Minutes of Meeting

Extraordinary Local Traffic Committee Meeting




Friday, 21 July 2023







Extraordinary Local Traffic Committee Meeting Minutes             21 July 2023



MINUTES of the Extraordinary Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on Friday, 21 July 2023

File No: I2023/1091


Meeting Commenced: 10:09am



NSW Police: Detective Chief Inspector Matt Kehoe

Chair: Phil Holloway

Staff:  Judd Cornwall (Traffic Engineer)

Staff: Jeff Begovic



Councillor:  Michael Lyon

Transport for NSW: Alexie Miller

Siobhan Foley on behalf of Tamara Smith MP

Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest raised. or

Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings


Committee Recommendation:

That the minutes of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 26 May 2023 be confirmed.



The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.




Matters Arising


Outstanding Issues/Resolutions


Regulatory Matters

Report No. 6.1           Pedestrian Refuge, Parking and Channelised Right (CHR) Treatment on Bayside Way

File No:                       I2023/951


The purpose of this report is to gain Council support for the proposed regulatory signage and line markings shown in Attachment 1 (E2023/61852).

Council has received a Roads Act application associated with a development consent for a Community Title Subdivision comprising twenty (20) lots at 24 Bayside Way BRUNSWICK HEADS.

Condition 41 of the development consent (10.2021.425.1) partly requires the following:

a.   Channelised Right (CHR) Treatment opposite the southern driveway

Kerb and gutter, road pavement, line-marking, streetlighting (AS 1158) and associated drainage construction, including any necessary relocation of services in accordance with SDS Civil Enterprises drawing 2061-C1 Rev B.

b.   On-street parking and relocation of footpath

A fully detailed design of five (5) on-street parallel parking including line-marking and any necessary relocation of services in accordance with AS 2890.5 and IPWEA drawing R-0031 (see Note).  The following must be adopted: -

·    Carriageway of 3.5m.

·    Parking lane of 2.1m.

·    Safety barrier line between the parking lane and carriageway of 0.5m.

·    The parking lane be sheltered by way of full indentation of the parking lane. It is necessary to replace the existing kerb and gutter with a concrete invert or dish gutter in accordance with NRLG drawing R-03 and install a mountable kerb at a new alignment in accordance with IPWEA drawing R-0031 – Verge with Parking Bays and Pathways.

·    Relocate the existing 1.5m wide footpath, measured 1.5m from the invert of the mountable kerb. Refer to IPWEA drawing.

c.   Concrete footpath extension

The footpath located inside Lot 33 DP730006 and south of 13 Kingsford Drive is to be extended through to Lot 36 DP800926 & Lot 7 DP1261870 to connect onto the footpath on the western section of Bayside Way.  The footpath is to be 1.5m wide, concrete and with a crossfall of 1 % or 1:100 (maximum 2.5% or 1 in 40).

d.   Ramped pedestrian crossing

A ramped pedestrian crossing including streetlighting (AS1158) in accordance with Council’s standard plan – No. 941 and SDS Civil Enterprises drawing 2061-C1.

e.   Pedestrian refuge

A pedestrian refuge including streetlighting (AS1158) in accordance with SDS Civil Enterprises drawing 2061-C1.  The pedestrian refuge is to be designed in accordance with Australian Standard 1742.10 – Manual of Uniform Traffic Controls – Pedestrian Control and Protection and Traffic Authority of New South Wales Guidelines for Traffic Facilities, Part 4.2 – Pedestrian Refuges.  The design is to address siting, signs, line-marking, parking restrictions and night-time visibility.

f.    Driveways

Driveways are to be designed and constructed generally in accordance with the approved plans and Council's current “Northern Rivers Local Government Development Design & Construction Manuals and Standard Drawings”.  Adjustment and/or relocation of services may be necessary to meet the requirements of the relevant service authorities and to ensure that the services are constructed flush with the finished surface levels.

Comments from TfNSW -

Pedestrian Refuge, Parking and Channelised Right (CHR) Treatment on Bayside Way – Response –  Development type is unknown and therefore traffic generation numbers have not been provided. Internal roadway appears to be located within the development and will be therefore on private property. TfNSW considers the road is not a ‘Gazetted’ road. However being a road related area the NSW Road Rules apply and Council should consider any regulatory devices that may be required, if necessary. While Bayside Way is a local road under the care and control of local council it is recommended that Council ensure the design of the two concrete driveways will not impact on the safe and efficient flow of traffic on Bayside Way when vehicles are entering this development. These comments are for councils information, and TfNSW supports this item as presented.



Committee Comments


Management Comments



Committee Recommendation:

That Council supports the regulatory signage, line markings and other traffic facilities associated with the new works on Bayside Way, as shown in Attachment 1 (E2023/61852)                                                                                                                                (Holloway/Kehoe)

The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.




Report No. 6.2           Toni Childs - Filming Road Closure Secondary Proposal

File No:                       I2023/1067


Council has received an application for the Toni Childs Music Video Shoot to be held on Monday 7 August 2023. With the intention to close off part of Jonson Street, Byron Bay – the section between Lawson Street and Byron Street – between 3:30am and 11:30am (8 hours).

Comments from TfNSW -

Toni Childs - Filming Road Closure Secondary Proposal – Response – TfNSW supports the TMP & TGS for this event. Approvals are from TfNSW Matthew Muller A/Customer Operations Planner, and from myself via emails to Council.



Committee Comments


Management Comments



Committee Recommendation:

1.      That the Local Traffic Committee (LTC) support the Toni Childs Music Video Production to be held on Monday 7 August 2023.

2.      That (LTC) support in Part 1 is subject to:

a)      the event organiser providing council with an updated Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Guidance Scheme/s for the film shoot;

b)      development and implementation of a Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Guidance Scheme/s by those with appropriate TfNSW accreditation and the holding of current and appropriate levels of insurance and liability cover;

c)      the impact of the film shoot be advertised, and charged at cost to the organisers, via a notice in the local weekly paper and Variable Message Signage near the site, a minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it must include the film shoot name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road closures and times, alternative route arrangements, Production Team, a personal contact name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries or complaints;

d)      the film shoot be notified on Council’s web page with the event organiser supplying Council with the relevant information.


3.      The Production Team to:

a)      inform the community and businesses that are directly impacted (e.g. within road closure zones) via written information which is delivered to the property in a timely manner so as to document, consider and respond to any concerns raised;

b)      arranging for private property access and egress affected by the film shoot;   

c)      liaising with bus, taxi and waste operators and ensuring arrangements are made for provision of services during conduct of the film shoot;

d)      consulting with emergency services and any identified issues be addressed;

e)      holding $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the film shoot;

f)       paying Council’s Road Event Application Fee prior to the film shoot;

g)      not place any signage on the road related area of the Pacific Highway.

h)      apply/receive consent by the relevant road authority under section 138 of the NSW road act (1993) and pay any associated fees and charges within this process.



The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.





Report No. 6.3           Gilmore Crescent - Parking restrictions and pedestrian facilities

File No:                       I2023/1070


Gilmore Crescent has recently been upgraded and extended to cater for Byron Bay’s new skate park.

As part of these upgrades additional parking bays have been provided.  All parking in the surrounding area is restricted to ensure parking equity for the greater community and to prevent nuisance camping. Council staff are proposing the restrictions contained within the plan in attachment 1 (E2023/58247).

There will also be provision for pedestrians (refuge) on Lawson Street for safe crossing and access to the new skate park (E2023/71557).

Figure 1: Locality map

Comments from TfNSW -

Gilmore Crescent - Parking restrictions and pedestrian facilities TfNSW supports Councils proposal. However when reviewing the concept plan and Regulatory Matters Attachment 1, I provide the following for Council to consider.

TfNSW Technical Direction TDT2011/01a Pedestrian Refuges requires pedestrian warning signs W6-1, or W6-3 with supplementary plate W8-25. Where kerb extensions are installed a Hazard Marker D4-1-2 is required. Additionally KEEP LEFT R2-3 should be installed on the concrete central refuge, and NO STOPPING R5-400 L&R signs both sides of the cross device.



Committee Comments


Management Comments




Committee Recommendation:

That the Local Traffic Committee endorse the proposed parking restrictions within Gilmore Crescent and the pedestrian refuge facility and associated no stopping restrictions and regulatory signage as per TfNSW recommendations (as per technical directive TDT2011/01a pedestrian refuge) on Lawson Street as per attachments 1 (E2023/58247) and attachment 2 (E2023/71557).


The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.



Report No. 6.4           Wordsworth Street / Shirley Street - Parking and intersection upgrades.

File No:                       I2023/1071


Wordsworth Street is a short dead-end street that currently provides access to the Byron Bay Police Station and a nursing home.  However, the nursing home also has secondary access off Butler Street.  Council plans to repair and upgrade Wordsworth Street.  As part of these works, Council will create additional car parking bays and modify the current intersection arrangement at Shirley Street.

Traffic modelling (2033) has indicated that right turns through the intersection of Shirley Street and Wordsworth Street will experience significant delays in the future due to development.  Unfortunately, completely banning right turns from the intersection is not recommended because the right-turn from Wordsworth Street would be redirected to a U-turn downstream, which is not appropriate.  Moreover, prohibiting the right turn out of Wordsworth Street would interfere with police business.

To enhance safety at the intersection, the proposed design eliminates the conflict of the right turn into Wordsworth Street from Shirley Street by implementing a right-turn ban.  This design also reduces delays for the right-turn out by allowing one vehicle to wait in the centre median for a two-stage right turn.  Additionally, the design addresses sight distance issues for the right turn from Wordsworth Street by removing the left turn pocket on Butler Street (into Wordsworth Street) for westbound traffic.

Please note that the attached plans were the result of Council seeking concurrence from TfNSW with respect to the intersection and the plans were amended accordingly based on their advice.

Please see attachment 1, Construction drawings Wordsworth Street and Shirley Street (E2023/38317)

Figure 1: Design intent: Intersection of Shirley Street at Wordsworth Street

Comments from TfNSW

Wordsworth Street / Shirley Street - Parking and intersection upgrades TfNSW supports Councils proposal including the signposting plan. However with regard to trying to assist preventing the possible behavioural aspect of a driver disobeying the right turn restriction from Shirley St into Wordsworth St Council could consider installing Traffic Lane Separator in the painted central median.




Committee Comments


Management Comments

Noted the comments from transport and NSW Police with council will continue to monitor the right turn from Shirley street into Wordsworth Street.


Committee Recommendation:

That the Local Traffic Committee endorse;

a)      the treatments at the intersection of Shirley Street to improve safety and capacity

b)      the updated parking restrictions within Wordsworth Street

Detailed plans for these improvements are shown in attachment 1, Construction drawings Wordsworth Street and Shirley Street (E2023/38317).



The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried






There being no further business the meeting concluded at 10:31am.