
Thursday, 15 December 2022
ON Thursday, 15 December 2022
M Lyon (Mayor), Cr S Balson [virtual] (left at 1.30pm), Cr D Dey, Cr A Hunter
[virtual], Cr S Ndiaye [virtual], Cr A Pugh, Cr M Swivel and Cr P Westheimer
Staff: Mark Arnold (General
Davis (Director Corporate and Community Services)
Holloway (Director Infrastructure Services)
Burt (Director Sustainable Environment and Economy)
James (Legal Counsel)
Larkin (Manager Sustainable Development)
Nagel (Manager Public and Environmental Services) – Report 13.15
Robertson (Manager Open Spaces and Facilities) – Report 16.4
Cornwall (Traffic and Transport Engineer) – Report 13.23
Flockton (Infrastructure Planning Coordinator) – Report 13.23
Evans Crane / Storm Townsend (Minute Taker)
The Mayor opened the meeting and acknowledged
that the meeting is being held on Arakwal Country and that we pay our respects
to the elders past and present and extend our respect to the Bundjalung clans
whose lands and waters are part of the Shire.
Prior to dealing with the circulated reports and associated
information, a Public Access Session was held and Council was addressed on the
Public Access
Report No
and Title
For/ Against
Policy Amendment
Jason Earlam
In person
Request to
change traffic flow in Bayshore Lane Byron Bay from two way to one way
Susan Douglas
In person
Draft Community Engagement Strategy
Ian Holmes
Bangalow Progress Association
(Community Group)
In person
Dale Emersom
Community Association of Byron Shire
(Community Group)
In person
Len Bates
Mullumbimby Residents Association (Community
In person
Request for financial assistance from the Bangalow
Historical Society Incorporated
Ian Homes
Bangalow Progress Association
(Community Group)
In person
Procedural Motion
Resolved that Public Access be extended until
11.30am. (Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
Cr Westheimer left the Chambers at 9.44am.
Report No and Title
For/ Against
Planning Proposal 26.2020.1.1 Amendment to State
Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) 2021 Short-term Rental Accommodation
in Byron Shire - Submissions Report
Vaughan Connor
Liz Friend
Byron Deserves Balance (Community
In person
Leone Bolt
Brunswick Heads Progress Association
(Community Group)
In person
Kim Goodrick
Regulate Byron Shire STHL Facebook Page
In person
David Wallace
VOHL (Community Group)
In person
Kristen Monty
Read by staff
Bill Bailey
Read by staff
Cr Westheimer returned to the Chambers at 10.28am.
Report No and Title
For/ Against
Unsolicited proposal to use and occupy Council land for a
movable tiny house cluster and Permaculture Garden
Genevieve Lee
ONE ROOF BYRON INC (Organisation)
Read by staff
PLANNING - Supplementary Report DA 10.2021.114.1 - 'Fed
Sheds' Light Industry Excluding Artisan Food & Drink Premises at 467
Federal Drive, FEDERAL 2480
Gavin Elterman
DavGav (Business)
In person
Dr Goetz Bickert
Federal Community Centre Steering Group
(Community Group)
In person
Francesca Hart
Federal Community Centre Steering Group
(Community Group)
In person
After the Floods Discussion Paper - Submission Report
Sharmin Musca
Cr Ndiaye left the meeting at 11.03am.
Report No and Title
For/ Against
Change of use of storage area in the basement of level 1
to restaurant at 139 Jonson Street Byron Bay
Jason Dunn
JD Property Group (Business)
In person
Dogs in Public Spaces Strategy Submission Report
Angela Dunlop
Joint Submission from Residents
advocating for the Safety
and Protection of Community and
Wildlife (Community Group)
In person
Former Mullumbimby Hospital – Land Use and
Development Planning Update
Jeanette Martin
Mullum Arts Hub group (Community group)
In person
Mary Fox
In person
Changing policy to remove fossil fuel sponsorship
Belinda Noble
Comms Declare (Organisation)
Tallowood walk around 30 November
Anando Heffley
Tallowood Village community Group
(Community Group)
In person
DA No 10.2022.137.1 in relation to the
development on Clifford St Suffolk Park
Tony Christy
Suffolk Park Progress Association
In Person
Having already extended the time for Public Access once,
the Mayor took all questions on notice.
No. 1 – Dog Fines
Jan Barham submitted the following question:
In the last five years how many dog related fines issued
by council officers have been successfully challenged in court and what was the
cost to council?
No. 2 – DA 10.2021.306.1 'Fed Sheds'
Peter Garrard submitted the following question:
Given the lack of unambiguous professional support for
the proposed 'conceptual' onsite sewage management system, with the best
qualified peer reviews highlighting the risks, has Council considered requiring
the developer to deposit a substantial performance bond for, say, five years to
cover clean-up costs and possible liability claims by neighbours and businesses
using the facility, in the event that the system fails?
No. 3 – Fed Sheds Development Item 13.12 on the Agenda
Toni Appleton submitted the following question:
How did such a mess of documentation find its way through
assessment and recommendation for approval? Particularly the cost of works pro
forma that was based on incorrect gross floor areas and serious underestimates
for the provision of services on this unserviced site as well as for
professional services such as a complete quantity survey of the proposal that
would have been required. This is a serious matter that results in significant
loss of revenue for council and demonstrates the lack of considered risks and
implications in relation to the developer's investment and intentions.
No. 4 – No. 13.12 Supplementary Report DA 10.2021.114.1
Alan Goldstein submitted the following question:
This question relates to Point 3 of Council’s
resolution from 11 August Planning Meeting, report from report 13.11 - PLANNING
-10.2021.114.1 - ‘Fed Sheds’ Light 10 Industry Excluding Artisan
Food & Drink Premises at 467 Federal Drive, Federal. “3. That Infrastructure
Services staff assess the drainage system in Coachwood Court in the next 4
Do Councillors know that Federal is amongst the highest
rainfall areas in NSW and that Climate Change is predicted (and this is
accepted in Council's own planning for adaptation to such) to only worsen this
situation? Council's and State modelling sees a prediction of more frequent
longer duration rain events.
The DA proposes the transfer of storm runoff off the
property at rates and volumes in excess of current rates and volumes, which
already cause flooding downstream on Coachwood Court and on properties on
Coachwood Court, before these impacts of Climate Change and the interference of
this much hard surface within the proposed development.
Staff have relooked at their review of the stormwater
management within the development but why has the Stormwater assessment looked
only at a short-duration storm, but have not assessed the impact of the
development for the longer duration events when the volume of runoff will be much
larger. The change in the proposed development since Councillors last saw it
does not really change much in regards to our experts comments/concerns of the
modelling and development from a flooding perspective.
The fact remains that staff limited their assessment to
an assessment of peak flow for a short-duration storm, and have not assessed
the impact of the development for the longer duration events when the volume of
runoff will be much larger.
The question to Councillors is "are you happy to
ignore these deficiencies in the assessment?".
The meeting
adjourned at 11.39am for a short break and reconvened at 12.03pm.
Coorey was an apology in accordance with her previously granted leave of
absence, resolution number 22-476.
to Attend by Audio-Visual Link
Cr Balson was previously
granted permission to attend by audio-visual link.
Procedural MotionS
Resolved that
Cr Ndiaye be permitted to attend the meeting held on 15 December 2022 by
audio-visual link due to caring responsibilities. (Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
Resolved that
Cr Hunter be permitted to attend the meeting held on 15 December 2022 by
audio-visual link due to illness. (Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
for Leave of Absence
were no requests for leave of absence.
Declarations of Interest – Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary
Cr Westheimer declared a pecuniary interest in Report 13.9.
The nature of the interest being that his principal place of residence is a
hosted STRA 40-50 days a year. Cr Westheimer elected to leave in the Chamber
and will not participate in discussion and the vote.
Cr Balson declared a pecuniary interest in the proposed
urgency motion. The nature of the interest being that she is on the board of
the Women’s Village Collective Ltd. Cr Balson elected to leave the
Chamber and will not participate in discussion and the vote.
Cr Dey declared a special
disclosure of pecuniary interest under Clause 4.25 of the Code of
Conduct for Councillors in Report 13.9. The nature of the interest being that he
owns land within the subject land of the planning proposal.
of Pecuniary Interest Returns
In accordance with clause 4.9 of the Code of Conduct for
Staff, the Mayor tabled a Pecuniary Disclosure of Interests Return for Joshua
Walton, Project Engineer.
of Minutes from Previous Meetings
Resolved that
the minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 24 November 2022 be confirmed. (Swivel/Westheimer)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
of Items for Debate and Order of Business
The Mayor suspended standing orders to allow for items to be
reserved for debate, being:
Staff Reports
General Manager
Report No. 13.3 Draft
Community Engagement Strategy
Corporate and Community Services
Report No. 13.5 Council
Advisory Committee Meeting schedule 2023
Sustainable Environment and Economy
Report No.
13.9 Planning Proposal 26.2020.1.1 Amendment to State
Environmental Planning Policy (Housing) 2021
Short-term Rental Accommodation in Byron Shire - Submissions Report
Report No. 13.10 After
the Floods Discussion Paper - Submissions Report
Report No. 13.12 PLANNING - Supplementary
Report DA 10.2021.114.1 - 'Fed Sheds' Light Industry Excluding Artisan
Food & Drink Premises at 467 Federal Drive, FEDERAL 2480
Report No. 13.15 Dogs
in Public Spaces Strategy Submission Report
Report No.
13.16 Former Mullumbimby Hospital - Land Use and Development
Planning Update
Report No. 13.18 Annual Emissions
Inventory and update on Net Zero Emissions goal
Infrastructure Services
Report No. 13.23 Preferred
Alignment Mullum to Bruns Cycleway
of Committees
Infrastructure Services
No. 14.7 Report of the Moving Byron Advisory Committee
Meeting held on 2 December 2022
Report No. 16.1 PLANNING - DA
10.2021.685.1 - New Dwelling to Create Dual Occupancy (Detached), Swimming Pool
and Strata Subdivision to create Two (2) Lots and Common Property – 2
Keats Street, Byron Bay
Report No. 16.2 Changing
policy to remove fossil fuel sponsorship
Report No. 16.3 Roadworks on
Ewingsdale Road
Report No. 16.4 Update on
Resolution 22-361
Urgency Motions
Matter of Urgency No. 1 Managing the L&E Court case appealing Council's refusal
of Development Application 10.2022.137.1
Matter of Urgency No. 2 Fill on bank
of Marshalls Creek
The remaining Recommendations and Committee Recommendation
were adopted as a whole, being moved by Cr Lyon and seconded by Cr Swivel. Each
recommendation is recorded with a separate resolution number commencing at
Resolution No. 22-694 and concluding with Resolution
No. 22-725.
Petition No. 10.1 Request
to change traffic flow from two way to one way in Bayshore Lane Byron Bay
File No: I2022/1789
Resolved that the petition in Attachment 1
(E2022/119099) regarding Request to change traffic flow from
two way to one way in Bayshore Lane Byron Bay be noted. (Lyon/Swivel)
Staff Reports
- General Manager
Report No. 13.1 Lease
for Massinger Street Children's Treehouse Artwork
File No: I2022/1535
1. That
Council considers all submissions received in attachment 1 (E2022/112642)
from the Public Notice on the proposed lease to Ms Coppin over an unused
portion of road reserve adjoining 77 Massinger Street, Byron Bay; and
2. That
Council delegates the General Manager authority to enter into a lease with Ms
Coppin over an unused section of Massinger Street adjoining the property at
77 Massinger Street, Byron Bay in accordance with Resolution (22-546). (Lyon/Swivel)
Report No. 13.2 Request
to change market day
File No: I2022/1560
Resolved that Council, having considered any
submissions received following public notice of the
proposal, authorises a variation to the Railway Park Artisan Market
Licence held by the Byron Bay Community Association Incorporation to move the
scheduled Railway Park Artisan Market Day from 24 December 2022 to 23
December 2022.
Staff Reports - Corporate and
Community Services
Report No. 13.4 Request
for financial assistance from the Bangalow Historical Society Incorporated
File No: I2022/1713
Resolved that Council provides a loan of $1,030.00 to
the Bangalow Historical Society Incorporated to cover fixed outgoings under
its lease for six months with the amount to be repaid to Council prior to the
end of its lease on 30 June 2024. (Lyon/Swivel)
Report No. 13.6 Presentation
of 2021-2022 Financial Statements
File No: I2022/1776
Resolved that the Audited Financial Statements and
Auditors Report for the 2021-2022 financial year be presented to the public
in accordance with Section 419(1) of the Local Government Act 1993. (Lyon/Swivel)
Report No. 13.7 Council
Investments - 1 November 2022 to 30 November 2022
File No: I2022/1797
Resolved that Council notes the report listing
Council’s investments and overall cash position as of 30 November 2022. (Lyon/Swivel)
Report No. 13.8 Submission
to Local Government Remuneration Tribunal - Mayor and Councillor Remuneration
and Categories - 2023/24 Fees
File No: I2022/1805
Resolved that Council endorses the submission to the
Local Government Remuneration Tribunal on the fees payable to Mayors and
Councillors in 2023/24 and seeks recategorisation to ‘Regional
Centre,’ as provided in Attachment 3 (E2022/119329).
Staff Reports – SUSTAINBLE
Report No. 13.11 Unsolicited
Proposal to use and occupy Council owned land for a movable tiny house
cluster and permaculture garden
File No: I2022/1633
Resolved that Council:
1. Declines
to progress with the One Roof Proposal for the reasons outlined in this
report but acknowledges the positive intent of the proposal and encourages
the organisation to continue to develop their service delivery model to
consider and incorporate best practice approaches.
2. Notes
staff will undertake an audit of Council owned or managed properties which
may meet the stated requirements for crisis and transitional supported
accommodation, to be able to give due consideration to future opportunities
or proposals in a holistic manner.
3. Notes
the proposed amendments to the State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing)
2021 (Housing SEPP) will, when in effect, streamline consideration of
Temporary Supported Accommodation on Council operational land/buildings to
provide for housing for people experiencing, or at risk of homelessness,
managed by an appropriate provider.
4. Notes
subject to 2 and 3 above, if suitable properties are identified, it may be
possible to undertake an Expression of Interest to identify and assess (based
on robust criteria) appropriate uses by suitable organisations of these
properties, which could include One Roof. (Lyon/Swivel)
Report No. 13.13 PLANNING -
10.2022.165.1 Change of Use of Storage Area in The Basement of Level 1 to
Restaurant at 139 Jonson Street BYRON BAY
File No: I2022/1688
Resolved that Pursuant to Section 4.16 of the
Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979, Development Application No.
10.2022.165.1 for Change of Use of Storage Area in Basement of Level 1 to
Restaurant, be approved subject to the conditions of consent in Attachment 2
(#E2022/118594). (Lyon/Swivel)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
Crs Dey, Swivel, Ndiaye, Lyon,
Westheimer, Balson, Pugh and Hunter voted in favour of the motion.
Nil voted against the motion.
Report No. 13.14 Proposed
Wildlife Protection Area - ‘Old New Brighton Road, Ocean Shores’
File No: I2022/1539
Resolved that Council:
1. Endorses
the public exhibition of a proposed Wildlife
Protection Area on the area known as ‘Old New
Brighton Road, Ocean Shores’ for a minimum 6 weeks to allow for
community feedback and submissions.
2. Receives
a submissions report following the public exhibition referred to in point 1.
Report No. 13.17 Update
Resolution 22-595 - State Imposed land use planning changes for Agritourism
and Implications for Council
File No: I2022/1672
Resolved that Council:
1. Urgently informs the NSW
Government that Council insists that the new ‘Agritourism’,
‘Farm experience premises’ and ‘Farm gate premises’
land use terms be prohibited across all zones in the Byron LEP 2014,
including in the RU1, RU2 and C3 zones.
2. Reminds the DPE of its many assurances via the
Explanation of Intended Effect, statements on the Planning Portal and various
emails that councils could “identify zones in which they wish to
allow the new farm events and farm gate land uses”, and “councils
could decide to amend their LEPs to prohibit these new uses in all
3. Strongly objects to the
ambiguity and quasi mandating of ‘Agritourism’ and its sub terms
as permissible with consent in the Byron LEP 2014 from 1 December 2022 and
February 2023.
4. Strongly objects to the
significant weakening of the development standards in the exempt and
complying provisions that were exhibited in 2021 and have been amended and
notified without any meaningful consultation with Council.
5. Notes Council’s
strong disappointment with the lack of meaningful or transparent consultation
with local constituents and communities, and the disregard for the LGNSW
President Darriea Turley’s letter outlining serious concerns (dated Oct
13, 2022).
6. Should the NSW Government persist with effectively
mandating ‘Agritourism’ in certain zones in Byron Shire:
a. Opt-in
to the ‘Farm gate premises’ optional clause (only) for Byron LEP
b. Commence
a review of the existing Byron LEP and DCP controls relevant to
‘Agritourism’ and ‘Farm stay accommodation’ and
report back to Council on any consequential changes to these, in due course.
c. Strongly
request a deferral from the commencement of the Agritourism Reforms until
February 2024, to enable the preparation, exhibition and finalisation of
local planning controls (as required), that will establish additional Byron
Shire specific development standards for the range of agritourism land
7. Requests
that the NSW Government commit to:
a. Arranging
public information sessions, as a matter of urgency, to explain the reforms
to the public and interested communities; and
b. Depending
on what eventuates, undertaking a 12-month review of the reforms to enable
them to be refine, improve or adjust if needed or appropriate.
8. Sends a copy of this resolution to
relevant local members of the NSW Parliament and relevant Ministers and Shadow
Ministers. (Lyon/Swivel)
Report No. 13.19 Update
Resolution 22-552 PLANNING - 26.2022.8.1 - Planning Proposal for an amendment
to Byron Local Environmental Plan 2014 to permit events on certain Council
owned land at 249 Ewingsdale Road, Ewingsdale (Cavanbah Centre)
File No: I2022/1740
Resolved that Council:
1. Notes
the update provided on Resolution 22-552 PLANNING - 26.2022.8.1 - Planning
Proposal for an amendment to Byron Local Environmental Plan 2014 to permit
events on certain Council owned land at 249 Ewingsdale Road, Ewingsdale
(Cavanbah Centre);
2. Supports
an amendment to the Planning Proposal (Attachment 1 #E2022/93749) such
that the proposed events clause will now seek to permit a defined LEP land
use (like function centre) as development without consent;
3. Authorises
staff to make the amendment in point 2;
4. Supports
the submission of the amended Planning Proposal to the Department of Planning
Industry and Environment for gateway determination;
5. Pending
a positive gateway determination, undertakes public exhibition of the
planning proposal in accordance with the determination requirements;
6. Considers
a submissions report post exhibition that includes any recommended changes to
the planning proposal for final adoption. (Lyon/Swivel)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
Crs Dey, Swivel, Ndiaye, Lyon,
Westheimer, Balson, Pugh and Hunter voted in favour of the motion.
Nil voted against the motion.
Report No. 13.20 PLANNING -
Report of the Planning Review Committee held 1 December 2022
File No: I2022/1793
Resolved that Council endorses the outcomes of the
Planning Review Committee meeting held on 1 December 2022. (Lyon/Swivel)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
Staff Reports - Infrastructure
Report No. 13.21 Request
For Tender Outcome - Rifle Range Road Intersection Upgrade
File No: I2022/1102
1. That
Council awards Tender 2022-1314– Lismore Road and Rifle Range Road
Intersection Upgrade to Durack Civil as identified in the tender evaluation
report (Attachment 1 #E2022/118145).
2. That Council makes public its decision, including the name and
amount of the successful tenderer, in accordance with Clause 179(b) of the
Local Government (General) Regulation 2021. (Lyon/Swivel)
Report No. 13.22 Planning
agreement between Billinudgel Pty Ltd and Byron Shire Council
File No: I2022/1727
Resolved that Council agrees to enter into the
Planning Agreement provided as Attachment 1 (E2022/117451) to this report. (Lyon/Swivel)
Report No. 13.24 Renaming
of a Park in Bangalow
File No: I2022/1790
1. Council
approves the proposed name Piccabeen Park to be placed on public exhibition
for 28 days in first quarter of 2023.
2. A
further report be provided to Council advising on outcomes of the public
exhibition. (Lyon/Swivel)
Reports of Committees - Corporate
and Community Services
Report No. 14.1 Report
of the Finance Advisory Committee Meeting held on 17 November 2022
File No: I2022/1714
Resolved that Council
notes the Minutes of the Finance Advisory Committee Meeting held on 17
November 2022. (Lyon/Swivel)
Resolved that Council adopts
the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
4.1 Budget Review - 1 July 2022 to 30 September 2022
File No: I2022/1648
Committee Recommendation 4.1.1
1. That Council
authorises the itemised budget variations as shown in Attachment 2
(#E2022/109971) which include the following results in the 30 September 2022
Quarterly Review of the 2022/2023 Budget:
a) General
Fund – $0 movement to the Estimated Unrestricted Cash Result
b) General
Fund - $3,005,900 decrease in reserves
c) Water
Fund - $1,536,100 decrease in reserves
d) Sewerage
Fund - $278,600 decrease in reserves
2. That
Council adopts the revised General Fund Estimated Unrestricted Cash Result of
($207,000) for the 2022/2023 financial year as at 30 September 2022.
3. That
a memo be brought to a Councillor Workshop identifying options to refocus the
intent of Resolution No. 22-586 part 5 to reallocate operational funding with
a view to continuing a drainage maintenance focus for the second half of the
financial year.
Report No. 14.2 Report
of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Meeting held on 17 November 2022
File No: I2022/1730
Resolved that Council notes the minutes of the Audit,
Risk and Improvement Committee Meeting held on 17 November 2022. (Lyon/Swivel)
Resolved that Council adopts
the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
4.1 Internal Audit Plan 2023-2024
File No: I2022/1115
Committee Recommendation 4.1.1
1. That
Council endorses the revised Internal Audit Plan 2023-2024 (E2022/104827).
2. That Council
notes that the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee will receive a detailed
version of the Internal Audit Plan 2023-2024 at the first meeting in 2023 to
allow for any refinement of the Plan. (Lyon/Swivel)
Resolved that Council adopts
the following Committee Recommendation:
Report No.
4.2 2023 Agenda Schedule
File No: I2022/1440
Committee Recommendation 4.2.1
That Council endorses the Agenda
Schedule for 2023 (Attachment 2 E2022/98398).
Resolved that Council adopts
the following Committee Recommendation:
Report No.
4.4 Business Continuity Plan Review 2022
File No: I2022/1476
Committee Recommendation 4.4.1
That Council endorses the revised
Business Continuity Plan Part 1 – Manual (E2022/100219). (Lyon/Swivel)
Resolved that Council adopts
the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
5.1 Internal Audit Report Quarter 1 2022-23 including Open Space Review
File No: I2022/863
Recommendation 5.1.1
That Council:
1. Notes
the Summary of Internal Audit Recommendations for Quarter 1 2022-2023 at
Attachment 1 (E2022/102222).
2. Endorses
the recommendations from the Executive Team to close off four internal audit
recommendations from Quarter 1 2022-2023 as listed in Table 1 of this report
(which is a summary from Attachment 2 E2022/E2022/96912).
3. Endorses
that management implement the recommendations made in the Internal Audit of
Open Space (September 2022) (Attachment 3 E2022/102322).
Resolved that Council adopts
the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
6.1 Draft 2021/2022 Financial Statements
File No: I2022/1701
Committee Recommendation 6.1.1
1. That
the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee note the Audit Engagement Closing
Report for the year ended 30 June 2022 provided by the Audit Office of NSW
provided at Confidential Attachment 3 (#E2022/113308).
2. That
(a) adopts
the Draft 2021/2022 Financial Statements incorporating the General Purpose
Financial Statements (#E2022/112363) and Special Purpose Financial Statements
(b) approves
the signing of the “Statement by Councillors and Management” in
accordance with Section 413(2)(c) of the Local Government Act 1993 and
Section 215 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 in relation to
the 2021/2022 Draft Financial Statements.
(c) endorsed
that the Audited Financial Statements and Auditors Report be presented to the
public at the Ordinary Meeting of Council scheduled for 15 December 2022 in
accordance with Section 418(1) of the Local Government Act 1993. (Lyon/Swivel)
Reports of Committees – Sustainable
Environment and Economy
Report No. 14.3 Report
of the Biodiversity Advisory Committee Meeting held on 17 November 2022
File No: I2022/1722
Resolved that Council notes the minutes of the
Biodiversity Advisory Committee Meeting held on 17 November 2022. (Lyon/Swivel)
Report No. 14.4 Report
of the Climate Change and Resource Recovery Advisory Committee Meeting held
on 17 November 2022
File No: I2022/1723
Resolved that Council notes the minutes of the Climate
Change and Resource Recovery Advisory Committee Meeting held on 17 November
2022. (Lyon/Swivel)
Resolved that Council adopts
the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
3.1 Sustainability
Project Updates
File No: I2022/1426
Committee Recommendation 3.1.1
1. That
the Climate Change and Resource Recovery Advisory Committee notes the report.
2. That
Council continues the annual membership with Climate Emergency Australia.
3. That
Council notes that the report on Council’s Annual Emissions will also
be tabled with the Climate Change and Resource Recovery Advisory Committee
for further consideration and input. (Lyon/Swivel)
Resolved that Council adopts
the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
3.2 Revised Constitution of Climate Change and Resource Recovery Advisory
File No: I2022/1661
Committee Recommendation 3.2.1
1. That
Council supports an invitation to Mullum Cares to participate in the Climate
Change and Resource Recovery Advisory Committee, include Cr Dey as an
alternate Councillor and endorse the constitution at Attachment 1
(E2021/148037) as amended pending Mullum Cares acceptance.
2. That
Cr Pugh be alternate Chair in Cr Ndiaye’s absence. (Lyon/Swivel)
Report No. 14.5 Report
of the Housing and Affordability Advisory Committee Meeting held on 17
November 2022
File No: I2022/1796
Resolved that Council notes the minutes of the Housing
and Affordability Advisory Committee Meeting held on 17 November 2022.
Reports of Committees – Infrastructure
Report No. 14.6 Report
of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 30 November 2022
File No: I2022/1785
Resolved that Council notes the minutes of the Local
Traffic Committee Meeting held on 30 November 2022. (Lyon/Swivel)
Resolved that Council adopts
the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
6.1 Tincogan Street/Dalley Street Reprioritisation (including zebra
pedestrian crossing facility)
File No: I2022/1735
Committee Recommendation 6.1.1
That the Local Traffic Committee
support the installation of the zebra (pedestrian) crossing shown in
Attachment 2 (E2022/117476). (Lyon/Swivel)
Resolved that Council adopts
the following Committee Recommendations:
No. 6.2 Belongil Parking Scheme Review - New parking limits
File No: I2022/1537
Committee Recommendation 6.2.1
That the Local Traffic Committee
supports proposed regulatory items for Belongil Beach on Childe, Border and
Kendall Streets as shown in Attachment 1 (E2022/117545).
Procedural Motion
Resolved that
Council change the order of business to deal with Reports 9.1, 13.3, 13.9,
13.12, 13.15, 13.16, 13.10, 16.2, 16.3, and 16.4 next on the Agenda. (Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
Cr Ndiaye returned to the meeting at
Notices of
Notice of Motion No. 9.1 Busking Policy Amendment
File No: I2022/1780
Resolved that Council addresses the issues with
busking in the town centre, specifically the use of large speaker systems and
busking in non-designated areas, by revising the policy and providing better guidance
for the benefit of all concerned. (Lyon/Westheimer)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
Staff Reports - General Manager
Report No. 13.3 Draft
Community Engagement Strategy
File No: I2022/1738
Resolved that Council:
1. Notes
the seven submissions (Attachment 1 E2022/119582) received during the public
exhibition of the Draft Community Engagement Strategy and responses as
outlined in this report except on the matter of Submission #4 where the
approach in Part 2 below will be taken;
2. Receives
a report in the first Quarter of 2023 on the roles and responsibilities of
Community Engagement / Liaison Officers in Councils, and on the potential for
Byron Shire Council to incorporate such a role that provides a meaningful
focus through which our community can engage;
3. Adopts
the Community Engagement Strategy (Attachment 2 E2022/119684); and
4. Repeals
the current Community Engagement Policy (Attachment 3 E2018/10445) as it is
now superseded by the Community Engagement Strategy. (Dey/Ndiaye)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
Staff Reports – Sustainable
Environment & EConomy
Report No. 13.9 Planning
Proposal 26.2020.1.1 Amendment to State Environmental Planning Policy
(Housing) 2021
Short-term Rental Accommodation in Byron Shire - Submissions Report
File No: I2022/1432
In accordance with his earlier
declared interest in this item Cr Westheimer left the Chambers at 12.40pm.
Resolved that
1. Amends
the planning proposal to:
a) include
in the 365-day cap precinct, the area as per the maps in the body of this
report, namely:
i) Shirley
Lane and south of Shirley Street and precinct west of bus interchange around
Sommerset Street, Byron Bay
ii) Byron
Bay central business area
b) remove
from the 365-day cap precinct the areas as per the maps in the body of this
report, namely:
i) Suffolk
ii) area
south of Booyun Street, Brunswick Heads
2. Adopts
the amended planning proposal to amend State Environmental Planning Policy
(Housing) 2021 to:
a) increase
the number of days of non-hosted short term rental accommodation in part of
the Byron Shire Local Government Area from the current 180-day cap to a
365-day cap for areas in set mapped precincts in the Brunswick Heads and
Byron Bay localities; and
b) reduce
the number of days of non-hosted short term rental accommodation for the
balance of the Byron Shire Local Government Area from the current 180-days
cap to a 90-day cap.
3. Forwards
the adopted planning proposal to Department of Planning Industry and
Environment requesting that the amendment to the Housing SEPP 2021 be
finalised. In doing so, acknowledges that the Minister for Planning is to
seek the advice of the Independent Planning Commission before the planning
proposal is finalised.
4. Invites
the Independent Planning Commission to meet with Council about the adopted
planning proposal as soon as possible and practical;
5. Notes
staff will report to Council in 2023 on:
a) an
updated STRA risk mitigation and
monitoring strategy that reflects the finalised planning
proposal and mapped precincts; and
enforcement strategy.
6. Notes
should the planning proposal be adopted by Council, there will be a 12-month
transition period for any changes to commence. This means any changes will
likely not come into effect until 2024.
7. Requests
staff write to the NSW government advocating for changes in response to the
alternative policy measures shared by many stakeholders including:
a) differential
rating of STRA properties
b) establishing
a levy to generate funds to cover enforcement and infrastructure demands
c) assigning
the STRA register to Council to administer with appropriate fees for
8. Appoints
the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee to review and regularly advise
Council on matters of compliance, risk management, financial management,
governance, community service, data collection and the overall performance of
the proposed planning STRA amendment 26.2020.1.1.
9. Recognises
the submissions made during public access that identified specific areas in
need of further investigation as part of the monitoring strategy for
potential inclusion in the 90 day cap precinct such as in Brunswick Heads (Hunter/Lyon)
Procedural MotionS
Resolved that
Cr Hunter be granted a two minute extension to his speech. (Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
Resolved that
Cr Lyon be granted a two minute extension to his speech. (Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
Resolved that
Cr Swivel be granted a two minute extension to his speech. (Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
Resolved that
Cr Pugh be granted a two minute extension to his speech. (Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
Resolved that
Cr Ndiaye be granted a two minute extension to her speech. (Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
The motion (Hunter/Lyon)
was put to the vote and carried unanimously.
Crs Dey, Swivel, Ndiaye, Lyon, Balson,
Pugh and Hunter voted in favour of the motion.
Nil voted against the motion.
Cr Westheimer was not present for the
The meeting adjourned at 1.30pm for a
lunch break and reconvened at 2.13pm.
Crs Ndiaye and Balson did not return
at this time.
Report No. 13.12 PLANNING -
Supplementary Report DA 10.2021.114.1 - 'Fed Sheds' Light Industry
Excluding Artisan Food & Drink Premises at 467 Federal Drive, FEDERAL
File No: I2022/1658
Resolved that Pursuant to
Section 4.16 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979,
Development Application No. 10.2021.114.1 for 'Fed Sheds' light industry
excluding artisan food & drink premises at 467 Federal Drive, Federal be
refused for the following reasons:
1. Pursuant
to Section 4.15(1)(a)(i) of the EP&A Act 1979 the proposed development is
inconsistent with the objectives of the RU5 Village Zone under Byron LEP
2. Pursuant
to Section 4.15(1)(a)(i) of the EP&A Act 1979 the proposed development is
inconsistent with Clause 6.6 of the Byron LEP 2014 in terms of services to
the property including stormwater management.
3. Pursuant
to Section 4.15(1)(a)(iii) of the EP&A Act 1979 the proposed development
is inconsistent with the provisions under Chapter B3 Services under Byron DCP
2014 in terms of onsite sewage management system (including the covered
nature of the application area, the lack of allocation of land for a reserve
application area, and the inadequate buffer to boundaries) and stormwater
management (including stormwater being piped to a locality with pre-existing
flood problems).
4. Pursuant
to Section 4.15(1)(a)(iii) of the EP&A Act 1979 the proposed development
is inconsistent with the provisions under Chapter E6 Federal under Byron DCP
2014 in terms of character, bulk and scale, and the village centre area
5. Pursuant
to Section 4.15(1)(b) of the EP&A Act 1979 the proposed development will
have an unacceptable environmental impact in terms of the onsite sewage
management system.
6. Pursuant
to Section 4.15(1)(b) of the EP&A Act 1979 the proposed development is
out of character with the built environment and is not compatible with the
Village Character of Federal.
7. Pursuant
to Section 4.15(1)(c) of the EP&A Act 1979 the site is not suitable for
the development.
8. Pursuant
to Section 4.15(1)(e) of the EP&A Act 1979 the proposed development is
not in the public interest having taken into account the Federal Village
Procedural Motion
Resolved that Cr Westheimer be granted a one minute extension to his speech. (Lyon)
motion was put to the vote and carried unanimously.
Balson and Ndiaye was not present for the vote.
Ndiaye returned to the meeting at 2.35pm.
The motion (Swivel/Westheimer) was put
to the vote and declared carried.
Crs Dey, Swivel, Westheimer, Pugh and
Hunter voted in favour of the motion.
Crs Ndiaye and Lyon voted against the
Cr Balson was not present for the
Report No. 13.16 Former
Mullumbimby Hospital - Land Use and Development Planning Update
File No: I2022/1640
Resolved that Council:
1. Thanks
all community members who gave feedback during the consultation period on the
draft Site Strategy and Urban Design Protocol.
2. Notes
that submissions have been used to improve the exhibited document and will be
used as inputs into future planning and design stages.
3. Endorses
the revised Site Strategy and Urban Design Protocol (Attachment 1
E2022/113329) for the former Mullumbimby Hospital site to be used as a
guiding document for the project.
4. Requests
staff to prepare a draft planning proposal informed by the Site Strategy and
Urban Design Protocol and any required Baseline Studies and Advice and report
this to Council for consideration prior to seeking a gateway determination.
5. Requests
staff to arrange an Enquiry by Design process (inclusive of community,
industry and Councillor engagement) to underpin Concept Masterplan and
Development Control Plan drafting.
6. Requests
staff to report the Concept Masterplan, Development Control Plan, and
associated development options to Council.
7. Requests
that an arts facility / hub or artist in residence program be integrated as a
core part of the community facilities. (Westheimer/Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
Cr Balson was not present for the
Report No. 13.15 Dogs in
Public Spaces Strategy Submission Report
File No: I2022/1606
1. That
Council adopts the Dogs in Public Space Strategy (E2022/106874), amended as a
result of submissions received during public exhibition.
2. That
Council adopts the Guide to Dog Areas in the Byron Shire (E2022/106845),
amended as a result of submissions received during public exhibition, with
the proposal to remove Map 13 from the Guide to be placed on public
exhibition for 28 days to allow for submissions.
3. That
Council endorses the Companion Animal Exercise Area Policy – as updated
and shown in track changes at E2022/103808 to be placed on public exhibition
for 28 days to allow for submissions.
4. That:
a) Should
there be no submission received for the amendment listed in 2 above, the
update be endorsed for this policy; and
b) Should
submissions be received on the amendment listed in 2 above, that the
amendment be reported back to Council noting the submissions and any
amendment made as a result of the submissions received.
c) Should
there be no submission received for the policy listed in 3 above, the update
be endorsed for this policy; and
d) Should
submissions be received for the policy listed in 3 above, that the policy be
amendment be reported back to Council noting the submissions and any
amendments made as a result of the submissions received. (Westheimer/Lyon)
1. That Council
adopts the Dogs in Public Space Strategy (E2022/106874) and Guide to Dog
Areas in the Byron Shire (E2022/106845), amended as a result of submissions
received during public exhibition.
2. That
Council endorses the Companion Animal Exercise Area Policy – as updated
and shown in track changes at E2022/103808 - to be placed on public
exhibition for 28 days to allow for submissions.
3. That:
a) Should
there be no submission received for the policy listed in 2 above, the update
be endorsed for this policy; and
b) Should
submissions be received on the policy listed in 2 above, that the policy be
reported back to Council noting the submissions and any amendments made
as a result of the submissions received. (Pugh/Ndiaye)
The amendment was put to the vote and
declared carried.
Crs Dey and Westheimer voted against
the amendment.
Cr Balson was not present for the
The motion was put to the vote and
declared carried.
Crs Dey and Westheimer voted against
the motion.
Cr Balson was not present for the
Report No. 13.10 After the
Floods Discussion Paper - Submissions Report
File No: I2022/1433
Resolved that
1. Notes the
Settlement Discussion Paper’s engagement report ‘After the
Floods: Settlement Discussion Paper, Engagement Report’ (Attachment 1
2. Recognises
the findings report which summarises community feedback on long-term planning
for how and where people will live and work in the future, and captures it in
twenty Principles in ‘After the Flood: Settlement Discussion Paper,
Findings Report’ (Attachment 2 E2022/119445).
3. Further
recognises that other post-flood consultation processes like the two NSW
Flood Inquiries (Independent and Parliamentary) will guide long-term planning
for how and where people will live and work in the future.
4. Recognises
that bushfire risks must be considered along with flood risks in that
5. Considers all
the above input and more in our strategic land use planning framework,
including for the preparation and / or review of:
• Residential
• Rural
Land Use Strategy
• Business
and Industrial Lands Strategy
• Place
6. Thanks all
who participated in the ‘After the Flood Discussion Paper’
engagement process. (Dey/Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
Cr Balson
was not present for the vote.
Notices of Motion
Notice of Motion No. 16.2 Changing
policy to remove fossil fuel sponsorship
File No: I2022/1664
1. That
Council recognises:
a) that fossil fuels are the
main driver of climate change and that we are in a climate emergency;
b) that the marketing of high
emissions products, such as petroleum and gas through sponsorships or
advertising increases demand and delays behaviour changes in the community
that are required to reduce emissions; and
c) that the Federal Government
has a responsibility to implement restrictions on fossil fuel advertising
through national laws, like what was done for tobacco advertising which saw a
proven reduction in tobacco consumption per capita, therefore reducing the
health burden of tobacco use.
2. That
a) writes to the Federal
Minister for Communications, The Hon Michelle Rowland MP, to ask the Federal
Government to pass national laws that restrict fossil fuel advertising; and
b) writes to the organisers of
prominent local organisations and events outlining Council’s position
against fossil fuel advertising and sponsorships and requesting they adopt
similar policies.
3. That
a) updates
the Byron Sponsorships received by Council Policy, to prohibit accepting
sponsorships from companies whose main business is the extraction,
production or sale of coal, petroleum and gas;
b) places
the draft Policy on public exhibition for a period of 28 days; and
c) reviews other polices as
appropriate to remove support for companies whose main business is the extraction,
production or sale of coal, petroleum and gas.
The motion
was put to the vote and carried.
Cr Hunter
voted against the motion.
Cr Balson
was not present for the vote.
Notice of Motion No. 16.3 Roadworks
on Ewingsdale Road
File No: I2022/1665
1. That
Council implements a policy of only conducting roadworks on Ewingsdale Road
at night noting that minor maintenance works that can be easily ceased is not
to be included in this prohibition.
2. That
Council implements a policy of not conducting roadworks on Bangalow Road and
Broken Head Road during morning and afternoon peak hours.
3. That
Council writes to all relevant authorities, such as Essential Energy,
requesting that they adhere to the same policies for work within the road
4. That the emergency road
works be exempt from the above policies.
5. That
Council receives a report to update Council on Transport for NSW plans to fix
the Ewingsdale Highway interchange. (Pugh/Dey)
The motion
was put to the vote and carried.
Cr Hunter
voted against the motion.
Cr Balson
was not present for the vote.
Cr Ndiaye left the meeting at 4:01pm.
Notice of Motion No. 16.4 Update
on Resolution 22-361
File No: I2022/1739
Resolved that
1. Notes
the recent vote of members of the Bangalow Bowling and Sports Club to support
amalgamation with North Sydney Leagues Club.
2. Notes
that North Sydney Leagues Club had pre covid (2019) revenue of over $58
million and does not need financial support from Council.
3. Rescinds the budget
allocation of $2,000 established via Resolution 22-361.
4. Continues
to ensure that the Bangalow Bowling Club be engaged in the Plan of Management
process for the Bangalow Sports Fields as per the rest of Resolution 22-361. (Pugh/Lyon)
The motion
was put to the vote and declared carried.
Cr Hunter
voted against the motion.
Crs Balson and Ndiaye were not present for the vote.
Mayoral Minute No. 8.1 Declaration of Statewide
Road Emergency
File No: I2022/1716
Resolved that Council
joins with Local Government NSW and the Country Mayors Association of NSW in
declaring a Statewide Road Emergency. (Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
Crs Balson and Ndiaye were not
present for the vote.
Delegate's Report No. 12.1 Tallowood walk around 30
November 2022
No: I2022/1802
Following a request at the
Tallowood Village Community Group’s meeting with Council on 21
November, I accompanied Group members to view two sites the group is
considering for a Community Centre for their Village.
Both sites are public reserves on the
downhill (east) side of the main drag Tuckeroo Avenue. Both are zoned
Residential - the Group is asking whether this adequately protects their open
Both sites are flood prone and would
require a building to be elevated but this could facilitate parking
underneath. The southern of the two sites (Tallowood Park, near Corella
Crescent) is deeper flooded than the northern one (with tennis &
basketball courts, opposite Lorikeet Lane). Were the proposed Centre to
function as a flood refuge, only the northern site would have access during
flood (as experienced in 2022).
Existing uses at each site would be
compromised by the addition of a community building. Those uses
at Tallowood Park are good shade and a modern playground. The other
site is more ‘crowded’ with those sports, a stormwater treatment
pond and a Sewer Pump Station.
The Group will work up options at the
sites and consider which best suits the community. They will bring a
proposition to Council next year, for endorsement and partnering.
Signed: Cr
Duncan Dey
Reports - Corporate and Community Services
Report No. 13.5 Council
Advisory Committee Meeting schedule 2023
File No: I2022/1719
1. That
Council adopts the schedule of Advisory Committee Meetings shown in
Attachment 1 (#E2022/117305), with meetings generally held in the Conference
Room, Mullumbimby.
2. That
Committee meetings are generally held on the third or fifth Tuesday or Thursday
of the month, excluding during Council recess, at the following times:
· 9:00am
· 11.30am
· 2.00pm
· 4.30pm (Dey/Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
Crs Balson and Ndiaye were not
present for the vote.
Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy
Report No. 13.18 Annual
Emissions Inventory and update on Net Zero Emissions goal
File No: I2022/1715
Resolved that Council:
1. Notes
the annual emissions inventory, (Attachment 1 #E2022/114369), and
Council’s progress toward meeting the net zero emissions target.
2. Notes
the progress update on the Net Zero Emissions Action Plan for Council
Operations 2025.
3. Notes
that the annual emissions report will be tabled at the next available Climate
Change & Resource Recovery Advisory Committee Meeting. (Dey/Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
Crs Balson and Ndiaye were not
present for the vote.
Cr Ndiaye returned to the meeting at
Reports - Infrastructure Services
Report No. 13.23 Preferred
Alignment Mullum to Bruns Cycleway
File No: I2022/1736
Moved that Council:
1. Notes
that option 1 was preferred by the community in the consultation process
“Tell us what you think” survey for the Mullum to Bruns Cycleway;
2. Undertakes
investigation on this alignment and on that of option 2 so that they can be
compared. (Westheimer/Dey)
The motion
was put to the vote and declared lost.
Crs Lyon,
Pugh, Swivel, and Hunter voted against the motion.
Cr Balson was
not present for the vote.
Resolved that Council
supports option 1 (from the community “Tell us what you think”
survey) Mullum to Bruns Cycleway and endorse Council staff in progressing
with the investigation of this general alignment. (Lyon/Pugh)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
Cr Balson was not present for the
of Committees - Infrastructure Services
Report No. 14.7 Report
of the Moving Byron Advisory Committee Meeting held on 2 December 2022
File No: I2022/1803
Resolved that Council notes the minutes of the Moving
Byron Advisory Committee Meeting held on 2 December 2022. (Dey/Westheimer)
Resolved that Council adopts the following Committee
Recommendations, as amended:
Report No.
4.1 Moving Byron Strategy - Revised Submission Summary and Transport for New
South Wales Feedback
File No: I2022/1410
Council Recommendation 4.1.1
1. That
Council receives and considers via its Moving Byron Advisory Committee:
a) an authorised draft of the TfNSW Integrated Transport Planning
Framework (Planning and Strategy Development Initiation Document –
Byron Shire); and
b) the planning framework itself, incorporating the Moving Byron
Transport Plan and recognising council’s settlement strategies
2. That Council extends to TfNSW an open invitation to continue as
part of Moving Byron Advisory Committee.
3. That
Council adopts the Moving Byron Strategy. (Dey/Westheimer)
Resolved that Council adopts
the following Committee Recommendation:
Report No.
4.2 E Bus Proposal
File No: I2022/1721
Committee Recommendation 4.2.1
That Council seeks support from
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) to hold a workshop in early 2023 to explore ways of
improving the current bus network in Byron Shire as discussed in Moving Byron
Strategy. (Dey/Westheimer)
The motions (22-747 to 22-749) were
put to the vote and declared carried unanimously.
Cr Balson was not present for the
Cr Dey left the Chambers at 5.00pm.
Report No. 16.1 PLANNING
– DA 10.2021.685.1 – New Dwelling to Create Dual Occupancy (Detached),
Swimming Pool and Strata Subdivision to create Two (2) Lots and Common
Property – 2 Keats Street, Byron Bay
File No: I2022/1814
Resolved that, pursuant
to Section 4.16 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979,
Development Application No. 10.2021.685.1 for New Dwelling to Create Dual Occupancy (Detached), Swimming Pool
and Strata Subdivision to create Two (2) Lots and Common Property, be granted
consent subject to conditions attached to this report, with an amendment to
Condition 7 to read 24 months. (Hunter/Lyon)
motion was put to the vote and carried unanimously.
Swivel, Ndiaye, Lyon, Westheimer, Pugh and Hunter voted in favour of the
voted against the motion.
Balson and Dey were not present for the vote.
Cr Dey returned to the Chambers at 5.03pm
No. 1 Matter
of Urgency - Managing the L&E Court case appealing Council's refusal of
Development Application 10.2022.137.1
Resolved that Council
considers the matter relating to the appeal of Council’s refusal on 19
July 2022 of DA 10.2022.137.1 for Demolition of 9 Dwellings, Removal of 25
Native Trees, and Construction of Mixed-Use Development ... including
Commercial Premises.
The motion to
consider the matter at the meeting was put to the vote and carried
Cr Balson was not present for the vote.
The Chairperson declared the matter of
great urgency.
Cr Lyon left the meeting at 5.12pm. Cr Ndiaye took the
Procedural Motion
Resolved that
Council move into Committee to allow for free debate. (Ndiaye/Dey)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
Cr Lyon
returned to the meeting at 5.26pm and resumed the Chair.
Procedural Motion
Resolved that
Council move out of Committee and resume the Ordinary Meeting. (Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
1. That
before any Section 34 Agreement or Consent Orders are entered into in
proceedings Denwol Suffolk Pty Ltd LEC 2022/00269686, the proceedings be
reported to Council seeking endorsement of the proposed Agreement/Consent
Orders, including by Extraordinary Meeting if necessary.
2. That
legal counsel facilitate a briefing with Council’s external solicitor
prior to the conciliation conference.
3. That
Councillors be updated monthly or sooner by Memorandum as to the status of
the proceedings. (Dey/Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote
and carried unanimously.
Cr Ndiaye left the meeting at 5.38pm.
No. 2 Matter
of Urgency – Fill on bank of Marshalls Creek
Moved that Council
consider URGENT the following Motion to have fill removed rapidly from the bank
of Marshalls Creek, on 295 Pocket Road THE POCKET.
This is urgent because we do not meet again until February by which time the
fill is likely to have washed into Marshalls Creek. (Dey)
The motion to consider the matter at the
meeting was put to the vote and declared lost.
Crs Swivel, Lyon, Westheimer, and Hunter voted against the motion.
There being no further
business the meeting concluded at 5.41pm.
I hereby certify that
these are the true and correct Minutes of this Meeting
as confirmed at
Council’s Ordinary Meeting on 24 February 2022.

Mayor Michael Lyon