Ordinary (Planning) Meeting
Thursday, 13 February 2025
Ordinary (Planning) Meeting Minutes
13 February 2025
The following items are listed in the order in which they were dealt with.
Report No. 13.1 PLANNING - 26.2024.6.1 - Planning Proposal for 40 The Tunnell Road, Billinudgel
Report No. 13.6 PLANNING - Determination of certain s4.55 Applications during the Council recess.
Notice of Motion No. 9.2 Community Battery Project
Ordinary (Planning) Meeting Minutes 13 February 2025
MINUTES OF THE BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL Ordinary (Planning) Meeting HELD ON Thursday, 13 February 2025 COMMENCING AT 3:05PM AND CONCLUDING AT 6:11AM.
S Ndiaye (Mayor), Cr J Dods, Cr E Hauge, Cr D Kay, Cr M Lowe,
Cr M Lyon, Cr A Pugh, Cr J Swain, Cr D Warth
Staff: Mark Arnold (General Manager)
Esmeralda Davis (Director Corporate and Community Services)
Phil Holloway (Director Infrastructure Services)
Shannon Burt (Director Sustainable Environment and Economy)
Chris Larkin (Manager Sustainable Development)
Alex Caras (Land Use Planning Coordinator)
Heather Sills (Manager Corporate Services)
Storm Townsend (Minute Taker)
The Mayor opened the meeting and acknowledged that the meeting is being held on Arakwal Country and that we pay our respects to the elders past and present and extend our respect to the Bundjalung clans whose lands and waters are part of the Shire.
Prior to dealing with the circulated reports and associated information, a Public Access Session was held and Council was addressed on the following:
Public Access
Report No and Title |
For/ Against |
Name |
Representing Organisation |
Submission Received in form of |
9.1 |
Protection of Critical Wildlife Habitat: Upholding No Cat and Dog covenant 146 Old Bangalow Rd |
For |
Vicki Henricks |
Woodlands |
In Person |
Against |
Caitlin Nowland |
Woodlands Community Neighbours |
Read by staff |
William Mackay |
Woodlands Neighbours |
Read by staff |
9.2 |
Community Battery Project |
For |
Dr Anne Stuart |
Zero Emissions Byron |
In Person |
Patrick Halliday |
Proposed Battery Storage Project |
In Person |
9.3 |
Request for report on reopening of parking at South Beach Lane Brunswick Heads and changes to no parking hours |
For |
Leone Bolt |
Brunswick Heads Progress Association |
In Person |
13.4 |
PLANNING - 10.2024.24.1 Restaurant, Artisan Food and Drink Industry, Farm Building, Removal of Two Trees and Associated Works at 103 Yagers Lane Skinners Shoot |
For |
Maggie Schreiber, Richard Jones & Karina Vikstrom |
Yagers Piggery Project Team |
In Person |
Against |
Anthony Pangallo |
Skinners Shoot Residents Group |
Zoom |
Pamela Kay Collins |
Self |
In Person |
Subject |
Name |
Representing Organisation |
Submission Received in form of |
Clifford Street Intersection, Suffolk Park |
Jyothi Jaffray |
Self |
In Person |
Traffic Light approval Suffolk Park |
Dean Prosser |
Keep the Flow in Suffo |
Audio recording |
Clifford Street Intersection, Suffolk Park |
David Fligelman |
Keep the Flow in Suffo |
In Person |
Procedural Motion |
Resolved that Public Access be extended. (Ndiaye/Hauge) The motion was put to the vote and carried unanimously. |
Question No. 1 Broken Head Road Clifford Street Intersection Signalisation
David Fligelman, on behalf of Keep the Flow in Suffo, asked the following question:
Which of RMS’s five general warrants for traffic lights: “Traffic Demand”, “Continuous Traffic”, “Pedestrian Safety”, “Pedestrian Safety – High Speed Road”, or “Crashes” does the Broken Head Rd / Clifford St Intersection meet? Noting that the November report states 6 crashes since 2018, is this following removal of the left hand turn lane from Broken Head Road?
The Director Infrastructure Services has taken the questions on notice.
Question No. 2 Community Petition Response
Dean Prosser, on behalf of Keep the Flow in Suffo, asked the following question:
Can the council please provide response to lodged community petition of 1091 signatures lodged on the 9/2. Will the council in response review the approval, add this project as an agenda to their next meeting, accommodate a public meeting with the community specific to this matter & consider alternative more viable solutions.
The Manager Corporate Services responded with the following:
As the petition was lodged on 9 February it is not possible to respond to those questions today. Petitions need to be lodged two weeks prior to the Council Meeting to be included on the Agenda for the meeting so this petition will be included in the Agenda for the 27 February Ordinary Meeting.
Question No. 3 Invitation to Mullumbimby Residents Association meeting
Susan Heffley, on behalf of the Mullumbimby Residents Association, asked the following question:
Did you get the invitation to the meeting and are you coming?
The Mayor requested a show of hands from the Councillors in response to whether the Councillor had received the invitation. The Mayor requested a show of hands from the Councillors to indicate who will be attending the meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 4.24pm for a recess break and reconvened at 4.49pm.
No apologies were received for the meeting.
Applications to Attend by Audio-Visual Link
There were no applications to attend by audio-visual link.
Procedural Motion |
Resolved that the following leaves of absence from the following Council Meetings be granted: • Cr Swain from the Council Planning Meeting on 10 April 2025; • Cr Lowe from the Council Ordinary Meeting on 27 February 2025; and • Cr Pugh from the Council Planning Meeting on 13 March 2025. (Ndiaye) The motion was put to the vote and carried unanimously. |
Declarations of Interest – Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary
Cr Dods declared a non-pecuniary interest in Report 13.2. The nature of the interest being that Part of this Status Report gives an update on the assessment of DA 2023.454.1 - Community Title Subdivision at 53 McAuleys Ln Myocum. Cr Dods was engaged as lead design coordinator during the DA preparation for this application. Cr Dods also had some minor engagement during the assessment period. Cr Dods considers the interest in this particular item to be not significant because: a) It is a public status report; b) It only requires Councillors to note the report; c) The relevant DA is being determined by the NRPP (not Council), and; d) The nature of this item relates to the Status Report, not the respective DA. Cr Dods will not participate in the debate on this item. Cr Dods will retain the option to vote on the item, as he anticipates the likelihood of it being included in an en-block vote.
Cr Hauge declared a non-pecuniary interest in Report 13.4. The nature of the interest being Cr Hauge’s previous employment with GAA Consultant who prepared OSHS and SWMD report. Cr Hauge did not have any knowledge of this project at that time. Cr Hauge elected to remain in the Chamber and will participate in the discussion and will vote.
Tabling of Pecuniary Interest Returns
Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings
Resolved that the minutes of the Ordinary (Planning) Meeting held 31 December 2024 be confirmed. (Ndiaye/Dods) The motion was put to the vote and carried unanimously. |
Reservation of Items for Debate and Order of Business
The Mayor suspended standing orders to allow for items to be reserved for debate, being:
Staff Reports
Sustainable Environment and Economy
Report No. 13.4 PLANNING - 10.2024.24.1 Restaurant, Artisan Food and Drink Industry, Farm Building, Removal of Two Trees and Associated Works at 103 Yagers Lane Skinners Shoot
Report No. 13.5 PLANNING - Post Exhibition Submissions Report - Planning Proposal 26.2023.5.1 for 68 Rankin Drive, Bangalow - Rezone land for Housing and activate the dedication of land for Affordable Housing under Byron Shire Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme 01
The remaining Recommendations and Committee Recommendation were adopted as a whole, being moved by Cr Ndiaye and seconded by Cr Dods. Each recommendation is recorded with a separate resolution number commencing at Resolution No. 25-004 and concluding with Resolution No. 25-007.
Staff Reports - Sustainable Environment and Economy
The motions (Resolutions 25-004 to 25-007) were put to the vote and carried unanimously.
Report No. 13.5 PLANNING - Post Exhibition Submissions Report - Planning Proposal 26.2023.5.1 for 68 Rankin Drive, Bangalow - Rezone land for Housing and activate the dedication of land for Affordable Housing under Byron Shire Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme 01 File No: I2025/6
1. Adopts the Planning Proposal in Attachment 1 (E2025/8346), as revised to: a) include a reference to the Affordable Housing Contribution Scheme Map in ‘Part 2 Explanation of provisions’; and b) apply no FSR controls to the proposed R3 Medium Density Residential zone on the subject land, consistent with Resolution 24-058. 2. Forwards the adopted Planning Proposal and supporting information to the NSW Department of Planning Housing and Infrastructure requesting finalisation. (Dods/Lyon) The motion was put to the vote and carried unanimously. Crs Ndiaye, Dods, Lyon, Pugh, Swain, Warth, Kay, Hauge and Lowe voted in favour of the motion. Nil voted against the motion. |
Notice of Motion No. 9.1 Protection of Critical Wildlife Habitat: Upholding No Cat and Dog Covenant at 146 Old Bangalow Road (Woodlands) File No: I2025/51
1. Affirms its support for maintaining the existing covenant prohibiting cats and dogs at 146 Old Bangalow Road (Woodlands), recognizing the property's crucial role in local biodiversity conservation. 2. Writes to the NSW Minister for the Environment, Penny Sharpe, requesting: a) Recognition of "exceptional circumstances" for communities situated within significant wildlife corridors and containing threatened species habitat; b) Support for maintaining existing environmental protection covenants that prohibit domestic animals in ecologically sensitive areas; and c) Acknowledgment that such covenants provide vital wildlife sanctuaries and are essential for preserving threatened species and avoiding the biodiversity crisis that the Minister has acknowledged in Parliament. 4. Obtains legal advice on the question of whether or not a repeal or invalidation of By-Law 27 in the Neighbourhood Management Statement for 146 Old Bangalow Road (Woodlands) by the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal or otherwise would result in the Neighbourhood Association of Woodlands contravening the conditions of Development Consent No. 10.2003.422.1 particularly condition 28 requiring a by-law to be included in the Neighbourhood Management Statement prohibiting the keeping of cats and dogs in Woodlands. 5. Write to the Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation and the Commission for Fair Trading, Department of Customer Service, for their attention to the problems for Woodlands created by the recently introduction section 129A of the Community Land Management Act 2021 (NSW) and request that they, with a matter of urgency, propose a Bill to the NSW Parliament seeking to amend section 129A so that it will not have a detrimental impact on the ability of communities such as Woodlands to prohibit the keeping of cats and dogs when it is not appropriate for those domestic animals to be kept in those communities where they are in ecologically sensitive areas. (Lowe/Warth) The motion was put to the vote and carried unanimously. |
Notice of Motion No. 9.2 Community Battery Project File No: I2025/36
1. Establishes a Community Battery Working Group as a working group of the Climate Change and Resource Recovery Advisory Committee and invite representatives of key community groups (e.g. Zero Emissions Byron, Bayside Community Group, Electrify 2479-83, Plan C), Essential Energy, interested Councillors and Council staff, to initiate a Community Battery Project, empower this group to call on subject experts for advice, and partner with this group for parts 2-4 of this motion; 2. Considers the allocation of funding of $40,000 in the next Quarterly Budget Review to undertake a feasibility study into installing a community battery for Byron Shire, including options for equitable operating models, technologies and sites within the Shire; 3. Identifies and applies for appropriate grants to support the feasibility study and project; and 4. Plans for community engagement and education based on the results of the feasibility study. (Hauge/Lowe) The motion was put to the vote and carried unanimously. |
Notice of Motion No. 9.3 Request for Report on Reopening of Parking at South Beach Lane, Brunswick Heads and changes to No Parking Hours File No: I2025/52
Resolved that Council requests a report from staff regarding: 1. The feasibility of reopening South Beach Lane, Brunswick Heads, for public parking and incorporating it into the existing pay parking scheme, including consideration of: a) Installing 11pm-6am No Parking restrictions b) Implementing time-limited parking options (2P or 4P) during operational hours c) Required maintenance works and associated costs d) Integration with existing paid parking infrastructure 2. The process and implications of delegating authority to the General Manager for: a) Implementation of regulatory signage through the Local Traffic Committee (LTC) b) Coordination of maintenance works c) Alignment of operational hours with existing Brunswick Heads paid parking zones 3. The impacts of adjusting the current No Parking hours from 1am-6am to 11pm-6am across relevant areas to the East of Simpsons Creek in Brunswick Heads or suggests other times that may better suit Brunswick and the particular circumstances 4. A proposed framework for reviewing the effectiveness of any implemented changes, including: a) Revenue projections and infrastructure reinvestment opportunities b) Traffic management and congestion impacts c) Enforcement strategies and compliance monitoring d) Safety and behavioural considerations 5. The report should include consultation with relevant stakeholders and assess any financial, social, or operational implications of the proposed changes. (Ndiaye/Lyon) The motion was put to the vote and carried unanimously. |
Procedural Motion |
Resolved that Cr Ndiaye be granted a two minute extension to her speech. (Hauge/Lowe) The motion was put to the vote and carried unanimously. |
The motion (Resolution 25-012) was put to the vote and carried unanimously
There was no Mayoral Minute presented.
There were no Petitions tabled at the meeting.
Cr Pugh provided a Delegates Report on his attendance the first meeting of the the Arakwal National Park Joint Management Committee.
Cr Lyon provided a Delegates Report on his attendance at the Planning Meeting on 13 February 2025.
Cr Kay provided a Delegates Report on her attendance at the Survival Day in Byron Bay.
Cr Hauge provided a Delegates Report on her attendance at a Community Engagement Workshop on 30 January 2025.
There being no further business the meeting concluded at 6.11pm.
I hereby certify that these are the true and correct Minutes of this Meeting
as confirmed at Council’s Ordinary Meeting on 13 March 2025.
Mayor Sarah Ndiaye