Minutes of Meeting

Floodplain Management Advisory Committee Meeting


Conference Room, Station Street, Mullumbimby


Tuesday, 16 May 2023







Floodplain Management Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes 16 May 2023

Minutes of the Floodplain Management Advisory Committee Meeting held on Tuesday, 16 May 2023

File No: I2023/718

PRESENT: Cr M Lyon (Mayor)


Staff:  Samuel Frumpui (Manager Works)

            James Flockton (Infrastructure Planning Coordinator)

Scott Moffett (Flood and Drainage Engineer)

David Filipczyk (Team Leader Bush Regeneration)

Peter Brown (Project Manager Infrastructure Planning)

            Dominika Tomanek  (Minute Taker)


Committee:           Rebecca Brewin, Matthew Lambourne, Robert Crossley.

Visitor:                   Cristina Chiu, Arcadis (Consultant)


Cr Lyon (Chair) opened the meeting at 11:34 am and acknowledged that the meeting was being held on Bundjalung Country.

Attendance via AUDIO-VISUAL LINK:

Cr C Coorey, Cr D Dey, Catherine Lane, Ziwar Sattouf, Belinda Devine (SES), Martin Rose (Dept of Planning and Environment), Peter Mair (SES)


Phil Holloway (Director Infrastructure Services)

Karl Allen

Steven Harris

Declarations of Interest – Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary

There were no declarations of interest.



Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings

Report No. 3.1           Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meeting

File No:                       I2023/678


Committee Recommendation:

That the minutes of the Floodplain Management Advisory Committee Meeting held on 14 February 2023 be confirmed.                                                                                  (Dey/Lyon)

The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.

Business Arising from Previous Minutes

There was no business arising from previous minutes.



Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services

Report No. 4.1           Federation Bridge Debris Control Measures

File No:                       I2023/651


Committee Recommendation:

That the Floodplain Advisory Committee notes the attached report, the presentation and approves the preferred option 3 in accordance with the multi criteria analysis detailed within attachment 1 (E2023/41906) Federation Bridge Debris Control Options Assessment.          (Brewin/Lambourne)

The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.




Report No. 4.2           North Byron Sky Pump Proposal

File No:                       I2023/652


Committee Recommendation:

That the Flood Advisory Committee recommends Council support the scope of the North Byron Sky Pumps Proposal with the following changes:

1. That there be four scenarios namely: 

a) 100-year rainfall with 20-year ocean level; 

b) 20-year rainfall with 100-year ocean level; 

c) 20-year rainfall with 20-year ocean level;

d) 100-year rainfall plus 100-year Climate change with 20-year ocean level plus 100-year Climate Change

2. That the locations change:

a) North of sports field at New Brighton (153.5503, -28.5063).

b) South of levee at SGB (154.5499, -28.4984).

c) Remnant dredged channel from 1970s in Billinudgel Nature Reserve (intersects remnant channels) (153.5506, -28.4856).


The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.



Report No. 4.3           Byron Drainage Upgrade Strategy

File No:                       I2023/653


Committee Recommendation:

That the Floodplain Management Advisory Committee notes the update on the Byron Drainage Upgrade Strategy and seeks updates throughout the project. 


The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.




Report No. 4.4           Byron Shire Post 2022 Flood Analysis Update

File No:                       I2023/654


Committee Recommendation:

That the Floodplain Management Advisory Committee recommends:


1.      Council notes the report, the update by DPE and the Floodplain Management Advisory Committee minutes; 

2.      Council expresses its concern at how long this project is taking; 

3.      Council makes the Post-Event Flood Level Survey public, so that: 

a)    It gets checked by those who provided the information, or were flooded, and 


b)   It can be amended where necessary prior to the expensive task of flood modelling; 

4.      Council thanks DPE for funding all the post-event technical analyses; and 

5.      Council asks DPE to share draft reports as soon as possible with this Floodplain Advisory Committee, including via an Extraordinary Meeting if necessary.


The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.



There being no further business the meeting concluded at 1:40 pm.