Ordinary (Planning)

Thursday, 9 June 2022
Ordinary (Planning)
Meeting Minutes
9 June 2022
SHIRE COUNCIL Ordinary (Planning)
Meeting HELD ON Thursday, 9 June 2022 COMMENCING AT 11.11AM AND CONCLUDING AT 3.06PM
M Lyon (Mayor), Cr D Dey, Cr A Hunter, Cr S Ndiaye, Cr A
Pugh, Cr M Swivel and Cr P Westheimer
Staff: Mark Arnold (General
Davis (Acting Director Corporate and Community Services)
Holloway (Director Infrastructure Services)
Burt (Director Sustainable Environment and Economy)
James (Legal Counsel)
Flockton (Infrastructure Planning Coordinator) – item 9.2
Moffett (Flood and Drainage Engineer) – item 9.2
Sills (Minute Taker)
The Mayor opened the meeting and acknowledged
that the meeting is being held on Arakwal Country and that we pay our respects
to the elders past and present and extend our respect to the Bundjalung clans whose
lands and waters are part of the Shire.
Prior to dealing with the circulated reports and associated
information, a Public Access Session was held and Council was addressed on the
Public Access
Report No and Title
Submission received
South Golden Beach west side flooding and drainage
Matthew Lambourne
In person
Question No. 1 - 90 day Cap on STRA
David Wallace on behalf of VOHL submitted the following
question which was read by staff:
At the 25 November 2021
Council meeting, VOHL asked a question about Council's application for a 90 day
cap on STRA. It was stated in the response that the DPIE would not allow an
extension of Council's application beyond 24 June 2022. Is this application
still active and if so please provide details of work undertaken in the last 6
Mayor took the question on notice.
Question No. 2
– Interest Rates
John Anderson submitted the following question which was
read by staff:
Recently Cr Lyon moved that Council extend a loan to the Byron
Markets at 3.5% per annum interest. How does this compare with the interest
rate which Council itself pays on its loans, specifically the loan for the
Tyagarah Solar Farm and the loan for the completion of the Butler St Bypass?
The General
Manager provided the following response:
Interest rates Council would pay on any new loan
borrowings would depend upon three things:
ie when the borrowing was undertaken and interest rates available at the time
the borrowing is undertaken.
amount borrowed and the loan term.
approach at the time borrowings are proposed to be undertaken to test
competition between lenders.
Council has not borrowed any funds for a Tyagarah Solar
Farm or any solar farm. The Tyagarah Solar Farm is an unknown project?
For the Butler Street Bypass, Council borrowed $1.750million on 25 June 2021
over a 20 year term at a fixed interest rate for 20 years of 2.31% per
annum. This is 1.19% below the interest rate proposed for the Byron Bay
Community Association but the proposed line of credit also has a different term
approximately no more than 4-5 years.
The funding source for the proposed line of credit is via
the Property Development Reserve which otherwise Council has invested. At
this point the maximum interest rate Council can achieve on any investment
currently in its portfolio is between 0.20% and 3.00%. Currently a 3
month term deposit with a Bank Council is permitted to invest with is 1.75% per
annum. As an alternative use of the invested funds, the line of credit to
the Byron Bay Community Association may achieve a greater revenue return to
Council than currently Council is receiving via investments.
Procedural Motion
Resolved that
the apology from Cr Balson be accepted and a leave of absence granted.
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
for Leave of Absence
were no requests for leave of absence.
of Interest – Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary
There were no declarations of interest.
Tabling of Pecuniary Interest
In accordance with clause 4.9 of the Code of Conduct, the
Mayor tabled a primary Return of Interests for Alexandra Keen, in the position
of Strategic Contracts and Procurement Coordinator.
of Minutes from Previous Meetings
Resolved that
the minutes of the Ordinary (Planning) Meeting held 12 May 2022 be confirmed. (Hunter/Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
of Items for Debate and Order of Business
The Mayor suspended standing orders to allow for items to be
reserved for debate, being:
Staff Reports
General Manager
Report No.
13.1 Adoption of a Code of Meeting Practice
Sustainable Environment and Economy
Report No.
13.2 Rural Land Use Strategy Action Audit
Report No.
13.3 Residential Strategy and Lot 22 Update
Report No. 13.6 Proposal
for a Discussion Paper - After the 2022 Floods: Working Out Possibilities
The remaining Recommendations
and Committee Recommendation were adopted as a whole, being moved by Cr Lyon
and seconded by Cr Hunter. Each recommendation is recorded with a separate
resolution number commencing at Resolution No. 22-237 and concluding with
Resolution No. 22-240.
Staff Reports - Sustainable
Environment and Economy
Report No. 13.4 PLANNING
- Quarter 4 SEPP Variations October to December 2021
File No: I2021/1937
Resolved that Council adopts the report on exceptions
to development standards for the period October to December 2021. (Lyon/Hunter)
Report No. 13.5 PLANNING
- Quarter 1 SEPP Variations January to March 2022
File No: I2022/452
Resolved that Council adopts the report on exceptions
to development standards for the period January to March 2022. (Lyon/Hunter)
Reports - Corporate and Community Services
Report No. 15.1 Confidential - Emergency Procurement
- Flood Event 2022
File No: I2022/484
Resolved that Council approves the procurements
undertaken in Attachment 1 on the basis of emergency procurement pursuant to
s55(3)(k) of the Local Government Act 1993 for the reasons detailed in
this report. (Lyon/Hunter)
Procedural Motion
Resolved that
Council change the order of business to deal with Reports 9.2 next on the
Agenda. (Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
Notices of Motion
Notice of Motion No. 9.2 South Golden Beach west
side flooding & drainage
File No: I2022/570
Resolved that Council receives a
report on the following projects whether already under way or not in South
Golden Beach west of Capricornia Canal, including how they can be funded and
executed in the 2022-23 financial year and noting that more project detail
appears in Councillor Dey’s report attached to this Notice of
a) investigate the sub-catchment of
Marshals Creek that drains through South Golden Beach west side into
Capricornia Canal, to determine capacities of its sub-surface and overland
drainage networks, especially in the downstream area (SGB). That
investigation should lead to upgrades in the piped network, to identification
of overland flow-paths and to their upgrade.
b) investigate whether South Golden
Beach west of Capricornia Canal could benefit from a flood pump system
similar to the one serving the east side.
c) revitalise and complete the
backyard easement project that commenced after the AWC Environmental
Assessment of 2015.
d) create a standing annual task for
just prior to each wet season around routine inspection and maintenance of
the flood gates in South Golden Beach.
e) inspect the flood gates in South
Golden Beach and carry out maintenance including (i) reinstalling a seal on
gate #2 of 4 and (ii) removing mud accumulated on the concrete apron
downstream of gate #4 of 4.
f) consider in conjunction
with the SES appointing a local warden to inspect those flood gates when
flood warnings are issued.
g) repair and restore the displaced
concrete cover on the stormwater pit in the central road reserve of Shara
Boulevard near Palmer Avenue, but preferably replace it with a steel grated
h) investigate and overcome the
causes of persistent sewer pump failure at the pump station near #13
Elizabeth Street, South Golden Beach and setup communication with neighbours
to monitor success of these measures for a year after their
i) investigate and overcome
the causes of persistent stagnant stormwater on the corner of Elizabeth and
Clifford Streets, South Golden Beach and setup communication with neighbours
to monitor success of these measures for a year after their
implementation. (Dey/Pugh)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
There was no mayoral minutes.
Notices of
Notice of Motion No. 9.1 Council submission to NRPP
on Linnaeus DA 10.2021.170.1
File No: I2022/505
1. That Councillors receive, on the day after it is lodged
with the Northern Regional Planning Panel, a copy of the Assessment Report
prepared by Council staff for DA 10.2021.170.1 for 27 cabins, 7 other buildings, alterations & additions, earthworks,
vegetation removal, and change of use of 14 units from educational to tourism
on the “Linnaeus Estate” at Broken Head.
2. That staff outline a method and timeframe by which
Council could make a submission to the Panel on future DA’s going to the Panel, in line with
the state procedure described in clause 11.12 of the operational procedures.
3. That the elected Council note that Council’s
submission should not be prepared by persons involved in the assessment of the application but could 20 be
prepared by another council officer, or a consultant.
4. That Council write on 10 June 2022 to the NRPP with the
Byron Shire Council wishes to
submit the following opinions, in line with the
state procedure described in clause 11.12 entitled “Council
representation to the Planning Panel” in the Panel’s operational
procedures. We ask the Panel to recognise the following:
a) the significant ecological values of the site and that it includes the EPBC listed Critically Endangered Littoral
Rainforest community plus a number of threatened and endangered flora and
b) the high level of community interest in the DA with 2623 submissions
received, of which only 42 were in support.
c) that amendments to the proposal have not been advertised
and that submitters are unaware of the changes and therefore have not been
able to comment.
d) that, as recognised in the NRPP Record of Briefing dated
20 April 2022, there are still unresolved issues
regarding compliance with past consents, specifically related to the
implementation of environmental repair works and upgrade to the OSSMS.
e) the concerns regarding the lack of detailed assessment of
the ecological values and potential impacts posed
by the intensified use of the site, including failure to consider the range
of feed trees and potential habitat for the endangered koala, and a lack of
detailed assessment of potential impacts on at least four threatened fauna
species (as listed under the NSW BC Act 2016 and
being the White-eared Monarch, Common Planigale, Eastern Blossom-bat and the
Eastern Long-eared Bat).
f) legal issues regarding the proposal meeting the
requirements of the Mixed Use Zone for two or more uses, when all aspects of the application are for the purpose of the single use of
the land as an Ecotourism facility, despite various components like a
restaurant and gym.
g) that neither the original nor the amended proposal
complies with BSC DCP D3.3.5 Eco-Tourist Facility Prescriptive Measures in relation to density that specifies
a maximum of 12 bedrooms.
h) that community concern exists regarding the 2015 zone
label change from Education Facility to Mixed Use Development that is
facilitating this application.
i) the lost opportunity for this site to continue in its
approved use as an Education Facility. (Dey/Ndiaye)
Procedural MotionS
Resolved that
Council move into Committee to allow for free debate. (Dey)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
Crs Westheimer, Hunter, Lyon voted
against the motion..
Resolved that
Council move out of Committee and resume the Ordinary Meeting. (Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
1. That Councillors receive, on the day after it is lodged
with the Northern Regional Planning Panel, a copy of the Assessment Report
prepared by Council staff for DA 10.2021.170.1 for 27 cabins, 7 other
buildings, alterations & additions, earthworks, vegetation removal, and change of use of 14 units from
educational to tourism on the “Linnaeus Estate” at Broken Head.
2. That the elected Council note that Council’s
submission should not be prepared by persons involved in the assessment of
the application but could 20 be prepared by another
council officer, or a consultant. (Lyon/Westheimer)
The amendment was put to the vote
and declared carried.
Crs Dey and Ndiaye voted against the
1. That
Councillors receive, on the day after it is lodged with the Northern Regional
Planning Panel, a copy of the Assessment Report prepared by Council staff for
DA 10.2021.170.1 for 27 cabins, 7 other buildings, alterations & additions,
earthworks, vegetation removal, and change of use of 14 units from educational
to tourism on the “Linnaeus Estate” at Broken Head.
2. That
staff outline a method and timeframe by which Council could make a submission
to the Panel (on this and in future any other DA going to the Panel) in line
with the state procedure described in clause 11.12 of the operational
3. That
the elected Council note that Council’s submission should not be prepared
by persons involved in the assessment of the application but could be prepared
by another council officer, or a consultant. (Dey/Ndiaye)
The amendment was put to the vote and
declared lost.
Crs Lyon, Westheimer, Pugh, and Hunter
voted against the amendment.
The amendment (Lyon/Westheimer) upon becoming the
substantive motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
There were no petitions.
and Grants
There were no submissions and grants.
Cr Ndiaye advised that it is World Oceans Day. Last week she
met with Karl Goodsell from Positive Change For Marine Life and had a
presentation - specifically about work done on Bringing Back the Bruns and the
story mapping that has been done in relation to the health of the river and
carbon sequestration. Council has been one of the partners along with Arakwal,
DPI and Marine. A great example of a simple local project that has turned into
something sophisticated and with positive consequence for our rivers and
oceans. I look forward to further work in this area.
Cr Lyon provided a Delegates’ Report on the NSW
Coastal Conference last week and other activities he has been engaged in over
the last few weeks.
Reports - General Manager
Report No. 13.1 Adoption
of a Code of Meeting Practice
File No: I2022/492
Resolved that Council defers the matter ‘Adoption of a Code of
Meeting Practice’ to the 23 June Ordinary Meeting of Council. (Dey/Lyon)
The motion was put
to the vote and declared carried.
The meeting adjourned at 1.04pm
for a lunch break and reconvened at 2.01pm.
Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy
Report No. 13.2 Rural
Land Use Strategy Action Audit
File No: I2022/125
Resolved that Council:
1. Notes
the substantial progress made to date on the actions contained within the
Rural Land Use Strategy (Attachment 1 - E2022/34118).
2. Receives
a report by end of November 2022 that details the scope of works and budget
estimate needed to undertake a comprehensive five-year Rural Land Use
Strategy review, with this report to inform a forward budget bid for this
work to progress.
3. Requests
staff to prioritise delivery of Rural Land Use Strategy Action 21 in the
2022/23 financial year, being: Investigate capacity for re-subdivision within
existing Large Lot Residential estates.
4. Requests
the preparation of an options paper on the potential for additional land to
be nominated for rural lifestyle living opportunities and/or other emerging
housing types in peri-urban areas e.g. villages as part of the 2022/23 work
5. a) includes
options for more community title and intentional community lands in the scope
of works as per Council resolution 21-221 and;
b) Puts
to the Northern Rivers Joint Organisation (NRJO) that carbon sequestration
and carbon farming be added to its Renewable Energy prospectus. (Westheimer/Ndiaye)
motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Report No. 13.3 Residential
Strategy and Lot 22 Update
File No: I2022/132
Resolved that Council:
Not progress the Planning Proposal for Lot 22 on DP 1073165, Mullumbimby at
this time until the implications of the
2022 Flood Events and any further potential natural disasters are understood
on the suitability of this land for future development.
Supports, subject to funds being allocated, the adopted Residential Strategy
being updated as per the peer review report Option 1 (Attachment 2 -
E2022/27777) and clarified by the Department of Planning and Environment
correspondence (Attachment 1 - E2022/40467).
3. Requests a
draft of the updated Residential Strategy be reported back to Council.
Procedural Motion
Resolved that
Cr Swivel be granted a two minute extension to his speech. (Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
The motion (Swivel/Lyon)
was put to the vote and declared carried.
Cr Pugh left the Chambers at 2.57pm and did not return.
Report No. 13.6 Proposal
for a Discussion Paper - After the 2022 Floods: Working Out Possibilities
File No: I2022/578
1. That
Council notes that staff will be preparing a high-level discussion paper After
the Floods – Working Out Possibilities Together for presentation to
Council and community engagement later in 2022.
2. That
Council submits a request to the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE)
for assistance with extra staff. (Westheimer/Ndiaye)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
Cr Pugh was not present for the vote.
With Notice
Question With Notice No. 14.1 Permanent
Sites at Council Operated Caravan Parks
File No: I2022/576
Cr Dey asks the
following questions:
1. Given
that the occupant of a permanent site at a Caravan Park like at Suffolk Park
does not actually own the site, by what method or arguments is the right to a
site recognised?
2. In
the case of a site being ‘on-sold’ how is the new owner’s
right to occupy established?
3. In
the case of the passing of an occupier, how is the new owner’s right to
occupy established?
4. In
cases where such transfers are contested, how does Council examine and
determine the validity of each claim?
Response Director Infrastructure Services:
1. The Residential Community
(Land Lease) Act 2013 (the RCLL Act) regulates sites in caravan parks that
are leased for residential purposes. It does this by creating a
statutory ‘site agreement’ between the caravan park operator and
a person who has a moveable dwelling on a site within a caravan park.
The site agreement gives the dwelling owner the right to occupy a space
within the caravan park via their dwelling, in exchange for the payment of
site fees to the park operator.
2. The
RCLL Act requires a park operator to enter a new site agreement with the
purchaser of a moveable dwelling, unless:
· the
operator declines to enter the proposed agreement on reasonable grounds (what
counts as reasonable grounds are not set out under the Act), or
· the
operator and purchaser cannot agree on the terms of the proposed agreement.
3. The
RCLL broadly defines a dwelling ‘owner’. The meaning of
owner includes a person:
· who
obtains an interest in a site agreement as the personal representative, or a
beneficiary of the estate, of a deceased individual who owned a dwelling
subject to a site agreement immediately before they died, or
· another
successor in title of a person who owned a dwelling subject to a site
agreement immediately before they died.
4. Council relies on people
claiming to be a beneficiary of a deceased’s person estate to act in
good faith and not mislead Council.
law is complex and there isn’t a duty on Council to decide estate
disputes. Within these limits, where a dwelling owner with a site agreement
in a Council caravan park dies, Council asks for evidence of an incoming
person’s role as an estate representative or claim to title for a
dwelling. But there are some estate claims Council can’t verify
(for instance, a person claiming that they were verbally promised certain
things from a deceased person’s estate).
There being no further business the meeting concluded at 3.06pm.
I hereby certify that
these are the true and correct Minutes of this Meeting
as confirmed at
Council’s Ordinary Meeting on 11 August 2022.

Mayor Michael Lyon