Notice of Meeting

Water and Sewer Advisory Committee Meeting

A Water and Sewer Advisory Committee Meeting of Byron Shire Council will be held as follows:



Conference Room, Station Street, Mullumbimby


Thursday, 21 March 2024





Phil Holloway

Directo Infrastructure Services


                                                                                                                             Distributed 21/03/24






What is a “Conflict of Interests” - A conflict of interests can be of two types:

Pecuniary - an interest that a person has in a matter because of a reasonable likelihood or expectation of appreciable financial gain or loss to the person or another person with whom the person is associated.

Non-pecuniary – a private or personal interest that a Council official has that does not amount to a pecuniary interest as defined in the Code of Conduct for Councillors (eg. A friendship, membership of an association, society or trade union or involvement or interest in an activity and may include an interest of a financial nature).

Remoteness – a person does not have a pecuniary interest in a matter if the interest is so remote or insignificant that it could not reasonably be regarded as likely to influence any decision the person might make in relation to a matter or if the interest is of a kind specified in the Code of Conduct for Councillors.

Who has a Pecuniary Interest? - a person has a pecuniary interest in a matter if the pecuniary interest is the interest of the person, or another person with whom the person is associated (see below).

Relatives, Partners - a person is taken to have a pecuniary interest in a matter if:

·                The person’s spouse or de facto partner or a relative of the person has a pecuniary interest in the matter, or

·                The person, or a nominee, partners or employer of the person, is a member of a company or other body that has a pecuniary interest in the matter.

N.B. “Relative”, in relation to a person means any of the following:

(a)  the parent, grandparent, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, lineal descends or adopted child of the person or of the person’s spouse;

(b)  the spouse or de facto partners of the person or of a person referred to in paragraph (a)

No Interest in the Matter - however, a person is not taken to have a pecuniary interest in a matter:

·                If the person is unaware of the relevant pecuniary interest of the spouse, de facto partner, relative or company or other body, or

·                Just because the person is a member of, or is employed by, the Council.

·                Just because the person is a member of, or a delegate of the Council to, a company or other body that has a pecuniary interest in the matter provided that the person has no beneficial interest in any shares of the company or body.

Disclosure and participation in meetings

·                A Councillor or a member of a Council Committee who has a pecuniary interest in any matter with which the Council is concerned and who is present at a meeting of the Council or Committee at which the matter is being considered must disclose the nature of the interest to the meeting as soon as practicable.

·                The Councillor or member must not be present at, or in sight of, the meeting of the Council or Committee:

(a)     at any time during which the matter is being considered or discussed by the Council or Committee, or

(b)     at any time during which the Council or Committee is voting on any question in relation to the matter.

No Knowledge - a person does not breach this Clause if the person did not know and could not reasonably be expected to have known that the matter under consideration at the meeting was a matter in which he or she had a pecuniary interest.

Non-pecuniary Interests - Must be disclosed in meetings.

There are a broad range of options available for managing conflicts & the option chosen will depend on an assessment of the circumstances of the matter, the nature of the interest and the significance of the issue being dealt with.  Non-pecuniary conflicts of interests must be dealt with in at least one of the following ways:

·                It may be appropriate that no action be taken where the potential for conflict is minimal.  However, Councillors should consider providing an explanation of why they consider a conflict does not exist.

·                Limit involvement if practical (eg. Participate in discussion but not in decision making or vice-versa).  Care needs to be taken when exercising this option.

·                Remove the source of the conflict (eg. Relinquishing or divesting the personal interest that creates the conflict)

·                Have no involvement by absenting yourself from and not taking part in any debate or voting on the issue as of the provisions in the Code of Conduct (particularly if you have a significant non-pecuniary interest)

Committee members are reminded that they should declare and manage all conflicts of interest in respect of any matter on this Agenda, in accordance with the Code of Conduct.


Clause 375A of the Local Government Act 1993 – Recording of voting on planning matters

(1)  In this section, planning decision means a decision made in the exercise of a function of a council under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979:

(a)  including a decision relating to a development application, an environmental planning instrument, a development control plan or a development contribution plan under that Act, but

(b)  not including the making of an order under that Act.

(2)  The general manager is required to keep a register containing, for each planning decision made at a meeting of the council or a council committee, the names of the councillors who supported the decision and the names of any councillors who opposed (or are taken to have opposed) the decision.

(3)  For the purpose of maintaining the register, a division is required to be called whenever a motion for a planning decision is put at a meeting of the council or a council committee.

(4)  Each decision recorded in the register is to be described in the register or identified in a manner that enables the description to be obtained from another publicly available document and is to include the information required by the regulations.

(5)  This section extends to a meeting that is closed to the public.


Councillors are reminded of the oath of office or affirmation of office made at or before their first meeting of the council in accordance with Clause 233A of the Local Government Act 1993. This includes undertaking the duties of the office of councillor in the best interests of the people of Byron Shire and the Byron Shire Council and faithfully and impartially carrying out the functions, powers, authorities and discretions vested under the Act or any other Act to the best of one’s ability and judgment.




1.    Apologies

2.    Declarations of Interest – Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary

3.    Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings

3.1       Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meeting.............................................................. 6


4.    Staff Reports

Infrastructure Services

4.1       IS Utilities Status Report - November 2023 - January 2024................................. 13

4.2       Response to Questions - Future Water Strategy.................................................... 43     

5.    Late Reports

6.    For Information Only

6.1       Utilities Digital Asset Management Plan (dAMP) Presentation............................ 54



Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings                                                   3.1

Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings


Report No. 3.1       Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meeting  

Directorate:                         Infrastructure Services

File No:                                 I2024/342





That the minutes of the Water and Sewer Advisory Committee Meeting held on 16 November 2023 be confirmed.





1        Minutes 16/11/2023 Water and Sewer Advisory Committee, I2023/1798 , page 8  





The attachment to this report provides the minutes of the Water and Sewer Advisory Committee Meeting of 16 November 2023 . 


Report to Council


The minutes were reported to Council on 14 December 2023.



In accordance with the Committee Recommendations, Council resolved the following:



Resolved that Council adopts the following Committee Recommendations:

Report No. 4.2  Ocean Shores STP Transfer to Bruns Valley Workshop Presentation

Committee Recommendation 4.2.1

That Council:

1.      Notes the presentation; -

2.      Recommends that: - 

a)      Council notifies the NSW EPA in response to their letter requesting Councils strategic direction being - Option 4R - Partial transfer to BVSTP, with wet weather Storage and minor upgrade; retain OSSTP (capacity limited, with load shedding and minor upgrade).

b)      Council staff start project initiation stage for Option 4R - Partial transfer to BVSTP, with wet weather Storage and minor upgrade; retain OSSTP (capacity limited, with load shedding and minor upgrade).




Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings                                         3.1 - Attachment 1



Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                                            4.1

Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services


Report No. 4.1       IS Utilities Status Report - November 2023 - January 2024

Directorate:                         Infrastructure Services

Report Author:                   Daniela Wilken-Jones, Utilities Admin Support Officer

File No:                                 I2024/341


This report summarises the performance of Utilities Department delivery for November 2023 – January 2024.





That the Committee notes the report.








In November 2023 there were zero (0) critical limit exceedances at Mullumbimby WTP.

In the period December 2023 to January 2024 there were seven (7) critical limit exceedances at Mullumbimby WTP.

From: WaterOutlook > Reports > Special > MONTHLY UTILITIES REPORTS > UTILITIES REPORT - Mullumbimby Drinking Water Quality

Public Health Reportable Events

Public Health Reportable Events

There were no water quality reportable events in November 2023.  However, there was an exceedance of coliforms at Warrambool reservoir.

There were no water quality reportable events in the period December 2023 to January 2024. 

Shire Water Consumption

From: WaterOutlook > Reports > Special > MONTHLY UTILITIES REPORTS > UTILITIES REPORT - Water Usage and STP Inflows Summary


From: WaterOutlook > Reports > Special > MONTHLY UTILITIES REPORTS > UTILITIES REPORT - Water Usage and STP Inflows Summary

STP Performance

There were two (2) STP licence 100 percentile limit exceedances in November 2023.

There was one (1) STP licence 100 percentile limit exceedances in the December 2023 to January 2024 period.

EPA Reportable Events

There were zero (0) EPA reportable incidents during November 2023.  

There was one (1) EPA reportable incident during the December 2023 to January 2024 as detailed below:

Reference:        EPA Licence # 784 - Byron Shire Council self-report, wet weather process exceedance for faecal coliforms above the hundred percental at Ocean Shores STP  EPA Ref: 27136

(a)     The cause, time and duration of the event

The north of Byron Shire LGA experienced heavy rainfall between 15 to 18 January 2024:

o       180.2mm recorded at BOM weather station 58040: Mullumbimby (Fairview Farm);

o       The Ocean Shores STP rain gauge registered 205.5 mm for the same period.

This significant rainfall exceeded stormwater system capacity which resulted in inflow and infiltration into the sewerage network beyond the maximum capacity of the STP.

On Monday 15 January 2024 (7.40 pm), Council operators were notified (via SCADA) that a process bypass at the Ocean Shores Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) had occurred.  Treatment was reinstated once flow rates were within the treatment capacity of the plant on 16 January 2024 (9.00 am). The STP went into bypass later that day from (1.30 pm) until (6.00 am) the following morning 17 January 2024 when it was put back online because the inflows had reduced sufficiently. However, it did go out again for another 5 hours from Wednesday 17 January (8.20 am) until (1.30 pm). 

During this time all flows underwent primary screening and passed through the UV system.

(b)     The type, volume and concentration of every pollutant discharged as a result of the event

All raw sewage and stormwater was discharged via primary screening and UV treatment.

No untreated sewage was discharged into the surrounding environment.

(c)     Action taken by the licensee in relation to the event, including any follow-up contact with any complainants.

•        During and after the incident, operators monitored and adjusted treatment to correct high faecal coliform count in effluent.

•        Council operators carried out additional sampling at the effluent discharge point (EPA3) and in addition, monitoring of water quality upstream and downstream of the STP outfall at:


o       Brunswick Valley upstream of Ocean Shores STP (Federation bridge Mullumbimby)

o       Brunswick Valley downstream of Ocean Shores STP (Massey Greene Boat Ramp, Ocean Shores)

(d)     Details of any measure taken or proposed to be taken to prevent or mitigate against a recurrence of such an event;

•        Take wetland offline to reduce vegetation load that is breaking up and flowing with the effluent to the UV disinfection.


Byron Bay treated effluent water balance.

Below is a basic water-balance model of Byron Bay effluent management systems, which include the Byron Bay STP, the Byron Bay Urban Recycled Water Scheme (BBURWS), and the Byron Bay Integrated Water Management Reserve (BBIWMR).


A numerical model has been developed to better understand the water-balance dynamics of the site. It is fed with monitoring data (EPA points, STP site reuse, rainfall). It estimates the evapotranspiration output (i.e. environmental effluent reuse) at the BBIWMR. Remaining knowledge gaps in the model include groundwater infiltration in the BBIWMR. EPA 6 flows will be included in the model once the Additional Flow Path system is commissioned.

Total effluent reuse includes urban reuse (EPA 5 flows), STP site reuse and evapotranspiration at the BBIWMR site.

Updated results from the abovementioned model are shown below:


November 2023 Key observations:

-        Tyagarah bushfire impacts:

o       Supply to the 24ha irrigation site (EPA3) was activated in October 17th to reduce impact of bushfire (and subsequent peat fires). A daily average of 1.8 ML has been supplied. Supply ceased in November 15th.

o       The increase in reuse at the 24ha has seen a sharp decline in effluent discharge into the drain system (EPA4).

-        Rain appears to be a substantial driver for water flows into and out of the effluent management systems.

-        2023, particularly between later June and early November, has seen a decrease in rainfall, triggering an increase in urban reuse demand, and a more stable dry-weather discharge trend into the drainage network (EPA4).

-        There is untapped reuse potential at the 24 ha site (approx. 500 kL/day). This system is in the process of being reactivated.

-        There is variability in reuse levels. This is attributed to rainfall, variable climate and seasonal patterns, which in turn affect demand from urban and environmental reuse schemes.

December 2023 – January 2024 Key observations:

-        Rain appears to be a substantial driver for water flows into and out of the effluent management systems.

-        There is untapped reuse potential at the 24 ha site (approx. 500 kL/day). This system is in the process of being reactivated.

-        There is variability in reuse levels. This is attributed to rainfall, variable climate and seasonal patterns, which in turn affect demand from urban and environmental reuse schemes. A monthly summary of reuse levels (as a percentage of STP inflows) is presented below:

Byron Wetlands Water Quality

The data below shows the assimilative and polishing capacity of Byron Wetlands for November 2023 to January 2024.

From: WaterOutlook > Reports > Special > MONTHLY UTILITIES REPORTS > UTILITIES REPORT - Wetlands Performance


The assimilative and polishing capacity is demonstrated by the nutrient reduction trend between EPA1 and EPA4 for nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations as follows:

•        Total Nitrogen - an average reduction of between 8-29% is seen between EPA1 and EPA4.  This is lower than that seen in the literature of around 40-55%. 

•        Total Phosphorus - an average increase of 75-95% is seen between EPA1 and EPA4.

The reduced efficiency of nitrogen removal and increased phosphorus levels at EPA 4 (Wetland Outlet) starting from the end of October 2023 is undoubtedly the impact of the recent bushfires and associated fire risk reduction activity, followed by a wet period at the Wetlands site.  We anticipate the efficacy of the nutrient removal to increase over the coming months.

Wetlands Operation – November 2023

Water levels in the wetlands have increased due to rainfall. This has assisted in suppressing fire activity within the Frog and Grass owl Habitat and 24ha regeneration area.

New valves were installed at the distribution pit to convey flow to Cells I and J.

The outlets of Cell F and G have been reopened and flows directed to Cells F and G to sustain the water levels for the DPI Salvinia trial. Further sampling as part of the Salvinia management trial has been conducted.

Frogbit was detected in Cell H. Both Rous County Council and Byron Shire Council bush regeneration staff have been active with targeted spraying and hand removal. A thorough assessment of the rest of the BBIWMR has been undertaken and is ongoing.

Periodically additional tope of flows are released into Cells F and G to support the Jacanas present at the top of Cell H.

Cells D and E have been opened and higher water levels are now evident this has resulted in reestablishment of water lilies in Cell D and high levels of bird activity.

Monthly inspections were conducted.

Condition assessment of the remaining irrigation and monitoring infrastructure was commenced.

Biosolids Management

Volumes Distributed

The table below shows the total biosolids removed from the STP sites and applied to land for the last 12 months to January 2024.

From: WaterOutlook > Reports > Special > MONTHLY UTILITIES REPORTS > UTILITIES REPORT - Biosolids Movements

Biosolids Contamination Grading

The allowable uses for Biosolids are detailed in the following extract from the NSW EPA Guidelines: Use and Disposal of Biosolids Products (2020).

The contamination grading results for each STP for the last 12 months are detailed below:

Recycled Water Management Strategy

Update on project progress:

Cost-benefit assessment of future options for effluent reused is being undertaken.



ET Assessments

The graph below illustrates the ET assessment profile from February 2023 to February 2024. In November 2023, the systems planning team required an average of 86.1 days to complete ET assessments. In December (2023) and January (2024), the systems planning team required an average of 78.9 days to complete ET assessments.


•        Assessments are being completed based on a priority list sent by planning staff each week.

•        13 ET assessments were finalised this month (November 2023).

•        14 ET assessments were finalised in December (2023) and January (2024).

•        13 referrals are currently on hold due to requested additional information from planners/applicants.


Project Status

1.      Utilities have now rolled out the new maintenance management software Assetic to all operational teams, bringing the project to practical completion.

a.      All teams are live and using the system to manage planned and reactive maintenance tasks.

b.      The Rates team are now using the Assetic maintenance system to manage Property meter changes (installs and removals) as well as special meter reads.

c.       Built-in Asset condition assessments on some Planned Maintenance tasks are beginning to return data. For example, recent Water Reticulation Boundary Valve inspections returned the following:

2.      Over the coming months, Planned Maintenance tasks will be reviewed, and changes made as necessary to those that are outdated or obsolete.

3.      Monthly reporting is now being developed in two streams:

Within Assetic

For team leaders, who are managing workloads, personalised dashboards have been created within Assetic to manage their team’s work, for example:

In Power BI

The BSC IT team and Assetic have successfully developed an integration allowing a live link from Power BI to Assetic. For Asset Management purposes high level reports will now be developed in Power BI. Once developed, these will be published to the IS Utilities Workspace for access via the web.

General Asset Management Improvements

Utilities Digital Asset Management Plan (dAMP):

•        Cyber security credentials passed.

•        Governance process completed.

•        Accessibility on Councils website completed.

•        dAMP is now live on Councils website. Project completed.

Water Reservoirs:

•        Water Reservoir assessments have been held back 4 weeks due to contractor. Assessments will now begin early March 2024.

Water Hydrants:

•        Scope under development for the assessment, maintenance and capital works of water hydrants around the Shire.

•        Contract number obtained following procurement requirements. RFQ process to begin shortly.

Water Mains:

•        Meeting with Operations Engineer and Water Operations Team Leader to occur early February to determine capital works program for water mains.

•        A dedicated GIS project has been created to enable condition and treatment observation of the entire network effortless.

Utilities Buildings:

•        Buildings component data audit check underway between Councils database platforms (Authority™, GIS and Predictor™).

•        Scope under development for the assessment of all Utilities buildings and associated components.

Sewer Pump Stations:

•        Scope under development for the Survey project of all sewer pump stations in the Shire. Heights to be surveyed include wet well lid, wet well bottom, wet well inlet and bottom of switchboard.

•        RFQ process to begin shortly.

FY2024-25 Budget process:

•        All capital work programs have been developed for all asset classes.

•        Ongoing budget adjustment requests from finance are requiring modified models and new capital works programs. Waiting on final feedback from finance on locked in budget amounts.

Flow meter verifications:

•        Certificates all received and saved to server. Project completed.

Flood Damage Grant Funding Projects:

•        North Coast Water and Wastewater Repair and Recovery Program Phase 1 – RFI EW001 – Public Works (PW) have stated that some claim items are deemed technically ineligible when evaluated against the approved assessment criteria. In order for Council to receive all claimed funding, Council is required to submit to PW a Statutory Declaration signed by the General Mangere warranting that all claimed costs are genuine and accurate. This process has started.

•        Wilsons Creek Weir Slip Repair – Concept designs provided to BSC for comment. REF on hold until Options Report completed, and detail design commences. Proposed access costs exceed budget allocation for project. Repair options and access options to be further developed and reviewed. External consultant engaged to prepare Options Report – site visit occurred 18th December. Report due mid-February.

•        Ocean Shores STP Options Report - Resilience project to be confirmed. Limited funds might restrict to design only. Proposal requested from WRM for the design and documentation for the inlet works upgrades. Currently awaiting response from BSC detailing UV disinfection system.

•        Mullum Water Mains Extension – Detailed design stage ongoing.

•        Water Mains Replacement (Kolora Way) – Design and specification received 22 December 2023. 90% Draft Geotechnical report received 22nd December 2023. REF commenced. Issue to market as D&C by Feb 2024.

•        Villages Pressure Sewer Systems – Design progressing.

•        SPS Switchboards and Access – Survey of boards has occurred. Review of eligible boards underway.

•        Standby Power/Generators – Analysis of eligible SPS boards and critical Assets will allow for final scoping.

•        River/Flood level warning systems – Council has elected to deliver this project. Materials expected in December 2024 and construction to commence in January 2024.

•        SCADA/Remote Access Review - Scoping report endorsement anticipated end Jan 2024

•        I & I Issues/Sew Modelling - Claim form and Council managed project documentation has been sent to Council for review and input.

•        Review Critical Equipment and Major Spares Inventory – Critical equipment and major spares inventory created with budgeting values from suppliers and ready for discussion with Council.


Maintenance Hours

Figure 1 shows the manhours by team for the last 6 months and the breakdown between planned and reactive maintenance as well time worked on non-Utilities assets. Ultimately, we will be able to show the trend between planned and reactive maintenance over time.

Figure 1 – Planned and Reactive Maintenance Breakdown

Figure 2 shows the breakdown of manhours by asset class by team since June 2023. However, a data drill-down can be performed to undertake this analysis by individual asset when more data is available.

Figure 2 –Maintenance Manhours by Asset Class

Figure 3 shows the breakdown of overdue Planned Maintenance tasks by team. Note: As one Planned Maintenance task is generated per Asset in Assetic, the total number of tasks can be disproportionate to the actual scale of work and manhours required.

Figure 3 – Current Status Planned Maintenance





No updates since October 2023


Byron Shire Bioenergy Facility Project

Council’s Bioenergy Facility was successful in its Stage 1 EOI application for grant funding from the Commonwealth “Growing Regions Program Round 1”, which replaces the now-cancelled BBRF Round 6 Grant Fund. The Commonwealth invited Council, as a successful Stage 1 EOI applicant, to submit a full application, which was completed by Utilities and the Grant Coordinator, and submitted on January 15, 2023.

With HWL Ebsworth, Council Utilities staff also completed and submitted in December 2023 the Public Private Partnership (PPP) “Initial Assessment” submission to the NSW Office of Local Government (OLG); responses were expected from the NSW OLG by Feb.02, 2024 (the expiry of the 30-business-day OLG review period).

The PPP Initial Assessment application was presented to the GM, DIS, Executive Officer, Manager Finance and Manager Utilities on August 10, 2023. On December 01, 2023, the Council Executive Officer approved the revised application. An OLG Initial Assessment (approval) is intended to allow Council to pursue the option to seek private equity financing for the D&C and O&M of the facility. Council expected to submit in August 2023 its NSW OLG PPP Initial Assessment.

One additional Commonwealth grant stream is expected in 2023 and might be potential funding sources for the BEF project. The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts new “Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program,” which has not yet been announced; that funding stream shall be reviewed and considered when more detailed information is available.

Either of these two grant funding streams, should they be successful, could be put to offsetting Council’s debt borrowing and/or the private equity needs of a PPP delivery model; equally, the Project could continue solely as a PPP, should Council determine and resolve that this is the best course of action.








SPS Renewals for Byron, Mullum, Ocean Shores & Bangalow









SPS 1002




Cast new switchboard pad (1830x1600x200), install new 3x 63mm electrical conduits and new 16mm mains onto pumps, replace switchboard install 2x gateway for pump mounted VSD. Make good old switchboard plinth and penetrations into well and valve chamber.

SPS 1005




Remove existing broken sealed surface and re-asphalt access road

SPS 1007




Install bypass connection and MH. Remove pumps, Guide rails and lifting chains in preparation for coating, allow for EPOXY time. Remove ladder. Add spindle (SS316) on inlet valve. Replace risers in PE 125 and replace lifting chains in SS.  Remove existing switchboard and concrete plinths including combined odour vent pole and plinth. Install new switchboard on new concrete pad (1960x1600x200). 3x63mm conduit 16mm electric main. Penos with 2 parts mega poxy (5-10mm). Replace odour with ground mount McBerns filter, try use same vent pipe. Relocate water service. Fix padlock cover on lid.

SPS 2002




Replace risers PE125 through to the valve chamber, no need for valves.  New Spindle on SS316

SPS 2004




Replace existing DN150 gate valve in the 2002 rising main on outside of well

SPS 2010




Replace risers PE180, DN150 outlet gate valves, check valves, Gibault and flanged spigot. Install new Switchboard pad (1600x1600x200) including 3 x 63mm electrical conduits and penos, install new board facing south. Install new 16mm electric mains to green boy approx. 120m away. Water Service Relocation.

SPS 3004




Bypass completed, Epoxy Coating and crack injections completed, Stand pipe and ductile iron manifold updated to HDPE.

SPS 3010




Replace risers PE125 from elbow on wet well to valve pit, DN150 outlet gate valves, check valves. DN150 inlet gate valve and Spindle to be checked when doing service, relocate water service.

SPS 3017




Replace inlet gate valve, refurbish inlet pipe penetration

SPS 3021




Replace DN125 risers, DN100 outlet gate valves, check valves, DN150 inlet gate valve, replace guide rails and brackets, relocate water service, remove vent pole and replace with McBerns odour filter, remove switchboard plinth and replace switchboard.

SPS 4007




 Removed from scope

SPS 5003




 Removed from scope

SPS 5014




Cast new 600x600x200 switchboard plinth, install new 3x63mm conduits to pump well, removing existing conduits and grout. Possibly remove and make good part of the fence. Install new electrical mains from green boy to board, install new switchboard and commission with electricians.

SPS 5017




Replace DN125 risers, DN100 outlet gate valves, check valves and dismantling joints, DN150 inlet gate valve and spindle, remove switchboard plinth and replace switchboard on new elevated hardstand approximately 1m above wet well height. Replace vent pole with odour filter on new slab and run new conduits to suite. Relocate water service.

SPS 5020




Supply and install 2 x new DN125 PE riser pipes through to the valve chamber, new gate valves and check valves, Gibault and flanged spigots. New gate valve DN150 on incoming gravity sewer. New slab for switchboard (3120x1000x200). Apply bitumen coat on spigot. Remove Ladder.

SPS 5022




Supply and install new switchboard conduits 3 x 63mm to new concrete platform. Remove existing switchboard and concrete plinths and install new switchboard on new platforms. Design of new platform to be per previous flood platforms, length 2600 by 1200mm wide. Relocate water service. New Covers, grill and frames sealed for odour control. Modify existing plinth to suit new ground mount odour filter.

Condition Assessments – FY22/23

The condition assessment of gravity sewer mains and maintenance holes was awarded to Willow and Sparrow (Maintenance holes) and Subsurface Mapping Solutions (Mains). The Maintenance hole condition assessments are underway. The CCTV mains contract was awarded to Subsurface Mapping Solutions and work was completed by June 30. The sewer catchments that fall within this scope are across Bangalow, Byron Bay, Mullumbimby, and Ocean Shores. The indicative budgetary limit of $300,000 has covered the costs for both CCTV assessments and MH visual assessments. Condition assessment reports for mains are complete and reports for MH’s are now being finalised.

Condition Assessments – FY23/24

The condition assessment of gravity sewer mains and maintenance holes was awarded to Willow and Sparrow (Maintenance holes) and Subsurface Mapping Solutions (Mains). The Maintenance hole condition assessments are underway. The CCTV mains contract was awarded to Subsurface Mapping Solutions and work has commenced. The sewer catchments that fall within this scope are across Brunswick Heads, Suffolk Park, Byron Bay, Mullumbimby, and Ocean Shores. The indicative budgetary limit of $350,000 will cover the costs for both CCTV assessments, MH visual assessments and condition assessment reporting.

Water Main Replacements – Supply and Installation: Fletcher St, Carlyle St and Bangalow Rd Byron Bay; and Azalea St Mullumbimby

Work accomplished in the period:

Site 01 Carlyle Street – Byron Bay

•        Stage 1 and 2 Cut ins have been completed on Carlyle Street and residents are now fully serviced by the new DN200 Watermain;

•        The final Cut in for Carlyle Street is schedule for the 06/02/2024-08/02/2024. This will ultimately make the existing main along Carlyle Street to Massinger St redundant.

Figure 1: Site 01 Carlyle Street – Chainage 451.628 – Detail D

Site 02 Azalea Street – Mullumbimby

•        CivilCS have commenced work and have laid approximately 153metres DN300 DICL and 200metres of DN200 DICL pipe;

•        Bedrock has been observed onsite and CivilCS have required a hammer, ripper, jackhammer etc. for trenching; and

•        Planit consulting is acting as Superintendent representative and are working closely with CivilCS (Contractor) to finalise the project for BSC.


Figure 2: Site 02 Azalea St – Ch90 DN200 Trench Excavator Ripper

Reservoir Roof Replacement Works

Work accomplished in the period:

•        Planit are working with the Contractor to close out the remaining minor items.

•        The project is currently in the post completion period.

•        Planit are working with Council staff to monitor the works and ensure any defects are rectified by the contractor as required.

•        Planit to provide Council with as built package for updating of asset register once received from ACE.


Water Reservoir Slope Stability Works – Byron Bay and Ocean Shores

Work accomplished in the period:

•        The project is currently in the defect’s liability period.

•        Planit are working with Council staff to monitor the works and ensure any defects are rectified by the contractor as required.


Byron STP inlet works remediation.

Work accomplished in the period:

•        The project is currently in the defect’s liability period.

•        Planit are working with Council staff to monitor the works and ensure any defects are rectified by the contractor as required.                                                                                                                                                                 


Byron Bay STP UV Filter Pre-Filter System Upgrade

No Change in Status:

•        Project on hold until further notice as project now with Council and City Water Technology.


Paterson St Reservoir Replacement

Work accomplished in the period:

•        A Survey RFQ was previously undertaken with a preferred contractor being recommended for engagement. 

o       Planit has reached out the preferred supplier to confirm their fee is current. A list of clarifications was also issued. 

•        Michael Salu (SSE) has been engaged to develop a concept structural design (to be used for community consultation, planning approvals and liaison with Telcos). This is due to be completed in early February.

•        A Statement of Heritage Impact (SoHI) has now been prepared for the mural to be removed.

Telcos – Paterson: NO CHANGE FROM MAY 2023

•        A meeting was held with BMM Group (who act on behalf of all major Telcos)

o       BSC and BMM have agreed on a concept design for the antenna locations and Telco access to the antennas – being from a Telco gantry off the side of the reservoir, NOT via the BSC stairs and roof.

o       Planit to provide survey and concept design to BMM to allow them to proceed with planning approvals and draft design of the access and antenna connections.

•        Works on site are subject to a new license agreement – pending consultation with Utilities and Paula Telford.


Mullumbimby Trunk Water Main (Detailed Design)

Work accomplished in the period:

•        The Detailed Design of the water main alignment has now been completed and the Issue for Construction Plan set issued to Council and NSW Public Works.

o       Planit Consulting and SSE (Salu Structural Engineering) currently working through the detailed design of the brackets for the proposed water main.

•        The detailed design plans have now been issued to third parties for approval (UGL Third Party Works & APA).

•        Planits Review of Environmental Factors is now complete. This includes the Biodiversity Assessment and advice from an arborist.


West Byron Water Main

Work accomplished in the period:

•        A surveyor (B&P Surveys) has now been engaged to undertake field survey and service locating. Once the surveyor has been on site and prepared a detailed survey plan potential service clashes shall be identified, and site potholing shall be coordinated.

•        Both an REF and EIS will be required for this project. The funding has been provided by Council in a purchase order. As it stands the following may be required:

o       EIS for the Belongil Creek crossing (on the bridge)

o       REF for all other areas.

This shall commence once the survey information is provided, and it is determined whether the mapped Coastal Wetland is impacted from the proposed works.

•        A site visit with a Structural Engineer (SSE) regarding the attachment of the watermain to the existing bridge structure over the Belongil Creek crossing occurred on 14/1/2024. The structural engineer is expected to provide their fees early Feb 2024.



Draft Operational Standard – Protection of Water and Sewer Infrastructure

Work accomplished in the period:

•        Planit has now completed their input to the Draft Operational Standard to protect water and sewer infrastructure. This included documenting the procedure of locating BSC Utilities assets and more importantly documenting the procedure of notifiable work.


Main Arm Road Concept Water Main

Work accomplished in the period:

•        Planit has now prepared a Concept Design package of the replacement water main (currently DN100 to be replaced with a DN150 pipe).

•        Planit has identified locations for potholing to confirm pipeline sizes and is in the process of preparing quotes for potholing and service locating.















Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                                            4.2

Report No. 4.2       Response to Questions - Future Water Strategy

Directorate:                         Infrastructure Services

Report Author:                   Cameron Clark, Manager Works

File No:                                 I2024/435


The following report is in response to questions raised by the Committee in relation to the Mullumbimby Future Water Strategy.






That the Committee notes Council staff response to questions.



1        Mullumbimby Water Supply - Communication Engagement Plan, E2024/28243 , page 45  





1.    When will the WSAC have sight of the Stakeholder Management Plan regarding MFWS?

Please find attached Stakeholder Management Plan.

It has taken some time to find a comms/stakeholder consultant in the current market. They will commence next week and focusing on the implementation of the plan.


2.    Why is a new 375mm pipeline planned for construction in 2024 from the Rous County Council bulk pipeline at Gulgan Road to the Azalea Street reservoirs?

Council have resolved to design and construct the pipeline with design to future proof for capacity.


3a. What estimates does Council have from Rous County Council of future costs of bulk water to be supplied by RCC to Byron Shire Council up to at least 2060?

The report was based onto the data available at the time from  Rous.

The estimates were based on Rous’s estimated financial business planning.


3b.  If Mullumbimby water supply is permanently connected to RCC will a headworks contribution be payable?   If so, how much might this be?

Due to Council (through grant) funding the design and construct of the pipeline. Headworks contributions should not be relevant.

However, this is still in negotiation with Rous and associated SLA.



Staff Reports - Infrastructure Services                                                                 4.2 - Attachment 1



For Information Only                                                                                                         6.1

For Information Only


Report No. 6.1       Utilities Digital Asset Management Plan (dAMP) Presentation

Directorate:                         Infrastructure Services

Report Author:                   Craig Purdy, Utilities Asset Engineer

File No:                                 I2024/386

Purpose:  To present the finalised and published digital Asset Management Plan (dAMP) of Utilities to the Water and Sewer Advisory Committee.  The presentation will be verbal as well as using PowerPoint, Predictor and latest dAMP website page.


As described in the Asset Management Policy 2021 (E2021/121105), the Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) framework legislation specifies that Asset Management Plans must encompass all the assets under Council’s control.  The plans must identify service standards and contain long term projections of asset maintenance, rehabilitation and replacement costs.  The Utilities dAMP accomplishes this requirement for all Water, Sewer and Water Reuse assets.

A long-term Asset Management Plan (AMP) is usually set for a 10-year term.  As these AMP’s have historically been paper based, they become out of date as soon as they are adopted.  The Utilities dAMP contains all the information found in a traditional AMP, but also features the following advantages for Council:

•     Data continually updated as it comes to hand.

•     Predictor modelling directly feeds into dAMP.

•     Graphical Map based outputs.

•     User friendly dashboards that show all of Utilities assets at a glance.

•     Easily updated and enhanced.





1        E2024/26614  Presentation - Asset Quantities + Predictor + DAMP V2 - PDF version, E2024/26614 , page 58  



Strategic Considerations

Community Strategic Plan and Operational Plan

CSP Objective

CSP Strategy

DP Action


OP Activity

5: Connected Infrastructure

5.5: Provide continuous and sustainable water and sewerage management

5.5.1: Water supply - Provide a continuous water supply that is maintained in accordance with NSW Health guidelines

Undertake review of identified Asset Management Plans to inform and improve Asset Management System








Risk Title

Risk Details




Phillip Holloway

Assets &


Council assets and infrastructure do not meet the current and future needs of the community.

Utilities - Digital Asset Management Plan
Owner: Cameron Clark
Effectiveness: Good
Status: Existing Control



Phillip Holloway

Assets &


Council fails to provide continuous and sustainable water, sewerage and waste management.

Utilities - Digital Asset Management Plan
Owner: Cameron Clark
Effectiveness: Good
Status: Existing Control



Vendor Dependency – The dAMP software platform is reliant on a third-party vendor. The 3rd Party vendor in this case is Brightly™. Brightly™, a Siemens company, is an international company dealing in asset management solutions. It is over 20 years old and has more than 12,000 clients worldwide. Council already engages this vendor for the following services:

•     Utilities Maintenance Management System (Utilities department only)

•     Predictive modelling software – Predictor™ (Council wide)

•     Financial Revaluations of asset classes (Council wide)

Consultation and Engagement

Who was consulted?

How did consultation occur? e.g. email, verbal etc


Dean Baulch

(Principal Engineer Systems Planning)

Cameron Clark

(Manager Utilities)

Initial dAMP viability overview presentation.

Weekly updates in the ‘Systems Planning Team Meetings’.

Monthly updates on progress and status in the ‘Utilities Monthly Status Report document’.

Whole Team dAMP presentation on 04/10/2023

Presentation be made to the Executive Team for adoption

Executive Team

Presentation to the Executive Team on the 01/11/2024

dAMP was published on the Public Website on the 19/01/2024

Once the following concerns have been addressed, the dAMP will be approved for publishing on the Public Website:

Data Security – passed by I.T department.

Corporate Governance Compliance – passed by Corporate Services.

Accessibility – passed by Digital Communications Officer.




For Information Only                                                                                                       6.1 - Attachment 1