Ordinary Meeting
Ordinary Meeting AGENDA
OF 21 June 2018
11. Submissions and Grants
11.1 Byron Shire Council Submissions and Grants as at 30 May 2018
Attachment 1... BSC Submissions and Grants Register as at 7 May 2018........................ 5
Corporate and Community Services
13.1 Proposed Amendments to Council's Code of Meeting Practice
Attachment 1... Clause 22 in the form it would appear if all proposed amendments were accepted................................................................................................................... 8
Attachment 2... Code of Meeting Practice Amendment to Clause 22 and Schedule A - Submission from John Anderson................................................................................ 10
Attachment 3... Code of Meeting Practice Amendment to Clause 22 and Schedule A - Submission from Duncan Dey.................................................................................... 12
13.2 Mayor and Councillors Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities Policy Review
Attachment 1... Current Policy: Mayor and Councillors Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities................................................................................................... 14
Attachment 2... OLG Circular 17-17 Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy - Better Practice Template.................................................................................................. 32
Attachment 3... DRAFT Policy Councillor Expenses and Facilities 2018........................ 49
Attachment 4... Proposed amendments to Policy: Mayor and Councillor Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities 2018...................................................................... 74
13.3 Temporary suspension of Railway Park artisan markets
Attachment 1... Correspondence concerning artisan market at Railway Park trading in winter months PDF............................................................................................. 96
Attachment 2... Policy: Sustainable Community Markets (Adopted 17/09/15 Res 15-471 replaces Markets within Byron Shire 5.51) (Current_Policies)............................ 101
13.4 Mayor and Councillor Fees 2018/2019
Attachment 1... Local Government Remuneration Tribunal Annual Report and Determination 2018............................................................................................................... 108
13.6 Public Hearing into Byron Bay Police Actions - outcome
Attachment 1... Law Enforcement Conduct Commission Hearing - Nicqui Yazdi/James Wright - Attendance Report................................................................................. 132
13.7 LGNSW Board Vacancy - Vice President (Rural/Regional Councils)
Attachment 1... Letter to General Managers_Nomination of voting delegates............... 163
Attachment 2... Annexure A_Nomination of voting delegates........................................ 165
Sustainable Environment and Economy
13.9 CZMP for the Eastern Precincts of the Byron Bay Embayment (Cape Byron to Main Beach) - Engagement and Public Exhibition Outcome
Attachment 1... Community Engagement Plan - draft CZMP for the Eastern Precincts of the BBE............................................................................................................... 167
Attachment 2... Response and/or Recommendations to Submissions Received - draft CZMP for the Eastern Precincts of the BBE.......................................................... 173
Attachment 3... Combined Agency Submissions - draft CZMP for the Eastern Precincts of the BBE - 28 May 2018........................................................................................ 193
Attachment 4... Combined Community Submissions - draft CZMP for the Eastern Precincts of the BBE........................................................................................................ 214
13.10 PLANNING - Draft Employment Lands Strategy for Public Exhibition
Attachment 1... Draft Byron Employment Land Strategy 1 June 2018.......................... 274
Attachment 2... Byron Employment Land Strategy Background Report 1 June 2018.. 330
Attachment 3... Attachment to Council report State Government agency advice on possible new Employment Lands 2018....................................................................... 497
Attachment 4... Employment Lands Strategy Engagement Plan 2018.......................... 501
Attachment 5... Disclosure of Pecuninary Interest Annexure......................................... 513
13.11 PLANNING - 26.2016.4.1 - Rural Function Centres - Results of Community Engagement
Attachment 1... 26.2016.4.1 Submissions Overview - survey review, online ideas, online forum, emails and letters................................................................................... 515
Attachment 2... 26.2016.4.1 Planning Proposal v.1........................................................ 578
Attachment 3... Form of Special Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest................................. 608
13.12 Adoption of Constitution for Strategic Business Panel
Attachment 1... CONSTITUTION Strategic Business Panel.......................................... 610
13.13 PLANNING - Residential Strategy - Accessible Housing Project (Housing Summit Action)
Attachment 1... Special Disclosure of Pecuninary Interest Annexure............................ 617
13.14 Barrio Eatery and Bar - Update on Resolution 18-170
Attachment 1... Tim Fitzroy & Associatesfinal Noise Management Report_schedule of action strategies which are attached to this report........................................... 619
Attachment 2... Tim Fitzroy & Associates_Final Noise Management Report_schedule of action strategies................................................................................................ 627
13.19 PLANNING - NSW Planning System Reforms and Community Engagement Obligations for Planning Functions
Attachment 1... Attachment 1 - Staged Implementation of NSW Planning Reforms (June 2018 Council Report)...................................................................................... 629
Attachment 2... Attachment 2 - JRPP Determination & Statement of Reasons (June 2018 Council Report)................................................................................................... 631
Attachment 3... Attachment 3 - Review of EP&A Act 1979 Public Exhibition Requirements for Planning Functions in Comparison to Existing DCP/LEP Requirements (June 2018 Council Report)...................................................................................... 634
Attachment 4... Template - Form of Special Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest ............. 639
13.21 PLANNING - Development Application 10.2018.110.1 Tourist and Visitor Accommodation (Twelve (12) Cabins including Use of Existing Structures as Storage and Staff Lunchroom and Construction of Day Spa), Camping Ground (Two Hundred and Thirty Nine (239) Sites), Park Entry Office/Kiosk, New Dwelling and Recreation Facility (Indoors) - Yoga Facility at 1897 Coolamon Scenic Drive Mullumbimby
Attachment 1... Proposed Plans 10.2018.110.1 prepared by Charles Wright Architects 641
Attachment 2... submissions received............................................................................. 655
Attachment 3... submissions received............................................................................. 822
13.22 PLANNING - Development Application 10.2018.25.1 Subdivision two lots into three lots at 31 Blackwood Crescent and Ballina Road Bangalow
Attachment 1... Proposed Plans prepared by Geolink.................................................... 972
Attachment 2... submission received.............................................................................. 974
Attachment 3... Condtions of consent ............................................................................ 975
13.26 BSC ats Dromore Properties Pty Ltd Land and Environment Court Proceedings
Attachment 1... Attachment 1 Ordinary 21 June 2018 Dromore report......................... 982
Attachment 2... Attachment 2 Conditions of Consent Dromore LEC Appeal................ 983
Infrastructure Services
13.28 Update on MR 545 Transport Studies
Attachment 1... QTT17012 Desktop Review of MR545 Traffic Studies for Byron Shire Council (Final).pdf............................................................................................... 991
Attachment 2... QTT17012 - West Byron Report - Independent Review (101117).pdf 1010
Attachment 3... 24.2015.48.1 from Lambert and Rehbein Ewingsdale Road B15408 Concept Design Report Draft Final Rev A - Appendix A B15408-DR-01to11_A 1015
Corporate and Community Services
14.1 Report of the Finance Advisory Committee Meeting held on 17 May 2018
Attachment 1... Minutes Finance Advisory Committee meeting 17 May 2018............ 1027
14.2 Report of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Meeting held on 17 May 2018
Attachment 1... Minutes 17/05/2018 Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee.......... 1030
14.3 Report of the Arakwal Memorandum of Understanding Advisory Committee Meeting held on 31 May 2018
Attachment 1... Minutes of the Arakwal (MoU) Advisory Committee meeting held on 31 May 2018............................................................................................................. 1035
Infrastructure Services
14.5 Report of the Water, Waste and Sewer Advisory Committee Meeting held on 31 May 2018
Attachment 1... Minutes 31/05/2018 Water, Waste and Sewer Advisory Committee.. 1039
15. Questions With Notice
15.3 Report 13.9 of 24 May 2018 Ordinary Meeting Agenda
Attachment 1... John Anderson Question taken on Notice 24 May 2018..................... 1043
Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services 13.1 - Attachment 1
22.1 The first hour of each meeting will be allocated to Public Access to allow people to speak in favour of or against the recommendation of matters listed on the Agenda for that meeting.
22.2 If, after all scheduled speeches in favour of or against the recommendation of matters listed on the Agenda, time remains within the first hour of the meeting, at the discretion of the Chairperson the meeting can commence or the Public Access session can continue for registered submissions on items that are not on the Agenda or registered questions from members of the public on current agenda items or current issues before Council.
22.3 Requests to address Council during Public Access must be made to the General Manager or the Mayor no later than 12.00pm midday one day prior to the Meeting using the online form available on Councils website, over the phone or in person at Council’s Administration Centre in Mullumbimby. Requests must make clear:
a) whether the speaker is speaking generally in favour of, or against the recommended actions.
b) the subject of any submission.
c) the text of any question
Requests that do not meet the above requirements will not be included in Public Access
22.4 Requests to Address Council during Public Access which are received after the 12.00pm midday deadline the day prior to the Meeting are to be considered at the discretion of the Chairperson.
22.5 People/Organisations wanting to speak in favour of or against items on the Agenda will be listed for Public Access in the same order the items appear on the Agenda.
22.6 A person/organisation is permitted one speech in favour of or against items on the Agenda.
22.7 Five minutes is allocated for speeches in favour of and against items on the Agenda (total ten minutes per agenda item). Should there be more than one speaker addressing Council in favour of or against the recommendation of the same Agenda item, speakers will share the allocated five minutes.
22.8 The Mayor will invite Councillors to ask questions of speakers at the conclusion of their speech in favour of or against an item on the Agenda.
22.9 A person/organisation is permitted to register one submission per meeting on matters that are not on the Agenda.
22.10 Two minutes is allocated for submissions to Councils on matters that are not on the Agenda.
22.11 A person/organisation is permitted to register to ask one question of Council per meeting.
22.12 One minute is allocated per question of Council.
22.13 The Mayor, Councillors or General Manager will provide a response to questions asked of Council at the meeting if possible. That response will be included in the meeting minutes. If a response is unable to be provided the question will be taken on notice, with an answer to be provided to the person/organisation prior to the next Ordinary Meeting and placed on Councils website under the Council Meetings tab.
22.14 In order to be taken on notice, a question must be asked in person by the registered speaker at the meeting. Other enquiries of Council can be made by contacting the General Manager.
22.15 The only exception to point 22.13 is if the Chairperson determines that there is insufficient time on the day of the meeting to accommodate all requests for Public Access and thereby all registered questions will be taken on notice and responded to as per 22.13.
22.16 It is possible that not all requests to speak in favour of or against items on the Agenda, make a submission or ask a question of Council will be able to be accommodated within the Public Access part of the meeting. Members of the public are encouraged to contact their Councillors and/or Council regarding their concerns, questions or opinion before the Council meeting in case there is insufficient time on the day of the meeting to accommodate all requests for Public Access.
22.17 Additional speeches in favour of or against items on the Agenda, submissions on matters not including on the Agenda or questions to be put to Council may be accommodated at the discretion of the Chairperson.
22.18 Motions to extend the Public Access part of the meeting may be considered by Council.
22.19 A motion to extend the Public Access part of the meeting is a Procedural Motion. It must be proposed and need not be seconded.
22.20 Only one Procedural Motion for extension to the Public Access part of the meeting may be considered at a meeting. In circumstances deemed by the Chairperson to be exceptional, additional extensions may be considered.
22.21 The Chairperson shall give precedence to the Procedural Motion.
22.22 No debate or amendments shall be permitted on the Procedural Motion.
22.23 If a Procedural Motion to extend the Public Access part of the meeting is not supported by the majority of Councillors entitled to vote on it then it may not be re-introduced.
Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services 13.2 - Attachment 1
POLICY NO. 14/010
Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services 13.2 - Attachment 1
Date Commenced |
29 March 1994 |
Policy Responsibility |
Corporate and Community Services |
Date Adopted |
29 March 1994 |
Resolution No, |
Review Timeframe |
Within 5 months at the end of each year |
Last Review Date: |
October 2016 |
Next Review Date |
May 2017 |
Document History
Doc No. |
Date Amended |
Details Comments eg Resolution No. |
24/9/96 |
5/3/04 |
Res No. 04-166 |
#541785 |
27/9/05 |
Res No. 05-684 |
#606871 |
14/11/06 |
Res No. 06-730 adopted 28/6/07 07-342 |
#705189 |
27/9/07 |
Res No. 07-511 |
#754283 |
24/4/08 |
Res No. 08-252 placed on exhibition (#760664) |
#779620 |
31/8/08 |
Res No. 08-525 adopted |
#790811 |
Come into effect 13/9/08 |
#779666 |
28/8/08 |
Res No. 08-525 |
#790824 |
Placed on public exhibition |
#805632 |
27/11/08 |
Res No 08-727 |
#815079 |
27/11/08 |
Res No 08-727 (adopted after exhibition) |
#906057 |
13/8/09 |
Res No. 09-634 (adopted after exhibition – no submissions) |
#942479 |
Amended in accordance with DLG Guidelines 09-36 |
#942479 |
7/10/10 |
Res No. 10-799 placed on exhibition (#942479) |
#1057179 |
10/02/11 |
Res No. 10-1110 adopted 10/02/11 Res No. 11-14 |
#1069432 |
16/3/11 |
Res No. 10-1110 adopted 10/2/11 Res No. 11-14 Typo changes – ref Clauses |
#1120094 |
25/8/11 |
Reported to Council for advertising 8/9/11 to 6/10/11. |
#1151504 |
7/10/11 |
Adopted after close of exhibition see Res 11-648 – no submissions received |
#1184365 |
9/1/12 |
Updated Page 3 and 7 of 14 - referencing Clauses |
#E2012/7649 |
9/8/12 |
Adopted after close of exhibition period see Res 12-602 – no sub received |
#E2013/48106 |
29/8/2013 |
Reported to Council for advertising #E2013/48057 |
#E2013/72869 |
Created with incorrect Policy No. |
E2013/74016 |
7/11/13 |
Adopted after close of exhibition period – no sub received Res No. 13-411 |
E2014/46393 |
7/8/2014 |
Reported to Council for advertising E2014/46307 |
E2014/53161 |
12/8/2014 |
Amended for exhibition as per Res No. 14--378 |
E2014/61952 |
17/9/2014 |
Adopted after close of exhibition – no submissions received |
E2015/45197 |
27/8/2015 |
Draft amended reported to Council I2015/718 |
E2015/72233 |
29/10/2015 |
Adopted after close of exhibition – 2 submissions received Res 15-561 |
E2016/95684 |
27/10/2016 |
Amended as per Council Resolution 16-538 |
Further Document Information and Relationships
Related Legislation |
Local Government Act
1993 Sections 23a 252, 253 254 |
Related Policies |
Model Code of Conduct Light Motor Vehicle Fleet #978485 |
Related Procedures/ Protocols, Statements, documents |
Email Communications Procedure #664764 Procedures Light Motor Vehicles · Fees& Charges and Makes and Models #1037783 · General Terms of Use #1037780 · Size of Fleet, Type of Vehicles & Allocation of Vehicles and Permitted Uses #1037773 Councillors Allowances Claim Form E2013/42853 – Last Updated 01/07/2014 |
Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services 13.2 - Attachment 1
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 1
2. OBJECTIVES................................................................................................................... 1
3. FIXING AND PAYMENT OF ANNUAL FEES............................................................... 1
4. GENERAL CONDUCT.................................................................................................... 2
5. TRAVEL EXPENSES/PROVISIONS.............................................................................. 2
6. PAYMENT OF EXPENSES (MONETARY LIMITS)..................................................... 3
7. FACILITIES FOR MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS........................................................ 3
7.1. Mayor....................................................................................................................... 3
7.2. Deputy Mayor and Councillors................................................................................ 4
7.3. Acquisition and return of facilities and equipment by Mayor and Councillors........ 7
8.1. Who may attend conferences, seminars and training............................................. 7
8.2. What Conferences and Seminars may be attended............................................... 7
8.3. Training and Development...................................................................................... 8
8.4. Guidelines for Authorisation..................................................................................... 8
8.5. Reporting requirements following Councillor and Mayor’s attendance at the Conference, Seminar or Training.................................................................................................................... 9
8.6. Registration.............................................................................................................. 9
8.7. Travel Expenses Incurred....................................................................................... 9
8.8. Accommodation.................................................................................................... 10
8.9. Out of Pocket Expenses Incurred......................................................................... 10
8.10. Payment In Advance............................................................................................. 10
8.11. Overseas Conferences/Seminars etc................................................................... 10
9. WHERE EXPENSES MAY NOT BE USED................................................................. 11
10. PAYMENT OF EXPENSES FOR Spouse/Partner or
Accompanying Person........................................................................................ 11
10.1. Payment of expenses
for Spouse/Partner or Accompanying Person
at Conferences...................................................................................................... 11
10.2. Payment of expenses
for Spouse/Partner or Accompanying Person at
Official Council Functions..................................................................................... 11
11. INSURANCes................................................................................................................ 12
11.1. Personal Accident Insurance................................................................................. 12
11.2. Professional indemnity.......................................................................................... 12
11.3. Public Liability........................................................................................................ 12
11.4. Statutory Liability................................................................................................... 12
11.5. Councillors and Officers Liability........................................................................... 13
12. Claims Procedure................................................................................................. 13
13. DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCESS........................................................................... 13
14. GIFTS AND BENEFITS................................................................................................ 13
15. LEGAL EXPENSES AND OBLIGATIONS.................................................................. 13
16. REFERENCE TO COUNCILLOR................................................................................. 14
Annexure A – AllOWANCE CLAIM FORM................................................................... 15
Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services 13.2 - Attachment 1
Under the Local Government Act
1993 including Section 252 to 254, requires that the Council must adopt a
policy concerning the payment of expenses and the provision of facilities to
the Mayor and other Councillors.
Section 428(2)(f) requires a council to include in its Annual Report:
1.1. Total
amount of money expended during the year on providing those facilities and
paying those expenses.
1.2. Council’s
policy on the provision of facilities for, and the payment of expenses to
1.3. The
payment of Councillors’ expenses, together with a statement of the total
amount of money expended during that year on the provision of such facilities
and the payment of such expenses.
Section 12 provides that the public is entitled to inspect the Council’s policy concerning the payment of expenses incurred by, and the provision of facilities to Councillors, free of charge, and may obtain a copy, either free of charge or on payment of reasonable copying charges.
This policy should be read in conjunction with Council’s Code of Conduct, Policy 1.8, in particular, Clause 8 – Personal Benefit, and Clause 10 – Access to Information and Council Resources, DLG Circular 08/24 – Misuse of Council resources and DLG Circular 08/37 – Council decision making prior to ordinary elections.
To ensure the Mayor and
Councillors and/or appointed Administrators of Byron Shire Council are:
2.1. reimbursed for reasonable and appropriate expenses incurred in the performance of their civic duties.
2.2. provided with a range of facilities to assist in the discharge of their civic duties.
The Councillors annual fees do not fall within the scope of this Policy. See Local Government Act 1993 Section 248 - Fixing and payment of annual fees for Councillors and Section 249 - Fixing and payment of annual fees for the Mayor.
Councillors must act lawfully, honestly and exercise a reasonable degree of care and diligence in carrying out their function under the Local Government Act or any other Act. This is required under Section 439 of the Local Government Act and reinforced in Council’s adopted Code of Conduct made under Section 440 of the Act.
5.1. Councillors are entitled to claim “mileage” allowance for use of private vehicles when used to travel (including return) between their place of residence or employment, utilising the most direct route possible, subject to the Councillor’s private vehicle being currently registered and covered by Compulsory Third Party Insurance:-
5.1.1. To
attend Council or Committee or Sub-Committee meetings and appointments at the
Council Chambers, Council’s Training Rooms, Depots and Halls/Community
Centres for Council business;
5.1.2. Inspections
within the Council’s area undertaken in compliance with a resolution of the
Council if for good reason they are unable to use transport when provided by
5.1.3. Attending
public meetings convened by the Council;
5.1.4. Individual or personal inspections of any site within Council’s area listed on the current Council Meeting Agenda, if for good reason they are unable to use transport when provided by the Council;
5.1.5. To
and from the periodical conferences and seminars as stated in Clause 8.
5.1.6. To
attend Council Regional Committee of Sub- Committee meetings.
5.1.7. To attend any other official Council events, functions, meeting and public information sessions.
5.2. Reimbursement will be paid at the current rate of the “mileage” allowance set by the appropriate Local Government Industrial Award from time to time.
5.3. All
vehicle allowance claims to be made in accordance with the Claims Procedure at
Section 12.
5.4. Costs
of traffic or parking fines incurred whilst travelling in private or Council
vehicles on Council business are the responsibility of the driver.
5.5. Councillors unable or unwilling to drive to any Council business, as stated in 5.1.1 to 5.1.7, and if Council is unable to provide transport to the Council business, may use public transport or taxis utilising the most direct route possible which costs will be reimbursed by Council.
6.1. No annual, monthly or daily allowance or expense
type allowance payment will be payable in any circumstance.
6.2. Monetary
limits applying to this policy include:
6.2.1. Carer’s
expenses Mayor and Councillors maximum $3,000 (total for all Councillors
including Mayor) per annum
6.2.2. Fixed
and Mobile charges for: voice calls, data services, telephone/mobile
line/handset rental
a) Mayor
- $235 per month maximum
b) Councillor - $200 (per Councillor) per
month maximum
6.2.3. Computer
hardware (including laptops, tablets and smartphones), printer, software and
Mayor and Councillors
a) maximum of $3,700 (per Mayor/Councillor) in the first year only for term of office, for initial purchase of equipment, software licenses, consumables, protective covers or carry case for equipment and line installation as deemed necessary for business paper distribution, to work with documents supplied by Council and for communications.
b) maximum of $2,000 (per Mayor/Councillor) in the either the second or third year of office, for purchase of equipment, software licenses, consumables and protective covers or carrycase for equipment and line equipment for the purposes stated in a) above;
c) maximum of $1,000 (per Mayor/Councillor) in the fourth year of office per annum for consumables and protective covers or carry case for equipment purchased.
d) maximum
of $2,000 (total for all Councillors including Mayor) per annum for services
(backup support) provided by hardware supplier/local providers.
6.2.4. Out of Pocket Expenses associated with attending conferences, seminars or training, maximum $100 per day
6.3. Reimbursement
of expenses must be made in accordance with the Claims Procedure at Clause 12.
7.1. Mayor
In addition to those facilities
provided to the Councillors in 7.2, the Mayor is entitled to receive the
benefit of:
7.1.1. The
use of a Council vehicle for official and private use by the Mayor and that the
Mayor be required to pay to Council an appropriate rate per kilometre for
his/her private use of the vehicle.
a) The
vehicle is provided in accordance with Council’s adopted Policy Light
Motor Vehicle Fleet and associated procedures being:
i) Light Motor Vehicle -Fees & Charges and Makes and Models
ii) Light Motor Vehicle – General Terms of Use.
iii) Light
Motor Vehicle – Size of Fleet, Type of Vehicles and Allocation of
Vehicles and Permitted Uses
b) The vehicle be made available by arrangement with the Mayor for official Council business;
c) An
allotted parking space at the Council’s Administration building.
d) The vehicle be returned to Council after completion of his/her term of office, extended leave of absence or at the cessation of his/her civic duties.
7.1.2. A
furnished office for civic duties provided in Council’s Administration
7.1.3. Secretarial
services relating to the discharge of his or her civic functions;
7.1.4. Administrative
assistance associated with civic functions, meetings and the like;
7.1.5. Office
7.1.6. Provision
of a Mastercard with Council’s preferred banking institution to the value
of $5,000 (see Claims Procedure at Clause 12) Note:
All expenditure on the credit card must be in accordance with the provisions of
the Policy and is not for private use.
7.2. Deputy Mayor and Councillors
The Councillors, including the
Deputy Mayor are to receive the benefit of:-
7.2.1. Access
Provisions – Appropriate provisions will be made for sight or hearing
impaired councillors or those with any other disability.
7.2.2. Business
cards - using Council’s Logo;
7.2.3. Carer
Expenses – Council will reimburse the reasonable costs of carer
arrangements, including childcare expenses and care of the elderly, disabled
and/or sick immediate family members of Councillors, to allow Councillors to
undertake their Council business obligations.
i) Reimbursement of reasonable costs will only be available to enable the Councillor’s attendance at essential Council activities and will be the subject of a separate application by the affected Councillor in each instance, for determination by the General Manager.
ii) Child/dependant care expenses are not to be reimbursed if the care is provided by a relative of the Councillor who ordinarily resides with the Councillor. A ‘relative’ is defined as a spouse, defacto partners, parent, son, daughter, brother, sister or grandparent.
iii) Childcare will only be provided to children of the Councillor up to an including the age of 16 years.
iv) After approval, Council will
reimburse actual expenses incurred by Councillors in this regard upon
submission of a claim (in line with the Claims Procedure at Clause 12)
supported by receipts and details of the activity attended. The maximum
entitlement for such expenses in accordance with the monetary limits set at
7.2.4. Computer
– Council will reimburse the cost of a laptop computer and other forms of
electronic services as deemed necessary for business paper distribution and
communications, as per Clause 6.2.3.
7.2.5. Computer
Software – Council will reimburse the cost of appropriate software to
work with documents supplied by Council, as per Clause 6.2.3.
7.2.6. Computer/Tablet
Training - Training to be arranged through local providers.
7.2.7. Computer/Tablet Support – Provided by hardware supplier/local providers in accordance with monetary limits set in 6.2.3 c).
7.2.8. Email
Address - Councillor emails are to be in the format:
Council’s IT department will arrange the set up of this domain.
7.2.9. Fax/Printing
a) Council
will reimburse the purchase cost of a multi-function fax/printer/ scanner for
use at place of residence or business.
b) Maintenance/servicing
and consumables to be provided by external providers and the costs to be
reimbursed by Council.
c) Monetary limits are in accordance with Clause 6.2.3.
d) The fax number is to be provided to the public.
7.2.10. Filing
- Up to a four (4) drawer filing cabinet and associated equipment to be
used in place of residence.
7.2.11. Internet
- fixed or mobile
Council will meet the cost of Internet (data) charges, fixed or mobile (as
required) involved in the conduct of Council business, as per Clause 6.2.2.
7.2.12. Landline
Installation Costs - The Council shall:-
a) Meet
the initial cost of installation, where necessary, of the equipment in the
residence of the Councillor, including one (1) additional extension point for
an existing phone line or one (1) separate point for a dedicated line.
b) Meet
the cost of any maintenance/servicing of the equipment including any service
call charge.
c) The land line number is to be made available to the public.
7.2.13. Meals:
Provide sustenance prior to or during Council’s official Meetings and
meetings of Councillors with Parliamentary representatives visiting dignitaries
and other delegations, including vegetarian or other specific sustenance for
any Councillor who notifies such preference;
7.2.14. Mobile
and Landline Monthly Charges
a) After initial set up costs for telephone lines, internet broadband and fax, the maximum payable by Council to enable Councillors to conduct their civic duties will be as stated in Claure 6 “Payment of Expenses – Monetary Limits”.
b) Council
will meet the monthly cost of a mobile and/or landline plan within the limits
set by Clause 6.2.2.
c) Individual
Councillors are to meet the cost of accounts above the limit set in Clause
c) The
mobile and landline number is to be made available to the public.
7.2.15. Postage
of hardcopy official correspondence - all hardcopy mail is to be directed
through the Council’s own mailing system. Reimbursement of expenses
will only be made where expenses can be verified.
7.2.16. Support
a) Publishing council information, including business papers, memos and workshop presentations which is accessibly to Councillors via the web or tablet application
b) Coordination of the shared Councillors’ Diary
c) Conference registration
d) Expense reimbursement
e) Catering for meetings and workshops
f) Provision of stationery as per 7.2.17
7.2.17. Stationery
- Use of official stationery and supplies to carry out official duties;
7.2.18. Transport
to official functions (if needed) when deputising for the Mayor;
7.2.19. Use
of Private Equipment - Councillors may use their existing
telecommunications lines. Reimbursement for use will be made in
accordance with the monetary limits set in 6.2.2. No retrospective
payments will be made on existing line rentals.
If this option is used,
Councillors are encouraged to make their landline telephone and fax numbers available
to the public. All contact numbers are to be provided to staff.
7.2.20. Vehicles
- Access to suitable vehicle or vehicles (if available) provided by the Council
for use on official duties connected with the office of a Councillor.
7.3. Acquisition and return of facilities and
equipment by Mayor and Councillors
a) Return to Council all Council provided equipment. Councillors are to arrange for disconnection of services, subscriptions or mobile phone plans in their own name.
b) The
equipment may be purchased by the Mayor or Councillors at either trade in value
or the price Council would obtain for its disposal of particular items.
c) Council
may require reimbursement of a portion of the monetary value of the equipment
if he/she resigns in the first 12 months of service.
8.1. Who may attend conferences, seminars and
8.1.1. Councillors
may be authorised to attend conferences, seminars and similar functions by:-
a) Preferably,
the Council, through resolution duly passed at a Council meeting arising from a
report to Council or a notice of motion by a Councillor
b) The
General Manager and Mayor jointly, provided the attendance is within the
guidelines in Clause 8.4.2 of this policy
c) The Mayor, provided the Councillor is a substitute for another Councillor previously authorised to attend that conference.
8.2. What Conferences and Seminars may be attended
8.2.1. The conferences, seminars, workshops, courses and similar to which this policy applies shall generally be confined to:
a) Local Government NSW Annual Conference (LGA and Australian local Government Association (ALGA) Conferences;
b) Special “one-off” conferences called or sponsored by or for LGNSW on important issues;
c) Annual conferences and congresses of the major professions in local government;
d) Australian Sister Cities Conferences;
e) Regional Organisation of Councils Conferences
f) Conferences which advance the professional development of elected members in their role as Councillors.
g) Any meetings or conferences of organisations or bodies on which a Councillor of the Council may be elected, or appointed to be, a delegate or member of the Council or LGNSW.
h) Seminars which further the training and development efforts of the Council and within the budget framework.
8.3. Training and Development
8.3.1. Council supports and encourages an active learning process and skills development in addition to providing for attendance at seminars and conferences related to Council functions. It is essential that the training or educational course is directly related to the Councillor’s civic functions and responsibilities and within budget parameters.
8.4. Guidelines for Authorisation
8.4.1. A resolution of Council is required to authorise attendance of Councillors at:
a) LGNSW Conference(s) as a voting delegate
b) National General Assembly of Local Government as a voting delegate
c) Overseas conferences
d) Any
other discretionary conference, seminar or training.
8.4.2. Any
discretionary conference, seminar or training (as per (d) above) not able to be
authorised at a Council meeting the General Manager and Mayor jointly may
authorise Councillors’ attendance at:
· One conference, seminar or similar function per Councillor per financial year provided the conference is held in NSW, the ACT or South East Queensland and the Councillor has not attended a previous conference that year
If the Mayor requires approval to attend a conference/seminar not able to be
authorised at a Council meeting the Deputy Mayor and General Manager jointly
may authorise the Mayor’s attendance.
Councillors or Mayor’s attendance at conferences authorised by the
General Manager and Mayor will be reported to the next quarterly review of the
Management Plan.
8.4.3. The General Manager may approve the Mayor and Councillors' attendance at events/forums held in the local area up to the value of $100.
8.4.4. Procedures:
a) Staff will prepare a report to Council inviting nominations to attend the following conferences:
· Local Government NSW Annual Conference
· National General Assembly of Local Government
b) Submission of motions for consideration by Council will be done by notice of motion, which can be considered during the year.
c) Staff
will remind Councillors of the opportunity to submit motions for these
conferences in May in the case of the National General Assembly of Local
Government and in August in the case of the LGNSW Annual Conference.
d) All other conference attendance requiring Council resolution will be submitted as a notice of motion by a Councillor wishing to attend, in accordance with Council’s normal procedures for such notices of motion. Councillors other than the Councillor who submitted the notice of motion may be authorised to attend by Council.
8.5. Reporting requirements following Councillor
and Mayor’s attendance at the Conference, Seminar or Training
The Mayor and Councillors are required to report in writing a Delegate’s Report to an Ordinary Meeting of Council on the aspects of the conference, seminar or training relevant to Council business and or the local community. The report must be submitted to the General Manager within one month of the Councillor’s or Mayor’s attendance at the Conference or Seminar.
8.6. Registration
The Council will pay all normal registration costs which are charged by organisers, including the costs of related official luncheons, dinners and tours which are relevant to the interests of the Council or assist Councillors to discharge the functions of their civic office.
8.7. Travel Expenses Incurred
Payment or reimbursement of
expenses incurred when travelling to conferences and seminars of local
government related organisations at which attendance has been approved.
8.7.1. the
travel is undertaken with all due expedition, and by the shortest practicable
8.7.2. All
reasonable travel costs will be met by the Council. Where appropriate,
travel will be provided by air (economy class). Depending upon the
circumstances, it may be more appropriate for travel to be undertaken by car or
train. Where trains are used, the Council will provide first class
travel, including a sleeping berth where necessary.
8.7.3. Travel
by motor vehicle may be undertaken by Council vehicle (where available) or by
private vehicle subject to prior approval from the General Manager.
Councillors using private vehicles will be paid the “mileage”
allowance at the then current rate set by the appropriate Local Government
Industrial Award from time to time, but subject to any such payment not
exceeding economy class air fares to and from the particular destination.
8.7.4. Cost
of vehicle hire and/or taxi fares which are reasonable and incurred while
attending conferences will be reimbursed by the Council.
8.8. Accommodation
Reasonable accommodation costs
(including meals), including the night before and/or after the conference,
seminar, meeting or function including entertainment but excluding expenses of
a normal private nature.
The reasonable daily accommodation amount will be in accordance with the
Taxation ruling for that year.
8.9. Out of Pocket Expenses Incurred
So that Councillors, as delegates
of the Council attending conferences which involve an overnight stay are not
thereby financially disadvantaged, each Councillor attending in pursuance of a
Council resolution or Mayoral authority, shall be entitled to an
“out-of-pocket” allowance.
8.9.1. only
reasonable amounts are claimed or accepted towards necessary out-of-pocket
expenses to a maximum $100 per day;
8.9.2. out-of-pocket
expenses for which amounts are claimed relate only to the verified (tax
invoice) costs of meals, travel, registration fees, stationery and the like;
8.9.3. any
time occupied or travel incurred in other than Council business is not included
in the calculation of expenses to be paid; and
8.9.4. the
claim is made not later than three (3) months after the expenses were incurred,
and upon a official receipt for payments.
8.10. Payment In Advance
The Council will normally pay registration
fees and can pay, accommodation deposits and airline tickets direct in
advance. Where this is not appropriate or possible, a cash allowance or
cheque equivalent thereto will be paid to the attendee in advance or following
the receipt of an expense claim form attaching proof of payment where the
Councillor has personally made payment. Note 8.7 and 8.8 for “reasonable
amounts” to be claimed. Refer to 12.1 for the claims procedure.
An allowance for estimated
“out-of-pocket” expenses (up to $100 per day) may be paid to an
attendee in advance upon request, subject to a reconciliation statement,
verification of expenses and the refund of any unexpended amount being
submitted within seven (7) days of the close of the conference, seminar or
8.11. Overseas Conferences/Seminars etc.
Attendance by a Councillor at any conference, seminar, congress, forum, workshop, course, meeting, deputation, information or training sessions, events, etc. related to the industry of local government which are held overseas, must be authorised prior to departure by specific resolution of the council and such resolution shall specify and detail the conditions of attendance.
9.1. Political fundraising
Councillors may not claim expenses to support attendance at political fundraising functions.
9.2. Communication expenses
Individual Councillors or groups of Councillors may not claim expenses to produce and disseminate personalised pamphlets, newsletters and the like without the prior approval of Council being obtained via Council resolution.
FOR Spouse/Partner or Accompanying Person
10.1. Payment of expenses for Spouse/Partner or Accompanying
Person at Conferences.
10.1.1. Where
the Councillor is accompanied by his or her spouse/partner or accompanying
person (ie. a person who has a close personal relationship with the councillor
and/or provides carer support to the councillor), all costs for the
spouse/partner or accompanying person, including travel, meals and room
upgrades are to be met by the Councillor or spouse/partner of accompanying
10.1.2. The
spouse/partner or accompanying person’s registration and or program fees
(if attending), are to be paid to the conference organiser and paid at time of
registration. The Council is prepared to receive such registration and
payments and forward them on to the conference organiser with any
Councillor’s registration.
10.1.3. Where
Council meets, on account, any expenditure or costs on behalf of an accompanying
person attending a conference, such expenditure must be repaid to the Council
by the Councillor within seven (7) days of being invoiced for such expenditure
following the conclusion of the conference.
10.1.4. Limited
expenses of spouses, partners and accompanying persons will be met by Council
in association with the Mayor or Councillors’ attendance at the Local
Government Association’s Annual Conference. These expenses will be
limited to registration costs and attendance at the conference dinner.
Any additional travel and accommodation expenses and the cost of partner tours
etc. will be the personal responsibility of the individual Councillor or
spouse/partner or accompanying person.
10.2. Payment of expenses for Spouse/Partner or Accompanying
Person at Official Council Functions.
10.2.1. Council
will meet reasonable costs for spouses/partners or accompanying persons when
accompanying Mayor or Councillors at official council functions that are of a
formal and ceremonial nature within the Byron Shire. Examples include but
not limited to, Australia Day award ceremonies, civic receptions and charitable
functions or events formally supported by the Council.
10.2.2. Council
will also meet reasonable costs for a spouse/partner or accompanying person of
the Mayor, or a Councillor when they are representing the Mayor, at an official
function of the Council, or carry out an official ceremonial duty while
accompanying the Mayor (or Councillor representing the Mayor) outside the Local
Government area, but within the State or South East Queensland.
10.2.3. Payment of expenses for a spouse, partner or accompanying person when attending the abovementioned appropriate functions, will be limited to the ticket, meal or the direct cost of attending the function. Additional expenses such as accommodation, transport, grooming or special clothing are not considered to be reimbursable expenses.
11.1. Personal Accident Insurance
Whilst ever on Council business,
world-wide covering bodily injury caused by accidental, violent, external and
visible means up to a sub-limit for death of $500,000. Also covering
permanent disablement, temporary total disability. The cover does not
include medical expenses. Full details of personal accident
insurance are available in Council’s Insurance Manual held by the Risk
Management Officer.
11.2. Professional indemnity
For matters arising out of
Councillors’ performance of civic duties or exercise of their functions
as Councillors, provided the performance or exercise of the relevant civic duty
of function is in the opinion of Council bona fide and/or proper; subject to
any limitations or conditions set out in the policy of insurance which is, at
the direction of Council, taken out. No such benefit, irrespective of
insurance cover, shall be provided in relation to an action by one Councillor
against another Councillor or a Councillor against a member of staff.
11.3. Public Liability
For matters arising out of Councillor’s performance of civic duties or exercise of their functions as Councillors; subject to any limitation or conditions set out in the policy of insurance which is, at the direction of Council, taken out. No such benefit, irrespective of insurance cover shall be provided in relation to an action by one Councillor against another Councillor or a Councillor against a member of staff.
11.4. Statutory Liability
It provides protection against fines or penalties arising out of breaches of Acts of Parliament, plus the legal costs accrued in defending Council as an entity, individual Councillors and officers so long as the act was not wilfully committed. The policy will cover costs accrued before an individual is named in proceedings. Costs are then referred to Councillors and Officers policy.
11.5. Councillors and Officers Liability
This policy provides the main protection against personal liability for individual councillors and officers for matter arising from employment practices, civil fines and penalties and their defence costs, pollution defence costs and inquiries/investigations.
12. Claims Procedure
12.1. Councillors
must provide a certified claim in the form at Appendix A for all travel and out
of pocket expenses incurred. All claims must be accompanied by tax invoice
12.2. All claims should be made monthly unless otherwise specified. At the end of each financial year any claims outstanding for the previous financial year must be submitted in the first week of July.
12.3. All
reimbursement of expenses must be approved by the General Manager.
12.4. All
expenses being reimbursed must be in accordance with the provisions of this
12.5. The Mayor’s Mastercard expense claims must be accompanied by Appendix A “Allowance Claim Form”. All expenditure must be accompanied by Tax invoice receipts and remitted monthly by a date determined by the Finance Department.
Should a dispute arise about the provision of expenses and facilities, or when an expense claim is not approved by the General Manager, then the disputed decision should be reviewed by the Internal Audit Committee, with a report to the full Council meeting.
In circumstances where it is appropriate for councillors to give a gift or benefit (for example on a council business related trip or when receiving visitors), these gifts and benefits should be of token value and in accordance with Council’s Code of Conduct (clause 8.1)
15.1. Council
may disburse money only if the disbursement is authorised by the Local Government
Act 1993, either expressly or because it is supplemental or incidental to or
consequential upon the exercise of its functions.
15.2. In
the particular circumstances outlined below, Council may therefore indemnify or
reimburse the reasonable legal expenses of a Councillor:
15.2.1. defending
an action arising from the performance in good faith of his or her functions as
a Councillor as referred to in s731 of the Local Government Act 1993; or
15.2.2. defending
an action in defamation provided the statements complained of were made in good
faith in the course of exercising his or her functions as a Councillor; or
15.2.3. for proceedings before any investigative or review body provided the conduct being investigated arises from the performance in good faith of his or her functions as a Councillor under the Local Government Act 1993, that the matter before the investigative or review body has progressed past any initial assessment phase to a formal investigation or review and the investigative or review body makes a finding substantially favourable to the Councillor. Investigative or review bodies may include:-
(i) Local Government Pecuniary Interest and Disciplinary Tribunal
(ii) Independent Commission Against Corruption
(iii) Office of the NSW Ombudsman
(iv) Division of Local Government, Department of Premier and Cabinet
(v) NSW Police Force
(vi) Director of Public Prosecutions
(vii) Council’s
Conduct Review Committee/Reviewer
15.2.4. In the case of a conduct complaint made against a Councillor, legal costs will only be made available where a matter has been referred by the General Manager to the Conduct Review Committee to make formal enquiries into the matter in accordance with the procedures in Council’s Code of Conduct.
15.2.5. In the case of a pecuniary interest or misbehaviour matter legal costs will only be made available where a formal investigation has been commenced by the Division of Local Government.
15.3. Legal
expenses incurred in relation to proceedings or investigations arising out of
the performance by a Councillor or his or her functions as a Councillor are to
be distinguished from expenses incurred in relation to proceedings arising
merely from something that a Councillor has done during his or her term of
office. An example of the latter is expenses arising from an
investigation as to whether a Councillor acted corruptly by using knowledge of
a proposed rezoning for private gain which type of expense would not be
15.4. Council
will not meet the costs of an action in defamation taken by a Councillor as
plaintiff in any circumstances.
15.5. Council
will not meet the costs of a Councillor seeking advice in respect of possible
defamation, or in seeking a non-litigious remedy for possible defamation.
15.6. Council will not meet the costs in respect of any legal proceedings initiated by any Councillors, acting as individuals, in any circumstances.
15.7. The
amount of expenses that may be reimbursed to a Councillor shall be reduced by
the amount of any money that are recouped by the Councillor on any basis.
15.8. The approval of Council is required to be sought and gained, where possible, prior to legal expenses being incurred.
A reference in this policy to a Councillor includes the Mayor, unless the contrary is expressly indicated.
Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services 13.2 - Attachment 1
CR ____________________ ALLOWANCE CLAIM FORM
Section 252, Local Government Act, 1993
Date |
Meetings, Authorised Council Business and Inspections |
Vehicle Allowance under 2.5L = 68c KM over 2.5L = 78c KM Rates subject to change as per Council Agreement (Award) No of kms 68c or 78c |
Total $
@ |
@ |
@ |
@ |
@ |
@ |
@ |
@ |
@ |
@ |
Date |
Sundry Claims |
Sub Total |
$ |
Total |
$ |
I hereby certify that the above expenses have been incurred and accordingly claim reimbursement in accordance with Council Policy. All receipts for sundry items are attached to this Claim Form.
Councillor ________________________ _______________________ ____________________
Name (Please Print) Signature Date
Office Use Only
Equipment |
2151.004 ___ |
Total $___________ |
Sundry |
2145.006 ___ |
Total $___________ |
Travel |
2145.002 ___ |
Total $___________ |
Carers Expenses |
2145.011 ___ |
Total $___________ |
Conference |
2145.004 ___ |
Total $___________ |
Equip Support/svc |
2145.012 ___ |
Total $___________ |
Telephone/data |
2145.005 ___ |
Total $___________ |
Consumables |
2145.013 ___ |
Total $___________ |
Authorised: _____________________________ Date ________________ TOTAL CLAIMED $___________
Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services 13.2 - Attachment 3
Draft Policy: |
Councillor Expenses and Facilities |
2018 |
Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services 13.2 - Attachment 3
Date Adopted by Council |
Resolution No. |
Document Owner |
Director Corporate and Community Services |
Document Development Officer |
Corporate Governance Coordinator |
Review Timeframe |
252(1) of LG Act “Within the first 12 months of each term of a council…” |
Last Review Date: |
27 October 2016 |
Next Scheduled Review Date |
October 2020 |
Document History
Doc No. |
Date Amended |
Details Comments eg Resolution No. |
24/9/96 |
5/3/04 |
Res No. 04-166 |
#541785 |
27/9/05 |
Res No. 05-684 |
#606871 |
14/11/06 |
Res No. 06-730 adopted 28/6/07 07-342 |
#705189 |
27/9/07 |
Res No. 07-511 |
#754283 |
24/4/08 |
Res No. 08-252 placed on exhibition (#760664) |
#779620 |
31/8/08 |
Res No. 08-525 adopted |
#790811 |
Come into effect 13/9/08 |
#779666 |
28/8/08 |
Res No. 08-525 |
#790824 |
Placed on public exhibition |
#805632 |
27/11/08 |
Res No 08-727 |
#815079 |
27/11/08 |
Res No 08-727 (adopted after exhibition) |
#906057 |
13/8/09 |
Res No. 09-634 (adopted after exhibition – no submissions) |
#942479 |
Amended in accordance with DLG Guidelines 09-36 |
#942479 |
7/10/10 |
Res No. 10-799 placed on exhibition (#942479) |
#1057179 |
10/02/11 |
Res No. 10-1110 adopted 10/02/11 Res No. 11-14 |
#1069432 |
16/3/11 |
Res No. 10-1110 adopted 10/2/11 Res No. 11-14 Typo changes – ref Clauses |
#1120094 |
25/8/11 |
Reported to Council for advertising 8/9/11 to 6/10/11. |
#1151504 |
7/10/11 |
Adopted after close of exhibition see Res 11-648 – no submissions received |
#1184365 |
9/1/12 |
Updated Page 3 and 7 of 14 - referencing Clauses |
#E2012/7649 |
9/8/12 |
Adopted after close of exhibition period see Res 12-602 – no sub received |
#E2013/48106 |
29/8/2013 |
Reported to Council for advertising #E2013/48057 |
#E2013/72869 |
Created with incorrect Policy No. |
E2013/74016 |
7/11/13 |
Adopted after close of exhibition period – no sub received Res No. 13-411 |
E2014/46393 |
7/8/2014 |
Reported to Council for advertising E2014/46307 |
E2014/53161 |
12/8/2014 |
Amended for exhibition as per Res No. 14--378 |
E2014/61952 |
17/9/2014 |
Adopted after close of exhibition – no submissions received |
E2015/45197 |
27/8/2015 |
Draft amended reported to Council I2015/718 |
E2015/72233 |
29/10/2015 |
Adopted after close of exhibition – 2 submissions received Res 15-561 |
E2016/95684 |
27/10/2016 |
Amended as per Council Resolution 16-538 |
E2018/47331 |
Amended in accordance with OLG suggested template (OLG Circular 17-17) |
Further Document Information and Relationships
List here the related strategies, procedures, references, policy or other documents that have a bearing on this Policy and that may be useful reference material for users of this Policy.
Related Legislation* |
Local Government
Act 1993 Sections 23a 252, 253 254 OLG Circular 17-17 Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy – Better Practice Template |
Related Policies |
Model Code of Conduct |
Related Procedures/ Protocols, Statements, documents |
Note: Any reference to Legislation will be updated in the Policy as required. See website for current Acts, Regulations and Environmental Planning Instruments.
Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services 13.2 - Attachment 3
1. Introduction
2. Policy Objectives
3. Principles
4. Private or political benefit
5. General Expenses
6. Specific expenses
General travel arrangements and expenses
Interstate, overseas and long distance intrastate travel expenses
Travel expenses not paid by Council
Accommodation and meals
Refreshments for Council related meetings
Professional development
Conferences, seminars, workshops and functions
Payment of expenses for spouse/partner or accompanying person at conferences and official Council functions
Guidelines for Authorisation to attend conferences, seminars, workshops and functions
Reporting requirements following attendance at conference, seminar, workshop or function. 9
Information and communications technology (ICT) expenses
Special requirement and carer expenses
Councillor Assistance Program
Fitness Passport
7. Insurances
8. Legal Assistance
9. General facilities for all Councillors
Facilities. 15
Stationery. 15
Administrative support
10. Additional facilities for the Mayor
11. Approval, payment and reimbursement arrangements
Direct payment
Claims for reimbursement
Timeframe for submitting reimbursement claim
Advance payment
Reimbursement to Council
12. Disputes
13. Return or retention of facilities
14. Publication
15. Reporting
16. Breaches
This policy enables the reasonable and appropriate reimbursement of expenses and provision of facilities to councillors to help them undertake their civic duties.
It ensures accountability and transparency, and seeks to align councillor expenses and facilities with community expectations. Councillors must not obtain private or political benefit from any expense or facility provided under this policy.
The policy has been prepared in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act) and Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 (the Regulation), and complies with the Office of Local Government’s Guidelines for the payment of expenses and provision of facilities to Mayors and Councillors in NSW.
The policy sets out the maximum amounts council will pay for specific expenses and facilities. Expenses not explicitly addressed in this policy will not be paid or reimbursed.
The main expenses and facilities are summarised in the table below and detailed at Annexure D. The annexure may be updated each budget cycle as per Council’s adopted budget. If there are material changes, it will be represented to Council for adoption. All monetary amounts are exclusive of GST.
Expense or facility |
Maximum amount |
Frequency |
General travel expenses |
$17,700 – total |
Annual |
Accommodation and meals |
As required – refer to Part B Monetary Rates of the NSW Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of Employment) Reviewed Award 2009 as a guide |
Professional development |
$10,000 – total |
Annual |
Conferences and seminars |
$19,600 – total |
Annual |
ICT equipment and consumables |
$3,700/councillor (year 1 of term) $2,000/councillor (over year 2 and 3 of term) $1,000/councillor (year 4 of term) |
Annual |
ICT support services |
$2000 – total |
Annual |
Telephone (fixed line/mobile) |
$235 (Mayor) $200 (Councillors) |
Monthly |
Access to facilities in Councillor room |
Provided to all councillors |
Council vehicle and fuel card |
Provided to the Mayor |
Furnished office and meeting space |
Provided to the Mayor |
Support staff |
Provided to all councillors |
Additional costs incurred by a councillor in excess of these limits are considered a personal expense that is the responsibility of the councillor.
Councillors must provide claims for reimbursement within three months of an expense being incurred. Claims made after this time cannot be approved.
Detailed reports on
the provision of expenses and facilities to councillors will be publicly tabled
at a council meeting every six months and published in full on council’s
website. These reports will include expenditure summarised by individual
councillor and as a total for all councillors.
1. Introduction
1.1. Under the Local Government Act 1993 (Section 252 to 254), requires that the Council must adopt a policy concerning the payment of expenses and the provision of facilities to the Mayor and other Councillors.
1.2. The provision of expenses and facilities enables Councillors to fulfil their civic duties as the elected representatives of Byron Shire Council.
1.3. The community is entitled to know the extent of expenses paid to Councillors, as well as the facilities provided.
1.4. The purpose of this Policy is to clearly state the facilities and support that are available to Councillors to assist them in fulfilling their civic duties.
1.5. Council staff are empowered to question or refuse a request for payment from a Councillor when it does not accord with this Policy.
1.6. Expenses and facilities provided by this Policy are in addition to fees paid to Councillors. The minimum and maximum fees a council may pay each councillor are set by the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal as per Section 241 of the Act and reviewed annually. Council must adopt its annual fees within this set range.
1.7. Section 428(2)(f) of the Act requires a council to include in its Annual Report:
· Total amount of money expended during the year on providing those facilities and paying those expenses.
· Council’s Policy on the provision of facilities for, and the payment of expenses to Councillors.
· The payment of Councillors’ expenses, together with a statement of the total amount of money expended during that year on the provision of such facilities and the payment of such expenses.
1.8. This Policy should be read in conjunction with Council’s Code of Conduct, in particular, Part 5 – Personal Benefit, and Part 7 – Access to Information and Council Resources, DLG Circular 08/24 – Misuse of Council resources and DLG Circular 08/37 – Council decision making prior to ordinary elections.
2. Policy Objectives
The objectives of this Policy are to:
2.1. enable the reasonable and appropriate reimbursement of expenses incurred by Councillors while undertaking their civic duties
2.2. enable facilities of a reasonable and appropriate standard to be provided to Councillors to support them in undertaking their civic duties
2.3. ensure accountability and transparency in reimbursement of expenses and provision of facilities to Councillors
2.4. ensure facilities and expenses provided to Councillors meet community expectations
2.5. support a diversity of representation
2.6. fulfil the Council’s statutory responsibilities.
3. Principles
Council commits to the following principles:
3.1. Proper conduct: Councillors and staff acting lawfully and honestly, exercising care and diligence in carrying out their functions
3.2. Reasonable expenses: providing for Councillors to be reimbursed for expenses reasonably incurred as part of their role as Councillor
3.3. Participation and access: enabling people from diverse backgrounds, underrepresented groups, those in carer roles and those with special needs to serve as a Councillor
3.4. Equity: there must be equitable access to expenses and facilities for all Councillors
3.5. Appropriate use of resources: providing clear direction on the appropriate use of Council resources in accordance with legal requirements and community expectations
3.6. Accountability and transparency: clearly stating and reporting on the expenses and facilities provided to Councillors.
4. Private or political benefit
4.1. Councillors must not obtain private or political benefit from any expense or facility provided under this Policy.
4.2. Private use of Council equipment and facilities by Councillors may occur from time to time. For example, telephoning home to advise that a Council meeting will run later than expected.
4.3. Such incidental private use does not require a compensatory payment back to Council.
4.4. Councillors should avoid obtaining any greater private benefit from Council than an incidental benefit. Where there are unavoidable circumstances and more substantial private use of Council facilities does occur, Councillors must reimburse the Council.
4.5. Campaigns for re-election are considered to be a political benefit. The following are examples of what is considered to be a political interest during a re-election campaign:
· production of election material
· use of Council resources and equipment for campaigning
· use of official Council letterhead, publications, websites or services for political benefit
· fundraising activities of political parties or individuals, including political fundraising events.
5. General Expenses
5.1. All expenses provided under this Policy will be for a purpose specific to the functions of holding civic office. Allowances for general expenses are not permitted under this Policy.
5.2. Expenses not explicitly addressed in this Policy will not be paid or reimbursed.
6. Specific expenses
General travel arrangements and expenses
6.1. Councillors should utilise the most direct route from their place of residence or employment and the most practicable and economical mode of transport.
6.2. Councillors are entitled to allowance for travel expenses, as allocated in the annual budget, incurred while undertaking official business, professional development or attending approved conferences and seminars within NSW. This includes reimbursement:
· For public transport fares
· For the use of a private vehicle (subject to the Councillor’s private vehicle being currently registered and covered by Compulsory Third Party Insurance) or hire car.
a) Allowances for the use of a private vehicle will be reimbursed by kilometre at the rate contained in the Local Government (State) Award.
b) Councillors seeking to be reimbursed for use of a private vehicle must keep a log book recording the date, distance and purpose of travel being claimed. Copies of the relevant log book contents must be provided with the claim.
c) All vehicle allowance claims to be made in accordance with the Claims Procedure at Section 11.
· For parking costs for Council and other meetings
· For tolls
· By Cabcharge card or equivalent
· For documented ride-share programs, such as Uber, where tax invoices can be issued.
6.3. Travel expenses are reimbursed for attendance at:
· Council, Committee or Sub-Committee meetings and appointments at the Council Chambers, Council’s Training Rooms, Depots and Halls/Community Centres for Council business;
· inspections within the Council’s area undertaken in compliance with a resolution of the Council if for good reason they are unable to use transport when provided by Council;
· public meetings convened by the Council;
· individual or personal inspections of any site within Council’s area listed on the current Council Meeting Agenda, if for good reason they are unable to use transport when provided by the Council;
· periodical conferences, seminars and training as stated in Clause 6.32.
· Council Regional Committee or Sub-Committee meetings.
· any other official Council events, functions, meeting and public information sessions.
Interstate, overseas and long distance intrastate travel expenses
6.4. Given Council’s location near an interstate border, travel to Queensland will be considered as general travel. Arrangements and expenses for this travel will be governed by Clauses 6.1-6.3.
6.5. In accordance with clause 4, Council will scrutinise the value and need for Councillors to undertake overseas travel. Councils should avoid interstate, overseas and long distance intrastate trips unless direct and tangible benefits can be established for the Council and the local community. This includes travel to sister and friendship cities.
6.6. Total interstate, overseas and long distance intrastate travel expenses for all Councillors is to be deducted from the travel allowance, as allocated in the annual budget.
6.7. Councillors seeking approval for any interstate and long distance intrastate travel must submit a case to, and obtain the approval of, the General Manager prior to travel.
6.8. Councillors seeking approval for any overseas travel must submit a case to, and obtain the approval via a Council resolution prior to travel
6.9. The case should include:
· objectives to be achieved in travel, including an explanation of how the travel aligns with current Council priorities and business, the community benefits which will accrue as a result, and its relevance to the exercise of the Councillor’s civic duties
· who is to take part in the travel
· duration and itinerary of travel
· a detailed budget including a statement of any amounts expected to be reimbursed by the participant/s.
6.10. Where trains are used, the Council will provide first class travel, including a sleeping berth where necessary.
6.11. For interstate and long distance intrastate journeys by air of less than three hours, the class of air travel is to be economy class.
6.12. For interstate journeys by air of more than three hours, the class of air travel may be premium economy.
6.13. For international travel, the class of air travel is to be premium economy if available. Otherwise, the class of travel is to be economy.
6.14. Bookings for approved air travel are to be made through the General Manager’s office.
6.15. For air travel that is reimbursed as Council business, Councillors will not accrue points from the airline’s frequent flyer program. This is considered a private benefit.
Travel expenses not paid by Council
6.16. Council will not pay any traffic or parking fines or administrative charges for road toll accounts.
6.17. Any time occupied or travel incurred, other than Council business, is not included in the calculation of expenses to be paid.
6.18. Council will not reimburse any travel claim made later than three months after the expenses were incurred, or without an official receipt for payments.
Accommodation and meals
6.19. In circumstances where it would introduce undue risk for a Councillor to travel to or from official business in the late evening or early morning, reimbursement of costs for accommodation and meals on the night before or after the meeting may be approved by the General Manager. This includes where a meeting finishes later that 9.00pm or starts earlier than 7.00am and the Councillor lives more than 50 kilometres from the meeting location.
6.20. Council will reimburse costs for accommodation and meals while Councillors are undertaking prior approved travel or professional development outside the Northern Rivers.
6.21. The daily limits for accommodation and meal expenses within Australia are to be reasonable and at the discretion of the General Manager. As a guide, Part B Monetary Rates of the NSW Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of Employment) Reviewed Award 2009, can be referred to.
6.22. The daily limits for accommodation and meal expenses outside Australia are to be determined in advance by the General Manager, being mindful of Clause 6.19.
6.23. Councillors will not be reimbursed for alcoholic beverages or expenses of a normal private nature.
Refreshments for Council related meetings
6.24. Appropriate refreshments will be available for Council meetings, Council committee meetings, Councillor briefings, approved meetings and engagements, and official Council functions as approved by the General Manager.
Professional development
6.25. Council will allocate funds annually in its budget to facilitate professional development of Councillors through programs, training, education courses and membership of professional bodies.
6.26. In the first year of a new Council term, Council will provide a comprehensive induction program for all Councillors which considers any guidelines issued by the Office of Local Government (OLG). The cost of the induction program will be in addition to the ongoing professional development funding.
6.27. Annual membership of professional bodies will only be covered where the membership is relevant to the exercise of the Councillor’s civic duties, the Councillor actively participates in the body and the cost of membership is likely to be fully offset by savings from attending events as a member.
6.28. Approval for professional development activities is subject to a prior written request to the General Manager outlining the:
· details of the proposed professional development
· relevance to Council priorities and business
· relevance to the exercise of the Councillor’s civic duties.
6.29. In assessing a Councillor request for a professional development activity, the General Manager must consider the factors set out in Clause 6.28, as well as the cost of the professional development in relation to the Councillor’s remaining annual budget.
Conferences, seminars, workshops and functions
6.30. Council is committed to ensuring its Councillors are up to date with contemporary issues facing Council and the community, and local government in NSW.
6.31. The conferences, seminars, workshops and functions to which this Policy applies shall generally be confined to:
· Local Government NSW Annual Conference and National General Assembly
· Special “one-off” conferences called or sponsored by or for LGNSW on important issues;
· Annual conferences and congresses of the major professions in local government;
· Australian Sister Cities Conferences;
· Regional Organisation of Councils Conferences
· Conferences, seminars, workshops and functions, within the annual budget, which advance the professional development of elected members in their role as Councillors and/or fulfil their obligations as a civic leader.
· Any meetings or conferences of organisations or bodies on which a Councillor of the Council may be elected, or appointed to be, a delegate or member of the Council or LGNSW.
6.32. Council will meet the reasonable cost of registration fees, transportation and accommodation associated with attendance at conferences endorsed by Council or approved by the General Manager.
· Registration includes the costs (charged by organisers) of related official luncheons, dinners and tours which are relevant to the interests of the Council or assist Councillors to discharge the functions of their civic office. Council will also meet the reasonable cost of meals when they are not included in the conference fees (refer to clause 6.19-6.23 Accommodation and Meals).
· Reasonable out of pocket expenses associated with attending conferences, seminars, workshops and functions can be claimed up to a maximum of $100 per day.
a) Out of pocket expenses for which amounts are claimed relate only to the verified (tax invoice) costs of meals, travel, registration fees, stationery and the like;
6.33. Council will set aside budget annually to facilitate Councillor attendance at conferences, seminars, workshops and functions. This allocation is for all Councillors. The General Manager will ensure that access to expenses relating to these events is distributed equitably.
Payment of expenses for spouse/partner or accompanying person at conferences and official Council functions
6.34. Payment of expenses for spouse/partner or accompanying person at conferences and official Council functions are to be borne by the Councillor.
6.35. Payment of expenses related to the spouse/partner’s ticket, meal or the direct cost of attending the function, are able to be reimbursed for the below only:
· the Local Government NSW Annual Conference dinner
· official council functions that are of a formal and ceremonial nature within the Byron Shire. (For example Australia Day award ceremonies, civic receptions and charitable functions or events formally supported by the Council.
· official council functions that are of a formal and ceremonial nature (only when accompanying the Mayor or a Councillor who is representing the Mayor) outside the Local Government area, but within the State or South East Queensland.
Guidelines for Authorisation to attend conferences, seminars, workshops and functions
6.36. A resolution of Council is required to authorise attendance of Councillors at:
· LGNSW Conference(s) as a voting delegate
· National General Assembly of Local Government as a voting delegate
· Overseas conferences
· Any other discretionary conference, seminar, workshop or function.
6.37. The General Manager and Mayor may jointly authorise Councillors’ attendance at any discretionary conference, seminar, workshop or function that is not able to be authorised at a Council meeting, provided it is one conference, seminar or similar function per Councillor per financial year provided the conference is held in NSW, the ACT or South East Queensland and the Councillor has not attended a previous conference that year.
If the Mayor requires approval to attend a conference, seminar, workshop or function not able to be authorised at a Council meeting the Deputy Mayor and General Manager jointly may authorise the Mayor’s attendance.
6.38. The General Manager may approve the Mayor and Councillors' attendance at conference, seminar, workshop or function held in the local area up to the value as per Annexure D.
6.39. In assessing a Councillor request, the Council or General Manager must consider factors including the:
· relevance of the topics and presenters to current Council priorities and business and the exercise of the Councillor’s civic duties
· cost of the event in relation to the total remaining budget.
6.40. Procedures for attendance:
· Staff will prepare a report to Council inviting nominations to attend the following conferences:
a) Local Government NSW Annual Conference
b) National General Assembly of Local Government
· Submission of motions to the Local Government NSW Annual Conference and National General Assembly for consideration by Council will be done by notice of motion, which can be considered during the year.
· Staff will remind Councillors of the opportunity to submit motions for these conferences in May in the case of the National General Assembly of Local Government and in August in the case of the LGNSW Annual Conference.
· All other conference, seminar, workshop or function attendance requiring Council resolution will be submitted as a notice of motion by a Councillor wishing to attend, in accordance with Council’s normal procedures for such notices of motion. Councillors other than the Councillor who submitted the notice of motion may be authorised to attend by Council.
Reporting requirements following attendance at conference, seminar, workshop or function
6.41. The Mayor and Councillors are required to report in writing a Delegate’s Report to an Ordinary Meeting of Council on the aspects of the conference, seminar, workshop or function relevant to Council business and or the local community. The report must be submitted to the General Manager within one month of the Councillor’s or Mayor’s attendance at the conference, seminar, workshop or function.
Information and communications technology (ICT) expenses
6.42. Council will provide Councillors with a tablet at the commencement of their term in order to undertake their civic duties such as receiving and reading Council business papers and diary and appointment management.
6.43. Council will provide or reimburse Councillors for expenses associated with appropriate ICT devices and services. This may include mobile phones and laptops (tablet device provided by Council); mobile phone, laptop and tablet services and data; and home internet costs. The maximum limit for devices and services per annum for each Councillor:
6.43.1. Fixed landline and Mobile charges for: voice calls, data services, telephone/mobile line/handset rental:
a) Mayor – maximum as per Annexure D
b) Councillor – maximum as per Annexure D
c) The mobile and landline number is to be made available to the public.
6.43.2. Computer hardware (including laptops, tablets and smartphones), printer, software, line installation and services
a) maximum as per Annexure D (per Mayor/Councillor) in the first year only for term of office, for initial purchase of equipment, software licenses/applications, consumables, protective covers or carry case for equipment and line installation (including one additional extension point for an existing phone line or one separate point for a dedicated line) as deemed necessary for business paper distribution, to work with documents supplied by Council and for communications.
b) maximum as per Annexure D (per Mayor/Councillor) over the second and third years of office, for purchase of equipment, software licenses/applications, consumables and protective covers or carrycase for equipment and maintenance and servicing costs for line equipment for the purposes stated in a) above;
c) maximum as per Annexure D (per Mayor/Councillor) in the fourth year of office per annum for consumables and protective covers or carry case for equipment purchased, or maintenance and servicing costs for line equipment for the purpose stated in a) above.
d) maximum of as per Annexure D (total for all Councillors including Mayor) per annum for computer/tablet/printer backup support and training services provided by hardware supplier/local providers.
e) The fax number, if fax machine is purchased, is to be provided to the public.
6.44. Reimbursements will be made only for communications devices and services used for Councillors to undertake their civic duties, such as:
· receiving and reading Council business papers
· relevant phone calls and correspondence
· diary and appointment management.
Special requirement and carer expenses
6.45. Council encourages wide participation and interest in civic office. It will seek to ensure Council premises and associated facilities are accessible, including provision for sight or hearing impaired Councillors and those with other disabilities.
6.46. Transportation provisions outlined in this Policy will also assist Councillors who may be unable to drive a vehicle.
6.47. In addition to the provisions above, the General Manager may authorise the provision of reasonable additional facilities and expenses in order to allow a Councillor with a disability to perform their civic duties.
6.48. Councillors who are the principal carer of a child or other elderly, disabled and/or sick immediate family member will be entitled to reimbursement of carer’s expenses up to an amount established per annum in the annual budget for attendance at essential official business, plus reasonable travel from the principal place of residence. The affected Councillor will make a separate application in each instance, for determination by the General Manager.
6.49. Child care expenses may be claimed for children up to and including the age of 16 years where the carer is not a relative , A ‘relative’ is defined as a spouse, defacto partners, parent, son, daughter, brother, sister or grandparent..
6.50. In the event of caring for an adult person, Councillors will need to provide suitable evidence to the General Manager that reimbursement is applicable. This may take the form of advice from a medical practitioner.
6.51. After approval, Council will reimburse actual expenses incurred by Councillors upon submission of a claim (in line with the Claims Procedure at Clause 11.7) supported by
receipts and details of the activity attended.
Councillor Assistance Program
6.52. Council has a duty of care for the mental health and wellbeing of its employees and Councillors. Council will reimburse the cost of up to five sessions with a registered psychologist for each Councillor per calendar year.
Fitness Passport
6.53. Councillors are entitled to become members of Council’s Fitness Passport Program.
6.54. Councillor’s membership to the Fitness Passport Program is only valid for the duration of their term of Council.
7. Insurances
7.1. In accordance with Section 382 of the Local Government Act, Council is insured against public liability and professional indemnity claims. Councillors are included as a named insured on this Policy.
· Professional Indemnity - insurance applies in relation to claims arising out of the Councillors' (alleged) negligent performance of civic duties or exercise of their functions as Councillors, provided the performance or exercise of the relevant civic duty or function is in the opinion of Council bona fide and/or proper. This is subject to any limitations or conditions set out in the policy of insurance that is taken out at the direction of Council. No benefit, irrespective of insurance cover, is provided in relation to an action by one Councillor against another Councillor or a Councillor against a member of staff.
· Public Liability - insurance applies in relation to claims arising out of the Councillors' (alleged) negligent performance of civic duties or exercise of their functions as Councillors. This is subject to any limitations or conditions set out in the policy of insurance that is taken out at the direction of Council. No benefit, irrespective of insurance cover, is provided in relation to an action by one Councillor against another Councillor or a Councillor against a member of staff.
7.2. Insurance protection is only provided if a claim arises out of or in connection with the Councillor’s performance of his or her civic duties, or exercise of his or her functions as a Councillor. All insurances are subject to any limitations or conditions set out in the policies of insurance.
7.3. Personal Injury - or death whilst on Council business, worldwide, covering bodily injury caused by accidental, violent, external and visible means. There is a sub- limit for death of 5 x annual salary (up to $1 million) with a minimum benefit of $500,000. Personal injury insurance also provides specified benefits for lost income and other expenses arising from permanent disablement, temporary total disability and temporary partial disability. Cover includes unlimited medical expenses incurred overseas as well as emergency evacuation on business travel.
7.4. Statutory Liability- provides protection against fines or penalties arising out of breaches of Acts together with the legal costs incurred in defending Council as an entity, including Councillors and officers, so long as the act was not wilfully committed. Cover extends to costs incurred before an individual is named in proceedings. Thereafter costs are dealt with under Councillor and Officers Liability.
7.5. Councillors’ and Officers’ Liability (including Employment Practices Liability) - applies to cover expenses incurred by Councillors and Officers in respect of claims made against them for any alleged wrongful acts arising out of their official capacities.
7.6. Council shall pay the insurance policy excess in respect of any claim accepted by Council’s insurers, whether defended or not.
7.7. Appropriate travel insurances with cover for business property and private baggage will be provided for any Councillors travelling on approved travel beyond 50kms of Council offices or residence including while on overseas travel on Council business. A number of restrictions and sub-limits apply.
8. Legal Assistance
8.1. Council may, if requested, indemnify or reimburse the reasonable legal expenses of:
· a Councillor defending an action arising from the performance in good faith of a function under s731 of the Local Government Act provided that the outcome of the legal proceedings is favourable to the Councillor
· a Councillor defending an action in defamation, provided the statements complained of were made in good faith in the course of exercising a function under the Act and the outcome of the legal proceedings is favourable to the Councillor
· a Councillor for proceedings before an appropriate investigative or review body, provided the subject of the proceedings arises from the performance in good faith of a function under the Act and the matter has proceeded past any initial assessment phase to a formal investigation or review and the investigative or review body makes a finding substantially favourable to the Councillor. Investigative or review bodies may include:
a) NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal
b) Independent Commission Against Corruption
c) Office of the NSW Ombudsman
d) Office of Local Government
e) NSW Police Force
f) Director of Public Prosecutions
g) Council’s Conduct Review Committee/Reviewer
· In the case of a code of conduct complaint made against a Councillor, legal costs will only be made available where the matter has been referred by the General Manager to a conduct reviewer and the conduct reviewer has commenced a formal investigation of the matter and makes a finding substantially favourable to the Councillor.
· Notwithstanding clause 8.1.4., legal costs will not be made available to a Councillor regarding a code of conduct complaint alleging pecuniary interest or misbehaviour, unless the Office of Local Government has commenced a formal investigation and the formal investigation makes a finding favourable to the Councillor
8.2. Legal expenses incurred in relation to proceedings arising out of the performance by a Councillor of his or her functions under the Act are distinguished from expenses incurred in relation to proceedings arising merely from something that a Councillor has done during his or her term in office. For example, expenses arising from an investigation as to whether a Councillor acted corruptly would not be covered by this section.
8.3. Council will not meet the legal costs:
· of legal proceedings initiated by a Councillor under any circumstances
· of a Councillor seeking advice in respect of possible defamation, or in seeking a non-litigious remedy for possible defamation
· for legal proceedings that do not involve a Councillor performing their role as a Councillor.
8.4. Reimbursement of expenses for reasonable legal expenses must have Council approval by way of a resolution at a Council meeting prior to costs being incurred.
9. General facilities for all Councillors
9.1. Council will provide the following facilities to the Mayor and Councillors to assist them to effectively discharge their civic duties:
· a Councillor common room appropriately furnished to include telephone, photocopier, printer, desks, computer terminals, pigeon holes and appropriate refreshments.
· access to shared car parking spaces while attending Council offices on official business.
· personal protective equipment for use during site visits
· a name badge which may be worn at official functions, indicating that the wearer holds the office of a Councillor and/or Mayor or Deputy Mayor.
· An email address - Councillor emails are to be in the format:
Council’s IT department will arrange the setup of this domain.
· Up to a four drawer filing cabinet and associated equipment to be used in place of residence.
· Postage of hardcopy official correspondence - all hardcopy mail is to be directed through the Council’s own mailing system. Reimbursement of expenses will only be made where expenses can be verified as use to support a Councillor’s civic duties.
· Councillors may book meeting rooms for official business in a specified Council building at no cost. Rooms may be booked through the General Manager/Mayor’s assistant or Councillor Support staff.
9.2. The provision of facilities will be of a standard deemed by the General Manager as appropriate for the purpose.
9.3. Council will provide the following stationery to Councillors each year or as required:
9.3.1. letterhead, to be used only for correspondence associated with civic duties
9.3.2. business cards using Council’s standard template and Logo
Administrative support
9.4. Council will provide administrative support to Councillors to assist them with their civic duties only. Administrative support may be provided by staff in the Mayor’s office or by Councillor Support staff as arranged by the General Manager or their delegate. Support will be in the form of:
· Publishing Council information, including business papers, memos and workshop presentations which is accessible to Councillors electronically via a web or tablet application
· Coordination of the shared Councillors’ Diary
· Conference registration
· Expense reimbursement
· Catering for Council meetings and workshops
· Provision of stationery as per 9.3
9.5. As per Section 4, Council staff are expected to assist Councillors with civic duties only, and not assist with matters of personal or political interest, including campaigning.
10. Additional facilities for the Mayor
10.1. Council will provide to the Mayor a maintained vehicle to a similar standard of other Council vehicles, with a fuel card. The vehicle will be supplied for use on business, professional development and reasonable personal use.
10.2. The vehicle is returned to Council after completion of his/her term of office, extended leave of absence or at the cessation of his/her civic duties.
10.3. A parking space at Council’s offices will be reserved for the Mayor’s Council-issued vehicle.
10.4. Council will provide the Mayor with a furnished office incorporating a computer, telephone and meeting space.
10.5. In performing his or her civic duties, the Mayor will be assisted by Council staff providing administrative support, as determined by the General Manager.
10.6. Provision of a MasterCard with Council’s preferred banking institution to the value of $5,000 (see Claims Procedure at Clause 11.7) Note: All expenditure on the credit card must be in accordance with the provisions of the Policy and is not for private use.
11. Approval, payment and reimbursement arrangements
11.1. Expenses should only be incurred by Councillors in accordance with the provisions of this Policy.
11.2. A general expense allowance will not be paid to Councillors.
11.3. Approval for incurring expenses, or for the reimbursement of such expenses, should be obtained before the expense is incurred.
11.4. Final approval for payments made under this Policy will be granted by the General Manager or their delegate.
Direct payment
11.5. Council may approve and directly pay expenses. Requests for direct payment must be submitted to Councillor Support staff or assistant to the Mayor for assessment against this Policy using the prescribed form, with sufficient information and time to allow for the claim to be assessed and processed.
Claims for reimbursement
11.6. All claims for reimbursement of expenses incurred must be made on the prescribed form at Annexure C, supported by appropriate receipts and/or tax invoices and be submitted to Councillor Support staff or assistant to the Mayor.
Timeframe for submitting reimbursement claim
11.7. Unless otherwise specified in this Policy, Councillors must provide all claims for reimbursement within three months of an expense being incurred. Claims made after this time cannot be approved.
11.8. At the end of each financial year any claims outstanding for the previous financial year must be submitted in the first week of July.
11.9. The Mayor’s MasterCard expense claims must be accompanied by Annexure B “Allowance Claim Form”. All expenditure must be accompanied by Tax invoice receipts and remitted monthly by a date determined by the Finance Department.
Advance payment
11.10. Council may pay a cash advance for Councillors attending approved conferences, seminars or professional development.
11.11. The maximum value of a cash advance is $100 per day of the conference, seminar or professional development.
11.12. Requests for advance payment must be submitted to Councillor Support staff or assistant to the Mayor for assessment against this Policy using the prescribed form with sufficient information and time to allow for the claim to be assessed and processed.
11.13. Councillors must fully reconcile all expenses against the cost of the advance within one month of incurring the cost and/or returning home. This includes providing to Council:
· a full reconciliation of all expenses including appropriate receipts and/or tax invoices. Appropriate expenses are cost of meals (excluding alcohol, refer to clause 6.23), travel, registration fees, stationery and the like.
· reimbursement of any amount of the advance payment not spent in attending to official business or professional development.
11.14. If a claim is approved, Council will make payment directly or reimburse the Councillor (not a third party) through accounts payable.
11.15. If a claim is refused, Council will inform the Councillor in writing that the claim has been refused and the reason for the refusal.
Reimbursement to Council
11.16. If Council has incurred an expense on behalf of a Councillor that exceeds a maximum limit, exceeds reasonable incidental private use or is not provided for in this Policy:
· Council will invoice the Councillor for the expense
· the Councillor will reimburse Council for that expense within 14 days of the invoice date.
11.17. If the Councillor cannot reimburse Council within 14 days of the invoice date, they are to submit a written explanation to the General Manager. The General Manager may elect to deduct the amount from the Councillor’s allowance.
12. Disputes
12.1. If a Councillor disputes a determination under this Policy, the Councillor should discuss the matter with the General Manager.
12.2. If the Councillor and the General Manager cannot resolve the dispute, then the disputed decision should be reviewed by the Audit, Risk and Improvement Advisory Committee, with a report to the full Council meeting seeking to have the dispute resolved.
13. Return or retention of facilities
13.1. All unexpended facilities or equipment supplied under this Policy are to be relinquished immediately upon a Councillor or Mayor ceasing to hold office or at the cessation of their civic duties.
13.2. Should a Councillor desire to keep any equipment allocated by Council, then this Policy enables the Councillor to make application to the General Manager to purchase any such equipment. The General Manager will determine an agreed fair market price or written down value for the item of equipment.
13.3. Council may require reimbursement of a portion of the monetary value of the equipment if a Councillor resigns in the first 12 months of service.
13.4. The prices for all equipment purchased by Councillors under Clause 13.2 will be recorded in Council’s annual report.
14. Publication
14.1. This Policy will be published on Council’s website.
15. Reporting
15.1. Council will report on the provision of expenses and facilities to Councillors as required in the Act and Regulations.
16. Breaches
16.1. Suspected breaches of this Policy are to be reported to the General Manager.
16.2. Alleged breaches of this Policy shall be dealt with by following the processes outlined for breaches of the Code of Conduct, as detailed in the Code and in the Procedures for the Administration of the Code.
Listed here are all the terms and acronyms used in this Policy, and their definitions.
appropriate refreshments |
Means food and beverages, excluding alcohol, provided by Council to support Councillors undertaking official business |
Act |
Means the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) |
clause |
Unless stated otherwise, a reference to a clause is a reference to a clause of this Policy |
Code of Conduct |
Means the Code of Conduct adopted by Council or the Model Code if none is adopted |
Councillor |
Means a person elected or appointed to civic office as a member of the governing body of Council who is not suspended, including the Mayor, unless the contrary is expressly indicated. |
General Manager |
Means the General Manager of Council and includes their delegate or authorised representative |
long distance intrastate travel |
Means travel to other parts of NSW/QLD of more than three hours duration by private vehicle |
maximum limit |
Means the maximum limit for an expense or facility provided in the text and summarised at Clause 5 of this Policy. |
official business |
Means functions that the Mayor or Councillors are required or invited to attend to fulfil their legislated role and responsibilities for Council or result in a direct benefit for Council and/or for the local government area, and includes: · meetings of Council and committees of the whole · meetings of committees facilitated by Council · civic receptions hosted or sponsored by Council · meetings, functions, workshops and other events to which attendance by a Councillor has been requested or approved by Council |
professional development |
Means a seminar, conference, training course or other development opportunity relevant to the role of a Councillor or the Mayor |
Regulation |
Means the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 (NSW) |
year |
Means the financial year, that is the 12 month period commencing on 1 July each year |
CR ____________________ ALLOWANCE CLAIM FORM
Section 252, Local Government Act, 1993
Date |
Meetings, Authorised Council Business and Inspections |
Vehicle Allowance under 2.5L = 68c KM over 2.5L = 78c KM Rates subject to change as per Local Government (State)Award No of kms 68c or 78c |
Total $
@ |
@ |
@ |
@ |
@ |
@ |
@ |
@ |
@ |
Date |
Claims |
Sub Total |
$ |
Total |
$ |
I hereby certify that the above expenses have been incurred and accordingly claim reimbursement in accordance with Council Policy and for Council business. All receipts for sundry items are attached to this Claim Form and are in my name. I understand that reimbursement can only be paid directly to me, not to a third party.
Councillor ________________________ _______________________ ____________________
Name (Please Print) Signature Date
Office Use Only
Equipment |
2151.004. ___ |
Total $___________ |
Sundry |
2145.006. ___ |
Total $___________ |
Travel |
2145.002. ___ |
Total $___________ |
Carers Expenses |
2145.011. ___ |
Total $___________ |
Conference |
2145.004. ___ |
Total $___________ |
Equip Support/svc |
2145.012. ___ |
Total $___________ |
Telephone/data |
2145.005. ___ |
Total $___________ |
Consumables |
2145.013. ___ |
Total $___________ |
Authorised: _____________________________ Date ________________ TOTAL CLAIMED $___________
The Policy has been prepared in accordance with the legislative framework, OLG guidance and fits within objectives of the Community Strategic Plan.
Community Strategic Plan
The supporting strategies within the 10-year Community Strategic Plan include:
5.2: Create a culture of trust with the community by being open, genuine and transparent
5.3: Manage Council’s finances sustainably
Legislation and guidance
This Policy is in compliance with:
· Sections 241, 252, 253 and 382 of the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act)
· Clauses 217 and 403 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005
· Office of Local Government’s Guidelines for the payment of expenses and provision of facilities for Mayors and Councillors in NSW 2009.
· Office of Local Government Circular 09-36 Guidelines for Payment of Expenses and Facilities
· Office of Local Government Circular 05-08 legal assistance for Councillors and Council Employees.
· Office of Local Government Circular 17-17 Council Expenses and Facilities Policy – Better Practice Template
Related information
· Sections 241 and 382 of the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act)
· Code of Conduct Policy
· NSW Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of Employment) Reviewed Award 2009
As per the proposed 2018/19 budget the below allocations are provided for:
Expense or facility |
Clause |
Maximum amount |
Frequency |
General travel expenses |
6.2 6.6 |
$17,700 – total |
Annual |
Accommodation and meals |
6.19 6.20 |
As required – refer to Part B Monetary Rates of the NSW Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of Employment) Reviewed Award 2009 as a guide |
As required |
Out of pocket expenses (attending conferences, workshops etc – eg meals, travel) |
6.32 |
$100/day |
As required |
Conference, seminar, workshop or function held in the local area |
6.38 |
$500/councillor (approved by the General Manager) |
As required |
Professional development |
6.25 |
$10,000 – total |
Annual |
Conferences and seminars |
6.32 |
$19,600 – total |
Annual |
ICT equipment and consumables |
6.43.2 |
$3,700/councillor (year 1 of term) $2,000/councillor (over year 2 and 3 of term) $1,000/councillor (year 4 of term) |
Annual |
ICT support services |
6.43.2 |
$2,000 – total |
Annual |
Telephone (fixed line/mobile) |
6.43.1 |
$235 (Mayor) $200 (Councillors) |
Monthly |
Carer expenses |
6.48 |
$3100 – total |
Annual |
Councillor Assistance Program |
6.52 |
5 sessions/councillor |
Annual |
Fitness Passport |
6.53 |
Subsidised and provided to all councillors |
Annual |
Access to facilities in Councillor room |
9.1 |
Provided to all councillors |
Council vehicle and fuel card |
10.1 |
Provided to the Mayor |
Reserved parking space at Council offices |
10.3 |
Provided to the Mayor |
Furnished office and meeting space |
10.4 |
Provided to the Mayor |
Support staff |
10.5 |
Provided to all councillors |
MasterCard |
10.6 |
Provided to the Mayor ($5,000 value) |
Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services 13.2 - Attachment 4
Proposed amendments to Policy: Mayor and Councillor Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities
Current Policy |
Draft Policy |
Topic |
Clause |
Page |
Amendment Type |
Clause |
Page |
Amendment |
From OLG Template? |
Comment |
1. |
Title |
Remove unnecessary wording |
Title reduced from “Mayor and Councillor Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities” to “Councillor and Expenses and Facilities” |
Yes |
2. |
Policy Summary |
3 |
Summary of policy |
Yes |
3. |
Introduction |
1 |
1 |
New points |
1.2, 1.4, 1.5 |
3 |
1.2 The provision of expenses and facilities enables Councillors to fulfil their civic duties as the elected representatives of Byron Shire Council. 1.4 The purpose of this Policy is to clearly state the facilities and support that are available to Councillors to assist them in fulfilling their civic duties. 1.5 Council staff are empowered to question or refuse a request for payment from a Councillor when it does not accord with this Policy. |
Yes |
4. |
Objectives |
2 |
1 |
New points |
2.3-2.6 |
3 |
2.3 ensure accountability and transparency in reimbursement of expenses and provision of facilities to Councillors 2.4 ensure facilities and expenses provided to Councillors meet community expectations 2.5 support a diversity of representation 2.6 fulfil the Council’s statutory responsibilities. |
Yes |
5. |
Annual Fees |
3 |
1 |
Moved |
1.6 |
3 |
Text moved to introduction |
Yes |
6. |
Conduct |
2 |
4 |
Expanded upon |
3.1 |
3 |
New clause title “Principles”. New clauses: 3.2 Reasonable expenses: providing for Councillors to be reimbursed for expenses reasonably incurred as part of their role as Councillor 3.3 Participation and access: enabling people from diverse backgrounds, underrepresented groups, those in carer roles and those with special needs to serve as a Councillor 3.4 Equity: there must be equitable access to expenses and facilities for all Councillors 3.5 Appropriate use of resources: providing clear direction on the appropriate use of Council resources in accordance with legal requirements and community expectations 3.6 Accountability and transparency: clearly stating and reporting on the expenses and facilities provided to Councillors. |
Yes |
7. |
Travel expenses |
5.1 |
2 |
Structural/moved |
6.1 - 6.2. |
5 |
Budget figure excluded |
Yes |
8. |
5.1.1-5.1.7 |
2 |
Structural/moved |
6.3 |
5 |
Yes |
9. |
5.2 |
2 |
Moved plus additional point |
6.2 |
5 |
New point: b) Councillors seeking to be reimbursed for use of a private vehicle must keep a log book recording the date, distance and purpose of travel being claimed. Copies of the relevant log book contents must be provided with the claim. |
Yes |
10. |
5.3 |
2 |
Structural/moved |
6.2 |
5 |
No |
11. |
5.4 |
2 |
Structural/moved |
6.16 |
6 |
Yes |
12. |
5.5 |
2 |
Moved and condensed |
6.2 |
5 |
“6.2.1 For public transport fares” |
Yes |
13. |
New points |
6.2 |
5 |
Inclusion of: “For parking costs for Council and other meetings” and “For tolls”
Yes |
14. |
8.7 |
9 |
Structural/moved |
6.33 |
7 |
Included at 6.33. See above |
Yes |
15. |
8.7.1 |
9 |
Structural/moved |
6.1 |
5 |
16. |
8.7.2 |
9 |
Moved and expanded upon – same intent |
6.2, 6.10-6.13 |
5, 6 |
6.10. Where trains are used, the Council will provide first class travel, including a sleeping berth where necessary. 6.11. For interstate and long distance intrastate journeys by air of less than three hours, the class of air travel is to be economy class. 6.12. For interstate journeys by air of more than three hours, the class of air travel may be premium economy. 6.13. For international travel, the class of air travel is to be premium economy if available. Otherwise, the class of travel is to be economy. |
Yes |
- Wording consistent with OLG template. - 6.13 now included “premium economy” |
17. |
8.7.3 |
9 |
Structural/moved |
6.2 |
5 |
Refer to line items 6 to 12 above |
Yes |
18. |
8.7.4 |
9 |
Moved and expanded upon – same intent |
6.2 |
5 |
Added “By Cabcharge card or equivalent” and “For documented ride-share programs, such as Uber, where tax invoices can be issued” |
Yes |
Now includes ride share programs |
19. |
New clauses |
6.17, 6.18 |
6 |
20. |
Payment of expenses |
6.1 |
3 |
Structural/moved |
5.1, 11.2 |
5, 17 |
11.2 A general expense allowance will not be paid to Councillors. |
Yes |
21. |
New clause |
5.2 |
5 |
5.2 Expenses not explicitly addressed in this Policy will not be paid or reimbursed |
Yes |
22. |
Carers expenses |
6.2.1, 7.2.3 |
3, 4 |
Combined plus additional point (6.51) |
6.48-6.52 |
11 |
6.48 Councillors who are the principal carer of a child or other elderly, disabled and/or sick immediate family member will be entitled to reimbursement of carer’s expenses up to an amount established per annum in the annual budget for attendance at essential official business, plus reasonable travel from the principal place of residence. The affected Councillor will make a separate application in each instance, for determination by the General Manager. 6.49 Child care expenses may be claimed for children up to and including the age of 16 years where the carer is not a relative , A ‘relative’ is defined as a spouse, defacto partners, parent, son, daughter, brother, sister or grandparent.. 6.50 In the event of caring for an adult person, Councillors will need to provide suitable evidence to the General Manager that reimbursement is applicable. This may take the form of advice from a medical practitioner. 6.51 After approval, Council will reimburse actual expenses incurred by Councillors upon submission of a claim (in line with the Claims Procedure at Clause 11.7) supported by receipts and details of the activity attended. |
Yes |
23. |
Mobile/computer expenses |
6.2.2, 6.2.3, 7.2.4-7.2.7 7.2.9, 7.2.11, 7.2.12, 7.2.14 |
3, 6 |
Multiple points combined, plus point removed. Same intent |
6.43, 6.44 |
10 |
Does not include clause: |
Yes |
7.2.14c) is implied at draft 6.44.1b), and covered by draft 5.2 |
24. |
New clause |
6.42 |
10 |
6.42. Council will provide Councillors with a tablet at the commencement of their term in order to undertake their civic duties such as receiving and reading Council business papers and diary and appointment management. |
No |
25. |
Out of pocket expenses |
6.2.4, 8.9 |
3, 10 |
Combined and moved |
6.32 |
8 |
No |
26. |
Reimbursement of expenses |
6.3 |
3 |
Removed |
27. |
Facilities (Mayor) - Car |
7.1.1 |
3 |
Moved |
10.1 |
16 |
10.1 Council will provide to the Mayor a maintained vehicle to a similar standard of other Council vehicles, with a fuel card. The vehicle will be supplied for use on business, professional development and reasonable personal use. |
Yes |
28. |
Facilities (Mayor) - Office |
7.1.2 |
4 |
Structural/moved |
10.4 |
16 |
Yes |
29. |
Facilities (Mayor) – Administrative |
7.1.3, 7.1.4 |
4 |
Reworded – same intent |
10.5 |
16 |
10.5 In performing his or her civic duties, the Mayor will be assisted by a small number of staff providing administrative and secretarial support, as determined by the General Manager. |
Yes |
Wording consistent with OLG template |
30. |
Facilities (Mayor) – Refreshments
7.1.5 |
4 |
Removed |
No |
Refreshments are available upon request, to reduce waste from out of date stored products. Provisions are provided to all Councillors on Council meeting and workshop days in the Councillors’ Room |
31. |
Facilities (Mayor) – Credit card |
7.1.6 |
4 |
Structural/moved |
10.6 |
16 |
No |
32. |
Facilities – Disability inclusion |
7.2.1 |
4 |
Expanded upon – same intent |
6.45-6.47 |
11 |
6.45. Council encourages wide participation and interest in civic office. It will seek to ensure Council premises and associated facilities are accessible, including provision for sight or hearing impaired Councillors and those with other disabilities. 6.46. Transportation provisions outlined in this Policy will also assist Councillors who may be unable to drive a vehicle. 6.47. In addition to the provisions above, the General Manager may authorise the provision of reasonable additional facilities and expenses in order to allow a Councillor with a disability to perform their civic duties. |
Yes |
Wording consistent with OLG template |
33. |
Facilities – business cards |
7.2.2 |
4 |
Structural/moved |
9.3.2 |
15 |
Yes |
34. |
Facilities – email address |
7.2.8 |
5 |
Structural/moved |
9.1 |
15 |
No |
35. |
Facilities – filing |
7.2.10 |
5 |
Structural/moved |
9.1 |
15 |
No |
36. |
Facilities – meals/ refreshments for council related meetings |
7.2.13 |
6 |
Moved and wording changed – same intent |
6.24 |
7 |
6.24. Appropriate refreshments will be available for Council meetings, Council committee meetings, Councillor briefings, approved meetings and engagements, and official Council functions as approved by the General Manager. |
Yes |
Wording consistent with OLG template |
37. |
Facilities - Postage |
7.2.15 |
6 |
Moved, expanded upon – same intent |
9.1 |
15 |
Extra wording to last sentence “…as use to support a Councillor’s civic duties.” |
Similar |
38. |
Facilities – Support Service |
7.2.16 |
6 |
Expanded upon – same intent |
9.4-9.5 |
15-16 |
Extra wording: 9.4 Council will provide administrative support to Councillors to assist them with their civic duties only. Administrative support may be provided by staff in the Mayor’s office or by Councillor Support staff as arranged by the General Manager or their delegate. Support will be in the form of:...” New clause: 9.5. As per Section 4, Council staff are expected to assist Councillors with civic duties only, and not assist with matters of personal or political interest, including campaigning. |
Yes |
39. |
Facilities – Stationery |
7.2.17 |
6 |
Expanded upon – same intent |
9.3 |
15 |
9.3. Council will provide the following stationery to Councillors each year or as required: 9.3.1. letterhead, to be used only for correspondence associated with civic duties 9.3.2. business cards using Council’s standard template and Logo |
Yes |
40. |
Facilities - Transport |
7.2.18 |
6 |
Structural/moved |
9.1 |
15 |
No |
41. |
Facilities – Use of private equipment |
7.2.19 |
6 |
Removed |
No |
Covered by 6.44 and 6.45 |
42. |
Facilities – Vehicles |
7.2.20 |
6 |
Removed |
No |
43. |
Facilities – Common room |
New clause |
9.1 |
15 |
9.1 A Councillor common room appropriately furnished to include, telephone, photocopier, printer, desks, computer terminals, pigeon holes and appropriate refreshments. |
Yes without “other than following a Council meeting or Councillor monthly workshop” |
Wording consistent with OLG template, for clarity, and for consistency with councils in the region which is based on questionnaire to 5 regional councils: Kyogle, Ballina, Lismore and Richmond Valley provide alcohol after council meetings and councillor workshops only. Tweed Council does not provide alcohol in accordance with resolution of council. |
44. |
Facilities – Meeting rooms |
New clause (9.1) |
9.1 |
14 |
9.1 Councillors may book meeting rooms for official business in a specified Council building at no cost. Rooms may be booked through the General Manager/Mayor’s Assistant or Councillor Support staff. |
Yes |
45. |
Acquisition and return of facilities |
7.3 |
7 |
Reworded, same intent and new clause (13.4) |
13.1-13.4 |
18 |
13.4. The prices for all equipment purchased by Councillors under Clause 13.2 will be recorded in Council’s annual report. |
Yes (13.1, 13.2, 13.4) No (13.3) |
46. |
Conference, seminars, workshops and functions |
8.1 |
7 |
Moved and removed “training” from subheading and inserted “workshops”. |
6.30 |
7 |
No |
47. |
8.2 |
7 |
Moved and inserted “functions” |
6.32 |
8 |
No |
48. |
New clause |
6.39 |
9 |
6.39. In assessing a Councillor request, the Council or General Manager must consider factors including the: · relevance of the topics and presenters to current Council priorities and business and the exercise of the Councillor’s civic duties · cost of the event in relation to the total remaining budget. |
49. |
Training and development |
8.3 |
7 |
Expanded upon – same intent
6.25-6.29 |
7 |
New clauses: 6.25. Council will allocate funds annually in its budget to facilitate professional development of Councillors through programs, training, education courses and membership of professional bodies. 6.26. In the first year of a new Council term, Council will provide a comprehensive induction program for all Councillors which considers any guidelines issued by the Office of Local Government (OLG). The cost of the induction program will be in addition to the ongoing professional development funding. 6.27. Annual membership of professional bodies will only be covered where the membership is relevant to the exercise of the Councillor’s civic duties, the Councillor actively participates in the body and the cost of membership is likely to be fully offset by savings from attending events as a member. 6.28. Approval for professional development activities is subject to a prior written request to the General Manager outlining the: · details of the proposed professional development · relevance to Council priorities and business · relevance to the exercise of the Councillor’s civic duties. 6.29. In assessing a Councillor request for a professional development activity, the General Manager must consider the factors set out in Clause 6.29, as well as the cost of the professional development in relation to the Councillor’s remaining annual budget. |
Yes |
Wording consistent with OLG Template |
50. |
Guidelines for authorisation to attend conferences, seminars, workshops and functions |
8.4 |
8 |
- Moved - Removed “training” and inserted “workshops and functions” - Removed sentence |
6.36-6.41 |
9 |
Removed text at 8.4.2: “Councillors or Mayor’s attendance at conferences authorised by the General Manager and Mayor will be reported to the next quarterly review of the Management Plan.”
6.38 – General Manager authorisation of Mayor and Councillors attendance at conferences, seminars, workshops or functions in the local area has value increased from $100 to $500. |
No |
51. |
New clause |
6.4 |
6 |
6.4. Given Council’s location near an interstate border, travel to Queensland will be considered as general travel. Arrangements and expenses for this travel will be governed by Clauses 6.1-6.3. |
Yes |
52. |
Reporting requirements following attendance at conferences, seminars, workshops and functions |
8.5 |
9 |
Removed text |
6.41 |
9 |
Removed “training” and inserted “workshops and functions” |
No |
53. |
Registration |
8.6 |
9 |
Expanded upon – same intent |
6.32 |
7 |
6.32. Council will meet the reasonable cost of registration fees, transportation and accommodation associated with attendance at conferences endorsed by Council or approved by the General Manager. · Registration includes the costs (charged by organisers) of related official luncheons, dinners and tours which are relevant to the interests of the Council or assist Councillors to discharge the functions of their civic office. Council will also meet the reasonable cost of meals when they are not included in the conference fees (refer to clause 6.19-6.23 Accommodation and Meals). |
Yes |
Wording consistent with OLG template |
54. |
Accommodation and Meals |
8.8 |
9 |
Moved and new clauses |
6.19-6.23 |
6-7 |
New clauses: 6.20. Council will reimburse costs for accommodation and meals while Councillors are undertaking prior approved travel or professional development outside the Northern Rivers. 6.22. The daily limits for accommodation and meal expenses outside Australia are to be determined in advance by the General Manager, being mindful of Clause 6.19. 6.23 Councillors will not be reimbursed for alcoholic beverages or expenses of a normal private nature. |
Yes |
Wording consistent with OLG template |
55. |
Payment in advance/direct payment |
8.10 |
10 |
Reworded, same intent |
11.5, 11.10-11.13 |
16 |
11.5. Council may approve and directly pay expenses. Requests for direct payment must be submitted to Councillor Support staff or assistant to the Mayor for assessment against this Policy using the prescribed form, with sufficient information and time to allow for the claim to be assessed and processed. 11.10. Council may pay a cash advance for Councillors attending approved conferences, seminars or professional development. 11.11. The maximum value of a cash advance is $100 per day of the conference, seminar or professional development. 11.12. Requests for advance payment must be submitted to Councillor Support staff or assistant to the Mayor for assessment against this Policy using the prescribed form with sufficient information and time to allow for the claim to be assessed and processed. 11.13. Councillors must fully reconcile all expenses against the cost of the advance within one month of incurring the cost and/or returning home. This includes providing to Council: · a full reconciliation of all expenses including appropriate receipts and/or tax invoices. Appropriate expenses are cost of meals (excluding alcohol, refer to clause 6.23), travel, registration fees, stationery and the like. · reimbursement of any amount of the advance payment not spent in attending to official business or professional development. |
Yes |
56. |
Overseas conferences/ seminars etc |
8.11 |
10 |
Moved and expanded upon |
6.5, 6.6, 6.8, 6.9, 6.13, 6.14, 6.15 |
6 |
6.5. In accordance with clause 4, Council will scrutinise the value and need for Councillors to undertake overseas travel. Councils should avoid interstate, overseas and long distance intrastate trips unless direct and tangible benefits can be established for the Council and the local community. This includes travel to sister and friendship cities. 6.6. Total interstate, overseas and long distance intrastate travel expenses for all Councillors is to be deducted from the travel allowance, as allocated in the annual budget. 6.8. Councillors seeking approval for any overseas travel must submit a case to, and obtain the approval of, a full Council meeting prior to travel. 6.9. The case should include: · objectives to be achieved in travel, including an explanation of how the travel aligns with current Council priorities and business, the community benefits which will accrue as a result, and its relevance to the exercise of the Councillor’s civic duties · who is to take part in the travel · duration and itinerary of travel · a detailed budget including a statement of any amounts expected to be reimbursed by the participant/s. 6.13. For international travel, the class of air travel is to be premium economy if available. Otherwise, the class of travel is to be economy. 6.14. Bookings for approved air travel are to be made through the General Manager’s office. 6.15. For air travel that is reimbursed as Council business, Councillors will not accrue points from the airline’s frequent flyer program. This is considered a private benefit. |
Yes |
57. |
Where expenses may not be used |
9.1, 9.2 |
11 |
Moved and expanded upon |
4 |
4 |
New title “Private or political benefit”. And reworded and new clauses: 4.1. Councillors must not obtain private or political benefit from any expense or facility provided under this Policy. 4.2. Private use of Council equipment and facilities by Councillors may occur from time to time. For example, telephoning home to advise that a Council meeting will run later than expected. 4.3. Such incidental private use does not require a compensatory payment back to Council. 4.4. Councillors should avoid obtaining any greater private benefit from Council than an incidental benefit. Where there are unavoidable circumstances and more substantial private use of Council facilities does occur, Councillors must reimburse the Council. 4.5. Campaigns for re-election are considered to be a political benefit. The following are examples of what is considered to be a political interest during a re-election campaign: · production of election material · use of Council resources and equipment for campaigning · use of official Council letterhead, publications, websites or services for political benefit · fundraising activities of political parties or individuals, including political fundraising events. |
Yes |
58. |
Spouse/partner or accompanying person |
10 |
11 |
Structural/moved |
6.34-6.35 |
8 |
No |
59. |
Insurance |
11 |
12 |
Updated wording, additional text |
7 |
12 |
7.1 In accordance with Section 382 of the Local Government Act, Council is insured against public liability and professional indemnity claims. Councillors are included as a named insured on this Policy. · Professional Indemnity - insurance applies in relation to claims arising out of the Councillors' (alleged) negligent performance of civic duties or exercise of their functions as Councillors, provided the performance or exercise of the relevant civic duty or function is in the opinion of Council bona fide and/or proper. This is subject to any limitations or conditions set out in the policy of insurance that is taken out at the direction of Council. No benefit, irrespective of insurance cover, is provided in relation to an action by one Councillor against another Councillor or a Councillor against a member of staff. · Public Liability - insurance applies in relation to claims arising out of the Councillors' (alleged) negligent performance of civic duties or exercise of their functions as Councillors. This is subject to any limitations or conditions set out in the policy of insurance that is taken out at the direction of Council. No benefit, irrespective of insurance cover, is provided in relation to an action by one Councillor against another Councillor or a Councillor against a member of staff. 7.2 Insurance protection is only provided if a claim arises out of or in connection with the Councillor’s performance of his or her civic duties, or exercise of his or her functions as a Councillor. All insurances are subject to any limitations or conditions set out in the policies of insurance. 7.3 Personal Injury - or death whilst on Council business, worldwide, covering bodily injury caused by accidental, violent, external and visible means. There is a sub- limit for death of 5X annual salary (up to $1 million) with a minimum benefit of $500,000. Personal injury insurance also provides specified benefits for lost income and other expenses arising from permanent disablement, temporary total disability and temporary partial disability. Cover includes unlimited medical expenses incurred overseas as well as emergency evacuation on business travel. 7.4 Statutory Liability- provides protection against fines or penalties arising out of breaches of Acts together with the legal costs incurred in defending Council as an entity, including Councillors and officers, so long as the act was not wilfully committed. Cover extends to costs incurred before an individual is named in proceedings. Thereafter costs are dealt with under Councillor and Officers Liability. 7.5 Councillors’ and Officers’ Liability (including Employment Practices Liability) - applies to cover expenses incurred by Councillors and Officers in respect of claims made against them for any alleged wrongful acts arising out of their official capacities. 7.6 Council shall pay the insurance policy excess in respect of any claim accepted by Council’s insurers, whether defended or not. 7.7 Appropriate travel insurances with cover for business property and private baggage will be provided for any Councillors travelling on approved travel beyond 50kms of Council offices or residence including while on overseas travel on Council business. A number of restrictions and sub-limits apply. |
Parts |
60. |
Claims procedure |
12.1 |
13 |
Structural/moved |
11.6 |
17 |
Yes |
61. |
12.2 |
13 |
Reworded |
11.7, 11.8 |
17 |
Replaced wording, with same intent but allowing for 3 months to claim rather than one month: 11.7. Unless otherwise specified in this Policy, Councillors must provide all claims for reimbursement within three months of an expense being incurred. Claims made after this time cannot be approved. 11.8. At the end of each financial year any claims outstanding for the previous financial year must be submitted in the first week of July. |
11.8 Yes 11.9 No |
62. |
12.3 |
13 |
Structural/moved |
11.5 |
17 |
Yes |
63. |
12.4 |
13 |
Structural/moved |
11.2 |
17 |
Yes |
64. |
12.5 |
13 |
Structural/moved |
11.17 |
18 |
No |
65. |
New clauses |
11.3. Approval for incurring expenses, or for the reimbursement of such expenses, should be obtained before the expense is incurred. |
Yes |
Wording consistent with OLG template |
66. |
Dispute resolution process |
13 |
13 |
Reworded – same intent |
12 |
18 |
Similar |
Refers disputes to the Audit, Risk and Improvement Advisory Committee |
67. |
Gifts and benefits |
14 |
13 |
Removed |
- Included in Code of Conduct Policy clauses 5.1 and 5.2. - Not addressed in OLG template |
68. |
Legal Assistance |
15 |
13 |
Reworded |
8 |
13 |
8. Legal Assistance 8.1. Council may, if requested, indemnify or reimburse the reasonable legal expenses of: · a Councillor defending an action arising from the performance in good faith of a function under s731 of the Local Government Act provided that the outcome of the legal proceedings is favourable to the Councillor · a Councillor defending an action in defamation, provided the statements complained of were made in good faith in the course of exercising a function under the Act and the outcome of the legal proceedings is favourable to the Councillor · a Councillor for proceedings before an appropriate investigative or review body, provided the subject of the proceedings arises from the performance in good faith of a function under the Act and the matter has proceeded past any initial assessment phase to a formal investigation or review and the investigative or review body makes a finding substantially favourable to the Councillor. Investigative or review bodies may include: a) NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal b) Independent Commission Against Corruption c) Office of the NSW Ombudsman d) Office of Local Government e) NSW Police Force f) Director of Public Prosecutions g) Council’s Conduct Review Committee/Reviewer · In the case of a code of conduct complaint made against a Councillor, legal costs will only be made available where the matter has been referred by the General Manager to a conduct reviewer and the conduct reviewer has commenced a formal investigation of the matter and makes a finding substantially favourable to the Councillor. · Notwithstanding clause 8.1.4., legal costs will not be made available to a Councillor regarding a code of conduct complaint alleging pecuniary interest or misbehaviour, unless the Office of Local Government has commenced a formal investigation and the formal investigation makes a finding favourable to the Councillor 8.2. Legal expenses incurred in relation to proceedings arising out of the performance by a Councillor of his or her functions under the Act are distinguished from expenses incurred in relation to proceedings arising merely from something that a Councillor has done during his or her term in office. For example, expenses arising from an investigation as to whether a Councillor acted corruptly would not be covered by this section. 8.3. Council will not meet the legal costs: · of legal proceedings initiated by a Councillor under any circumstances · of a Councillor seeking advice in respect of possible defamation, or in seeking a non-litigious remedy for possible defamation · for legal proceedings that do not involve a Councillor performing their role as a Councillor. 8.4. Reimbursement of expenses for reasonable legal expenses must have Council approval by way of a resolution at a Council meeting prior to costs being incurred. |
Yes |
Inclusion of Investigative or review bodies at 8.1.3 a)-g) are not included in OLG template. |
69. |
Reference to Councillor |
16 |
14 |
Removed and reworded |
Annex B |
21 |
Included in definitions as: “Councillor: Means a person elected or appointed to civic office as a member of the governing body of Council who is not suspended, including the Mayor, unless the contrary is expressly indicated.” |
Yes |
70. |
Allowance Claim Form |
Annex A |
15 |
Extra wording |
Annex C |
22 |
Extra wording following the “I hereby certify” sentence. Additional text in italics below: “I hereby certify that the above expenses have been incurred and accordingly claim reimbursement in accordance with Council Policy. All receipts for sundry items are attached to this Claim Form and are in my name. I understand that reimbursement can only be paid directly to me, not to a third party.” |
No |
71. |
Fitness Passport |
New clause |
6.53 6.54 |
12 |
6.53 Councillors are entitled to become members of Council’s Fitness Passport Program. 6.54 Councillor’s membership to the Fitness Passport Program is only valid for the duration of their term of Council. |
No |
Added following Strategic Planning Workshop discussion held 7/9/17 |
72. |
Councillor assistance program |
New clause |
6.52 |
12 |
6.52 Council has a duty of care for the mental health and wellbeing of its employees and Councillors. Council will reimburse the cost of up to five sessions with a registered psychologist for each Councillor per calendar year. |
No |
Added following Strategic Planning Workshop discussion held 7/9/17 |
73. |
Publication |
New clause |
14 |
18 |
14.1. This Policy will be published on Council’s website. |
Yes |
74. |
Reporting |
New clause |
15 |
18 |
15.1. Council will report on the provision of expenses and facilities to Councillors as required in the Act and Regulations. |
Yes |
75. |
Breaches |
New clause |
16 |
18 |
16.1. Suspected breaches of this Policy are to be reported to the General Manager. 16.2. Alleged breaches of this Policy shall be dealt with by following the processes outlined for breaches of the Code of Conduct, as detailed in the Code and in the Procedures for the Administration of the Code. |
Yes |
Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services 13.3 - Attachment 2
POLICY 15/007
Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services 13.3 - Attachment 2
Date Adopted by Council |
17/09/2015 |
Resolution No. |
15-471 |
Policy Responsibility |
Corporate and Community Services |
Review Timeframe |
Minimum of every 5 years |
Last Review Date: |
Next Scheduled Review Date |
17/9/2020 |
Document History
Doc No. |
Date Amended |
Details Comments eg Resolution No. |
E2013/51669 |
As presented to the Markets Policy Review PRG Meeting on 30/1/14. |
E2014/5260 |
30/01/14 |
Created to include revisions from the Markets Policy Review PRG Meeting on 30/1/14. |
E2014/15483 |
06/03/14 |
Created to include revisions from the Markets Policy Review PRG Meeting on 6/3/14. |
E2014/30327 |
08/05/14 |
Created to include revisions from the Markets Policy Review PRG Meeting on 8/5/14. |
E2014/55208 |
03/07/14 |
Created to include revisions from the Markets Policy Review PRG Meeting on 3/7/14. |
E2015/11857 |
25/11/14 |
Created to include revisions from the Markets Policy Review PRG Meeting on 25/11/14. Reported to Council I2015/331 |
E2015/33306 |
22/5/2015 |
Res 15-228 place on exhibition. Advertisement E2015/33298 from 4/6/2015 to 2/7/2015 |
E2015/33306 |
02/09/15 |
Proposed changes to Section 3.6 as a result of public submission feedback |
E2015/33306 |
17/09/15 |
Adopted 17/9/15 Res 15-471 (replaces Markets within Byron Shire Policy 5.51) |
Further Document Information and Relationships
Related Legislation |
Local Government Act
1993 |
Related Policies |
Business Ethics Policy |
Related Procedures/ Protocols, Statements, documents |
Sustainable Community Market Regulating Code
Note: Any reference to Legislation will be updated in the Policy as required. See website for current Acts, Regulations and Environmental Planning Instruments.
1. OBJECTIVES............................................................................................................................. 1
2. DEFINITIONS............................................................................................................................ 1
3. POLICY STATEMENT............................................................................................................... 2
3.1 Scope of this Policy.......................................................................................................... 2
3.2 Market Licence................................................................................................................. 3
3.3 Temporary Market Licence.............................................................................................. 3
3.4 Market Frequency............................................................................................................. 3
3.5 Development Consent...................................................................................................... 4
3.6 Market Licence Assessment Criteria................................................................................ 4
3.7 Allocating Market Stall Spaces......................................................................................... 4
1.1. To provide vibrant markets to the community and to make markets attractive for both the community and tourists.
1.2. To incubate local small businesses and artisans by providing them an accessible avenue to sell their goods and/or services.
1.3. To encourage production of local agriculture and to provide an accessible avenue for the sale and purchase of locally grown produce to promote local food security.
1.4. To use the crown reserves in a way which supports local community, businesses and attracts tourism, and whose management and consumer access is both equitable and transparent.
1.5. To clarify how approval to manage a market can be obtained, ensuring that market organisers are aware of Council requirements so as to assist and encourage the efficient organisation of markets whilst receiving requisite approvals in a timely and orderly manner.
1.6. To ensure the proper and effective maintenance and enhancement of reserves.
1.7. To support local charities and not for profit organisations.
1.8. To provide Council with recurrent income from markets on Council land to support its Community Strategic Plan.
1.9. To acknowledge the community service provided by Markets and to promote the social benefit to community members.
1.10. To enhance consumer choice and fair prices and enable stallholders to make a reasonable living.
Artisan Market A Market that primarily features artisans, contemporary art, handicraft and designers, along with wellbeing practitioners and food producers.
Community Market A Market that has a primary purpose to benefit the Local Area.
Farmers Market A regular Market that primarily features fresh food, at which Northern Rivers regional farmers and producers sell their own local farm-origin produce, and associated value-added products directly to consumers.
Local Area The Local Area is the area contained within the municipal boundary of Byron Shire Council.
Local Person A Local Person is:
a) a resident of the Local Area, or
b) not a resident of the Local Area but is an owner of rateable land in the Local Area, or
c) is an occupier or rate paying lessee of rateable land in the Local Area.
Market The licensed activity of selling, exposing or offering of goods, merchandise or materials, or services for sale by Stall Holders.
Market Manager A person or organisation who holds a licence to use Council owned or managed land for the purpose of operating a Market.
Northern Rivers Region The Northern Rivers Region is the area comprised by the municipal boundaries of Ballina, Lismore, Tweed, Byron, Clarence Valley, Richmond Valley, and Kyogle Shire Councils.
Other Market A Market, other than a Community, Farmers, Artisan Market which meets the objectives of this policy.
Stall Holder A person to whom a stall site is issued by the Market Manager.
Adjoining Shires Adjoining Shires are those areas comprised by the municipal boundaries of Lismore, Tweed, and Ballina Shires.
Temporary Market A Market conducted for less than three consecutive days and licensed for less than a 12 month period.
3.1 Scope of this Policy
a) This Policy applies to Markets held on Council owned and managed land.
b) This Policy does not prevent or constrain Council or Council as Crown Reserve Trust Manager from operating a Market or Temporary Market on Council owned or managed land.
c) This Policy facilitates opportunities for prospective parties to compete for the use of council owned and managed land for the purposes of operating a Market.
d) This Policy will generate revenue via Market licence fees to assist Council deliver its Community Strategic Plan objectives.
e) Council will licence and regulate Markets on Council owned and managed land with reference to all relevant legislation, this Policy, Market licence agreements, development consent conditions, and the Sustainable Community Markets Regulating Code in force from time-to-time.
f) Where this Policy and/or Market licence agreements conflict with relevant legislation, the legislation will prevail.
g) Council is committed to the creation of social value and social benefit to the Local Area through the operation of Markets on Council owned and managed land.
3.2 Market Licence
a) A licence to conduct a Market shall only be granted through a transparent and competitive process, in accordance with all legislative requirements and providing not less than a 6-months transition period for existing Market Managers.
a) The Market licence will stipulate the Market rental, which will be established and determined by Council and included in Council’s adopted fees and charges.
b) All Market rental income, generated by Markets operated on Council owned land will be used to fund delivery of the Community Strategic Plan objectives.
c) All Market rental income, generated by Markets operated on Council managed Crown Reserves will be used to fund asset renewals, upgrades and improvements in accordance with land management legislation.
d) The term of the Market licence shall be for a maximum term of five consecutive years and shall contain terms and conditions, not limited to, but consistent with the development consent and/or Sustainable Community Markets Regulating Code in force from time-to-time.
e) A Market licence will only be granted in accordance with the relevant land management legislation.
f) A Market licence shall not be granted prior to development consent, where development consent is required.
3.3 Temporary Market Licence
a) A licence to conduct a Temporary Market may be issued, under delegated authority by the General Manager, on receipt of a Temporary Market application and after assessment and consideration in relation to this Policy, any relevant land management requirements and/or legislation.
b) A Temporary Market licence shall not be issued for more than three consecutive terms to the same applicant.
c) A Temporary Market licence shall contain terms and conditions, not limited to, but consistent development consent conditions and/or Sustainable Community Markets Regulating Code in force from time-to-time.
d) All Temporary Market licence fees shall be determined by Council and included in Council’s adopted fees and charges.
e) A Temporary Market licence shall not be granted prior to development consent, where development consent is required.
3.4 Market Frequency
a) Markets and Temporary Markets shall only be held on a stipulated day and at a stipulated location as defined in the Market licence.
3.5 Development Consent
a) Development consent and other legislative approvals may be required to conduct a Market on Council owned or managed land.
b) Obtaining development consent and any other legislative approvals will be the responsibility of the Market Manager.
3.6 Market Licence Assessment Criteria
a) All competitive processes used to establish Market licences will include mandatory and qualitative assessment criteria, with qualitative assessment criteria being consistent with the Objectives of this Policy.
b) The minimum qualitative assessment criteria, as set out below, will be included in all competitive processes used to establish Market licences.
Demonstrate the following:
i. Ability to develop, implement and monitor a Market Management Plan in accordance with Council’s Sustainable markets Regulatory Code.
ii. Experience in Market Management and meeting market licence conditions.
iii. Knowledge of Byron Shire’s Market culture.
iv. Experience with, and commitment to, environmental and sustainable operations and initiatives.
v. The benefits to the local community, for example enabling social interactions, promoting food security and healthy diets, preserving cultural heritage.
vi. The benefits to the local economy for:
a. Local employment and small business,
b. Local Industries, for example sustainable agriculture, arts, crafts, and tourism, and
c. Local charities and not-for-profit organisations.
3.7 Allocating Market Stall Spaces
a) The Market Manager shall allocate stall spaces giving priority to persons selling produce and products from the Local Area for 75% of the total available Market stall spaces, with the remainder of the Market stall spaces being allocated using a priority system based on the following:
i. Local Person
ii. Not a Local Person but a resident of the Northern Rivers Region
iii. Others.
Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy 13.10 - Attachment 5
Local Government (General) Regulation 2005
Schedule 3A Form of special disclosure of pecuniary interest
(Clause 195A)
Section 451 of the Local Government Act 1993
Form of Special Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest
1 The particulars of this form are to be written in block letters or typed.
2 If any space is insufficient in this form for all the particulars required to complete it, an appendix is to be attached for that purpose which is properly identified and signed by you.
Important information
This information is being collected for the purpose of making a special disclosure of pecuniary interests under sections 451 (4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1993. The special disclosure must relate to a pecuniary interest that arises only because of an interest of the councillor in the councillor’s principal place of residence or an interest of another person (whose interests are relevant under section 443 of the Act) in that person’s principal place of residence. You must not make a special disclosure that you know or ought reasonably to know is false or misleading in a material particular. Complaints made about contraventions of these requirements may be referred by the Director-General to the Local Government Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
This form must be completed by you before the commencement of the council or council committee meeting in respect of which the special disclosure is being made. The completed form must be tabled at the meeting. Everyone is entitled to inspect it. The special disclosure must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
Special disclosure of pecuniary interests
by ____________________________________________________________________________________
[full name of councillor]
in the matter of __________________________________________________________________________
[insert name of environmental planning instrument]
which is to be considered at a meeting of the
[name of council or council committee (as the case requires)]
Report No. __________ to be held on the _________________ day of
________________________ 201
Pecuniary interest |
Address of land in which councillor or an associated person, company or body has a proprietary interest (the identified land)1 |
Relationship of identified land to councillor [Tick or cross one box.] |
Councillor has interest in the land (e.g. is owner or has other interest arising out of a mortgage, lease, trust, option or contract, or otherwise). Associated person of councillor has interest in the land. Associated company or body of councillor has interest in the land. |
Matter giving rise to pecuniary interest |
Nature of land that is subject to a change in zone/planning control by proposed LEP (the subject land)2 [Tick or cross one box] |
The identified land. Land that adjoins or is adjacent to or is in proximity to the identified land. |
Current zone/planning control [Insert name of current planning instrument and identify relevant zone/planning control applying to the subject land] |
Proposed change of zone/planning control [Insert name of proposed LEP and identify proposed change of zone/planning control applying to the subject land] |
Effect of proposed change of zone/planning control on councillor [Insert one of the following: “Appreciable financial gain” or “Appreciable financial loss”] |
[If more than one pecuniary interest is to be declared, reprint the above box and fill in for each additional interest.]
(This form is to be retained by the Council’s general manager and included in full in the minutes of the meeting.)
1 Section 443 (1) of the Local Government Act 1993 provides that you may have a pecuniary interest in a matter because of the pecuniary interest of your spouse or your de facto partner or your relative 4 or because your business partner or employer has a pecuniary interest. You may also have a pecuniary interest in a matter because you, your nominee, your business partner or your employer is a member of a company or other body that has a pecuniary interest in the matter.
Section 442 of the Local Government Act 1993 provides that a "pecuniary interest" is an interest that a person has in a matter because of a reasonable likelihood or expectation of appreciable financial gain or loss to the person. A person does not have a pecuniary interest in a matter if the interest is so remote or insignificant that it could not reasonably be regarded as likely to influence any decision the person might make in relation to the matter or if the interest is of a kind specified in section 448 of that Act (for example, an interest as an elector or as a ratepayer or person liable to pay a charge).
2 A pecuniary interest may arise by way of a change of permissible use of land adjoining, adjacent to or in proximity to land in which a councillor or a person, company or body referred to in section 443 (1) (b) or (c) of the Local Government Act 1993 has a proprietary interest-see section 448 (g) (ii) of the Local Government Act 1993 .
3 "Relative" is defined by the Local Government Act 1993 as meaning your, your spouse’s or your de facto partner’s parent, grandparent, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, lineal descendant or adopted child and the spouse or de facto partner of any of those persons.
Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy 13.11 - Attachment 3
Local Government (General) Regulation 2005
Schedule 3A Form of special disclosure of pecuniary interest
(Clause 195A)
Section 451 of the Local Government Act 1993
Form of Special Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest
1 The particulars of this form are to be written in block letters or typed.
2 If any space is insufficient in this form for all the particulars required to complete it, an appendix is to be attached for that purpose which is properly identified and signed by you.
Important information
This information is being collected for the purpose of making a special disclosure of pecuniary interests under sections 451 (4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1993. The special disclosure must relate to a pecuniary interest that arises only because of an interest of the councillor in the councillor’s principal place of residence or an interest of another person (whose interests are relevant under section 443 of the Act) in that person’s principal place of residence. You must not make a special disclosure that you know or ought reasonably to know is false or misleading in a material particular. Complaints made about contraventions of these requirements may be referred by the Director-General to the Local Government Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
This form must be completed by you before the commencement of the council or council committee meeting in respect of which the special disclosure is being made. The completed form must be tabled at the meeting. Everyone is entitled to inspect it. The special disclosure must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
Special disclosure of pecuniary interests
by ____________________________________________________________________________________
[full name of councillor]
in the matter of
[insert name of environmental planning instrument]
which is to be considered at a meeting of the
[name of council or council committee (as the case requires)]
Report No. __________ to be held on the _________________ day of
________________________ 201
Pecuniary interest |
Address of land in which councillor or an associated person, company or body has a proprietary interest (the identified land)1 |
Relationship of identified land to councillor [Tick or cross one box.] |
Councillor has interest in the land (e.g. is owner or has other interest arising out of a mortgage, lease, trust, option or contract, or otherwise). Associated person of councillor has interest in the land. Associated company or body of councillor has interest in the land. |
Matter giving rise to pecuniary interest |
Nature of land that is subject to a change in zone/planning control by proposed LEP (the subject land)2 [Tick or cross one box] |
The identified land. Land that adjoins or is adjacent to or is in proximity to the identified land. |
Current zone/planning control [Insert name of current planning instrument and identify relevant zone/planning control applying to the subject land] |
Proposed change of zone/planning control [Insert name of proposed LEP and identify proposed change of zone/planning control applying to the subject land] |
Effect of proposed change of zone/planning control on councillor [Insert one of the following: “Appreciable financial gain” or “Appreciable financial loss”] |
[If more than one pecuniary interest is to be declared, reprint the above box and fill in for each additional interest.]
(This form is to be retained by the Council’s general manager and included in full in the minutes of the meeting.)
1 Section 443 (1) of the Local Government Act 1993 provides that you may have a pecuniary interest in a matter because of the pecuniary interest of your spouse or your de facto partner or your relative 4 or because your business partner or employer has a pecuniary interest. You may also have a pecuniary interest in a matter because you, your nominee, your business partner or your employer is a member of a company or other body that has a pecuniary interest in the matter.
Section 442 of the Local Government Act 1993 provides that a "pecuniary interest" is an interest that a person has in a matter because of a reasonable likelihood or expectation of appreciable financial gain or loss to the person. A person does not have a pecuniary interest in a matter if the interest is so remote or insignificant that it could not reasonably be regarded as likely to influence any decision the person might make in relation to the matter or if the interest is of a kind specified in section 448 of that Act (for example, an interest as an elector or as a ratepayer or person liable to pay a charge).
2 A pecuniary interest may arise by way of a change of permissible use of land adjoining, adjacent to or in proximity to land in which a councillor or a person, company or body referred to in section 443 (1) (b) or (c) of the Local Government Act 1993 has a proprietary interest-see section 448 (g) (ii) of the Local Government Act 1993 .
3 "Relative" is defined by the Local Government Act 1993 as meaning your, your spouse’s or your de facto partner’s parent, grandparent, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, lineal descendant or adopted child and the spouse or de facto partner of any of those persons.
Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy 13.12 - Attachment 1
Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy 13.12 - Attachment 1
Date Adopted by Council |
Resolution No. |
Responsibility |
Economy and Sustainability Coordinator |
Review Timeframe |
Last Review Date: |
Next Scheduled Review Date |
Document History
Doc No. |
Date Amended |
Details Comments eg Resolution No. |
E2018/2442 |
November 2017 |
Draft following Resolution 17-547 |
Further Document Information and Relationships
Related Legislation |
Section 355, Local Government Act (1993) |
Related Policies |
Code of Conduct 2016 |
Related Procedures/ Protocols, Statements, documents |
Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy 13.12 - Attachment 1
Table of Contents
1. Preamble
2. Purpose
3. Timeframe for Panel
4. Responsible Directorate
5. Membership
6. Induction
7. Quorum
8. Confidentiality
9. Election of Chairperson
10. Voting
11. Majority Decision
12. Convening Meetings
13. Agenda Preparation
14. Conduct of Business
15. Records of meetings
16. Absence from Panel Meetings
17. Section 377 Delegation
18. Meeting Practice
19. Miscellaneous
Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy 13.12 - Attachment 1
1. Preamble
The Strategic Business Panel is a Panel of the Council and does not have executive power or authority to implement actions.
The role of the Panel is to provide appropriate specialist advice and recommendations to Council on matters relevant to this Constitution.
2. Purpose
The purpose of the Strategic Business Panel is to discuss various themes or strategic topics relevant to the business community in the Byron Shire to generate and sustain employment and business investment that will strengthen the local economy in a sustainable manner. Four key areas are:
1. Emerging industries
2. Public Private Partnerships
3. Enabling infrastructure
4. Planning and Design.
To achieve this, different formats for each meeting will be used such as field days and workshops with guest speakers and industry leaders.
The Panel Councillors and staff set the theme and invite the leading business people, relevant speakers, experts and attendees for each meeting.
3. Timeframe for Panel
The lifespan of the Strategic Business Panel is for the term of Council 2016-2020.
4. Responsible Directorate
This Panel is administered by the Sustainable Environment and Economy Directorate. The Director or their delegate will attend these meetings and minutes will be taken by a member of their staff.
5. Membership
Council must appoint all Panel members. Appointment must take place prior to a member being conferred the responsibilities and rights as set out in this document.
Council may release individual members from the Panel at any time by a resolution of council. Council may also appoint any new members to a Panel at any time by a resolution of council.
Membership is to include:
· 3 Councillors
o Cr Simon Richardsn
o Cr Paul Spooner
o Cr Alan Hunter
· General Manager (or staff member delegate)
Note: Staff members participating on the Panel do not have any voting entitlements.
Councillors and Council staff set the theme of each meeting and invite the relevant leading business people, speakers, experts and attendees for each meeting.
6. Induction
All members will be required to participate in an induction process at the establishment of a new Panel, and at any time a replacement voting member joins a Panel. The induction will be scheduled prior to the first meeting of the Panel and will cover topics such as this Constitution, the Code of Meeting Practice, Conflicts of Interest and Code of Conduct.
Replacement voting members will be inducted by experienced Panel members at, or prior to, their first meeting.
7. Quorum
A quorum is to constitute at least half the number of members, two of which are to be Councillors. The General Manager or delegate, who must be a member of staff, is to attend the Panel meeting and is not counted in the quorum for the meeting.
8. Confidentiality
Members of the Panel will, in those circumstances where confidential matters are subject to deliberation, maintain confidentiality.
9. Election of Chairperson
The position of Chairperson is to be elected from Councillors comprising the Panel but only in circumstances where the Mayor elects not to assume the position of Chairperson.
10. Voting
a) Each member of the Panel (with the exception of staff members) is to have one vote, with the Chairperson to have a casting vote in addition to a deliberative vote.
b) Members of the Panel who are not Councillors may abstain from voting in any circumstances without such abstention being recorded in the negative.
11. Majority Decision
A majority decision of the Panel requires a majority of elected members to be present and voting on any item subject to the requirements of a quorum being met at the meeting.
12. Convening Meetings
Meetings will be held as required, generally every quarter. An annual timetable of meetings will be prepared in advance, and adopted by Council every October/November for the following 12 months.
A meeting of the Panel may be convened in response to either the direction of the Mayor (or in the Mayor’s absence the Deputy Mayor) in written form to the General Manager; or two Councillors in written form to the General Manager, or by resolution of the Council.
13. Agenda Preparation
It is the responsibility of the chairperson to prepare the agenda in consultation with the relevant Director, setting out the terms of business to be considered.
The agenda is an organised list of the business, in order, that will be transacted at the meeting. An agenda for each meeting, containing a brief report on each item, is to be provided to Panel members and available on Council’s website at least 7 days prior to the meeting being held.
Each item of business to discuss at the meeting is required to be listed on the agenda and in written form. Verbal reports at the meeting are not an acceptable practice.
For some matters, it will be necessary to attach other relevant information to the agenda to inform and direct discussion. Such information is to be circulated with the agenda.
Panel members may request items for inclusion in future agendas, through the Chair.
14. Conduct of Business
Each item of business is discussed in the order in which it appears on the agenda. No new matters will be introduced at the meeting. New items of business may be included in a future agenda as noted in clause 13 above.
15. Records of meetings
a) The minutes of meetings are to be circulated to members of the group within 7 days of the meeting so that members can provide feedback through the Chair on the draft unconfirmed minutes.
b) Any recommendation of a Panel that requires a resolution of Council will be reported to Council through a staff report to Council from the responsible Directorate for the Panel, and the staff report will include as an attachment, a copy of the minutes of the Panel meeting at which the recommendation was made.
16. Absence from Panel Meetings
All Panel members are required to advise the chair when they are unable to attend Panel meetings. The absence of Panel members from the meeting is to be recorded in the minutes. A Panel member (other than the Mayor) ceases to be a member of a Panel if the member:
a) Has been absent from three consecutive meetings of the Panel without having given reasons acceptable to the Panel for the member’s absence, or
b) Has been absent from at least half of the meetings of the Panel held during the immediately preceding year without having given to the Panel acceptable reasons for the member’s absences.
17. Section 377 Delegation
The Panel does not have any delegated functions pursuant to
section 377 of the Local Government Act (1993) and does not have the power to
direct staff.
18. Meeting Practice
Meetings are to be conducted in accordance with this Constitution and, where required, reference to Council’s Code of Meeting Practice.
19. Miscellaneous
a) Insurance: All group members are covered by the public liability policy of Council. This insurance does not preclude the Panel from due diligence and all Council policies must be adhered to.
b) Code of Conduct: All group members to abide by Council’s adopted Code of Conduct at all times.
c) Pecuniary Interest: Pecuniary Interest may be defined as an interest that a person has in a matter, as a group member or employee of a company or other body, because of a reasonable likelihood or expectation of appreciable financial gain or loss to the person, or another person with whom the person is associated. Such other person includes the spouse or de-facto partner or relative of the group member.
Section 446 of the Local Government Act states that “a member of a council committee, other than a committee that is wholly advisory, must disclose pecuniary interests...”
Even though the Local Government Act provides an exemption to disclose pecuniary interests Council’s preference is for all members to declare pecuniary interests where applicable.
d) Work Health Safety: All group members are required to comply with the “Worker Responsibilities” as prescribed in the Work Health Safety Policy.
Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy 13.13 - Attachment 1
Local Government (General) Regulation 2005
Schedule 3A Form of special disclosure of pecuniary interest
(Clause 195A)
Section 451 of the Local Government Act 1993
Form of Special Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest
1 The particulars of this form are to be written in block letters or typed.
2 If any space is insufficient in this form for all the particulars required to complete it, an appendix is to be attached for that purpose which is properly identified and signed by you.
Important information
This information is being collected for the purpose of making a special disclosure of pecuniary interests under sections 451 (4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1993. The special disclosure must relate to a pecuniary interest that arises only because of an interest of the councillor in the councillor’s principal place of residence or an interest of another person (whose interests are relevant under section 443 of the Act) in that person’s principal place of residence. You must not make a special disclosure that you know or ought reasonably to know is false or misleading in a material particular. Complaints made about contraventions of these requirements may be referred by the Director-General to the Local Government Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
This form must be completed by you before the commencement of the council or council committee meeting in respect of which the special disclosure is being made. The completed form must be tabled at the meeting. Everyone is entitled to inspect it. The special disclosure must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
Special disclosure of pecuniary interests
by ____________________________________________________________________________________
[full name of councillor]
in the matter of __________________________________________________________________________
[insert name of environmental planning instrument]
which is to be considered at a meeting of the
[name of council or council committee (as the case requires)]
Report No. __________ to be held on the _________________ day of
________________________ 201
Pecuniary interest |
Address of land in which councillor or an associated person, company or body has a proprietary interest (the identified land)1 |
Relationship of identified land to councillor [Tick or cross one box.] |
Councillor has interest in the land (e.g. is owner or has other interest arising out of a mortgage, lease, trust, option or contract, or otherwise). Associated person of councillor has interest in the land. Associated company or body of councillor has interest in the land. |
Matter giving rise to pecuniary interest |
Nature of land that is subject to a change in zone/planning control by proposed LEP (the subject land)2 [Tick or cross one box] |
The identified land. Land that adjoins or is adjacent to or is in proximity to the identified land. |
Current zone/planning control [Insert name of current planning instrument and identify relevant zone/planning control applying to the subject land] |
Proposed change of zone/planning control [Insert name of proposed LEP and identify proposed change of zone/planning control applying to the subject land] |
Effect of proposed change of zone/planning control on councillor [Insert one of the following: “Appreciable financial gain” or “Appreciable financial loss”] |
[If more than one pecuniary interest is to be declared, reprint the above box and fill in for each additional interest.]
(This form is to be retained by the Council’s general manager and included in full in the minutes of the meeting.)
1 Section 443 (1) of the Local Government Act 1993 provides that you may have a pecuniary interest in a matter because of the pecuniary interest of your spouse or your de facto partner or your relative 4 or because your business partner or employer has a pecuniary interest. You may also have a pecuniary interest in a matter because you, your nominee, your business partner or your employer is a member of a company or other body that has a pecuniary interest in the matter.
Section 442 of the Local Government Act 1993 provides that a "pecuniary interest" is an interest that a person has in a matter because of a reasonable likelihood or expectation of appreciable financial gain or loss to the person. A person does not have a pecuniary interest in a matter if the interest is so remote or insignificant that it could not reasonably be regarded as likely to influence any decision the person might make in relation to the matter or if the interest is of a kind specified in section 448 of that Act (for example, an interest as an elector or as a ratepayer or person liable to pay a charge).
2 A pecuniary interest may arise by way of a change of permissible use of land adjoining, adjacent to or in proximity to land in which a councillor or a person, company or body referred to in section 443 (1) (b) or (c) of the Local Government Act 1993 has a proprietary interest-see section 448 (g) (ii) of the Local Government Act 1993 .
3 "Relative" is defined by the Local Government Act 1993 as meaning your, your spouse’s or your de facto partner’s parent, grandparent, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, lineal descendant or adopted child and the spouse or de facto partner of any of those persons.
Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy 13.19 - Attachment 1
Attachment 1 - Staged Implementation of NSW Planning Reforms
The Government is taking a staged approach to the commencement of the new Act to ensure a smooth transition to the new measures.
While most of the changes have commenced on 1 March 2018, there will be a number of other changes that will involve further design and consultation.
These new features of the planning system will commence in a staged manner, as illustrated in the table below:
Ending transitional arrangements for Part 3A |
Early 2018 |
Local planning panels |
Early 2018 |
Statement of reasons |
Mid 2018 |
Changes to concurrences and referrals |
Late 2018 |
Changes to conditions for major projects |
Late 2018 |
Enforceable undertakings |
Late 2018 |
Local strategic planning statements |
1 July 2019 for Greater Sydney & 1 July 2020 for the rest of NSW |
LEP check |
Late 2019 |
Community participation plans |
Late 2019 |
Improvements to complying development |
Late 2019 |
Building and subdivision |
Late 2019 |
Standard format development control plans |
Mid 2020 |
This will provide time for councils, communities, industry and practitioners to understand and prepare for the new requirements, including by updating their documents and forms to reflect the new structure.
Most of the changes have come into effect from 1 March 2018. Other changes will take longer to switch on and will involve further consultation.
New features such as community participation plans and local strategic planning statements will be introduced over time to ensure all stakeholders can prepare for changes, supported by appropriate guidance, templates and other resources.
Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy 13.19 - Attachment 3
Attachment 3 – Review of Existing Public Exhibition Requirements
Type of Plan |
Minimum Public Exhibition Requirement (EP&A Act 1979)
Current LEP/DCP Requirement |
Action Required |
Application for development consent (other than for complying development certificate, for designated development or for State significant development) |
14 days or:
(a) If a different period of public exhibition is specified for the application in the relevant community participation plan—the period so specified, or (b) (b) If the relevant community participation plan specifies that no public exhibition is required for the application—no public exhibition.
The Community Participation Plan will not be implemented until late 2019.
In the interim, Part 2 of the EP&A (Savings, Transitional and Other) Regulation 2017 allows for Council to continue to exercise discretion over advertising requirements as per the existing DCP controls. |
DCP 2014
Level 0 (no notification)
Level 1 – 14 days
Level 2 – 14 days
Scope available in DCP to increase notification to 28 days.
Clause A14.6 States that Council has discretion to waive the public notification or exhibition of any application.
No action required due to provisions under Part 2 of the EP&A (Savings, Transitional and Other) Regulation 2017.
Recommend review of DCP provisions for early adoption, or for adoption under the community participation plan to be implemented in late 2019. |
DCP 2010
Level 0 (no notification)
Level 1 – 14 days
Level 2 – 14 days
Scope available in DCP to increase notification to 21 - 28 days.
Chapter 17 - Clause 6 States that Council has discretion to waive the public notification or exhibition of any application.
No action required due to provisions under Part 2 of the EP&A (Savings, Transitional and Other) Regulation 2017.
Recommend review of DCP provisions for early adoption, or for adoption under the community participation plan to be implemented in late 2019. |
Application for development consent for designated development
28 days |
No DCP/LEP requirement.
Public engagement requirements are regulated under State legislation.
No Action |
Application for development consent for State significant development
28 days
No DCP/LEP requirement.
Public engagement requirements are regulated under State legislation.
No Action |
Application for modification of development consent that is required to be publicly exhibited by the regulations
The period (if any) determined by the consent authority in accordance with the relevant community participation plan.
The Community Participation Plan will not be implemented until late 2019.
In the interim, Part 2 of the EP&A (Savings, Transitional and Other) Regulation 2017 allows for Council to continue to exercise discretion over advertising requirements as per the DCP controls. |
DCP 2014
As prescribed for original application; or
No notification in some instances (Clause A14.3)
No action required due to provisions under Part 2 of the EP&A (Savings, Transitional and Other) Regulation 2017
Recommend review of DCP provisions for early adoption, or for adoption under the community participation plan to be implemented in late 2019.
DCP 2010
As prescribed for original application; or
No notification in some instances (Clause 5.1)
No action required due to provisions under Part 2 of the EP&A (Savings, Transitional and Other) Regulation 2017
Recommend review of DCP provisions for early adoption, or for adoption under the community participation plan to be implemented in late 2019.
Environmental impact statement obtained under Division 5.1
28 days. |
No DCP/LEP requirement.
Public engagement requirements are regulated under State legislation.
No Action |
Environmental impact statement for State significant infrastructure under Division 5.2
28 days |
No DCP/LEP requirement.
Public engagement requirements are regulated under State legislation.
No Action |
Re-exhibition of any amended application or matter referred to above required by or under this Schedule |
The period (if any) determined by the person or body responsible for publicly exhibiting the application or matter. |
No specific DCP/LEP provisions are in place. |
No action required due to provisions under Part 2 of the EP&A (Savings, Transitional and Other) Regulation 2017
Recommend review of DCP provisions for early adoption, or for adoption under the community participation plan to be implemented in late 2019.
Type of Plan |
Minimum Public Exhibition Requirement (EP&A Act 1979)
Current LEP/DCP Requirement |
Action Required |
Draft local strategic planning statements (Division 3.1)
28 days. |
No DCP/LEP requirement.
Public engagement requirements are regulated under State legislation.
No Action |
Planning proposals for local environmental plans subject to a gateway determination (Division 3.4) |
28 days or: (a) if a different period of public exhibition is specified in the gateway determination for the proposal—the period so specified, or (b) if the gateway determination specifies that no public exhibition is required because of the minor nature of the proposal—no public exhibition.
No DCP/LEP requirement.
Public engagement requirements are regulated under State legislation and via the Gateway Determination.
No Action |
Draft development control plans (Division 3.6)
28 days. |
No DCP/LEP requirement.
Public engagement requirements are regulated under State legislation.
No Action |
Draft contribution plans (Division 7.1)
28 days. |
No DCP/LEP requirement.
Public engagement requirements are regulated under State legislation.
No Action |
Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy 13.19 - Attachment 4
Local Government (General) Regulation 2005
Schedule 3A Form of special disclosure of pecuniary interest
(Clause 195A)
Section 451 of the Local Government Act 1993
Form of Special Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest
1 The particulars of this form are to be written in block letters or typed.
2 If any space is insufficient in this form for all the particulars required to complete it, an appendix is to be attached for that purpose which is properly identified and signed by you.
Important information
This information is being collected for the purpose of making a special disclosure of pecuniary interests under sections 451 (4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1993. The special disclosure must relate to a pecuniary interest that arises only because of an interest of the councillor in the councillor’s principal place of residence or an interest of another person (whose interests are relevant under section 443 of the Act) in that person’s principal place of residence. You must not make a special disclosure that you know or ought reasonably to know is false or misleading in a material particular. Complaints made about contraventions of these requirements may be referred by the Director-General to the Local Government Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
This form must be completed by you before the commencement of the council or council committee meeting in respect of which the special disclosure is being made. The completed form must be tabled at the meeting. Everyone is entitled to inspect it. The special disclosure must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
Special disclosure of pecuniary interests
by ____________________________________________________________________________________
[full name of councillor]
in the matter of
[insert name of environmental planning instrument]
which is to be considered at a meeting of the
[name of council or council committee (as the case requires)]
Report No. __________ to be held on the _________________ day of
________________________ 201
Pecuniary interest |
Address of land in which councillor or an associated person, company or body has a proprietary interest (the identified land)1 |
Relationship of identified land to councillor [Tick or cross one box.] |
Councillor has interest in the land (e.g. is owner or has other interest arising out of a mortgage, lease, trust, option or contract, or otherwise). Associated person of councillor has interest in the land. Associated company or body of councillor has interest in the land. |
Matter giving rise to pecuniary interest |
Nature of land that is subject to a change in zone/planning control by proposed LEP (the subject land)2 [Tick or cross one box] |
The identified land. Land that adjoins or is adjacent to or is in proximity to the identified land. |
Current zone/planning control [Insert name of current planning instrument and identify relevant zone/planning control applying to the subject land] |
Proposed change of zone/planning control [Insert name of proposed LEP and identify proposed change of zone/planning control applying to the subject land] |
Effect of proposed change of zone/planning control on councillor [Insert one of the following: “Appreciable financial gain” or “Appreciable financial loss”] |
[If more than one pecuniary interest is to be declared, reprint the above box and fill in for each additional interest.]
(This form is to be retained by the Council’s general manager and included in full in the minutes of the meeting.)
1 Section 443 (1) of the Local Government Act 1993 provides that you may have a pecuniary interest in a matter because of the pecuniary interest of your spouse or your de facto partner or your relative 4 or because your business partner or employer has a pecuniary interest. You may also have a pecuniary interest in a matter because you, your nominee, your business partner or your employer is a member of a company or other body that has a pecuniary interest in the matter.
Section 442 of the Local Government Act 1993 provides that a "pecuniary interest" is an interest that a person has in a matter because of a reasonable likelihood or expectation of appreciable financial gain or loss to the person. A person does not have a pecuniary interest in a matter if the interest is so remote or insignificant that it could not reasonably be regarded as likely to influence any decision the person might make in relation to the matter or if the interest is of a kind specified in section 448 of that Act (for example, an interest as an elector or as a ratepayer or person liable to pay a charge).
2 A pecuniary interest may arise by way of a change of permissible use of land adjoining, adjacent to or in proximity to land in which a councillor or a person, company or body referred to in section 443 (1) (b) or (c) of the Local Government Act 1993 has a proprietary interest-see section 448 (g) (ii) of the Local Government Act 1993 .
3 "Relative" is defined by the Local Government Act 1993 as meaning your, your spouse’s or your de facto partner’s parent, grandparent, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, lineal descendant or adopted child and the spouse or de facto partner of any of those persons.
Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy 13.22 - Attachment 3
Parameters of this Consent
1) Development is to be in accordance with approved plans
The development is to be in accordance with plans listed below:
Plan No. |
Description |
Prepared by |
Dated: |
2442/SK100 |
Proposed Subdivision – 3 Lots Lots 1& 2 |
Geolink |
17/01/18 |
2442/SK101 |
Proposed Subdivision – 3 Lots Lots 1, 2 & 3 |
Geolink |
17/01/18 |
The development is also to be in accordance with any changes shown in red ink on the approved plans or conditions of consent.
The approved plans and related documents endorsed with the Council stamp and authorised signature must be kept on site at all times while work is being undertaken.
The following conditions are to be complied with prior to issue of a Construction Certificate for subdivision works
2) Engineering Construction Plans
Three (3) copies of engineering construction plans and specifications must accompany the construction certificate application. Such plans are to provide for the following works in accordance with Council’s current Design and Construction Manuals and Specifications. The submission of the design plans must be accompanied by Northern Rivers Local Government Design and Construction Manual Design Checklist in accordance with Specification DQS:
3) Sewerage and Water Mains
An approval is to be obtained under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993 to carry out water supply and sewerage works.
Sewerage and water mains are to be extended to service all residential allotments in the subdivision. All Council gravity sewerage mains are to be a minimum 150 mm diameter and water mains are a minimum 100mm diameter.
Water supply and sewerage works are to comply with Council's latest Standards and Policies including but not limited to:
· Development Design and Construction Manuals, Northern Rivers Local Government, 2009;
· Development Servicing Plan for Water Supply Services, Byron Shire Council, 2011;
· Development Servicing Plan for Sewerage Services, Byron Shire Council, 2011;
· Fire Flow Design Guidelines, Water Directorate, 2011;
· Water and Sewer Equivalent Tenement Policy (13/005), Byron Shire Council, 2013;
· Pressure Sewerage Policy (12/014), Byron Shire Council, 2012.
· Private Sewer Pump Station Policy (12/015), Byron Shire Council, 2012.
The following conditions are to be complied with prior to issue of a Subdivision Certificate
4) Subdivision Certificate application required
An application for a Subdivision Certificate must be made on the approved form. The Subdivision Certificate fees, in accordance with Council's adopted schedule of fees and charges, must accompany such application.
NOTE: The application must address ALL those conditions of consent required to be complied with “Prior to the issue of a Subdivision Certificate” with a clear explanation how that condition has been complied with, together with supplying ALL the relevant information/documents/certificate and/or plans that is required by that condition.
The application MUST be one complete, concise package, addressing all those conditions. Failure to provide the abovementioned information in one package, will likely result in the application being refused/rejected and returned to you.
5) Plan of Subdivision
The final plan of subdivision must be in accordance with the approved plan/s. A Deposited Plan Administration Sheet (original plus one (1) copy), two (2) copies of the plan of subdivision and any necessary section 88B instrument (original plus one (1) copy) are to be submitted with the application for a subdivision certificate.
6) Completion of All Works
All subdivision works required by this development consent, and associated Construction Certificate, are to be completed prior to issue of the subdivision certificate. A copy of the final completion letter/s, issued by the Principal Certifying Authority, and final plumbing certificate, issued by the water supply authority, for the relevant subdivision works must be submitted with the application for a subdivision certificate.
7) Works-As-Executed Plans
Following completion of works and prior to issue of the subdivision certificate, Work-as-Executed Drawings, together with a Work-As-Executed Certification Report, in accordance with Council’s requirements are to be submitted to Council. Two categories of Work-as-Executed Drawings are to be submitted to Council, being
Amended Design Work-as-Executed Drawings and Summary Work-as-Executed Drawings.
Amended Design Work-as-Executed Drawings, being certified copies of all approved design plans with as constructed departures, deletions and additions clearly noted and detailed on the plans, are to be submitted to Council in the following formats:-
(a) One (1) paper copy at the same scale and format as the approved design plans, but, marked appropriately for as constructed information and with original signatures; and
(b) An electronic copy of above in PDF format and provided to Council on CD, DVD or via email.
Summary Work-as-Executed
Drawings are to be prepared on a background plan of lot layout and kerb
lines with a set of separate plans for stormwater drainage, sewerage, water
supply and site works. The site works drawing/s shall include the 1 in 100 year
flood and flood planning level extents and levels, where relevant. Such
drawings are to be submitted to Council in the following formats:-
(a) One (1) paper copy of each drawing with original signatures and in accordance with Council’s requirements.
(b) Electronic copy of the above in AutoCAD DWG or DXF format and provided to Council on CD, DVD or via email. The AutoCAD (DWG or DXF) files are to be spatially referenced to MGA Zone 56.
(c) Electronic copy of above in PDF format and provided to Council on CD, DVD or via email.
Note: Council’s requirements are detailed in Council’s adopted engineering specifications, currently the Northern Rivers Local Government Development Design and Construction Manuals, and on Council’s website.
8) CCTV Inspection and Report
CCTV inspection shall be undertaken on all completed underground pipe systems, including minor sewer main extensions, in accordance with Council’s specification, currently DEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION, C402 - SEWERAGE SYSTEM ( Both a hardcopy and electronic copy of the report (submitted in CD or DVD medium in a format suitable to Council) of the CCTV inspection shall be provided to Council for consideration prior to the release of the Subdivision Certificate, Occupation Certificate, Final Inspection for Section 68 Approvals, "Off-maintenance" or Release of Security Bond.
9) Record of Infrastructure
A record of infrastructure coming into Council ownership, upon registration of the final plan of subdivision, is to be submitted to Council. The information is to be submitted in the form of Council’s Standard Form titled “Asset Creation Record”. This form is available from Council’s Local Approvals Section.
10) Electricity Supply Certificate
Written evidence from an electricity supply authority is to be submitted with the application for a subdivision certificate stating that satisfactory arrangements have been made for the provision of underground electricity supply throughout the subdivision.
11) Fibre-ready Facilities and Telecommunications Infrastructure
Prior to the issue of the Subdivision Certificate in connection with a development, the developer (whether or not a constitutional corporation) is to provide evidence satisfactory to the Certifying Authority that arrangements have been made for:
1. the installation of fibre-ready facilities to all individual lots and/or premises in a real estate development project so as to enable fibre to be readily connected to any premises that is being or may be constructed on those lots. Demonstrate that the carrier has confirmed in writing that they are satisfied that the fibre ready facilities are fit for purpose; and
2. the provision of fixed-line telecommunications infrastructure in the fibre-ready facilities to all individual lots and/or premises in a real estate development project demonstrated through an agreement with a carrier.
(Note real estate development project has the meanings given in section 372Q of the Telecommunications Act).
12) Geotechnical Report (Lot Classification)
A certificate from a practicing Geotechnical Engineer must be provided in conjunction with a Lot Classification Report prepared in accordance with Australian Standard AS2870.1. Such certificate must certify that all vacant allotments have a building site of adequate size and shape on each lot that is not subject to slip or subsidence.
13) Section 88B Instrument
A Section 88B Instrument and one
(1) copy are to be submitted with the application for a subdivision
certificate. The final plan of subdivision and accompanying Section 88B
Instrument are to provide for:
a) Sewer Easements
The creation of easements for drainage of sewage over all sewage pipelines and structures located within the proposed allotments in accordance with Council’s Building Over Pipelines Policy 4.20.
14) Certificate for services within easements
The submission of a certificate from a registered surveyor certifying that all pipelines, structures, access driveways and/or services are located wholly within the relevant easements.
15) Water service and meter to be connected to each lot
A water service and water meter must be connected to each dwelling in the development using an approved backflow prevention device. It is the applicant’s responsibility to engage a licensed plumber who shall liaise with council during this process.
Each Torrens title lot of land shall have an individual service tapped from the main and extending 300mm inside the lot boundary. Each dwelling/unit/shop capable of being subdivided under the Strata or Community Title Schemes shall have a separate water meter
Any new water service and meter will be at the applicants cost.
16) Certificate of Compliance – Water Management Act 2000
Water and sewer services are to be
provided to the land in accordance with an approval granted under Section 68 of
the Local Government Act 1993.
Payment of
developer charges to Byron Shire Council for water supply and sewerage.
A copy of the Certificate of Compliance under Section 307 of the Water Management Act 2000 is to be obtained from Byron Shire Council prior to the issue of a Subdivision Certificate.
Application forms are available from Council’s administration building or online at to be submitted for a Certificate of Compliance.
17) Developer Contributions to be paid
Contributions set out in the schedule below are to be paid to Council prior to the release of a subdivision certificate. Contributions are levied in accordance with the Byron Shire Developer Contributions Plan 2012 (as amended). The Plan may be viewed on line at or during office hours at the Council Offices located at Station Street, Mullumbimby. These contributions are to fund public amenities and services as listed in the schedule. Additional details on the specific amenities are to be found in the Byron Shire Developer Contributions Plan 2012 (as amended).
The contributions in the schedule are current at the date of this consent. The contributions payable will be adjusted in accordance with the relevant plan and the amount payable will be calculated on the basis of the contribution rates that are applicable at the time of payment. The schedule contains a date for which the schedule remains valid, after this date you will have to contact Council for an updated schedule.
The prescribed conditions in accordance with Division8A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation apply as are of relevance to this application: |
Clause 98 Compliance with Building Code of Australia and insurance requirements under the Home Building Act 1989 - /view/regulation/2000/557/part6/div9 |
Clause 98A Erection of signs |
Clause 98B Notification of Home Building Act 1989 requirements |
Clause 98E Condition relating to shoring and adequacy of adjoining property |
Refer to the NSW State legislation for full text of the clauses under Division 8A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000. This can be accessed at |
Penalties apply for failure to comply with development consents
Failure to comply with conditions of development consent may lead to an on the spot fine (generally $600) being issued pursuant to section 127A of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 or prosecution pursuant to section 125 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979.
Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997:
It is an offence under the provisions of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 to act in a manner causing, or likely to cause, harm to the environment. Anyone allowing material to enter a waterway or leaving material where it can be washed off-site may be subject to a penalty infringement notice (“on-the-spot fine”) or prosecution.
Water payments under the Water Management Act 2000
Charges will be calculated based on the additional water and sewerage load that the proposed development generates, shown in Equivalent Tenements (ET) by the following table:
(ET Policy No:13/005)
Water |
1.00 ET |
Bulk Water |
1.00 ET |
Sewer |
1.00 ET |
NB: Information regarding Development Servicing charges can be found on the Byron Shire Council website ( These charges will enable you to calculate the total contribution charges payable when you are ready to pay them. Developer charges will be calculated in accordance with the Development Servicing Plan applicable at the date of payment.
Reports of Committees - Corporate and Community Services 14.1 - Attachment 1
Finance Advisory Committee Meeting
Venue |
Conference Room, Station Street, Mullumbimby |
Date |
Thursday, 17 May 2018 |
Time |
2.00pm |
Reports of Committees - Corporate and Community Services 14.1 - Attachment 1
Minutes of the Finance Advisory Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 17 May 2018
File No: Error! Unknown document property name.
PRESENT: Cr B Cameron, Cr A Hunter, Cr M Lyon, Cr S Richardson, Cr P Spooner
Staff: Mark Arnold (Acting General Manager)
James Brickley (Acting Director Corporate and Community Services)
Sean Baker (Acting Manager Finance)
Phil Holloway (Director Infrastructure Services)
Shannon Burt (Executive Manager Environment and Planning)
Shannon McKelvey (Executive Manager Organisation Development)
Cr Cameron (Chair) opened the meeting at 2.15pm and acknowledged that the meeting was being held on Bundjalung Country.
There was an apology received from Cr Coorey.
Declarations of Interest – Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary
There were no declarations of interest.
Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings
Recommendation: That the notes of the Finance Advisory Committee Meeting held on 15 February 2018 be noted. |
Note: There were no minutes from the meeting held on 15 February 2018 due to a quorum not being achieved for the meeting, therefore no recommendations could be made; notes only.
Business Arising from Previous Minutes
There was no business arising from previous minutes.
Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services
Report No. 4.1 2017/18 Financial Sustainability Plan - Update on the Action Implementation Plan as at 31 March 2018 File No: I2018/453
Committee Recommendation: That the update report to 31 March 2018 on the 2017/2018 Financial Sustainability Plan Action Implementation Plan (E2018/19525) be received and noted. (Lyon/Richardson) The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
Report No. 4.2 Budget Review - 1 January 2018 to 31 March 2018 File No: I2018/868
Committee Recommendation: That the Finance Advisory Committee recommend to Council: 1. That Council authorise the itemised budget variations as shown in Attachment 2 (#E2018/39650) which includes the following results in the 31 March 2018 Quarterly Review of the 2017/2018 Budget:
a) General Fund – $256,900 increase to the Estimated Unrestricted Cash Result b) General Fund - $1,734,800 increase in reserves c) Water Fund - $1,195,100 increase in reserves d) Sewerage Fund - $2,930,600 increase in reserves
2. That Council adopt the revised General Fund Estimated Unrestricted Cash Result of $1,145,200 for the 2017/2018 financial year as at 31 March 2018. (Spooner/Hunter)
The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
Report No. 4.3 Quarterly Update - Implementation of Special Rate Variation File No: I2018/869
Committee Recommendation: That the Finance Advisory Committee note the quarterly update on the Special Rate Variation Implementation as at 31 March 2018. (Lyon/Spooner)
The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried.. |
Staff Report - Infrastructure Services
Report No. 4.4 Funding Options for Railway Square Stage 2 File No: I2018/277
Committee Recommendation: That the Finance Advisory Committee recommend to Council that the funding model and budget estimate for the delivery of Railway Square, Stage 2 as set out in Option 3 of this report be adopted. (Cameron/Spooner)
The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
There being no further business the meeting concluded at 3.35pm.
Reports of Committees - Corporate and Community Services 14.2 - Attachment 1
Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Meeting
Venue |
Conference Room, Station Street, Mullumbimby |
Date |
Thursday, 17 May 2018 |
Time |
11.30am |
Minutes of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 17 May 2018
File No: Error! Unknown document property name.
PRESENT: Cr B Cameron, Cr A Hunter
Staff: Mark Arnold (Acting General Manager)
Brickley (Acting Director Corporate and Community Services)
Phil Holloway (Director Infrastructure Services)
Shannon McKelvey (Executive Manager Organisational Development) - items 4.1 and 4.2 only.
Anna Vinfield (Manager Corporate Services)
James (Legal Counsel) - items 5.2 and 5.3 only.
Jess Orr (Strategic Risk and Improvement Coordinator)
David Royston-Jennings (Corporate Governance Officer)
Community: Michael Georghiou (Chairperson), Rae Wills
Auditors: Cathy Blunt (OCM), Kevin Franey (TNR) – via teleconference, item 5.1 only, Gearoid Fitzgerald (Audit Office of NSW) – via teleconference, item 5.1 only.
Mr Georghiou (Chair) opened the meeting at 11.40am.
There were apologies from Cr S Richardson, Brian Wilkinson and Pamela Robertson-Gregg (OCM).
Declarations of Interest – Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary
There were no declarations of interest.
Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings
Committee Recommendation: That the minutes of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Meeting held on 15 February 2018 be confirmed. (Georghiou/Cameron)
The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
Note: The minutes of the meeting held on 15 February 2018 were noted, and the Committee Recommendations adopted by Council, at the Ordinary Meeting held on 22 March 2018.
Business Arising from Previous Minutes
There was no business arising from previous minutes.
Staff Reports - General Manager
Report No. 4.1 Local Government Performance Excellence Program - Byron Shire Council 2017 Performance Results File No: I2018/655
Committee Recommendation: That the Internal Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee note the Byron Shire Council LG Performance Excellence Program FY17 Report and that future reports be presented to the Committee. (Georghiou/Wills)
The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services
Report No. 4.2 NSW Audit Office - Local Government 2017 Financial Audit Report File No: I2018/866
Committee Recommendation: That the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee note the contents and recommendations made in the Local Government 2017 Financial Audit from the NSW Audit Office at Attachment 1 (#E2018/35811). (Georghiou/Hunter)
The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
Procedural Motion |
Committee Recommendation: 1. That pursuant to Sections 10A(2)(d)i and 10A(2)(f) of the Local Government Act, 1993, Council resolve into Confidential Session to discuss the following reports, namely
4.3 Internal Activity & Progress Report - May 2018 5.1 2017/2018 External Audit Client Service Plan 5.2 Risk Management Framework & Business Continuity Update 5.3 Fraud and Corruption Control
Audit Review Report 2. That the reasons for closing the meeting to the public to consider these items be that they contain:
· commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it; and, 1. · matters
affecting the security of the council, councillors, council staff or council
property. 2.
3. That on balance it is considered that receipt and discussion of
these matters in open Committee would be contrary to the public interest, as
disclosure of the confidential information could compromise the commercial position
of the person who supplied it, or affect the security of the council,
councillors, council staff or council property. The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
Report No. 4.3 Internal Activity & Progress Report - May 2018 File No: I2018/862
Committee Recommendation: 1. That the Audit, Risk and Improvement Advisory Committee note the Internal Audit Activity Report – May 2018 (#E2018/39734).
2. That the Audit, Risk and Improvement Advisory Committee endorse the recommendation to vary the audit program and replace the planned IT User Access Review in Quarter 4 of 2017/2018 year with an audit review of Council’s current systems and processes to ensure/test compliance with Council’s six Environment Protection Licences in the Sewerage, Landfill and Quarry operations.
3. That the IT User Access review be completed no later than Quarter 2 of 2018/2019 financial year. (Georghiou/Cameron)
The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
Confidential Reports - Corporate and Community Services
Report No. 5.1 Confidential - 2017/2018 External Audit Client Service Plan File No: I2018/810
Committee Recommendation: 1. That Council note the External Audit Client Service Plan prepared by the Audit Office of New South Wales for the year ended 30 June 2018 as outlined in Attachment 1 (#E2018/36320).
2. That the report and Attachment 1 of the closed part of the meeting remain confidential. (Georghiou/Cameron) The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
Report No. 5.2 Confidential - Risk Management Framework & Business Continuity Update File No: I2018/683
Committee Recommendation: That the Internal Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee note ongoing work undertaken in improving Council’s risk management approach and business continuity and disaster recovery efforts across the organisation. (Georghiou/Hunter)
The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
Report No. 5.3 Confidential - Fraud and Corruption Control Audit Review Report File No: I2018/654
Committee Recommendation: 1. That the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee note the Fraud and Corruption Controls internal audit review report. 3. 2. That the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee request that management implement the recommendations made in the report identified as Attachment 1 (#E2018/39530), subject to the revaluation of the rating of detailed finding 2.3 – Fraud and Corruption Policy/Framework from Medium to High. 4. 3. That the report and Attachment 1 of the closed part of the meeting remain confidential.
4. That an update on fraud and corruption controls be presented at future meetings. (Georghiou/Hunter) The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
There being no further business the meeting concluded at 1.53pm.
Reports of Committees - Corporate and Community Services 14.3 - Attachment 1
Arakwal Memorandum of Understanding Advisory Committee Meeting
Venue |
Arakwal Room, Byron Bay Library |
Date |
Thursday, 31 May 2018 |
Time |
9.30am |
Reports of Committees - Corporate and Community Services 14.3 - Attachment 1
Minutes of the Arakwal Memorandum of Understanding Advisory Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 31 May 2018
File No: Error! Unknown document property name.
PRESENT: Cr S Ndiaye, Cr B Cameron, Cr S Richardson
Staff: James Brickley (Acting Director Corporate and Community Services)
Sarah Ford (Manager Community Development)
Belle Arnold (Aboriginal Projects Officer)
Claire McGarry (Place Manager – Byron Bay) Report 4.4
Clare Manning (Natural Environment Policy and Projects Officer) Report 4.2
Fiona Sinclair (Planner) Report 4.5
Lisa Brennan (Minute Taker)
Arakwal Board: Sharon Sloane (Acting General Manager)
Cassandra Kelly
Jennifer King Jnr
Guest: Jordan Sosnowski (Action for Dolphins) Item 5.1
Cr Ndiaye (Chair) opened the meeting at 9.38am and acknowledged that the meeting was being held on Bundjalung Country.
There was an apology received from Cr Coorey.
Declarations of Interest – Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary
There were no declarations of interest.
Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings
There was no quorum for the meeting on 1 March 2018 therefore no minutes to adopt.
Business Arising from Previous Minutes
There was no business arising from previous minutes.
Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services
Procedural Motion |
Committee Recommendation: That the Committee change the order of business to deal with Reports 4.2, 4.4 and 4.5 next on the Agenda. (Ndiaye/King)
The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
Report No. 4.2 Byron Shire Pest Management Plan - Consultation File No: I2018/822
Committee Recommendation: 1. That the Arakwal Memorandum of Understanding Advisory Committee provide feedback on the attached draft Cultural Impact (#E2018/44646). The feedback is as follows:
· Change the name of the Plan to include the word “Animal” in the title
2. That feedback on the Plan be sought from the Arakwal Corporation, and received by mid June 2018. (Ndiaye/King)
The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
Report No. 4.4 Byron Town Centre Masterplan - Ongoing Consultation with Arakwal File No: I2018/824
Committee Recommendation: 1. That the Arakwal Memorandum of Understanding Advisory Committee establish Byron Bay Town Centre Masterplan as a Standing Item on the agenda until the project is implemented.
2. That Claire McGarry attend an Arakwal Corporation Board meeting, on a date to be determined, to discuss the Masterplan. (Ndiaye/King)
The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
Report No. 4.5 Master Plan Mullumbimby File No: I2018/882
Committee Recommendation: That Council staff attend a Special Board Meeting of the Arakwal Corporation to discuss the Masterplans for Mullumbimby, Bangalow and Byron Bay.. (Ndiaye/Kelly)
The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
Procedural Motion |
Committee Recommendation: That the Committee change the order of business to deal with Item 5.1 next on the Agenda. (Ndiaye/King) The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
Item No. 5.1 Recognition of Wajung in Byron Shire File No: #E2018/45233
Jordan Sosnowski (Action for Dolphins) addressed the Committee requesting that Council recognise Wajung as “legal persons” and for them to be given special protection in the Byron Shire.
Committee Recommendation: That further information be sought from Action for Dolphins regarding both the legal and cultural significance of the proposal, and that this information be discussed with the Arakwal Corporation prior to presentation to this Committee. (King/Kelly) The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
Procedural Motion |
Committee Recommendation: That the Committee change the order of business to deal with Report 4.3 next on the Agenda. (Ndiaye/Kelly) The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services
Report No. 4.3 Illegal Campers at Ironbark Avenue and Vegetation on Council Land File No: I2018/823
Committee Recommendation: That the Arakwal Memorandum of Understanding Advisory Committee recommend that Council staff conduct a site meeting with Council Engineers (drainage issues) and Arakwal representatives, including discussion on signage, as a matter of priority. The Committee noted there is an allocation in the draft 2018/19 budget for the works. (Ndiaye/King)
The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
Report No. 4.1 Aboriginal Services Coalition File No: I2018/821
Committee Recommendation: That the Arakwal Memorandum of Understanding Advisory Committee note the progress of this project and the priorities for 2018. (Ndiaye/Kelly)
The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
There being no further business the meeting concluded at 11.37am.
Reports of Committees - Infrastructure Services 14.5 - Attachment 1
Water, Waste and Sewer Advisory Committee Meeting
Venue |
Conference Room, Station Street, Mullumbimby |
Date |
Thursday, 31 May 2018 |
Time |
11.30am |
Minutes of the Water, Waste and Sewer Advisory Committee Meeting held on Thursday, 31 May 2018
File No: Error! Unknown document property name.
PRESENT: Cr Richardson, Cr M Lyon, Cr S Ndiaye
Staff: Phillip Holloway (Director Infrastructure Services)
Peter Rees (Manager Utilities)
Lucy Wilson (Resource Recovery Projects and Education Officer)
Stephen Green (Waste & Recycling Contracts Officer)
Dominika Tomanek (Minute Taker)
Community: Col Draper, David Fligelman, Madeleine Green, Mary Gardner and Alan Dickens, Duncan Dey
Visitor: David Pont
Cr Richardson (Chair) opened the meeting at 11:35 am and acknowledged that the meeting was being held on Bundjalung Country.
Cr C Coorey
Declarations of Interest – Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary
Madeleine Green declared a non-pecuniary interest. The nature of the interest being that she lives near the Resource Recovery Centre.
Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings
Committee Recommendation: 1. That the minutes of the Water, Waste and Sewer Advisory Committee Meeting held on 1 March 2018 be confirmed. (a) 2. The minutes of the meeting held on 1 March 2018 were noted, and the Committee Recommendations adopted by Council, at the Ordinary Meeting held on 19 April 2018. (Lyon/Green) The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
Business Arising from Previous Minutes
Note: Minutes of previous committee meeting to be attached to the Agenda.
Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services
Procedural Motion |
Committee Recommendation: That Committee change the order of business to deal with Reports 4.1; 4.2; 4.4; 4.5; and 4.3 next on the Agenda. (Richardson/Lyon) The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
Report No. 4.1 Sewage Treatment Plant EPA Licence Sites File No: I2018/619
Committee Recommendation: 1. That the Council note the report. (b) 2. That the Council note that the Oceans Shores Constructed Wetland is a serpentine channel. (Dey/Fligelman) The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
Report No. 4.2 Mullumbimby Sewerage System Inflow and Infiltration Programme - update File No: I2018/645
Committee Recommendation: 1. That Council support the Inflow and Infiltration (I/I) Project as outlined in the report (page 17 of the Agenda) and recognising the social impact on dwellings that are invited to participate, including at least that participants will:-
(a) provide space for a sewer pump pod; (c) (b) allow connection to the electricity supply;
(c) run the risk of water logging of their or their neighbours’ yards due to storm water not entering sewers; and
(d) participate with Council in remediating in water logging.
2. That Council consider allocating a resource to ensure social and ecological aspects resulting from the project are considered in conjunction with works. (Lyon/Dey) The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
Report No. 4.4 Data on bins that have fallen over in rural areas File No: I2018/647
Committee Recommendation: That Council note the report and the subsequent information that 25 rural bins over 3 years period have fallen over prior to collection. (Ndiaye/Dey)
The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
Report No. 4.5 Legislation relating to the Domestic Waste Management Charge File No: I2018/897
Committee Recommendation: That Council note the report. (Lyon/Fligelman)
The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
Report No. 4.6 Murtagh Wetlands Report File No: I2018/952
Committee Recommendation: 1. That Council review the state and performance of the West Byron STP Constructed Wetlands and 24 Ha Melaleuca Wetland and advise on future management. (d) 2. That a report on scoping of water sensitive design and whole of catchment plan to integrate all works involving West Byron STP, Cape Byron Marine Park, Union Drain Trust and the community come to the next meeting WWSAC. (e) 3. That the WWSAC receive a report on the current status of the old sand mining drain/path and its impact on the Belongil catchment. (Gardner/Lyon) The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
Report No. 4.3 Recycled Water Strategic Management Strategy File No: I2018/646
Committee Recommendation: That Council put the Recycled Water Strategic Management Strategy (Rev 3. Attachment #E2018/43453) on public exhibition for 28 days and, if no submissions are received, adopt it or, if submissions are received, send to Council. (Lyon/Richardson)
The recommendation was put to the vote and declared carried. |
Alan Dickens left meeting at 1:55pm and did not return.
Cr Ndiaye left the meeting at 2:21pm and did not return.
There being no further business the meeting concluded at 2:25 pm.