Notice of Meeting










Local Traffic Committee Meeting



A Local Traffic Committee Meeting of Byron Shire Council will be held as follows:



Conference Room, Station Street, Mullumbimby


Tuesday, 28 July 2020



Committee Members

Ian Shanahan – Transport for NSW

Snr Constable Chris Davis – Police

Cr Basil Cameron

Tamara Smith MP









Phillip Holloway

Director Infrastructure Services                                                                                         I2020/1084

                                                                                                                                    Distributed 21/07/20




Local Traffic Committee Meeting





1.    Apologies

2.    Declarations of Interest – Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary

3.    Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings

3.1       Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 12 May 2020

4.    Matters Arising

5.    Outstanding Issues/Resolutions

6.    Regulatory Matters

6.1       Bay Lane, Byron Bay - Proposed Closure Update........................................................... 3

6.2       Event - Falls Festival....................................................................................................... 12

6.3       Events - Mullum2Bruns Paddle 20 September 2020...................................................... 56

6.4       Events - Bangalow Billycart Derby 2020 - Byron Street Road Closure 20 September 2020        59

6.5       Byron to Suffolk Cycleway - Changes to Bangalow Road............................................. 64

7.    Matters for Traffic Engineering Advice

7.1       Road Safety Awareness................................................................................................. 75

7.2       Event - Chincogan Charge - 19 September 2020.......................................................... 78

7.3       Events - Byron Coast Charity Walk 12 September 2020............................................... 87

8.    Development Applications

8.1       Event - Byron Sunrise Run and Swim (was Byron Triathlon) 18 October 2020............ 99



Local Traffic Committee Meeting                                                                                    6.1



Regulatory Matters


Report No. 6.1             Bay Lane, Byron Bay - Proposed Closure Update

File No:                        I2019/2137




A report was brought to the 29th November 2019 LTC meeting recommending changes to traffic conditions within Bay Lane, Byron Bay between Jonson Street and Fletcher Street to pedestrianise the laneway (Attachment 1). 


The original concept design submitted with the November 2019 report is also provided (Attachment 2).


The LTC recommendations were adopted by Council at the 12th December 2020 Council meeting.


It has been subsequently identified that there is a residential driveway located at approximate chainage of 30m.  This driveway provides access for 10 tourist accommodation units.  The design and location of the driveway meant it was previously missed during site inspections.  However, during stakeholder engagement it has now been identified.


As a result, Council proposes to modify the Bay Lane design and is submitting the modified design to the LTC for their information (attachment 3).


It is noted that recommendation 1c) states: Detail design to be generally in accordance with attached drawing E2019/79917 and must include appropriate regulatory signage and relevant time plates;


Council believes the proposed modifications are generally in accordance with the attached drawing E2019/79917.  However, for the sake of openness staff thought it prudent to inform LTC of the changes.


The modification primarily consists of the driveway mid way along Bay Lane and the introduction of bollards between the driveway and the traffic Island mid way along Bay Lane.


Note, the removal of the loading zone from Bay Lane and the introduction of a new loading zone on Jonson St near the entrance to Bay Lane was addressed at the November LTC meeting under a separate report.  The loading zone and no stopping signage have been shown to ensure both projects tie in together.


The development approval for the Beach Hotel has been reviewed and staff can confirm a condition of consent is for the Beach Hotel to service their business via an on-site loading bay.


The recommendation below is an exact copy of the recommendation supported in the November 2019 LTC meeting, however, the drawing reference number has been changed to reflect the proposed modifications.







That Council supports:-


1.       The people-focused activation of Bay Lane, Byron Bay through regulating access of vehicles into Bay Lane, subject to the following:-

a) Vehicle access within Bay Lane, between chainages CH 0-75m (approx.), be prohibited generally between 5pm to 5am;

b) Vehicle access between chainages CH 0-75m be permitted generally between 5am to 5pm; and

c) Detail design to be generally in accordance with attached drawing E2020/29627 and must include appropriate regulatory signage and relevant time plates;


2.       The following modifications to traffic flow in Bay Lane:-

a) Maintaining one way traffic flow between chainages 0-75m (approx.);

b) Change traffic flow to two way between chainages 75-150m; and

c) Detail design to be generally in accordance with attached drawing E2020/29627 and must include appropriate regulatory signage and relevant time plates.






1        Report 19/11/2019 Local Traffic Committee Bay Lane - Traffic Management, I2019/1514 , page 5  

2        Concept - Bay Lane modifications, E2019/79917 , page 10  

3        Bay Lane - 2758_SK01-C, E2020/29627 , page 11  




Regulatory Matters                                                                                          6.1 - Attachment 1

Report No. 6.4             Bay Lane - Traffic Management

File No:                        I2019/1514



This report seeks Council’s support to manage vehicular access to the western portion of Bay Lane, Byron Bay.


Bay Lane is a one way (west to east) service laneway connecting Jonson Street and Fletcher Street.  The length of road under consideration is approximately 75m.  Refer to Figure 1 for the section under consideration.


It is proposed to permit vehicular access into the section of Bay lane between 5am to 5pm and to prohibit vehicular access between 5pm to 5am.


It is proposed to do this through a combination of regulatory signage, modifying traffic flow directions and installation of traffic control devices that are non regulatory and not part of the LTC process.

Figure 1 – Bay Lane proposed controlled access.

Project Concept

Refer to Attachment 1 for Council’s concept design to control access into Bay Lane between 5pm and 5am.


The street landscape would not be altered and Bay Lane would maintain its laneway feel. It is proposed to regulate vehicular access off Jonson St into Bay Lane in the following manner:


i.    Permit vehicular access into Bay Lane off Jonson St between 5am to 5pm;

ii.    Prohibit vehicular access into Bay Lane off Jonson St 5pm to 5am;

iii.   Install a No Entry sign (R2-4n) at the Jonson St / Bay Lane entrance with a 5m – 5am time plate (R5-603).

iv.  Install a No Right Turn sign (R2-6) at the Jonson St / Bay Lane entrance with a 5m – 5am time plate (R5-603).

v.   Install one way painted and signage arrows, as required.


Note: Attachment 1 shows a concept entry statement that may be installed to create a visual feature that helps calm traffic entering the laneway between 5am – 5pm and increase pedestrian safety. It’s wide enough to permit service vehicle access.  A removable bollard may be installed, as required, across the entrance of Bay Lane to acts as Hostile Vehicle Mitigation device if an event is held within the laneway between 5pm to 5am.  The visual feature shown in attachment 1 is not a regulatory feature and is just indicative of what could be done to help increase pedestrian safety, particularly between 5pm to 5am.


Two (2) car parks gain access off Jonson St at approximate chainage 80m. To maintain access to these car parks between 5pm and 5am the following modifications are proposed to regulate traffic at the eastern end of Bay Lane.


i.    Install a blister with No Entry signage at CH75m to prevent cars travelling west past this point. The image below illustrates what this structure would look like.

ii.    Remove on street loading bays along the full length of Bay Lane.

iii.   Change traffic flow to permit two-way access off Fletcher St. Note, Bay Lane carriage width between chainage 80m-120m is 5.5m. Between CH 120m and 150m Bay Lane carriage width is 7m. Between CH 120-150m Bay Lane is currently 2-way to permit access to a youth hostel basement car park.


Note: Attachment 1 shows a concept removable bollard may be installed adjacent to the mid point blister, as required, to act as Hostile Vehicle Mitigation device if an event is held within the laneway between 5pm to 5am. The bollard would not be a regulatory feature and is just indicative of what could be done to help increase pedestrian safety between 5pm-5am.


The project aims to create an iconic place making venue in the heart of Byron Bay where patrons come and experience a Melbourne Laneway type feel with pop up stalls, lighting and music.

Figure 2 below shows a montage of venues similar to the style Byron Shire Council is attempting to create between 5pm to 5am through regulating traffic as proposed above.

Figure 2 – Montage of laneway venues that priorities pedestrian

Traffic Data

Two traffic counts have been done in Bay Lane: 1) August 2017, located 30m west of the Fletcher St intersection, and 2) Oct 2019 30m east of Jonson St. These counts reveal almost identical traffic patterns as seen in the virtual counts shown below:

Another traffic count was done between 14th Oct to 23 Oct 2019 with the follow summary data:

Based on the Virtual Week from this count:

·    Total daily traffic was approximately 340vpd

·    91% were Class 1 vehicles suggesting most vehicles are patrons of car parks east of the lane closure.

·    Peak traffic volumes were between 8am-6pm.

·    85th % speed are between 22-26km/hr

·    Between 5pm-5am total traffic volumes were between 115-120 vehicles.


Based on the above, traffic volumes impacted by traffic regulation between 5pm-5am is considered to be minimal.





That Council supports:-


1.   The people focused activation of Bay Lane through regulating access of vehicles into Bay Lane, subject to the following:


a)      Vehicle access within Bay Lane, between chainages CH 0-75m (approx.), be prohibited generally between 5pm to 5am;

b)      Vehicle access between chainages CH 0-75m be permitted generally between 5am to 5pm;

c)      Detail design to be generally in accordance with attached drawing E2019/79917 and must include appropriate regulatory signage and relevant time plates;




2.   The following modifications to traffic flow in Bay Lane:

a)   Maintaining one way traffic flow between chainages 0-75m (approx.);

b)   Change traffic flow to two way between chainages 75-150m;

c)   Detail design to be generally in accordance with attached drawing E2019/79917 and must include appropriate regulatory signage and relevant time plates;






1        Concept - Bay Lane modifications, E2019/79917 




Regulatory Matters                                                                                                                     6.1 - Attachment 2

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Regulatory Matters                                                                                                                     6.1 - Attachment 3

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Local Traffic Committee Meeting                                                                                    6.2



Report No. 6.2             Event - Falls Festival

File No:                        I2020/952



This report is for the 2020/21 Falls Festival to run between 31 December 2020 to 2nd January 2021.


Camping areas will open 29th December 2020 and close 3rd January 2021 to help spread traffic volumes across a wider period.


The proposed TMP and TCP are identical to last year which is considered to have run well.




North Byron Parklands has been granted permanent approval and for this event they anticipate up to 35,000 patrons and 3,000 staff and guests.


Traffic Management

Conditions of approval require a comprehensive traffic monitoring program which has been undertaken diligently each year.


Generally traffic management will remain substantially the same as last year. However, as stated within the draft TMP (see attachment 1), following on from the Traffic Evaluation Report observations and recommendations for previous Falls Festival events, together with updated approvals provided under State Significant Development 8169 Development Consent, it is proposed to implement the following traffic improvements for the 19/20 event:


·    Gates will be open from 29 December (subject to ticket sales exceeding 20,000) to allow an additional day for camping patrons to arrive before the event commences;

·    Contingency TCP is included for managing queueing incident that may have the potential to impact the Pacific Motorway;

·    New egress route for Northbound traffic via new Gate E to Wooyung Rd, together with associated TCPs.


Note, Wooyung Road is within Tweed Shire. This egress point is for departing campers and is expected to noticeably help reduce traffic impacts within Byron Shire.


A number of traffic regulation measures are proposed for Tweed Valley Way and surrounding roads, namely:


A reduced speed zone on Tweed Valley Way is proposed from approximately 540m south-east of

Yelgun Road to 100m north of Jones Road.  This is designed to improve safety with respect to traffic leaving the site as well as traffic queued in the right turn lane on Tweed Valley Way.  This reduced speed zone is continued to Jones Road similarly as was done during previous festivals for service vehicles entering and exiting


A No Stopping zone is proposed on Tweed Valley Way and Brunswick Valley Way from Shara Boulevarde in the south to the Byron Shire boundary in the north.  The purpose of this is two-fold:


·    Eliminate parking by patrons not familiar with the area on Tweed Valley Way which is a high speed road;

·    Improve tools to manage trespassers, in particular from the north.


Below are two snippets from the TCP to illustrate the above proposed traffic control:


Figure 1 – No Stopping Plan



Figure 2 – Speed Zone Plan



As part of the new state approval the applicant must meet the following conditions in relation to traffic management:







Traffic Monitoring

As stated within the draft TMP:


Although no traffic controllers are required to manage traffic under normal conditions, traffic controllers would need to be on call to assist in managing queues during any queuing on the public road that may occur as a result of unforeseen circumstances. Back of queue warning vehicles would need to be available to warn inbound vehicles on the public road of any queues ahead. It is the responsibility of the festival management to ensure the public road is monitored and potential queuing is predicted in advance of any queuing appearing.




1.   A northern egress point through to Wooyung Rd (Tweed Shire) was adopted last year and is being adopted again.

2.   Separate approval of the TMP & TCP required by the RMS Traffic Engineering Department.




§ Budget/Financial

The event organisers are to be invoiced for the relevant Approval of Road Events pursuant to s144 of the Roads Act fee as per the Fees & Charges 2018/19.


§ Asset Management



§ Policy or Regulation

Regulatory traffic signage as delegated to council for authorisation in conjunction with NSW Road Rules.

Traffic management is to be in accordance with Australian Standards and RMS guidelines.


§ Consultation

A condition of the endorsement of this event is that appropriate consultation is undertaken, including:

·    Advertising the impact of the event in the local newspaper and on the Council website.

·    Informing community and business that are directly impacted.

·    Liaising with bus and taxi operators.

·    Consulting with emergency services.


§ Legal and Risk Management

Congestion caused by the event will directly affect a RMS controlled asset – Pacific Highway. Separate approval of the TMP & TCP required by the RMS Traffic Engineering Department.







That Council endorse the Falls Festival 2020/21 to be held at the North Byron Parklands site, Yelgun from 31 December 2020 to 2 January 2021 (with campers arriving from 29th December 2020 and allowed to depart no later than 3rd January 2021), inclusive, subject to the following conditions: -


a)      Separate approvals by NSW Police and RMS being obtained;


b)      The development of a Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control Plan(s) by those with relevant RMS accreditation. These plans are to be submitted to Byron Shire Council at least 2 months prior to the event for approval of traffic regulation on roads under Byron Shire control;


c)      The Traffic Management Plan and the Traffic Control Plan to be implemented by those with relevant and current RMS accreditation;


d)      The temporary ‘No Stopping’ where applied, including on Brunswick Valley Way and Tweed Valley Way (between Shara Boulevard and north to the Shire boundary), is implemented prior to the event and in accordance with relevant state requirements and Australian Standards;


e)      A communications protocol be developed and maintained by those involved in the implementation of traffic management including monitoring during the event and ability to implement contingency plans as and when directed;


f)       Monitoring of vehicle volumes that arrive and depart the festival site and on the local road network;


g)      The holding of an event debrief within the month following the festival which includes but not limited to Council, RMS and Police;


h)      The event organiser:


i)       advertising the impact of the event via a notice in the local weekly paper a minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road closures and times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a personal contact name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries or complaints;


ii)      providing a copy of the advert for Council's web page;


iii)     give consideration of any submissions received;


iv)     informing community and businesses that are directly impacted (e.g. adjacent to the event) via written information which is delivered to the property in a timely manner so as to document, consider and respond to any concerns raised;


v)      arranging for private property access and egress affected by the event;


vi)     liaising with bus and taxi operators and ensuring arrangements are made for provision of services during conduct of the event;


vii)    consulting with emergency services and any identified issues be addressed;


viii)   holding $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event; and


ix)     paying of Council’s Road Event Application Fee and Local Traffic Committee Fee prior to the event.





1        Falls Festival 2020-21 TMP, E2020/52226 , page 19  

2        Falls Festival 2020-21 TCP, E2020/52225 , page 44  




Regulatory Matters                                                                                          6.2 - Attachment 1

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Regulatory Matters                                                                                                                     6.2 - Attachment 2

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Local Traffic Committee Meeting                                                                                    6.3



Report No. 6.3             Events - Mullum2Bruns Paddle 20 September 2020

File No:                        I2020/1041



Council received an application, Traffic Management Plan (TMP) and Traffic Control Plan (TCP) from the Mullum2Bruns Paddle Committee for the Mullum2Bruns Paddle 2020 to be held Sunday 24 May 2020. This was approved by the LTC and Council res 20-084.


Due to the impact of COVID-19 the M2B Paddle committee have proposed an alternative date of Sunday 20 September 2020, if the event is able to proceed at that time under the current public health order.



The following is a cut and paste from the January 2020 LTC meeting which supported the 2020 Mullum2Bruns event with the relevant dates changes.


As in past years the Paddle Committee is requesting permission for temporary one-way traffic of Brunswick Terrace, between Tincogan Street and Tyagarah Street, Mullumbimby, between 6:30am and 10:00am. 


This will allow for the registrations and start of the 2020 Mullum2Bruns Paddle to be held on Sunday 20 September 2020.


Brunswick Terrace is to be one-way in the vicinity adjacent to the launch and registration area. The direction of traffic flow is shown below with blue lines.




The turn from Tincogan Street into Brunswick Terrace will have a “no right turn “sign also a “no left turn” into Brunswick Terrace when coming off the Federation Bridge into Brunswick Terrace.


Traffic control with relevant detour signs will be installed at the approaches to the impacted area.  Plus no parking signs along the one way part of Brunswick Terrace is proposed to control traffic.


Uniformed Marine Rescue personnel will be patrolling the homes opposite the registration area to ensure that participants are not parking in front of or across driveways, thereby minimising inconvenience to the residents.


Participants will be diverted along the southern part of Brunswick Terrace to the intersection of Brunswick Terrace & Tincogan Street to enable them to cross to the starting area.  The traffic controllers will hold traffic crossing to the registration zone until there are spaces for them to unload their craft.


A letter-box drop would be done 2 weeks prior to the event, informing residents in the surrounding streets of the temporary one-way traffic closures.




§ Budget/Financial

The event organisers to be invoiced for the relevant Approval of Road Events pursuant to s144 of the Roads Act fee as per the Fees & Charges 2019/20.


§ Asset Management



§ Policy or Regulation

Regulatory traffic signage as delegated to council for authorisation in conjunction with NSW Road Rules.


§ Consultation

A condition of the endorsement of this event is that appropriate consultation is undertaken, which may include:

·    Advertising the impact of the event in the local newspaper and on the Council website.

·    Informing community and business that are directly impacted.

·    Liaising with bus and taxi operators.

·    Consulting with emergency services.


§ Legal and Risk Management

Event organiser is required to hold $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event.








1.    That Council endorse the Mullum2Bruns Paddle 2020 to be held Sunday 20 September 2020, that includes the temporary road closure below:


-     Brunswick Terrace, Mullumbimby, between Tincogan Street and Tyagarah Street (to become one-way traffic), between 06:30am and 10:00am on Sunday 20 September 2020.


2.    That the approval provided in Part 1 is subject to:


a)    the development of a Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control Plan(s) for the 2020 event by those with relevant and current RMS accreditation;


b)    the Traffic Control Plan being implemented by those with relevant and current RMS accreditation;


c)    that the impact of the event be advertised via a notice in the local weekly paper a minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road closures and times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a personal contact name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries or complaints;


d)    the event be notified on Council’s webpage;


e)    the event organiser:


i)   undertake consultation with community and affected businesses including adequate response/action to any raised concerns;


ii) undertake consultation with emergency services and any identified issues addressed;


iii) holding $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event;


iv) paying Council’s Road Event Application Fee prior to the event;


v) undertake a debrief within two weeks of the event involving event staff, Police (if they had incidents) and traffic controllers; and


vi) Submit a debrief report to Council with any future event application.









Local Traffic Committee Meeting                                                                                    6.4



Report No. 6.4             Events - Bangalow Billycart Derby 2020 - Byron Street Road Closure 20 September 2020

File No:                        I2020/1042




Council received an event application from the Bangalow Lions Club for the annual Bangalow Billy Cart Derby to be held on Sunday 17 May 2020This was approved by the LTC and by Council resolution 20-238.


Due to the impact of COVID-19 the Bangalow Billycart Derby team have proposed an alternative date of Sunday 20 September 2020, if the event is able to proceed at that time under the current public health order.




The following comments are a cut and paste from the March 2020 LTC meeting which supported the event.


The format will be the same as previous years, with traffic diverted via Deacon Street. The Figure below summarises the area of road closure and proposed detour around the road closure adopted for all past events.




While the TCP has not been finalised yet the following items were noted from past years:


1.   The proposed TCP places signage on Lismore to Bangalow Road (B62) and TfNSW controlled Granuaille Road.


2.   The western end of Deacon Street is a laneway not suitable to Heavy Vehicles as a detour to the Pacific Highway. However, the volume of HV on Sunday’s is very limited and not been a concern for previous years.







§ Budget/Financial


The event organisers have been invoiced $356.00 for the relevant Approval of Road Events pursuant to s144 of the Roads Act fee as per the Fees & Charges 2018/19.


§ Asset Management


Not applicable.


§ Policy or Regulation


All traffic control plans are to be developed and implement by people with the appropriate level and type of accreditation.


§ Consultation


A condition of the endorsement of this event is that appropriate consultation is undertaken, including:

1.       Advertising the impact of the event in the local newspaper and on the Council website.

2.       Informing community and business that are directly impacted.

3.       Liaising with bus and taxi operators.

4.       Consulting with emergency services.


§ Legal and Risk Management


This road closure directly affects TfNSW controlled asset – Lismore to Bangalow Road (B62) and TfNSW controlled Granuaille Road. TfNSW Traffic Engineering Department requires separate approval of the TMP and TCP.








1. That Council endorse the Bangalow Billy Cart Derby to be held on Sunday 20 September 2020, that includes the temporary road closure below:


a.       Byron Street, Bangalow between Ashton Street and Granuaille Road, between 6am and 4pm on Sunday 20 September 2020.


2.       That the approval provided in Part 1 is subject to:-


a.       Separate approvals by NSW Police and RMS being obtained, noting that the event is on a state road or may impact the state road network;


b.      Traffic Control Plan(s) to be developed by people with the appropriate TfNSW accreditation;


c.       Traffic Control Plan(s) to be implemented by people with appropriate accreditation;


d.      That the impact of the event be advertised via a notice in the local weekly paper a minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road closures and times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a personal contact name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries or complaints; and


e.       The event notified on Council’s webpage.


3.       That the event organiser:-


a.       Undertake consultation with community and affected businesses including adequate response/action to any raised concerns;


b.      Undertake consultation with emergency services and any identified issues addressed;


c.       Holding $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event; and


d.      Pays Council’s Road Event Application Fee prior to the event.







1        Bangalow Billycart Derby - Traffic Management Plan (TMP) 2020, E2020/46679 , page 62  




Regulatory Matters                                                                                6.4 - Attachment 1

Traffic Management Plan

Bangalow Billycart Derby, 20th September 2020

a.   Description: The plan involves the temporary closure of Byron Street Bangalow between the hours of 6.00am to 4.00pm on Sunday 20th September 2020.

b.  Impact of Proposed Measures: No significant traffic movement impact is expected in the village as traffic is diverted along Deacon Street.

c.   Measures to re-assign traffic: As in previous years the Bangalow Police change the signage for Deacon Street to restrict parking and make it two- way traffic for the period of the temporary closure. Barricades and signage is placed on Byron Street at the intersection of Granuaille Road and Market Street to direct traffic into Deacon Street.

d.  Public Transport Services: there is no impact on Public Transport Services.

e.   Emergency vehicles, heavy vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians: There is no impact on the movement of these instances along Deacon Street.

f.   Assessment of effect on existing and future developments: As far as existing developments are concerned there are no transport implications. Until they are advertised I have no ability to respond to future developments.

g.   Effects on Adjoining Council areas: there is no effect on traffic movements in adjoining council areas.

h.  Public consultation process: The proposed event has been organised for the past 20

i.    years by either the Bangalow Lions Club or the Bangalow Chamber of Commerce with support from the local community. The proposed event dates have already been advertised on the Bangalow Chamber of Commerce web site and their Facebook page to alert businesses, residents and visitors. Signage is put up around Bangalow at least one month prior to the event. All the public schools in the shire are notified at least 3 months prior to the event. Since the event began there have been no adverse impacts on the village.


Yours sincerely

Richard Millyard

Bangalow Lions Club Co-ordinator

Bangalow Billycart Derby


Local Traffic Committee Meeting                                                                                    6.5



Report No. 6.5             Byron to Suffolk Cycleway - Changes to Bangalow Road

File No:                        I2020/1061



Safe cycling infrastructure connecting Byron Bay and Suffolk Park has been requested by the community and adjacent schools for many years.  This project became the subject of a detailed investigation in 2017/18 that considered site constraints and developed multiple options, resulting in a preferred concept design that was endorsed by Council as follows:


Res 19-066


1.       That the results of the public exhibition of the Byron Bay to Suffolk Park Cycleway Investigation be noted.

2.       That the public submissions, which are confidential attachments to the report, be noted and replies provided advising of Council’s decision.

3.       That Council:

a)      Proceed with the Proposed Option Concept Design (Option 2B for the northern section and Option 1 for the Central and Southern sections) as the basis for development of the Byron Bay to Suffolk Park Cycleway.

b)      Proceed with Option 2B for the Northern Section, noting that:

i.        Parking, impact to resident access and safety is carefully considered during the development of the detailed design.

ii.       Option 4 should continue to be considered as a potential option for additional future works beyond the upgrade of the study corridor.

c)      Consider each of the suggestions submitted as part of the public exhibition process during the development of the detailed design, and implement/include in the design if suit able and feasible.

d)      Undertake consultation with The Byron Bay General Store during the development of the detailed design and further progress of the project.

e)      Endorse the proposed naming the of the cycleway, as the ‘Ben Donohoe Memorial Cycle Way’.


This project was identified as Priority A in the Bike Plan, adopted in October 2019, and supports the goal of creating a cycle-friendly town in the Byron Bay Town Centre Masterplan.


Further information on the project and investigation including links to the report and endorsed concept designs can be found at the following links (due to large file sizes):




Recent successful applications for funding through TfNSW and RMS Active Transport programs have enabled this project to proceed to detailed design and construction.  Stages 1 and 2 are complete and preparations for Stages 3 and 4 of this project are well underway.



Endorsement is sought for proposed changes to Bangalow Road between Browning Street and St Finbarr’s Primary School.  The detailed design attached to this report (E2020/53823) documents these changes, which include modification of existing road alignment, lane widths, line-marking, signage, bus-stop locations, crossings, and parking, as well as the addition of crossings and on-road cycle lanes.


It should be noted that this detailed design deviates from the original endorsed concept design in that the original design called for parking to be removed on the west side of Bangalow Road (and left on the east side where possible) to allow space for on-road cycle lanes.  An issue was identified in that this scenario would force northbound busses to block the northbound vehicle lane when stopping to drop-off or pick-up passengers, causing safety and traffic issues.  The detailed design resolves this issue as it has the road deviating slightly at several locations throughout the corridor, allowing suitable space for bus stops to prevent this conflict.  This change has resulted in less parking overall, but will improve traffic flow and allow for parking to be retained on both sides of Bangalow Road, rather than only one side.


Considerations have been made and consultation has taken place in accordance with the resolution.  Crossings and cycling infrastructure have been included in line with the outcomes of the Bike Plan and PAMP.


Following LTC endorsement, detailed designs will be finalised and consulted upon with the community.  As such, precise locations of lines, signs and crossings are yet to be determined.  Should any changes be necessary to the regulatory infrastructure within these drawings prior to construction, approval will be sought through LTC.


Due to time constraints on this project, the detailed design supplied is the most up-to date version available at the issue of the agenda.  The design will be further refined, revised and re-issued prior to the meeting, with as much notice given as possible.







That Council supports the modification of Bangalow Road as per the detailed designs (E2020/53823) including the following:-

a)      Adjustment of the existing road alignment, lane widths, line-marking, signage, bus-stop locations and crossings;

b)      Addition of crossings, a bus stop and on-road cycle lanes.

c)      The removal of some parking on both sides of Bangalow Road where necessary to enable space for bus stops and cycle lanes.


Report writer: Have you mentioned an attachment in your recommendation? If so, include the TRIM number in brackets eg “…Attachment 1 (E2017/1234)…” It’s necessary for the minutes document.






1        E2020 53823 24.2017.86.1 - 2801r2 - Byron to Suffolk Cycleway Detailed Design Stage 3 & 4 - LTC - 20 July 2020, E2020/53823 , page 66  




Regulatory Matters                                                                                                                     6.5 - Attachment 1

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Local Traffic Committee Meeting                                                                                    7.1



Matters for Traffic Engineering Advice


Report No. 7.1             Road Safety Awareness 

File No:                        I2020/805


The purpose of this report is to gain advice from the members of the Local Traffic Committee in regards to regulatory issues and resources that may support a road safety awareness campaign.


As way of background, a Notice of Motion was raised by Cr Cameron to address access and safety for Byron Shire road users. As a result, Council passed the following resolution with the last item the reason for this LTC report:


1.       That Council note the report.


2.       That Council continue consultation with RMS and internally to develop a potential position description for the role of Road Safety Officer.


3.       That Council undertake a review of the budget to confirm there are adequate funds available to fund up to $40,000 to $50,000 for a Road Safety Officer with RMS to fund the other 50% of the role.


4.       That Council support the General Manger undertaking a review of the staff structure to confirm where a Road Safety Officer would be accommodated within the organisational structure.


5.       That Council consider the development of a road safety campaign by way of a report to TIAC incorporating a discussion of items:

a)      Development of an ongoing road safety awareness campaign to highlight access and safety for all road users with consultation at all stages with residents, active and vehicular road user groups, taking account of the steps set out in this motion.

b)      Conducting road safety forums with residents

i) To highlight the needs of all road users and promote safe practices that help to keep vulnerable road users safe, and

ii) Seek feedback on safety and access issues that assist in the effective delivery of a road safety awareness campaign.    

c)      Providing a review of effective road safety awareness campaigns/options in both rural and urban contexts

d)      Considering consultative actions for the development and delivery of a campaign.

e)      Setting out a timeline of action for the development and delivery of a campaign

f)       Providing advice on effective general signage to raise awareness of access and safety issues for placement on rural and urban roads with particular emphasis on known issues and locations including without limitation, active transport users on rural and urban roads, school bus times on rural roads and school zones

g)      Providing further advice on the potential employment of a Road Safety Officer to support and conduct a road safety awareness campaign


6.       That Council provide a report to the next Local Traffic Committee meeting seeking advice from RMS, NSW Police and the local Member on regulatory issues, available programs, funding and compliance actions to support a road safety awareness campaign.



Based on the above resolution, Council staff now request advice from TrfNSW (formerly RMS), NSW Police and the local Member on regulatory issues, available programs, funding and compliance actions to support a road safety awareness campaign.

Council staff also request advice on:

·    The effectiveness of such campaigns,

·    recommended safety issues to address,

·    recommended actions to undertake,

·    effective general signage to raise awareness of access and safety in rural and urban environments.

Resolution Item 2 and 3

It is noted that a business case was submitted for a Road Safety Officer (RSO) in the 2020/21 financial year. The business case has been supported, but with significant funding restriction resulting from Covid-19 Council’s 2020/21 budget did not include a RSO.

Recent discussions were also held between Chantal Ensbey from TfNSW and several Council staff regarding the funding and position description associated with a RSO.  TfNSW are providing Council with the latest version of the Local Government Road Safety Program Guideline that includes a position description for Road Safety Officers.  It is noted that at least 50% of the RSO position must be committed to work directly relevant to TfNSW Road Safety Programs.



Additional discussions with TfNSW covered funding for road safety workshops and programs, such as, funding for Active Transport safety workshops or programs to coincide with the recent opening of several cycle ways around Byron Shire. The goal is to undertake these workshops within the 2020/21 financial year.


It is noted that Council staff are actively looking to value add road safety items where project funding permits. An example of this is the recent upgrade of Main Arm Road where the project was delivered under budget. This cost saving then allowed Council to complete additional safety treatments in accordance with the recommended treatments options. In this case additional speed signage was recommended and Council purchased a Speed Radar Sign following consultation with TrfNSW staff. This treatment has two benefits; improving safety for road users and reducing wildlife road kill. Research undertaken by Councils Biodiversity Officer has confirmed speed radar signs as the most effective means to manage speed and therefore wildlife safety in rural areas.


It is staff’s long term goal to accrue as many of these signs as funding permits to rotate around rural areas of the Shire given they are considered one of the most effective safety measure identified.


It is also noted that:

·    Council has recently developed a Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan, Bike Plan, and several Master Plans for key towns. In addition, it is in the process of developing an Integrated Transport Management Plan.


·    Council receives funding for Black Road Project and Safer Roads grants to improve known areas of road safety concerns within the Shire.






That the Local Traffic Committee provide comments and advice to staff as requested.






Local Traffic Committee Meeting                                                                                    7.2



Report No. 7.2             Event - Chincogan Charge - 19 September 2020

File No:                        I2020/950



Council has received an event application and Traffic Control Plan (TCP) for the Chincogan Charge 2020 to be held on Saturday 19 September 2020.



For the 2020 event the organisers are proposing to follow the same course as 2019 with runners starting and finishing near Mullumbimby Police Station.  The road course will require actions to control traffic and the implementation of prescribed traffic control devices such as No Parking signs to control vehicles. 500 participants are expected.


The figure below shows the expected impact on roads.  The blue line indicates the approximate running path within the road reserve and the following major impacts are planned:


·    Dalley Street, between the Post Office and the Civic Hall is expected to be closed between 12.30-5.30pm


·    Mullwillumbah Road, at Federation Bridge to Main Arm Rd to be controlled by traffic controllers.  The South bound lane will be used for contraflow traffic controlled by Traffic Controllers. Traffic will be allowed to access Main Arm Road in-between competitors. Traffic will be controlled at this point between 12.35-5.30pm


·    Coolamon Scenic Drive from Main Arm Rd to 1913 Coolamon Scenic Drive.  The South bound lane will be used for contraflow traffic controlled by Traffic Controllers. Traffic will be allowed to access Main Arm Road in-between competitors.  Traffic will be controlled at this point between 12.40-5.30pm


·    Once competitors cross the finish line they will move onto the footpath and head to the Mullumbimby Civic Memorial Hall for the presentation.


·    The race itself is expected to finish at 4pm with presentations from 4-5.30pm.



The event co-ordinators have provided a Traffic Management Plan and a Traffic Control Plan. Both are provided at attachment 1 & 2..



1. The interaction of live traffic and the 500 participants running and walking.

2. Traffic control undertaken by RFS volunteers who may not have the appropriate RMS issued tickets for ‘Traffic Control’ and ‘Implement Traffic Control Zone’.

3. Road closures affect traffic between the hours of 8.00am and 5.30pm at various locations 

4. Poor natural lighting is available from 5.30pm so all participants to complete race by this time.

5. Possible obstruction of emergency services (Police, Fire Brigade) due to road closures in the immediate vicinity.





§ Budget/Financial

The event organisers will be invoiced the following fees

- LTC application fees in accordance with Byron Shire Council 2020/21 Fees and Charges;

- Approval of Road Events pursuant to s144 of the Roads Act (Advertising of event and staff time to process); and

- Development Certification fees – section 138 with fees being the fee applicable at the date of payment.


§ Asset Management

Not applicable.


§ Policy or Regulation

Delegated to Council for authorisation in conjunction with:-


- Actions required to control traffic – Part 8 (Sections 114 to 124) Roads Act, 1993.

- Prescribed traffic control devices – division 1 of Part 4 (Sections 50 to 55) Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act, 1999.

- R5041 No Parking (specified times) – NSW Road Rules 168, $108 fine.


§ Consultation

A condition of the endorsement of this event is that appropriate consultation is undertaken, including:

1.       Advertising the impact of the event in the local newspaper and on the Council website.

2.       Informing community and business that are directly impacted.

3.       Liaising with bus and taxi operators.

4.       Consulting with emergency services.


§ Legal and Risk Management

Under the NSW Rural Fire Service - Service Standard 1.3.2, Powers of Officers (19 March

2013) Version Number 3.2;


Clause 2.2 An Officer may:


(b) if he or she is the officer in charge of a brigade or group of brigades, close any

street or public place in the vicinity of a fire, incident or other emergency to traffic;


This event is not classified as an emergency therefore the RFS Volunteers will not be able to

use the powers outlined in the service standard.  To legally control traffic each RFS volunteer

traffic controller will require a RMS issued ‘Traffic Controller’ ticket.  The RFS volunteer traffic

controller supervisor must have a RMS issued ‘Implement Traffic Control Plans’ ticket to set out

signage as per the Traffic Control Plan.









That Council support the Chincogan Charge 2020 to be held on Saturday 19 September 2020, between 8:00am and 5:30pm, subject to:-


1.   Traffic control plan(s) and a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) being designed by those with the appropriate and relevant NSW (RMS) accreditation. The TCP(s) and TMP to include the closure of Dalley Street between Burringbar Street and Tincogan Street between 12.30pm-5.30pm;


2.   The TCP to be generally in accordance with document E2020/46680 (Attachment 1);


3.   Implementation of the approved Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control Plan/s by those with appropriate RMS accreditation and the holding of current and appropriate levels of insurance and liability cover;


4.   Separate approvals by NSW Police and RMS being obtained;


5.   The impact of the event be advertised via a notice in the local weekly paper a minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road closures and times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a personal contact name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries or complaints;


6.   The event be notified on Council’s webpage;


7.   Informing community and businesses that are directly impacted (e.g. adjacent to the event) via written information which is delivered to the property in a timely manner so as to document, consider and respond to any concerns raised;


8.   Undertake consultation with emergency services and any identified issues addressed;


9.   Hold $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event


10. Pay Council’s Road Event Application Fee and LTC application Fee prior to the event






1        Event - Chincogan Charge 2020 - Traffic Control Plan - Mullumbimby Chamber of Commerce, E2020/46680 , page 82  

2        Event - Chincogan Charge 2020 - Traffic Management Plan - Mullumbimby Chamber of Commerce, E2020/46683 , page 83  




Matters for Traffic Engineering Advice                                                                                 7.2 - Attachment 1

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Table 1. TMP Performa (part 1 of 2)


Response (If no, state your reasons why)

A.    Description or detailed plan of proposed measures.

Is a detailed plan of the proposed measures necessary?

Event Name

Chincogan Charge 2020

Organiser Name

Jenelle Stanford, Mullumbimby Chamber of Commerce 

T. +61 2 6684 2127 M. +61 418 487 178

Traffic Control

Mullumbimby Fire Service

Set out signs and control traffic

Mullumbimby Fire Service – Volunteer Traffic Control and Spinefix




12:30 - 17:30

Roads affected

·    Dalley St from

(12:30 – 13:30)

·    Dalley St to Tincogan street (13:00 – 17:00)

·    Murwillumbah Rd (13:00 – 17:30)

·    Murwillumbah Rd to Coolamon Scenic Drive (13:00 – 17:30)

Detours in place

Traffic control in place with one lane of traffic in both directions for all roads affected.


Parking is available for competitors at

·    Ex services club car park and surrounding town

Parking for spectators is available at:

·    100+ @ Mullumbimby Civic Memorial Hall Block

·    Access to emergency services is to be maintained by traffic control devices


Parking Signs on Ewingsdale Rd and tunnel rd

B.    Identification and assessment of impact of proposed measures.

Is a detailed assessment required?

During each stage of the event, Volunteer's with lime green shirts stating ‘volunteer’, red and blue arrows will show participants the route. A 40km/hr speed zone with Witches hats will be used to separate participants from the live traffic.


Due to the low traffic volume and low participant volume it is unlikely for a pedestrian and vehicle incident to occur.



Traffic Controls - Stage 1 (12:30 – 17:30)

The Post Office to the Civic Hall intersection will be closed for the event, traffic controllers in place with 40km/hr speed zone, witches hats and all traffic in the Southbound lane in one direction from Tincogan street to Murwillumbah Rd.


Table 1. TMP Performa (part 2 of 2)


Response (If no, state your reasons why)

C.    Identification and assessment of impact of proposed measures.

Is a detailed assessment required? (Continued)

Traffic Controls - Stage 2 (12:35 – 17:30)

Mullwillumbah Rd at Federation Bridge to Main Arm Rd to be controlled by traffic controllers. The South bound lane will be used for contraflow traffic controlled by Traffic Controllers. Traffic will be allowed to access Main Arm Road in-between competitors.


Traffic Controls – Stage 3 (12:40 – 17:30)

Coolamon Scenic Drive from Main Arm Rd to 1913 Coolamon Scenic Drive. The South bound lane will be used for contraflow traffic controlled by Traffic Controllers. Traffic will be allowed to access Main Arm Road in-between competitors.



When this stage is completed with the last Southbound participate a vehicle will sweep up any participants who exceed the do not finish time.


Once competitors cross the finish line they will move onto the footpath and head to the Mullumbimby Civic Memorial Hall for the presentation.


Presentation (16:00 – 17:30)

After the presentation in the closed street they can access the Ex Services Club.

D.    Measures to ameliorate the impact of re-assigned traffic

Is an assessment required?

This event will not impact the state arterial network. However vehicles will expect delays trying to access Mullumbimby from Ocean Shores or Main Arm Road.


500 participants are expected on the course however that are no traffic flow data available at this time.


A presentation at 16:00 – 17:00 is planned for Dalley street around the Mullumbimby Civic Memorial Hall

E.    Assessment of public transport services affected.

Is an assessment required?

Event organisers will advise all Public Transport Services of the event and road closures.


Public transport services will be given priority to proceed through the stages.


Private vehicles will be able to use public parking available in Mullumbimby.





Table 1. TMP Performa (part 2 of 2)


Response (If no, state your reasons why)

F.    Details of provision made for emergency vehicles, heavy vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians.

Are these details required?


Emergency vehicles will have right of way on all stages.


The NSW fire and rescue has created an Emergency Evacuation Plan for this event.

Heavy Vehicles

Heavy vehicles will have priority on the affected roads. Being the weekend not many heavy vehicles are expected.


Cyclist will have to follow traffic control in place and abide by road rules.


The existing footpath network will remain open. Conflicts between participants and pedestrians is classified as a low risk and not being controlled.

G.    Assessment of effect on existing and future developments with transport implications in the vicinity of the proposed measures.

Is an assessment required?

Residents are likely to be delayed due to the contraflow traffic arrangements.


Mullumbimby Community Market (08:00 to 14:00) is on but at the other end of town


A quick Google search has not identified any other major events in Mullumbimby that weekend including the showground’s.

H.    Assessment of effect of proposed measures on traffic movements in adjoining Council areas.

Is an assessment required?

No adjoining Council areas are to be affected by this event.

I.     Public consultation process

Is a public consultation process required

The event organisers are using printed media, internet, socials and signage to make the public aware of the event.

J.     Terrorism controls in place

Due to the nature and small scale of the event there are no Terrorism controls in place as it has been assessed as a low risk.


The Police have been advised about this event.


Figure 1. Sketch of the site.


Local Traffic Committee Meeting                                                                                    7.3



Report No. 7.3             Events - Byron Coast Charity Walk 12 September 2020

File No:                        I2020/1040


The Byron Charity Walk 2020 is seeking to gain LTC support and Council approval to change the date of the event.


In January 2020 the organisers gained approval to run the event on Saturday 30th May 2020. However, due to Covid-19 the event was postponed.


It is now proposed to run the 2020 Byron Coast Charity Walk on Saturday 12 September 2020 from 6.00am – 6.00pm. However, Services NSW have confirmed the Charity Walk is currently classified as a public gathering which permits a maximum of 20 people.


If the classification changes in time the organisers would like to proceed with the 12th September date for the event using the previously approved TMP and TCP.


However, if the restrictions remain in place and prevent a 12th September date the organisers propose a contingency date of Saturday 7th November.


The proposed route has not changed. For a copy of the previous LTC report and proposed TCP’s refer to the attachments.


The recommendations below are cut and paste from the January LTC minutes with the dates changed.






1.      That Council support the Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter fundraiser, Byron Coast Charity Walk, to be held Saturday 12 September 2020, with an alternative date of Saturday 7 November 2020.


2.     That Council support in Part 1 is subject to:-


a. The development of a Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control Plan(s) for the 2020 event by those with relevant and current RMS accreditation.  The Traffic Control Plan(s) and Traffic Management Plan is to include, but is not limited to, the following:


(i)      signage, which specifies the date, hours and nature of the event, be positioned at the entrance and exit of Seven Mile Beach Road one week prior to the event;


(ii)     on the day of the event, at 500m intervals, and facing both directions of travel, signs advising of “ Special Event – Charity Walk Ahead” (or similar) are installed prior, and removed after, the event occurs; and


(iii)    a safety induction for participants advising of hazards be provided.


b. Implementation of the Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control Plans as designed by those with appropriate accreditation and implemented by people with appropriate accreditation, including traffic controllers.


c That the impact of the event be advertised via a notice in the local weekly paper a minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road closures and times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a personal contact name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries or complaints.


d. The event is notified on Council’s webpage.


e. The event organiser:


i)          Undertake consultation with affected community and businesses including adequate response/action to any raised concerns.


ii)         Undertake consultation with emergency services and any identified issues addressed.


iii)        Holding $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event.


iv)     Paying Council’s Road Event Application Fee prior to the event.








1        Event  information - Byron Coastal Walk - 12 September 2020 - Northern NSW Rescue Helicopter Service - Traffic control plans attached . Notification of alternative dates due to COVID-19, E2020/51850 , page 89  

2        Event  information - Byron Coastal Walk - 12 September 2020 - Northern NSW Rescue Helicopter Service - Traffic control plan - Raynor Lane, Lennox Head, E2020/51848 , page 92  

3        Event  information - Byron Coastal Walk - 12 September 2020 - Northern NSW Rescue Helicopter Service - Traffic control plan - Broken Head Reserve Rd  & Seven Mile Beach Rd, E2020/51847 , page 93  

4        Event  information - Byron Coastal Walk - 12 September 2020 - Northern NSW Rescue Helicopter Service - Traffic control plan - Lighthouse Rd & Tallow Beach Rd (2), E2020/51846 , page 94  

5        Event  information - Byron Coastal Walk - 12 September 2020 - Northern NSW Rescue Helicopter Service - Traffic control plan - Lighthouse Rd & Brooke Dr, E2020/51845 , page 95  

6        Report 28 01 2020 Local Traffic Committee Events - Byron Coast Charity Walk 30 May 2020, E2020/54165 , page 96  




Matters for Traffic Engineering Advice                                                       7.3 - Attachment 1

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Matters for Traffic Engineering Advice                                                       7.3 - Attachment 2

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Matters for Traffic Engineering Advice                                                       7.3 - Attachment 3

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Matters for Traffic Engineering Advice                                                       7.3 - Attachment 4

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Matters for Traffic Engineering Advice                                                                                 7.3 - Attachment 5

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Matters for Traffic Engineering Advice                                                       7.3 - Attachment 6

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Local Traffic Committee Meeting                                                                                    8.1



Development Applications


Report No. 8.1             Event - Byron Sunrise Run and Swim (was Byron Triathlon) 18 October 2020

File No:                        I2020/1043



Council received an event application for the 2020 Byron Bay Triathlon to be held on Saturday 9th May 2020.  This was approved by the LTC and Council res 20-083. Due to the impact of COVID-19 the Byron Triathlon team have proposed an alternative event and date, the Byron Sunrise Run and Swim – proposed to be held on Sunday 18 October 2020.  If the event is able to proceed at that time under the current NSW Public Health Order.


The Byron Sunrise Run and Swim is a not-for-profit event in support of the Donate Life campaign and Local Causes, and serves as a fundraiser for groups such as the Byron Surf Life Saving Club and the Byron Bay Triathlon Club.


The event will not be the usual triathlon event, rather an ocean swim and a lighthouse fun run. There will be much less road impact due to the cancellation of the cycling aspect of the event and therefore reduced course size.



Event Course

Figure 1 presents the event course and roads required to be closed for the fun run course.








Proposed Road Closures


The proposed road closures and the time of the closures is shown below. 




Traffic Control

It is proposed to manage traffic during the above road closures through the implementation of Traffic Control Plans and the support of police from the Tweed-Byron District. These have been included in the recommendations below.






1.       That Council endorse the Byron Sunrise Run and Swim to be held on Sunday 18 October 2020, which includes the temporary road closures detailed within report I2020/1043


2.       That the approval provided in Part 1 is subject to:-


a)      Separate approvals by NSW Police and RMS being obtained, as required;


b)      The development of a Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Control Plans for the 2020 event by those with relevant and current RMS accreditation;


c)      The Traffic Control Plan being implemented by those with relevant and current RMS accreditation;


d)      The impact of the event be advertised, and charged at cost to the organisers, via a notice in the local weekly paper a minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road closures and times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a personal contact name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries or complaints;


e)      the event be notified on Council’s web page;


f)       The event organiser:


i)       informing community and businesses that are directly impacted (eg within road closure zones) via written information which is delivered to the property in a timely manner so as to document, consider and respond to any concerns raised;


ii)      arranging for private property access and egress affected by the event;


iii)     liaising with bus, taxi and waste operators and ensuring arrangements are made for provision of services during conduct of the event;


iv)     consulting with emergency services and any identified issues be addressed;


v)      holding $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event;


vi)     paying of Council’s Road Event Application Fee prior to the event; and


vii)    paying of Council’s local traffic committee application fee prior to the event.







1        Event information - Byron Sunrise Run and Swim (was Byron Triathlon pre-COVID) - 18 October 2020 - letter to Local Traffic Committee, E2020/51855 , page 102  

2        Event  information - Byron Sunrise Run and Swim - 18 October 2020 - Notification of alternative dates and event changes due to COVID-19, E2020/51858 , page 114  

3        Event  information - Byron Sunrise Run and Swim - 18 October 2020 - Notification of alternative dates and event changes due to COVID-19 - Event Management Plan, E2020/51857 , page 117  




Development Applications                                                                                8.1 - Attachment 1

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Development Applications                                                                                8.1 - Attachment 2

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Development Applications                                                                                8.1 - Attachment 3

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