Ordinary Meeting Minutes
22 June 2023
ON Thursday, 22 June 2023 COMMENCING
M Lyon (Mayor) Cr C Coorey, Cr D Dey, Cr A Hunter, Cr A Pugh, Cr M
Swivel and Cr P Westheimer [Virtual]
Staff: Mark Arnold (General
Davis (Director Corporate and Community Services)
Holloway (Director Infrastructure Services)
Burt (Director Sustainable Environment and Economy)
James (Legal Counsel)
Clark (Manager Utilities) – Item 13.20
Orams (Integrated Water Management Officer) – Item 13.20
Brickley (Manager Finance) – Item 13.8
Matt Meir (Solicitor) – Item 13.2
Julia Adams (Sustainability Team Leader) – Item 13.5
Sarah Nagel (Manager Public and Environmental Services)
– Item 13.14
Evans Crane / Storm Townsend (Minute Taker)
The Mayor opened the meeting and acknowledged that
the meeting is being held on Arakwal Country and that we pay our respects to
the elders past and present and extend our respect to the Bundjalung clans
whose lands and waters are part of the Shire.
Prior to dealing with the circulated reports and associated
information, a Public Access Session was held and Council was addressed on the
Public Access
Report No and Title
Submission Received via
Project Update – Additional Flow Path
Tony Flick
In person
Adoption of Operational Plan 2023/24, including
Budget, Statement of Revenue Policy, and Fees and Charges
Lydia Kindred
Northern Rivers Rail Ltd
In person
The meeting adjourned at 9.53am for a short break and
reconvened at 10:17am.
There were no apologies.
to Attend by Audio-Visual Link
Resolved that Cr Westheimer be permitted to attend the
meeting held on 22 June 2023 by audio-visual link. (Lyon/Hunter)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
for Leave of Absence
were no requests for leave of absence
of Interest – Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary
There were no declarations of
pecuniary and non-pecuniary interest.
Tabling of Pecuniary Interest
In accordance with section 440AAB of the
Local Government Act and clause 4.22 of the Code of Conduct for Staff, Primary
Returns of Interests for the following staff are now tabled: Samuel Frumpui, Manager
Works, and Ben Barnet, Planner.
Adoption of Minutes from Previous
Resolved that the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held
25 May 2023 be confirmed.
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
of Items for Debate and Order of Business
The Mayor suspended standing orders to allow for items to be
reserved for debate, being:
Staff Reports
Report No.
13.1 Classification of newly acquired Council lot
Report No.
13.2 Lot 12 Bayshore Drive - Updated Valuation as per
Resolution 21-188
Corporate and Community Services
Report No.
13.3 Amendment to the Code of Conduct for Committee
Members, Delegates of Council and Council Advisors
Report No.
13.4 Richmond Tweed Regional Library: Feedback from
Member Councils - Overview for Proposed Sale of Vacant Land
Report No.
13.5 Tender - Electricity Procurement
Report No. 13.8 Adoption
of Operational Plan 2023/24, including Budget, Statement of Revenue Policy, and
Fees and Charges
No. 13.12 Making of the 2023/24 Ordinary Rates, Charges, Fees and
Interest Rate
Sustainable Environment and Economy
Report No.
13.13 Changing the Net Zero Target to 2030 and Purchasing Carbon
Report No.
13.14 Busking Policy Review
Report No. 13.17 Update
Resolution 22-737 Former Mullumbimby Hospital Site Redevelopment Project
Infrastructure Services
Report No. 13.20 Project update -
Additional Flow Path
Confidential Reports
Sustainable Environment and Economy
Report No.
16.1 Confidential
- 57 Station Street, Mullumbimby
The remaining Recommendations and Committee
Recommendation were adopted as a whole, being moved by Cr Lyon and seconded by
Cr Hunter. Each recommendation is recorded with a separate resolution number
commencing at Resolution No. 23-250 and concluding with Resolution No. 23-275.
staff Reports - Corporate and
Community Services
Report No. 13.6 Public
Exhibition of draft Arts and Culture Action Plan 2023-2026
File No: I2023/892
Resolved that:
1. The
Draft Arts and Culture Action Plan 2023-2026 (Attachment 1 #E2023/57998) be
placed on public exhibition for a minimum of 28 days.
2. a) Should
there be no submissions, the Draft Arts and Culture Action Plan 2023-2026 is
endorsed from the date after the close of the exhibition period and;
b) Should
submissions be received, the Draft Arts and Culture Action Plan 2023-2026 be
reported back to Council noting the submissions and any amendments made as a
result of the feedback received.
Report No. 13.7 Growing
Regions Program Round 1 - grant application
File No: I2023/794
Resolved that Council
endorses the following applications for Growing Regions Program Round 1:
1. Byron Bioenergy Facility
2. Sandhills Wetlands
Recreation Precinct – Stage 2 (Lyon/Hunter)
No. 13.9 Revised Delivery
Program 2022-26
File No: I2023/901
Resolved that Council notes the revised Delivery
Program 2022-26 for consideration and endorsement at the 24 August 2023
Ordinary Council Meeting. (Lyon/Hunter)
Report No. 13.10 Council Investments
- 1 May 2023 to 31 May 2023
File No: I2023/879
Resolved that Council notes the Report listing
Council’s investments and overall cash position as of 31 May 2023. (Lyon/Hunter)
No. 13.11 Grants May 2023
File No: I2023/891
Resolved that Council notes the Report and Attachment
1 (#E2023/56813) for Byron Shire
Council’s Grant submissions as at 30 May 2023. (Lyon/Hunter)
staff Reports - Sustainable
Environment and Economy
Report No. 13.15 Car share expression
of interest - project timeline update
File No: I2023/815
Resolved that Council:
1. Notes
that the evaluation of the car share expression of interest will be reported
to the 24 August 2023 Ordinary Council meeting.
2. Resolves
to extend the current car share provider’s (Popcar’s) annual
permits by two months, with an expiry date of 29 September 2023. (Lyon/Hunter)
Report No. 13.16 Resolution
23-227 Toni Childs Music Video Shoot August 2023
File No: I2023/821
Resolved that Council:
1. Notes
the responses provided to Resolution 23-277.
2. Advises
the Music Video Production Team that it will not support a road closure
application under section 138 Road Act 1993, for a video shoot to be held on
Monday 7 August 2023 - Jonson Street, Byron Bay – the section between
Lawson Street and Byron Street – between 6am and 2pm (8 hours).
3. Invites
the Music Video Production Team to submit an alternate proposal (location and
time) for this film shot. (Lyon/Hunter)
Report No. 13.18 PLANNING -
Report of the Planning Review Committee held 1 June 2023
File No: I2023/904
Resolved that Council endorses the outcomes of the
Planning Review Committee meeting held on 1 June 2023. (Lyon/Hunter)
Crs Coorey, Dey, Swivel, Lyon,
Westheimer, Pugh and Hunter voted in favour of the motion.
Nil voted against the motion.
STaff Reports - Infrastructure
Report No. 13.19 Redevelopment
of the old Byron Hospital into a new Community Hub
File No: I2023/813
1. In
accordance with clause 178 (a) of the Local Government Regulation, accept the
tender from Blaze Projects at a price of $6,531,578.78.2.
2. Makes public its decision, including the name and amount of the
successful tenderer, in accordance with Clause 179(b) of the Local Government
(General) Regulation 2021.
3. Increases
the project budget by $650,000 to be funded from Developer Contributions
Community Facilities Shire Wide reserve. (Lyon/Hunter)
Reports of Committees - Corporate
and Community Services
Report No. 14.1 Report
of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Meeting held on 18 May 2023
File No: I2023/803
Resolved that Council notes the minutes of the Audit, Risk
and Improvement Committee Meeting held on 18 May 2023. (Lyon/Hunter)
Resolved that Council adopts
the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
4.1 Implementation of the OLG Guidelines for Risk Management and Internal
Audit for Local Government in NSW
File No: I2023/387
Committee Recommendation 4.1.1
1. That the
Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee notes the status of the implementation
of the OLG Guidelines for Risk Management and Internal Audit Framework for
Local Councils in NSW.
2. That
Council adopts the draft Internal Audit Charter (Attachment 1 E2022/127884) (Lyon/Hunter)
Resolved that Council adopts
the following Committee and Management Recommendations:
Report No.
4.4 Fraud and Corruption Control Policy
File No: I2023/385
Committee Recommendation 4.4.1
1. That
Council adopt the draft revised Fraud and Corruption Control Policy.
2. That
the Fraud and Corruption Framework Review be included in the draft FY2025
Internal Audit Program.
Management Recommendation
3. That:
a) Council
endorses the draft revised Fraud and Corruption Control Policy be placed on
public exhibition for a minimum period of 28 days and, should there be no
submissions received, the Policy is endorsed from the date after the close of
the exhibition period; and
b) should
submissions be received on the Policy, it be reported back to Council noting
the submissions and any amendments made as a result of the feedback received. (Lyon/Hunter)
Resolved that Council adopts
the following Committee and Management Recommendations:
Report No.
4.5 Draft Risk Management Policy and Risk Management Strategy
File No: I2023/591
Committee Recommendation 4.5.1
1. That
Council adopts the draft revised Risk Management Policy (E2023/31169).
2. That
the Audit, Risk, and Improvement Committee endorses the draft Risk Management
Strategy (E2023/31170).
Management Recommendation
3. That:
a) Council
endorses the draft revised Risk Management Policy be placed on public
exhibition for a minimum period of 28 days and, should there be no
submissions received, the Policy is endorsed from the date after the close of
the exhibition period; and,
b) should
submissions be received on the Policy, it be reported back to Council noting
the submissions and any amendments made as a result of the feedback received.
Resolved that Council adopts
the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
5.2 Internal Audit Report Quarter 3 2022-2023 including Food Safety and
Swimming Pools Review
File No: I2023/370
Committee Recommendation 5.2.1
That Council notes:
1. The
Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee notes the Internal Auditors Summary of
Internal Audit Recommendations for Quarter 3 2022-2023 at Attachment 1
(E2023/39723) and their Internal Audit Status Update May 2023 at Attachment 4
2. The
Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee endorses the recommendations from the
Executive Team to close off 16 internal audit recommendations from Quarter 3
2022-2023 as listed in Table 1 of this report (a summary from Attachment 2
3. The
Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee endorses that Management implement the
recommendations made in the Internal Audit of Food Safety and Swimming Pools
(March 2023) (Attachment 3 E2023/31211) subject to the administrative
4. The
Internal and external auditors and management develop a scope for review of
monitoring and control of caravan park revenue as an extra audit item for
FY2024 and the review includes a comparison of industry benchmarks for return
on investment. (Lyon/Hunter)
Resolved that Council adopts
the following Committee Recommendation:
Report No.
5.3 2022-2023 External Audit Engagement Plan
File No: I2023/399
Committee Recommendation 5.3.1
That Council notes the External Audit
Engagement Plan prepared by the Audit Office of New South Wales for the year
ended 30 June 2023 as outlined in Confidential Attachment 1 (#E2023/21582). Lyon/Hunter)
Reports of Committees - Sustainable
Environment and Economy
Report No. 14.2 Report
of the Coast and ICOLL Advisory Committee Meeting held on 16 May 2023
File No: I2023/773
Resolved that Council
notes the minutes of the Coast and ICOLL Advisory Committee Meeting held on
16 May 2023. (Lyon/Hunter)
Resolved that Council adopts
the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
4.1 Future Discussion Items for the Coast and ICOLL Advisory Committee
Committee Recommendation 4.1.1
1. That Council provides a brief summary
of the methodology of the Coastal Hazard Assessment to the next available
Committee meeting, with a draft earlier to be made available to committee
2. That Council receives a report on the
following in relation to Belongil Estuary at the next available committee
a. fate of STP effluent including when the STP must be upgraded later
this decade (STP capacity is 6.95 ML/day dry weather flow);
b. waterlogging on farmlands, commitment to directing effluent away
from the Estuary and the non-use of the Additional Flowpath;
c. potential changes to the ICOLL Opening Strategy;
d. any other related matters.
3. That
Council notes that some water quality data for Tallow and Belongil Creek estuaries will be
provided to the Committee but is not for onward distribution.
Resolved that Council adopts
the following Committee Recommendation:
Report No.
4.3 Presentation on the outcomes of the Main Beach Shoreline Project -
Technical Assessment
Committee Recommendation 4.3.1
That Council notes that members of the
committee have been directed to this technical assessment report for their
own perusal in the agenda for the Council meeting dated 27 April 2023 Agenda
item no. 13.6 in lieu of the presentation. (Lyon/Hunter)
Report No. 14.3 Report
of the Climate Change and Resource Recovery Advisory Committee Meeting held
on 18 May 2023
File No: I2023/774
Resolved that Council notes the minutes of the Climate
Change and Resource Recovery Advisory Committee Meeting held on 18 May
2023. (Lyon/Hunter)
Reports of Committees -
Infrastructure Services
Report No. 14.4 Report
of the Floodplain Management Advisory Committee Meeting held on 16 May 2023
File No: I2023/782
Resolved that Council
notes the minutes of the Floodplain Management Advisory Committee Meeting
held on 16 May 2023. (Lyon/Hunter)
Resolved that Council does
not adopt Committee Recommendation(s) 4.2 as shown in the attachment to this
report, but instead adopts the Management Recommendation:
Report No.
4.2 North Byron Sky Pump Proposal
File No: I2023/652
Committee Recommendation 4.2.1
That the Flood Advisory Committee recommends Council
support the scope of the North Byron Sky Pumps Proposal with the following
1. That
there be four scenarios namely:
a) 100-year
rainfall with 20-year ocean level;
b) 20-year
rainfall with 100-year ocean level;
c) 20-year
rainfall with 20-year ocean level;
d) 100-year
rainfall plus 100-year Climate change with 20-year ocean level plus 100-year
Climate Change
2. That the locations change:
a) North
of sports field at New Brighton (153.5503, -28.5063).
b) South
of levee at SGB (154.5499, -28.4984).
c) Remnant
dredged channel from 1970s in Billinudgel Nature Reserve (intersects remnant
channels) (153.5506, -28.4856).
Management Recommendation
The above scenarios a) to d) do not
allow for a potential east coast low that could hit the region bringing 100
year rain with 100 year ocean levels. Further scenario c) is a minor
event when compared to 100 year events and is not really relevant to this
It is recommended that scenario c be
changed to ‘100-year rainfall with 100-year ocean level;’.
Recommended resolution:
That Council support the scope of the North Byron Sky
Pumps Proposal with the following changes:
1. That there be four scenarios
a) 100-year
rainfall with 20-year ocean level;
b) 20-year
rainfall with 100-year ocean level;
c) 100-year
rainfall with 100-year ocean level;
d) 100-year
rainfall plus 100-year Climate change with 20-year ocean level plus 100-year
Climate Change
2. That the locations change:
a) North
of sports field at New Brighton (153.5503, -28.5063).
b) South
of levee at SGB (154.5499, -28.4984).
c) Remnant
dredged channel from 1970s in Billinudgel Nature Reserve (intersects remnant
channels) (153.5506, -28.4856). (Lyon/Hunter)
Resolved that Council adopts the following Committee Recommendations:
Report No.
4.4 Byron Shire Post 2022 Flood Analysis Update
File No: I2023/654
Committee Recommendation 4.4.1
That the Floodplain
Management Advisory Committee recommends Council:
1. Notes the report, the update
by DPE and the Floodplain Management Advisory Committee minutes;
2. Expresses
its concern at how long this project is taking;
3. Makes
the Post-Event Flood Level Survey public, so that:
a) It
gets checked by those who provided the information, or were flooded,
b) It can be
amended where necessary prior to the expensive task of flood modelling;
4. Thanks
DPE for funding all the post-event technical analyses; and
5. Asks
DPE to share draft reports as soon as possible with this Floodplain Advisory
Committee, including via an Extraordinary Meeting if necessary. (Lyon/Hunter)
Report No. 14.5 Report
of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 26 May 2023
File No: I2023/878
Resolved that Council
notes the minutes of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 26 May 2023.
Resolved that Council notes
the following Committee Recommendations which were approved by the General
Manager on 31 May 2023 under his delegated authority (refer Attachment 2):
Report No.
6.1 Byron Music Festival 17 June 2023
File No: I2023/802
Committee Recommendation 6.1.1
That the Local Traffic Committee support the Byron Music Festival to be held
on 17 June 2023.
2. That
the support in part 1 is subject to:
a) Separate
approvals by NSW Police and TfNSW being obtained;
b) The
event organiser providing Council with a Traffic Management Plan and Traffic
Guidance Scheme/s for the event which conforms to the sketches shown above on
pages 6 & 7 as a minimum requirement. Noting that, in future, for
these type of events the TfNSW sketch in the Committee Comments section above
would be the minimum requirement and the preferred option.
c) Development
and implementation of a Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Guidance Scheme/s
by those with appropriate TfNSW accreditation and the holding of current and
appropriate levels of insurance and liability cover;
d) The
impact of the event be advertised, and charged at cost to the organisers, via
a notice in the local weekly paper and Variable Message Signage (VMS) a
minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it
must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road
closures and times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a
personal contact name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries
or complaints;
e) The
event be notified on Council’s web page and social media with the event
organiser supplying Council with the relevant information;
f) The
Section 138 Application to be submitted by the Event organiser (or their
consultants) to include amended details in TGS for the Alternate Pedestrian
Route with traffic control in Bay and Middleton Street and set down drop off
area and accessible parking in Lawson Street with regulatory signage.
3. The
event organiser to:
a) Inform
the community and businesses that are directly impacted (e.g. within road
closure zones) via written information which is delivered to the property in
a timely manner so as to document, consider and respond to any concerns
b) Arranging
for private property access and egress affected by the event;
c) Liaising
with bus, taxi and waste operators and ensuring arrangements are made for
provision of services during conduct of the event;
d) Consulting
with emergency services and any identified issues be addressed;
e) Holding
$20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event;
f) Not
place any signage on the road related area of the Pacific Highway;
g) Payment
of fees associated with the event in accordance with Councils adopted Fees
and Charges for the S138 Application and for use of Council managed car
parking spaces in Bay, Middleton and Lawson Streets. (Lyon/Hunter)
Late Reports - Infrastructure
Report No. 13.21 2021-1145:
Water Main Supply and Construction, Byron Bay and Mullumbimby
File No: I2023/876
1. That
Council allocates a total project budget of $3,056,900 in the 2023/2024
financial year to fund works subject to this tender as per Table 4 in the
2. That
the remaining budgets in the 2022/2023 financial year totalling $1,870,400
outlined in the report at Table 1 and associated funding be removed from the
2022/2023 budget with funding returned to respective reserves.
3. That
Council award Tender 2021-1145: Water Main Supply and Construction, Byron Bay
and Mullumbimby to Civil CS at a total price of $2,331,278.32 + GST.
4. That
Council’s seal be affixed to the relevant documents if required.
5. That Council makes public its decision, including the name and
amount of the successful tenderer, in accordance with Clause 179(b) of the
Local Government (General) Regulation 2021. (Lyon/Hunter)
Late Reports – corporate and
community services
Report No. 17.1 Draft
2023-2033 Long Term Financial Plan
File No: I2023/952
Resolved that Council
adopt the 2023-2033 Long Term Financial Plan (#E2023/60942) including any
budget changes (if any) made in the consideration of Report 13.8 to this
Ordinary Meeting. (Lyon/Hunter)
Resolved that Council change the order of business to deal
with Reports 13.20 and 13.8 next on the Agenda.
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
Staff Reports – Infrastructure
Report No. 13.20 Project
update - Additional Flow Path
File No: I2023/874
1. That
Council notes the Additional Flow Path (AFP) project report dated May 2023
2. That
Council receives a Report that responds to all Parts of
Resolution 23-108 including Part 1(f) and also assesses:
(g) whether Council should have and does have a Legal Point of
Discharge from Council’s STP land onto the Flicks’
current condition of vegetation on the AFP as
a starting point for Drain Maintenance, which was discussed in Section 3.3 of
Attachment 2;
when periodic checks of vegetation should
the likely annual cost of mechanical
vegetation removal and which Council Fund should cover that cost.
(k) That also assesses capacity to go beyond 1 megalitre per day into
the AFP during the trial period and up to the maximum possible whilst
maintaining environmental flows at EPA 4
3. That a detailed response is provided in the next Ordinary Council Meeting
in August 2023. (Hunter/Dey)
Resolved that Council move out of Committee and resume the
Ordinary Meeting. (Lyon)
The motions were put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
The motion (Hunter/Dey) was put to the
vote and declared carried unanimously.
Staff Reports – Corporate and
community services
Report No. 13.8 Adoption
of Operational Plan 2023/24, including Budget, Statement of Revenue Policy,
and Fees and Charges
File No: I2023/889
Resolved that Council:
1. Notes
the submissions received during the public exhibition period for the
Operational Plan 2023/24 (including the Budget, Statement of Revenue Policy,
and Fees and Charges) as outlined in Attachment 2 (#E2023/43184).
2. Receives
regular updates via memos to Councillors on issues as they evolve in the rail
corridor investigation areas, specifically relating to and of
the Operational Plan 2023/24.
3. Adopts
the following documents:
a) Operational
Plan 2023/24 as amended, Attachment 1 (#E2023/56757).
b) Statement
of Revenue Policy 2023/24 including fees and charges as exhibited, with the
amendments (included in Attachment 4 #E2023/58449) discussed in the report
under the headings ‘Draft General Land Rates and Charges (Statement of
Revenue Policy)’ and ‘Draft Fees and Charges (Statement of
Revenue Policy)’
d) Budget
Estimates 2023/24 as exhibited, with the amendments discussed in the report under
the heading ‘Draft 2023/24 Budget Estimates (Statement
of Revenue Policy)’ and included at Attachment 5 (#E2023/58291) along
with the Draft 2023/24-2032/33 Long Term Financial Plan. (Westheimer/Lyon)
Resolved that Cr Westheimer be granted a two minute
extension to his speech. (Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
The motion (Westheimer/ Lyon) was put
to the vote and carried unanimously.
Notices of
Notice of Motion No. 9.1 Coastal Conference in
Newcastle in late October 2023
File No: I2023/906
Resolved that Council:
1. Recognises
the value of Councillors attending conferences to expand and update their
knowledge in fields relevant to Council’s activities.
2. Supports
the registration, travel and accommodation for Crs Dey and Coorey to attend
the joint National Coast to Coast & NSW Coastal Conference 2023 in
Newcastle from 30 October to 3 November 2023.
3. Registers
these Councillors before the early-bird fee offer ends on 8 September
2023. (Dey/Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
Notice of Motion No. 9.2 Waiver of Repayments for
Mullumbimby Leagues Club During COVID Period
File No: I2023/910
Resolved that Council extends the Repayment Date in
the Deferral Agreement between Byron Shire Council and Mullumbimby Rugby
League Football Club Ltd from 10 years after the date of the agreement to 12
years after the date of the agreement. (Lyon/Dey)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
Notice of Motion No. 9.3 Roll-out of funding to
future-proof flooded premises
File No: I2023/913
Moved that Council:
1. Contacts the NSW Premier Chris Minns and our Member for Ballina,
Tamara Smith, asking them to intervene in the roll-out of the $700 million
allocated last year under the Resilient Homes Program to assist owners of
flood-prone premises in this region to reduce future flood risk via
house-raising, wet-proofing and buy-back; and
2. Seeks intervention especially on
the following aspects of the roll-out:
(a) to
accelerate this financial assistance by, for example, engaging more assessors
(b) to
further accelerate the assistance by bringing the end date forward from the 5
years (to mid-2027) projected by the Northern Rivers Reconstruction
Corporation to a more reasonable timeframe of 3 years (to mid- 2025);
(c) to
broaden the eligibility criteria by including all premises flooded in 2022 to
above their approved floor level
(d) to
further broaden the criteria by including all premises where flood water rose
to within 300mm of an approved floor level; and
(e) to
recognise that government may have to commit additional funding to achieve
parts (c) and (d) but that this is a better approach than the current one of
limiting eligibility.
3. Further
asks the NSW Premier Chris Minns and our Member for Ballina, Tamara Smith, to
commit to urgently releasing a second tranche of funding for the Resilient
Homes Program so that it reaches all flood-prone premises in this region and
goes beyond that to premises only just above the levels of the 2022
4. Also
asks Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to urgently commit funding for that
second tranche of the Program. (Dey)
The motion fell away for want of
a seconder.
Notice of Motion No. 9.4 Funding for road repairs
in and near Prince Street
File No: I2023/914
Moved that Council:
1. Approaches Resilience NSW or whichever state entity is
responsible for damage due to construction over the last year or so in Prince
Street Mullumbimby, to fund repairs
(i) to Prince and Poinciana Streets, to Morrison Avenue; and
(ii) to any related infrastructure such as stormwater systems.
2. Requests
that funding for:
a) immediate
b) on-going patching
until part c) as follows; and
once heavy construction vehicles are
no longer using these roads, reconstruction of the roads and related
infrastructure to better than original condition.
3. Receives
a report on (i) the results of Parts 1 and 2 above; and (ii) if adequate
funding was not forthcoming, on other options such as Election Commitment
Grant (ECG) funding. (Dey)
The motion fell away for want of a seconder.
Notice of Motion No. 9.5 Seek committee advice on
Coastal Hazard Assessment
File No: I2023/915
Moved that Council seeks advice from
the Coast & ICOLL Advisory Committee, on the soon-to-be-released Coastal
Hazard Assessment Study prior to adopting the Study.
Resolved that Cr Dey be granted a two minute extension
to his speech. (Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and carried unanimously.
The motion (Dey) fell away for want of
a seconder.
Resolved that the Coastal Hazard Assessment Study
be shared with the members of the Coast & ICOLL Advisory Committee once
the expert peer review has been completed on the basis that it is kept
confidential. (Lyon/Coorey)
The motion (Lyon/Coorey) was put to
the vote and declared carried.
Cr Dey voted against the motion.
Mayoral Minute
No. 10.1 Mullumbimby
Residents Association submission
Resolved that Council:
1. Notes
the submission from the Mullumbimby Residents Association with respect to the
recent announcements by the NRRC with respect to the Resilient Homes Program.
2. Further
notes their submission highlights that the recent report in the Echo
newspaper has created a wave of emotions ranging from, fear to anger as well
as feelings of being abused, neglected, misunderstood and a sense of
3. Requests
an urgent community meeting (either face to face or via zoom) with NRRC,
councillors, council staff and members of local community organisations in
Byron Shire working or advocating in this arena of the Resilient Homes
Program in order to follow up on the previous meeting and to ask a new set of
questions and in particular to:
clarify the eligibility criteria.
clarify how the mapping released by NRRC can be interpreted by
individual residents who have applied under the RHP
discuss the processing of individual requests. - including the
exceptional circumstances procedure and appeal procedure
discuss the establishment of a working team of NRRC – Council
staff – Community reps who meet by zoom every week to assist in the
roll out of the RHP. (Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 1.10pm for a
lunch break and reconvened at 1.59pm.
There were no petitions tabled.
Cr Lyon noted he would provide a written delegates’
report on the 2023 National General Assembly 2023.
Reports - General Manager
Report No. 13.1 Classification
of newly acquired Council lot
File No: I2023/784
Resolved that Council:
1. Gives
public notice for not less than 28 days of the following proposed resolution,
pursuant to Section 34 of the Local Government Act 1993:
Lot 194 DP 1281667 be classified “operational” under the Local
Government Act 1993.” And
2. Accompanies
the web version of that notice with details including (i) a satellite view
with cadastral boundaries the vicinity including Lots 193 to 196 and
Council-owned Lot 128 DP 1247524 and Lot 104 DP 1232439; (ii) the proposed
usage of Lot 194; and (iii) classification and usage of Lots 193 and 195.
motion was put to the vote and carried unanimously.
Report No. 13.2 Lot
12 Bayshore Drive - Updated Valuation as per Resolution 21-188
File No: I2023/201
1. That
pursuant to Section 10A(2)(d)i and (d)ii of the Local Government Act, 1993,
Council resolves into Confidential Session to discuss the following report,
namely Lot 12 Bayshore Drive - Updated Valuation as per Resolution 21-188.
2. That
the reasons for closing the meeting to the public to consider this item be that
the report contains commercial information of a confidential nature that
would, if disclosed:
(i) prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it, or
(ii) confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the council
3. That
on balance it is considered that receipt and discussion of the matter in open
Council would be contrary to the public interest, as
It contains commercial in confidence information. (Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and carried
No. 13.2 Lot
12 Bayshore Drive - Updated Valuation as per Resolution 21-188
File No: I2023/201
Resolved that Council sets a price of $2160 per square
metre (ex-GST) for the proposed sale of that part of lot 12 Bayshore Drive,
Byron Bay, marked ‘lot 1’ in the subdivision plan to this report,
based on the attached confidential land valuations (E2023/41766 and
E2023/41768) (Lyon/Swivel)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
Resolved that the meeting move out of confidential session.
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
Reports - Corporate and Community Services
Report No. 13.3 Amendment
to the Code of Conduct for Committee Members, Delegates of Council and
Council Advisors
File No: I2023/749
1. That the draft amended Code of Conduct for
Council Committee Members, Delegates of Council and Council Advisers
(Attachment 1) be amended as follows:
Add two notes after proposed Clause 4.8(c) to
As at time of adopting:
(i) community members of s355 Hall Committees and Boards of
Management are designated persons.
(ii) community members of an Advisory Committee of Council are not designated persons.
2. That the draft Code thus amended be placed on
public exhibition for a period of 28 days to allow for submissions.
3 That:
a) should there be no submissions
received, then the updated Code is endorsed from the date after the close of
the exhibition period; and,
b) should submissions be received, the
Code be reported back to Council noting the submissions and any amendments made as a result of the feedback received.
Cr Swivel left
the Chambers at 2:41pm.
The motion (Dey/ Coorey) was put to
the vote and carried.
Cr Swivel was absent for the vote.
Cr Swivel returned to the Chambers at
Report No. 13.4 Richmond
Tweed Regional Library: Feedback from Member Councils - Overview for Proposed
Sale of Vacant Land
File No: I2023/789
Resolved that Council
entrusts the sale of the vacant land, Lot 2 DP 1061931, 1 Lancaster Drive
Goonellabah to the RTRL Committee. (Lyon/Dey)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
Report No. 13.5 Tender
- Electricity Procurement
File No: I2023/796
Resolved that
1. Endorses
the procurement strategy for the retail electricity supply contract outlined
in this report, and delegates authority to the General Manager to accept the
tender(s) and to enter into the proposed contract on behalf of Council, as
provided for under Section 377 of the Local Government Act 1993.
2. Receives
a briefing before the electricity procurement is finalised, either preferably
at a future Councillor Workshop or otherwise by Memo, on Council’s
electricity consumption profile; on key elements of the tender brief; and on
options now and into the future for decreasing Council’s emissions via
electricity procurement.
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
Report No. 13.12 Making of
the 2023/24 Ordinary Rates, Charges, Fees and Interest Rate
File No: I2023/908
Resolved that Council makes the charges, makes the fees and sets the
interest rate to be charged on overdue rates and charges for 2023/24 in
accordance with Sections 533, 534, 535, 543 and 566 of the Local Government
Act 1993 (LGA) as listed in the tables within this report - Option 2:
Ordinary Rates – Minimum Rate of $1,000.00. (Dey/Pugh)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy
Report No. 13.13 Changing
the Net Zero Target to 2030 and Purchasing Carbon Offsets
File No: I2023/403
Resolved that
1. Notes
the definitions of net zero and carbon neutrality.
2. Receives
a further report on whether meeting the proposed revised net zero target date
of 2030 is achievable and how this might be achieved, with regard to the
proposed pathways in the report and utilising the Climate Active Standard.
3. Places
the draft Carbon Offset Procurement Policy (Attachment 1, E2023/54559) on
public exhibition and available for public comment for 28 days. Following
this period, Council receives a further report. That members of the
Climate Change and Resource Recovery Committee be specifically invited to
make a submission.
4. Notes
the financial implications of achieving both carbon neutrality in 2025 and
net zero in 2030 (Pugh/Dey)
Resolved that Cr Pugh be granted a two minute
extension to his speech. (Pugh/Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and carried unanimously.
The motion (Pugh/ Dey) was put to the
vote and carried unanimously.
Report No. 13.14 Busking
Policy Review
File No: I2023/783
Resolved that
1. Places
the Draft Busking Policy in Attachment 1 (E2023/56924) on public exhibition
for a minimum period of 28 days.
2. Following exhibition,
receives a further report detailing submissions made.
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
Report No. 13.17 Update
Resolution 22-737 Former Mullumbimby Hospital Site Redevelopment Project
File No: I2023/885
Resolved that Council:
1. Notes
the update on Resolution 22-737 Former Mullumbimby Hospital Site.
2. Authorises
staff to finalise and forward a planning proposal (informed by the Site
Strategy and Urban Design Protocol and technical studies) to the Department
of Planning and Environment for the purpose of obtaining a Gateway
Determination, and that Council exhibit the Planning Proposal in accordance
with the Gateway requirements.
3. Notes
that an Enquiry by Design Workshop, Development Feasibility Assessment, and
draft Development Control Plan for the Former Mullumbimby Hospital Site will
progress along with the Planning Proposal to enable completion of these by
early 2024. (Lyon/Hunter)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy
Report No. 16.1 Confidential - 57 Station Street,
File No: I2023/818
1. That
pursuant to Section 10A(2)(c), (d)i and (d)ii of the Local Government Act,
1993, Council resolves to move into Confidential Session to discuss the
report 57 Station Street, Mullumbimby.
2. That
the reasons for closing the meeting to the public to consider this item be
that the report contains:
a) information
that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom
the council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business
b) commercial
information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed prejudice the
commercial position of the person who supplied it
c) information
that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of
the council
3. That
on balance it is considered that receipt and discussion of the matter in open
Council would be contrary to the public interest, as:
It contains commercial in confidence
information. (Lyon)
The motion
was put to the vote and carried unanimously.
- 57 Station Street, Mullumbimby
File No: I2023/818
Resolved that Council:
1. Endorses
the Mayor to sign an updated Project Agreement in the form of a Terms Sheet
Agreement with Landcom to facilitate work with Council on an affordable
housing project on 57 Station Street Mullumbimby, as described in this
2. Delegates
authority to the General Manager to run the tender process and documentation
as described in this Report, accept the preferred Complying Tender, and enter
into a Heads of Agreement, lease agreement and development deed at the
relevant time.
3. Receives
a report for final determination should Community Housing Providers (CHPs)
submit a non-complying tender and the Tender Evaluation Committee recommend
the acceptance of that tender.
4. Appoints the
following staff to the Tender Evaluation Committee: Director Sustainable
Environment and Economy and Director Corporate and Community Services.
The motion was put to the vote and
Cr Dey
voted against the motion.
Resolved that the meeting move out of confidential
session.( Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and carried unanimously.
Resolved that the matter of Resilient Lands Strategy
be dealt with at the meeting as submissions on the draft Resilient Lands
Strategy close at the end of the month and this is the last Council meeting
before recess. (Pugh/Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
The Mayor declared the item urgent.
No. 1 Matter
of Urgency - Resilient Lands Strategy
Resolved that Council:
1. Notes
the Northern Rivers Reconstruction Corporation released its draft Resilient
Lands Strategy on Thursday 8 June 2023 with submissions on the
strategy closing on 30 June 2023.
2. Notes
the total lack of detail contained within the strategy, making it very
difficult for stakeholders and the community to understand its benefits and
3. Reaffirms
the importance of consulting with, and bringing the community along, in the
development and implementation of housing strategy.
4. Makes a submission to
the draft strategy that includes the following:
a) Requests a
master plan process that includes community consultation structures, for Site
B2 in Byron Shire before any upzoning is undertaken
b) Identifies
how transport including public transport issues will be addressed
c) Requests
that Council’s full 20% Affordable housing contribution scheme will be
d) Notes the
lack of detail about the makeup of the rest of the proposed release areas
– how many flood impacted people will be housed?
e) Requests
that significant portions of the sites in Byron Shire be used for food
security, such as market gardens, and environmental rehabilitation
f) Notes
the lack of any detail on the identification of required new or improved
infrastructure and the likelihood that the identified $100 million will not
be enough for the whole strategy (Pugh/Lyon)
Resolved that
Cr Pugh be granted a one minute extension to his speech. (Pugh/Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
carried unanimously.
The motion (Pugh/Lyon) was put to the
vote and carried unanimously
Cr Swivel declared a pecuniary conflict of interest in the
Matter of Urgency No. 2 – Feros Village Byron Bay. The nature of the
interest being that he is a lawyer for Feros Village residents. Cr Swivel
elected to leave the Chamber and not participate in the discussion and the
vote. In accordance with this declaration, Cr Swivel left the Chambers at
4:17pm and did not return.
Resolved that the matter
of Feros Village Byron Bay be dealt
with at the meeting as Feros Aged Care is requiring residents to leave on 19
July 2023. (Pugh/Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
Cr Swivel was absent for the vote.
The Mayor declared the item urgent.
No. 2 Matter
of Urgency - Feros Village Byron Bay
Resolved that:
1. Council
authorises the General Manager to engage with all stakeholders including the
Minister for Lands and Property and the Department of Crown Lands to explore
the feasibility of its appointment as Crown Land Manager of Reserve 140024.
2. Council gives in
principle support to being appointed the future Crown Land Manager of Reserve
140024 situated at 29-33
Marvell Street, Byron Bay, currently known as Feros Village Byron Bay,
subject to the following:
a) Council
must not become responsible for direct
delivery of services on the site, including but not limited to aged care
b) That
there must be a signed lease or leases in place between Crown Land and
appropriate aged care service providers or community housing
providers before any change in crown land manager occurs.
c) The
Reserve and premises on it need to be in a good repair and compliant
condition, and be without contamination or any need for capital expenditure.
If they are not, there must be a written agreement in place confirming that
Crown Lands will be responsible for the costs of works required on the
d) Agreement
can be reached on all other conditions required to protect Council’s
interests as deemed necessary by the General Manager.
3. During
the July Council recess, with agreement from the
Mayor, the General Manager be authorised to accept an appointment
by the New South Wales State Government as the Crown Land Manager provided
the requirements of this resolution are satisfied and Council’s role is
strictly limited to the role of Crown Land Manager and that it will not extend to the delivery of services on the
site including, aged care services. Otherwise, the matter be reported back to
Council for further consideration, including calling an extraordinary meeting
if required. (Pugh/Lyon)
The motion was put to the vote and
Cr Swivel was absent for the vote.
There being no further business the meeting concluded at 4:27pm.
I hereby certify that
these are the true and correct Minutes of this Meeting
as confirmed at
Council’s Ordinary Meeting on 24 August 2023.

Mayor Michael Lyon