
Thursday, 29 September 2022
Ordinary Meeting Minutes
29 September 2022
ON Thursday, 29 September 2022
M Lyon (Mayor), Cr S Balson, Cr C Coorey, Cr D Dey, Cr A Hunter,
Cr S Ndiaye [Via Audio-Visual Link], Cr A Pugh, Cr M Swivel and Cr P Westheimer
Staff: Mark Arnold (General
Davis (Acting Director Corporate and Community Services)
Holloway (Director Infrastructure Services)
Burt (Director Sustainable Environment and Economy)
James (Legal Counsel)
Shannon McKelvey (Executive Officer)
– Item 13.14
Claire McGarry (Place Manager)
– Item 13.15
Flockton (Infrastructure Planning Coordinator) – item 13.17
Sills/Amber Evans Crane (Minute Taker)
The Mayor opened the meeting and acknowledged that
the meeting is being held on Arakwal Country and that we pay our respects to
the elders past and present and extend our respect to the Bundjalung clans
whose lands and waters are part of the Shire.
Prior to dealing with the circulated reports and associated
information, a Public Access Session was held and Council was addressed on the
Public Access
Report No
and Title
Council lease to Catholic Healthcare
Ltd proposed Lot 50 in unregistered plan of subdivision (presently part Lot
188 DP 728535)
Caroline Bass
Mullumbimby Hospital Action Group
In person
Gill Lomath
Mullumbimby Hospital Action Group
In person
Request to use Dening Park by Byron
Music Festival (part of Crown Reserve 82000)
Nick Sergi
Byron Music Festival
In person
Nino Haggith
Read by staff
PLANNING - DA10.2021.827.1 - Byron Bay
Community Market
Kate Hardman
Byron Community Centre
In person
Steve Trembath
Byron Community Market
In person
Brent Wayling
Byron Markets Stallholders Committee
In person
Procedural Motion
Resolved that
Public Access be extended. (Lyon/Hunter)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried unanimously.
Report No
and Title
Butler Street Reserve Contamination
Paul Anthony Jones
In person
The meeting adjourned at 10.25am
for a short break and reconvened at 10.53am.
were no apologies.
to Attend by Audio-Visual Link
Procedural MotionS
Resolved that Cr Balson’s request to
attend Council meetings by audio visual link is approved for the following
13 October 2022-Planning
27 October 2022-Ordinary
10 November 2022-Planning
24 November 2022-Ordinary
8 December 2022-Planning
15 December 2022-Ordinary
Any Extraordinary meeting which may be called during the months
of October, November, and December 2022
due to Cr Balson’s temporary relocation out of the
Shire brought about by this flood related housing issues. (Lyon/Ndiaye)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried unanimously.
Resolved that
Cr Ndiaye be permitted to attend the meeting held on 29 September 2022 by
audio-visual link due to prearranged travel commitments. (Lyon/Westheimer)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried unanimously.
of Items for Debate and Order of Business
The Mayor suspended standing orders to allow for items to be
reserved for debate, being:
Staff Reports
General Manager
Report No.
13.1 Lease for Massinger Street Byron Bay treehouse
Report No. 13.3 Council lease
to Catholic Healthcare Ltd proposed Lot 50 in unregistered plan of subdivision
(presently part Lot 188 DP 728535).
Report No. 13.5 Sub-licence to
Zephyr Equine Pty Ltd (A.C.N. 638 961 850) and Cape Byron Seahorses Riding
Centre for access through Crown Land.
Corporate and Community Services
Report No.
13.7 Election of Deputy Mayor - 2022-2023
Report No.
13.8 Update to Section 355 Committee Guidelines
Report No.
13.9 Appointment of Replacement Community Members to
Advisory Committees
Report No.
13.10 Delivery Program 6-monthly Report and Operational Plan
2021/22 Quarter 4 Report - to 30 June 2022
Sustainable Environment and Economy
Report No. 13.14 Request to use Dening
Park by Byron Music Festival (part of Crown Reserve 82000)
Report No.
13.15 PLANNING - DA10.2021.827.1 - Byron Bay Community Market
Infrastructure Services
Report No. 13.17 Pay Parking Potential
of Committees
Corporate and Community Services
Report No. 14.2 Report of the
Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Meeting held on 18 August 2022
Sustainable Environment and Economy
Report No.
14.3 Report of the Coastal and ICOLL Advisory Committee
Meeting held on 30 June 2022
remaining Recommendations and Committee Recommendation were adopted as a whole,
being moved by Cr Lyon and seconded by Cr Hunter. Each recommendation is recorded
with a separate resolution number commencing at Resolution No. 22-479 and
concluding with Resolution No. 22-504.
and Grants
Report No. 11.1 Grants
August 2022
File No: I2022/1252
Resolved that Council notes the report and Attachment
1 (#E2022/88612) for Byron Shire
Council’s grant submissions as at 31 August 2022. (Lyon/Hunter)
Staff Reports - General Manager
Report No. 13.2 Lease
to Katia Project Incorporated
File No: I2022/736
Resolved that Council delegate to the General Manager,
the authority to grant a lease to Katia Project Incorporated (A.B.N 69 379
739 388) t/as Byron Bay Herb Nursery under the following terms:
a) over
part Folio’s 2/706286 and 4/1004514, 45 Wallum Place, Byron Bay,
b) purpose
of a vocational training centre in conjunction with a plant nursery,
c) term
three-years with option of further five-years with holding over,
d) Lessor
to subsidise rent in accordance with Councils Leasing and Councils Licencing
Policy 2022 via a section 356 of the Local Government Act donation to
the value of $64,510 (ex GST),
e) Lessee
to pay base rent of $490 (ex GST) for year one of the lease, with annual rent
increased thereafter by Consumer Price Index All Groups Sydney for the term
and any option,
e) Lessee
to be eligible for fully subsidised fixed rates and charges in accordance
with Councils Policy Section 356 Donations Rates and Charges 2021,
f) Lessee
to pay all other outgoings for occupation of the premises including but not
limited to public liability and contents insurance, annual fire safety
inspections, annual pest inspections and control together with all structural
repairs, renewals, and replacements to improvements on the land, and
g) Council
to waive document preparation fees as set by Councils 2022-2023 Fees and
Charges. (Lyon/Hunter)
Report No. 13.4 Land
Acquisition of Folio 1/932719 and Folio 2/929377 for the purpose of the
Bangalow Cemetery
File No: I2022/1034
Resolved that Council:
1. Endorses
the land transfer to Council, by agreement, of each of Folio 1/932719 and
Folio 2/929377 for $1 for the purpose of providing facilities and services at
the Bangalow Cemetery,
2. authorises
the acquisition and the execution of all documents necessary to affect the
land acquisition and land transfer between Council and the Uniting Church in
Australia Property Trust (N.S.W.) (AP AC970574) and Council and the Corporate
Trustee of the Diocese of Grafton (Anglican), and
3. approves
the classification of Folio 1/932719 and Folio 2/929377 as operational land
on completion of the land transfer. (Lyon/Hunter)
Report No. 13.6 Code
of Conduct Annual Report 1 September 2021 - 31 August 2022
File No: I2022/1274
Resolved that the Code of Conduct Annual Report for
the period 1 September 2021 to 31 August 2022 be noted. (Lyon/Hunter)
Staff Reports - Corporate and
Community Services
Report No. 13.11 Council
Investments - 1 August 2022 to 31 August 2022
File No: I2022/1195
Resolved: that Council notes the report listing
Council’s investments and overall cash position as at 31 August 2022. (Lyon/Hunter).
Report No. 13.12 Tender
2022-1330 Cleaning of Council Administration Office
File No: I2022/750
1. That
Council awards Tender 2022-1330 Cleaning of Council Administration Head
Office to Command51, as identified in the tender evaluation report
(Attachment 1 #E2022/58666).
2. That
Council makes public its decision, including the name and amount of the
successful tenderer, in accordance with Clause 179(b) of the Local Government
(General) Regulation 2021. (Lyon/Hunter)
Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy
Report No. 13.13 Local
Approvals Policy 2022
File No: I2022/639
Resolved that:
1. Council
endorses the exemption provisions of the Draft Local Approvals Policy 2022
2. The
Draft Local Approvals Policy 2022 be placed on public exhibition for a period
of 42 days.
3. Where:
a) no
submissions are received, the Draft Local Approvals Policy 2022 is forwarded
to the Departmental Chief Executive for consent to adopt the policy.
b) submissions
are received, the Draft Local Approvals Policy 2022 and submissions are
reported to Council for endorsement, prior to forwarding to the Departmental
Chief Executive for consent to adopt the policy. (Lyon/Hunter)
Staff Reports - Infrastructure
Report No. 13.16 Butler St
Reserve Contamination Investigation
File No: I2022/558
1. That the investigation budget be increased to
$150,000 for 2022/2023 with funding from the Waste Fund to progress the next
stages of the poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination off site
hydrological and ecological investigations.
2. That
the outcomes of the hydrological and ecological investigations be reported to
Council. (Lyon/Hunter)
Report No. 13.18 Proposed Extenuating
Circumstances - Johnstons Lane Bridge Construction
File No: I2022/1276
1. That
pursuant to Section 55 (3) of the Local Government Act 1993, Council not
proceed to invite tenders due to extenuating circumstances and the
unavailability of competitive tenderers which apply to the “Johnstons
Lane Bridge Installation” such that a satisfactory result would not be
achieved by inviting tenders for the following reasons:
i) It
is considered more of a benefit to the community and the environment to
complete the works without the tender process, than to risk not completing
the proposed work as soon as possible.
ii) Recent
Request for Quotation for these bridge works resulted in only one price
submission from Quickway Constructions after
inviting 8 suppliers to provide a submission.
iii) Recent
competitive Invitation to Tender for Contract 2021-0030 – Fixing
Country Bridges resulted in Council accepting the lowest price submission
from Quickway Constructions
2. That
Council delegates authority to the General Manager to negotiate agreement
with Quickway Constructions to complete the Proposed Works. (Lyon/Hunter)
of Committees – Corporate and Community Services
Report No. 14.1 Report
of the Finance Advisory Committee Meeting held on 18 August 2022
File No: I2022/1098
Resolved that Council notes the minutes of the Finance
Advisory Committee Meeting held on 18 August 2022. (Lyon/Hunter)
Resolved that Council adopts the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
4.1 Budget Review - 1 April to 30 June 2022
File No: I2022/990
Committee Recommendation 4.1.1
1. That
Council authorises the itemised budget variations as shown in Attachment 2
(#E2022/77197) which includes the following results in the 30 June 2022
Quarterly Review of the 2021/2022 Budget:
a) General
Fund - $126,500 decrease in Unrestricted Cash Result
b) General
Fund - $27,657,600 increase in reserves
c) Water
Fund - $4,366,600 increase in reserves
d) Sewerage
Fund - $8,070,200 increase in reserves.
2. That
Council adopts the revised General Fund Estimated Unrestricted Cash Result of
$0 for the 2021/2022 financial year. (Lyon/Hunter)
Resolved that Council adopts the following Committee Recommendation:
Report No.
4.2 Carryovers for inclusion in the 2022-2023 Budget
File No: I2022/1032
Committee Recommendation 4.2.1
That the Committee recommends
Council approves the works and services (with respective funding) shown in
Attachment 1 (#E2022/76668) to be carried over from the 2021/2022 financial
year and that the carryover budget allocations be adopted as budget revotes
for inclusion in the 2022/2023 Budget Estimates.
Reports of Committees – Sustainable
Environment and Economy
Report No. 14.4 Report
of the Housing and Affordability Advisory Committee Meeting held on 18 August
File No: I2022/1187
Resolved that Council notes the minutes of the Housing
and Affordability Advisory Committee Meeting held on 18 August 2022. (Lyon/Hunter)
Resolved that Council adopts the Committee Recommendation as
Report No.
3.1 Review Constitution of Housing and Affordability Advisory Committee
File No: I2022/936
Committee Recommendation 3.1.1
That Housing and Affordability Advisory Committee
recommends to Council to adopt the draft constitution at Attachment 1 #E2022/3414
Resolved that Council adopts
the Committee Recommendation as follows:
Report No.
3.2 Presentation by Mike Myers
File No: I2022/915
Committee Recommendation 3.2.1
That the Housing and
Affordability Advisory Committee notes the report and presentation provided
by Mike Myers. (Lyon/Hunter)
Resolved that Council adopts the Committee Recommendations as follows:
Report No.
3.3 Byron Shire Housing Forum
File No: I2022/944
Committee Recommendation 3.3.1
That the Housing and
Affordability Advisory Committee notes:
1. The key findings and
outcomes of the Byron Housing Summit as summarised in this report and as
a) The community to articulate what it wants and how to get
there, with importance of self-defined measures of success.
b) A desire to build on existing social capital as we adapt
and respond.
c) A preference to nurture a housing industry that embraces
alternative tenure and living options with a cooperative focus.
d) A promotion of the mosaic of communities as places which
are to be respected, with room to dabble and explore.
e) Participants warmed to the idea of a demonstration
village exemplifying diverse & affordable housing that is Byron friendly.
f) The underpinning of a respect of Bundjalung Country and
First Nation Peoples and therefore Aboriginal housing to be prioritised.
2. That staff will consider
the key findings and outcomes of the Byron Housing Summit in future strategy,
plan, policy and project work.
3. There
are numerous housing initiatives and projects currently being progressed by
staff in response to multiple resolutions of Council about local housing need
and the housing crisis as actions adopted in the current Delivery Program
2022-2026 and Operational Plan 2022-2023 (Lyon/Hunter)
Resolved that Council adopts the Committee Recommendation as follows:
Report No.
3.4 Delivery Program - Workshop Session
File No: I2022/937
Committee Recommendation 3.4.1
That the Housing and
Affordability Advisory Committee notes the presentation on the Delivery
Program 2022-26. (Lyon/Hunter)
Reports of Committees -
Infrastructure Services
Report No. 14.5 Report
of the Water and Sewer Advisory Committee Meeting held on 18 August 2022
File No: I2022/1095
Resolved that Council notes the minutes of the Water
and Sewer Advisory Committee Meeting held on 18 August 2022. (Lyon/Hunter)
Resolved that Council adopts the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
4.1 Committee Constitution
File No: I2022/957
Committee Recommendation 4.1.1
That Council adopt the constitution E2021/148692 with the
following amendments
Section 2 Purpose:
The purpose of the Committee is to:
a) develop
policies and programs that address the water and sewer needs and aspirations
of the Shire’s populations in a resilient and ecologically sustainable
b) develop
strategies and advise on projects that minimise the environmental impacts (i)
of extracting water, (ii) of returning sewage to receiving environments, and
(iii) of treatment and processing for these purposes.
c) recommend
strategies and plans to manage water and sewerage assets.
In Section 5 Membership:
Council appoints Advisory Committee
members, thus conferring their responsibilities and rights as set out in this
In Section 11 Majority Decision:
A decision of the Committee is by
majority of the voting members present at the time of the vote, including
on-line presence.
In Section 16 Absence from Committee
a) Has
been absent from two consecutive meetings of the Committee without having
given acceptable reasons for the member’s absence
Resolved that Council adopts the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
4.3 Safe and Secure Yield
File No: I2022/583
Committee Recommendation 4.3.1
1. That
the Committee notes that the attachment was omitted from this report.
2. That
an extraordinary WSAC meeting is held to consider Hydrosphere’s Mullumbimby
Water Supply Strategy (IWCM) Hydrosphere July 2022
Resolved that Council adopts the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
4.4 West Byron STP Compliance Report
File No: I2022/947
Committee Recommendation 4.4.1
That the Water and Sewer Advisory Committee:
a) Note
the report and the attachments.
b) Note
from the report in terms of Condition 9, that 2791ET (1.65ML/day) were
connected between December 2002 and April 2022, and that reuse capacity is
3416ET (2.016ML/day), being the Melaleuca regeneration area, the West Byron
STP onsite reuse and the urban reuse.
c) Note
that further work on the recycled water applications is nearing completion
and the committee receives a report at the next meeting.
d) The
Operational Environmental Management Plan (OEMP) be updated, and an
application be made to amend the consent to reflect an updated OEMP.
Resolved that Council adopts the following Committee Recommendation:
Report No.
4.5 STP Quarterly Operational Performance Report
File No: I2022/999
Committee Recommendation 4.5.1
That Council notes the report.
Resolved that Council adopts the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
4.6 Byron STP Condition 9 Additional Load - Quarterly Report
File No: I2022/955
Committee Recommendation 4.6.1
That Council:
a) Notes
the report; and
b) that
the quarterly reporting become annual (financial year) reporting. (Lyon/Hunter)
Report No. 14.6 Report
of the Moving Byron Advisory Committee Meeting held on 18 August 2022
File No: I2022/1097
Resolved that Council notes the minutes of the Moving
Byron Advisory Committee Meeting held on 18 August 2022. (Lyon/Hunter)
Resolved that Council adopts the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
4.1 Moving Byron Submissions Report
File No: I2022/762
Committee Recommendation 4.1.1
That the Moving Byron Committee recommend Council:
1. Revise
and expand the Submissions Summary Report as follows.
a) Amend
heading for Figure 1 to read ‘Rail Corridor options’ and display
levels of support for 'multi use’, ‘rail’ and
’trains’ as referenced in the submissions.
b) Amend
commentary in the report and submissions table to refer to either
‘multi use’, ‘rail’ and ’trains’ as
referenced in each submission acknowledging that a ‘rail trail’
is understood by the community to be infrastructure that excludes provision
for any type of rail activation or services.
c) Expand
summary commentary in the report to include a fuller description of
references to ‘public transport’ to include inter town and
regional references the benefits discussed.
d) Expand
summary commentary in the report to include a fuller description of
submissions referring to ‘rail’ and ’trains’ that is
not limited to the ‘heavy’ or ‘light’ rail and that
summarises the benefits, not just critical comments.
e) Include
summary of key strategic themes referenced in submissions including but not
limited to ‘car dependence’, the ‘big picture
challenge’ to ‘diversify’ infrastructure and services,
submissions referencing costed and technical assessments for multi use and or
rail, submissions from prospective operators, safe hinterland road network
access issues and other key themes.
f) otherwise
amend the summary to ensure that it capture the flavour and nuance of the
community submissions.
2. Support
Staff and at least two Councillors commencing detailed conversations with
Transport for NSW on how both levels of government can partner together to
achieve a fully comprehensive and endorsed Action Plan from the Moving Byron
document (attachment 3 to the Report 4.1 of Moving Byron Committee Meeting of
18 August 2022 Agenda / E2021/149220).
3. Support
the work of the committee by allocating time at the next meeting for a
discussion of the key strategic themes and objectives of the Strategy.
4. The
Moving Byron Committee receive further reporting regarding a proposed way
forward that is supported by Transport for NSW and allows for the Moving
Byron documents to be adopted.
Resolved that Council adopts the following
Committee Recommendation:
Report No.
4.2 Additional Discussion Items
File No: I2022/1044
Committee Recommendation 4.2.1
That Council, when next reviewing the Bike Plan,
reconsider the priority for the Brunswick-Byron Coastal Cycleway Project
Procedural Motion
Resolved that
Council change the order of business to deal with Reports 13.3, 13.14,13.15,
13.9, 13.10, and 14.3 next on the Agenda. (Lyon/Westheimer)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried unanimously.
Staff Reports - General Manager
Report No. 13.3 Council
lease to Catholic Healthcare Ltd proposed Lot 50 in unregistered plan of
subdivision (presently part Lot 188 DP 728535).
File No: I2022/737
Procedural MotionS
Resolved that
Council move into Committee to allow for free debate. (Lyon/Westheimer)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried unanimously.
Resolved that
Council move out of Committee and resume the Ordinary Meeting.
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried unanimously.
Resolved that
this matter (Report 13.3) rest on the table. (Lyon/Ndiaye)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried unanimously.
Staff Reports - Sustainable
Environment and Economy
Report No. 13.14 Request to
use Dening Park by Byron Music Festival (part of Crown Reserve 82000)
File No: I2022/1105
Resolved that Council:
1. Acknowledges
the significant contribution to Byron Shire’s cultural life, economy
and promotion of the arts by the Byron Music Festival 2021;
2. Supports
the Festival being held within Byron township;
3. Actively
supports the continuance of BMF as an annual event showcasing local musicians
and the local music industry;
4. Notes
that it has no lawful power to issue a licence to Byron Music Festival for
use of Dening Park but that the Crown Lands’ Minister does have the
power to issue licences for commercial activities
5. Encourages
the proponents to apply directly to Crown Lands for a commercial activities
licence for the 2023 Event;
6 Writes
to the Crown Lands Minister expressing Council’s support for a single event
in 2023 subject to the following conditions:
i. that
it is for a single event in 2023;
ii. the
licence period not exceed 2 days;
iii. the
patron numbers are limited to a maximum of 3,000;
iv. that a
dune stability assessment be undertaken by a qualified geotechnical engineer
to determine that the event is not worsening conditions of the site and its
v. that
this assessment be done as soon as possible and again within two to three
weeks of the Festival commencement date, and
vi. that,
after the geotechnical assessment, should the BMF event be deemed as
potentially injurious to the site and surrounding areas it must not proceed
on Dening Park.
7. Notes
the short time available to produce the festival by June 2023 and actively
aids and supports Byron Music Festival (BMF) to deliver by that date;
8. For
reasons of prudent and responsible service of alcohol, supports a second bar
area in front of the main stage as per the application request made in 2021
and as per the recommendation by Byron Police and Tweed/Byron Licensing,
9. Intends
that any future Plan of Management of Dening Park maintains the use of the
Park as a community area. (Coorey/Swivel)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried unanimously.
Crs Lyon and Ndiaye voted against
the motion.
Procedural MotionS
Resolved that
Cr Coorey be granted a two minute extension to her speech. (Pugh/Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried unanimously.
Resolved that
Cr Ndiaye be granted a two minute extension to her speech.
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried unanimously.
Resolved that
Cr Lyon be granted a two minute extension to his speech. (Lyon/Balson)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried unanimously.
Report No. 13.15 PLANNING -
DA10.2021.827.1 - Byron Bay Community Market
File No: I2022/1186
1. Pursuant to
Section 4.16 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979,
Development Application No. 10.2021.827.1 for Byron Bay Community Market to be held Monthly, with Option of
Twice a Month in December and January, be granted consent subject to the
conditions in Attachment 2 (#E2022/85389)
2. That council
continue to engage with the Byron Community Markets to address the concerns
raised over parking and challenges with transition to the new markets
3. That the
market relocation is reviewed at 12 months and includes a review of the
impact on the environment, businesses, residents, and traffic. (Pugh/Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and declared carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 1.16pm for a
lunch break and reconvened at 2.04pm.
Cr Balson did not return at this time.
Procedural Motion
Resolved that
Report No. 13.3 be lifted from the table. (Lyon/Coorey)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried unanimously.
Cr Balson was not present for the
Report No. 13.3 Council
lease to Catholic Healthcare Ltd proposed Lot 50 in unregistered plan of
subdivision (presently part Lot 188 DP 728535).
File No: I2022/737
1. That
Council delegate to the General Manager authority to offer Catholic
Healthcare Limited (A.C.N 064 946 318) an additional one-year holding over on
both leases to end 14 November 2023 at annual rent payable at the value
immediately before commencement of holding over.
2. That
Council delegate to the General Manager authority to grant a single lease to
Catholic Healthcare Limited (A.C.N 064 946 318) over proposed Lot 50 in the
presently unregistered plan of subdivision (currently forming part of Lot 188
DP 728535) on the following:
a) to
commence 15 November 2023,
term of 10 years plus a further two five year options, with holding
c) For
the purpose of Residential Aged Care Service and any ancillary use
d) Base
annual rent of $135,000 plus GST and annual rent increased annually
thereafter by Consumer Price Index All Groups Sydney, and
e) Base
annual rent to be redetermined to current market value rent on the
commencement of Years 6, 11 and 16 of the lease.
f) Lessee
to pay outgoings payable on the land and for use of the land,
g) All
improvements on the land will vest in Council on expiry or termination of the
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
Cr Ndiaye voted against the motion.
Cr Balson was not present for the
Procedural Motion
1. That
pursuant to Section 10A(2)(a) of the Local Government Act, 1993, Council
resolve into Confidential Session to discuss the following report, namely
Appointment of Replacement Community Members to Advisory Committees.
2. That
the reasons for closing the meeting to the public to consider this item be
that it contains personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other
than councillors)
3. That
on balance it is considered that receipt and discussion of the matter in open
Council would be contrary to the public interest, as disclosure of the
confidential information could disclose personal information. (Dey/Ndiaye)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried unanimously.
Cr Balson was not present for the
Procedural MotionS
Resolved that
Council move into Committee to allow for free debate. (Lyon/Dey)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried unanimously
Cr Balson was not present for the
Report No. 13.9 Appointment
of Replacement Community Members to Advisory Committees
File No: I2022/928
1. That
community representatives, as recommended in confidential attachment 1
(E2022/63044), be appointed to each respective Advisory Committee for the
2022-2024 term ending September 2024:
a) That
the following nominees be appointed to the Biodiversity Advisory Committee:
David Milledge and Leonard Cronin
b) That
the following nominees be appointed to the Coastal and ICOLL Advisory
Committee: Lauren Morgan, Bill Payne, and Matthew Lambourne
c) That
the following nominees be appointed to the Floodplain Management Advisory
Committee: Catherine Lane, Robert Crossley, Ziwar Sattouf
d) That
the following nominees be appointed to the Water & Sewer Advisory
Committee: Bruce Clarke
2. That
in the case of future resignations from Advisory Committees that replacement
community members be appointed from the recommended list of previous
applicants, and where no suitable or available applicants exist applications
for new members are then advertised.
3. That
all appointed Advisory Committee members:
a) be
notified of their appointment to the committee; and
b) complete
induction, Code of Conduct, and confidentiality requirements.
4. That
any unsuccessful nominees be notified.
5. That
Cr Lyon be appointed as the alternate to the Coast and ICOLL Advisory
Committee and Floodplain Risk Management Advisory Committee in place of Cr
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried unanimously.
Cr Balson was not present for the
Procedural Motion
Resolved that
Council move out of Committee and resume the Ordinary Meeting.
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried unanimously
Cr Balson was not present for the
The amendment was put to the vote and
was tied.
Crs Hunter, Westheimer, Dey, and
Coorey, voted against the amendment.
Cr Balson was not present for the
The Mayor used his casting vote to
declare the amendment carried.
The amendment upon becoming the substantive motion was
put to the vote and declared carried unanimously.
Cr Balson was not present for the vote.
Cr Balson returned to the meeting at
Cr Coorey left the meeting at 2.42pm.
Procedural Motion
Resolved that
the meeting move out of confidential session. (Lyon/Balson)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried unanimously.
Cr Coorey was not present for the
Report No. 13.10 Delivery
Program 6-monthly Report and Operational Plan 2021/22 Quarter 4 Report - to
30 June 2022
File No: I2022/940
Resolved that Council notes the Delivery Program
6-monthly Report and 2021/22 Operational Plan Fourth Quarter Report for the
period ending 30 June 2022 (Attachment 1 #E2022/67538). (Lyon/Ndiaye)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried unanimously.
Cr Coorey was not present for the
Report No. 14.3 Report
of the Coastal and ICOLL Advisory Committee Meeting held on 30 June 2022
File No: I2022/845
Resolved that
Council notes the minutes of the Coastal and ICOLL Advisory Committee Meeting
held on 30 June 2022. (Dey/Ndiaye)
Resolved that Council adopts the following Committee
Report No.
3.1 Update on the development of Coastal Management Programs (CMPs) for the
Byron Shire Coastline
File No: I2022/61
Committee Recommendation 3.1.1
That the Coastal and ICOLL Advisory Committee:
1. Notes
the legislated process and associated extended timeframes associated with
preparing Coastal Management Program(s) under the NSW Coastal Management
2. Advises Council that a particular hazard at Belongil namely end
of wall effect on estuary opening needs consideration in the Stage 2 Coastal
Hazard Assessment Study.
3. Advises Council that there is a need to recognise ‘coastal
squeeze’ as a threat on both the coast and in the estuaries.
4. Advises
Council that there is a need to recognise the important shorebird breeding,
feeding and roosting area at Belongil and Marshalls Creek.
Resolved: that Council
adopts the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
3.4 Review Constitution of Coastal and ICOLL Advisory Committee
File No: I2022/682
Committee Recommendation 3.4.1
1. That
the Coastal and ICOLL Advisory Committee recommends to Council to adopt the
constitution at Attachment 1 (E2022/11708) with the following changes:
a) Amend
the name of the committee to Coast and ICOLL Advisory Committee.
b) Amend
2a. Purpose to:
Advise Council in the
development of Coastal Management Programs for the Shire’s coast,
estuary and ICOLLs
c) Amend
2b. Purpose to:
Advise on projects,
plans and strategies related to the coast, estuary and ICOLLs.
d) Update
5. Membership to read:
is to include:
· 2
· 6
relevantly qualified community representatives
Representatives from:
· Department
of Planning and Environment
Fisheries - Cape Byron Marine Park
· National
Parks and Wildlife Service
· Crown
· State
Emergency Services
· Transport
for NSW
· Bundjalung
of Byron Bay Aboriginal Corporation (Arakwal)
· Jali
Local Aboriginal Land Council
· Tweed
Byron Local Aboriginal Land Council
· Byron
Shire Council General Manager (or staff member delegate)”
Note: Staff members and
state agency representatives participating on the Committee do not have any
voting entitlements.
e) Amend
7. Quorum to:
A quorum is to constitute at
least half the number of community members and Councillors plus one
(resulting half numbers go down), one of which is to be a Councillor.
The General Manager or
delegate, who must be a member of staff, is to attend the committee meeting
and is not counted in the quorum for the meeting.
State government and indigenous
organisation representatives do not form part of the quorum.
f). Amend
10a. Voting to:
Each member of the Committee
(with the exception of Council staff and state government agency
representatives) is to have one vote, with the Chairperson to have the
casting vote in addition to a deliberate vote.
g) Amend
10 Voting to include:
Representatives of Bundjalung of
Byron Bay Aboriginal Corporation (Arakwal), Jali Local Aboriginal Land
Council and Tweed Byron Local Aboriginal Land Council can elect to have
voting rights
Resolved that Council
adopts the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
3.5 Consideration of Dredging of Capricornia Canal and Marshalls Creek and
the Removal of the Marshalls Creek Training Walls
File No: I2022/699
Committee Recommendation 3.5.1
That the Coast and ICOLL Advisory Committee:
1 Notes
the report and outline of the issue.
2. Notes
that the Floodplain Advisory Committee will receive a further report with a
proposed scope that includes recommendations received from the Committee.
3. Advises
Council as part of the review of the 2022 Floods, again consider options of
(i) dredging Capricornia Canal and Marshalls Creek, and
(ii) removing rockwalls at the south end of Readings Bay, as to:
a) what
benefit would have resulted for the 2022 flood (lower flood levels);
b) what
costs may be incurred (financial, environmental, social),
c) what
prohibitions may be in place (eg disturbing seagrass in a Marine Park); and
d) what
approvals would need to be sought; and
e) that
the findings be shared with the public, including visually by way of
representative creek cross sections for the dredging option .
The motions (22-522 to 22-525) were
put to the vote and declared carried unanimously.
Cr Coorey was not present for the
There was no Mayoral Minute.
Notices of
Notice of Motion No. 9.1 Data on flood impacted
homes and businesses
File No: I2022/1206
Resolved that Council:
1. Writes
to Premier Dominic Perrottet thanking him for NSW Government efforts on flood
relief and on re-housing flood-displaced people, and also reminding him
a) the
opportunities as expressed in the state’s Floodplain Risk Management
Plans to make existing buildings safer against flood risks, using various
actions that are listed in most such Floodplain Plans;
b) the
legacy role of the state in having approved buildings in flood-prone areas,
many of which are the subject of Floodplain Plans;
c) the
numbers of buildings that could benefit from those various actions, namely
1,454 in Byron Shire - about half as many as Lismore Shire’s 2,682
(data source: SES Built Impact Data, April 2022);
d) the
likelihood that many of Byron Shire’s buildings can be returned to use
by these actions (especially house raising) because peak flood levels are not
as deep as in other areas;
e) the
Queensland government’s commitment of $741million to its
“Resilient Homes Fund”; and
f) the
quantum of funding potentially required for our Shire's buildings to be made
more resilient, costed an indicative average of $100,000 per building at a
minimum of $145m excluding buy backs which could be an additional $35m
2. Considers
through the September Budget Review a budget to implement advice by Council’s Floodplain Management Advisory Committee in
relation to the report described in Part 3 below.
3. Brings
to the next meeting of Council’s Floodplain Management Advisory Committee
a report on flood resilience options and on further investigation needed for
properties impacted by the 2022 floods and by potential future floods in the
face of climate change. The report should:
quantify residential and commercial properties
suitable for House Raising, Buy Back, Wet Proofing or Flood Protection
consider various flood levels beyond the 100
year event, to ensure the full regime of property risks are understood
throughout the Shire
consider how Climate Change will impact
resilience and the number of properties needing protection measures
tap into existing supporting data sources that
maybe available from State Emergency Service Rapid Assessments, Recovery NSW
and Mullumbimby Resident Association
identify data gaps and data collection needs
to ensure all properties are suitably considered
take into account resourcing options for
further investigations
identify funding options for further
aim to produce documentation to support
Council successfully lobbying government to increase funding support to
increase property resilience.
4. Liaises with neighbouring Shires
to align our information if possible with the forms in which their information
is gathered or presented. (Dey/Ndiaye)
The motion was put to the
vote and declared carried unanimously.
Cr Coorey was not present for the vote..
Petition No. 10.1 Petition
regarding the upgrade of Manns Road and one way trial for Towers Drive/Smith
File No: I2022/919
1. That the petition regarding
Upgrading Mullumbimby Industrial Estate be noted.
2. That Council notes the current
proposal to undertake an asphalt overlay (resurface) of Manns Road under the
ECG program by February 2023.
3. That Council allocates through the
September Budget Review a budget of $30,000 from the asphalt Overlay Program
for the design and implementation of a one-way trial at Towers Drive and
Smith Street. (Lyon/Westheimer)
The motion was put to the
vote and declared carried unanimously.
There were no delegates’ reports.
Reports - General Manager
Report No. 13.1 Lease
for Massinger Street Byron Bay treehouse
File No: I2022/741
Procedural Motion
Resolved that
this matter rest on the table. (Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried unanimously.
Cr Coorey was not present for the
Report No. 13.5 Sub-licence
to Zephyr Equine Pty Ltd (A.C.N. 638 961 850) and Cape Byron Seahorses Riding
Centre for access through Crown Land
File No: I2022/1189
1. That
Council authorises the General Manager, under delegation, to grant a
sub-licence to Zephyr Equine Pty Ltd (A.C.N. 638 961 850) for a term of 12
-months for the purpose of access through Lot 407 DP 729057 being Crown
Reserve R755695 on condition that Zephyr Equine Pty Ltd must:
a) hold a current permit with Cape Byron
Marine Park for the term of the sub-licence, and
b) take all steps necessary to ensure
that all horse droppings are removed from the sub-licenced area during and at
the end of each access session, and
c) access Lot 407 DP 729057 via the
Sub-Licensor approved access track as an essential clause of the sub-licence,
d) hold valid public liability insurance
cover for a minimum value of $20million, and
e) handle all horse in a public area in
a safe manner, and
f) not exceed the number of horses
permitted by the Cape Byron Marine Park Permit in any guided horse tour.
2. That
Council authorises the General Manager to grant a sub-licence to Cape Byron
Seahorses Riding Centre for a term of 12-months for the purpose of access
through Lot 428 DP 729272 being Crown Reserve R81780 on condition that Cape
Byron Seahorses Riding Centre:
a) holds a current permit with Cape Byron
Marine Park for the term of the sub-licence; and
b) takes
all steps necessary to ensure that all horse droppings are removed from the
sub-licenced area during and at the end of each access session; and
c) holds
valid public liability insurance cover for a minimum value of $20million, and
d) handles
all horse in a public area in a safe manner, and
e) not
exceed the number of horses permitted by the Cape Byron Marine Park Permit in
any guided horse tour, and
f) loads
and unloads horses at the designated site on Crown Land adjacent to South
Beach Road Brunswick Heads and must collect all
horse droppings from the designated site before and after guided horse tours.
3. That
each sub-licence fee is set in accordance with Councils current Fees and
Charges. (Dey/Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried unanimously.
Cr Coorey was not present for the
Reports - Corporate and Community Services
Report No. 13.7 Election
of Deputy Mayor - 2022-2023
File No: I2022/994
1. That
Council elects a Deputy Mayor for the period from 29 September 2022 until
September 2023.
2. That
the method of election of the Deputy Mayor be by way of open voting.
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried unanimously.
Cr Coorey was not present for the
Procedural MotionS
Resolved that
Council move into Committee to allow for free debate. (Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried unanimously.
Cr Coorey was not present for the
Resolved that
Council move out of Committee and resume the Ordinary Meeting. (Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried unanimously.
Cr Coorey was not present for the
The Returning Officer announced that one
nomination had been received.
Cr Ndiaye was declared elected unopposed.
Cr Coorey returned to the meeting via
audio-visual link.
Report No. 13.8 Update
to Section 355 Committee Guidelines
File No: I2022/1130
Resolved that Council:
1. Adjusts the updated
‘Section 355 Committee Guidelines’ (Attachment 1, E2022/83249) in
the following clauses:
a) in section 3, change paragraph 2
to read:
The term of
office for Committees is the same as the current term of Council, with the
addition of up to six extra months after the General Election of Councillors,
until the new Council has appointed a new Committee. Committee members are
eligible for re-appointment in the new term of Council following the
nomination process.
b) in section 3,3, change the third
bulleted paragraph to read:
If the member
fails to attend two consecutive meetings without a formal apology or
reasonable excuse provided to the Committee
c) in section 3.8, change the first
sentence to:
An Annual General
Meeting (AGM) should be held every twelve months starting a year after
commencement of the Committee.
2. Endorses the ‘Section 355
Committee Guidelines’ as modified in Part 1 above.
3. Notifies s355 Committee members
of the new Guidelines and invites them to submit feedback for a
‘house-keeping’ revision. (Dey/Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote
and declared carried unanimously.
Reports - Infrastructure Services
Report No. 13.17 Pay
Parking Potential
File No: I2022/866
1. That in relation
to parking in Brunswick Heads, Council;
a) allocates
$140,000 in the September quarterly budget review to fund an updated parking
study including an expansion of the pay parking areas and an assessment of
current supply and demand, time limits; and
b) receives
a further report in April 2023 on the above and also on comparative pay
parking rates in other Local Government Areas.
2. That in relation to
parking within Mullumbimby, staff:
a) Consult
with Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW) in relation to parking/overflow associated
with the temporary housing within the rail corridor and possible legacy
outcomes from this initiative related to parking areas; and
b) provide
a further report on options to progress/fund a revised parking study.
3. That
staff provide a further report recommending rules on the number of parking
permits per residence and how a permit relates to a residence.
4. That
Council notes, that stage 1 of the Broken Head Reserve Road parking
improvements is scheduled to commence in September/October 2022 and at the
completion of these works, a parking assessment to consider an expansion of
the existing pay parking precinct will be undertaken and reported to Council
for consideration .(Lyon/Westheimer)
motion was put to the vote and declared carried.
Cr Hunter voted against the motion..
of Committees - Corporate and Community Services
Report No. 14.2 Report
of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Meeting held on 18 August 2022
File No: I2022/1106
Resolved that Council notes the minutes of the Audit,
Risk and Improvement Committee Meeting held on 18 August 2022. (Hunter/Lyon)
Resolved that
Council adopts the following Committee Recommendation:
Report No.
4.1 Update from OLG on membership requirements for Audit, Risk and
Improvement Committees
File No: I2022/925
Committee Recommendation 4.1.1
That Council notes the update provided
by the Office of Local Government in Circular 22-21 pertaining to the draft
Guidelines for Risk Management and Internal Audit for Local Councils in NSW.
Resolved that
Council adopts the following Committee and Council Recommendations:
Report No.
4.2 Draft Constitution of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee
File No: I2022/828
Committee Recommendation 4.2.1
That Council adopt the Draft Audit,
Risk and Improvement Committee Constitution (Attachment 1 E2022/73365).
Council Recommendation
That the Draft Audit, Risk and
Improvement Committee Constitution be amended at part 9 Secretariat to
allow for the agenda to be distributed 14 days prior to the meeting, rather
than a week prior to the meeting.
Resolved that Council adopts the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
4.3 Financial Reporting to Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee
File No: I2022/996
Committee Recommendation 4.3.1
1. That
a revised version of the financial reporting update be presented to the
Committee at the November 2022 meeting.
2. That
Council notes that the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee receive
financial reporting updates.
Resolved that Council adopts the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
4.4 Internal Audit Plan 2022-2024
File No: I2022/823
Committee Recommendation 4.4.1
1. That
Council endorses the Internal Audit Plan 2022-2024 (E2022/61398).
2. That the
proposed audits for 2023-2024 be brought to the Audit, Risk and Improvement
Committee Meeting in November 2022. (Hunter/Lyon)
Resolved that Council
adopts the following Committee Recommendation:
Report No.
4.5 Delivery Program 6-monthly Report and Operational Plan 2021/22 Quarter 4
Report - to 30 June 2022
File No: I2022/987
Committee Recommendation 4.5.1
That Council notes that the Audit,
Risk, and Improvement Committee noted the Delivery Program 6-monthly Report
and 2021/22 Operational Plan Fourth Quarter Report for the period ending 30
June 2022 (Attachment 1 #E2022/67538).
Resolved that Council
adopts the following Committee Recommendation:
Report No.
5.1 Quarter 4 2021-22 Risk Report
File No: I2022/732
Committee Recommendation 5.1.1
That Council notes the Strategic and
Operational Risk Reports for the quarter ending 30 June 2022 (Attachment 1
E2022/63424) and improvements planned or underway.
Resolved that Council
adopts the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
5.2 Internal Audit Report - 2021-2022 Quarter 4 (and 2021-2022 Quarter 1
report deferred from the ARIC meeting of 19 May 2022)
File No: I2022/826
Committee Recommendation 5.2.1
That Council:
1. Notes
the Summary of Internal Audit Recommendations for Quarter 1 2021-2022
(Attachment 1 E2021/123033).
2. Endorses
the recommendations from the Executive Team and Audit, Risk and Improvement
Committee to close off four internal audit recommendations from Quarter 1
2021-2022 as listed in Table 1 of this report (which is a summary from
Attachment 1 E2021/12033).
3. Notes
the Summary of Internal Audit Recommendations for Quarter 4 2021-2022
(Attachment 2 E2022/63964).
4. Endorses
the recommendations from the Executive Team and Audit, Risk and Improvement
Committee to close off seven internal audit recommendations from Quarter 4
2021-2022 as listed in Table 2 of this report (which is a summary from
Attachment 3 E2022/62825).
5. Requests
management to record any findings needing further action from the Internal
Audit of Payroll – Data Analytics (Attachment 4 E2022/69122) in
Council’s Internal Audit Register.
6. Endorses
the proposal to shift the Inventory Internal Audit from Quarter 2 2021-2022
to Quarter 1 2022-2023 .(Hunter/Lyon)
Resolved that Council
adopts the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
5.3 Social Engineering Incident - Reporting of Independent Investigation
File No: I2022/506
Committee Recommendation 5.3.1
That Council:
1. Notes
the outcome of the investigation and the importance of being constantly aware
of social engineering and cyber security.
2. Notes
the progress of implementing the recommendations proposed following the independent
investigation. (Hunter/Lyon)
Resolved that Council
adopts the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
5.4 Cyber Security and IT System Outages Quarterly Update
File No: I2022/904
Committee Recommendation 5.4.1
1. That
Council notes the report.
2. That the
Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee receives ongoing cyber security and
system outage status reports. (Hunter/Lyon)
Resolved that Council
adopts the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
5.5 External Audit Actions Quarter 4 2021-2022 Update
File No: I2022/1001
Committee Recommendation 5.5.1
1. That
Council notes the external audit activity update for the quarter ending 30
June 2022 as outlined in Confidential Attachment 1 (#E2022/76444).
2. That
Council endorses the closure of Issue 2 from the 2021 Year End Audit
Management Letter regarding ‘Confirming orders after invoicing’. (Hunter/Lyon)
The motions (22-535 to 22-545) were
put to the vote and declared carried unanimously.
Staff Reports - General Manager
Report No. 13.1 Lease
for Massinger Street Byron Bay treehouse
File No: I2022/741
Resolved that Council authorises the 28-day public
exhibition of a twelve-month lease over the road reserve adjoining 77
Massinger Street Byron Bay for the purpose of a Children’s Treehouse
Artwork, and
a) If
no submissions are received, then Council delegates to the General Manager
the authority to grant a lease to Ms Mell Coppin over an unused portion of
the road reserve adjoining 77 Massinger Street Byron Bay on the following:
i) term
of twelve months with no holding over,
ii) annual
rent of $1 (excluding GST),
iii) purpose
of a Children’s Treehouse Artwork, and
iv) public
liability cover to a minimum of $20 million noting Byron Shire Council as an
interested party.
v) not
preclude public traversal through the road reserve
b) If
submissions are received, then a further report be tabled at the next
ordinary meeting of Council. (Lyon/Ndiaye)
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried unanimously.
There being no further business
the meeting concluded at 4.38pm.
I hereby certify that
these are the true and correct Minutes of this Meeting
as confirmed at
Council’s Ordinary Meeting on 27 October 2022.

Mayor Michael Lyon