Notice of Meeting

Local Traffic Committee Meeting

A Local Traffic Committee Meeting of Byron Shire Council will be held as follows:



Conference Room, Station Street, Mullumbimby


Tuesday, 16 May 2023





Phil Holloway

Director Infrastructure Services


                                                                                                                             Distributed 09/05/23

Amended 11/05/23





Local Traffic Committee Meeting





1.    Apologies

2.    Declarations of Interest – Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary

3.    Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings

3.1       Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 18 April 2023

4.    Matters Arising

5.    Outstanding Issues/Resolutions

6.    Regulatory Matters

6.1       Brunswick Valley Way - Traffic Control Devices for Driveway Access.................. 3

6.2       Bayshore Lane - One Way restriction....................................................................... 12

6.3       Blindmouth Road Upgrade......................................................................................... 26

6.4       New Intersection on Tweed Valley Way................................................................... 32

6.5       Byron Writers Festival 2023....................................................................................... 39

6.6       Trial Electric Vehicle Chargers Byron Bay............................................................... 57

7.    Matters for Traffic Engineering Advice

7.1       No Overtaking - Coolamon Scenic Dr...................................................................... 64

8.    Events

8.1       Toni Childs Music Video Shoot Byron Bay August 2023....................................... 74



Local Traffic Committee Meeting                                                                               6.1

Regulatory Matters


Report No. 6.1       Brunswick Valley Way - Traffic Control Devices for Driveway Access

File No:                                 I2023/589


The purpose of this report is to gain support for the implementation of regulatory signage, markings and devices on Brunswick Valley Way as shown in Attachment 1 (E2023/40027).

Council has received a Roads Act application (51.2014.743.2) seeking approval for works on Brunswick Valley Way to satisfy conditions of development consent 10.2014.743.5 for a multi dwelling housing development.  Condition 23 of development consent 10.2014.743.5 imposed the following requirements:

23)    Consent required for works within the road reserve – Kulgun Court, Matong Drive & Brunswick Valley Way.

Consent from Council must be obtained for works within the road reserve pursuant to Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993.  Three (3) copies of engineering construction plans must accompany the application for consent for works within the road reserve.

Such plans are to be in accordance with Council’s Specification for Engineering Works and are to provide for the following works at the specific Stages of development:


BRUNSWICK VALLEY WAY (Stage 4) to accord with RMS approval dated 25/8/15

Unrestricted Driveway     A bitumen sealed (AC) unrestricted driveway, which facilitates two way traffic flows, designed for Residential, Delivery and Refuse Collection vehicles.  The design is to be in general accordance with Council's current “Northern Rivers Local Government Development Design & Construction Manuals and Standard Drawings”, and AustRoads standards for driveway design and sight distances.  The design is also to provide for, as required, drainage culvert/infrastructure, pavement works to Brunswick Valley Way, signage and/or linemarking (new and relocation), and any reconstruction works to the existing guard rail.  The driveway design and construction is also to comply with the Roads & Maritime Services’ letter of approval dated 25/8/2015.

NOTE: The plans must be in compliance with Council's current “Northern Rivers Local Government Development Design & Construction Manuals and Standard Drawings”.

Council’s Development Engineer has confirmed Attachment 1 (E2023/40027) has incorporated the above conditions into the design.

Brunswick Valley Way is a classified regional road, MR689. Concurrence has been granted from TfNSW, refer Attachment 2 (E2023/40035)

The RMS approval dated 25/8/15 referenced in condition 23 of the development consent is in Attachment 3 (E2023/40389).






That Council authorises the implementation of the regulatory signs, markings and traffic control devices on Brunswick Valley Way, as shown in Attachment 1 (E2023/40027), subject to the following:

a)   Separate approval must be obtained from TfNSW for the relocation of the existing transition from 50/80 km/h speed limit northward so that the proposed intersection will be within the 50km/h zone.

b)   Separate approval must be obtained from TfNSW for a Road Occupancy Licence (ROL) for the work within Brunswick Valley Way.

c)    The environmental impacts of the road works which are ancillary to this development, such as removal of trees, will require further assessment and separate approvals.



1        51.2014.743.2 - Design Plans showing Regulatory Signs and Markings, E2023/40027 , page 5  

2        51.2014.743.2 - TfNSW response to Byron Shire Council - Referral for Consideration and Advice - 41 Matong Drive OCEAN SHORES  NSW  2483 .msg(2), E2023/40035 , page 8  

3        51.2014.743.2 - RMS approval dated 25-8-2015, E2023/40389 , page 10  




Regulatory Matters                                                                                                        6.1 - Attachment 1


Regulatory Matters                                                                                        6.1 - Attachment 2


Regulatory Matters                                                                                        6.1 - Attachment 3


Local Traffic Committee Meeting                                                                               6.2

Report No. 6.2       Bayshore Lane - One Way restriction

File No:                                 I2023/599


Bayshore Lane provides access to a small residential catchment (11 town houses) to the north of Byron Bay Art and Industrial Estate.  Council has received a petition that has been signed by nine property occupants requesting that the street be changed to one-way travel.

Figure 1: Locality map

Figure 2: Bayshore Lane formation

Council staff have been onsite and observed numerous road safety concerns regarding the southern intersection with Bayshore Drive.

·    There is little to no sight distance at the intersection from all approaches (stopping sight distance or intersection sight distance).

Figure 3 (above): Approach/stopping sight distance (Southbound, Bayshore Dr)

Figure 4 (above): Intersection sight distance (Bayshore Ln, South)

Figure 5 (above): Approach/stopping sight distance (Northbound, Bayshore Dr)

·    Pedestrians, when crossing the minor leg are walking through a dense corridor of plants and cannot be seen by drivers who are entering Bayshore Lane from either approach, also the pedestrians cannot see the approaching vehicles.

Figure 6 (above): Pedestrian Footpath Bayshore Dr on approach to Bayshore Ln

·    The plants that block your sight at the intersection would be difficult to cut back to achieve any significant improvement for intersection sight distance. However, some cutting back may assist with pedestrian visibility.

The northern intersection of Bayshore Drive at Bayshore Lane while not ideal does provide much better sight distance overall compared to the southern intersection.  The sight distance at the intersection can be significantly improved by removing some of the vegetation from the corner of the intersection.  The location of the northern intersection does not have the same geometric issues as the southern intersection as it is set further back from the curve on Bayshore Drive.

Figure 7 (above): Approach/stopping sight distance (Northbound, Bayshore Dr) at the northern intersection of Bayshore Dr/Bayshore Ln.

Figure 8 (above): Approach/stopping sight distance (Southbound, Bayshore Dr) at the northern intersection of Bayshore Dr/Bayshore Ln.

Figure 9 (above): Intersection sight distance (Bayshore Dr/Bayshore Ln, north)

Bayshore Lane is a low-speed, low volume environment; recent traffic survey data has indicated that the 85 percentile speeds are less then 30km/h.  The direction of travel within the street is split 60/40 favouring the northbound direction (64 VPD).

Based on resident feedback, road geometry and the sight distance issues at the Bayshore Ln/Bayshore Dr (south) intersection Council staff support the proposed one way solution following further stakeholder engagement (waste collection contractor etc.).  A concept layout for the one-way scenario is shown in figure 10 (below).

Figure 10: One-way concept Bayshore Ln, Byron Bay






That the Local traffic Committee endorse the implementation of one-way traffic within Bayshore Lane, Byron Bay (northbound) if community and stakeholder engagement does not raise any reasons not to proceed.





1        Resident Petition  ~ Request to Change traffic flow from two way to one way in Bayshore Lane Byron Bay, E2022/119099 , page 21  




Regulatory Matters                                                                                        6.2 - Attachment 1


Local Traffic Committee Meeting                                                                               6.3

Report No. 6.3       Blindmouth Road Upgrade

File No:                                 I2023/634


The purpose of this report is to gain Council support for the proposed regulatory signage and line markings shown in Attachment 1 (E2023/42149).

Council has received a Roads Act application associated with a development approval for a Rural Land Sharing Community consisting of 12 dwelling sites at 84 Blindmouth Road, Main Arm. 

As part of the approved D.A (10.2020.242.1) Schedule 1, deferred Condition 1 imposed the following requirement:

1.         Consent required for works within the road reserve

Consent from Council must be obtained for works within the road reserve pursuant to Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993. Three (3) copies of engineering construction plans must accompany the application for consent for works within the road reserve.


Such plans are to be in accordance with Council’s current Design & Construction Manuals and are to provide for the following works:


Driveway (Typical Rural Property Access Standard)


A driveway(s) in accordance with Type 1 driveway of RMS drawing 19.07.2016.


The works are to include the adjustment and/or relocation of services as necessary to the requirements of the appropriate service authorities.


Access Treatment

Provision of a BAR & BAL turning treatment in accordance with AUSTROADS.

Blindmouth Road Upgrade

Blindmouth Road including the causeway on Blindmouth Road must be upgraded in accordance with Chapter D1.22 to D1.29 of D1.0 - Geometric Road Design - Northern Rivers Local Government.


a)  Road design upgrade to provide a 6m seal and 1m sealed shoulders with table drains to cater for a minor road with traffic 150-500 AADT (D1.27 - Table T1.27 of NRLG) including line marking of the edge lines and appropriate RMS warning signs for cyclist/ pedestrians.


b) Scope of Works • Works specified in SDS Civil drawing C1; and • Extension the works in SDS Civil drawing C1 to link the sealed section of Blindmouth Road including the causeway over Blindmouth Creek south of the development.


c) The upgrade of the causeway on Blindmouth Road over Blindmouth Creek to Austroads standards. The floodway must be designed to provide flood free access for at least the 1 in 2 year ARI storm event and safe vehicle access for at least the 1 in 50 year ARI storm event. Detailed design and documentation, including erosion protection works and safety measures, for the creek crossing. Flood warning signs and flood gauges to show depth of flooding must be installed for both approaches to the floodway.






That Council supports the regulatory signage and line markings associated with the Blindmouth Road upgrade works, as shown in Attachment 1 (E2023/42149)



1        51.2020.242.1 LTC submission, E2023/42149 , page 28  




Regulatory Matters                                                                                                        6.3 - Attachment 1


Local Traffic Committee Meeting                                                                               6.4

Report No. 6.4       New Intersection on Tweed Valley Way

File No:                                 I2023/687


The purpose of this report is to gain Council support for the proposed regulatory signage and line markings shown in Attachment 1 (E2023/43452).

Council has received a Roads Act application associated with a development consent to convert an existing multiple occupancy to a community title subdivision at Lot 21 DP1034998, Pacific Highway, Wooyung.  Condition 5 of the development consent (10.2010.528.1) requires the following:

          Consent required for works within the road reserve


Consent from Council must be obtained for works within the road reserve pursuant to Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993. Three (3) copies of engineering construction plans must accompany the application for consent for works within the road reserve.


Such plans are to be in accordance with Council’s current Design and Construction Manuals and Specifications and are to provide for the following works:


Driveway                               A minimum 6m wide sealed driveway (or equivalent), in accordance with Council’s current “Northern Rivers Local Government Development Design & Construction Manuals and Standard Drawings”, from the edge of the road to the existing underpass and from the underpass to 3m inside the property boundary. 


Intersection Works     The intersection of the Tweed Valley Way with the roadway through the Pacific Highway underpass must be upgraded to a type BA intersection in accordance with AustRoads Guide to Road Design Part 4A: Unsignalised and Signalised Intersections. The design is to address siting, signs, linemarking, parking restrictions and night-time visibility.


NOTE: The plans must be in compliance with Council's current “Northern Rivers Local Government Development Design & Construction Manuals and Standard Drawings”.


Tweed Valley Way is a Regional Road (MR679) and as such Council has recently referred the application and design drawings to TfNSW for concurrence under section 138(2) of the Roads Act 1993.

Condition 5 requires a type BA intersection but after a site inspection with Council and the design engineer it was agreed that this should be upgraded to a Austroads type CHS intersection, due to the site constraints and better safety improvements.





That Council supports the regulatory signage and line markings associated with the New Intersection on Tweed Valley Way, as shown in Attachment 1 (E2023/43452)



1        51.2010.528.1 LTC submission, E2023/43452 , page 34  




Regulatory Matters                                                                                                        6.4 - Attachment 1


Local Traffic Committee Meeting                                                                               6.5

Report No. 6.5       Byron Writers Festival 2023

File No:                                 I2023/688


The purpose of this report is to seek Local Traffic Committee support for the regulation of traffic for the Byron Writers Festival 2023.

Byron Writers Festival is proposed to be held in Bangalow Showgrounds from the 11th to the 13th of August 2023.  In previous years this event was held adjacent to the Elements Resort on Bayshore Drive, Byron Bay.

Figure 1 – Locality

Local Traffic Committee advice is required to satisfy TfNSW’s document “Delegation to Council – Regulation of Traffic” because the regulation of traffic is for a purpose other than those specified in Section 115 of the Roads Act 1993. 

Figure 2 – Extract from TfNSW document – Delegation to Councils – Regulation of Traffic

Council has received a Roads Act application (51.2023.1018.1) for traffic control to be implemented at Byron Street, Market Street, Deacon Street and Stations Street in Bangalow in accordance with the Traffic Guidance Scheme contained within the Traffic Management Plan - refer Attachment 1 (E2023/43597).

It should be noted that the event is not subject to any development assessment process.

The Traffic Management Plan provides for the following:

·        Traffic Guidance Scheme design principles

The TGSs have been designed according to the requirements stated in Transport for NSW Traffic Control at Worksites version 6 Technical Manual and Australian Standard 1742.

·        Roadworks speed limits

For traffic controllers (TC) safety, the existing posted speed limit (50km/hr) will be reduced to 40km/hr roadworks in Byron Street and Deacon Street. These speed zones are depicted on the Traffic Guidance Schemes (TGS03) within Attachment 1 (E2023/43597).

·        Lane closure

No lane closure will take place in this project.

·        Pedestrian management

The existing Byron Street pedestrian crossing will be managed by TC, as shown in the TGS03. All pedestrian traffic will be directed to and from the site via Station Lane.

·        Delineation

Four cones placed at 4 meters spacing must be located immediately preceding the traffic controller's location at the centre of the road. Refer to TGS03.

·        Traffic Controller

Seven traffic controllers would be located at the intersections of Byron Street / Market Street & Byron Street / Station Street, one on each approach, to direct and manage the traffic flow. Refer to TGS03 for more details. Also, the existing pedestrian crossing near the intersection of Byron Street and Station Street will have two spotters, one on each side, to manage the pedestrian flow. Traffic controllers and spotters will be used at the contractor's discretion and may not always be needed.

·        Signage

Signs will be used to inform road users of the presence of a traffic controller and to warn of the change of conditions. Refer to TGS03 for more details.

·        Variable Message Sign (VMS)

Variable Message Sign (VMS) will be placed on Bangalow Rd, Lismore Rd and Grannuaille Rd. Refer to TGS01 & TGS02 for more details.

Separate approval from TfNSW will be required for the VMS on State Roads (Lismore Rd and Grannuaille Rd).

·        Temporary Bus Bay

A shuttle bus service will run between Byron Bay CBD and the festival site dropping passengers off near the intersection of Byron Street and Market Street.  The main pick up point for this will be the Byron bus interchange.  A second pick up will be at the Cavanbah Centre.

A temporary bus bay will be in operation between the intersections of Byron Street / Market Street & Byron Street / Station Street.  It will have R5-20 "Bus Zone" sign erected along the northern verge. Refer to TGS05 for more details of this temporary bus bay and refer to TGS04 for the shuttle bus movement plan.

·        School drop-off and pick-up

Bangalow Public School is located at Market Street near the festival area.  The school was consulted and the following plan for pick-up and drop-off is proposed:

Monday 7 - Thursday 10 August, kiss & ride in Showgrounds remains operational. Entry via Market St with alternative exit route via gate beside A&I Hall, onto Station St. Staff parking onsite remains with access via Market St.

Friday 11 August: no access to the site, alternative parking arrangements to be made, parents to walk children to school.

Market Street has existing no-parking and no-stopping arrangements which will facilitate the flow of traffic during peak arrival and departure periods.

·        On-site traffic management and parking

The Byron Writers Festival engages a Parking Coordinator and a parking team. Signage, volunteers and communications plans will assist with the flow of traffic within the showground lands. Refer to VMP01 & VMP02 for an on-site vehicle movement plan.

All on-site parking will be free, however a gold coin donation will be requested, as is traditional at the Byron Writers Festival. We estimate that approximately 519 cars can be parked on site. Refer to CP01 for car park layout.

·        PWD access

There will be an on-site PWD pick up and drop off area.






1.      That Council supports the Writers Festival in Bangalow from the 11th to 13th August 2023

2.      That Council support in Part 1 is subject to:

a)   separate approvals by NSW Police and TfNSW being obtained;

b)  the event organiser providing council with an Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Guidance Scheme/s for the event;

c)   development and implementation of a Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Guidance Scheme/s by those with appropriate TfNSW accreditation and the holding of current and appropriate levels of insurance and liability cover;

d)  the impact of the event be advertised, and charged at cost to the organisers, via a notice in the local weekly paper and Variable Message Signage (VMS) a minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road closures and times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a personal contact name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries or complaints;

e)   the event be notified on Council’s web page and social media with the event organiser supplying Council with the relevant information;

3.      The event organiser to:

a)   inform the community and businesses that are directly impacted (e.g. within road closure zones) via written information which is delivered to the property in a timely manner so as to document, consider and respond to any concerns raised;

b)  arranging for private property access and egress affected by the event;       

c)  liaising with bus, taxi and waste operators and ensuring arrangements are made for provision of services during conduct of the event;

d)  consulting with emergency services and any identified issues be addressed;

e)   holding $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event;

f)   not place any signage on the road related area of the Pacific Highway.





1        51.2023.1018.1 TMP RevB, E2023/43597 , page 44  




Regulatory Matters                                                                                        6.5 - Attachment 1


Local Traffic Committee Meeting                                                                               6.6

Report No. 6.6       Trial Electric Vehicle Chargers Byron Bay

File No:                                 I2023/731


Council has the opportunity to participate in the State Governments EVX pole charging trial funded by Essential Energy.  Byron Bay is recognised within the NSW Climate and Energy Action Master Plan as having the highest demand for future EV infrastructure in the region (refer to Figure 2).

At this time the trial only includes one charger for the area and requires that an Essential Energy power pole be within close proximity to the parking space being proposed (refer to figure 3).

The purpose of this report is to gain LTC endorsement for the allocation of two parking bays within the Byron Bay village centre.  The parking spaces will be allocated within the current Byron Bay Pay Parking Area.  The timing for the EV spaces will reflect the same time restrictions as the area they are installed, unless located within an all-day parking location where the space will be restricted to two-hours (R5-1-10 series, Parking (1P-10P) Times (Various) Mon-Fri Electric Vehicles Only (Left, Right or Repeater), 9am – 6pm Monday to Sunday).  These spaces will not be charged at the parking meter to encourage use and support the trial (subject to review following the trial).


Figure 1: R5-1-10N signage example (times will be 9am – 6pm, Monday to Sunday)





Figure 2: Optimal zone EV charging mapping, NSW Climate and Energy Action Master Plan

Council staff have proposed potential locations (attachment 1, E2023/46707) to Essential Energy for the chargers however the locations are subject to a review of the supporting infrastructure (power poles) by Essential Energy.

Installation is programmed for June 2023 and due to short timeline and report deadlines the final two locations have not been chosen, therefore, five potential locations have been selected, two will be selected following the above Essential Energy review.



Figure 3: EVX pole mounted charger installation (Glebe, Sydney)







That the Local Traffic Committee endorse parking restrictions to support two Electric Vehicle car parking spaces in Byron Bay Town Central, two of the five locations within Attachment 1 (E2023/46707) as part of the Essential Energy EVX pole mounted charger trial.



1        Byron_Potential_EVX_trial charger locations, E2023/46707 , page 60  




Regulatory Matters                                                                                        6.6 - Attachment 1



Local Traffic Committee Meeting                                                                               7.1

Matters for Traffic Engineering Advice


Report No. 7.1       No Overtaking - Coolamon Scenic Dr

File No:                                 I2023/631


The purpose of this report is to discuss the proposed overtaking locations on Coolamon Scenic Dr.  Coolamon Scenic Drive is a narrow rural road with tight curves throughout.

Council received funding through the Safer Roads Program to improve safety along Coolamon Scenic Drive between Azalea Street (Mullumbimby) and Hinterland Way.

The scope of the completed works involved the following treatments:

·    Localised pavement widening

·    Safety Barrier installation

·    Line marking along the project length, subject to pavement width considerations

·    Double Barrier lines as required

·    Installation of signage and guideposts

·    Localised areas of antiskid installation

·    Traffic island installation

For the line-marking portion of these work’s council has installed double barrier line to prevent overtaking throughout a majority of the road.  Following these works a member of the public has requested that overtaking provision be made where appropriate and has proposed two locations.

Figure 1: Proposed location (844 Coolamon Scenic Dr)

Figure 2: Proposed location (918 Coolamon Scenic Dr)

While these locations do provide adequate sight distance for overtaking (refer to attachment 4, TfNSW advice) the roadside environment is very unforgiving and does not provide adequate shoulder should a mistake be made by an overtaking driver to avoid an oncoming car.

Council staff consider that the risk of a serious injury crash, should an overtaking error occur outweighs the benefit for overtaking on sections of road where drivers have already been shown to drive at speeds over the posted speed limit (refer to attachments 1 and 2).

Figure 3: Coolamon Scenic Dr roadside environment (steep fill batter, no shoulder)

Figure 4:  Coolamon Scenic Dr typical roadside environment (cut batter, large trees)

Although there is a risk of impatient drivers feeling like the no-overtaking treatments are too restrictive, there is no evidence that there is an issue with compliance.  The most recent traffic survey data indicates that the 85th percentile speeds are at or just above the posted speed limit (survey summary attached attachment 1 and 2). These surveys were undertaken within the proposed overtaking areas and indicate that most drivers are prepared to drive at speeds where overtaking is unnecessary (you must stay below the posted speed when overtaking).

Following an investigation of the most recent crash data on Coolamon Scenic Dr (Coorabel only) there has not been an increase of any crash type since the no overtaking line-marking was implemented, however there has been a reduction in overall crashes since the installation of the double barrier line-marking (please refer to attachment 3).










That the Local Traffic Committee recommend that no change be made to the current overtaking restrictions on Coolamon Scenic Drive.




1        Traffic Survey Data_Coolamon Scenic Drive (outside #910) COORABELL_2023-03-10 Report, E2023/42105 , page 69  

2        Traffic Survey Data_Coolamon Scenic Drive (outside #856) COORABELL_2023-03-10 Report, E2023/42104 , page 70  

3        Summary_Coolamon_Scenic_Drive_Crash_Data_2009_22, E2023/43297 , page 71  

4        TfNSW_Line marking_no overtaking_advice_Coolamon Scenic Dr, E2023/43301 , page 72  




Matters for Traffic Engineering Advice                                                                    7.1 - Attachment 1


Matters for Traffic Engineering Advice                                                                    7.1 - Attachment 2


Matters for Traffic Engineering Advice                                                                    7.1 - Attachment 3


Matters for Traffic Engineering Advice                                                                    7.1 - Attachment 4



Local Traffic Committee Meeting                                                                               8.1



Report No. 8.1       Toni Childs Music Video Shoot Byron Bay August 2023

File No:                                 I2023/174


Council has received an application for the Toni Childs Music Video Shoot to be held on Monday 7 August 2023. With the intention to close off part of Jonson Street, Byron Bay – the section between Lawson Street and Byron Street – between 6am and 2pm (8 hours)




1.      That Council supports the Toni Childs Music Video Production to be held on Monday 7 August 2023.

2.      That Council support in Part 1 is subject to:

a)   separate approvals by NSW Police and TfNSW being obtained;

b)  the event organiser providing council with an updated Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Guidance Scheme/s for the film shoot;

c)   development and implementation of a Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Guidance Scheme/s by those with appropriate TfNSW accreditation and the holding of current and appropriate levels of insurance and liability cover;

d)  the impact of the film shoot be advertised, and charged at cost to the organisers, via a notice in the local weekly paper and Variable Message Signage near the site, a minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it must include the film shoot name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road closures and times, alternative route arrangements, Production Team, a personal contact name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries or complaints;

e)   the film shoot be notified on Council’s web page with the event organiser supplying Council with the relevant information.

3.      The Production Team to:

a)   inform the community and businesses that are directly impacted (e.g. within road closure zones) via written information which is delivered to the property in a timely manner so as to document, consider and respond to any concerns raised;

b)  arranging for private property access and egress affected by the film shoot;   

c)   liaising with bus, taxi and waste operators and ensuring arrangements are made for provision of services during conduct of the film shoot;

d)  consulting with emergency services and any identified issues be addressed;

e)   holding $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the film shoot;

f)    paying Council’s Road Event Application Fee prior to the film shoot;

g)   not place any signage on the road related area of the Pacific Highway.

h)   apply/receive consent by the relevant road authority under section 138 of the NSW road act (1993) and pay any associated fees and charges within this process.




1        Traffic Management Plan with TGS - Toni Childs Music Video, E2023/44625 , page 78  




Councils Events Team received a Filming Application from Big Mother Touring Company Pty Ltd to conduct a music video for Toni Childs new release song LIFT.

The Local Government Filming Protocol for NSW states there is a presumption of Approval: Councils are expected to grant approvals and, where appropriate, any necessary lease or licence over Council owned or Council controlled land for filming, unless there are exceptional circumstances.

Event Overview

The production will close a section of Jonson Street, between Lawson Street and Byron Street.

The temporary closure will be in place from 6am until 2pm, Monday 7 August 2023.

Filming will take place within the closed area, hosting 50 – 100 participants for a choreographed dance routine to the new song.

Image – Traffic Guidance scheme showing work area

Key Issues

There would be impacts to local businesses, the Production Team would be required to notify all businesses that would be affected by the closure and liaise with them directly to overcome any concerns or issues.

Per the Local Government Filming Protocol -

“Local community notification: Filmmakers need to do a letter drop to residents and the local community with the details of the filming, with a copy to council for information. The letters should be delivered with enough lead time for people to make further inquiries. The letter should indicate the times and nature of the shoot, conditions of council approval, and provide a contact name and number for the production.  The production should have a strategy for managing community concerns and/or complaints.  If filming permission is sought at especially short notice, for example for a production contracted at short notice or for a sudden schedule change, additional time and effort may be needed”.

Policy or Regulation

Under the Local Government Filming Protocol NSW:‘Presumption of Approval: Councils are expected to grant approvals and, where appropriate, any necessary lease or licence over Council owned or Council controlled land for filming, unless there are exceptional circumstances.’

‘Traffic Management:  ..If filming take place on roads or interferes with traffic flow it will often be necessary to submit a TMP to Council ..Council should co-operate with filmmakers to approve traffic plans promptly – the traffic committee may need to meet by phone’

‘A request by a film production may not be reasonable, for example, to close a busy road during peak hour. Even where a council believes exceptional circumstances apply, negotiations with the film production over relocation, alternative times, or the imposition of appropriate conditions should be considered.’

All TGSs are to be developed and implement by people with the appropriate level and type of accreditation.


A condition of the endorsement of this film shoot is that the Production Team are responsible for appropriate consultation, including:

1.      Advertising the impact of the film shoot in the local newspaper, via Variable Message Board near the closure and on the Council website.

2.      Informing community and business that are directly impacted.

3.      Liaising with bus and taxi operators.

4.       Consulting with emergency services.



Events                                                                                                                  8.1 - Attachment 1