
Thursday, 26 May 2022
Ordinary Meeting
26 May 2022
ON Thursday, 26 May 2022 COMMENCING
M Lyon (Mayor), Cr S Balson, Cr C Coorey (left at 12.08pm), Cr D Dey, Cr A Hunter,
Cr S Ndiaye, Cr A Pugh, Cr M Swivel and Cr P Westheimer
Staff: Mark Arnold (General
Davis (Acting Director Corporate and Community Services)
Holloway (Director Infrastructure Services)
Burt (Director Sustainable Environment and Economy)
James (Legal Counsel)
Nagel (Manager Public & Environmental Services) – item 9.2
Brickley (Manager Finance) – item 9.1
Flockton (Infrastructure Planning Coordinator) – item 9.4
Sills(Minute Taker)
The Mayor opened the meeting and acknowledged that
the meeting is being held on Arakwal Country and that we pay our respects to
the elders past and present and extend our respect to the Bundjalung clans
whose lands and waters are part of the Shire.
Prior to dealing with the circulated reports and associated
information, a Public Access Session was held and Council was addressed on the
Public Access
Report No
and Title
For /
Community Organisation
9.1 - Land
and Funds for Emergency Accommodation
Cassandra Sheppard
In Person
9.2 - Non-compliant
Companion Animals
Jeanette Olley
Byron Bird Buddies
In Person
9.1 - Land
and Funds for Emergency Accommodation
9.3 - Parking
meter time and cost amendments
9.5 - Lobbying
on key issues for flood impacted communities
Francesca Esposito
In Person
9.7 - North
Byron drainage and sewerage status
9.8 - North
Byron Shire Masterplan
9.9 - Rebuilding
after the floods
Francesca Esposito
North Byron
District Activation - Community Flood Response (OSCA)
In Person
Procedural Motion
Resolved that
Public Access be extended for 20 minutes. (Lyon/Ndiaye)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
Public Access cont.
Report No
and Title
For /
Community Organisation
9.8 - North
Byron Shire Masterplan
Kim Dowling
North Byron
Business Chamber
In Person
Question No. 1 – Fill for urban
John Anderson submitted the following question which was
read by staff:
Given that the
primary function of Council staff is to inform elected Councillors of relevant
background factors, would said staff be so kind as to unambiguously clarify:
1) relevant
current policy regarding fill
2) relevant powers
of private certifiers to toy with policy, statute management plans etc
3) whether staff
understand the concept of “full and frank disclosure”?
The General
Manager took the question on notice.
Condolence Motion - Recent passing of Christopher Sanderson
Byron Shire Council wishes to pass
on its condolences on hearing of the passing of Christopher Sanderson and would
like to officially acknowledge his contribution to the community.
Christopher was an active community member of
Council’s Sustainable and Emissions Reduction Advisory Committee last
term, and has been a member of Biodiversity and Sustainability Advisory
Committee and Community Infrastructure Advisory Committee.
Council so very much appreciates the efforts of community
members like Christopher Sanderson who contribute to the betterment of our
Shire by giving so freely of their time, wisdom and knowledge.
My sincere sympathy and the sympathies
of Council are extended to his partner, Christobel Munson, another much loved
and respected member of the Bangalow community.
Condolence Motion - Recent passing of Tony Gilding
Byron Shire Council wishes
to pass on its condolences on hearing of the passing of Tony Gilding who for a
long time was the owner of Macadamia Castle which before his passing was able
to pass the ownership on of that and is now an animal sanctuary, which was
always something very dear to his heart.
Fantastic legacy of animal welfare for the Byron Shire
and wider community.
were no apologies.
for Leave of Absence
Resolved that
Cr Coorey be granted a leave of absence from the following meetings:
26 May 2022 Ordinary - leaving the meeting early
9 June 2022 Ordinary (Planning)
23 June 2022 Ordinary (Lyon/Westheimer)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
of Interest – Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary
There were no declarations of interest.
Tabling of Pecuniary Interest
There were no Pecuniary Interest Returns tabled.
of Minutes from Previous Meetings
Resolved: that
the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held 28 April 2022 be confirmed.
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
Resolved that the minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting
held 19 May 2022 be confirmed (Swivel/Ndiaye)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
of Items for Debate and Order of Business
The Mayor suspended standing orders to allow for items to be
reserved for debate, being:
Staff Reports
General Manager
Report No.
13.1 Nomination of Councillors to Byron Masterplan
Guidance Group
Corporate and Community Services
Report No.
13.2 Mayor and Councillor Remuneration 2022/23
Report No.
13.3 Council Resolutions Quarterly Review - Q3 - 1
January to 31 March 2022
Infrastructure Services
Report No.
13.7 Byron Shire Rail with Trail (Update)
Report No.
13.8 Vallances Road PRG Update
Reports of Committees
Infrastructure Services
Report No.
14.1 Report of the Floodplain Management Advisory
Committee Meeting held on 21 April 2022
remaining Recommendations and Committee Recommendation were adopted as a whole,
being moved by Cr Lyon and seconded by Cr Ndiaye. Each recommendation is
recorded with a separate resolution number commencing at Resolution No. 22-197 and concluding with Resolution No. 22-206.
Submissions and Grants
Report No. 11.1 AGRN1012
Natural Disaster Funding - Local Government Recovery Grants
File No: I2022/494
Resolved that Council endorses the following Program
of Works and funding allocation under the AGRN1012 Local Government Recovery
Grant Program:
1. Individual
Case Coordination (Mullumbimby & District Neighbourhood Centre) - $30,000
2. Community
Engagement - resilience and recovery (Mullumbimby & District
Neighbourhood Centre) - $70,000
3. Breakfast
Co-ordinator at the Fletcher Street Homeless Hub (Byron Community Centre
Fletcher Street Homeless Hub) - $50,000
4. Local
Recovery Coordinator (1 year) - $145,000
5. Disaster
Recovery Officer (3 months) - $40,000
6. Improved
resilience of Council's Public Communications Channels - $415,000
7. Quick
Response Mobile Disaster Communications - $50,000
8. South
Golden Beach resilience betterment program - $140,000
9. Review
of Disaster Preparedness Dashboard - $40,000
10. Recovery
Centre Mullumbimby - $20,000 (Lyon/Ndiaye)
Staff Reports - Corporate and
Community Services
Report No. 13.4 Operational
Plan 2021/22 Quarter 3 Report - Q3 - 1 January to 31 March 2022
File No: I2022/465
1. That
Council notes the 2021/22 Operational Plan Quarter 3 Report for the period
ending 31 March 2022 (Attachment 1 #E2022/39295).
2. That
Council adopts the proposed amendments to the Operational Plan 2021/22
outlined in Attachment 2 (#E2022/39132). (Lyon/Ndiaye)
Report No. 13.5 Council
Investments - 1 April 2022 to 30 April 2022
File No: I2022/466
Resolved that Council notes the report
listing Council’s investments and overall cash position as at 30 April
2022. (Lyon/Ndiaye)
Report No. 13.6 Budget
Review - 1 January 2022 to 31 March 2022
File No: I2022/470
1. That Council
authorises the itemised budget variations as shown in Attachment 2
(#E2022/43292) which include the following results in the 31 March 2022
Quarterly Review of the 2021/2022 Budget:
a) General
Fund – $354,500 decrease to the Estimated Unrestricted Cash Result
b) General
Fund - $9,405,900 increase in reserves
c) Water
Fund - $1,021,300 increase in reserves
d) Sewerage
Fund - $100,400 increase in reserves
2. That
Council adopts the revised General Fund Estimated Unrestricted Cash Result of
$126,500 for the 2021/2022 financial year as at 31 March 2022. (Lyon/Ndiaye)
Reports of Committees -
Infrastructure Services
Report No. 14.2 Report
of the Water and Sewer Advisory Committee Meeting held on 21 April 2022
File No: I2022/489
Resolved that Council
notes the minutes of the Water and Sewer Advisory Committee Meeting held on
21 April 2022. (Lyon/Ndiaye)
Resolved that Council adopts
the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
3.2 Byron STP Condition 9 Additional Load - Quarterly Report
File No: I2022/238
Committee Recommendation 3.2.1
That Council:
1. Notes
the report.
2. Asks
Council staff to show both ET units and megalitres per annum. (Lyon/Ndiaye)
Resolved that Council adopts
the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
3.3 Utilities Overview
File No: I2022/291
Committee Recommendation 3.3.1
1. That
Council notes the presentation: Infrastructure Services Utilities Overview
Presentation to Water & Sewer Advisory Committee 21 April 2022
2. This
summary to continue at the next Water and Sewer Advisory Committee.
Report No. 14.3 Report
of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 10 May 2022
File No: I2022/495
Resolved that Council
notes the minutes of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 10 May 2022.
Resolved that Council adopts the following Committee Recommendation:
Report No.
6.1 Harvest Estate regulatory signage
File No: I2022/412
Committee Recommendation 6.1.1
That Council supports the
regulatory signs, lines and traffic control devises associated with the
Harvest Estate works, as shown in Attachment 1 (E2022/37580) subject to TfNSW
concurrence. (Lyon/Ndiaye)
Resolved that Council adopts the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
6.2 Festival of the Stone 2022
File No: I2022/473
Committee Recommendation 6.2.1
1. That
Council endorse the Traffic Management Arrangement associated with the
Festival of the Stone event to be held on Saturday 4 June 2022, in accordance
with the Local Traffic Committee recommendations.
2. That the
endorsement provided is subject to:
a) Separate
approvals by NSW Police and TfNSW being obtained, if required
b) A
Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS), being designed and implemented by those with
relevant and current TfNSW accreditation;
c) The
event being advertised 14 days prior to the event.
d) The
event organiser:
i. Holding
$20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event.
ii. Undertaking
consultation with emergency services and any identified issues addressed.
iii. Undertaking
consultation with the community, affected businesses and transport operators,
including adequate response/action to any raised concerns prior to the event
taking place.
iv. Paying
Council’s Road Event Application Fee prior to each event.
e) Development
Approval conditions of consent being met
f) After
the Festival a report being submitted to council (within 3 months) from the
original TGS designer with comments of the effectiveness of the traffic control
arrangements during the event and list recommendations if required for
consideration by council and other authorities for future events.
Procedural Motion
Resolved that
Council change the order of business to deal with Reports 9.2, 9.1, 9.4, 9.5, 9.7, 9.8 next on the
Agenda. (Lyon/Ndiaye)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
There was no Mayoral Minute.
Notices of
Notice of Motion No. 9.2 Non-compliant companion
File No: I2022/283
Resolved that Council:
1. Notes the recent perceived increase in
the number of dogs visible in the Shire;
2. Acknowledges that a ‘Dogs in
Public Spaces’ Strategy is being developed but the Community
Engagement stage has been delayed by the recent floods ;
3. Shares the concern of many residents
and visitors at the numbers of dogs (i) in sensitive ecological
areas, (ii) on public beaches, and (iii) roaming
and/or barking in residential areas;
4. Notes that there is substantial
evidence demonstrating that the presence of dogs has a negative impact on
5. Notes
the priorities regarding dogs and cats in the adopted (Council Ordinary
24/3/22) Compliance Priorities Program Report 2021 and:
a) promotes
a minimal tolerance enforcement approach (Penalty
Infringement Notices and formal warning) in lieu of the current informal
warning approach;
b) requests
staff to put further priority and emphasis on nuisance, off-leash dogs and
all dogs in environmentally sensitive areas such as Belongil and Tallows
estuaries and adjacent beaches, (iii) and Broken Head beach adjacent to the
Nature Reserve, so as to ensure the protection of our unique
c) requests
staff to enforce the no dogs policy in Wildlife Protection Zones -- Hardy
Avenue in Ocean Shores and Lilli Pilli and that dogs in those areas
must remain within their owners’ boundaries;
d) requests
staff to put further enforcement priority and emphasis on off-leash dogs in
towns and villages,
e) enhances
community messaging of 5a) and 5b) through local media – particularly
The Echo and Bay FM and any other channels, including additional signage in
key biodiversity areas,
f) conveys
the same to tourism and accommodation operators and reminds operators of
the significant ecological values of the Shire, and
g) adds
a new category to Compliance Priorities: High Priority - Dogs
in environmentally sensitive areas;
6. Changes the heading on Council's
website from ‘Byron is a Dog Friendly Shire’ to
‘Byron is a Dog Responsible Shire’;
7. Continues to work with NPWS to
discourage the presence of dogs in National Parks and Reserves, and seeks their assistance in providing more targeted signage in
areas they administer.. (Coorey/Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
Crs Pugh and Balson voted against
the motion..
Procedural Motion
Resolved that
Cr Coorey be granted a two minute extension to her speech.
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
Cr Coorey left the Chambers at 12:08pm
and did not return.
Notice of Motion No. 9.1 Land and Funds for
Emergency Accommodation
File No: I2022/353
Resolved that Council:
Continues to explore other funding opportunities including from
philanthropic organisations and from Local, State, and Federal Governments to provide
the community with Temporary Supported Emergency Accommodation.
2. Continues
to explore and investigate funding models to facilitate housing outcomes,
including “rent to own’ options for tenants, and other financial
models, on Council and State-owned land.
3. Identifies
parcels of land administered by other agencies that could hold Temporary
Supported Emergency Accommodation for residents affected by floods, fires,
natural disaster or housing displacement and create pathways to get people
temporary emergency accommodation on those sites.
4. Continues
to advocate for Temporary Supported Emergency Accommodation that includes pet
friendly accommodation options. (Balson/Swivel)
Procedural Motion
Resolved that
Cr Balson be granted a two minute extension to her speech. (Lyon/Ndiaye)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
The motion (Balson
/ Swivel) was put to the vote and declared carried.
Cr Westheimer voted against the motion.
The meeting adjourned at 1.14pm for a lunch break and
reconvened at 2.06pm.
Notice of Motion No. 9.4 Capricornia Canal and
Marshalls Creek
File No: I2022/498
Resolved that Council refers the requests raised by
the North Byron Shire community regarding dredging the Capricornia Canal and
Marshalls Creek to Council’s Coastal and ICOLL Advisory Committee and
Floodplain Management Committee with a view to consider the requests; in
particular the option of removing the Marshalls Creek rock walls at Brunswick
Heads and its potential to reduce siltation of Marshalls Creek. (Pugh/Lyon)
The motion was put to
the vote and declared carried.
Notice of Motion No. 9.5 Lobbying on key issues for
flood impacted communities
File No: I2022/501
1. That
Council lobbies (including writing a formal letter and raising in
relevant meetings) the relevant government
agencies, governments and ministers on issues important to local flood
impacted communities. This may include incorporating these matters into
Council’s submission/s to the NSW Flood Inquiry:
a) The
inadequacy of the $7,200 in rental support provided to people unable to live
in their primary residence due to flood impacts.
b) The
lack of resilience in the communications network post flood. This includes
the need for more mobile service backup systems, the need for alternative
internet access options such as satellite (particularly at evacuation
c) Support for a government reinsurance program for flood
impacted communities in Northern NSW.
2. That
any responses or outcomes from these lobbying efforts be reported to Council.
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
Cr Dey voted against the motion.
Notice of Motion No. 9.7 North Byron drainage and
sewerage status
File No: I2022/503
1. That
Council receives a report at the June meeting on the following
a. The
historical (5 year) proportion of infrastructure spending that has been spent
in the North Byron Shire area.
b. A
timeline for the comprehensive assessment of the status of drains and
sewerage infrastructure in North Byron Shire
c. The
proposed works program for sewerage and drainage in North Byron Shire for
2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24
d. Grants
programs that council might apply for to clean and repair the drains and
sewerage within North Byron Shire
2. That
Council’s internal drain clearing team (Storm Water Action
Team) focus work within the North Byron Shire community over the next 6
3. That
members of North Byron Shire be invited to submit the worst cases of drainage
or sewerage network disrepair to the relevant staff members for consideration
into the future program of works, including the budget that is currently out
on exhibition.
4. That a
staff briefing be organised to give the opportunity for informed submissions
and input with relevant representatives from the North Byron Shire community
before the end of public exhibition of the 2022-23 budget, to discuss the
program of works priorities and budget allocations for the next 3 years. (Pugh/Balson)
Resolved that
Cr Pugh be granted a two minute extension to his speech. (Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
The motion (Pugh/Balson) was put to
the vote and declared carried.
Cr Lyon voted against the motion.
Notice of Motion No. 9.8 North Byron Shire
File No: I2022/504
1. That Expressions of
Interest are opened for the next Masterplan of a town or village in early
August 2022.
2. That
the community groups in the north Byron Shire area be informed of the EOI process
and invited to put in an EOI. (Pugh/Swivel)
The motion was put to
the vote and declared carried.
Notice of Motion No. 9.3 Parking meter time and
cost amendments
File No: I2022/496
1. That Council increases the parking meter changes for non Byron
Shire residents except for local businesses who employ staff outside of the
2. That Council
re-evaluates the costs and time durations of current parking meter charges
a) Increasing
parking fees to $7 per hour
b) Increasing
one and two hour parking limits to three & four hours, to allow greater
time for people to engage with local businesses and activities.
3. That the
charges for local residents, ratepayers, and businesses and staff working in
Byron Shire be decreased as follows:
Byron Shire Residents and Rate payers: $25 p/a (reduced from $55
per annum)
Temporary business parking: $60 p/a (reduced from $110) plus waive
the 5 person limit to meet the need for the number of employees per business
who travel in from outside the Byron Shire.
Procedural Motion
Resolved that
the motion be put. (Pugh)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
Cr Westheimer voted against the motion.
The motion was put to the vote and
declared lost.
Crs Swivel, Pugh, Hunter, Westheimer,
Lyon, Ndiaye, and Dey voted against the motion.
Notice of Motion No. 9.6 Byron Bay Community
Association support
File No: I2022/502
Resolved that Council:
1. Acknowledges
the request from the Byron Bay Community Association for financial assistance
in relation to Byron Bay markets and the extenuating circumstances that have
resulted in financial losses
2. Offers
a line of credit of up to $100,000 to the Byron Bay Community Association
from the Property Development Reserve to assist them with:
i) current
shortfalls in markets revenue and
ii) cost
of market relocation if development consent is given for the town centre site
3. Offers
the line of credit to be available in five advances of $20,000 each with an
interest rate set at 3.5% per annum
4. Connects
the term of any amounts borrowed to the markets licence, which is valid until
31 October 2026
5. Delegates
to the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, and General Manager oversight of the agreement to
ensure the risk to Council is minimised
6. Encourages
the Byron Bay Community Association to investigate other funding options (Lyon/Pugh)
The motion was put to the vote
and declared carried.
Notice of Motion No. 9.9 Rebuilding after the floods
File No: I2022/543
Resolved that the
notice of motion was deferred for discussion at the 2 June SPW at 9am.
The motion
was put to the vote and declared carried.
There were no petitions.
and Grants
No. 11.2 Grants April 2022
File No: I2022/497
Resolved that Council notes the report and Attachment
1 (#E2022/42422) for Byron Shire
Council’s grant submissions as of 31 April 2022. (Dey/Ndiaye)
The motion was put to the
vote and declared carried.
Cr Pugh provided a delegate’s report on the Richmond
Tweed Regional Library meeting.
Cr Swivel provided a delegate’s report on the Moving
Byron Advisory Committee meeting held on 19 May 2022.
Cr Hunter provided a delegate’s report on the
Mullumbimby Showground Committee.
Cr Westheimer provided a delegate’s report on the
Mullumbimby Civic Hall Committee.
Cr Ndiaye acknowledged that today is National Sorry Day.
Reports - General Manager
Report No. 13.1 Nomination
of Councillors to Byron Masterplan Guidance Group
File No: I2022/479
Resolved that Council nominates Crs Dey and Westheimer
to be members of the Byron Masterplan Guidance Group. (Ndiaye/Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
Reports - Corporate and Community Services
Report No. 13.2 Mayor
and Councillor Remuneration 2022/23
File No: I2022/47
Resolved that Council:
1. Fixes
the fee payable to each Councillor under section 248 of the Local
Government Act 1993 for the period 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023 at
2. Fixes
the additional fee payable to the Mayor under section 249 of the Local
Government Act 1993, for the period from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023 at
3. Makes
a superannuation contribution
payment to its councillors in accordance with section 254B of the Local
Government Act 1993.
4. Not
determine a fee payable to the Deputy Mayor, in accordance with its current
practice. (Ndiaye/Westheimer)
The motion was put to the vote
and declared carried.
Report No. 13.3 Council
Resolutions Quarterly Review - Q3 - 1 January to 31 March 2022
File No: I2022/457
1. That
Council notes the information provided in this report on active Council
Resolutions in Attachment 1 (#E2022/30845);
2. That
Council notes Resolution 22-001 also remains incomplete;
3. That
the contents of Attachment 2 (#E2022/30867) be adjusted for Point 2 above;
4. That
Council notes the completion of Resolutions in the adjusted list. (Dey/Ndiaye)
The motion was put to the vote
and declared carried.
Reports - Infrastructure Services
Report No. 13.7 Byron
Shire Rail with Trail (Update)
File No: I2022/116
Resolved that
1. Continues
to work with Transport for NSW on the delivery of outcomes articulated in
Resolutions 20-127, 20-572, 21-234 and 21-389.
2. Continues
to seek funding opportunities to allow reactivation of the rail corridor
within the Byron Shire.
3. Engages
in discussions with Lismore City Council regarding collaboration on improved
public transport strategies and use of the rail corridor.
4. Writes
to Tamara Smith MP to inform her of the current status of the $100,000
funding from TfNSW for the clearing of the rail corridor and the difficulties
with complying with the timelines for the approval of the licence to
undertake the clearing. (Westheimer/Dey)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
Cr Hunter voted against the motion..
Report No. 13.8 Vallances
Road PRG Update
File No: I2022/491
1. That
Council notes:
a) the
attached draft meeting minutes for the inaugural meeting of the Vallances
Road Project Reference Group held on 26 April 2022,
b) and
that information including the following will be presented to the next
meeting scheduled for 28 June: number and cost of traditional burials in the
Shire; management details for existing cemeteries in the Shire; management
details for a natural burial ground “Briars” on Mornington
Peninsula; ground slope limit for natural burial; planning status of the
nursery; road options for the intersection of Coolamon Scenic Drive and
Vallances Road; traffic options for the intersection as is; site survey; a
PRG website.
2. That
Council authorises the General Manager to engage appropriate resources to
progress the Development Application for a natural burial ground at Vallances
Road, in consultation with the PRG.
3. The
Vallances Road Project Reference Group consider an Indigenous name for the
whole Vallances area. (Dey/Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
of Committees - Infrastructure Services
Report No. 14.1 Report
of the Floodplain Management Advisory Committee Meeting held on 21 April 2022
File No: I2022/488
Resolved that Council notes the minutes of the Floodplain
Management Advisory Committee Meeting held on 21 April 2022. (Lyon/Westheimer)
Resolved that Council adopts the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
3.1 Committee Constitution
File No: I2022/343
Committee Recommendation 3.1.1
1. Ratify
the draft Committee Constitution with the following amendment to Part five: 6
community representatives including if possible one representing communities
near Tallow Creek ICOLL, Belongil Creek ICOLL, Marshalls Creek, Brunswick
2. Seeks
additional Committee members through readvertising. (Lyon/Westheimer)
Resolved that Council adopts the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
3.2 Post Flood Event Update
File No: I2022/345
Committee Recommendation 3.2.1
1. Notes
the Report.
2. Receives
a further report from the Floodplain Management Advisory Committee on
reviewing the North Byron Floodplain Risk Management Plan. (Lyon/Westheimer)
Resolved that Council adopts the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
3.3 Flooding and Drainage Grants Update
File No: I2022/346
Committee Recommendation 3.3.1
That Council:
1. Notes
the Report.
2. Receives
a report, via the Floodplain Management Advisory Committee, which includes a
detailed list of the recommended flood mitigation works from each of
Council’s Floodplain Management Plans. Lyon/Westheimer)
Resolved that Council adopts the following Recommendations:
Report No.
3.4 Belongil Catchment Drainage Board Update and Actions Required
File No: I2022/347
Recommendation 3.4.1
That Council:
1. Notes
the Report.
2. Nominates
Cr Lyon as a Representative to the Board and Cr Dey as an alternate.
Moved that
Council adopts the following Recommendations:
Report No.
3.4 Belongil Catchment Drainage Board Update and Actions Required
File No: I2022/347
Recommendation 3.4.1
That Council:
1. Notes
the Report.
2. Nominates
Cr Dey as a Representative to the Board and Cr Lyon as an alternate.
The amendment was put to the vote and declared lost.
Crs Swivel, Pugh, Hunter, Balson, Westheimer, and Lyon
voted against the amendment.
The motions (22-226 to 20-230) were put to the vote and
declared carried.
With Notice
Question With Notice No. 15.1 Emergency
File No: I2022/414
Cr Dey asks the
following question:
What are the various Emergency Plans
(or similar strategies) that ‘kick in’ when there is a disaster
like the recent floods and landslip, whether those Plans are at council,
state, federal or inter-agency level?
Response Director Infrastructure Services:
Emergency Plans/Strategies that may be activated during a
disaster are as follows:
1. Tweed/Byron
Local Emergency Management Plan (EMPLAN)
Sub plans can be found on page 22-29
2. Tweed/Byron
Local Recovery Plan
Tweed Byron Local Recovery Plan_External APPROVED SIGNED (nsw.gov.au)
3. State
Emergency Management Plan (EMPLAN)
(NSW State Plans and sub plans can be found at https://www.nsw.gov.au/rescue-and-emergency-management)
4. Byron
Shire Council Business Continuity Plan (refer details at end of document)
Tweed/Byron Local Emergency Management Plan (EMPLAN)
The Tweed/Byron Local Emergency Management Plan (EMPLAN),
details arrangements for, prevention of, preparation for, response to and
recovery from emergencies within the Tweed/Byron Local Government Areas.
It encompasses arrangements for:
· emergencies
controlled by combat agencies
· emergencies
controlled by combat agencies and supported by the Local Emergency Operations
Controller (LEOCON)
· emergency
operations for which there is no combat agency and are controlled by the
· circumstances
where a combat agency has passed control to the LEOCON.
The following principles are applied in the plan:
a) The
Emergency Risk Management (ERM) process is to be used as the basis for
emergency planning in New South Wales. This methodical approach to the
planning process is to be applied by Emergency Management Committees at all
b) Responsibility
for preparation, response and recovery rests initially at Local level. If
Local agencies and available resources are not sufficient, they are augmented
by those at Regional level.
c) Control
of emergency response and recovery operations is conducted at the lowest
effective level.
d) Agencies
may deploy their own resources from their own service from outside the
affected Local area or Region if they are needed.
e) The
Local Emergency Operations Controller (LEOCON) is responsible, when requested
by a combat agency, to co-ordinate the provision of resources support. EOCONs
would not normally assume control from a combat agency unless the situation
can no longer be contained. Where necessary, this should only be done
after consultation with the Regional Emergency Operations Controller (REOCON)
and agreement of the combat agency and the appropriate level of control.
f) Emergency
preparation, response and recovery operations should be conducted with all
agencies carrying out their normal functions wherever possible.
g) Prevention
measures remain the responsibility of authorities/agencies charged by statute
with the responsibility
Byron Shire Council Business Continuity Plan
The Byron Shire Council Business Continuity Plan is an
internal document that is implemented upon the declaration of a Business
Continuity Event by the Continuity Management Team Leader (General Manager)
and is aimed at maintaining or re-establishing key identified Council
business operations within designated timeframes. This document only
applies to events which disrupt the business operations of Council.
Question With Notice No. 15.2 Fill
for urban development on the Shire’s floodplains
File No: I2022/472
Cr Dey asks the
following questions:
1. When
DA 10.2017.749.1 gave consent to two houses on a vacant allotment Lot at 1
Kallaroo Circuit OCEAN SHORES, was there a prohibition in place on fill in
this floodplain?
2. When
Consent Condition 10 imposed a minimum floor level of 3.9m AHD, was Council
as consent authority aware that on Sheet 1A of 19 “Site Plan
Layout” of the proposal (as stamped & approved) a box named
“Siteworks” indicated 0.1m cut and zero fill to create the
original proposed slab level of 3.525m?
3. Did
Council realise that, in raising the floor to at least 3.9m, the slab would
require 375mm of fill?
4. If
the no fill approach was in force when consent was granted, why is Consent
Condition 24 entitled “Fill to be retained on the subject land”
and why does it require that “Fill material must not encroach onto any
adjoining land”, which implies that there can be fill on the
5. If
the no-fill approach is still in force, why did the private PCA for 1
Kallaroo Circuit recently ignore the prohibition and approve about 0.4m of
fill on the property within a floodplain?
6. And,
if the no-fill approach is still in force, are there better ways to protect
the floodplain from fill?

Response Director Sustainable Environment and
1. When
DA 10.2017.749.1 gave consent to two houses on a vacant allotment Lot at 1
Kallaroo Circuit OCEAN SHORES, was there a prohibition in place on fill in
this floodplain?
The Marshalls Creek Floodplain
Management Plan was adopted by Council on 25 November 1997. Section 6.2
identifies management practices for South Golden Beach and Ocean Shores North
including “place a moratorium on filling individual lots until
sufficient investigation has been undertaken to identify and quantify
appropriate stormwater ponding points”.
It is noted that the “Fern
Beach” estate which includes the subject lot was constructed to be
above the 1% flood level as acknowledged within the Marshalls Creek
Floodplain Management Plan Report – November 1997 prepared by Paterson
Consultants Pty Limited.
2. When
Consent Condition 10 imposed a minimum floor level of 3.9m AHD, was Council
as consent authority aware that on Sheet 1A of 19 “Site Plan
Layout” of the proposal (as stamped & approved) a box named
“Siteworks” indicated 0.1m cut and zero fill to create the
original proposed slab level of 3.525m?
Sheet 1A of 19 “Site Plan
Layout” is the stamped plan under the development consent and includes
the “Siteworks” note which indicated 0.1m of cut and zero fill.
That plan was part of the consideration of the development application.
3. Did
Council realise that, in raising the floor to at least 3.9m, the slab would
require 375mm of fill?
The proposed
construction methodology was slab on ground so it was considered increased
concrete material could be used to achieve the level required above the
existing ground level. Other construction techniques are available (eg. drop
edge beam) such that the slab floor level can be raised without the necessity
for filling. However, it is the Certifier who is required to be satisfied
that the development has been carried out in accordance with the development
consent (including the construction certificate), including in relation to
cut and fill levels.
4. If
the no fill approach was in force when consent was granted, why is Consent
Condition 24 entitled “Fill to be retained on the subject land”
and why does it require that “Fill material must not encroach onto any
adjoining land”, which implies that there can be fill on the property?
Condition 24 is a standard Council
condition, the purpose of which is to ensure that any site works involving
fill material, no matter how large or small, must not encroach onto any
adjoining land. This could have related to material excavated from one
location on the site (ie. the 0.1m of cut indicated on the plans) and placed
in another location, even if only for a short timeframe. The condition is in
the section of the consent titled “The following conditions are to be
complied with during any building or construction works”. The condition
is applicable during that timeframe, and the Certifier must be satisfied that
the development is being caried out in accordance with the consent in this
5. If
the no-fill approach is still in force, why did the private PCA for 1 Kallaroo
Circuit recently ignore the prohibition and approve about 0.4m of fill on the
property within a floodplain?
Staff are not able to provide comment
as to the reasons for certain actions of the private certifier.
6. And,
if the no-fill approach is still in force, are there better ways to protect
the floodplain from fill?
The requirements of the
Marshalls Creek Floodplain Management Plan (1997) are listed as
“special provisions” to be addressed under Chapter C2 – C2.3.5
of DCP 2014. This Chapter of the DCP must be addressed by all development on
flood liable land.
Procedural Motion
1. That
pursuant to Section 10A(2)(b) of the Local Government Act, 1993, Council
resolve into Confidential Session to discuss the following report, namely Ownership
of Site at Suffolk Park Caravan Park.
2. That
the reasons for closing the meeting to the public to consider this item be
(b) the personal hardship of any resident or ratepayer
3. That
on balance it is considered that receipt and discussion of the matter in open
Council would be contrary to the public interest, as disclosure of the confidential
information could disclose information about a resident or ratepayer. (Dey)
Cr Lyon left the meeting at 5.47pm, the
Deputy Mayor took the Chair.
Matter of Urgency - Suffolk Park Caravan Park
That the matter regarding ownership at
Suffolk Park Caravan Park be considered urgent. (Dey/Ndiaye)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
The Chairperson ruled the matter urgent.
Cr Lyon returned to the meeting at
5.50pm and resumed the Chair.
Procedural MotionS
Resolved that
Council move into Committee to allow for free debate. (Ndiaye)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
Resolved: that
the meeting be extended until 6.25pm. (Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
The urgency motion was withdrawn.
Resolved that
Council move out of Committee and resume the Ordinary Meeting. (Ndiaye)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
Resolved that
the meeting move out of confidential session. (Ndiaye)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
There being no further business the meeting concluded at 6.21pm.
I hereby certify that
these are the true and correct Minutes of this Meeting
as confirmed at
Council’s Ordinary Meeting on 23 June 2022.

Mayor Michael Lyon