Minutes of Meeting

Floodplain Management Advisory Committee Meeting



Conference Room, Station Street, Mullumbimby


Tuesday, 21 November 2023







Floodplain Management Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes 21 November 2023

Minutes of the Floodplain Management Advisory Committee Meeting held on Tuesday, 21 November 2023

File No: I2023/1821



Cr M Lyon

 In person

Cr C Coorey


Cr D Dey

In person


Phil Holloway (Director Infrastructure Services)



Samuel Frumpui (Manager Works)



James Flockton (Infrastructure Planning Coordinator)

In person


Steve Twohill (Natural Disaster Flood Planning Officer)

In person


Chloe Dowsett (Coast and Biodiversity Coordinator)

In person


Dominika Tomanek (Minute Taker)

In person


Scott Moffett (Dept of Planning and Environment)

In person


Peter Mair (State Emergency Service)

In person


Jeremy Carpenter (SES)

In person


Karl Allen

In person


Rebecca Brewin

In person


Matthew Lambourne

In person


Steven Harris

In person


Catherine Lane

In person


Robert Crossley

In person

Visitors: Dan Woods (WMA Water) – In Person, Ben Fitzgibbon (DPE) – In Person, Toong Chin (DPE) - Zoom, Martin Rose (DPE) - Zoom

Cr Lyon (Chair) opened the meeting at 11:35 am and acknowledged that the meeting was being held on Bundjalung Country.

Attendance via AUDIO-VISUAL LINK:




Procedural Motion

Committee Recommendation:

That the apologies from Cr Coorey, Ziwar Sattouf and Phillip Holloway be accepted and a leave of absence granted.                                                                                                         (Lyon/Dey)

The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.


Declarations of Interest – Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary

There were no declarations of interest.



Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings

Report No. 3.1           Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meeting

File No:                       I2023/1801


Committee Recommendation:

That the minutes of the Floodplain Management Advisory Committee Meeting held on 19 September 2023 be confirmed.                                                                                   (Dey/Lyon)

The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.


Business Arising from Previous Minutes

DPE Independent review of the 2022 February flood event, briefing presentation from WMA Water.



Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services

Reports 4.1 (Community Education Strategy and Review of Flood Options - Project Update), 4.2 (Floodplain Management Advisory Committee Goals for 2024) and 4.3 (Byron Bay Drainage Upgrade Update) were deferred to the 8 December 2023 Extraordinary Meeting.



There being no further business the meeting concluded at 1:35pm .