Notice of Meeting

Local Traffic Committee Meeting

A Local Traffic Committee Meeting of Byron Shire Council will be held as follows:



Conference Room, Station Street, Mullumbimby


Tuesday, 18 April 2023





Phil Holloway

Director Infrastructure Services


                                                                                                                             Distributed 11/04/23

Amended 17/04/2023





Local Traffic Committee Meeting





1.    Apologies

2.    Declarations of Interest – Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary

3.    Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings

3.1       Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 14 March 2023

4.    Matters Arising

5.    Outstanding Issues/Resolutions

6.    Regulatory Matters

6.1       A new Pedestrain Refuge at 23 Bayshore Drive, Byron Bay.................................. 3

6.2       2023 Splendour in the Grass Music Festival............................................................. 9

6.3       Market Parking - Somerset Street, Byron Bay........................................................ 51

6.4       No Parking Area - Scanlons Road (Devines Hill, Lookout)................................... 53

6.5       Extension of No Parking Area - Bayshore Drive, Byron Bay................................ 55



Local Traffic Committee Meeting                                                                               6.1

Regulatory Matters


Report No. 6.1       A new Pedestrain Refuge at 23 Bayshore Drive, Byron Bay

File No:                                 I2023/406


The purpose of this LTC report is to gain Council support for the proposed regulatory signage and line markings shown in attachment 1.

Council has received a Roads Act application associated with a development approval for a Proposed Educational Establishment (TAFE NSW Connected Learning Centre) at 23 Bayshore Drive, Byron Bay.  As part of the approved D.A (10.2021.234.1) consent condition 7 imposed the following requirement:



As seen in attachment 1, a future roundabout is proposed in this location at a later date.





That Council supports the regulatory signage and line markings associated with the New Pedestrian Refuge on Bayshore Drive , as shown in Attachment 1 (E2023/28327)



1        51.2021.234.1 LTC documentation, E2023/28327 , page 6  




Regulatory Matters                                                                                                        6.1 - Attachment 1


Local Traffic Committee Meeting                                                                               6.2

Report No. 6.2       2023 Splendour in the Grass Music Festival

File No:                                 I2023/495



The 2023 Splendour in the Grass Music Festival Traffic Guidance Scheme requires Local Traffic Committee for endorsement.


Consent condition D29 (b) of the development consent, numbered SSD 8169 issued by the Independent Planning Commission on 13 March 2019 (Council reference 10.2017.756.1) for Splendour in the Grass requires the applicant to submit a Traffic Control Plan (TCP or now named Traffic Guidance Scheme (TGS)) to Council’s Local Traffic Committee for endorsement:


D29. At least two months prior to any medium or large event, the Applicant must prepare a Traffic Control Plan (TCP) for the development. The Plan must:

a)   be prepared by a suitably qualified and TfNSW accredited Work Site Traffic Inspection;

b)   be submitted to the Byron and Tweed Local Traffic Committees for endorsement and submitted to BSC and TSC for approval on road under their control;

c)   be designed in accordance with the requirements of the TfNSW’s Manual, Traffic Control and Work Site Version 2, and the current Australian Standards, Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices Part 3, ‘Traffic Control Devices for Works on Roads’,

d)   include details on reduced speed zones and special event clearways and signage to prohibit parking in the surrounding road network and in the Yelgun rest area;

e)   include a Traffic Incident Management Plan that details a range of approved contingency measures capable of avoiding significant impacts on the level of service. The contingency plan must be fully documented and include emergency contact names and phone numbers; and

f)    be designed to achieve the traffic key performance indicators under Condition D16.


Following approval of the TCP, a copy of the TCP must be submitted to TfNSW and Planning Secretary.



Council has received a TGS (formerly TCP) for Splendour in the Grass (SITG) 2023 to be implemented between the 19th to 24th July 2023 – refer Attachment 1 (E2023/32302). The actual event being held on the 21st – 23rd July.


It is noted that TGS’s are typically not endorsed by LTC.  Instead it is typically recommended that Council condition a TGS be developed by a suitably qualified person.  In contrast Traffic Management Plans (TMP) are typically reviewed and endorsed by the LTC.  However, condition consent D27 below requires the TMP is to be approved by the Planning Secretary.


D27. The Applicant must prepare a Traffic Management Plan for the development to the satisfaction of the Planning Secretary. The Plan must:

a)   be prepared by a suitably qualified and experienced person(s);

b)   be prepared in consultation with BSC, TSC and TfNSW;

c)   detail the measures to be implemented to ensure road safety and network efficiency, including:

i.   ensuring no queuing on Tweed Valley Way and Yelgun Interchange off-ramps;

ii.  details of traffic diversion strategies;

iii.  ensuring Gate A is only used by trucks or other heavy vehicles (including buses) on the event days and shoulder days associated with large and medium events; and

iv. ensuring local traffic movements, including residents of Jones Road and Yelgun Road, are given priority and can access their properties;

d)   include demand management strategies to reduce private car use while promoting alternatives foTfNSW of transport; and

e)   contain a Traffic Monitoring Program to monitor the impact of increased traffic generation on the amenity of the area and the effectiveness of the traffic management measures implemented, including but not limited to:

i. data collection of vehicle arrival and departure times, occupancy rates and directions of travel for staff, campers and day patrons;

ii. patronage of bus services, including bus occupancy rates, arrival and departure times

iii.         modal share by vehicle type, including comparison with the modal share as described in the EIS and RTS;

iv.         queues monitoring, background travel counts on the Pacific Highway and Tweed Valley Way and vehicle volumes on the Yelgun Interchange; and

v. procedures and protocols for monitoring, including frequency.




The 2020 and 2021 events where cancelled due to COVID19.

Significant traffic issues occurred during the 2022 event, with long queues on the M1 Pacific Motorway and local roads for hours.  TfNSW and the Planning Secretary concerns were raised after the 2022 event, and amendments made for this years event and a contingency plan has been prepared in consultation with TfNSW  - refer Attachment 2 (E2023/32303).  The summary of the changes are listed below:

1.       All site access via Gate C only.  No access through Gate D.

2.       TfNSW and the Planning Secretary have approved an update to the North Byron Parklands Traffic Management Plan to create additional contingency plans.

3.       If Gate C on Tweed Valley Way is blocked, traffic to divert to Gate E on Wooyung Road and vice versa.

4.       Further contingency plans apply to the Pacific Motorway.




Congestion caused by the event may directly affect a TfNSW controlled asset (M1 Pacific Motorway).  The applicant has provided an amended TGS and contingency plan to achieve compliance with the K.P.I’s as set out in condition D16.






§ Budget/Financial

The event organisers are required to pay for the relevant S138 application fees as per councils current Fees and Charges.


§ Asset Management

Not applicable.


§ Policy or Regulation

Speed Limit (as required) ROAD WORK (R4-212) - Delegated to council for authorisation in conjunction with NSW Road Rules 21 and AS 1742.4 (Speed Controls) Clause 3.1.2, AS 1742.3 (Roadworks).


§ Consultation

A condition of the endorsement of this event is that appropriate consultation is undertaken, including the following recommendations:

1.       Advertising the impact of the event in the local newspaper and on the Council website.

2.       Informing community and business that are directly impacted.

3.       Liaising with bus and taxi operators.

4.       Consulting with emergency services.




1.         That Council notes the Traffic Guidance Schemes for the 2023 Splendour in the Grass to be held between 21st-23rd July, 2023.  This includes:


a)      The installation and enforcement of No Stopping signs every 75m on:-

i) Tweed Valley Way through to the shire boundary in the north;

ii) Brunswick Valley Way from Shara Blvd intersection in the south through to Tweed Valley Way intersection;

iii) Yelgun Road, from Tweed Valley Way and extending for 300m;

iv) Billinudgel Rd from Tweed Valley Way and extending for 280m.


b)      An alternate temporary pick up and drop off Bus Zone (with associated signage and works) on the northern side of Fawcett St, between Mona Lane and the War Memorial, Brunswick Heads.


2.      That the event organisers are to undertake the following:


a)      Separate approvals by NSW Police and TfNSW being obtained, noting that the event is on a state road or may impact the state road network;

b)      The Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Guidance Schemes be implemented by those with appropriate accreditation and the holding of current and appropriate levels of insurance and liability cover;

c)      That the impact of the event be advertised via a notice in the local weekly paper a minimum of one week prior to the operational impacts taking effect, noting it must include the event name, specifics of any traffic impacts or road closures and times, alternative route arrangements, event organiser, a personal contact name and a telephone number for all event related enquiries or complaints.

d)      The event be notified on Council’s webpage with event details supplied to Council by the event organiser.


3.      That the event organiser:


a)      inform the community and businesses that are directly impacted (e.g. within road closure zones) via written information which is delivered to the property in a timely manner so as to document, consider and respond to any concerns raised;

b)      undertake consultation with emergency services and address any identified issues/concerns.

c)       arranging for private property access and egress affected by the event;

d)      liaising with bus, taxi and waste operators and ensuring arrangements are made for provision of services during conduct of the event;

e)      holds $20m public liability insurance cover which is valid for the event.

f)       not place any signage on the road related area of the Pacific Highway.

g)      undertake an event debrief within one month following the festival which includes but is not limited to Council, TfNSW and Police representatives.






1        Ingen Consulting Pty Ltd 51.2023.1013.1  J1240_TGS - BSC Rev0_RA-2023-2126, E2023/32302 , page 14  

2        Ingen Consulting Pty Ltd 51.2023.1013.1 J1240_Contingency plans_RA-2023-2126, E2023/32303 , page 29  




Regulatory Matters                                                                                                        6.2 - Attachment 1


Regulatory Matters                                                                                                        6.2 - Attachment 2


Local Traffic Committee Meeting                                                                               6.3

Report No. 6.3       Market Parking - Somerset Street, Byron Bay

File No:                                 I2023/522


Council staff are seeking approval from the Local Traffic Committee to provide a two-hour parking area to help facilitate turn over for the Byron Community Markets.

The proposed location for this 2P area (Somerset Street, Byron Bay) is currently multi-use restrictions with up to three panels per post.

To avoid confusion it is proposed that the market organisers will bag the existing signage on Market days and install the Market Day 2P signage (5am – 6pm) only for the operational times of the markets. The current restrictions would then be re-established (un-bagged and the 2P market signage would be removed). The Markets run on the first Sunday of every month.

Figure 1: 2P market signage implementation diagram

Figure 2: Proposed Market Day 2P area







That the Local Traffic Committee support the implementation of the Byron Bay Community Markets two-hour parking area implementation for market days only in Somerset Street, Byron Bay.






Local Traffic Committee Meeting                                                                               6.4

Report No. 6.4       No Parking Area - Scanlons Road (Devines Hill, Lookout)

File No:                                 I2023/523


Council staff are seeking endorsement from the Local Traffic Committee to implement a no parking area on Scanlons Road/Devine Hill Road to help enforcement issues regarding nuisance camping.

Scanlons Rd/Devine Hill Road is a short local access road (≈150m) with parking area at the top of the road where it ends.  Campers are taking advantage of this location, however the area does not have the facilities to support this type of use.

The proposed restrictions, sign plan is shown in the figure 1 (below)

Figure 1: Devine Hill no parking signage plan





That the Local Traffic Committee support the implementation of a No Parking Area for the access road for Devine Hill (Scanlons Road) to help prevent/enforce nuisance camping.






Local Traffic Committee Meeting                                                                               6.5

Report No. 6.5       Extension of No Parking Area - Bayshore Drive, Byron Bay

File No:                                 I2023/527


Council staff are seeking endorsement from the Local Traffic Committee to extend the existing no parking area on Bayshore Drive, Byron Bay to capture all the kerb side parking between Wallum Place and the end of the road.  This will help mitigate nuisance camping on Bayshore Dr which has no provision for this type of use (e.g. toilet facilities, etc).

Proposed extension and signage plan below.

Figure 1: Bayshore Dr - No Parking Signage Plan





That the Local Traffic Committee endorse the proposed extension of the existing no stopping area in Bayshore Drive from Wallum Place to the end of Bayshore Drive.