Ordinary Meeting


Publicbsc_logo_150dpi_rgb ATTACHMENTS


Ordinary Meeting AGENDA

OF 20 April 2017


9.    Notices of Motion

9.3     Brunswick Heads Caravan Parks

Attachment 1... Overlays of boundary maps for  people after 9.3.17 presentation by NSWCHPT................................................................................................................... 4

Attachment 2... Terrace map with the southern boundary relocated and northern boundary marked as per Council's resolution......................................................................... 7

Attachment 3... Lot 11 - the boat ramp area at Ferry Reserve........................................... 8

Attachment 4... Resolution 12-995 20 December 2012...................................................... 9

Attachment 5... SEPP 14 map which clearly shows the land location of the SEPP as well as the adjoining mangroves................................................................................ 11

9.6     Review of Tyagarah Airstrip Planning Proposal

Attachment 1... Tyagarah Airfield - The Airport Group Draft Future Aviations Options presentation................................................................................................................. 12

Attachment 2... OEH Response Tyagarah Airfield Additional Information - Signed DY 201703... 25  

11.  Submissions and Grants

11.1   Byron Shire Council Current Grant Applications as at 29 March 2017

Attachment 1... Byron Shire Council Current Grant Applications as at 29 March 2017... 27       


13.  Staff Reports

13.3   National General Assembly of Local Government 2017

Attachment 1... Letter from the Australian Local Government Association Invitation to the mayor to attend the National General Assembly of Local Government ................ 32

Attachment 2... Letter from the Australian Local Government Association with 2017 National General Assembly Of Local Government - Call for Motions.................. 33

Attachment 3... Memo to Councillors - Call for motions for 2017 National General Assembly of Local Government................................................................................... 43

13.6   Integrated Planning and Reporting - Public Exhibition 2017

Attachment 1... DRAFT Community Strategic Plan 2027................................................ 44

Attachment 2... Draft Delivery Program 2017-2021 and Operational Plan 2017-2018.... 96

Attachment 3... Community Strategic Plan Internal Consultation - Consultant Report 2017 172

13.7   Public Exhibition - Draft 2017/2018 Statement of Revenue Policy

Attachment 1... Draft 2017-2018 Budget Estimates (Detailed)....................................... 236

Attachment 2... Draft 2017-2018 Budget Summary Statements and Reserves............ 296

Attachment 3... Draft 2017-2018 Revenue Policy.......................................................... 302

Attachment 4... Draft 2017-2018 Fees and Charges...................................................... 322

Sustainable Environment and Economy

13.10 PLANNING - Submissions Report - 26.2015.1.1 - Planning Proposal to permit a heliport and amend the minimum lot size at Tyagarah Airfield

Attachment 1... Planning Proposal as Exhibited............................................................. 431

Attachment 3... Submission - Commonwealth Dept of Infrastructure and Regional Development............................................................................................................... 657

Attachment 4... Submission - NSW Rural Fire Service ................................................. 659

Attachment 5... Office Environment & Heritage - initial submission / comments........... 661

Attachment 6... Office Environment & Heritage Final Response Tyagarah Airfield ..... 664

Attachment 7... Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment LtdCHA_EV460_160914(2). 666

Attachment 8... Flood Study ........................................................................................... 716

13.11 PLANNING - 10.2016.273.1 Multi Dwelling development plus Strata Subdivision, 21 Ballina Road Bangalow

Attachment 1... Proposed Plans Multi Dwelling development plus strata subdivision at 21 Ballina Road Bangalow ..................................................................................... 781

Attachment 2... Proposed Engineering Plans subdivision 21 Ballina Road Bangalow prepared by Ardill Payne ........................................................................................... 791

Attachment 3... Recommended Conditions of Consent................................................. 807

13.12 Update West Byron Development Control Plan - Advice from the Minister for Planning

Attachment 1... Letter from Minister for Planning dated 30 March 2017 ....................... 837

Attachment 2... draft Amendments to Part A and Part D of Byron Shire DCP 2014..... 839

Attachment 3... Draft Byron DCP 2014 Chapter E8 - West Byron Urban Releasae Area 840

13.13 Rural Land Use Strategy Implementation Plan

Attachment 1... Response letter from NSW Department of Planning & Environment dated 20Oct2016 - re endorsement of Draft Rural Land Use Strategy (as adopted 4/8/16)............................................................................................................... 913

Attachment 2... Amended draft RLUS and Appendicies - incorporating changes in response to 20 October 2016 submission from DPE..................................................... 915

Attachment 3... Site Suitability Criteria and Mapping Methodology (as amended)...... 1014

Attachment 4... Rural Land Use Strategy Policy Directions Paper (as amended)....... 1042

Attachment 5... Rural Land Use Strategy Implementation Plan................................... 1056

Infrastructure Services

13.15 Multi Use of Rail Corridor Within Byron Shire

Attachment 1... RFT Request for Tender - Multi Use Rail Corridor (PDF of E2017/24777) 1064           

14.  Reports of Committees    

Infrastructure Services

14.1   Report of the Water, Waste and Sewer Advisory Committee Meeting held on 2 March 2017

Attachment 1... Minutes Water, Waste and Sewer Advisory Committee Meeting 02/03/17 1132

14.2   Report of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 21 March 2017

Attachment 1... Minutes Local Traffic Committee Meeting 21/03/17........................... 1137       


Notices of Motion                                                                                                9.3 - Attachment 1




Notices of Motion                                                                                                9.3 - Attachment 2


Notices of Motion                                                                                                9.3 - Attachment 3


Notices of Motion                                                                                                9.3 - Attachment 4



Notices of Motion                                                                                                9.3 - Attachment 5


Notices of Motion                                                                                                9.6 - Attachment 1














Notices of Motion                                                                                                9.6 - Attachment 2




Submissions and Grants                                                                                                             11.1 - Attachment 1

Byron Shire Council

Current Grant Applications as at 29 March 2017



Funding body

Funding Scheme


Total Available

Requested Amount






NSW Dept of Justice

Crime Prevention Grants

CPTED lighting in Byron CBD




Submitted Jan 20


Decision pending


NSW Dept of Justice

NSW Community Safety Fund 2017

Extension of CCTV network in Byron CBD




50,000 Inkind

Submitted 20 Feb 2017


Decision pending


Commonwealth Dept of Infrastructure and Regional Development

Building Better Regions Fund – Infrastructure Projects Stream

Roundabout at the intersection of Bayshore Drive and Ewingsdale Road






28 Feb 2017


Pending decision


Commonwealth Dept of Infrastructure and Regional Development

Building Better Regions Fund – Community Investments Stream

Research to support employment/land use planning





Submission due 31 Mar 2017

Decision pending


Commonwealth Dept of Infrastructure and Regional Development

Building Better Regions Fund – Community Investments Stream

Building Capacity in Community Halls

(Love Byron Halls)





Submission due 31 Mar 2017

Decision pending


NSW Dept of Primary Industries

Recreational Fishing Trust

Fishing platform and bank regeneration Brunswick River

No upper limit


81,668.25/23,000 in-kind



13 March 2017

Decision Pending


NSW Dept of Industry, Lands

Public Reserves Management Fund

Clarks Beach Reserve Amenities

No upper limit




Submission due

24 March 2017

Funding body required three quotes in hand at submission.

Legally ineligible


NSW Dept of Industry, Lands

Public Reserves Management Fund

Removal of Asbestos Senior Citizens Hall at Marvel Street, Byron Bay

No upper limit




Submission due

24 March 2017

Funding body required three quotes in hand at submission.

Legally ineligible


NSW Dept of Industry, Lands

Public Reserves Management Fund

Vegetation Management Phase Three Tyagarah Hall

No upper limit




Submission due

24 March 2017

Project not eligible. Not submitted.


Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal

Small Grants for Regional Communities

Youth Innovators





Submission due

31 March 2017

Decision to pass on to community group


NSW Education

Before and After School Care Fund

Upgrade of Mullum OOSH facilities





Submission due

5 April 2017

Deferred by local school


NSW Education

Before and After School Care Fund

Upgrade of Bruns OOSH facilities




Submission due

5 April 2017

Deferred to next round due 28 June


NSW Education

Before and After School Care Fund

Upgrade of Byron OOSH facilities




Submission due

5 April 2017

Deferred to next round due 28 June


NSW Office of Environment and Heritage

Flying-foxes Grant Program

Shire Wide Flying-fox Camp Management Plan




Announced 7 march 2017



NSW Dept of Industry

Elsa Dixon Aboriginal Employment Program

School-based Traineeships





17 March 2017

Decision pending


NSW Veterans Affairs

Community War Memorials Fund – Round 1

Bangalow War Memorial in Railway Park







25 April 2017



NSW Dept of Industry

Regional Growth – Environment and Tourism Fund


From 500,000


(no upper limit)



EOI due

5 April 2017

No eligible projects identified in operational plan


NSW Office of Environment

Heritage Near Me – Heritage Activation Grants

Byron Railway Heritage Conservation Management Plan





21 April 2017

Item State Heritage listed, therefore ineligible for this scheme


NSW Office of Environment

Heritage Near Me – Local Heritage Strategic Projects





Open round



Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development

Community Development Grants Program

Bangalow Weir Reconstruction Project






24 March 2017

Decision pending



NSW Office of Environment

Environment Trust – Education

Embedding reduced food miles in everyday practice for early childhood (Sandhills)







10 April



NSW Office of Environment and Heritage

Environment Trust – Council Roadside Reserves





27 April 2017

No eligible projects identified in operational plan


NSW Office of Environment and Heritage

Floodplain Management Program





27 April 2017

No eligible projects identified in operational plan


Aus Gov, Dept of Infrastructure and Regional Development

Bridges Renewal Programme

Blindmouth Bridge




15 May 2017



Aus Gov, Dept of Infrastructure and Regional Development

Bridges Renewal Programme

The Southern Bridges





15 May 2017



Aus Gov Office of Prime Minister and Cabinet

Smart Cities and Suburbs – round 1

Project TBC




30 June 2017

Project lead: Sustainable Environment and Economy


NSW Dept of Primary Industries – Fisheries

Recreational Fishing Trusts

Bringing back the Brunswick






23 December 2017



NSW Dept of Premier and Cabinet

Tourism Demand Driver Infrastructure Funding

Railway Square Revitalisation Project – Byron Bay

Information no longer available on website




8 August 2016





Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                               13.3 - Attachment 1


Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                               13.3 - Attachment 2











Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                 13.3 - Attachment 3

MEMO TO:             All Councillors


COPY TO:               Executive Team


MEMO FROM:        Director Corporate and Community Services


SUBJECT:              Call for Motions for 2017 National General Assembly of Local Government


DATE:                     28 February 2017


RECORD NO:         E2017/12238


Council has received advice regarding the National General Assembly of Local Government (NGA) to be held in Canberra from 18 to 21 June 2017.


Motions for this year’s theme Building Tomorrow’s Communitiesare to be received by ALGA no later than Friday 21 April 2017 but must first be endorsed by Council prior to submission.  Notices of Motion to Council regarding ALGA Motions will need to be submitted for inclusion in the Ordinary Meeting Agenda of 20 April 2017 at the latest. 


Council’s Notices of Motion for the Ordinary Agenda 23 March are due to be received by staff on 8 March. For the Ordinary Agenda 20 April, Notices of Motion are due to be received by staff on 5 April. Please submit Notices of Motion via email to Councillor Support by 9am on either due date to be included in the relevant meeting agenda.


Call for Motions


To be eligible for inclusion in the NGA Business Papers and then debate on the floor of the NGA, motions must follow the principles:


1.    be relevant to the work of local government nationally

2.    be consistent with the themes of the NGA

3.    complement or build on the policy objectives of your state and territory local government association

4.    be from a council which is a financial member of their state or territory local government association

5.    propose a clear action and outcome

6.    not be advanced on behalf of external third parties that may seek to use the NGA to apply pressure to Board members or to gain national political exposure for positions that are not directly relevant to the work of, or in the national interests of, local government.


To assist councils in preparing motions, a Discussion Paper has been prepared and is attached.


Motions should generally be in a form that seek the NGA’s support for a particular action or policy change at the Federal level which will assist local governments to meet local community needs e.g. That this National General Assembly call on the Federal government to restore indexation to local government financial assistance grants







Mark Arnold


Enc. #S2017/2743 - Letter from the Australian Local Government Association with 2017 National General Assembly Of Local Government - Call for Motions


Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                               13.6 - Attachment 1



















































Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                                         13.6 - Attachment 1


Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                               13.6 - Attachment 1


Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                               13.6 - Attachment 2














Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                                         13.6 - Attachment 2














































Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                               13.6 - Attachment 2



















Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                                         13.6 - Attachment 3



            Macintosh HD:Users:timchilds:Desktop:LOGO.jpg




Byron Shire Council (BSC) Community Strategic Plan (CSP) Internal Review Report


March 2017




DIAP Project Team: Deborah Stafford, Mila Jones, David Royston-Jennings and Sarah Ford (BSC) Consultants (Tim Childs & Liz Gehring of Tim Childs Consulting & Training and IncludeUs)

Text Box: 8A   Guiding principles for councils (Local Government Act NSW)

(a)  Councils should provide strong and effective representation, leadership, planning and decision-making.

(b)  Councils should carry out functions in a way that provides the best possible value for residents and ratepayers.

(c)  Councils should plan strategically, using the integrated planning and reporting framework, for the provision of effective and efficient services and regulation to meet the diverse needs of the local community.

(d)  Councils should apply the integrated planning and reporting framework in carrying out their functions so as to achieve desired outcomes and continuous improvements.

(e)  Councils should work co-operatively with other councils and the State government to achieve desired outcomes for the local community.

(f)  Councils should manage lands and other assets so that current and future local community needs can be met in an affordable way.

(g)  Councils should work with others to secure appropriate services for local community needs.

(h)  Councils should act fairly, ethically and without bias in the interests of the local community.

(i)  Councils should be responsible employers and provide a consultative and supportive working environment for staff.

Executive summary


The following report outlines the approach taken by Council to undertake an internal review of the current Community Strategic Plan (CSP).  Council, as part of its integrated planning and reporting (IP&R) compliance is required to review the CSP when a new term of Councilors begins.



Under the NSW Local Government Act Council is required to develop and endorse a Community Strategic Plan on behalf of its local government area.  The plan should address the four key questions of:


Ø Where are we now?

Ø Where do we want to be in 10 years time?

Ø How will we get there?

Ø How will we know we’ve arrived? (OLG Planning and reporting Manual)


Councilors have agreed to an internal review of the current CSP (2022) by Council officers to fulfill pre and post election requirements.  In later 2017/18 a full review of the CSP will be undertaken.  As part of the requirements, Council is also required to prepare a new 4-year Delivery Program (DOP) and annual operational plan (OP).



Overview of Review and Consultation methodology


There are 5 distinct parts to the CSP review methodology


1.   An internal review of the current CSP.  This was undertaken by providing staff with a template to enable them to identify areas of the CSP that had been completed, areas for minor revision (within the terms of allowable revisions in the current plan) and ideas for future new or different approaches.


2.   Research and development of a new delivery program template to better reflect IP&R good practice and determine a process for gathering and collating base line data.


3.   Council staff workshops to gather feedback on future ideas and approaches identified as part of the CSP internal review.


4.   Education of staff around the CSP to improve engagement and understanding as well as resource development on contemporary language around developing outcome focused strategies/actions and activities and how they can be monitored and evaluated.


5.   Briefing and workshop with Councilors to seek their feedback and input on strategies and actions.






Review and Consultation methodology (detail)


1. Based on the successful mapping process undertaken for the Disability Inclusion Action Planning (DIAP), a similar review tool was developed to enable staff to review their team/departments performance against the current CSP themes (See Appendix 1). There were four questions answered:



Ø Has this been completed (Item in the CSP)

Ø What is still relevant and should be kept as is or slightly modified?



Ø What are the gaps and what actions need to be developed in relation to those gaps?

Ø Are there better ways we can talk about strategies being more outcome focused?


The outcome of review has been to incorporate Q1 and Q2 feedback from all of the teams/departments into a new 4-year delivery program (see 2). Responses to Q3 and Q4 were used by the consultants to theme the discussions/feedback at the staff workshops (see 3).


2. The new delivery program template was a result of research undertaken by the combined project team to review delivery programs from around the state that were considered best practice.  Dubbo/Waverly and Eurobodalla examples were combined along with the project teams input to create the new Delivery Program Template (See Appendix 2)  It was agreed that the creation of a new template would provide the opportunity to create a ‘transition’ from the current CSP wording and style to an updated version (to be created later in a full review) by incorporating new wording and features into the new DOP.  Wording and features that did not compromise the requirements for minor CSP revisions to go out for public exhibition were incorporated and those that were more significant would be moved to a new ‘shadow’ DOP that would form the basis for the full review of the CSP in the future.


3. The CSP review template included 2 questions (Q3 and Q4) that sought ideas and feedback from staff about gaps or future possibilities for the CSP.  Using this information the consultant’s themed 10 questions that would be used as the basis for discussion and input from staff across Council during 3 scheduled workshops.  (See Page 12)


The workshops were scheduled to enable as many people as possible to attend, which included a 7am workshop for outdoor staff to fit with their shifts.  Overall approximately 140 staff members attended the 3 workshops (1x Cavanabah Centre and 2 x Mullumbimby Civic Hall).   Results of these workshops can be found later in this report (See Page 12)


4. A range of tools and strategies were developed to support educating and developing skills for staff around the language being used in the new CSP process, in particular around defining terms such as strategy, outcomes, actions and outputs.  A written guide was produced along with an animation of the key terms to help illustrate the definitions and provide a range of learning opportunities.  These tools were distributed prior to the workshops and discussion occurred at the workshops around the definitions.  (Appendix 3)


5. Councilors were briefed about the CSP review process and the development of the new format for the DOP and OP.  Councilors were taken through a process that enabled them to gain an understanding of the context and rationale for the DOP and activities linked to the higher-level CSP strategies and using a specifically designed feedback tool, given the opportunity to make notes and then consider any further feedback in a follow up workshop.



Key findings


Knowledge of CSP and associated documents and processes


As the project commenced it became apparent that there were differing levels of knowledge and understanding around the CSP.  Members of the ISG reported that some staff indicated that they didn’t really understand what the CSP was about and certainly didn’t understand how their role or work fitted with it.  The Mid-Term report (reporting on activities to June 2016 against the CSP) was also something that people knew very little about and indeed many had not even read. This lack of knowledge and understanding lead the Project team to take a step back in the process and provide some information to staff on the CSP, its role and function and how their work fitted into this.  Whilst it may have delayed the process slightly, it highlighted the need for much more investment in education and support within Council about the CSP, its status and strategies and how each person on staff relates to the document.


ISG members also indicated that many staff had no involvement whatsoever in the creation of the current CSP and therefore the lack of ownership and engagement with it was somewhat understandable. 




The project team had to work within very tight timeframes and therefore the expectations placed on staff to deliver on the project activities in a very short time were high.  That said, even with the timing (Christmas and New Year) and the unexpected ‘re-education’ on the CSP that was required, the majority of teams came to the party and were able to deliver on their required actions, the key one being the review of the current CSP and identification of gaps and new ideas.



Engagement and feedback


The engagement of staff with the CSP workshops and their willingness to provide feedback and discuss ideas was greatly appreciated and has enabled the identification of some key areas for council to work on moving forward, that relate either specifically to a future CSP or to issues around the culture and values of the organisation. (See Recommendations page 9) 

Later in this report we have captured all of the feedback and identified those areas or points where there was endorsement from participants across the 3 workshops.


Project meetings


Regular project meetings were held between Council officers and the consultants either in person or via Skype to ensure that the project was keeping to schedule and to act as an early intervention process should any issues or challenges emerge during the course of the project.  These project meetings also included managing the DIAP aspect of the combined projects


ISG (BSC Internal Steering Group)


The internal steering group was formed with leadership representatives from each area of Council.  The group included 2 process champions (Mark Arnold and Shannon Burt) who were tasked with leading the group internally to support delivery on very tight time-frames.


Future Recommendations


Values and Culture


At the first ISG meeting, there was some brief discussion between participants regarding the place of Councils Values in the work of the organisation.  There were differing views on how the values should be interpreted or used (i.e they are community values, they are values staff work to everyday).  Values are core to any organisations work and guide the strategies and actions from high level (such as the CSP) right through to everyday actions and behaviours of staff.  As such, we strongly recommend that Council agree on how the values are to be worked with and to and that this be consistently applied across all of Council, from Councilors to the most part time or casual of staff members.


As values, along with their interpretation and use, clearly underpin the culture of any organisation, it is also strongly recommended that the culture of Byron Shire Council be seen as a fundamental foundation for everyone to work within and therefore must be regularly checked, supported and nourished to ensure that the culture matches the values and aspirations of a council that wants to lead and innovate.  We observed, that poor culture, at times, within council hampered some of our work around the DIAP and CSP, examples of this included some areas not understanding or supporting the processes, a lack of education and knowledge about core fundamental IP&R documents and processes, and a feeling of being excluded or omitted from things that were indeed fundamental to the operations of a values driven organisation.



Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation


In the development of the CSP and DIAP strategies we have sought to reflect a more outcome, aspirational focus and this, along with the actions that are now being incorporated into the Delivery Program and subsequent annual Operational Plans, will require the need to have significant improvements in monitoring of performance against intended actions, e.g. improving accessibility of councils public spaces by installing fully accessible bathroom facilities, as well as evaluated against the longer term outcome of provision of accessible public spaces that contribute to people feeling less excluded.


Developing outcome indicators that can be linked to more holistic wellbeing, environmental, value for money, preventative value should be a broader project for Council to engage in across all its business.  There needs to be a process that is consistent, yet flexible, that can address the wider federal and state set outcomes we are required to measure, meet quality standards and the regulatory environment and at the same time address the many variables of people, communities and organisations.


For the purposes of the CSP strategies and actions, an annual review through the operational plan review process should not only monitor performance against intended actions but also ‘test’ the contribution towards broader outcomes through checking in with stakeholders about their lived experiences, e.g. by aiming for public spaces accessible to all, has your quality of life improved by being able to access more recreational, sport and social activities (this could be easily linked to wellbeing indicators)


(Our guide to measuring social value is provided as a separate document)




Community Strategic Plan (CSP) Internal Review - - Workshop Feedback


Introduction and methodology


As part of the internal CSP review process, staff were asked to suggest areas that could be explored to inform potential actions and activities when the creation of a new CSP occurs later in 2017.  From these suggestions the consultants themed them into 10 key questions that would form the basis of discussion at 3 staff workshops

The workshops were attended by approximately150 staff.


The following is feedback from the workshops on each of the questions, listed under the relevant CSP theme where possible/most appropriate.  Where a comment has one or more * this indicates that staff indicated their agreement (effectively weighting the responses).  Additionally a survey monkey survey was made available to allow people who were not able to attend workshops to have input.  5 people took up this option.





Corporate Management




  Councilors focused too much on political agenda - conflicts arise *

  Require Councilors to provide open & transparent reasons for decisions to go against staff report recommendations

  Balancing the political with good governance

  Better communications around Councilors’ understanding of staff initiatives & strategies

  More community radio info sessions to inform residents

  Mutual respect for governance

  Have Councilors read the Local Govt Act?? Exam?

  Educate Councilors; bring them along on the journey - in a non-political environment! ***

  Council/Councilors working more cohesively

  Councilors employed full time

  Communicate with community on issues to help them understand how Council works **

  Stricter & clearer criteria for Councilor selection *

  Creating a link between Mayor, Councilors & Council working together *

  Shift attitudes - promote positivity among staff & community (Just keep doing & believing! Sounds lame but just keep talking & thinking positively & it can shift on a big scale)

  Understanding each others’ roles & responsibilities better

  Strategic mindset throughout the organisation & tools, support & most of all TIME to plan effectively **

  Trust staff **

  Bring back strategic planning ***

  Make strategic planning & governance practical, clear & useful = valued

  Individual work plans are important & link to team outcomes *

  Inclusivity - including community groups in discussion & decision making process *

  Definition of what staff do to enable more effective communications (internally/externally)

  Educate staff on roles within Council e.g. intranet bios & projects *

  Simple language - work around legislative requirements *

  Be physically visible in the community & increase exposure  - go to them (e.g. staff from finance go to pop-up office in Byron town centre)

  Streamline processes & cut-down on red tape - fewer hoop to jump through to apply for something

  Explain why the governance is required - don’t assume knowledge

  Consolidate multiple reporting for clarity

  Educate/inform the public more on the organisational structure & who is empowered to make what decision

  Get rid of insurance companies’ control!!

  Make decisions based on science & not political aspirations

  Remove any incentives that promote ego & power - this just creates politicians even in senior management

  Leadership of the council can be stronger if it draws on the full knowledge of staff. This is a huge, valuable & under-utilised resource.

  Decision making is too centralised/focused at the executive level, which does not maximise the organisation’s capacity for adaptive, innovative responses to complex social & environmental issues. While the buck does stop with the executive, decision-making could be more informed & insightful if it were incorporating staff expertise to a greater extent (& we want to offer it!)





  Update website early & often **

  Put council agenda in echo

  Mapping link to GIS

  Fact sheets/infographics about Council processes (do we internally know our own processes?)

  Open days & pop-up shops at different sights (positive spaces)*

  Weekly newsletter to all residents (like Tweed Link) with electronic option ******

  Free workshops run/sponsored by Council

  Clear communication & messaging

  Advertising on our own site

  Build-in outcomes measurement into Council activity/business & report back to community on outcomes, particularly at 4 year term *

  Much of what we do goes unreported/underreported *

  Info given in ways community understands, not just more words. Infographics etc

  Good news stories on Facebook

  Wellbeing Scorecard

  Form community guidance groups for each town/village with representatives brought into their locality’s planning process. The CG members would disseminate info to their networks *

  Put high value on community engagement!! There is not even an engagement officer - let alone a team. Takes time & effort but big rewards *

  Demonstrate areas of social innovation & community partnerships for outcomes

  Work more systematically/innovatively with others - it’s not all up to Council

  Ensure your policies

  Open communication

  Be consistent

  Communication between planning & outdoor staff

  Use chain of command (a culture of running to the highest level is creeping in when issues should be worked from the bottom first)

  Independent verifier to audit our process & help us

  Only hire people who are experienced in their field so we don’t have to rely on contractors or slave labour

  Re-define our culture & quality outcomes = better roads, better morale, happy outdoor staff

  Give staff the time to go through these points to give their opinions in depth

  Oversee or monitor contractors - scrutinise their work

  Stop engaging with the usual Council bashers/critics who are vexatious. Sell the Council & it’s politics & what they are designed for

  Locational signage with key contact & updates

  Digital snapshots

  Image usage - including photographs for reporting

  Language = customer service availability

  Open days

  Be more open about why & how decisions are made

  Minimise bureaucracy

  Talk in plain English & publish materials

  Council website promotes the activities of the bush regeneration team & shows where they will be working that week. The public can apply to work along side the team to gain practical experience which may lead to more stewardship of parks

  Current hierarchy in LG (eg staff talk to manager - mgr talks to director who talks to other mgr who talks to staff member) is just breeding ground for gossip, whispers, remarks & misinformation. And that’s only internal! We need to be able to talk to each other directly - including the Government





  Have more specialist fields in-house, less contractors *

  Get HR to do their job & screen qualifications before hiring after a trial period

  Incentives to improve

  Six month trial period on new employees

  Cert IV training

  Stop complicating things & reduce red-tape when making decisions

  Support employees explicitly, need leadership

  Trust employees (stronger employer?)

  Don’t keep accepting the same community members on committees (diversity)

  Resources - more in-house employees & training

  More salary benefits to attract the best people

  Ask for ideas, support the ideas & listen to older/experienced employees

  Brief new employees about safety, incident, protocols, timeframes etc when they start

  Redefine culture to results driven for sustainable communities

  Greater good before politics

  Consultation with the workforce at their level

  Develop future - train & retain; engineers; apprenticeships; traineeships

  Develop the people we want & need with system redundancy for leave

  Permanent placements & reduce temporary workforce (is this the way of the future??)*****

  Focus more on right people for certain jobs & get flexible in employment options eg flex-working; p/t; job sharing; remote working *

  Recruit to values/ethics not just skills

  Career development communicated career paths; succession & opportunities to grow & learn ***

  Social procurement contracts for marginalised groups *

  Make diversity part of employment strategies - quotas, targets etc

  Provide pre-interview workshop session/information sessions for Aboriginal applicants to highlight interview process & expectations & support to understand selection criteria *

  Allocate more budget for internships etc for Aboriginal residents

  Traineeships - on the job training is the most effective teacher

  Focus on interview & getting ‘feel’ of person rather than what is on paper *

  Identify outcomes required & then figure out how to get the job done - Just because a vacancy arises is there a need to recruit the same person?

  Work experience programs & training with local schools & education providers (barriers = insurance & how to package without removing a staff member)

  Accessing grants to bring more diverse groups to Council e.g. Indigenous

  Retaining employees once traineeship complete *

  International employee exchange program

  Graduate scheme

  Secondment opportunities

  Disability access

  Develop relationships with universities to attract future graduates e.g. UTS

  Recognising a broader range of skills that would be valuable in the organisation & having those reflected in the recruitment & documents e.g. skills & traits that would enhance creativity often comes from diversity in the workplace

  Work with key employees to develop a traineeship similar to a hotel traineeship where the trainee works in each section/employer to gain diverse experience

  Spend energy building a case/applying for funding - based on high unemployment, high underemployment & low wages - to improve these stats

  Allow Council staff to - do corporate volunteering; do career breaks & go to work with local employer for a time

  Full time: traffic engineer, traffic admin X 2, signs & less admin

  Turn the triangle of workers up the right way (fewer office people & more workers)

  Reduce workload by well defined priorities  “you can not have it all”

  Higher service level = less work tasks

  Stop micromanaging things e.g. uniform debacle

  Employ extra WHS staff (JHA not)

  Same rules for use & contractors

  Trust in qualified staff, don’t make work stressful with safety overload

  Less disciplinary measures when employees make genuine mistakes














  Ask Shire residents to advise Council how we could support them (businesses; youth; seniors etc) - Survey

  An employment strategy

  Housing affordability strategy

  Collective responses (cross-sectoral) + partnerships which support programs for business & social enterprise development *

  Greater network for support with private/public/community sector ***

  Impact investing/PPPS **

  Affordable housing & employment initiatives *

  More support for Indigenous enterprises *

  Is this a core service? Can we afford it? I don’t think it is important role of Council (not solely Council role but certainly have to support partner & facilitate)

  Community gardens & playgrounds in every town, with Co-ops growing food, local community days celebrating their community

  Change rules & regulations to support money making ideas

  Not our role?

  Cross link to neighbouring Shires who might have more or different resources & programs

  Transport *

  Live near work opportunities

  Provide easy access for collecting container deposits so that those involved do not require motorised transport

  Tap into State/Federal funding grants to attract people to Shire *

  Encourage volunteering & provide insurance cover somehow? Cost? (this is provided within landcare to some extent)

  I think there are currently lots of events & free things to do. Perhaps we just need to communicate his better? (A brochure/website - FREE stuff)

  Diversification of local industry

  Encourage alternatives to money (as only mechanism for exchanging goods & services) in local area e.g. skill swap or time swap programs

  Support adequate supply of quality childcare services, this has a big impact on women in particular & the current under supply is major

  Byron Bay is second most popular tourist destination in NSW after Sydney (stat from “Ninecreative” consultants). How to breakdown political barriers to get more & support from State & Fed govt who benefit from the promotional aspects of our Shire?

  Less red-tape for small businesses & events. One event contact for the Shire

  Homeless accommodation & support

  Busking - entertainment

  Pay parking reduced. Free for out-of-Shire workers. Resident family discounts

  More infringement teams

  People? 1.Rich 2.Mid-income 3.Poor 4.Homeless

  $2 park & ride to CBD from Cavanabah

  Free motorbike parks in Byron & Wategos

  Free parking in Butler Street

  Stop charging people money to go to the beach

  Bed tax

  Provide free/cheap campground for motorhomes & vans i.e. Belongil or close to town

  Rail track

  Make housing available, policing of secondary dwelling use is poor. Airbnb has made the Shire unaffordable

  Rate payers should not pay for parking in their own Shire. Get the tourist to pay seeing they congest the town!!

  Open more industrial land for development

  Make it easier for businesses to start-up in the Shire therefor hiring locals or giving opportunities to locals *

  Expand other industries - not just tourism - focus on creative industry development (Incentives for manufacturers of appropriate products. Take emphasis off retail & hospitality) *


  Partnering & supporting social enterprise development *






  Cultural/creative focused businesses reflecting the Byron balance between locals & tourism

  Sustainable businesses *

  Local events for locals *

  Non-profit e.g. Byron community centre, APEX etc

  Allowing community events without application/licensing fees if low impact (not just not-for-profit/charities) *

  This is low priority & away from core Council services **

  Businesses that offer greatest local employment opportunities for residents **

  Most impact is through sustainable procurement with demonstrated social/environmental outcomes *

  Support environment & sustainable business, bring business community along to fill unmet social need

  Support innovation *

  Use collective impact approaches for specific issues - it is not ALL up to Council to provide solutions, it requires a ‘joined-up’ approach with cross-sectional partners/consortiums/mou’s e.g. economic development; social enterprise; housing & homelessness (wellbeing study will help form interest groups) - funding support at federal/State/private sector level *

  Health groups & Sporting clubs

  Make it easier (cheaper?) for young entrepreneurs to establish their business - which in turn keeps locals in the area *

  Less red tape & processes for community to do things - make things easier & more transparent

  Stronger chamber of commerce

  Enable Pop-Up opportunities on community land

  Provide access to info for existing businesses on how they can provide community benefits that in turn grow their business

  Have a whole-of-Council strategy about BSC (leading?) a local innovation agenda in partnership with community & business  - resourcing this. (it aligns with our communities values & culture to have business with social & environmental benefits being supported to thrive) Martial Arts/Musicians etc

  Business mentoring program with dedicated Council Team Member *

  Set-up Foundation Fund to fund start-ups

  In a free market economy - is this really something Council should devote time/resources to?




Society and Culture




  Create “Buddy” system for old & young residents to support each other within the community

  Support of community groups

  Support of community events

  Work with community, not against. How can we make this happen?

  Web link to provide central hub of community/social events & contacts

  Not councils core role - Oh please!!

  Meaningful employment to retain locals/marginalised

  Make this a core function of Council. A key role of Council should be to support community connections & organisations. We are the only “group” in the Shire that have the legitimacy to make this happen

  Have child care centres at retirement facilities *** Yes!!

  Affordable housing/accommodation. Young families living with older people in large houses - symbiotic relationship

  Partnering with businesses in providing services to young/old for events/networking i.e. Byron Bay Surf Festival

  Treat young people with more respect & involve in developing policies & planning

  Build a skate park in Byron ***

  Lower entry levels to jobs so young people can join the workforce to learn off the old folks

  More bike tracks***

  On the street surveys & information on Byron Developments

  Develop programs that run in conjunction with high schools, so young people can have a say on Council issues/input

  Listen & learn off the old blokes - respect

  Create more jobs & people that want to do them. Open up more industrial land

  Volunteer assistance ; one-on-one

  Provide connection points

  Opportunities for pre & post event issue connection

  Follow-up - don’t consider the contact a one-off touch point

  Transport options!!!

  Encourage & support volunteerism - volunteer registers & promotion of them

  Have an explicit focus on connection ie talk in that language

  Turn events into connection opportunities e.g. make Australia Day events @ neighbours connecting with each other

  New resident programs

  Recognition of community & volunteering orgs

  Program aimed at getting neighbourhoods to socialise/work together

  Encourage other groups to facilitate activities. Use of community halls - there is more scope for these kinds of activities. *

  Develop Contact’s List - increase distribution of these services that provide support services

  Ensure green spaces are accessible & maintained year-round

  Provide some form of accommodation for homeless people

  The more events, clubs etc within the Shire, the more people will feel a sense of belonging to the area. People make the place what it is, so encourage more social events, meeting opportunities etc

  Having more spaces to "hang out". Spaces were people can gather and play games, like in Italy. Stainless steel table tennis tables near bbq areas. People will need to bring their own balls etc. By pedestrianizing areas in town, we can create safe areas for people to come together. I think it would be fantastic to (partly) close Johnson St (from Woolworths) for cars. Restaurants can have more outdoor seating space. Look at city centres in Holland for example. How about an outdoor theatre when people can perform, sing, dance etc. Maybe the YAC can be used by multiple users?





  Accessibility - transport between towns in the Shire direct to H&W centres i.e. Cavanbah Centre (like a daily Mon-Fri “Health & Wellbeing bus” that does p/up & drop offs i.e. from Bruns to Cav or other centres. Perhaps part of government funding for elderly or people with disabilities where there are daily classes & cafe as meeting place for all in the community)

  Facilitate networks of common service orgs to collectively respond to local needs (ie promote collaboration)

  Not Council role * - Really??

  Create opportunities for passive & active recreation

  Advocate & support health services to deliver locally relevant programs & facilities

  Install permanent exercise equipment/gym in reserves & beach-front & create walking, running & cycling tracks (& maintain those already there!) (eg Gold Coast Council/Townsville) ***************

  Define our focus through a Wellbeing study, indicators, programs - Develop community Wellbeing score-card

  Incorporate “Active Living” opportunities into the design of all new residential developments ***(include this in planning strategies e.g. Encourage walkability over cars: Adult play equipment &     not only kids’ playgrounds)

  Hosting annual Health & Wellbeing events - open & available to all

  Make use of existing Council facilities such as sports fields, park reserves (creating an easier process for residents to access)

  Free Council exercise classes - weekday/weekend, eg Mums & Bubs

  Supply specialised launching facilities for small craft such as Kayaks at Brunswick Heads & OS, ensure can be used by people with disabilities

  Promote public stewardship of parks & bush remnants by providing training & support (Andy)

  Get neighbourhoods working together better

  Engage someone to promote & run groups for the community ie Frisbee comps, Pet days/walking dogs, TaiChi in the park

  Increase opportunities for park & foreshore licenses

  Cross promote State & Federal Health & Wellbeing services

  Empower local groups or external organisations to apply & access grant funding

  Public Transport - to access health programs, appointments; for general health & wellbeing; socialising ***

  Youth programs focusing on Health & wellbeing, mental, physical, sexual

  Advocacy for better service access

  Include the public in the Health & Wellbeing initiatives which go on internally i.e. Movember

  Council to host more Health & Wellbeing programs e.g. Nippers carnivals, Fun runs, Marathons, Regional ‘Rep’ level e.g. Netball, Soccer

  Better bike lanes & cycle tracks & walking tracks (many places there is no footpath) ***

  Improved amenities for outside staff

  Skin cancer checks *

  Set correct & achievable goals - giving good mental health

  Affordable/free mental health consultation

  Park & ride to CBD, then walk back



  More CCTV in known hot-spots (Cheeky Monkey area)

  Implement safer community compact

  Work with local schools - anti-drugs campaign *

  Work with local police to produce a safer Byron campaign

  Lockers on beach - social enterprise opportunity

  Pop-up cloakrooms - more user friendly

  Continued relationships with police & licensed venues

  Compliance of illegal activities e.g. camping

  Vision - green, activated spaces with opportunity for informal social connection while supporting vibrant & inclusive & responsible business *

  Help to re-connect the community with one another. Foster opportunities for communities to connect, whether it be through subdivision/housing design controls or programs that Council can help to support *

  Fix unsafe infrastructure - poor condition roads & footpaths etc

  Safety for our homeless

  Place making for disabled/accessibility e.g. footpaths

  “Designing out crime” NSW Justice department

  Dementia design communities (Wollongong Council)

  An integrated response to domestic violence (through relevant agencies) & a safe place

  Deal with youth boredom - better skate parks *

  Public transport for rural communities

  Heavier fines for texting drivers

  Audit pedestrian lighting on secondary streets in Byron town centre & improve *

  Designated safe meeting point

  Affordable housing

  Graffiti removed, esp Nth end of Shire

  Informal sessions in schools

  Better public transport - late at night, young people, no more hitching needed & make more affordable ***

  Need a dedicated group of people to work with on this topic - community members that care & can link in with other community groups - form a network

  Widen roads

  Lots of $$ for place-making & public art. Looking for innovation & activation of spaces - particularly at night - encourage more late Al Fresco dining

  Inclusive social cohesion strategies so that people actively care for one another e.g. bystander effect natural surveillance of property etc

  Where CCTV provided - operation staff must be provided to ensure functional - funding/resources

  NYE Family in Byron Bay has been great success for safety - families dominating & “unsafe” people not attracted

  Lots of lockers & portable lockers - backpackers, homeless, beach visitors (not just Byron) - for use at community & other events (Council could hire them out?)

  Education - tourists! & schools

  Program of community guardianship training - what safe to intervene in - key phrases to use when observing behaviours such as littering, drinking, other anti-social behaviour, sticking up posters etc

  Pedestrianise town centres

  Relax the banning of herbicides as they are needed to create visibility at certain locations eg guardrails

  More bike & walking tracks *

  Move the homeless on

  More security or police patrols to reduce the alcoholics in the park

  Remove Jetpatcher from service to reduce loose gravel from roads

  Shark spotters!!

  Redefine our culture; lead from the top down; more shared zones 10k/hr in the Shire; more high pedestrian zones 40k/hr; easy to use safety checklists for activities to ensure compliance; snr managers to do safety inspections & talk to the crews




  Update internet services to allow all applications on-line

  Improve & expand social media presence & strategies  (major organisations add content hourly)*****

  Bite-sized info, click bait (e.g. she put the coconut in the recycling bin, you’ll never guess what happened next … (Council memes!)

  Love a good meme but important we raise the bar & not just appeal to the lowest common denominator - serious issues require a serious response

  What does the community want to know? - Sector based free Council workshops allow for improved engagement/education eg workshop on “how to submit your DA” or “start a community garden”

  Create an Application (eg Phone) that allows for real-time updates on Council/projects as well as referendum-type issues requiring a timely response

  Adopt an engagement framework/charter to ensure a consistent & relevant approach is implemented (age appropriate forums & strategies)

  Improve customer service across all departments

  Conduct pre-planning & intended outcomes/options identified prior to commencing engagement

  Create opportunities for residents to speak to Council depts Face to Face **

  Clear messages & unified voice ie staff, management etc

  Allocate staff to meet directly with residents/rate-payers - bring back appointment bookings *

  Educate the community about how Council functions - regularly reporting impact

  Value engagement & hire a Community Engagement Officer (staff currently trying to engage without the skills or time - so good engagement opportunities often missed)

  Improve website - currently difficult to navigate & find things (design out of date) *****

  Web GIS answers a lot of questions with minimal effort once loaded - data layers are already available.

  Give customer access to some GIS/mapping functions on-line *

  Community wellbeing study & engagement

  Locally based Community Guidance Groups - reps from the community who are taken along the decision making process & help guide decisions-Revolving yearly membership *

  Community think tank

  Council Festival highlighting how community & council can work together. Music, food, entertainment - public celebrations like to Electric vehicle

  We have come a long way with IAP2 training - Bang the table, e-news

  Local groups having access to funds (Jim Diers approach)

  Open Day at The Chambers twice a year? Book a cuppa with your area of interest/workshop plans?

  Prioritise internal sharing of information, don’t keep within departments

  Communicating better about what we do as a regular part of our work

  Live stream council meetings on-line

  Let them know we are here to help, not hinder

  Council webpage promoting the activities of bush region & parks teams

  More opportunities for public to voice concerns or ideas (Survey Monkey, Facebook)

  Regular open discussion with the community - Open Forum

  Market stalls & Pop up shops for public feedback

  On-line surveys on Council website

  TV & media

  Define the communities in the Shire , then work out the best way to communicate with them - consultation is not a tick-box

  Learn from our mistakes (like Byron Bypass)

  Sustainable communities is the goal

  Engage with the stakeholders & don’t just flood everyone with info

  Listen to the community - not just one person

  Get young people involved through the schools

  Be more open & use Council staff to get information ou




Community Infrastructure




  Give assets a MUCH higher profile & priority ***

  Operationalising assets through business planning & programming for community use

  Plan/scope new & whole-of-life costs of infrastructure before construction/council considering or building ****

  Prioritise based on high risk, poor condition asserts requiring renewal BEFORE new capitol ********

  Contract services out - footpath renewal @ competitive prices

  Long term capitol works plans with 10 years scope of works/projects *

  Respond to community feedback on prioritising of works *

  Devote more of funds to fixing roads & bridges *****

  Acknowledge customer requests & advise action where possible (customer requests linked to assets)

  Develop a comprehensive asset mgt system (& database) that helps automate key elements of the maintenance/renewal process

  Council should not be fearful of taking on debt - we have HUGE regional growth which will require funding key community infrastructure = sustainability **

  Consult community on privatisation process *

  Higher budget for staffing resources for Open Spaces *

  Relate urban park infrastructure to demographic of immediate locale *

  Continuously restore/educate

  Keep as a key Council focus

  Harness community groups & create stronger community ownership/pride (volunteerism) - especially for the small stuff *

  Share resources with regional partners

  Adopt an Asset Management Plan & stick to it!

  Educate community about what is required in terms of cost to have infrastructure they need/want

  Funding & resources support. Build relationships with higher levels of gvmt that transcends politics. Byron brand is globally recognised; Aust & NSW benefit, but local communities largely foot the bill. Tourists already complaining about state/lack of infrastructure (not just locals)

  Bed Tax

  Pay parking to fund infrastructure

  Build more housing

  Leave the beachfront a carpark

  Build more bike tracks****

  Develop teams within Council that can do contractors jobs e.g. pipe-laying/concrete builders. The skills are here!

  Increased funds for rural roads - especially in rainforest areas as we can’t use Round-up

  Stop relying on flood damage funding from State/Federal for maintenance

  Listen to advice from older workers with knowledge on what happens where (drainage etc)

  Stop wasting resources on projects thought up on a whim, stick to planned works instead!

  Listen to the public & not individuals with an agenda

  Stop fighting developers & allow high-rise development on the foreshore

  Build more fee-free carparks

  Become a maintenance council instead of a complaints council

  Put all markets at Cavanabah centre to reduce congestion in town

  Implement a public toilet maintenance, renewal and replacement program over a number of years.






Appendix 1


     Macintosh HD:Users:timchilds:Desktop:LOGO.jpg  




Internal Review of the Community Strategic Plan (CSP) 2022





As you are aware we are currently undertaking an internal review of the Community Strategic Plan.  We have decided to build on the work that you all did on the review of the CSP that led to the 2016 End of Term Report.  We are asking that each team will review the CSP in light of the end of term report and firstly answer questions 1 and 2 in detail, which are about completion or minor revisions of the current strategies.  We will also ask you to brainstorm questions 3 and 4 and offer some brief suggestions at this point.  We will then be teasing out these last 2 questions in several short workshops that we will be running across the organisation in February to involve as many staff as possible in the review and future development of our CSP.


Resources you will need: 



Ø End of Term Report

Ø This review tool

BSC team/area:



Corporate Management




CSP Plan Number



Has this been completed and can be removed from the Plan?



Please complete this column with your suggestions in detail.


What is still relevant and should be kept as is or slightly modified?



Please offer some brief suggestions that will be further explored in our workshops.


What are the gaps and what actions need to be developed in relation to those gaps?



Please offer some brief suggestions that will be further explored in our workshops.


Are there better ways we can talk about the strategies being more outcome focused?





































CSP Plan Number



Has this been completed and can be removed from the Plan?



Please complete this column with your suggestions in detail.


What is still relevant and should be kept as is or slightly modified?



Please offer some brief suggestions that will be further explored in our workshops.


What are the gaps and what actions need to be developed in relation to those gaps?



Please offer some brief suggestions that will be further explored in our workshops.


Are there better ways we can talk about the strategies being more outcome focused?

































Society and Culture




CSP Plan Number



Has this been completed and can be removed from the Plan?



Please complete this column with your suggestions in detail.


What is still relevant and should be kept as is or slightly modified?



Please offer some brief suggestions that will be further explored in our workshops.


What are the gaps and what actions need to be developed in relation to those gaps?



Please offer some brief suggestions that will be further explored in our workshops.


Are there better ways we can talk about the strategies being more outcome focused?





































CSP Plan Number



Has this been completed and can be removed from the Plan?



Please complete this column with your suggestions in detail.


What is still relevant and should be kept as is or slightly modified?



Please offer some brief suggestions that will be further explored in our workshops.


What are the gaps and what actions need to be developed in relation to those gaps?



Please offer some brief suggestions that will be further explored in our workshops.


Are there better ways we can talk about the strategies being more outcome focused?


































Community Infrastructure




CSP Plan Number



Has this been completed and can be removed from the Plan?



Please complete this column with your suggestions in detail.


What is still relevant and should be kept as is or slightly modified?



Please offer some brief suggestions that will be further explored in our workshops.


What are the gaps and what actions need to be developed in relation to those gaps?



Please offer some brief suggestions that will be further explored in our workshops.


Are there better ways we can talk about the strategies being more outcome focused?


































Appendix 2


Delivery Program – Draft Template 2017 (v3)

CSP THEME e.g. SOCIETY AND CULTURE: Resilient, creative and active communities with a strong sense of local identity and place (1 statement for each theme, from current CSP)

CSP HEADING e.g. Support communities to achieve equitable access to an appropriate range and level of whole of life services such as healthcare, education and housing (material from current CSP)

Strategy e.g.   Provide accessible facilities that support leisure, learning and recreation for people of all ages. (from Current CSP - our aim would be to revise the strategies moving forward and place them here and develop them to be more outcome focused, which would remove the need for both a strategy and an outcomes column in the plan.)



Operational Plan






Additional CSP areas

Deliverable (Action)



This would detail the BSC area/team/division - could be broken right down to operational area as currently defined in our OP eg Childrens Services, Public Libraries, Quarries, Asset Management Planning

(removes ambiguity)

Would identify which themes are also addressed/responsible (could be numerical cross-referencing, colour-coding essential)



This would detail the actions that would need to be undertaken to achieve the strategy and strategy outcomes

This would detail the timeframes, could articulate multi year options, and, depending on level of details, would be building the Operational Plan


Yr 1






This would be where we link the outcome or output focus of the strategy to how we would measure/evaluate e.g. in relation to the current CSP strategy above this might look like x% increase of shire residents are accessing facilities (output) and of these x% report that they their connectedness to community and overall feeling of well being has improved (outcome) [this is a bit hard in the context of retro fitting wellbeing or other outcomes to this strategy]

We need to consider how we observe and gather feedback on difference made to individuals, communities, systems and structures as a result of the actions – short, medium and long term.








Macintosh HD:Users:timchilds:Desktop:Instructions Delivery Program Operational Plan Template from 1 July 2017[3].pdf

Appendix 3


Monitoring and Evaluation




·    Process Monitoring:


Ø Systematically observing and recording activities that take place to track progress in meeting aims and objectives

Ø Following policies, procedures, meeting quality standards etc


·    Outputs:


Ø Tracking and counting how much of something is delivered.


·    Outcome and Impact:


Ø Systematically observing, gathering feedback, that seeks to find out the difference made individuals, communities, systems and structures as a result of activities – short, medium and long-term





·    Analysis of data collected to establish:


Ø Efficiency – were resources used well e.g. value for money, social capital, preventative value?

Ø Effectiveness – did the way the service was delivered achieve the vision, values and outcomes?

Ø Lessons learnt for improvement and development

Ø Difference made FOR individuals, communities, systems and structures

Ø Is the difference made sustainable?



Courtesy of our UK partners, JB Eventus.


Link to animation -





Appendix 4 (available as a separate document)

Macintosh HD:Users:timchilds:Desktop:How_to_measure_social_value.pdf


Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                               13.7 - Attachment 1
























































Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                                         13.7 - Attachment 1






Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                               13.7 - Attachment 2



Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                                         13.7 - Attachment 2


Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                               13.7 - Attachment 2




Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                               13.7 - Attachment 3





















Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                               13.7 - Attachment 4















































































































Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.10 - Attachment 1



































Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.10 - Attachment 1


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.10 - Attachment 1


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.10 - Attachment 1


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.10 - Attachment 1


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.10 - Attachment 1


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.10 - Attachment 1















Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.10 - Attachment 1


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.10 - Attachment 1

































































Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.10 - Attachment 1














Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.10 - Attachment 1





























































Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.10 - Attachment 1


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.10 - Attachment 1





Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.10 - Attachment 1



















Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.10 - Attachment 1


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.10 - Attachment 1







Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.10 - Attachment 1


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.10 - Attachment 1


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.10 - Attachment 1


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.10 - Attachment 1


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.10 - Attachment 1


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.10 - Attachment 3



Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.10 - Attachment 4



Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.10 - Attachment 5




Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.10 - Attachment 6



Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.10 - Attachment 7













Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.10 - Attachment 7


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.10 - Attachment 7





































Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.10 - Attachment 7


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.10 - Attachment 8



























Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.10 - Attachment 8
















Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.10 - Attachment 8


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.10 - Attachment 8
















Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.10 - Attachment 8


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.10 - Attachment 8





Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.10 - Attachment 8




Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.11 - Attachment 1


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.11 - Attachment 1


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.11 - Attachment 1








Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.11 - Attachment 1


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.11 - Attachment 2



Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.11 - Attachment 2













Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.11 - Attachment 2



Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy             13.11 - Attachment 3

DA 10.2016.273.1 




Parameters of this Consent


1)      Development is to be in accordance with approved plans

The development is to be in accordance with plans listed below:


Plan No.


Prepared by



Proposed Subdivision Plan

Ardill Payne & Partners


A01 D

Overall Site Plan

Peter Turner & Associates


A02 C

Part Site Plan & Landscaping Plan

Peter Turner & Associates


A03 B

Units 1-4

Peter Turner & Associates


A04 B

Units 5-8

Peter Turner & Associates


A05 B

Units 9-12

Peter Turner & Associates


A06 B

Units 13-16

Peter Turner & Associates


A07 B

Units 17-20

Peter Turner & Associates


A08 A

Streetscape & Sectional Views

Peter Turner & Associates

March 2016

A09 B


Peter Turner & Associates

June 2016

C01 A

Driveway Layout, Turning Movements & Longitudinal section

Ardill Payne & Partners


C02 A

Residual Allotment Driveway Layout

Ardill Payne & Partners


SK01 B

Proposed Stormwater Concept Layout

Ardill Payne & Partners



Proposed Strata Plan

Ardill Payne & Partners



The development is also to be in accordance with any changes shown in red ink on the approved plans or conditions of consent.


The approved plans and related documents endorsed with the Council stamp and authorised signature must be kept on site at all times while work is being undertaken.


2)      Integrated Approvals from other Authorities

Development must be carried out in accordance with the Controlled Activity Approval under Section 91 of the Water Management Act 2000, and the Bush Fire Safety Authority under Section 100B of the Rural Fires Act 1997.


3)      Staged Development

The development is to be carried out in the following stages:

Stage 1: Torrens Subdivision of Lots 1 and 2

Stage 2: Construct Units 1-4 and strata subdivision

Stage 3: Construct Units 5-8 and strata subdivision

Stage 4: Construct Units 9-12 and strata subdivision

Stage 5: Construct Units 13-16 and strata subdivision

Stage 6: Construct Units 17-20 and strata subdivision


Where conditions are required to be satisfied prior to a particular event, those conditions are the conditions relevant to the works being carried out in the stage.


The relevant conditions are the conditions deemed necessary, by the Principal Certifying Authority (PCA) appointed for the development, or, where pursuant to the issue of a Construction Certificate, the relevant consent authority. 


4)      Compliance with Building Code of Australia and insurance requirements under the Home Building Act 1989

(1)     For the purposes of section 80A (11) of the Act, the following conditions are prescribed in relation to a development consent for development that involves any building work:

(a)   that the work must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Building Code of Australia,

(b)   in the case of residential building work for which the Home Building Act 1989 requires there to be a contract of insurance in force in accordance with Part 6 of that Act, that such a contract of insurance is in force before any building work authorised to be carried out by the consent commences.

(2)     This clause does not apply:

(a)   to the extent to which an exemption is in force under clause 187 or 188, subject to the terms of any condition or requirement referred to in clause 187 (6) or 188 (4), or

(b)   to the erection of a temporary building.

(3)     In this clause, a reference to the Building Code of Australia is a reference to that Code as in force on the date the application for the relevant construction certificate is made.


5)      Erection of signs

(1)     For the purposes of section 80A (11) of the Act, the requirements of subclauses (2) and (3) are prescribed as conditions of a development consent for development that involves any building work, subdivision work or demolition work.

(2)     A sign must be erected in a prominent position on any site on which building work, subdivision work or demolition work is being carried out:

(a)   showing the name, address and telephone number of the principal certifying authority for the work, and

(b)   showing the name of the principal contractor (if any) for any building work and a telephone number on which that person may be contacted outside working hours, and

(c)   stating that unauthorised entry to the work site is prohibited.

(3)     Any such sign is to be maintained while the building work, subdivision work or demolition work is being carried out, but must be removed when the work has been completed.

(4)     This clause does not apply in relation to building work, subdivision work or demolition work that is carried out inside an existing building that does not affect the external walls of the building.

(5)     This clause does not apply in relation to Crown building work that is certified, in accordance with section 109R of the Act, to comply with the technical provisions of the State’s building laws.

(6)     This clause applies to a development consent granted before 1 July 2004 only if the building work, subdivision work or demolition work involved had not been commenced by that date.


Note: Principal certifying authorities and principal contractors must also ensure that signs required by this clause are erected and maintained (see clause 227A which currently imposes a maximum penalty of $1,100).


6)      Notification of Home Building Act 1989 requirements

a)      For the purposes of section 80A (11) of the Act, the requirements of this clause are prescribed as conditions of a development consent for development that involves any residential building work within the meaning of the Home Building Act 1989 .

b)      Residential building work within the meaning of the Home Building Act 1989 must not be carried out unless the principal certifying authority for the development to which the work relates (not being the council) has given the council written notice of the following information:

(a)   in the case of work for which a principal contractor is required to be appointed:

(i)    the name and licence number of the principal contractor, and

(ii)   the name of the insurer by which the work is insured under Part 6 of that Act,

(b)   in the case of work to be done by an owner-builder:

(i)    the name of the owner-builder, and

(ii)   if the owner-builder is required to hold an owner-builder permit under that Act, the number of the owner-builder permit.

c)      If arrangements for doing the residential building work are changed while the work is in progress so that the information notified under subclause (2) becomes out of date, further work must not be carried out unless the principal certifying authority for the development to which the work relates (not being the council) has given the council written notice of the updated information.





The following conditions will need to be complied with prior to issue of a Construction Certificate for the first stage of subdivision works, being the creation of proposed Lots 1 & 2


7)      Engineering Construction Plans

Three (3) copies of engineering construction plans and specifications must accompany the construction certificate application demonstrating compliance with Council's standards for the required engineering works. Each set of drawings shall be accompanied by a Certification Report which must be signed by a suitably qualified Civil Engineer or Registered Surveyor. The Certification Report will comprise the certificate and check lists set out in Annexure DQS-A of the Northern Rivers Local Government Development & Design Manuals. The information shown on the drawings shall be logically collected on discrete sheets generally in accordance with Annexure DQS-B and the Sample Drawings of the Northern Rivers Local Government Development & Designs. The drawings are to provide for the following works:

a)      Access to Lot 2

A three (3) metre wide reinforced concrete driveway (or equivalent), together with all necessary services/ service conduits (water, sewer, telephone, power, stormwater) within the access to proposed Lot 2.


8)      Sewerage and Water Mains

An approval is to be obtained under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 to carry out water supply and sewerage works.  Sewerage and water mains are to be extended to service all residential allotments in the subdivision.


All Council gravity sewerage mains are to be a minimum 150 mm diameter and water mains are a minimum 100mm diameter.


Water supply and sewerage works are to comply with Council's latest Standards and Policies including but not limited to:

·     Development Design and Construction Manuals, Northern Rivers Local Government, 2009;

·     Development Servicing Plan for Water Supply Services, Byron Shire Council, 2011;

·     Development Servicing Plan for Sewerage Services, Byron Shire Council, 2011;

·     Fire Flow Design Guidelines, Water Directorate, 2011;

·     Water and Sewer Equivalent Tenement Policy (13/005), Byron Shire Council, 2013;

·     Pressure Sewerage Policy (12/014), Byron Shire Council, 2012.

·     Private Sewer Pump Station Policy (12/015), Byron Shire Council, 2012.


9)      Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan

The plans and specifications to accompany the construction certificate application are to include a sediment and erosion control plan to indicate the measures to be employed to control erosion and loss of sediment from the site. The sediment and erosion control plan is to be designed in accordance with the requirements of the NSW Department of Housing Manual (1989), Managing Urban Stormwater, Soils and Construction.


A suitably experienced person must prepare the sediment and erosion control plan. Suitably experienced people include those certified by:

·    The Institution of Engineers, Australia, for engineering and hydrology matters.

·    The International Erosion Control Association for soil conservation matters.

·    The Australian Society of Soil Science for collection or analysis of soil data.


The plan must incorporate (without being limited to) information on general site management, material handling practices, soil stabilisation, water control, sediment control, wind erosion control and access measures.



The following conditions will need to be complied with prior to commencement of subdivision works for the first stage of subdivision works, being the creation of proposed Lots 1 & 2


10)    Subdivision Work

Subdivision work in accordance with the development consent must not be commenced until a construction certificate has been issued, a principal certifying authority has been appointed and at least 2 days’ written notice for the intention to commence works has been made, in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act and Regulations. The written notice for the intention to commence works must also include names and contact details of the certifying engineer and principal contractor.



Subdivision work means any physical activity authorised to be carried out under the conditions of this development consent for the subdivision of land, including earthwork, road work, stormwater drainage work, landscaping work, tree/vegetation removal, erosion and sediment control, traffic control, etc.


11)    Public Liability Insurance

The developer and/or contractor must produce evidence to the Principal Certifying Authority of public liability insurance cover for a minimum of $10 million. Council is to be nominated as an interested party on the policy.


12)    Erosion and sediment measures

Erosion and sedimentation controls are to be in place in accordance with the approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plan.


Additionally the enclosed sign, to promote the awareness of the importance of maintenance of sediment and erosion controls, is to be clearly displayed on the most prominent sediment fence or erosion control device for the duration of the project.  No soil or fill material is to be placed within the drip line of a tree so as to cause changes in surface level by more than 50mm from the existing level and such soil is not to be compacted. Such soil fill must not be finer than that being covered in situ, e.g. clay must not be placed over loam soil.

Note: Council may impose on-the-spot fines for non-compliance with this condition. 


13)    Metered Stand Pipe required

Prior to the commencement of any civil works requiring water from Council water main, a metered Stand Pipe for temporary water supply must be supplied and installed by Council.  Contact Council’s Water and Recycling Department to arrange for this requirement on 02 6626 7081.


Note: Council may impose on-the-spot fines for non-compliance with this condition.



The following conditions must be complied with during construction of subdivision works for the first stage of subdivision works, being the creation of proposed Lots 1 & 2


14)    Construction times

Construction works must not unreasonably interfere with the amenity of the neighbourhood. In particular construction noise, when audible on adjoining residential premises, can only occur:

a)    Monday to Friday, from 7 am to 6 pm.

b)    Saturday, from 8 am to 1 pm.

c)    No construction work to take place on Sundays or Public Holidays.


15)    Construction noise

Construction noise is to be limited as follows:

a)    For construction periods of four (4) weeks and under, the L10 noise level measured over a period of not less than fifteen (15) minutes when the construction site is in operation must not exceed the background level by more than 20 dB(A).

b)    For construction periods greater than four (4) weeks and not exceeding twenty six (26) weeks, the L10 noise level measured over a period of not less than fifteen (15) minutes when the construction site is in operation must not exceed the background level by more than 10 dB(A).


16)    Builders rubbish to be contained on site

All builders rubbish is to be contained on the site in a ‘Builders Skips’ or an enclosure. Footpaths, road reserves and public reserves are to be maintained clear of rubbish, building materials and all other items.


17)    Maintenance of sediment and erosion control measures

Sediment and erosion control measures must be maintained at all times until the site has been stabilised by permanent vegetation cover or hard surface.


18)    Prevention of water pollution

Only clean and unpolluted water is to be discharged to Council’s stormwater drainage system or any watercourse to ensure compliance with the Protection of Environment Operations Act.


19)    Public safety requirements

All care is to be taken to ensure the safety of the public in general, road users, pedestrians and adjoining property. Council is not held responsible for any negligence caused by the undertaking of the works.


20)    Council Specification

All works to be constructed to at least the minimum requirements of the “Northern Rivers Local Government Design and Construction Manual”


21)    Approved Plans to remain on site

A copy of the approved Construction Certificate including plans, details and specifications must remain at the site at all times during the construction of the subdivision.



The following conditions must be complied with prior to issue of a Subdivision Certificate for the first stage of subdivision works, being the creation of proposed Lots 1&2


22)    Subdivision Certificate application required

An application for a Subdivision Certificate must be made on the approved form. The Subdivision Certificate fees, in accordance with Council's adopted schedule of fees and charges, must accompany such application.


NOTE: The application must address ALL those conditions of consent required to be complied with “Prior to the issue of a subdivision Certificate” with a clear explanation how that condition has been complied with, together with supplying ALL the relevant information/documents/certificate and/or plans that is required by that condition.


The application MUST be one complete, concise package, addressing all those conditions. Failure to provide the abovementioned information in one package will likely result in the application being refused/rejected and returned to you.


23)    Plan of Subdivision

The final plan of subdivision must be in accordance with the approved plan/s. A Deposited Plan Administration Sheet (original plus one (1) copy), two (2) copies of the plan of subdivision and any necessary section 88B instrument (original plus one (1) copy) are to be submitted with the application for a subdivision certificate.


An additional copy of the final plan of subdivision is to be submitted showing the location of all buildings and/or other permanent improvements including any fences, internal access driveways/roads, effluent disposal areas and where relevant, the 1 in 100 year flood and flood planning level extents on land within or adjacent to a flood planning area. Where the building/s or improvements are close to boundaries, offset distances are to be included on the additional copy of the plan.  This plan must be endorsed by a Registered Surveyor.  Any encroachments over new boundaries or on the road reserve must be removed or relocated wholly within the allotment.  


24)    Section 88E Restriction to be placed on title for each lot

Documentary evidence is to be provided to the Principal Certifying Authority that a restriction-as-to-user, pursuant to the provisions of Section 88E of the Conveyancing Act, 1919, has been placed on the title of each lot, to provide for the Private Sewer Pump Station required on each lot, stating:


No dwelling shall be erected or placed on the lot burdened unless the proprietor has first constructed or made provision for the construction of a private sewage pumping system to connect to the Council’s sewerage system.

Land owners are solely responsible for installation, maintenance, electricity usage costs and repair and replacement of all sewerage infrastructure contained within the land parcel.

The design, construction and/or provision of the system shall be to the requirements and satisfaction of Byron Shire Council.


Please note: Documents requiring the endorsement of Council associated with the creation or cancellation of easements, restrictions, covenants are subject to fees listed within Council’s Fees & Charges.


25)    Completion of All Works

All subdivision works required by this development consent, and associated Construction Certificate, are to be completed prior to issue of the subdivision certificate. A copy of the final completion letter/s, issued by the Principal Certifying Authority, and final plumbing certificate, issued by the water supply authority, for the relevant subdivision works must be submitted with the application for a subdivision certificate.


26)    Works-As-Executed Plans

Following completion of works and prior to issue of the subdivision certificate, Work-as-Executed Drawings, together with a Work-As-Executed Certification Report, in accordance with Council’s requirements are to be submitted to Council. Two categories of Work-as-Executed Drawings are to be submitted to Council, being Amended Design Work-as-Executed Drawings and Summary Work-as-Executed Drawings.


Amended Design Work-as-Executed Drawings, being certified copies of all approved design plans with as constructed departures, deletions and additions clearly noted and detailed on the plans, are to be submitted to Council in the following formats:-

(a)     One (1) paper copy at the same scale and format as the approved design plans, but, marked appropriately for as constructed information and with original signatures; and

(b)     An electronic copy of above in PDF format and provided to Council on CD, DVD or via email.


Summary Work-as-Executed Drawings are to be prepared on a background plan of lot layout and kerb lines with a set of separate plans for stormwater drainage, sewerage, water supply and site works. The site works drawing/s shall include the 1 in 100 year flood and flood planning level extents and levels, where relevant. Such drawings are to be submitted to Council in the following formats:-

(a)     One (1) paper copy of each drawing with original signatures and in accordance with Council’s requirements.

(b)     Electronic copy of the above in AutoCAD DWG or DXF format and provided to Council on CD, DVD or via email. The AutoCAD (DWG or DXF) files are to be spatially referenced to MGA Zone 56.

(c)     Electronic copy of above in PDF format and provided to Council on CD, DVD or via email.


Note: Council’s requirements are detailed in Council’s adopted engineering specifications, currently the Northern Rivers Local Government Development Design and Construction Manuals, and on Council’s website.


27)    CCTV Inspection and Report

CCTV inspection shall be undertaken on all completed underground pipe systems, including minor sewer main extensions, in accordance with Council’s specification, currently DEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION, C402 - SEWERAGE SYSTEM ( Both a hardcopy and electronic copy of the report (submitted in CD or DVD medium in a format suitable to Council) of the CCTV inspection shall be provided to Council for consideration prior to the release of the Subdivision Certificate, Occupation Certificate, Final Inspection for Section 68 Approvals, "Off-maintenance" or Release of Security Bond.


28)    Certificate for services within easements

The submission of a certificate from a registered surveyor certifying that all pipelines, structures, access driveways and/or services are located wholly within the relevant easements.


29)    Electricity Supply Certificate

Written evidence from an electricity supply authority is to be submitted with the application for a subdivision certificate stating that satisfactory arrangements have been made for the provision of underground electricity supply throughout the subdivision.


30)    Telephone Supply Certificate

Written evidence from a telephone supply authority is to be submitted with the application for a subdivision certificate stating that satisfactory arrangements have been made for the provision of underground telephone supply throughout the subdivision.


31)    Water service and meter to be connected to each lot

A water service and water meter must be connected to all residential allotments in the subdivision using an approved backflow prevention device. It is the applicant’s responsibility to engage a licensed plumber who shall liaise with council during this process.


Any new water service and meter will be at the applicants cost


32)    Certificate of Compliance – Water Management Act 2000

Water and sewer services are to be provided to the land in accordance with an approval granted under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993.

Payment of developer charges to Byron Shire Council for water supply and sewerage.


A Certificate of Compliance will be issued upon payment of developer charges for water and sewer as calculated in accordance with Byron Shire Council and Rous Water Development Servicing Plans.


Byron Shire Council acts as Rous Water’s agent in this matter and will issue a Certificate of Compliance on behalf of Rous Water upon payment of the Rous Water Development Servicing Charge to this Council.


Note: Copies of the application forms for Certificates of Compliance are available on Council’s website or from Council’s Administration Office. Copies of Byron Shire Council’s Development Servicing Plans are available at Council’s Administration Office.

Developer charges will be calculated in accordance with the Development Servicing Plan applicable at the date of payment. A check must be made with Council to ascertain the current rates by contacting Council’s Principal Engineer Systems Planning, Water on 02 6626 7081.  Applicable charges can be found on Council’s website:


The contributions payable will be adjusted in accordance with relevant plan and the amount payable will be calculated on the basis of the contribution rates that are applicable at the time of payment.


Payment by Personal or Company Cheque will not be Accepted


33)    Developer Contributions to be paid

Contributions set out in the schedule below are to be paid to Council prior to the release of a subdivision certificate.  Contributions are levied in accordance with the Byron Shire Developer Contributions Plan 2012 (as amended).  The Plan may be viewed on line at or during office hours at the Council Offices located at Station Street, Mullumbimby.  These contributions are to fund public amenities and services as listed in the schedule.  Additional details on the specific amenities are to be found in the Byron Shire Developer Contributions Plan 2012 (as amended). 


The contributions as set out in the schedule may either be paid in full or they may be paid in stages on a proportional basis dependent on the number of lots to be released in the subdivision certificate.  The first credit for a site will be retained on the residual lot.  Any additional credits over one (1) will be allocated at the first stage(s). 


The contributions in the schedule are current at the date of this consent.  The contributions payable will be adjusted in accordance with the relevant plan and the amount payable will be calculated on the basis of the contribution rates that are applicable at the time of payment.  The schedule contains a date for which the schedule remains valid, after this date you will have to contact Council for an updated schedule. 





The following conditions will need to be complied with prior to issue of a Construction Certificate for the construction of Building 1, containing Units 1-4


34)    Plans of retaining walls and drainage

The application for a Construction Certificate is to include plans and specifications that indicate retaining walls or other approved methods of preventing movement of the soil, where any excavation or filled area exceeds 600mm in height. Adequate provision must be made for drainage.


Such plans and specifications must be approved as part of the Construction Certificate.


35)    On-site stormwater detention - Section 68 approval required

An approval under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 to carry out on-site detention drainage system and connection to a Council approved drainage system.


The plans must be in compliance with the Northern Rivers Local Government Development Design and Construction Manuals, Byron Shire Council Comprehensive Guidelines for Stormwater Management and relevant Australian Standards. Refer to Council’s website for copies of Council documents.


36)    Consent required for works within the road reserve

Consent from Council must be obtained for works within the road reserve pursuant to Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993.  Three (3) copies of engineering construction plans must accompany the application for consent for works within the road reserve.


Such plans are to be in accordance with Council’s current Design & Construction Manuals and are to provide for the following works:

a)      Kerb & Gutter, Road Shoulder Construction

Kerb and gutter, road shoulder and associated drainage construction, footpath formation including any necessary relocation of services for the full frontage of lot 1 through to the northern boundary of Lot 1 DP1220608.  A 1:100 year ARI flow path shall be provided along the full length of the verge of Lot 1 preventing any external overland flow across Lot 1.

b)      Footpath Embellishment

Grading, trimming, topsoiling and turfing of the unpaved footpath and 1:100 year ARI flow path area.

c)      Driveway

For proposed lot 1, a driveway in accordance with Council’s current “northern Rivers Local Government Development Design & Construction Manuals and Standard Drawings”, together with all necessary services/ service conduits (water, sewer, telephone, power, stormwater).

d)      Piping of existing RCP discharge flowpaths

The existing culverts passing under Ballina Road and discharging onto proposed Lot 1 to be captured and piped to prevent uncontrolled discharge onto that lot.


37)    Sewerage and Water Mains

An approval is to be obtained under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 to carry out water supply and sewerage works. 


38)    Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan

The plans and specifications to accompany the construction certificate application are to include a sediment and erosion control plan to indicate the measures to be employed to control erosion and loss of sediment from the site. The sediment and erosion control plan is to be designed in accordance with the requirements of the NSW Department of Housing Manual (1989), Managing Urban Stormwater, Soils and Construction.


A suitably experienced person must prepare the sediment and erosion control plan. Suitably experienced people include those certified by:

·    The Institution of Engineers, Australia, for engineering and hydrology matters.

·    The International Erosion Control Association for soil conservation matters.

·    The Australian Society of Soil Science for collection or analysis of soil data.


The plan must incorporate (without being limited to) information on general site management, material handling practices, soil stabilisation, water control, sediment control, wind erosion control and access measures.


39)    Traffic Management Plan

Consent from Council must be obtained for a Traffic Management Plan pursuant to Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993. The plans and specifications are to include the measures to be employed to control traffic (inclusive of construction vehicles) during construction of the development. The traffic control plan is to be designed in accordance with the requirements of the Roads and Traffic Authority’s Manual, Traffic Control at Work Sites Version 2, and the current Australian Standards, Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices Part 3, ‘Traffic Control Devices for Works on Roads’.


“The plan shall incorporate measures to ensure that motorists using road adjacent to the development, residents and pedestrians in the vicinity of the development are subjected to minimal time delays due to construction on the site or adjacent to the site”.


The traffic control plan must be prepared by a suitably qualified and RTA accredited Work Site Traffic Controller.


40)    Car parking layout, vehicle circulation and access plans required

The application for a Construction Certificate is to include plans and specification that indicate access, parking and manoeuvring details in accordance with the plans approved by this consent.


The access, parking and manoeuvring for the site is to comply with the requirements of Council’s Development Control Plan 2014, AS 2890.1-2004: Parking facilities, Part 1: Off-street car parking and AS 2890.2 – 2010 - Parking facilities, Part 2: Off-street commercial vehicle facilities. Plans are to include, but not be limited to, the following items:

a)    pavement description;

b)    site conditions affecting the access;

c)    existing and design levels;

d)    longitudinal section from the road centreline to the car space(s);

e)    cross sections every 15 metres;

f)     drainage (pipes, pits, on-site detention, etc.);

g)    turning paths;

h)    linemarking and signage.


The engineering plans and specifications are to be designed by a qualified practising Civil Engineer. The Civil Engineer is to be a corporate member of the Institution of Engineers Australia or is to be eligible to become a corporate member and have appropriate experience and competence in the related field.


Such plans and specifications must be approved as part of the Construction Certificate.


NOTE: The plans must be in compliance with Council's current “Northern Rivers Local Government Development Design & Construction Manuals and Standard Drawings”.


41)    Flood Planning Level for new buildings

The flood planning level for this development is R.L. 50.5m A.H.D.  The plans and specifications to accompany the construction certificate application are also to indicate the use of flood compatible materials and services below the flood planning level in accordance with the requirements of Council’s Development Control Plan 2014 – Chapter C2 – Areas Affected by Flood.


42)    Acoustic Design

Detailed plans and specifications of the proposed buildings are to be prepared by a suitably qualified acoustic consultant and submitted to Council for approval.  The plans and specifications are to affirm compliance with the following criteria:

·    LAeq levels are not exceed: in any bedroom in the building : 35dB(A)

·    anywhere else in the building (other than a garage, kitchen, bathroom or hallway): 40dB(A) at any time.


43)    Bond required to guarantee against damage to public land

A bond of $5000 is to be paid to Council as guarantee against damage to surrounding public land and infrastructure during construction of the proposed development. Evidence is to be provided to Council indicating the pre development condition of the surrounding public land and infrastructure. Such evidence must include photographs. The proponent will be held responsible for the repair of any damage to roads, kerb and gutters, footpaths, driveway crossovers or other assets.


Such bond will be held until Council is satisfied that the infrastructure is maintained/repaired to pre development conditions and that no further work is to be carried out that may result in damage to Council’s roads, footpaths etc.


44)    Landscape Plans

The plans and specifications to accompany the construction certificate application are to include a detailed landscape plan indicating the locations, names, mature heights of shrub and tree species to be planted, the location of grassed and paved areas, and the location of trees/vegetation to be removed.  The landscaping plan is to provide for street tree planting within the new roads must be in accordance with Byron Shire Development Control Plan 2014 – Chapter B9 – Landscaping.  Such plans and specifications must be approved as part of the Construction Certificate.


Street tree planting must be included within the Ballina Road verge, for the full frontage of the site, to soften the visual impacts of the development when viewed from the street.


45)    Certificate of Compliance – Water Management Act 2000

A Certificate of Compliance will be issued upon payment of developer charges for water and sewer as calculated in accordance with Byron Shire Council and Rous Water Development Servicing Plans.


Byron Shire Council acts as Rous Water’s agent in this matter and will issue a Certificate of Compliance on behalf of Rous Water upon payment of the Rous Water Development Servicing Charge to this Council.


Note: Copies of the application forms for Certificates of Compliance are available on Council’s website or from Council’s Administration Office. Copies of Byron Shire Council’s Development Servicing Plans are available at Council’s Administration Office.

Developer charges will be calculated in accordance with the Development Servicing Plan applicable at the date of payment. A check must be made with Council to ascertain the current rates by contacting Council’s Principal Engineer Systems Planning, Water on 02 6626 7081.  Applicable charges can be found on Council’s website:


The contributions payable will be adjusted in accordance with relevant plan and the amount payable will be calculated on the basis of the contribution rates that are applicable at the time of payment.


Payment by Personal or Company Cheque will not be Accepted


46)    Developer Contributions to be paid

Contributions set out in the schedule below are to be paid to Council prior to the release of a construction certificate.  Contributions are levied in accordance with the Byron Shire Developer Contributions Plan 2012 (as amended). 


Contributions may be paid on a pro rata basis, dependant on the number of dwellings the subject of the construction certificate.


The Plan may be viewed on line at or during office hours at the Council Offices located at Station Street, Mullumbimby.  These contributions are to fund public amenities and services as listed in the schedule.  Additional details on the specific amenities are to be found in the Byron Shire Developer Contributions Plan 2012 (as amended). 


The contributions in the schedule are current at the date of this consent.  The contributions payable will be adjusted in accordance with the relevant plan and the amount payable will be calculated on the basis of the contribution rates that are applicable at the time of payment.  The schedule contains a date for which the schedule remains valid, after this date you will have to contact Council for an updated schedule. 




47)    ABSA Certification requirements

ABSA Certification Number 1009097088, dated 27/04/2016, is to be updated in accordance with the Construction Certificate plans.  The development is to comply with the updated Certification.


The commitments indicated in the Certificate are to be indicated on the plans submitted for approval of the Construction Certificate.


Note that the plans submitted must clearly indicate all windows numbered or identified in a manner that is consistent with the identification on the Certificate.


Minor changes to the energy efficiency measures may be undertaken without the issue of any amendment under Section 96 of the Act, provided that the changes do not affect the form, shape or size of the building.


Proposed colours must be consistent with the provisions of Section D2.2.3 of Council’s Development Control Plan 2014. Note that white colours are not permissible.


48)    Long Service Levy to be paid

A Long Service Levy must be paid to the Long Service Payments Corporation.  This is a State Government Levy and is subject to change.


These payments may be made online at or at Council’s Administration Office, Station Street, Mullumbimby. Where paying to Council, cheques are to be made payable to ‘Byron Shire Council’.


For further information regarding the Long Service Payment please refer to the website above.



The following conditions will need to be complied with prior to commencement of the construction of Building 1, containing Units 1-4


49)    Public safety requirements

All care is to be taken to ensure the safety of the public in general, road users, pedestrians and adjoining property.  The public liability insurance cover, for a minimum of $10 million, is to be maintained for the duration of the construction of the development.  Council is not held responsible for any negligence caused by the undertaking of the works.


50)    Traffic Management Plan

The approved traffic management plan is to be implemented.


51)    Public Liability Insurance

The developer and/or contractor must produce evidence to the Principal Certifying Authority of public liability insurance cover for a minimum of $10 million. Council is to be nominated as an interested party on the policy.


52)    Erosion and sediment measures

Erosion and sedimentation controls are to be in place in accordance with the approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plan.


Additionally the enclosed sign, to promote the awareness of the importance of maintenance of sediment and erosion controls, is to be clearly displayed on the most prominent sediment fence or erosion control device for the duration of the project.  No soil or fill material is to be placed within the drip line of a tree so as to cause changes in surface level by more than 50mm from the existing level and such soil is not to be compacted. Such soil fill must not be finer than that being covered in situ, e.g. clay must not be placed over loam soil.

Note: Council may impose on-the-spot fines for non-compliance with this condition. 


53)    Water service and meter to be connected to each dwelling unit

A water service and water meter must be connected to all residential dwellings in the development using an approved backflow prevention device. It is the applicant’s responsibility to engage a licensed plumber who shall liaise with council during this process.


Any new water service and meter will be at the applicants cost.


54)    Builders rubbish to be contained on site

All builders rubbish is to be contained on the site in a ‘Builders Skips’ or an enclosure. Footpaths, road reserves and public reserves are to be maintained clear of rubbish, building materials and all other items.


55)    Prevention of water pollution

Only clean and unpolluted water is to be discharged to Council’s stormwater drainage system or any watercourse to ensure compliance with the Protection of Environment Operations Act.



The following conditions must be complied with during construction of Building 1, containing Units 1-4


56)    Construction times

Construction works must not unreasonably interfere with the amenity of the neighbourhood. In particular construction noise, when audible on adjoining residential premises, can only occur:

a)    Monday to Friday, from 7 am to 6 pm.

b)    Saturday, from 8 am to 1 pm.

c)    No construction work to take place on Sundays or Public Holidays.


57)    Construction noise

Construction noise is to be limited as follows:

a)    For construction periods of four (4) weeks and under, the L10 noise level measured over a period of not less than fifteen (15) minutes when the construction site is in operation must not exceed the background level by more than 20 dB(A).

b)    For construction periods greater than four (4) weeks and not exceeding twenty six (26) weeks, the L10 noise level measured over a period of not less than fifteen (15) minutes when the construction site is in operation must not exceed the background level by more than 10 dB(A).


58)    Builders rubbish to be contained on site

All builders rubbish is to be contained on the site in a ‘Builders Skips’ or an enclosure. Footpaths, road reserves and public reserves are to be maintained clear of rubbish, building materials and all other items.


59)    Maintenance of sediment and erosion control measures

Sediment and erosion control measures must be maintained at all times until the site has been stabilised by permanent vegetation cover or hard surface.


60)    Prevention of water pollution

Only clean and unpolluted water is to be discharged to Council’s stormwater drainage system or any watercourse to ensure compliance with the Protection of Environment Operations Act.


61)    Public safety requirements

All care is to be taken to ensure the safety of the public in general, road users, pedestrians and adjoining property. Council is not held responsible for any negligence caused by the undertaking of the works.


62)    Council Specification

All works to be constructed to at least the minimum requirements of the “Northern Rivers Local Government Design and Construction Manual”


63)    Approved Plans to remain on site

A copy of the approved Construction Certificate including plans, details and specifications must remain at the site at all times during the construction of the subdivision.



The following conditions must be complied with prior to issue of an Occupation Certificate for Building 1, containing Units 1-4


64)    Acoustic Design

Certification is to be submitted to Council by a suitably qualified acoustic consultant to affirm that the buildings comply with the following noise criteria:

·    LAeq levels are not to exceed:

o   in any bedroom in the building : 35dB(A)

o   anywhere else in the building (other than a garage, kitchen, bathroom or hallway): 40dB(A) at any time.


65)    Works to be completed prior to issue of a Final Occupation Certificate

All of the works indicated on the plans and approved by this consent, including any other consents that are necessary for the completion of this development, are to be completed and approved by the relevant consent authority/s prior to the issue of a Final Occupation Certificate.


Any Security bond paid for this application will be held until Council is satisfied that no further works are to be carried out that may result in damage to Councils road/footpath reserve.


66)    Sewer and water to be connected

A Certificate of Compliance under Section 307 of the Water Management Act 2000 is to be obtained from Byron Shire Council prior to the issue of an Occupation Certificate for works on water and/or sewer mains.


Application forms are available from Council’s administration building or online at to be submitted for a Certificate of Compliance.


67)    Compliance with bushfire conditions under Section 100B of Rural Fires Act 1997

Documentary evidence from a suitably qualified professional is to be submitted to the PCA demonstrating that the bushfire conditions as issued under Section 100B of the Rural fire Act 1997 have been complied with.





The following conditions will need to be complied with prior to issue of a Construction Certificate for the construction of Buildings 2-5, containing Units 5-20


68)    Plans of retaining walls and drainage

The application for a Construction Certificate is to include plans and specifications that indicate retaining walls or other approved methods of preventing movement of the soil, where any excavation or filled area exceeds 600mm in height. Adequate provision must be made for drainage.


Such plans and specifications must be approved as part of the Construction Certificate.


69)    On-site stormwater detention - Section 68 approval required

An approval under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 to carry out on-site detention drainage system and connection to a Council approved drainage system.


The plans must be in compliance with the Northern Rivers Local Government Development Design and Construction Manuals, Byron Shire Council Comprehensive Guidelines for Stormwater Management and relevant Australian Standards. Refer to Council’s website for copies of Council documents.


70)    Sewerage and Water Mains

An approval is to be obtained under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 to carry out water supply and sewerage works. 


71)    Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan

The plans and specifications to accompany the construction certificate application are to include a sediment and erosion control plan to indicate the measures to be employed to control erosion and loss of sediment from the site. The sediment and erosion control plan is to be designed in accordance with the requirements of the NSW Department of Housing Manual (1989), Managing Urban Stormwater, Soils and Construction.


A suitably experienced person must prepare the sediment and erosion control plan. Suitably experienced people include those certified by:

·    The Institution of Engineers, Australia, for engineering and hydrology matters.

·    The International Erosion Control Association for soil conservation matters.

·    The Australian Society of Soil Science for collection or analysis of soil data.


The plan must incorporate (without being limited to) information on general site management, material handling practices, soil stabilisation, water control, sediment control, wind erosion control and access measures.


72)    Car parking layout, vehicle circulation and access plans required

The application for a Construction Certificate is to include plans and specification that indicate access, parking and manoeuvring details in accordance with the plans approved by this consent.


The access, parking and manoeuvring for the site is to comply with the requirements of Council’s Development Control Plan 2014, AS 2890.1-2004: Parking facilities, Part 1: Off-street car parking and AS 2890.2 – 2010 - Parking facilities, Part 2: Off-street commercial vehicle facilities. Plans are to include, but not be limited to, the following items:

a)    pavement description;

b)    site conditions affecting the access;

c)    existing and design levels;

d)    longitudinal section from the road centreline to the car space(s);

e)    cross sections every 15 metres;

f)     drainage (pipes, pits, on-site detention, etc.);

g)    turning paths;

h)    linemarking and signage.


The engineering plans and specifications are to be designed by a qualified practising Civil Engineer. The Civil Engineer is to be a corporate member of the Institution of Engineers Australia or is to be eligible to become a corporate member and have appropriate experience and competence in the related field.


Such plans and specifications must be approved as part of the Construction Certificate.


NOTE: The plans must be in compliance with Council's current “Northern Rivers Local Government Development Design & Construction Manuals and Standard Drawings”.


73)    Flood Planning Level for new buildings

The flood planning level for this development is R.L. 50.5m A.H.D.  The plans and specifications to accompany the construction certificate application are also to indicate the use of flood compatible materials and services below the flood planning level in accordance with the requirements of Council’s Development Control Plan 2014 – Chapter C2 – Areas Affected by Flood.


74)    Acoustic Design

Detailed plans and specifications of the proposed buildings are to be prepared by a suitably qualified acoustic consultant and submitted to Council for approval.  The plans and specifications are to affirm compliance with the following criteria:

·    LAeq levels are not exceed: in any bedroom in the building : 35dB(A)

·    anywhere else in the building (other than a garage, kitchen, bathroom or hallway): 40dB(A) at any time.


75)    Landscape Plans

The plans and specifications to accompany the construction certificate application are to include a detailed landscape plan indicating the locations, names, mature heights of shrub and tree species to be planted, the location of grassed and paved areas, and the location of trees/vegetation to be removed.  The landscaping plan is to provide for street tree planting within the new roads must be in accordance with Byron Shire Development Control Plan 2014 – Chapter B9 – Landscaping.  Such plans and specifications must be approved as part of the Construction Certificate.


76)    Bond required to guarantee against damage to public land

A bond of $5000 is to be paid to Council as guarantee against damage to surrounding public land and infrastructure during construction of the proposed development. Evidence is to be provided to Council indicating the pre development condition of the surrounding public land and infrastructure. Such evidence must include photographs. The proponent will be held responsible for the repair of any damage to roads, kerb and gutters, footpaths, driveway crossovers or other assets.


Such bond will be held until Council is satisfied that the infrastructure is maintained/repaired to pre development conditions and that no further work is to be carried out that may result in damage to Council’s roads, footpaths etc.


77)    Certificate of Compliance – Water Management Act 2000

A Certificate of Compliance will be issued upon payment of developer charges for water and sewer as calculated in accordance with Byron Shire Council and Rous Water Development Servicing Plans.


Byron Shire Council acts as Rous Water’s agent in this matter and will issue a Certificate of Compliance on behalf of Rous Water upon payment of the Rous Water Development Servicing Charge to this Council.


Note: Copies of the application forms for Certificates of Compliance are available on Council’s website or from Council’s Administration Office. Copies of Byron Shire Council’s Development Servicing Plans are available at Council’s Administration Office.

Developer charges will be calculated in accordance with the Development Servicing Plan applicable at the date of payment. A check must be made with Council to ascertain the current rates by contacting Council’s Principal Engineer Systems Planning, Water on 02 6626 7081.  Applicable charges can be found on Council’s website:


The contributions payable will be adjusted in accordance with relevant plan and the amount payable will be calculated on the basis of the contribution rates that are applicable at the time of payment.


Payment by Personal or Company Cheque will not be Accepted


78)    Developer Contributions to be paid

Contributions set out in the schedule below are to be paid to Council prior to the release of a construction certificate.  Contributions are levied in accordance with the Byron Shire Developer Contributions Plan 2012 (as amended). 


Contributions may be paid on a pro rata basis, dependant on the number of dwellings the subject of the construction certificate.


The Plan may be viewed on line at or during office hours at the Council Offices located at Station Street, Mullumbimby.  These contributions are to fund public amenities and services as listed in the schedule.  Additional details on the specific amenities are to be found in the Byron Shire Developer Contributions Plan 2012 (as amended). 


The contributions in the schedule are current at the date of this consent.  The contributions payable will be adjusted in accordance with the relevant plan and the amount payable will be calculated on the basis of the contribution rates that are applicable at the time of payment.  The schedule contains a date for which the schedule remains valid, after this date you will have to contact Council for an updated schedule. 



79)    ABSA Certification requirements

ABSA Certification Number 1009097088, dated 27/04/2016, is to be updated in accordance with the Construction Certificate plans.  The development is to comply with the updated Certification.


The commitments indicated in the Certificate are to be indicated on the plans submitted for approval of the Construction Certificate.


Note that the plans submitted must clearly indicate all windows numbered or identified in a manner that is consistent with the identification on the Certificate.


Minor changes to the energy efficiency measures may be undertaken without the issue of any amendment under Section 96 of the Act, provided that the changes do not affect the form, shape or size of the building.


Proposed colours must be consistent with the provisions of Section D2.2.3 of Council’s Development Control Plan 2014. Note that white colours are not permissible.


80)    Long Service Levy to be paid

A Long Service Levy must be paid to the Long Service Payments Corporation.  This is a State Government Levy and is subject to change.


These payments may be made online at or at Council’s Administration Office, Station Street, Mullumbimby. Where paying to Council, cheques are to be made payable to ‘Byron Shire Council’.


For further information regarding the Long Service Payment please refer to the website above.



The following conditions will need to be complied with prior to commencement of the construction of Buildings 2-5, containing Units 5-20


81)    Erosion and sediment measures

Erosion and sedimentation controls are to be in place in accordance with the approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plan.


Additionally the enclosed sign, to promote the awareness of the importance of maintenance of sediment and erosion controls, is to be clearly displayed on the most prominent sediment fence or erosion control device for the duration of the project.  No soil or fill material is to be placed within the drip line of a tree so as to cause changes in surface level by more than 50mm from the existing level and such soil is not to be compacted. Such soil fill must not be finer than that being covered in situ, e.g. clay must not be placed over loam soil.

Note: Council may impose on-the-spot fines for non-compliance with this condition. 


82)    Water service and meter to be connected to each dwelling unit

A water service and water meter must be connected to all residential dwellings in the development using an approved backflow prevention device. It is the applicant’s responsibility to engage a licensed plumber who shall liaise with council during this process.


Any new water service and meter will be at the applicants cost.


83)    Builders rubbish to be contained on site

All builders rubbish is to be contained on the site in a ‘Builders Skips’ or an enclosure. Footpaths, road reserves and public reserves are to be maintained clear of rubbish, building materials and all other items.


84)    Prevention of water pollution

Only clean and unpolluted water is to be discharged to Council’s stormwater drainage system or any watercourse to ensure compliance with the Protection of Environment Operations Act.



The following conditions must be complied with during construction of Buildings 2-5, containing Units 5-20


85)    Construction times

Construction works must not unreasonably interfere with the amenity of the neighbourhood. In particular construction noise, when audible on adjoining residential premises, can only occur:

a)    Monday to Friday, from 7 am to 6 pm.

b)    Saturday, from 8 am to 1 pm.

c)    No construction work to take place on Sundays or Public Holidays.


86)    Construction noise

Construction noise is to be limited as follows:

a)    For construction periods of four (4) weeks and under, the L10 noise level measured over a period of not less than fifteen (15) minutes when the construction site is in operation must not exceed the background level by more than 20 dB(A).

b)    For construction periods greater than four (4) weeks and not exceeding twenty six (26) weeks, the L10 noise level measured over a period of not less than fifteen (15) minutes when the construction site is in operation must not exceed the background level by more than 10 dB(A).


87)    Builders rubbish to be contained on site

All builders rubbish is to be contained on the site in a ‘Builders Skips’ or an enclosure. Footpaths, road reserves and public reserves are to be maintained clear of rubbish, building materials and all other items.


88)    Maintenance of sediment and erosion control measures

Sediment and erosion control measures must be maintained at all times until the site has been stabilised by permanent vegetation cover or hard surface.


89)    Prevention of water pollution

Only clean and unpolluted water is to be discharged to Council’s stormwater drainage system or any watercourse to ensure compliance with the Protection of Environment Operations Act.


90)    Public safety requirements

All care is to be taken to ensure the safety of the public in general, road users, pedestrians and adjoining property. Council is not held responsible for any negligence caused by the undertaking of the works.


91)    Council Specification

All works to be constructed to at least the minimum requirements of the “Northern Rivers Local Government Design and Construction Manual”


92)    Approved Plans to remain on site

A copy of the approved Construction Certificate including plans, details and specifications must remain at the site at all times during the construction of the subdivision.



The following conditions must be complied with prior to issue of an Occupation Certificate for Buildings 2-5, containing Units 5-20


93)    Acoustic Design

Certification is to be submitted to Council by a suitably qualified acoustic consultant to affirm that the buildings comply with the following noise criteria:

·    LAeq levels are not to exceed:

o   in any bedroom in the building : 35dB(A)

o   anywhere else in the building (other than a garage, kitchen, bathroom or hallway): 40dB(A) at any time.


94)    Works to be completed prior to issue of a Final Occupation Certificate

All of the works indicated on the plans and approved by this consent, including any other consents that are necessary for the completion of this development, are to be completed and approved by the relevant consent authority/s prior to the issue of a Final Occupation Certificate.


Any Security bond paid for this application will be held until Council is satisfied that no further works are to be carried out that may result in damage to Councils road/footpath reserve.


95)    Sewer and water to be connected

A Certificate of Compliance under Section 307 of the Water Management Act 2000 is to be obtained from Byron Shire Council prior to the issue of an Occupation Certificate for works on water and/or sewer mains.


Application forms are available from Council’s administration building or online at to be submitted for a Certificate of Compliance.


96)    Compliance with bushfire conditions under Section 100B of Rural Fires Act 1997

Documentary evidence from a suitably qualified professional is to be submitted to the PCA demonstrating that the bushfire conditions as issued under Section 100B of the Rural fire Act 1997 have been complied with.





97)    Strata Certificate application required

An application for a Strata Certificate must be made on the approved form if lodged with Council. The Strata Certificate fees, in accordance with Council's adopted schedule of fees and charges, must accompany such application.


NOTE: The application must address ALL conditions of consent required to be complied with “Prior to the issue of a Strata Certificate” with a clear explanation how that condition has been complied with, together with supplying ALL the relevant information/ documents/ certificate and/or plans that is required by that condition.


The application MUST be one complete, concise package, addressing all those conditions. Failure to provide the abovementioned information in one package, will likely result in the application being refused/rejected and returned to you.


98)    Strata Plan

The strata plan must be in accordance with the approved plan/s. A strata plan administration sheet (original plus one (1) copy), two (2) copies of the strata plan and any necessary section 88B instrument (original plus one (1) copy) are to be submitted with the application for a Strata Certificate if lodged with Council.




General Terms of Integrated Development Approvals


Bush Fire Safety Authority – s100B of the Rural Fires Act 1997


This response is to be deemed a bush fire safety authority as required under Section 100B of the ‘Rural Fires Act 1997’ and is issued subject to the following numbered conditions:


1)    The proposed staged development, including: Torrens title subdivision, construction of 20 two bedroom units and the subsequent Strata subdivision of the 20 units, is to comply with the following identified plans (as amended/ updated):

•    'Proposed Subdivision Plan' as prepared by Ardill Payne, numbered as SP01, and dated 28 April 2016.

•    'Overall Site Plan' as prepared by Peter Turner & Associates, numbered A01 of 08and dated 8/4/16.


Asset Protection Zones

The intent of measures is to provide sufficient space and maintain reduced fuel loads so as to ensure radiant heat levels of buildings are below critical limits and to prevent direct flame contact with a building.  To achieve this, the following conditions shall apply:

2)        At the issue of any subdivision certificates, and then in perpetuity, proposed lots 1 and 2 shall be managed as an inner protection area (IPA) as outlined within section 4.1.3 and Appendix 5 of 'Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2006' and the NSW Rural Fire Service's document 'Standards for asset protection zones'.


Water and Utilities

The intent of measures is to provide adequate services of water for the protection of buildings during and after the passage of a bush fire, and to locate gas and electricity so as not to contribute to the risk of fire to a building. To achieve this, the following conditions shall apply:

3)    Water, electricity and gas are to comply with section 4.1.3 of ‘Planning for Bushfire Protection 2006’.



The intent of measures for property access is to provide safe operational access to/ from the public road system for fire fighters providing property protection during a bush fire and for occupants faced with evacuation.  To achieve this, the following conditions shall apply:

4)    Public road access shall comply with section 4.1.3 (2) of 'Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2006'.


Design and Construction

The intent of measures is that buildings are designed and constructed to withstand the potential impacts of bush fire attack. To achieve this, the following conditions shall apply:

5)    New construction shall comply with Sections 3 and 5 (BAL 12.5) Australian Standard AS3959-2009 'Construction of buildings in bush fire-prone areas' and section A3.7 Addendum Appendix 3 of 'Planning for Bush Fire Protection'.



6)    Landscaping to the site is to comply with the principles of Appendix 5 of 'Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2006'.


General Advice – consent authority to note

Bushfire-Resisting Timber

The following bushfire-resisting timbers have been determined as being acceptable to withstand exposure up to BAL-29 conditions as per Australian Standard AS 3959-2009 'Construction of buildings in bush fire-prone areas' and are identified within Appendix F of the standard. These species include: Silvertop Ash, Blackbutt, River Red Gum, Spotted Gum, Red ironbark, Kwila (Merbau) and Turpentine.





Controlled Activity Approval - s91 of the Water Management Act 2000




File No: 9055877

Site Address:

21 Ballina Road Bangalow

DA Number:



Byron Shire Council


Plans, standards and guidelines


These General Terms of Approval (GTA) only apply to the controlled activities described in the plans and associated documentation relating to DA10.2016.273.1 and provided by Council.

i.     Site plans, map and/or surveys

ii.     Vegetation Management Plan

iii.    Erosion and Sediment Control Plan

Any amendments or modifications to the proposed controlled activities may render these GTA invalid. If the proposed controlled activities are amended or modified DPI Water (formerly the NSW Office of Water) must be notified to determine if any variations to these GTA will be required.


Prior to the commencement of any controlled activity (works) on waterfront land, the consent holder must obtain a Controlled Activity Approval (CAA) under the Water Management Act from DPI Water. Waterfront land for the purposes of this DA is land and material in or within 40 metres of the top of the bank or shore of the river identified.


The consent holder must prepare or commission the preparation of:

i.   Vegetation Management Plan

ii.  Erosion and Sediment Control Plan.


All plans must be prepared by a suitably qualified person and submitted to the DPI Water for approval prior to any controlled activity commencing. The plans must be prepared in accordance with DPI Water's guidelines located at Water-Licensing/Approvals.

i.     Vegetation Management Plans

ii.     Outlet structures


The consent holder must (i) carry out any controlled activity in accordance with approved plans and (ii) construct and/or implement any controlled activity by or under the direct supervision of a suitably qualified professional and (iii) when required, provide a certificate of completion to DPI Water.

Rehabilitation and maintenance


The consent holder must carry out a maintenance period of two (2) years after practical completion of all controlled activities, rehabilitation and vegetation management in accordance with a plan approved by the DPI Water.


The consent holder must reinstate waterfront land affected by the carrying out of any controlled activity in accordance with a plan or design approved by the DPI Water.

Reporting requirements



Security deposits








Bridge, causeway, culverts and crossing







The consent holder must ensure that no materials or cleared vegetation that may (i) obstruct flow, (ii) wash into the water body, or (iii) cause damage to river banks; are left on waterfront land other than in accordance with a plan approved by DPI Water.

Drainage and stormwater


The consent holder is to ensure that all drainage works (i) capture and convey runoffs, discharges and flood flows to low flow water level in accordance with a plan approved by DPI Water; and (ii) do not obstruct the flow of water other than in accordance with a plan approved by DPI Water.


The consent holder must stabilise drain discharge points to prevent erosion in accordance with a plan approved by DPI Water.

Erosion control


The consent holder must establish all erosion and sediment control works and water diversion structures in accordance with a plan approved by DPI Water. These works and structures must be inspected and maintained throughout the working period and must not be removed until the site has been fully stabilised.



The consent holder must ensure that no excavation is undertaken on waterfront land other than in accordance with a plan approved by DPI Water.



Maintaining river


The consent holder must ensure that (i) river diversion, realignment or alteration does not result from any controlled activity work and (ii) bank control or protection works maintain the existing river hydraulic and geomorphic functions, and (iii) bed control structures do not result in river degradation other than in accordance with a plan approved by DPI Water.



River bed and bank protection




The consent holder must establish a riparian corridor along the creek in accordance with a plan approved by DPI Water.

Plans, standards and guidelines

















Construction Certificate required:

This development consent is issued under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and does not relate to structural aspects or specifications of the building under the Building Code of Australia. All buildings and alterations require the issue of a Construction Certificate prior to works commencing. Application forms are available from the customer services counter or Council’s website


Principal Certifying Authority:

Work must not commence until the applicant has:-

a)    appointed a Principal Certifying Authority (if the Council is not the PCA); and

b)    given the Council at least two days notice of the intention to commence the erection of the building. Notice must be given by using the prescribed ‘Form 7’.

c)    notified the Principal Certifying Authority of the Compliance with Part 6 of the Home Building Act 1989.


Schedule of Development Contributions

The following contributions are current at the date of this consent. The contributions payable will be adjusted in accordance with the relevant plan and the amount payable will be calculated on the basis of the contribution rates that are applicable at the time of payment. The current contribution rates are available from Council offices during office hours. Payments will only be accepted by cash or bank cheque.


Schedule A – Stage 1 Subdivision



Schedule B – Stage 2 Buildings Construction




Water payments under the Water Management Act 2000

Charges will be calculated based on the additional water and sewerage load that the proposed development generates, shown in Equivalent Tenements (ET) by the following table:


(ET Policy No:13/005)

STAGE 1 - Subdivision


1.20 ET

Bulk Water

1.20 ET


1.00 ET


STAGE 2 – Building 1 (Units 1-4)


1.20 ET

Bulk Water

1.20 ET


2.00 ET


Subsequent unit block construction


2.40 ET

Bulk Water

2.40 ET


3.00 ET



NB: Information regarding Development Servicing charges can be found on the Byron Shire Council website (  These charges will enable you to calculate the total contribution charges payable when you are ready to pay them.  Developer charges will be calculated in accordance with the Development Servicing Plan applicable at the date of payment.


Civil Works

The civil works shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Council’s Engineering Standard current at the time of submission of Engineering Plans for approval by Council.  Approval of Engineering Plans will be current for a period of two years after which time Council may require the alteration to the Engineering Design to comply with standard current at that date.


Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997:

It is an offence under the provisions of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 to act in a manner causing, or likely to cause, harm to the environment. Anyone allowing material to enter a waterway or leaving material where it can be washed off-site may be subject to a penalty infringement notice (“on-the-spot fine”) or prosecution.


Penalties apply for failure to comply with development consents

Failure to comply with conditions of development consent may lead to an on the spot fine (generally $600) being issued pursuant to section 127A of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 or prosecution pursuant to section 125 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979.





·    To comply with the provisions of Byron L.E.P. 2014.  

·    To preserve the environment and existing or likely future amenity of the neighbourhood. 

·    To protect the environment.

·    To preserve the amenity of the area. 

·    To ensure adequacy of services to the development.

·    To ensure public health and safety.





Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.12 - Attachment 1



Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy             13.12 - Attachment 2


Draft Amendments to Part A and Part D – Preliminary of Byron Shire Development Control Plan 2014


1.         Amend Section A5 to Read


A5            Where This DCP Applies


This plan applies to the land to which Byron LEP 2014 applies and land identified under Part 4 - West Byron Bay Site of the Byron Local Environmental Plan 1988. This Plan applies to all categories of ‘development’ as defined within the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and as addressed within the various Chapters of this Plan.   



2.         Amend Appendix A1 – Dictionary by inserting the following additional definitions


Dual key – Means an internal door linking two attached dwellings together. The door needs to be a suitably designed and constructed fire door as per the Building Code of Australia. Dual key arrangements maybe considered suitable for dual occupancy, secondary dwelling and attached dwelling housing arrangements where the housing is on one lot. 

Integrated Housing Means the subdivision of land into three or more lots and the erection of a dwelling (attached or semi attached) or dwelling house on each lot as per clause 83 of Byron LEP 1988.

Small Lots – means vacant residential lots less than 350m2 in area


3.         Make any other adjustments to Part A where required to reference the West Byron Bay Site under Part 4 of Byron Local Environmental Plan 1988. 


4.         Amend Section D1.4.1 Private Open Space (Secondary Dwellings) by inserting the following additional prescriptive measure as point 3.


“3. Decks and verandahs for secondary dwellings not to exceed 20m2 in area.”




Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.12 - Attachment 3






Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.12 - Attachment 3


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.12 - Attachment 3


































Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.12 - Attachment 3


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.12 - Attachment 3








Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.12 - Attachment 3














Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.12 - Attachment 3


Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.12 - Attachment 3



Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.12 - Attachment 3




Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.12 - Attachment 3








Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.13 - Attachment 1



Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.13 - Attachment 2




































































































Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.13 - Attachment 3





























Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                       13.13 - Attachment 4















Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy                                                 13.13 - Attachment 5










Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                                 13.15 - Attachment 1































Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                                                            13.15 - Attachment 1





Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                                 13.15 - Attachment 1




































Reports of Committees - Infrastructure Services                                  14.1 - Attachment 1

Minutes of Meeting










Water, Waste and Sewer Advisory Committee Meeting





Council Chambers, Station Street, Mullumbimby


Thursday, 2 March 2017












Reports of Committees - Infrastructure Services                                  14.1 - Attachment 1


Minutes of the Water, Waste and Sewer Advisory Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 2 March 2017

File No: I2017/467


PRESENT:   Cr S Ndiaye, Cr Richardson, Cr M Lyon (11.45)


Staff:   Ken Gainger (General Manager)

            Phil Warner (Acting Director, Infrastructure Services)

            Peter Rees (Manager, Utilities)

            Michael Matthews (Manager, Open Space and Resource Recovery)

            Lloyd Isaacson (Team Leader, Resource Recoveries and Quarries)

            Helen Waldron (Minute Taker)


Community: Col Draper, David Fligelman, Madeleine Green, Alan Dickens, Mary Gardner, Duncan Dey


Cr Richardson (Chair) opened the meeting at 11.35 and acknowledged that the meeting was being held on Bundjalung Country.




Cr C Coorey

Phillip Holloway (Director Infrastructure Services)


Declarations of Interest – Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary


There were no new declarations of interest.




Cr Richardson


Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings


Committee Recommendation:

That the minutes of the Water, Waste and Sewer Advisory Committee Meeting held on 1 December 2016 be confirmed.


The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.


Business Arising from Previous Minutes


There was no business arising from previous minutes.












Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services

Report No. 4.1             Resource Recovery Current State of Play

File No:                        I2016/1256


Committee Recommendation:

That Council notes the Water, Waste and Sewer Advisory Committee was provided with a presentation on current and recent Resource Recovery projects.



The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.



Report No. 4.2             Ocean Shores to Brunswick Valley STP Transfer Feasibility Study

File No:                        I2017/244


Committee Recommendation:

1.       That Council notes the report, including risks associated with Option 4 in Section 13           recommendations and that Council investigate the operational risks (as described          under Item 5).


2.       That the Water, Waste and Sewer Advisory Committee meet again prior to the       scheduled meeting in June 2017.


The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.


Member Green left the Chambers at 01:30 PM.


Report No. 4.3             Water and Sewer Strategic Business Plan Workshop

File No:                        I2017/246


Committee Recommendation:

That at the next meeting of the Water, Waste and Sewer Committee the following expenditure items be considered for addition to a revised Water and Sewer Strategic Business Plan:


i)       overcome fundamental problems in the sewer connections and lines in                             Mullumbimby, Brunswick Heads and Byron Bay

ii)      make reuse (eg agricultural irrigation) the primary means of disposal ahead of                 discharge to waterways 

iii)     bring in full-spectrum testing and treatment (including alkyl-phenols) of sewage


iv)     consider minimising energy usage and the use of renewable energy



The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.



There being no further business the meeting concluded at 1.40 pm.



1.  update on Container Deposit Scheme to be provided at next meeting of Committee

2.  look at information re BRRC on website and improve user friendliness

3.  date of community engagement program re Strategy and Biohub program to be provided to Committee

4.  meeting to be convened in one months time, as an extra meeting

5.  request to go out to Committee members for agenda items

6.  update on timeliness of members for committees and panels


Reports of Committees - Infrastructure Services                                  14.2 - Attachment 1

Minutes of Meeting










Local Traffic Committee Meeting





Conference Room, Station Street, Mullumbimby


Tuesday, 21 March 2017



Committee Members

Alan Eichmann – Roads and Maritime Services

Snr Constable Tony Darby – Police

Cr Basil Cameron

Tamara Smith MP











Reports of Committees - Infrastructure Services                                  14.2 - Attachment 1

Report of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on Tuesday, 21 March 2017

File No: I2017/467



Meeting Commenced:   10.40 am



Councillor:  Cr Basil Cameron

Roads and Maritime Services Representative: Alan Eichmann

RMS Observers: Terry Orbit and Linda Mackay

Police:  Snr Constable Colin Bell (representing Snr Constable Tony Darby)

Member for Ballina: Mimi Shaw (representing Tamara Smith MP)


Staff:  Evan Elford (Acting Manager Works), Dominic Cavanough (Acting Traffic and Transport Planner), Helen Waldron (Minutes)



Police: Snr Constable Tony Darby

Member for Ballina: Tamara Smith MP



Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest raised



Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings


Committee Recommendation:

That the minutes of the Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 9 November 2017 were forwarded to the members, who accepted them prior to them going to Council.


The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.




Matters Arising

No matters arising.


Outstanding Issues/Resolutions

No outstanding issues / resolutions.



Regulatory Matters

Report No. 6.1             Traffic - Events - Anzac Day 2017 - Road Closures in Byron, Mullumbimby, Brunswick Heads, Bangalow

File No:                        I2017/154




Council has received an event application from the Byron Bay RSL, Mullumbimby Sub Branch RSL, Bangalow Sub Chamber RSL, Brunswick Heads Sub Chambers RSL for the Byron Bay, Mullumbimby, Bangalow and Brunswick Heads Anzac Day March 2017 to be held on Tuesday 25 April 2017.




That Council endorse the Byron Bay, Mullumbimby, Brunswick Heads and Bangalow Anzac Day March 2017 to be held Tuesday 25 April 2017, that includes the temporary road closure and Police Escorts from 04:30am to 12pm, subject to conditions.






A sustainable and diverse economy which provides innovative employment and investment opportunities in harmony with our ecological and social aims.



A diverse economic base and support for local businesses.



Support sporting and cultural events in Byron Shire.



Increase the sustainability of events in which Council is involved.




Each year the RSL sub-branches of Byron Bay, Mullumbimby, Bangalow and Brunswick Heads arrange their respective annual ANZAC Day street parade.  All four have confirmed that little to no change to previous years are sought.  The route of each parade is shown below, noting that:


-     Byron Bay (S2016/2652): as per previous years, the Dawn Service requires closure of the Tennyson Street and Marvell Street intersection between 4.30am and 5.30am and then again (approximately at 11am) when the  parade reaches the gates to conduct the main service. Council implements such measures including signed detours at the intersections prior at Marvell and Middleton Street and at both the Kingsley Street and Cowper Street intersections on Tennyson Street. As for the parade, it is held under Police escort after it gathers at 10:15am off-road (Beach Hotel) at Bay and Jonson Street, then at 10.30am proceeds south down Jonson Street, left into Marvell Street to its end at the Memorial Gates on Tennyson Street.


-     Mullumbimby (E2016/9115): the parade will again be held under Police escort commencing this year at 10.50am from Apex Park via Burringbar Street to concluding at the cenotaph on Dalley Street and that Council is to close Dalley Street to traffic between Burringbar Street and Tincogan Street between 8am and 12noon with signed detours in place.


-     Brunswick Heads (E2016/10067): Police involvement with both an escort and closing of the road on Fawcett Street between 430am and 630am. No Council involvement requested.


-     Bangalow (S2016/3471): the sub branch have confirmed the parade forms by 10.45am in front of the Bangalow Hotel in Byron Street, and sets out by 11am east to the intersection at Station Street, then turns left (north) to the front of the RSL Memorial Hall on Station Street for wreath laying and ceremony through to 11.45am. Council therefore are to implement the following:


by 10.40am through to end of event, close Station Street north of Byron Street;

by 10.40am, close Byron Street west of Station Street and provide signed detours south along Station Street to and via Deacon Street;

by 10.45am close Byron Street at the east bound leg of the Granuaille Road and Lismore Road roundabout; and

remove the two Byron Street closures once parade has departed Byron Street.


In general it should be noted previous year’s events have not resulted in any reported safety concern, and the road closures are typically less than one hour duration and signed detours are implemented.


Therefore given the above, and that the local events are part of a well known and anticipated nation wide annual tradition, the usual conditions imposed on road events (for example event organisers to notify local residents and emergency providers, etc) is not typically applied, hence their omissions from the recommendation now tabled. 




1.   No formalised traffic control or Traffic Control Plan to RMS specifications are in place for any of the four events.

2.   Pedestrian and vehicle interaction is not managed

3.   Issues have been reported about the Byron Bay Anzac Day March 2016 where live traffic was allowed to enter the parade by volunteer traffic control under the command of the supervisor.




§ Budget/Financial

The event organisers have been invoiced $0.00 as they are exempt for the relevant Approval of Road Events pursuant to s144 of the Roads Act fee as per the Fees & Charges 2016/17.


§ Asset Management

Not applicable.


§ Policy or Regulation

·         Speed Limit (as required) ROAD WORK (R4-212) - Delegated to council for authorisation in conjunction with NSW Road Rules 21 and AS 1742.4 (Speed Controls) Clause 3.1.2, AS 1742.3 (Roadworks).


§ Consultation

A condition of the endorsement of this event is that appropriate consultation is undertaken, including:

1.       Advertising the impact of the event in the local newspaper and on the Council website.

2.       Informing community and business that are directly impacted.

3.       Liaising with bus and taxi operators.

4.       Consulting with emergency services.


§ Legal and Risk Management

·         No formalised traffic control or Traffic Control Plan to RMS specifications are in place for any of the four events. This may have a large insurance issue if anything goes wrong.


·         The Bangalow road closure directly affects RMS controlled asset - Lismore to Bangalow Road (B62) and RMS controlled Granuaille Road. RMS Traffic Engineering Department requires to separately approve the TMP and TCP.










Figure 1. Sketches of all four Anzac Day Marches


Road Closures red, green and orange. Police Escort in Blue

Byron Bay


Figure 1. Sketches of all four Anzac Day Marches


Road Closures red, green and orange. Police Escort in Blue


Brunswick Heads







Committee Comments

·    TCPs should be in place for main intersections in each location

·    staff have developed TMPs for each event, but there is no funding for TCPs

·    noted RMS advise that once original TCP is approved by Committee, it need not come back for annual events, unless the event changes


Management Comments

The current $1,300 traffic control budget (2016/17) for the four Anzac Day Marches is not adequate to control the obligations set out under the NSW WHS Act 2011 Sect 27 Duty of Officers.


The works could be completed in 2016/2017 if Council and would be subject to approval in the March quarterly review.



Committee Recommendation:

1.       That Council approve the Traffic Management Plan for the four ANZAC Day Marches for 25 April 2017 for the Return Services League sub branches of Byron Bay, Mullumbimby, Bangalow and Brunswick Heads / Billinudgel.


2.       That the approval provided in Part 1 is subject to:


a)   separate approvals by NSW Police and RMS being obtained, noting that the Bangalow event is on a state road or may impact the state road network


b)   implementation of the approved Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control Plan, including the use of signed detours, as designed and implemented by those with appropriate accreditation


c)   that the impact of the event be advertised via a notice in the local weekly paper a minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road closures and times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a personal contact name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries or complaints


d)   the event be notified on Council’s webpage


e)   the event organiser:


i.    undertake consultation with community and affected businesses including adequate response / action to any raised concerns


ii.   undertake consultation with emergency services and any identified issues addressed


iii.  holding $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event


iv.  paying Council’s Road Event Application Fee prior to the event


v.   that a debrief be held within two weeks of the event involving staff, Police (if they had incidents) and traffic controllers


3.       That Council:


a)   assists where requested with implementing the necessary temporary road closures and detours

b)   places a public notice advertisements in a local weekly newspaper which is circulated prior to the event and a copy of which is placed on Council’s web site

c)   write to the applicants, RSL sub-branches at Byron Bay, Bangalow, Brunswick Heads and Mullumbimby asking them to have their requests for their 2018 events to Council by 08 January 2018.


4.       That the approvals provided above are subject to NSW Police approval being obtained and that each event is undertaken either under Police escort and / or traffic control and / or Council’s implemented traffic control.


The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.



Report No. 6.2             Events - Mullum2Bruns Paddle - 28 May 2017 - Road One Way

File No:                        I2017/156




Council has received an event application with acceptable Traffic Control Plan (TCP) and Traffic Management Plan (TMP) from the Mullum2Bruns Paddle Committee for the Mullum2Bruns Paddle 2017 to be held on Sunday, 28 May 2016.




That Council endorse the Mullum2Bruns Paddle 2017 Traffic Management Plan to be held Sunday, 28 May 2017, that includes the temporary road closure on Brunswick Terrace, Mullumbimby between Tincogan Street and Gordon Street One Way, between 06:30am and 10:00am on Sunday, 28 May 2017.






A sustainable and diverse economy which provides innovative employment and investment opportunities in harmony with our ecological and social aims.



A diverse economic base and support for local businesses.



Support sporting and cultural events in Byron Shire.



Increase the sustainability of events in which Council is involved.




The event organisers are proposing to partially close Brunswick Terrace, Mullumbimby to make it one way between Tincogan Street and Gordon Street, between 06:30am and 10:00am on Sunday, 28 May 2017 for the annual Mullum2Bruns Paddle.


The format will be the same as previous years, with traffic diverted via Gordon St (From Tyagarah St to Burringbar St) to Burringbar St to Brunswick Terrace.  The event organisers have advised that they will engage spinifex to carry out the TCP and will have assistance from the volunteers in relation to traffic management.




1.   Competitors parking haphazardly around the Brunswick Terrace boat ramp


2.   Pedestrian and vehicle management at the Tincogan Street and Brunswick Terrace




§ Budget/Financial

The event organisers have been invoiced $356.00 for the relevant Approval of Road Events pursuant to s144 of the Roads Act fee as per the Fees & Charges 2016/17.  This fee will be paid for by a $600 grant given to the event by Council.


§ Asset Management

Not applicable.



§ Policy or Regulation

Speed Limit (as required) ROAD WORK (R4-212) - Delegated to council for authorisation in conjunction with NSW Road Rules 21 and AS 1742.4 (Speed Controls) Clause 3.1.2, AS 1742.3 (Roadworks).


§ Consultation

A condition of the endorsement of this event is that appropriate consultation is undertaken, including:

1.       Advertising the impact of the event in the local newspaper and on the Council website.

2.       Informing community and business that are directly impacted.

3.       Liaising with bus and taxi operators.

4.       Consulting with emergency services.


§ Legal and Risk Management

This road closure will not directly affect any RMS controlled asset.




Committee Comments

·    staff to check L turn and R turn signage under delegated authority – staff to advise supplier


Management Comments

No management comments



Committee Recommendation:

1.       That Council approve the Traffic Management Plan for the Mullum2Bruns Paddle 2017 to be held Sunday 28 May 2017, that includes the temporary road closure below:


a)      Brunswick Terrace, Mullumbimby between Tincogan Street and Gordon Street One Way), between 06:30am and 10:00am on Sunday 28 May 2017.


2.       That the approval provided in Part 1 is subject to:


          a.       separate approvals by NSW Police and RMS being obtained


          b.       implementation of the approved Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control                 Plan, including the use of signed detours, as designed and implemented by                                                  those with appropriate accreditation;


          c.       that the impact of the event be advertised via a notice in the local weekly paper a minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road closures and times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a personal contact name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries or complaints.


          d.       the event be notified on Council’s webpage.


          e.       the event organiser:


i.       undertake consultation with community and affected businesses including adequate response/action to any raised concerns.


ii.      undertake consultation with emergency services and any identified issues addressed.


iii.     holding $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event.


iv.     paying Council’s Road Event Application Fee prior to the event.


3.       That a debrief be held within two weeks of the event involving staff, Police (if they had incidents) and traffic controllers.



The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.



Report No. 6.3             Regulatory Signage – 2 Wilfred Street - No Stopping - Emergency Services

File No:                        I2017/300





Council has received a request from the Billinudgel Ocean Shores Rural Fire Brigade to restrict vehicles parking in the Fire Stations access at 2 Wilfred St, Billinudgel.


Figure 1. Billinudgel Rural Fire Service Station with improvement options.


·    Change Red signs with No stopping.

·    Black out old white parking bay.

·    Install Yellow no stopping line.

·    Install purple repeater no stopping signs if parking issues persist.




That Council upgrade and duplicate the ‘No Parking’ signs to ‘No Stopping’ zones at the Billinudgel Ocean Shores Rural Fire Brigade station at 2 Wilfred Street, Billinudgel.





Community Infrastructure

Services and infrastructure that sustains, connects and integrates our communities and environment.



Renew and maintain existing infrastructure.



Maintain roads and drainage in a safe and operational condition.



Reduction in funding gap for infrastructure renewal and maintenance.






Vehicles are regularly parking (especially during events) in the emergency access due to poor line marking and incorrect signage. This has the potential to delay fire crews in responding to an incident and saving lives.




1.   Rural Fire Service Appliances cannot effectively leave their fire station due to vehicles being parked incorrectly.




§ Budget/Financial

Estimate of $1,000.00 for (4) R5-400 No Stopping signs, posts, clips, traffic control, Council Works team (4 hrs) with a line marker for the no stopping line.


§ Asset Management

Estimate $400.00 for 4 signs x $10.00 per sign/year x 10 year expected life. Council will need to maintain signage ongoing, including cleaning and replacement (if necessary).


§ Policy or Regulation

Delegated to council for authorisation in conjunction with NSW Road Rules 167 and AS1742.11 (Parking Control).


§ Consultation

No consultation has been carried out as this solution improves the enforcement of the current signage.


§ Legal and Risk Management

Stopping vehicles parking in this area allows access for emergency vehicles and members vehicles that use the lane way to access parking behind the fire station.


Committee Comments

·    noted signage on building may be adequate, with consent of property owner


Management Comments

No comments


Committee Recommendation:

That Council:


1.       approve the installation of No Stopping signs and lines at the Billinudgel Ocean Shores Rural Fire Brigade Station at 2 Wilfred St, Billinudgel


2.       approve funding for the works as part of the March 2016/17 budget review.



The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.


Matters for Traffic Engineering Advice

Report No. 7.1             Event - Byron St, Bangalow - Road Closure - Bangalow Billy Cart Derby 21 May 2017

File No:                        I2017/151




Council has received an event application from the Bangalow Lions Club for the Bangalow Billy Cart Derby to be held on Sunday 21 May 2017.




That Council endorse the Bangalow Lions Club for the Bangalow Billy Cart Derby to be held on Sunday 21 May 2017, that includes the temporary road closure of Byron Street, Bangalow (between Ashton Street and Granuaille Road) between 6am and 4pm, subject to conditions.






A sustainable and diverse economy which provides innovative employment and investment opportunities in harmony with our ecological and social aims.



A diverse economic base and support for local businesses.



Support sporting and cultural events in Byron Shire.



Increase the sustainability of events in which Council is involved.




The format will be the same as previous years, with traffic diverted via Deacon Street.  The event organisers have advised that they will engage Spinifex to carry out the TCP and will have assistance from the SES in relation to traffic management.


The event organisers have provided a conforming TCP and TMP.




1.   This road closure directly affects RMS controlled asset - Lismore to Bangalow Road (B62) and RMS controlled Granuaille Road.


2.   RMS Traffic Engineering Department requires to separately approve the TMP and TCP.


3.   Deacon Street is not suitable to Heavy Vehicles as a detour to the Pacific Highway.


4.   Heavy Vehicles from Lismore will have to use Granuaille Road to access the Pacific Highway.


5.   Increase traffic congestion as vehicle use the undesirable Deacon Street detour.


6.   Deacon Street is overgrown and will require Council to trim prior to the event.




§ Budget/Financial

The event organisers have been invoiced $356.00 for the relevant Approval of Road Events pursuant to s144 of the Roads Act fee as per the Fees & Charges 2016/17.

§ Asset Management

Not applicable.


§ Policy or Regulation

Speed Limit (as required) ROAD WORK (R4-212) - Delegated to council for authorisation in conjunction with NSW Road Rules 21 and AS 1742.4 (Speed Controls) Clause 3.1.2, AS 1742.3 (Roadworks).


§ Consultation

A condition of the endorsement of this event is that appropriate consultation is undertaken, including:

1.       Advertising the impact of the event in the local newspaper and on the Council website.

2.       Informing community and business that are directly impacted.

3.       Liaising with bus and taxi operators.

4.       Consulting with emergency services.


§ Legal and Risk Management

This road closure directly affects RMS controlled asset - Lismore to Bangalow Road (B62) and RMS controlled Granuaille Road. RMS Traffic Engineering Department requires to separately approve the TMP and TCP.


Figure 1. Byron Street, Bangalow road closure








Committee Comments

·    noted if state road is closed all day, provision needs to be made for heavy vehicles.  This will be part of the RMS approval conditions


Management Comments

No Comment


Committee Recommendation:

1.    That Council approve the Traffic Management Plan for the Bangalow Billy Cart Derby to be held on Sunday 21 May 2017, that includes the temporary road closure below:


a)      Byron Street, Bangalow between Ashton Street and Granuaille Road, between 6am and 4pm on Sunday 21 May 2017.


2.       That the approval provided in Part 1 is subject to:


         a.        separate approvals by NSW Police and RMS being obtained, noting that the                    event is on a state road or may impact the state road network


         b.        implementation of the approved Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control Plan, including the use of signed detours, as designed and implemented by those with appropriate accreditation


         c.        that the impact of the event be advertised via a notice in the local weekly paper a minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road closures and times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a personal contact name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries or complaints


         d.        the event be notified on Council’s webpage


         e.        the event organiser:


i.     undertake consultation with community and affected businesses including adequate response/action to any raised concerns


ii.    undertake consultation with emergency services and any identified issues addressed


iii.   holding $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event


iv.   paying Council’s Road Event Application Fee prior to the event



3.       That a debrief be held within two weeks of the event involving staff, Police (if they had incidents) and traffic controllers.



The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.



Report No. 7.2             Traffic - Events - Byron Bay Triathlon 13 May 2017 - Road Closures

File No:                        I2017/160




Council has received an event application with an acceptable Traffic Management Plan (TMP) and Traffic Control Plan (TCP) from QSM Sports for the Byron Bay Triathlon to be held in Byron Bay on Saturday 13 May 2017.


The Byron Bay Triathlon has been running for over twenty years.  However a number of concerns have been highlighted as a result of the event held in 2016 and they have been workshopped to create a solution to reduce the risks associated with the proximity of athletes and vehicles.




That Council endorse the Byron Bay Triathlon to be held in Byron Bay on Saturday 13 May 2017 that includes the temporary road closure of the following roads, subject to conditions:


Table 1. Estimated Road Closure Times for the 2016 event





Lawson Street (Middleton Street to Massinger St)



Marvell Street



Bay Street (Fletcher St to Middleton St)



Bay Ln (Fletcher St to Middleton St)



Middleton St  (Marvel St to Bay St)



Marvell St (Middleton St to Tennyson St)



Tennyson St



Bangalow Road (Browning St to Old Bangalow Rd)



Bangalow Road (Old Bangalow Rd to Broken Head Rd)



Broken Head Road (Bangalow Rd to Beech Dr)



Broken Head Road (Beech Dr to Ross Lane)








A sustainable and diverse economy which provides innovative employment and investment opportunities in harmony with our ecological and social aims.



A diverse economic base and support for local businesses.



Support sporting and cultural events in Byron Shire.



Increase the sustainability of events in which Council is involved.




In September 2016 Council received a request from QSM Sports for the LTC to consider the proposal for the Byron Bay Triathlon to be held in Byron Bay on Saturday 13 May 2017.


The LTC has met twice to discuss the issues surround the event as per reports I2016/1262 and I2016/1408.  The organisers have modified their TCP and TMP based on committee recommendations.




Byron Bay Triathlon 2017 – Previous Issues and proposed actions to be taken


Solutions to be implemented


Three previous models haven’t worked

·      Create three smaller more manageable courses with all starting in CBD with 2 courses out of town with one of those courses going past Suffolk Park


Suffolk Park resistance due to traffic delays

·      Cycle club to door knock each resident on route.

·      Free BBQ at Suffolk park


Byron Bay Fringe and tourists are not clicking on about how the event affecting their travel times

·      Early warning by VMS and signs along the route up to a 2 weeks before the event

·      Wider media release perhaps State papers

·      VMS on highway near Bangalow to show Road Broken Head Road Closure and show alternative routes

·      VMS at Hospital to advise road closures


Traffic delays and congestion

·      Bulk feed with slow competitors on the course first and fast finisher on the course last

·      Vehicle to clean up the tail with a police escort in stage 2 and 3.

·      Option to electrical tag competitors to know the last person.


Can not run live traffic with competitors due to the lack of road width.

·      Full road closures required.


Previous Traffic Control has been inadequate to deal with hot spots. So resources were relocated from cold spots to hot spots allowing uncontrolled vehicle access to the course.

·      Increase Traffic Control and volunteer presence

·      Each road closure with a Traffic Control should have an event enthusiast to talk to the motorists

·      Two mobile Traffic control teams to monitor signage (North team and South team)

·      Police to provide 1 motorcycle with potential for a second

·      If the traffic is moving then vehicle operators are more likely to follow instructions

·      Increase water filled barriers

·      Increase Moto marshals




§ Budget/Financial

The event organisers have been invoiced $356.00 for the relevant Approval of Road Events pursuant to s144 of the Roads Act fee as per the Fees & Charges 2016/17.


§ Asset Management

Not applicable.


§ Policy or Regulation

Speed Limit (as required) ROAD WORK (R4-212) - Delegated to council for authorisation in conjunction with NSW Road Rules 21 and AS 1742.4 (Speed Controls) Clause 3.1.2, AS 1742.3 (Roadworks).


§ Consultation

A condition of the endorsement of this event is that appropriate consultation is undertaken, including:

1.       Advertising the impact of the event in the local newspaper and on the Council website.

2.       Informing community and business that are directly impacted.

3.       Liaising with bus and taxi operators.

4.       Consulting with emergency services.


§ Legal and Risk Management

This road closure may affect RMS controlled assets. RMS Traffic Engineering Department requires to separately approve the TMP and TCP.


Figure 1. Road Closures and timings




Committee Comments

No Committee comments



Management Comments

No management comments



Committee Recommendation:

1.       That Council approve the Traffic Management Plan for the Byron Bay Triathlon to be held Saturday 13 May 2017, that includes the temporary road closure below:


          a)      Lawson Street (Middleton Street to Massinger St), between 11:30am and 3:30pm   on Saturday 13 May 2017

          b)      Marvell Street, Middleton Street , Bay Street (Fletcher St to Middleton St), Bay Ln (Fletcher St to Middleton St), Marvell St (Middleton St to Tennyson St), Tennyson St, between 12:00pm and 3:30pm on Saturday 13 May 2017

          c)      Bangalow Road (Browning St to Broken Head Rd), between 12:25pm and 3:30pm           on Saturday 13 May 2017

          d)      Broken Head Road (Bangalow Rd to Ross Lane), between 1:00pm and 3:30pm on           Saturday 13 May 2017


2.       That the approval provided in Part 1 is subject to:


a.       separate approvals by NSW Police and RMS being obtained, noting that the event is on a state road or may impact the state road network


b.      implementation of the approved Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control Plan, including the use of signed detours, as designed and implemented by those with appropriate accreditation


c.       that the impact of the event be advertised via a notice in the local weekly paper a minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road closures and times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a personal contact name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries or complaints


d.      the event be notified on Council’s webpage


e.       the event organiser:


i.       undertake consultation with community and affected businesses including adequate response/action to any raised concerns.


ii.      undertake consultation with emergency services and any identified issues addressed.


iii.     holding $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event.


iv.     paying Council’s Road Event Application Fee prior to the event.


3.       That a debrief be held within two weeks of the event involving staff, Police (if they had incidents) and traffic controllers.


The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.



Report No. 7.3             Traffic - Events - Byron Bay Blues Festival 13 to 17 April 2017

File No:                        I2017/162




Council has received an event application and draft Traffic Management Plan (TMP) and Traffic Control Plan (TCP) for Byron Bay Bluesfest 2017 to be held on Thursday 13 April 2017 to Monday 17 April 2017.




That Council endorse the Byron Bay Bluesfest 2017 to be held on Thursday 13 April 2017 to Monday 17 April 2017, that includes the including the installation and enforcement of No Camping and No Stopping signs between 6am and 6pm, subject to conditions at:

a)   Gulgan Road, from Mullumbimby Road intersection to the Pacific Highway interchange at Tyagarah;

b)   Foxs Lane, Tyagarah;

c)   Tanner Lane and Yarin Lane, Tyagarah and

d)   Grays Lane, Tyagarah






A sustainable and diverse economy which provides innovative employment and investment opportunities in harmony with our ecological and social aims.



A diverse economic base and support for local businesses.



Support sporting and cultural events in Byron Shire.



Increase the sustainability of events in which Council is involved.




Bluesfest is proposing to restrict parking and camping on Gulgan Road, Foxs Lane, Tanner Lane, Yarin Lane, and Grays Lane between the times of 6am – 6pm Thursday 13 April 2017 to Monday 17 April 2017 for the 27th annual Byron Bay Bluesfest 2017.


The Traffic Management Plan (TMP) and Traffic Control Plans (TCP) are the same as 2016.




1.   Congestion caused by the event will directly affect a RMS controlled asset – Pacific Highway.


2.   RMS Traffic Engineering Department requires to separately approve the TMP and TCP.




§ Budget/Financial

The event organisers have been invoiced $356.00 for the relevant Approval of Road Events pursuant to s144 of the Roads Act fee as per the Fees & Charges 2016/17.


§ Asset Management

Not applicable.


§ Policy or Regulation

Speed Limit (as required) ROAD WORK (R4-212) - Delegated to council for authorisation in conjunction with NSW Road Rules 21 and AS 1742.4 (Speed Controls) Clause 3.1.2, AS 1742.3 (Roadworks).


§ Consultation

A condition of the endorsement of this event is that appropriate consultation is undertaken, including:

1.       Advertising the impact of the event in the local newspaper and on the Council website.

2.       Informing community and business that are directly impacted.

3.       Liaising with bus and taxi operators.

4.       Consulting with emergency services.


§ Legal and Risk Management

Congestion caused by the event will directly affect a RMS controlled asset – Pacific Highway. RMS Traffic Engineering Department requires to separately approve the TMP and TCP.


Figure 1. Roads affected by the event



Committee Comments

No Committee comments


Management Comments

No management comments


Committee Recommendation:

1.       That Council approve the Traffic Management Plan for the Byron Bay Bluesfest 2017 to be held on Thursday 13 April 2017 to Monday 17 April 2017, that includes the including the installation and enforcement of No Camping and No Stopping signs between 6am and 6pm, subject to conditions at:


         a.      Gulgan Road, from Mullumbimby Road intersection to the Pacific Highway                      interchange at Tyagarah

         b.      Foxs Lane, Tyagarah

         c.      Tanner Lane and Yarin Lane, Tyagarah and

         d.      Grays Lane, Tyagarah


2.       That the approval provided in Part 1 is subject to:


         a.      separate approvals by NSW Police and RMS being obtained, noting that the event                    is on a state road or may impact the state road network


         b.      implementation of the approved Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control                  Plan, including the use of signed detours, as designed and implemented by                                                  those with appropriate accreditation


         c.      that the impact of the event be advertised via a notice in the local weekly paper a            minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it                             must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road closures                                              and times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a personal contact                                 name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries or complaints


         d.      the event be notified on Council’s webpage


         e.      the event organiser:


i.       undertake consultation with community and affected businesses including adequate response/action to any raised concerns


ii.      undertake consultation with emergency services and any identified issues addressed


iii.     hold $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event


iv.     pay Council’s Road Event Application Fee prior to the event


3.       That a debrief be held within two weeks of the event involving staff, Police (if they had incidents) and traffic controllers.


The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.


Development Applications

Report No. 8.1             DA - Splendour in the Grass, 21-23 July 2017

File No:                        I2017/301





Council has received an event application, Traffic Management Plan (TMP) and Traffic Control Plan (TCP) for Splendour in the Grass (SITG) 2017 to be held on Friday 21 July 2017 to Sunday 23 July 2017.


Figure 1. Splendour in the Grass site map




That Council approve the Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control Plans for Splendour in the Grass 2017 to be held on Friday 21 July 2017 to Sunday 23 July 2017, that includes the including the installation and enforcement of No Camping and No Stopping signs between 6am and 6pm, subject to conditions at:

a)   Tweed Valley Way

b)   Brunswick Valley Way

c)   Yelgun Road


Councils Parking Enforcement be invited to assist the event in compliance of no stopping areas within the Road Reserve.






A sustainable and diverse economy which provides innovative employment and investment opportunities in harmony with our ecological and social aims.



A diverse economic base and support for local businesses.



Support sporting and cultural events in Byron Shire.



Increase the sustainability of events in which Council is involved.




Since 2001 Splendour in the Grass has been claimed as the biggest Winter Australian Music festival.


2016 TMP debrief

•        Seamless bump in of all camping patrons (approximately 17,500) on Thursday and Friday;

•        The event did experience a significant modal shift in some day patron’s travel to and from site reflected in a larger than normal number of people being dropped off and collected;

•        On Friday traffic cameras and traffic controllers noted upwards of 800 vehicles entering the site and dropping patrons off at Guest Services in the northern carpark between 3pm and 6pm;

•        These same vehicles returned between 10.30pm and midnight greatly impacting the ability for buses to enter and depart the bus turnaround facility;

•        This resulted in long delays to transport patrons offsite;

•        A meeting on Saturday 23rd of July between the event, NSW Police, RMS and traffic controllers resolved to move the drop-off/pick up zone to the southern carpark which dramatically improved traffic flows at the end of the show on this day;

•        An additional meeting was on Sunday 24th of July between the event, NSW Police, RMS and traffic controllers where it was agreed to also move the taxi rank to the southern carpark;

•        As a result of these changes all traffic patterns were returned to normal on the Sunday evening;

•        SITG has since held debriefs with RMS and NSW Police and a range of measures will be implemented in the future including the construction of a permanent drop off and taxi zone in the southern car park; and

•        The new Council roundabout adjacent to the Yelgun interchange worked well.

•        Yasmin Yeow from RMS asked that pedestrian management should be included in future TMPs for this event as well as more details on internal traffic movements and bus routes;

•        Yasmin Yeow asked if there was in incident management room during events. Yasmin was advised there was and was invited to attend the next event for a tour.

•        DN asked if NIR and Parklands community hotline register report have been prepared.


2017 TMP Improvements

•        Improvements made to reduce the likelihood of pedestrians making the decision to leave the site by foot as per TMP section 8

•        Pick-up/ taxi/ uber relocated to southern carpark to reduce conflict with buses. This will improve operational efficiency of buses (again reducing likelihood of pedestrians leaving the site by foot);

•        Parking Enforcement is invited to assist with compliance of external no-stopping areas (day & night) to reduce likelihood of patrons being "dropped" and "picked up" on the roadside;

•        2 lane departures on camping departure day which was trialled successfully at Falls recently;

•        Approximately 500 parking spaces at the Mullumbimby football Field for volunteers and staff

•        Detailed TCP's provided for Gate C & Gate D;

•        Buses will have exclusive use of the internal bus station for more efficient operation;

•        Proposed road widening internally (north of the northern carpark) to provide 3 lanes to separate camping arrival traffic from operational traffic;

•        Border Control (vehicle checking) improvements;

•        The internal north/south spine road has been sealed recently to reduce dust and improve travel times;

•        Improved internal signage to direct vehicles & pedestrians efficiently;

•        Channelisation & management of internal pedestrian crossings to reduce conflict with vehicles.




1.   Congestion caused by the event will directly affect a RMS controlled asset – Pacific Highway.


2.   RMS Traffic Engineering Department are required to separately approve the TMP and TCP.


3.   Bus and private vehicles movements inside the North Byron Parklands was a major issue in 2016.


4.   Pedestrian traffic along Tweed Valley Way and Brunswick Valley Way as festival goers left the venue on foot due to traffic congestion inside the site.


5.   With three major events each year, tt would be worthwhile to investigate Event Day parking restrictions to reduce signage required for events and improve compliance.




§ Budget/Financial

The event organisers have been invoiced $356.00 for the relevant Approval of Road Events pursuant to s144 of the Roads Act fee as per the Fees & Charges 2016/17.


§ Asset Management

Not applicable.


§ Policy or Regulation

Speed Limit (as required) ROAD WORK (R4-212) - Delegated to council for authorisation in conjunction with NSW Road Rules 21 and AS 1742.4 (Speed Controls) Clause 3.1.2, AS 1742.3 (Roadworks).


§ Consultation

A condition of the endorsement of this event is that appropriate consultation is undertaken, including:

1.       Advertising the impact of the event in the local newspaper and on the Council website.

2.       Informing community and business that are directly impacted.

3.       Liaising with bus and taxi operators.

4.       Consulting with emergency services.


§ Legal and Risk Management

Congestion caused by the event will directly affect a RMS controlled asset – Pacific Highway. RMS Traffic Engineering Department requires to separately approval of the TMP and TCP.





Committee Comments

No Committee comments


Management Comments

No management comments


Committee Recommendation:

1.       That Council approve the Traffic Management Plan for Splendour in the Grass 2017, to be held Friday 21 July 2017 to Sunday 23 July 2017, that includes including the installation and enforcement of No Camping and No Stopping signs between 6am and 6pm, subject to conditions at Tweed Valley Way, Brunswick Valley Way and Yelgun Road


2.       That the approval provided in Part 1 is subject to:


a.       separate approvals by NSW Police and RMS being obtained, noting that the event is on a state road or may impact the state road network


b.      implementation of the approved Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control Plan, including the use of signed detours, as designed and implemented by those with appropriate accreditation


c.       that the impact of the event be advertised via a notice in the local weekly paper a minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road closures and times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a personal contact name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries or complaints


d.      the event be notified on Council’s webpage


e.       the event organiser:


i.       undertake consultation with community and affected businesses including adequate response/action to any raised concerns


ii.      undertake consultation with emergency services and any identified issues addressed


iii.     holding $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event


iv.     paying Council’s Road Event Application Fee prior to the event


v.      the holding of an event debrief within a month following the festival which includes but not limited to Council, RMS and Police


3.       Council’s Parking Enforcement be invited to assist the event in compliance of no stopping areas within the Road Reserve


4.       That a debrief be held within two weeks of the event involving staff, Police (if they had incidents) and traffic controllers


The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.




There being no further business the meeting concluded at 12.15 pm.