Crs Hackett and Martin were not present for the vote.
Cr Hackett returned to the meeting at 3:40pm
Notices of Motion and Rescission
Notice of Rescission Motion No. 9.2 Main
Beach Shoreline Project - preliminary options assessment and stakeholder
File No: I2020/1015
Resolved that Council rescind Resolution No. 20-347 from
its Ordinary meeting held on 25 June 2020 which reads as follows:
1. That
Council notes the preliminary options assessment and top seven concept
designs presented in the Concept Design Development – Report
(Attachment 1 – E2020/40490).
2. That
Council endorses the top seven concept options outlined in Attachment 1
(E2020/40490) for key stakeholder and broader community engagement.
3. That Council
receives a report following the community engagement detailing the submissions
received and staff response to these submissions.
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Cr Hunter voted against the motion.
Cr Martin was not present for the vote.
1. That Council
endorses the top seven concept options outlined in Attachment 1 (E2020/40490)
for key stakeholder and broader community engagement.
2. That Bluecoast
undertake an assessment of a further alternative concept (Option 8) which:
• better
supports beach recovery and resilience after storm events
• increases
and improves social, cultural and recreational spaces at Main Beach
• enhances
the protection of current built infrastructure and the town centre
• considers
constructing the recreational areas above the original beach seaward of a
buried seawall which is aligned with the natural beach.
that is in accordance with the Project Objectives and provide feedback in the
form of a Memo to Councillors,
prior to community engagement, on
the feasibility of Option 8
3. Depending on the
outcome of Item # 2 above (Option 8) it may be added to the top seven concept
options to progress to the next stage.
4. That Council
receives a report during the community engagement on the assessment of Option
8, detailing the submissions received and staff response to these
submissions, and extend the exhibition period accordingly. (Hackett/Lyon)
Procedural Motion
Resolved that Cr Hackett be granted a two minute
extension to her speech.
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Cr Martin was not present for the vote.
1. That
Council endorses the top seven concept options outlined in Attachment 1
(E2020/40490) for key stakeholder and broader community engagement.
2. That
Bluecoast undertake an assessment of a further ‘hybrid’ concept
(Option 8) in accordance with the Project Objectives and provide feedback in
the form of a Memo to Councillors on the feasibility of Option 8.
3. Depending
on the outcome of Item # 2 above (Option 8) it may be added to the top seven
concept options to progress to the next stage.
4. That
Council receives the assessment report before or during the community
engagement (whichever occurs first) on the feasibility of Option 8 and extends
the exhibition period accordingly to receive comment on that option if
5. That
Council receives a final report on the community engagement detailing the
submissions received and staff response to these submissions. (Ndiaye/Coorey)
The amendment was put to the vote and declared lost.
Crs Lyon, Richardson, Cameron, Hackett, Spooner,
and Hunter voted against the amendment.
Cr Martin was not present for the vote.
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Cr Martin was not present for the vote.
The Mayor left the meeting at 4.41pm and did not return.
The Deputy Mayor took the Chair
Notice of Motion No. 9.4 Street
Lighting in Butler Street
File No: I2020/1191
Cr Hackett
withdrew the Notice of Motion.
Cr Hackett left the meeting at 4.43pm and did not return.
Notice of Motion No. 9.5 Congratulations
to Sue Walker of NPWS on her retirement
File No: I2020/1192
Resolved that Council:
1. Notes
the impending retirement of Sue Walker, National Parks and Wildlife Service
(NPWS) Area Manager
2. Acknowledges
the achievements of Sue in her 37 (TBC) years with NPWS; and
3. Sends
a message of congratulations and thanks to Sue for her work for the
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Crs Richardson, Hackett and Martin were not present for
the vote.
Procedural Motion
Resolved that
Cr Coorey be granted a two minute extension to her speech. (Cameron/Ndiaye)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Crs Richardson, Hackett and Martin were not present for
the vote.
Notice of Motion No. 9.6 International
Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
File No: I2020/1193
Resolved that Council:
1. Acknowledges the
victims and survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and
the 75th anniversaries this year this of these attacks – on 6 and 9
August respectively;
2. In commemoration
of these anniversaries, endorses the International Campaign to Abolish
Nuclear Weapons ‘Cities Appeal’, and publishes the public
statement of endorsement, which reads as follows:
Shire is concerned about the grave threat that nuclear weapons pose to
communities throughout the world.
We firmly believe that our residents have the right to
live in a world free from this threat. Any use of nuclear weapons, whether
deliberate or accidental, would have catastrophic, far-reaching and long-lasting
consequences for people and the environment.
Therefore, we warmly welcome the adoption of the Treaty on the Prohibition of
Nuclear Weapons by the United Nations in 2017, and we call on our national
government to sign and ratify it without delay.”;
3. Writes
to inform the foreign minister, Senator the Hon Marise Payne, that Byron
Shire has endorsed the ICAN Cities Appeal;
4. Issues
a media release announcing that Byron Shire has joined the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
‘Cities Appeal’ and the call for the national government to sign and ratify the UN Treaty on
the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons;
5. Takes
steps to ensure that funds administered by Byron Shire Council are not
invested in companies that produce nuclear weapons, and
6. Notifies our local
MPs, Tamara Smith, Ben Franklin and Justine Elliott and asks them also to
support the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, and request
that they also encourage the Australian government to sign and ratify the UN Treaty on the
Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. (Coorey/Ndiaye)
The motion
was put to the vote and declared carried
Richardson, Hackett and Martin were not present for the vote.
Procedural Motion
Resolved that
Cr Coorey be granted a one minute extension to her speech. (Lyon/Cameron)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Crs Richardson, Hackett and Martin were not present for
the vote.
Petition No. 10.2 Protection
of Mooibal Spur track - E2 zoning and masterplan for remaining Tallowwood
File No: I2020/1037
1. That
the petition regarding The Protection of Mooibal Spur Track be noted.
2. That
the petition be referred to the Director Sustainable Environment and Economy.
3. That
staff be requested to include 2 community representatives from the Friends of
Mooibal Spur at the site inspections with staff, councillors and the
applicant, ordinarily convened for development applications prior to their
presentation to Council. (Ndiaye/Cameron)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Crs Richardson, Hackett and Martin were not present for
the vote.
Reports - Corporate and Community Services
Report No. 13.9 Council
Resolutions Quarterly Review - Q4 - 1 April to 30 June 2020
File No: I2020/1137
Resolved that the report Council Resolutions Quarterly Review -
Q4 - 1 April to 30 June 2020 be deferred to the 24
September Ordinary Meeting of Council. (Cameron/Lyon)
The motion was put
to the vote and declared carried.
Crs Richardson,
Hackett and Martin were not present for the vote.
Report No. 13.10 Local
Government NSW Annual Conference 2020
File No: I2020/1138
Resolved that Council
authorises Cr Coorey, Cr Lyon, and Cr Ndiaye to register as voting delegates
for the Local Government NSW Annual Conference 2020 to be held virtually
on 23 November 2020. (Lyon/Ndiaye)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Crs Richardson, Hackett and Martin were not present for
the vote.
Report No. 13.15 Delivery
Program 6-monthly Report and 2019/20 Operational Plan Fourth Report - Q4 - to
30 June 2020
File No: I2020/1169
Resolved that Council notes the Delivery Program 6-monthly
Report and 2019/20 Operational Plan Fourth Quarter Report for the period
ending 30 June 2020 (Attachment 1 #E2020/59640).
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Crs Richardson, Hackett and Martin were not present for
the vote.
Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy
Report No. 13.18 Lot
12 Bayshore Drive - Site Strategy and Urban Design Protocol
File No: I2020/1032
1. That
Council adopt the Lot 12 Site Strategy & Urban Design Protocol as the guiding
document establishing Council’s vision and preferences for the future
development of the site and an Expression of Interest. That additional
wording be included to both these documents prior to their release to
emphasise Council's intent that site access be designed to prioritise active
connections/movements inter and intra the site, having regard to the site's
location within the Arts and Industrial Estate.
2. That
Council undertake an Expression of Interest process for the development of
Lot 12 to seek developers/partners who are able to achieve Council’s
vision for the property.
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Crs Richardson, Hackett and Martin were not present for
the vote.
Reports - Infrastructure Services
Report No. 13.22 Proposal
to rename Granuaille Crescent Bangalow
File No: I2020/21
1. Not
endorse the renaming of Granuaille Crescent on the Southern side of
Hinterland Way.
2. Request
the NSW Ambulance to review its GPS and other databases to ensure they are
kept up to date. (Lyon/Cameron)
The motion
was put to the vote and declared carried.
Richardson, Hackett and Martin were not present for the vote.
Report No. 13.25 Bus
Shelter & Bus Stop Strategic Planning
File No: I2020/1080
1. Undertake
further investigations including direct community consultation targeted at
school bus passengers, bus operators and other public transport users as well
as a ‘Have Your Say’ process to identify bus shelter/bus stop
needs and identification of safety issues for passengers and operators at all
locations along bus routes.
2. Advertise
for expressions of interest for a group that are able to meet requirements to
manage and ensure compliance of the bus shelters at Huonbrook, Main Arm and
Montecolum on Council’s behalf.
The motion
was put to the vote and declared carried.
Richardson, Hackett and Martin were not present for the vote.
Procedural Motion
Resolved that
Cr Cameron be granted a one minute extension to his speech. (Coorey/Ndiaye)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Crs Richardson, Hackett and Martin were not present for
the vote.
Report No. 13.31 Submission
to Reclassification of Regional Roads
File No: I2020/1184
1. That
Council nominate to the Independent Panel for the NSW Regional Road Transfer
and Road Classification Review, the following roads be reclassified as state
a) MR545,
including the Bypass and excluding Jonson Street and Lawson Street
b) MR679
c) MR689
excluding Brunswick Heads from Northern exit of roundabout on Eastern side of
Pacific Motorway at the Southern end of Brunswick Heads to the roundabout at
the Northern interchange with Hinterland Way/Pacific Motorway Brunswick
d) Bangalow
e) Hinterland
Way (regional road component)
f) Repentance
Creek road from Federal Drive to the Shire boundary
2. The
submission identify the importance of access and policy regarding local
priorities particularly works to establish active transport links.
3. That
Council support Ballina Shire’s submission with respect to MR545 and
Lismore City Council’s submission with respect to Repentance Creek Road
and Dunoon Road MR306.
The motion was put to the
vote and declared carried.
Crs Richardson, Hackett and Martin were not present for
the vote.
of Committees - Infrastructure Services
Report No. 14.5 Report
of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 28 July 2020
File No: I2020/1147
Resolved that Council
note the minutes of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 28 July 2020.
Resolved that Council adopt the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No. 6.1 Bay
Lane, Byron Bay - Proposed Closure Update
File No: I2019/2137
Committee Recommendation 6.1.1
That Council supports:
1. The
people-focused activation of Bay Lane, Byron Bay through regulating access of
vehicles into Bay Lane, subject to the following:
a) Vehicle
access within Bay Lane, between chainages CH 0-75m (approx.), be prohibited
generally between 5pm to 5am;
b) Vehicle
access between chainages CH 0-75m be permitted generally between 5am to 5pm;
c) Detail
design to be generally in accordance with drawing E2020/29627 and must
include appropriate regulatory signage and relevant time plates;
2. The
following modifications to traffic flow in Bay Lane:
Maintaining one way traffic flow between chainages 0-75m (approx.);
b) Change
traffic flow to two way between chainages 75-150m; and
c) Detail
design to be generally in accordance with drawing E2020/29627 and must
include appropriate regulatory signage and relevant time plates. (Cameron/Ndiaye)
Resolved that Council adopt the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No. 6.2 Event
- Falls Festival
File No: I2020/952
Committee Recommendation 6.2.1
That Council endorse the Falls Festival 2020/21 to be held
at the North Byron Parklands site, Yelgun from 31 December 2020 to 2 January
2021 (with campers arriving from 29th December 2020 and allowed to
depart no later than 3rd January 2021), inclusive, subject to the
following conditions:
a) Separate
approvals by NSW Police and TfNSW being obtained;
b) The
development of a Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control Plan(s) by those
with relevant TfNSW accreditation. These plans are to be submitted to Byron
Shire Council at least 2 months prior to the event for approval of traffic
regulation on roads under Byron Shire control;
c) The
Traffic Management Plan and the Traffic Control Plan to be implemented by
those with relevant and current TfNSW accreditation;
d) The
temporary ‘No Stopping’ where applied, including on Brunswick
Valley Way and Tweed Valley Way (between Shara Boulevard and north to the
Shire boundary), is implemented prior to the event and in accordance with
relevant state requirements and Australian Standards;
e) A
communications protocol be developed and maintained by those involved in the
implementation of traffic management including monitoring during the event
and ability to implement contingency plans as and when directed;
f) Monitoring
of vehicle volumes that arrive and depart the festival site and on the local
road network;
g) The
holding of an event debrief within the month following the festival which
includes but not limited to Council, TfNSW and Police;
h) The
event organiser:
i) advertising
the impact of the event via a notice in the local weekly paper a minimum of
one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it must
include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road closures and
times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a personal contact
name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries or complaints;
ii) providing
a copy of the advert for Council's web page;
iii) give
consideration of any submissions received;
iv) informing
community and businesses that are directly impacted (e.g. adjacent to the
event) via written information which is delivered to the property in a timely
manner so as to document, consider and respond to any concerns raised;
v) arranging
for private property access and egress affected by the event;
vi) liaising
with bus and taxi operators and ensuring arrangements are made for provision
of services during conduct of the event;
vii) consulting
with emergency services and any identified issues be addressed;
viii) holding
$20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event; and
ix) paying
of Council’s Road Event Application Fee and Local Traffic Committee Fee
prior to the event. (Cameron/Ndiaye)
Resolved that Council adopt the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No. 6.3 Events - Mullum2Bruns
Paddle 20 September 2020
File No: I2020/1041
Committee Recommendation 6.3.1
1. That
Council endorse the Mullum2Bruns Paddle 2020 to be held on a Sunday in
September or October 2020 that includes:
a) date
of event not conflicting with another Council-approved event in the shire on
the same day, and
b) temporary
road closure of Brunswick Terrace, Mullumbimby, between Tincogan St and
Tyagarah St (to become one-way traffic), between 06:30am and 10:00am on date
2. That
the approval provided in Part 1 is subject to:
a) the
development of a Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control Plan(s) for the 2020
event by those with relevant and current TfNSW accreditation;
b) the
Traffic Control Plan being implemented by those with relevant and current
TfNSW accreditation;
c) that
the impact of the event be advertised via a notice in the local weekly paper
a minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting
it must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road
closures and times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a
personal contact name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries
or complaints;
d) the
event be notified on Council’s webpage;
e) the
event organiser:
i) undertake
consultation with community and affected businesses including adequate
response/action to any raised concerns;
ii) undertake
consultation with emergency services and any identified issues addressed;
iii) holding
$20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event;
iv) paying
Council’s Road Event Application Fee prior to the event;
v) undertake
a debrief within two weeks of the event involving event staff, Police (if
they had incidents) and traffic controllers; and
vi) Submit
a debrief report to Council with any future event application.
Resolved that Council adopt the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No. 6.4 Events
- Bangalow Billycart Derby 2020 - Byron Street Road Closure 20 September 2020
File No: I2020/1042
Committee Recommendation 6.4.1
1. That
Council endorse the Bangalow Billy Cart Derby to be held on a Sunday in
September or October 2020 that includes:
a) date
of event not conflicting with another council-approved event in the shire on
the same day, and
b) temporary
road closure of Byron Street, Bangalow between Ashton Street and Granuaille
Road, between 6am and 4pm on date chosen.
2. That
the approval provided in Part 1 is subject to:
a) Separate
approvals by NSW Police and TfNSW being obtained, noting that the event is on
a state road or may impact the state road network;
b) Traffic
Control Plan(s) to be developed by people with the appropriate TfNSW
c) Traffic
Control Plan(s) to be implemented by people with appropriate accreditation;
d) That
the impact of the event be advertised via a notice in the local weekly paper
a minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting
it must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road
closures and times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a
personal contact name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries
or complaints; and
e) The
event notified on Council’s webpage.
3. That
the event organiser:
a) Undertake
consultation with community and affected businesses including adequate
response/action to any raised concerns;
b) Undertake
consultation with emergency services and any identified issues addressed;
c) Holding
$20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event; and
d) Pays
Council’s Road Event Application Fee prior to the event. (Cameron/Ndiaye)
Resolved that Council adopt the following Committee
and Management Recommendations:
Report No. 6.5 Byron
to Suffolk Cycleway - Changes to Bangalow Road
File No: I2020/1061
Committee Recommendation 6.5.1
1. That
Council supports the modification of Bangalow Road as per the detailed
designs (E2020/53823) including the following:
a) Adjustment
of the existing road alignment, lane widths, line-marking, signage, bus-stop
locations and crossings;
b) Addition
of crossings, a bus stop and on-road cycle lanes.
c) The
removal of some parking on both sides of Bangalow Road where necessary to
enable space for bus stops and cycle lanes.
2. That
council consider extending the project to ensure safe cycling and pedestrian
access in and around the Browning St/Tennyson St roundabout.
3. That
the amended plans be provided to community representatives on the TIAC for
Management Recommendation
Management comments are provided at the end of this
report. (Cameron/Ndiaye)
Resolved that Council adopt the following
Committee Recommendation:
Report No. 7.1 Road
Safety Awareness
File No: I2020/805
Committee Recommendation 7.1.1
That the Local Traffic Committee provide comments and
advice to staff as requested.
Resolved that Council adopt the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No. 7.2 Event
- Chincogan Charge - 19 September 2020
File No: I2020/950
Committee Recommendation 7.2.1
That Council support the Chincogan Charge 2020 to be held
on Saturday 19 September 2020, between 8:00am and 5:30pm, subject to:-
1. Traffic
control plan(s) and a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) being designed by those
with the appropriate and relevant TfNSW accreditation. The TCP(s) and TMP to
include the closure of Dalley Street between Burringbar Street and Tincogan
Street between 12.30pm-5.30pm;
2. The
TCP to be generally in accordance with document E2020/46680;
3. Implementation
of the approved Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control Plan/s by those
with appropriate TfNSW accreditation and the holding of current and
appropriate levels of insurance and liability cover;
4. Separate
approvals by NSW Police and TfNSW being obtained;
5. The
impact of the event be advertised via a notice in the local weekly paper a
minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it
must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road
closures and
times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a personal contact
name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries or complaints;
6. The
event be notified on Council’s webpage;
7. Informing
community and businesses that are directly impacted (e.g. adjacent to the
event) via written information which is delivered to the property in a timely
manner so as to document, consider and respond to any concerns raised;
8. Undertake
consultation with emergency services and any identified issues addressed;
9. Hold
$20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event;
10. Pay
Council’s Road Event Application Fee and LTC application Fee prior to
the event.
Resolved that Council adopt the following Committee Recommendations:
No. 7.3 Events - Byron Coast Charity Walk 12 September 2020
File No: I2020/1040
Recommendation 7.3.1
1. That
Council support the Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter fundraiser, Byron
Coast Charity Walk, to be held Saturday 12 September 2020, with an
alternative date of Saturday 7 November 2020.
2. That
Council support in Part 1 is subject to:
a) The
development of a Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control Plan(s) for the
2020 event by those with relevant and current TfNSW accreditation. The
Traffic Control Plan(s) and Traffic Management Plan is to include, but is not
limited to, the following:
i) signage,
which specifies the date, hours and nature of the event, be positioned at the
entrance and exit of Seven Mile Beach Road one week prior to the event;
ii) on
the day of the event, at 500m intervals, and facing both directions of
travel, signs advising of “Special Event – Charity Walk
Ahead” (or similar) are installed prior, and removed after, the event
occurs; and
a safety induction for participants advising of hazards be provided.
b) Implementation
of the Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control Plans as designed by those
with appropriate accreditation and implemented by people with appropriate
accreditation, including traffic controllers.
c) That
the impact of the event be advertised via a notice in the local weekly paper
a minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting
it must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road
closures and times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a
personal contact name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries
or complaints.
d) The
event is notified on Council’s webpage.
e) The
event organiser:
i) Undertake
consultation with affected community and businesses including adequate
response/action to any raised concerns.
ii) Undertake
consultation with emergency services and any identified issues addressed.
iii) Holding
$20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event.
iv) Paying
Council’s Road Event Application Fee prior to the event.
Resolved that Council adopt the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No. 8.1 Event
- Byron Sunrise Run and Swim (was Byron Triathlon) 18 October 2020
File No: I2020/1043
Committee Recommendation 8.1.1
1. That
Council endorse the Byron Sunrise Run and Swim to be held on Sunday 18
October 2020, which includes the temporary road closures detailed within
report I2020/1043
2. That
the approval provided in Part 1 is subject to:
a) Separate
approvals by NSW Police and TfNSW being obtained, as required;
b) The
development of a Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control Plans for the
2020 event by those with relevant and current TfNSW accreditation;
c) The
Traffic Control Plan being implemented by those with relevant and current
TfNSW accreditation;
d) The
impact of the event be advertised, and charged at cost to the organisers, via
a notice in the local weekly paper a minimum of one week prior to the
operational impacts taking effect, noting it must include the event name,
specifics of any traffic impacts or road closures and times, alternative
route arrangements, event organiser, a personal contact name and a telephone
number for all event related enquiries or complaints;
e) the
event be notified on Council’s web page;
f) The
event organiser:
i) informing
community and businesses that are directly impacted (eg within road closure
zones) via written information which is delivered to the property in a timely
manner so as to document, consider and respond to any concerns raised;
ii) arranging
for private property access and egress affected by the event;
iii) liaising
with bus, taxi and waste operators and ensuring arrangements are made for
provision of services during conduct of the event;
iv) consulting
with emergency services and any identified issues be addressed;
v) holding
$20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event;
vi) paying
of Council’s Road Event Application Fee prior to the event; and
vii) paying
of Council’s local traffic committee application fee prior to the
Resolved that
Council consider the urgent ‘Fire Report’ matter due to the
imminent Bush Fire season, the recent fire in the Tweed and the release of
the Bushfire Inquiry Report this week, it's a priority for Council to be
prepared to respond to the upcoming potential fire risk and the opportunity
to gain access to government funding quickly to assist in preparedness for
the fire season. (Ndiaye)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Urgency No. 1 Matter
of Urgency - Fire Report
Resolved that Council:
1. Receives
a report to the next Ordinary Meeting of Council in relation to the 2019/2020
bush fires in Byron Shire, that includes:
a) how
interagency communications can be improved
b) the
range and impact of the fires, including information on known
fire history in those areas.
c) information
regarding BSC role in fire management and other relevant
local agency responsibilities.
d) information
and evaluation of bush fire Neighbourhood Safe Places and Evacuation
Centres and when and how evacuation takes place.
e) consideration
of what impacts the fires may have on future planning
f) impact
of the fire on the shire’s residents and businesses and issues
for future preparedness.
g) planning
for the development of a community communications plan and
business and in particular tourism accommodation.
h) coordination
of and what assistance council can provide in community engagement.
i) consideration
of relevant Bushfire Inquiry recommendations.
j) consideration
be given to the recent report prepared by Rob Kooyman (ph)
2. Acknowledges
the professional response to last summer's fire's by Council staff.
3. Also
acknowledges that impacts of COVID-19 started occurring just weeks after
drought, fires then floods. (Ndiaye/Coorey)
motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
There being no further business the meeting concluded at 5:55pm.
I hereby certify that
these are the true and correct Minutes of this Meeting
as confirmed at
Council’s Ordinary Meeting on 24 September

Mayor Simon Richardson