Minutes of Meeting

Local Traffic Committee Meeting


Conference Room, Station Street, Mullumbimby


Friday, 26 May 2023







Local Traffic Committee Meeting Minutes                                               26 May 2023



MINUTES of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on Friday, 26 May 2023

File No: I2023/811



Meeting Commenced: 2.07pm


PRESENT (via Zoom):

Councillor: Michael Lyon

Transport for NSW: Alexie Miller, Gregory Aitken

NSW Police: Detective Chief Inspector Matt Kehoe


Staff:  Judd Cornwall (Traffic Engineer), Shelley Flower (Road Safety Officer), Chris Larkin joined at 2.45pm (Manager Sustainable Development).



Siobhan Foley on behalf of Tamara Smith MP


Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest raised.


Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings



That the minutes of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 16 May 2023 be confirmed.

Unable to fully resolve as Committee members were not present at previous meeting.





Matters Arising



Outstanding Issues/Resolutions




Report No. 6.1           Byron Music Festival 17 June 2023

File No:                       I2023/802


The purpose of this report is to seek Local Traffic Committee support for the regulation of traffic for the Byron Music Festival 2023. Byron Music Festival (BMF) is proposed to be held in Dening Park and Byron Surf Club from the 17th June 2023.  Bump in will occur on the 16th of June between 12pm-5pm and bump out on Sunday the 18th of June between 8am-12pm.

Figure 1 – Locality

 Local Traffic Committee advice is required to satisfy TfNSW’s document “Delegation to Council – Regulation of Traffic” because the regulation of traffic is for a purpose other than those specified in Section 115 of the Roads Act 1993. 

Figure 2 – Extract from TfNSW document – Delegation to Councils – Regulation of Traffic

Council is about to receive a Roads Act application for traffic control to be implemented at Bay Street, Middleton Street and Lawson Street in Byron in accordance with the Traffic Guidance Scheme contained within the Traffic Management Plan - refer Attachment 1 (E2023/51823)

It should be noted that the event is not subject to any development assessment process.

The Traffic Management Plan provides for the following:

RESERVED CAR PARKING - Five Byron Shire Council managed car spaces will be reserved for Ambulance, event suppliers and crew in the Middleton St car park closest to the supplier load-in entry point, 5 spaces reserved in Bay St at the ‘Back of House’ point for the Shore Side Stage these will be marked with water filled barriers and manned by security.  VMS Boards will be used to act as pre-event notification to residents and local traffic. This is shown on the TGS plans - refer Attachment 1. They will be on site 1-week before the event date itself.

SHUTTLE BUS - BMF intends on engaging a shuttle bus provider for 2 x 12-seater buses which will run from Suffolk Park bus stop - Byron General Store - Dening Park and The Farm Ewingsdale - Belongil Fields bus stop - Dening Park. From 11am - 9pm. Event shuttle will park outside the main festival entry on Lawson Street as shown on the TGS. (Note the Shuttle Bus uses two spaces in Lawson Street)

DISABILITY ACCESS DROP OFF - BMF There is a Disability Access Drop-Off Zone located on Lawson Street, ahead of the Shuttle Bus drop off area and in front of Go Sea Kayak.  This location has a ramp from the road to the footpath that leads to the Main Festival Entrance.  This can also be used for pram access.

PEDESTRIAN ACCESSIBILITY - The festival site is located on flat ground and is wheelchair accessible.  The event will not interfere with the existing accessible footpaths and walkways. (N.B See Staff comments below)

CARPARKS - Other than the designated car parking spots occupied, mentioned above “Parking Restrictions”, BMF will not be occupying carparks for Event use. A separate application to Byron Shire Council will further detail the use of the occupied carparking spots, and associate hoarding fees charge as per councils adopted fees and charges.

SIGNAGE - There will be no changes to existing regulatory signage in terms of road use. BMF will be installing signage in multiple locations in and around the festival site as an integral source of event information for festival patrons and the broader community.  A copy of the signage plan can be found in the Event Management Plan.  To note, these signs do not serve a purpose in the TMP and are not regulatory signs outlined in TCAWS 6.1 Signage register.

VMS BOARDS - As part of the pre-event notification strategy, 2 VMS Boards will be erected and display general information about the event in the surrounding vicinity, these boards will be in place 1-week prior the event.  The location is depicted in the TGS02/03, Attachment 1

TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN MANAGEMENT - During Bump In and Out, BMF will not be affecting the flow of traffic in and around the precinct.  Once the fencing is erected, all work will be undertaken inside the event precinct, this fence line will act as an exclusion zone to the general public.  High risk work will be undertaken within the event site.


The attached TGS need some amendments in relation to the provision of a temporary set down/ drop-off area in Lawson street for patrons and the provision of a temporary accessible car parking space in Lawson Street.  The plan also needs to include the appropriate regulatory signage as shown in the image below.

Figure 3 – Temporary accessible set down drop-off area and accessible parking space  Opposite 38-40 Lawson Street Byron Bay

Figure 4 – Recommended Changes for Pedestrian management in Bay and Middleton Street

The TGS also needs to clearly delineate pedestrian management in Bay and Middleton to show the pedestrian thoroughfare around the site with traffic control escort as required for the two crossing points.  Figure 4 above indicates the likely pedestrian thoroughfare and crossing points whilst the event is on. 

It is concluded that the TGS should be amended to address these matters and an appropriate recommendation has been included below.  Should the recommendation be adopted staff will liaise with the Byron Music Fest and their consultants to ensure the plans in the TGS are amended accordingly for lodgement with the Section 138 Application.

Committee Comments

Refer TfNSW sketch below for future events.

Management Comments



Committee Recommendation:

1.     That the Local Traffic Committee support the Byron Music Festival to be held on 17 June 2023.

2.      That the support in part 1 is subject to:

a)   Separate approvals by NSW Police and TfNSW being obtained;

b)  The event organiser providing Council with a Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Guidance Scheme/s for the event which conforms to the sketches shown above on pages 6 & 7 as a minimum requirement.  Noting that, in future, for these type of events the TfNSW sketch in the Committee Comments section above would be the minimum requirement and the preferred option.

c)   Development and implementation of a Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Guidance Scheme/s by those with appropriate TfNSW accreditation and the holding of current and appropriate levels of insurance and liability cover;

d)  The impact of the event be advertised, and charged at cost to the organisers, via a notice in the local weekly paper and Variable Message Signage (VMS) a minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road closures and times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a personal contact name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries or complaints;

e)   The event be notified on Council’s web page and social media with the event organiser supplying Council with the relevant information;

f)   The Section 138 Application to be submitted by the Event organiser (or their consultants) to include amended details in TGS for the Alternate Pedestrian Route with traffic control in Bay and Middleton Street and set down drop off area and accessible parking in Lawson Street with regulatory signage.

3.      The event organiser to:

a)   Inform the community and businesses that are directly impacted (e.g. within road closure zones) via written information which is delivered to the property in a timely manner so as to document, consider and respond to any concerns raised;

b)  Arranging for private property access and egress affected by the event;       

c)  Liaising with bus, taxi and waste operators and ensuring arrangements are made for provision of services during conduct of the event;

d)  Consulting with emergency services and any identified issues be addressed;

e)   Holding $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event;

f)   Not place any signage on the road related area of the Pacific Highway;

g)  Payment of fees associated with the event in accordance with Councils adopted Fees and Charges for the S138 Application and for use of Council managed car parking spaces in Bay, Middleton and Lawson Streets.


The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.



There being no further business the meeting concluded at 2.52pm.