Notice of Meeting

Local Traffic Committee Meeting

A Local Traffic Committee Meeting of Byron Shire Council will be held as follows:



Conference Room, Station Street, Mullumbimby


Tuesday, 13 June 2023





Phil Holloway

Director Infrsatructure Services


                                                                                                                             Distributed 06/06/23





Local Traffic Committee Meeting





1.    Apologies

2.    Declarations of Interest – Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary

3.    Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meetings

3.1       Local Traffic Committee Meeting held on 26 May 2023

4.    Matters Arising

5.    Outstanding Issues/Resolutions

6.    Regulatory Matters

6.1       Gilmore Crescent, Byron Bay - Regulatory Signage, new carpark........................ 3

6.2       Bayshore Drive - Parking Signage Exception For Permit Holders......................... 6

7.    Matters for Traffic Engineering Advice

7.1       Road Safety Improvements to Warrambool Road and Coomburra Crescent Intersection Ocean Shores........................................................................................... 8



Local Traffic Committee Meeting                                                                               6.1

Regulatory Matters


Report No. 6.1       Gilmore Crescent, Byron Bay - Regulatory Signage, new carpark.

File No:                                 I2023/907


The purpose of this report is to gain endorsement for the implementation of parking restrictions within Gilmore Crescent.

Gilmore Crescent has recently been upgraded and extended to cater for Byron Bay’s new skate park.

As part of these upgrades additional parking bays have been provided.  All parking in the surrounding area is restricted, to ensure parking equity for the greater community and to prevent nuisance camping. Council staff are proposing the restrictions contained within the plan in attachment 1 (E2023/58247).






That the Local Traffic Committee endorse the proposed parking restrictions within Gilmore Crescent, Byron Bay as per attachment 1 (E2023/58247)




1        Signage Plans_Gilmore Cres, E2023/58247 , page 4  




Regulatory Matters                                                                                        6.1 - Attachment 1


Local Traffic Committee Meeting                                                                               7.1

Report No. 6.2       Bayshore Drive - Parking Signage Exception For Permit Holders.

File No:                                 I2023/909


The purpose for this report is to gain support for an internal exception inside an approved No Parking Area (as per plan below).  The purpose of the current No Parking Area (1am – 6am) was to prevent nuisance campers, however there are residents within the Parking Area which require the use of a section of the kerb space for overnight parking.  The exception will be for residents who have a parking area permit.




That the Local Traffic Committee endorse the permit holder exception from 1am – 6am on Bayshore Drive, between Wallum Place and the railway tracks to the north.





Matters for Traffic Engineering Advice


Report No. 7.1       Road Safety Improvements to Warrambool Road and Coomburra Crescent Intersection Ocean Shores

File No:                                 I2023/780


Council has been contacted by local residents in relation to safety concerns at the intersection of Warrambool Road, Coomburra Crescent and Goondooloo Drive in Ocean Shores (see circled area on location map below). 

Investigation of NSW crash data shows two serious crashes at this intersection.  The first, in 2019, resulted in a fatality and, the second in 2022, caused a serious injury.

Fig.1 - Location map showing intersection

Both incidents were multi-vehicle cross-traffic crashes which involved vulnerable road users (a motorcyclist in 2019 and a pedal cyclist in 2022).  The fatal crash in 2019 involved a light truck travelling south on Warrambool Road, striking a motorcyclist who was travelling east across the intersection from Coomburra Cres to Goondooloo Drive (see sketch below).

Fig.2 – Sketch of motorcycle / light truck crash in 2019

Fig.3 – Sketch of pedal cyclist / 4WD crash in 2022

The following factors may have contributed to these incidents (refer photos below):

·    Topography and geometry of intersection

Goondooloo Dr and Coomburra Cr run steeply uphill to meet Warrambool Road and Warrambool Road runs downhill towards the Orana Road roundabout.  This, combined with the slight misalignment of Coomburra Cr and Goondooloo Dr, limits driver sight distances at this intersection.

Fig.4 – Map showing road topography

·    Sun glare

Both incidents occurred approx. 2hrs prior to sunset, impacting vehicles travelling in a westerly direction (e.g. vehicles travelling from Goondooloo Dr to Coomburra Cr or vehicles turning down Coomburra Cr).

·    Road infrastructure

There are existing Give Way signs on both side streets, however they are not prominent and the existing line markings are faded.  There is also no channelisation of traffic on the side streets.

Speed has been suggested as a factor by the local community but we do not have any data to support this at this time.



Fig.5 – Photos of intersection


Fig.6 – Photos of intersection

Proposed solution (refer sketch below)

The below solutions are intended to stagger the two minor legs and tighten the entry angle from the Coomburra Cres. approach.

·    New double centre line to Warrambool Road to create a turning point for traffic and discourage vehicles driving straight through the intersection.

·    New line marking and channelisation on Coomburra Crescent to prevent traffic driving straight through onto Goondooloo Drive.

·    Move Give Way signage to more prominent locations.

·    Potentially change the give way to a stop (intersection sight distance is limited).

·    Refresh all existing line marking through the intersection.

Fig.8 – Existing layout of intersection

Fig.8 – Proposed layout of intersection (concept only)




That the Local Traffic Committee support:

1. The implementation of the proposed intersection layout.

2. Council seeking funding for these changes.