Notice of Meeting










Finance Advisory Committee Meeting



A Finance Advisory Committee Meeting of Byron Shire Council will be held as follows:



Council Chamber, Station Street, Mullumbimby


Thursday, 16 February 2017









Mark Arnold

Director Corporate and Community Services                                                                    I2017/161

                                                                                                                                    Distributed 09/02/17




What is a “Conflict of Interests” - A conflict of interests can be of two types:

Pecuniary - an interest that a person has in a matter because of a reasonable likelihood or expectation of appreciable financial gain or loss to the person or another person with whom the person is associated.

Non-pecuniary – a private or personal interest that a Council official has that does not amount to a pecuniary interest as defined in the Local Government Act (eg. A friendship, membership of an association, society or trade union or involvement or interest in an activity and may include an interest of a financial nature).

Remoteness – a person does not have a pecuniary interest in a matter if the interest is so remote or insignificant that it could not reasonably be regarded as likely to influence any decision the person might make in relation to a matter or if the interest is of a kind specified in Section 448 of the Local Government Act.

Who has a Pecuniary Interest? - a person has a pecuniary interest in a matter if the pecuniary interest is the interest of the person, or another person with whom the person is associated (see below).

Relatives, Partners - a person is taken to have a pecuniary interest in a matter if:

§  The person’s spouse or de facto partner or a relative of the person has a pecuniary interest in the matter, or

§  The person, or a nominee, partners or employer of the person, is a member of a company or other body that has a pecuniary interest in the matter.

N.B. “Relative”, in relation to a person means any of the following:

(a)   the parent, grandparent, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, lineal descends or adopted child of the person or of the person’s spouse;

(b)   the spouse or de facto partners of the person or of a person referred to in paragraph (a)

No Interest in the Matter - however, a person is not taken to have a pecuniary interest in a matter:

§  If the person is unaware of the relevant pecuniary interest of the spouse, de facto partner, relative or company or other body, or

§  Just because the person is a member of, or is employed by, the Council.

§  Just because the person is a member of, or a delegate of the Council to, a company or other body that has a pecuniary interest in the matter provided that the person has no beneficial interest in any shares of the company or body.

Disclosure and participation in meetings

§  A Councillor or a member of a Council Committee who has a pecuniary interest in any matter with which the Council is concerned and who is present at a meeting of the Council or Committee at which the matter is being considered must disclose the nature of the interest to the meeting as soon as practicable.

§  The Councillor or member must not be present at, or in sight of, the meeting of the Council or Committee:

(a)   at any time during which the matter is being considered or discussed by the Council or Committee, or

(b)   at any time during which the Council or Committee is voting on any question in relation to  the matter.

No Knowledge - a person does not breach this Clause if the person did not know and could not reasonably be expected to have known that the matter under consideration at the meeting was a matter in which he or she had a pecuniary interest.

Participation in Meetings Despite Pecuniary Interest (S 452 Act)

A Councillor is not prevented from taking part in the consideration or discussion of, or from voting on, any of the matters/questions detailed in Section 452 of the Local Government Act.

Non-pecuniary Interests - Must be disclosed in meetings.

There are a broad range of options available for managing conflicts & the option chosen will depend on an assessment of the circumstances of the matter, the nature of the interest and the significance of the issue being dealt with.  Non-pecuniary conflicts of interests must be dealt with in at least one of the following ways:

§  It may be appropriate that no action be taken where the potential for conflict is minimal.  However, Councillors should consider providing an explanation of why they consider a conflict does not exist.

§  Limit involvement if practical (eg. Participate in discussion but not in decision making or vice-versa).  Care needs to be taken when exercising this option.

§  Remove the source of the conflict (eg. Relinquishing or divesting the personal interest that creates the conflict)

§  Have no involvement by absenting yourself from and not taking part in any debate or voting on the issue as if the provisions in S451 of the Local Government Act apply (particularly if you have a significant non-pecuniary interest)


Clause 375A of the Local Government Act 1993 – Recording of voting on planning matters

(1)   In this section, planning decision means a decision made in the exercise of a function of a council under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979:

(a)   including a decision relating to a development application, an environmental planning instrument, a development control plan or a development contribution plan under that Act, but

(b)   not including the making of an order under Division 2A of Part 6 of that Act.

(2)   The general manager is required to keep a register containing, for each planning decision made at a meeting of the council or a council committee, the names of the councillors who supported the decision and the names of any councillors who opposed (or are taken to have opposed) the decision.

(3)   For the purpose of maintaining the register, a division is required to be called whenever a motion for a planning decision is put at a meeting of the council or a council committee.

(4)   Each decision recorded in the register is to be described in the register or identified in a manner that enables the description to be obtained from another publicly available document, and is to include the information required by the regulations.

(5)   This section extends to a meeting that is closed to the public.



Finance Advisory Committee Meeting





1.    Apologies

2.    Declarations of Interest – Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary

3.    Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings

3.1       Finance Advisory Committee Meeting held on 10 November 2016

4.    Staff Reports

Corporate and Community Services

4.1       Budget Review - 1 October to 31 December 2016.......................................................... 4

4.2       2017/2018 Revenue Policy - Review of Rating Structure.............................................. 99

4.3       2016/17 Financial Sustainability Plan - Update on the Acrion Implementation Plan as at 31 December 2016............................................................................................................................... 101   




Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                            4.1



Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services


Report No. 4.1             Budget Review - 1 October to 31 December 2016

Directorate:                 Corporate and Community Services

Report Author:           James Brickley, Manager Finance

File No:                        I2017/137

Theme:                         Corporate Management

                                      Financial Services





This report is prepared to comply with Regulation 203 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and to inform Council and the Community of Council’s estimated financial position for the 2016/2017 financial year, reviewed as at 31 December 2016.


This report contains an overview of the proposed budget variations for the General Fund, Water Fund and Sewerage Fund.  The specific details of these proposed variations are included in Attachment 1 and 2 for Council’s consideration and authorisation.


Attachment 3 contains the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework (IP&R) Quarterly Budget Review Statement (QBRS) as outlined by the Division of Local Government in circular 10-32.




That the Finance Advisory Committee recommend to Council:

1.       That Council authorise the itemised budget variations as shown in Attachment 2 (#E2017/7234) which includes the following results in the 31 December 2016 Quarterly Review of the 2016/2017 Budget:


a)      General Fund – $40,900 decrease in the Estimated Unrestricted Cash Result

b)      General Fund - $1,716,400 increase in reserves

c)      Water Fund - $2,030,600 decrease in reserves

d)      Sewerage Fund - $2,876,900 decrease in reserves


2.       That Council adopt the revised General Fund Estimated Unrestricted Cash Result           of $1,146,500 for the 2016/2017 financial year as at 31 December 2016.




1        Budget Variations for General, Water and Sewerage Funds, E2017/7383 , page 14  

2        December 2016 Quarterly Budget Review , E2017/7236 , page 79  

3        Integrated Planning and Reporting Gramework (IP&R) Quarterly Review Statement, E2017/7624 , page 84  






Council adopted the 2016/2017 budget on 29 June 2016 via Resolution 16-348.  It also considered and adopted the budget carryovers from the 2015/2016 financial year, to be incorporated into the 2016/2017 budget at its Ordinary Meeting held on 25 August 2016 via Resolution 16-446.  Since that date, Council has reviewed the budget taking into consideration the 2015/2016 Financial Statement results and progress through the first half of the 2016/2017 financial year.  This report considers the December 2016 Quarter Budget Review.


The details of the budget review for the Consolidated, General, Water and Sewer Funds are included in Attachment 1, with an itemised listing in Attachment 2.  This aims to show the consolidated budget position of Council, as well as a breakdown by Fund and Principal Activity. The document in Attachment 1 is also effectively a publication outlining a review of the budget and is intended to provide Councillors with more detailed information to assist with decision making regarding Council’s finances.


Contained in the document at Attachment 1 is the following reporting hierarchy:


Consolidated Budget Cash Result




General Fund Cash Result     Water Fund Cash Result        Sewer Cash Result




Principal Activity                     Principal Activity                     Principal Activity




Operating Income       Operating Expenditure    Capital income    Capital Expenditure



The pages within Attachment 1 are presented (from left to right) by showing the original budget as adopted by Council on 29 June 2016 plus the adopted carryover budgets from 2015/2016 followed by the resolutions between July and September, the September review, resolutions between October and December and the revote (or adjustment for this review) and then the revised position projected for 30 June 2017 as at 31 December 2016.


On the far right of the Principal Activity, there is a column titled “Note”.  If this is populated by a number, it means that there has been an adjustment in the quarterly review.  This number then corresponds to the notes at the end of the Attachment 1 which provides an explanation of the variation.


There is also information detailing restricted assets (reserves) to show Council estimated balances as at 30 June 2017 for all Council’s reserves.


A summary of Capital Works is also included by Fund and Principal Activity.


Office of Local Government Budget Review Guidelines:-


The Office of Local Government on 10 December 2010 issued the new Quarterly Budget Review Guidelines via Circular 10-32, with the reporting requirements to apply from 1 July 2011.  This report includes a Quarterly Budget Review Statement (refer Attachment 3) prepared by Council in accordance with the guidelines.


The Quarterly Budget Review Guidelines set a minimum standard of disclosure, with these standards being included in the Local Government Code of Accounting Practice and Financial Reporting as mandatory requirements for Council’s to address. 


Since the introduction of the new planning and reporting framework for NSW Local Government, it is now a requirement for Councils to provide the following components when submitting a Quarterly Budget Review Statement (QBRS):-


·   A signed statement by the Responsible Accounting Officer on Councils financial position at the end of the year based on the information in the QBRS


·   Budget review income and expenses statement in one of the following formats:


o Consolidated

o By fund (e.g General, Water, Sewer)

o By function, activity, program etc to align with the management plan/operational plan


·   Budget Review Capital Budget


·   Budget Review Cash and Investments Position


·   Budget Review Key performance indicators


·   Budget Review Contracts and Other Expenses


The above components are included in Attachment 3:-


Income and Expenditure Budget Review Statement by Type – This shows Councils income and Expenditure by type.  This has been split by Fund.  Adjustments are shown, looking from left to right.  These adjustments are commented on through pages 51 to 62 of Attachment 1.


Capital Budget Review Statement – This statement identifies in summary Council’s capital works program on a consolidated basis and then split by Fund.  It also identifies how the capital works program is funded. As this is the first quarterly review for the reporting period, the Statement may not necessarily indicate the total progress achieved on the delivery of the capital works program. 


Cash and Investments Budget Review Statement – This statement reconciles Council’s restricted funds (reserves) against available cash and investments.  Council has attempted to indicate an actual position as at 31 December 2016 of each reserve to show a total cash position of reserves with any difference between that position and total cash and investments held as available cash and investments.  It should be recognised that the figure is at a point in time and may vary greatly in future quarterly reviews pending on cash flow movements.


Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) –  At this stage, the KPI’s within this report are:-


o Debt Service Ratio - This assesses the impact of loan principal and interest repayments on the discretionary revenue of Council.


o Rates and Annual Charges Outstanding Ratio – This assesses the impact of uncollected rates and annual charges on Councils liquidity and the adequacy of recovery efforts


o Asset Renewals Ratio – This assesses the rate at which assets are being renewed relative to the rate at which they are depreciating.


These may be expanded in future to accommodate any additional KPIs that Council may adopt to use in the Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP.)


Contracts and Other Expenses - This report highlights any contracts Council entered into during the October to December quarter that are greater then $50,000.




The following table provides a summary of the overall Council budget on a consolidated basis inclusive of all Funds budget movements for the 2016/2017 financial year projected to 30 June 2017 but revised as at 31 December 2016.



2016/2017 Budget Review Statement as at 31 December 2016

Original Estimate (Including Carryovers)



Adjustments to Dec 2016 including Resolutions*


Proposed Dec 2016 Review Revotes


Revised Estimate 30/6/2017 at 31/12/2016

Operating Revenue





Operating Expenditure





Operating Result – Surplus/Deficit





Add: Capital Revenue





Change in Net Assets





Add: Non Cash Expenses





Add: Non-Operating Funds Employed





Subtract: Funds Deployed for Non-Operating Purposes





Cash Surplus/(Deficit)





Restricted Funds – Increase / (Decrease)





Forecast Result for the Year – Surplus/(Deficit) – Unrestricted Cash Result








In terms of the General Fund projected Unrestricted Cash Result the following table provides a reconciliation of the estimated position as at 31 December 2016:


Opening Balance – 1 July 2016


Plus original budget movement and carryovers


Council Resolutions July – September Quarter


September Review – increase/(decrease)


Council Resolutions October – December Quarter


December Review – increase/(decrease)


Forecast Unrestricted Cash Result – Surplus/(Deficit) – 30 June 2017


Estimated Unrestricted Cash Result Closing Balance – 30 June 2017



The General Fund financial position overall has decreased by $36,300 as a result of this budget review.  The proposed budget changes are detailed in Attachment 1 and summarised further in this report below.


Council Resolutions


There were no Council resolutions during the October to December 2016 quarter that impacted the overall 2016/2017 budget result.


Budget Adjustments


The budget adjustments identified in Attachments 1 and 2 for the General Fund have been summarised by Budget Directorate in the following table:







Budget Directorate

Revenue Increase/

(Decrease) $

Expenditure Increase/

(Decrease) $

Accumulated Surplus (Working Funds) Increase/ (Decrease) $

General Manager




Corporate & Community Services




Infrastructure Services




Sustainable Environment & Economy




Total Budget Movements





Budget Adjustment Comments


Within each of the Budget Directorates of the General Fund, are a series of budget adjustments identified in detail at Attachment 1 and 2.  More detailed notes on these are provided in Attachment 1 but in summary the major additional items included are summarised below by Directorate and are included in the overall budget adjustments table above:


General Manager


·   In the General Managers Program, it is proposed to increase the budget by $16,600 to fund the temporary positions of the Research Officer and the Digital Media Officer for the remainder of the financial year.  These costs are distributed across other programs through support service costs.  It is also proposed to transfer $16,700 from the structural change reserve that was restricted at the September 2016 Quarter Budget Review for the purpose of additional staff resourcing.


Corporate and Community Services


·   In the Councillor Services Program additional expenditure of $66,300 is attributable to the consultation and application of the proposed Special Rate Variation.  This can be funded from the Infrastructure Services Carryover reserve where funds were set aside at the end of the 2915/2016 financial year for this purpose.


·   In the Financial Services Program there is a proposed budget decrease of $2,300 for expenditure for actual rates valuation fees being under the budget.


·   In the Information Services program it is proposed to increase operating income by $1,500 to reflect the income received from the Department of Education for the trainee position in Records.  It is proposed to increase operating expenditure by $150,000 due to additional costs incurred to procure technical consultant(s) providing project support and training..  These consultants have been assisting council keep various information services projects active.  This can be funded from the Information Services Reserve.


·   In the Governance Services Program It is proposed to increase operating income by $3,700 due to income received for a procurement rebate.


·   In the Community Development Program, It is proposed to increase operating expenditure by $8,800 for additional costs for the Byron Bay Recreation Grounds Plan of Management ($8,800, funded from the Property Reserve).


Infrastructure Services


·   In the Supervision & Administration program, it is proposed to reduce operating expenditure by $85,600 as the Paid Parking Officer position funded from the paid parking reserve is to be moved to the Local Roads & Drainage program.


·   In the Asset Management Planning program there is no net effect on the budget, but adjustments are required between expenditure numbers for asset management.


·   In the Emergency Services program it is proposed to increase income and expenditure by $65,000 due to Rural Fire Service expenses relating to Ballina and Tweed being recouped from Ballina and Tweed Shire Councils.


·   In the Depot Services and Fleet Management program it is proposed to increase operating expenditure by $30,000 due to the cost of the new GPS Monitoring system for Council plant. 


·   In the Local Roads and Drainage program, there are a number of adjustments outlined under Note 14 in the Budget Variations explanations section of Attachment 1.  Further disclosure is included in the second page of Attachment 2 under the budget program heading Local Roads and Drainage. 


·   In the Roads and Maritime Services program (RMS) it is proposed to increase operating income by $899,300 and expenditure by $1,091,500 as the RMS have approved funding for the January 2015 Natural Disaster event ($82,000) and June 2016 Natural Disaster event ($817,300 with $192,000 funded by Council).


·   In the Open Space and Recreation program, there are a number of adjustments outlined under Note 16 in the Budget Variations explanations section of Attachment 1.  Further disclosure is included in the third page of Attachment 2 under the budget program heading Open Space and Recreation. 


·   In the Cavanbah Centre program, it is proposed to increase expenditure by $22,000 largely due to damage caused to AFL nets during a recent storm.  Some of this is retrievable through an insurance claim.


·   In the Facilities Management program it is proposed to increase operating expenditure by $20,000 due to a social enterprise project plan at the old Country Link building in Byron Bay and capital expenditure by $135,000 due to the Foyer and Training room renovations in the Administration Centre ($110,000) and solar installation at the Mullumbimby District Neighbourhood Centre ($25,000).


Sustainable Environment and Economy


·   In the Development & Certification program it is proposed to increase operating income and expenditure by $110,000 as there has been a steady and significant increase (25% from last year) in the number of applications for ‘development’ received during the year that has required additional temporary resourcing in the planning, building and environment assessment teams to ensure the timely management and assessment of development, construction certificate and subdivision applications as per statutory requirements and customer expectations.


·   In the Planning Policy and Natural Environment Program, it is proposed to increase income and expenditure by $3,000 for the Sustainable House Day Expo.  Operating expenditure increased by a further $21,200 due to an additional $6,200 required for the Residential Strategy and an additional $15,000 estimated for the Byron Shire Housing Summit.  A budget of $10,000 was allocated for the Byron Shire Housing Summit at the September budget review referencing resolution 16-528.  It is anticipated the cost of this summit will be more than the $10,000 allocated at this review.


·   In the Environment & Compliance program proposed to increase the budget for overtime and consultants for Environmental Health ($40,000) and the Compliance salaries budget ($50,000).  These adjustments can be funded through savings in the Environmental Health salaries due to the ongoing vacant position of the Team Leader Public & Environmental Services.  This increase is also due to the steady and significant increase in the number of applications for ‘development’ received during the year that has required additional temporary resourcing in the environment assessment teams to ensure the timely management and assessment of development, construction certificate and subdivision applications as per statutory requirements and customer expectations




After completion of the 2015/2016 Financial Statements the Water Fund as at 30 June 2016 has a capital works reserve of $2,723,000 and held $10,549,100 in section 64 developer contributions.


The estimated Water Fund reserve balances as at 30 June 2017, and forecast in this Quarter Budget Review, are derived as follows:


Capital Works Reserve


Opening Reserve Balance at 1 July 2016


Plus original budget reserve movement


Less reserve funded carryovers from 2015/2016


Resolutions July -  September Quarter – increase / (decrease)


September Quarterly Review Adjustments – increase / (decrease)


Resolutions October -  December Quarter – increase / (decrease)


December Quarterly Review Adjustments – increase / (decrease)


Forecast Reserve Movement for 2016/2017 – Increase / (Decrease)


Estimated Reserve Balance at 30 June 2017



Section 64 Developer Contributions


Opening Reserve Balance at 1 July 2016


Plus original budget reserve movement


Less reserve funded carryovers from 2015/2016


Resolutions July -  September Quarter – increase / (decrease)


September Quarterly Review Adjustments – increase / (decrease)


Resolutions October -  December Quarter – increase / (decrease)


December Quarterly Review Adjustments – increase / (decrease)


Forecast Reserve Movement for 2016/2017 – Increase / (Decrease)


Estimated Reserve Balance at 30 June 2017



Movements for Water Fund can be seen in Attachment 1 with a proposed estimated decrease to reserves (including S64 Contributions) overall of $2,030,600 from the 31 December 2016 Quarter Budget Review.




After completion of the 2015/2016 Financial Statements the Sewer Fund has a capital works reserves of $5,153,600 and plant reserve of $827,800. It also held $8,760,300 in section 64 developer contributions.


Capital Works Reserve


Opening Reserve Balance at 1 July 2017


Plus original budget reserve movement


Less reserve funded carryovers from 2015/2016


Resolutions July -  September Quarter – increase / (decrease)


September Quarterly Review Adjustments – increase / (decrease)


Resolutions October -  December Quarter – increase / (decrease)


December Quarterly Review Adjustments – increase / (decrease)


Forecast Reserve Movement for 2016/2017 – Increase / (Decrease)


Estimated Reserve Balance at 30 June 2017



Plant Reserve


Opening Reserve Balance at 1 July 2016


Plus original budget reserve movement


Less reserve funded carryovers from 2015/2016


Resolutions July -  September Quarter – increase / (decrease)


September Quarterly Review Adjustments – increase / (decrease)


Resolutions October -  December Quarter – increase / (decrease)


December Quarterly Review Adjustments – increase / (decrease)


Forecast Reserve Movement for 2016/2017 – Increase / (Decrease)


Estimated Reserve Balance at 30 June 2017



Section 64 Developer Contributions


Opening Reserve Balance at 1 July 2016


Plus original budget reserve movement


Less reserve funded carryovers from 2015/2016


Resolutions July -  September Quarter – increase / (decrease)


September Quarterly Review Adjustments – increase / (decrease)


Resolutions October -  December Quarter – increase / (decrease)


December Quarterly Review Adjustments – increase / (decrease)


Forecast Reserve Movement for 2016/2017 – Increase / (Decrease)


Estimated Reserve Balance at 30 June 2017



Movements for the Sewerage Fund can be seen in Attachment 1 with a proposed estimated overall decrease to reserves (including S64 Contributions) of $2,876,900 from the 31 December 2016 Quarter Budget Review.


Legal Expenses


One of the major financial concerns for Council over previous years has been legal expenses. Not only does this item represent a large expenditure item funded by general revenue, but can also be susceptible to large fluctuations. 


The table that follows indicates the allocated budget and actual legal expenditure within Council on

a fund basis as at 31 December 2016.


Total Legal Income & Expenditure as at 31 December 2016





Budget ($)


Actual ($)

Percentage To Revised Budget





Legal Expenses Recovered




Total Income












General Legal Expenses




Total Expenditure General Fund





Note: The above table does not include costs incurred by Council in proceedings after 31 December 2016 or billed after this date.


Financial Implications


The 31 December 2016 Quarter Budget Review of the 2016/2017 Budget has decreased the overall budget result by $40,900.  As a result the estimated unrestricted cash balance attributable to the General Fund decreased to an estimated $1,141,900 at 30 June 2017.


Statutory and Policy Compliance Implications


In accordance with Regulation 203 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 the Responsible Accounting Officer of a Council must:-

(1) Not later than 2 months after the end of each quarter (except the June quarter), the responsible accounting officer of a council must prepare and submit to the council a budget review statement that shows, by reference to the estimate of income and expenditure set out in the statement of the council’s revenue policy included in the operational plan for the relevant year, a revised estimate of the income and expenditure for that year.


(2) A budget review statement must include or be accompanied by:


(a) a report as to whether or not the responsible accounting officer believes that the statement indicates that the financial position of the council is satisfactory, having regard to the original estimate of income and expenditure, and


(b) if that position is unsatisfactory, recommendations for remedial action.


(3) A budget review statement must also include any information required by the Code to be included in such a statement.


Statement by Responsible Accounting Officer


This report indicates that the short term financial position of Council is satisfactory for the 2016/2017 financial year, having consideration of the original estimate of income and expenditure at the 31 December 2016 Quarter Budget Review.


This opinion is based on the estimated General Fund Unrestricted Cash Result position and that the current indicative budget position for 2016/2017, whilst now a projected deficit of $3,300 still provides that the General Fund Unrestricted Cash Balance will remain above Council’s adopted benchmark of $1,000,000.  Not withstanding this, Council will need to continue to carefully monitor the 2016/2017 budget over the remainder of the financial year.




Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                 4.1 - Attachment 1


































































Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                 4.1 - Attachment 2






Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                 4.1 - Attachment 3
















Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                            4.2



Report No. 4.2             2017/2018 Revenue Policy - Review of Rating Structure

Directorate:                 Corporate and Community Services

Report Author:           James Brickley, Manager Finance

File No:                        I2017/140

Theme:                         Corporate Management

                                      Financial Services





Council at its Ordinary Meeting held on 2 February 2017 resolved through Resolution 17-023 part 2 to review its rating structure as part of developing the 2017/2018 Revenue Policy.


This report is provided to the Finance Advisory Committee to advise that work has commenced on reviewing the rating structure and at this meeting of the Finance Advisory Committee, there will be a presentation to consider options for review and feedback.




That the Finance Committee consider the presentation on options for review of the rating structure.




Council at its Ordinary Meeting held on 2 February 2017 considered report 13.5 ‘Rating and Revenue Options’.  Following consideration of that report, Council resolved (Resolution 17-023) as follows:


1.       That the report on Rating and Revenue Options be received and noted.


2.       That Council review its rating structure including the redistribution of the rating burden between the Residential, Business and Farmland rating categories and sub-categories, and that this review be undertaken as part of developing 2017/2018 Revenue Policy and supported by further modelling of rating structure scenarios and further consultation with impacted ratepayers.


3.       That Council:


i.        increase the hourly pay parking fee from $3 to $4 per hour and the capped fee for 4 hours from $10 to $12 from the 2017/18 financial year and,

ii.       undertake the required advertising and 28 day consultation period inviting submissions prior to any formal adoption.

iii.      that revenue raised from the increase be used for current asset renewal


4.       That Council identify residential properties used for holiday letting and develop a process to reclassify these properties as business for rating purposes.


5.       Prior to adoption, that Council receive a detailed evaluation report on the operation of paid parking.


This report is prepared for the Finance Advisory Committee to consider part 2 of Resolution 17-023.


A presentation will be provided on the day of this Finance Advisory Council Meeting that will outline options for consideration and feedback to allow further modelling (if required) of potential rating structures addressing the resolution and their impacts to assist in the development of the 2017/2018 Revenue Policy.


It is suggested there will be a process to review the rating structure which may require additional workshops and input from Councillors other then just at this meeting of the Finance Advisory Committee. This process will be timed to coincide with the timetable for the preparation of  the draft 2017/2018 Revenue Policy, to allow the required time for consultation with impacted ratepayers, that will be identified during the process to prepare any draft rating structure option that Council may wish to consult with.


Financial Implications


This report is flagging the presentation of options concerning a review of Council’s rating structure.  To this end, it has no financial implications to Council in terms of the level of revenue it receives from ordinary rates other then apportionment between rating categories but there will be implications for ratepayers should Council determine an alternate rating structure from the current rating structure utilised by Council.


Statutory and Policy Compliance Implications


The parameters for the operation of rating system is governed by Chapter 15 of the Local Government Act 1993 from Section 491 to Section 607.  The apportionment of the rating yield between rating categories is a matter for Council to consider and determine.


Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                            4.3



Report No. 4.3             2016/17 Financial Sustainability Plan - Update on the Acrion Implementation Plan as at 31 December 2016

Directorate:                 Corporate and Community Services

Report Author:           James Brickley, Manager Finance

File No:                        I2017/152

Theme:                         Corporate Management

                                      Financial Services





Council at its Ordinary meeting held on 2 February 2017 adopted the Financial Sustainability Plan (FSP) 2016/2017 via Resolution 17-011 without change following endorsement by the Finance Advisory Committee at its Meeting held 10 November 2016 of the Draft 2016/2017 FSP.    


The FSP adopted by Council is for the 2016/17 Financial Year and details the strategic approach adopted by Council for managing the Financial Sustainability of the Council as an organisation.


The Council via Resolution 13-148 resolved to develop the FSP as a means of communicating with the community on proposed reforms.


Council in Resolution 13-148 also determined that progress reports on the implementation of the actions within the FSP be submitted to the Council's Finance Advisory Committee.


This report has been prepared to provide the Finance Advisory Committee with an update report on the implementation of the actions in the 2016/17 FSP Plan, for the period to 31 December 2016.




That the update report to 31 December 2016 on the 2016/2017 Financial Sustainability Plan Action Implementation Plan (E2017/1518) be received and noted.




1        Action Implementation Plan update as at 31 December 2016, E2017/1518 , page 104  



Sustainable icon TICK




Council at its Ordinary meeting held on 2 February 2017 adopted the Financial Sustainability Plan (FSP) 2016/2017 via Resolution 17-011 without change following endorsement by the Finance Advisory Committee at its Meeting held 10 November 2016 of the Draft 2016/2017 FSP.    


The FSP adopted by Council is for the 2016/17 Financial Year and details the strategic approach adopted by Council for managing the Financial Sustainability of the Council as an organisation.


The Council via Resolution 13-148 resolved to develop the FSP as a means of communicating with the community on proposed reforms.


Council in Resolution 13-148 also determined that progress reports on the implementation of the actions within the FSP be submitted to the Council's Finance Advisory Committee.


This report has been prepared to provide the Finance Advisory Committee with an update report on the implementation of the actions in the 2016/17 FSP Plan, for the period to 31 December 2016.


A summary of the actions detailed in the FSP has been prepared and attached to this Report at Attachment 1.  A comment has been included in the summary against each of the identified actions for the main areas or elements being:


·     Expenditure Review

·     Revenue Review

·     Land Review and Property Development

·     Strategic Procurement

·     Policy and Decision Making

·     Potential Commercial Opportunities

·     Volunteerism

·     Collaborations and Partnerships

·     Asset Management

·     Long Term Financial Planning

·     Performance Indicators

·     Environmental Projects


Financial Implications


The Finance Advisory Committee by referencing Attachment 1 will see progress against various action items associated with the FSP.  At this stage up to 31 December 2016, no financial outcomes have been realised in the 30 September 2016 and 31 December 2016 Quarter Budget Reviews.


It is also prudent that any positive financial outcomes derived from actions of the FSP be based on actual outcomes and not estimated outcomes.  In that regard, the financial reporting of outcomes of the FSP will be in arrears, once the outcomes are known and actions in the FSP are completed.


Further reporting will be provided to the Finance Advisory Committee at future meetings on financial outcomes.  This will be done in conjunction the Quarterly Budget Review (QBR) reporting process over the 2016/2017 financial year according to Resolution 14-326.  A register has been developed to track the financial outcomes of the FSP actions that is envisaged will derive an improved quantifiable financial sustainability outcome overall to Council.


Statutory and Policy Compliance Implications


Council Resolutions 13-148, 13-238, 14-326, 15-606 and 17-011.


The development of the FSP can also be considered as a tool to assist Council in its ongoing obligations as defined in Section 9 (The Council’s charter), Section 8 of the Local Government Act 1993.



Staff Reports - Corporate and Community Services                                                           4.3 - Attachment 1

Strategy Element:       Expenditure Review



Action Owner

Action Due Date

Management Comments

1.   Recommendations on expenditure savings or efficiency gains identified by responsible staff reported to the Executive Team.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Reports are prepared following the quarterly Strategic Procurement Steering Committee meetings to the ET and responsible Managers. The reports include recommendations for potential savings or efficiency gains from Contracts tendered by Council or the NOROC Procurement Group, and recommendations on Contracts that should be developed and Tendered by Council.

2.   Monthly Management Finance Reports provided to the Executive Team.



Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Monthly Management Finance Reports are prepared by the Finance Manager and considered by the Executive Team at the monthly Performance Management meeting held on the second Wednesday of each month.

3.   Monthly Management Finance Reports provided to Councillors.



Progress Update (31 December 2016)

A copy of the Monthly Management Finance Report is distributed by the Director Corporate and Community Services to Councillors on the Friday following the Executive Team Performance Management meeting. The version of the Monthly Management Finance Report distributed Councillors is in accordance with the template adopted by Council for the monthly report.

4.   Progress reports to the Finance Committee on the implementation of the adopted FSP actions.



Progress Update (31 December 2016)

The 2016/17 FSP was adopted by Council at its ordinary meeting held on 2 February. This is the first progress report prepared for the Finance Committee updating the Committee on the progress of implementing the adopted actions.

5.   Report to Council through the Quarterly Budget Review any identified expenditure savings.



Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Expenditure savings will be included in the December 2016 Quarterly Budget Review Report to this meeting of the Finance Committee.

6.   Report to Council any recommendations regards policy changes.


As required

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Reported to Council as required.


Strategy Element:       Revenue Review



Action Owner

Action Due Date

Management Comments

1.   Internal Staff Working Groups to report to the Executive Team on the progress achieved on the implementation of their specific initiative/s.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

The Internal Working Groups have continued to operate and report to the Executive Team as required.


A weekly status update for identified critical projects is provided in the internal weekly Critical Project Status Update Report to ET.

2.   Internal Staff Working Group/staff to report to the Executive Team any proposed opportunities for deriving new/additional revenue.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

The focus during the reporting period has been on the implementation of the engagement process in support of  an application for a Special Rate Variation application for a rate increase in addition to determined rate peg limit  for 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21.


The IP&R Working Group has during the period met on a weekly basis and reported to the Executive Team. As an outcome of these meetings reports were provided to Council in October and December. A number of Councillor Workshops have also been held.


Council in February  resolved to submit an application for a Special Rate Variation application for a rate increase including the  rate peg limit of  7.5%  for 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21.

3.   Report to the Finance Committee and/or the Council any proposed opportunities for deriving new/additional revenue.



Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Reported as required.

4.   Report to Council any recommendations regarding policy change and/or increases to existing or new revenue sources.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Council during this review period considered reports on consultation regarding options for potential Special Rate Variation.  Council at its Ordinary Meeting held on 15 December 2016 resolved to inform the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of its intention to apply for a Special Rate Variation and to re-exhibit its Integrated Planning Documents incorporating the SRV options seeking further feedback from the community.


Council in February resolved to submit an application for a Special Rate Variation application for a rate increase including the rate peg limit of 7.5% for 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21.

5.   Prepare submissions and lobby for grant funding for major capital works projects.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

During the reporting period Council has followed up the lobbying undertaken in the lead up to the 2 July 2016 Federal Election. A number of Critical Projects have also been the subject of lobbying to the State Government during the period. Such projects have included the Byron CBD Bypass and Ewingsdale Road Projects.

6.   Community Consultation and Submission of the Special Rate Variation Application to IPART to apply from 2017/2018 financial year and three following financial years.


June 2017


Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Final phase of community consultation commenced on 17 December 2016 following Council’s consideration of a report on the Special Rate Variation options.  Council approved the lodgement with the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) of a notice of intent to lodge an application for the 2017/2018 Financial Year. 


Council in February  resolved to submit an application for a Special Rate Variation application for a rate increase including the rate peg limit of 7.5% for 2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21.





Strategy Element:       Land Review and Property Development



Action Owner

Action Due Date

Management Comments

General Fund

2.   Lot 12 Bayshore Drive – Evaluation and possible sale.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Brisbane Screenings have completed the waste processing and remediation of the site. A project saving of $700,000 was achieved through the sale of surplus material to North Byron Beach Resort. Residual tasks such as fencing and formal reporting of the EPA Licence will be completed in early 2017. A report on future use will go to Council before June.

3.   Manfred Street – Complete and lodge planning proposal for the reclassification in accordance with Res 13-698.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Planning Proposal lodged with the Department of Planning. A requisition was subsequently received and a response prepared by Staff to the issues raised in the Requisition, which has been submitted to the Department . Currently awaiting Department of Planning determination of the Planning Proposal.

4.   Station Street – Complete sale.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

The contractor has commenced works and the trees have been removed and the stumps ground. Work will be completed in early 2017.


In accordance with the resolution of Council an agreement has been reached with NCCH. The contract of sale is well developed, NCCH lawyers are considering proposed amendments and a draft subdivision plan.


Presentation from NCCH/KOHO to the Councillors to be scheduled in the new year.

5.   Yaran Road, Tyagarah Airfield – Rezoning, DA works.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Planning: The required work for OEH is nearing completion. Reporting the planning proposal will follow concurrence from OEH.


Infrastructure: Draft Compensatory Management Plan Stage 1 and 2A received.  Areas for compensatory planting under review.  Shelter and landing fee meter installed and operational.  Visiting aircraft landing and parking fee recovery review in progress.  Airfield inspections now completed via electronic forms.

Leasing and Licensing: Lease for the Old Tyagarah Hall effective from 1 January 2017 – Completed.

6.   Lot 22 Mullumbimby – Planning proposal and rezoning.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

A meeting has been held with the Department of Planning and support has been gained for conducting the rezoning/ reclassification process in parallel with the process of or reviewing and finalizing the Residential Settlement Strategy. Achieving the rezoning and reclassification is essential to facilitating any residential outcome for this property.

7.   Bayshore Drive Works Depot,
Byron Bay (Lot 102, DP1087996, 1.79 hectares) – Reassess the feasibility and options for a potential relocation.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

A consultant has been engaged to review the future needs of the Depot site and to evaluate the merits of alternative sites including the RMS Yaran Rd site.

Water Fund

8.   Fletcher Street –Finalise architectural concept and business case.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

The EOI process has been finalized and Architects short listed. A tender will be issued in February. The project remains on track.

Sewer Fund

9.   South Byron STP – Future option determination.   Continue site remediation.  Start rezoning.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Following a presentation to Council at a Strategic Planning Workshop and a site inspection, a detail report on future options and associated implications (legal, planning, risk and cost) will be presented to the 23 March meeting.

10.  Brunswick Heads STP – Complete remediation.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Council has awarded a tender for this work.

11.  Mullumbimby STP – Detailed site contamination and remediation assessments.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Council has engaged Consultants GHD who are completing the assessments to inform the REF for the planned works.

12.  Brunswick Valley STP, Vallances Road – Assess development options.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

A Planning consultant will be engaged to prepare subdivision options for the property.

13.  Bangalow STP – The RLUS has determined that rural residential is not viable in this location due to the proximity of both the STP and surrounding agricultural activity.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

No further work required.

14.  Lot 4 Mill Street – Assess development options.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Liaison has occurred with John Holland Rail and it is now possible to prepare a proposal for a land/ boundary adjustment to achieve a secure vehicle access to this property from Mill St/ Station St.

15.  Various small surplus land parcels – Continue program.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Work has progressed on the options for sale of surplus road reserves and other minor land areas and been reported to Council.

Waste Fund

16.  Lots 3 and 29 Manse Road – Progress options for resource recovery in the quarry


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

No further work required at this stage.

17.  Lot 15 Dingo Lane, Myocum – Progress options for resource recovery in the quarry.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Resource recovery options are being developed. This property will also be considered regarding its viability for a future depot site.

18.  Lot 16 Dingo Lane, Myocum – Assess retention and sale options.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

A report will be prepared for Council regarding options.


Strategy Element:       Strategic Procurement



Action Owner

Action Due Date

Management Comments

1.   Develop contracts management guidelines and processes.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Contract Management Guidelines endorsed and provided to staff with a toolkit.   Staff training sessions booked for April and May.



2.   Develop annual procurement plan.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2015)

Annual Procurement Plan developed and endorsed by the Executive Team.



3.   Develop and implement priority contracts program.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2015)

Priority contracts program developed with Annual Procurement Plan, based on spend analysis data.



4.   Detailed spend analysis and reporting.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Spend analysis is completed at the end of each financial year to track performance and identify opportunities for improvement.



5.   Implement ongoing procurement and contract management training program.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Identified staff are undertaking online training through local government procurement. Training courses being undertaken include: Probity in Procurement, Procurement Essentials, Contract Management, and Specification Writing. Online training will continue to be offered to relevant staff.



6.   Implement targeted program to reduce invoice numbers and transaction costs.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

The new purchase to pay process (see item 8 below) will result in a significant reduction in transaction costs. Work to reduce invoice numbers is ongoing. For example, where appropriate, new contracts require suppliers to provide a consolidated monthly invoice.


In progress.

7.   Develop social and sustainable procurement and economic development plan.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

The Sustainable Procurement Plan which addresses the four elements of sustainable procurement (social, environmental, economic, governance) has been completed.



8.   Review purchase to pay process.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Due for completion April 2017.


In progress.

9.   Implement purchasing cards for low value high volumed transactions.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

A draft policy has been developed that is currently being reviewed.  Reviewing software to manage purchase cards to integrate into Authority system and the Authority product itself.


Currently still progressing.

Strategy Element:       Policy and Decision Making



Action Owner

Action Due Date

Management Comments

1.   Council continue to consider the short, medium and long term financial impacts and the context of Council’s long term financial sustainability in its ongoing policy and decision making processes.

Finance Manager

June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

The Finance Manager undertakes a review of the reports to Council on a monthly basis and provides comments to Report Writers and the Executive Team on the financial implications.  Comments are included in the reports for consideration of Council in the decision making process.  Resolutions impacting on budgets are considered in the QBR process and then included in the financial modelling used for the preparation of the LTFP.

2.   That any unspent budget votes from the 2015/16 budget recommended to be carried over to the 2016/17 Budget be reported to Council following the end of the 2015/16 Financial Year.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

This item is complete. Carryovers from 2015/2016 to be added to the 2016/2017 budget were considered by the Finance Advisory Committee at its Meeting held on 18 August 2016. These were later adopted by Council at its Ordinary Meeting held on 25 August 2016 (Resolution 16-446).

3.   That the monthly Finance Report be distributed to Councillors on a monthly basis.

Finance Manager

June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Following the Council election in September 2016, a report was provided to the FAC on 10 November 2016 to confirm the form and content of the monthly financial reporting to Councillors.  Upon adoption of the preferred format, the monthly financial reporting to Councillors has commenced.

4.   That policies that contain wording or provisions that are considered to be restrictive be reviewed to incorporate enabling wording and guidelines for Council’s consideration and approval.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Council Policy 12/007 Business and Commercial Activities has been reviewed.  This policy was endorsed by the Executive Team to be one of the first policies reviewed.  This policy is proposed to be reported to Council to be repealed as the policy has never been enacted and has been superseded by the Financial Sustainability Plan.


Strategy Element:       Potential Commercial Opportunities



Action Owner

Action Due Date

Management Comments

1.   Management will progressively prepare and submit to Council reports on any potential commercial opportunities and ventures identified in the adopted Byron Bay Town Centre Masterplan.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Commercial opportunity at CountryLink Building

Currently progressing with project planning

·    28/09/16 ET endorsed support for social enterprise at the Country Link building, Jonson St, Byron Bay, and will provide input to the process

·    20/10/16 Strategic Planning Workshop held with Councillors

2.   Management to prepare and submit to Council reports on any potential commercial opportunities and ventures when identified for any other specific projects such as:

a)   Future management and development of the Tyagarah Aerodrome

b)   Development of Byron Bay Swimming Pool/Café

c)   Redevelopment of the old Fletcher Street Library building.




June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

a) Future management and development of the Tyagarah Aerodrome

·      Tree treatment in Transitional Slopes (Stage 1) complete.

·      Stage 2 Areas to be assessed under Pt4 or Pt5 of Env&Planning Assessment Act have been identified. Treatment methods to be defined.

·      Shelter and landing fee meter installed and operational.

·      The Planning Proposal public exhibition closed 2 June 2016 with eight submissions received.

·      Work has commenced on preparing additional OEH-requested information for their consideration.

·      Expected that a report on the final Planning Proposal will be presented to Council at the 25 August 2016 meeting, pending OEH’s further advice.

·      The Agreement to Lease and lease documents for the Tyagarah Hall have been signed by the successful applicant

·      DA for associated activities has been lodged with Council.


b) Development of Byron Bay Swimming Pool/Café

Council met with the responsible Minister on 2 August 2016 to discuss the outstanding issues. The meeting identified a number of actions for both Crown Lands and Council to progress and resolve the current the land tenure matters.


Crown Lands in December 2016 advised that upon the closure of the Road Reserve that this land would vest to Council. Road Closure process commenced.


A presentation on the land tenure issues an the status of the actions being undertaken by both Council and Crown Lands provide to Councillors at the SPW on 24 January 2017.


c) Redevelopment of the old Fletcher Street Library Building

The EOI has been issued.  A detailed project plan has been developed.


Strategy Element:       Volunteerism



Action Owner

Action Due Date

Management Comments

1.   Review the Volunteer Policy and framework to ensure that it meets the National Standards for volunteer involvement, and supports the organisation in delivering volunteer activities.

Manager Community Development

June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Preparation underway, Policy review scheduled for 2017.

2.   Undertake an organisation wide audit of current volunteer activities.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Review of S355 Committees completed, including review of Guidelines, templates and resources. Induction and training undertaken.


Audit to be progressed. Further clarification upon collaboration with other sections of Council to ensure coordinated, organisation-wide approach.

3.   Recognition of current volunteers.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Volunteer recognition event scheduled for 8-14 May 2017, including professional development opportunity.

4.   Identify and deliver a social innovation pilot project.

Manager Community Development

June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Currently underway.


28/09/16 - ET endorsed the Social Enterprise Action plan with the following steps:

·        Proceed to scope social enterprise project pipeline through the Social Enterprise Action Plan to establish feasibility and buy-in.

·        Pilot a social procurement project in 2017 (Asset Management Program, Water and Sewer)

·        Develop a Council supported funding strategy for a long-term social enterprise incubator program and facility

·        Convene staff and external educational workshops in social procurement and social impact measurement

·        Develop a communications strategy to demonstrate Council’s commitment to social impact

·        Advocate for revisions to Legislation around competitive neutrality for social enterprises


28/09/16 - ET endorsed support the proposed social enterprise at the CountryLink building, Jonson Street, Byron Bay and will provide input to the process.


20/10/16 - Strategic Planning Workshop held with Councillors

Ongoing project development and planning for Country Link building project.




Strategy Element:       Collaborations and Partnerships



Action Owner

Action Due Date

Management Comments

1.   Embed collaboration/partnerships into the IP&R framework through the four year preparation of IP&R documents.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

·      Review of IP&R framework templates underway

·      Collaboration/partnership strategy to be developed and implemented in Years 1-2 of Delivery Program 2017-2021.

2.   Identify key potential organisational strategic partnerships/collaborations.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

·      As above

·      Opportunities for collaboration/partnership to be identified across Council during development of strategies and actions

3.   Review the format of Council reports as part of the internal audit recommendations to align Council reporting with strategic objectives.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

100% of the Low Carbon Strategy actions to date have been completed or are in progress. The strategy sets a target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by a minimum of 30% from 2003-2004 levels by 2020.


Achievements to date: The Myocum Landfill Gas collection network and flare was upgraded and a 10 year contract procured for the system operation and flare hire. A 103kW solar system installed on council assets.   5 solar hot water systems at Community Centres and the Depot.  Energy audits of the Sandhills Child Care and The Cavanbah Centre. Lighting efficiency retrofits on council assets.

4.   Provide a report to ET quarterly that identifies strategic partnerships/collaboration projects.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

The Zero Emissions Byron project is overseen by a steering committee comprising the Mayor, Council staff, local community groups, BZE and the Centre for Social Change.  The project is organised according to five sectors that contribute to emissions in the Shire: energy, transport, buildings, land use and waste.  In each sector a team of local volunteers and experts has been established and has now calculated the baseline emissions. 


The Baseline Emissions Report is the current emissions and emission reduction strategies for the Byron community.  Moving forward post baseline report, the creation a 10 Year Strategic Action Plan, identifying clear projects/strategies to help reduce emissions is now under development.



Strategy Element:       Asset Management



Action Owner

Action Due Date

Management Comments

1.   Prepare infrastructure reports for the Financial Statements and NSW Fit for Future program.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

This was completed and submitted as part of the submission to the State Government.

2.   Develop levels of service for infrastructure to support investment.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Levels of services are intimately linked to timely asset renewal which is the key subject of the proposed Special Rate Variation Application. A presentation was made to the Transport & Infrastructure Advisory Committee on 1 December.

3.   Progress the outcomes of Asset Management Audits to improve performance.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

An internal Working Group has been progressing action from the NSW Local Government Asset management Preparedness audit. In addition a new audit with be conducted by consultants Grant Thornton in February.

4.   Improve the level and integration of asset information to better assist decision making and focus infrastructure investment.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

A new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) project is progressing. The level of integration with the assets system is yet to be finalised.

5.   Revalue water and sewer assets in accordance with the Local Government Accounting Code.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

A consultant has been engaged to complete the revaluation in collaboration with staff.

6.   Creatively develop new and revised funding strategies for better community outcomes.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

The new Section 64 development contribution plan is in place. The Section 94 development contribution plan is being reviewed.

7.   Actively work with government and industry leaders to improve asset management performance.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Council has completed the Price Waterhouse and Local Government Professionals Australia survey with findings in the ‘Local Government Operational and Management Effectiveness Report’. Council continues to be actively involved in audit processes.

8.   Engage with the community on the challenges of asset management.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Community engagement through the SRVA process has been extensive. This work has included an Asset Survey and the findings have informed development of the SRVA options. The Transport & Infrastructure Advisory Committee continues to be engaged with detailed presentations made at 1 December meeting.

Strategy Element:       Long Term Financial Planning



Action Owner

Action Due Date

Management Comments

1.   Develop the 2016-2026 Long Term Financial Plan following adoption of the 2016/17 Operational Plan and report to the Finance Advisory Committee/Council prior to 18 August 2016.

Finance Manager

June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Report to the FAC on 18 August 2016 on 2016-2026 Long Term Financial Plan discussed scenarios only.  Plan was not developed by this meeting.

2.   Further update the 2016-2026 Long Term Financial Plan to address the requirements of Council’s proposed Special Rate Variation (SRV) application prior to lodgement with IPART in February 2017.

Finance Manager

June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

2016-2026 Long Term Financial Plan developed and adopted by Council on 15 December 2016 in draft form for inclusion in public exhibition of revised Integrated Planning and Reporting documents.


Strategy Element:       Performance Indicators



Action Owner

Action Due Date

Management Comments

1.   Ongoing quarterly reporting to the Finance Advisory Committee and Council on Financial Sustainability Plan (FSP) outcomes.

Finance Manager


Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Reporting for the quarter ended 30 September 2016 and 31 December 2016 reported to the FAC on 16 February 2017.


2.   Recognition through the QBR process of financial outcomes delivered by the FSP.

Finance Manager


Progress Update (31 December 2016)

September 2016 QBR reported to FAC 10 November 2016 and 31 December 2016 QBR reported to FAC 16 February 2017.

3.   Structural changes to both revenue sources and expenditure will be updated in the base budget during the preparation of the 2017/18 Budget.

Finance Manager

June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

2017/2018 Draft budget currently being developed with first milestone being to present the first draft of the 2017/2018 Budget to the Executive Team on 1 March 2017.

4.   The financial outcomes delivered by the FSP updated into the Council’s Long Term Financial Plan and modelled in the Long Term Financial Plan Scenarios.

Finance Manager

June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Changes are being identified by the Finance Manager through the QBR and financial modelling processes.

5    Assessment of the Note 13 and Special Schedule 7 performance ratios disclosed annually in Council’s audited financial statements which should indicate a trend improvement from FSP outcomes.

Finance Manager

June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Results for financial year ended 30 June 2016 presented to Council for adoption on 27 October 2016 following completion of the financial statement audit.  Note 13 performance ratios continue to improve on trend however infrastructure backlog in Special Schedule 7 showed a decline following reassessment of the infrastructure backlog.

6.   Assessment of the seven ‘Fit for Future’ benchmarks on an ongoing basis to ensure Council maintains the ‘Fit’ outcome.

Finance Manager

June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

Has been included in the development of the 2016-2026 Draft Long Term Financial Plan including projections for ten years. Benchmarks were reviewed following the conclusion of the audited 2015/2016 financial statements adopted by Council on 27 October and included in the Financial Data Return lodged with the Office of Local Government on 2 November 2016.


Strategy Element:       Environmental Projects



Action Owner

Action Due Date

Management Comments

1.   Implement actions from the Low Carbon Strategy as per scheduled timeframes.  Example of actions that meet the FSP include energy efficiency measures, installation of solar power and solar hot water, energy data optimisation, electric fleet vehicles and installation of smart meters.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

100% of the Low Carbon Strategy actions to date have been completed or are in progress. The strategy sets a target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by a minimum of 30% from 2003-2004 levels by 2020.


Achievements to date: The Myocum Landfill Gas collection network and flare was upgraded and a 10 year contract procured for the system operation and flare hire. A 103kW solar system installed on council assets.   5 solar hot water systems at Community Centres and the Depot.  Energy audits of the Sandhills Child Care and The Cavanbah Centre. Lighting efficiency retrofits on council assets.

2.   Work collaboratively with the Zero Emissions Byron project to identify actions that go beyond the Byron Shire Low Carbon Strategy.


June 2017

Progress Update (31 December 2016)

The Zero Emissions Byron project is overseen by a steering committee comprising the Mayor, Council staff, local community groups, BZE and the Centre for Social Change.  The project is organised according to five sectors that contribute to emissions in the Shire: energy, transport, buildings, land use and waste.  In each sector a team of local volunteers and experts has been established and has now calculated the baseline emissions.  The Baseline Emissions Report is the current emissions and emission reduction strategies for the Byron community.  Moving forward post baseline report, the creation a 10 Year Strategic Action Plan, identifying clear projects/strategies to help reduce emissions is now under development.